United States

Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C. 20549




Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of


October 2022


Vale S.A.


Praia de Botafogo nº 186, 18º andar, Botafogo
22250-145 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)


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Interim Financial Statements



Independent auditor’s report on review of quarterly information 3
Consolidated and Parent Company Income Statement 5
Consolidated and Parent Company Statement of Comprehensive Income 7
Consolidated and Parent Company Statement of Cash Flows   8
Consolidated and Parent Company Balance Sheet 10
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 11
Consolidated and Parent Company Value Added Statement 12
Notes to the Interim Financial Statements 13
1.      Corporate information 13
2.      Basis of preparation of interim financial statements 13
3.      Significant events of the current period 14
4.      Information by business segment and geographic area 15
5.      Costs and expenses by nature 20
6.      Financial results 21
7.      Taxes 21
8.      Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share 23
9.      Accounts receivable 23
10.   Inventories 23
11.   Suppliers and contractors 24
12.   Other financial assets and liabilities 24
13.   Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 25
14.   Acquisitions and divestitures 26
15.   Intangible 29
16.   Property, plant and equipment 30
17.   Financial and capital risk management 31
18.   Financial assets and liabilities 36
19.   Participative stockholders’ debentures 38
20.   Loans, borrowings, leases, cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments 39
21.   Brumadinho dam failure 41
22.   Liabilities related to associates and joint ventures 44
23.   Provision for de-characterization of dam structures and asset retirement obligations 46
24.   Provisions 48
25.   Litigations 48
26.   Employee post-retirement obligations 50
27.   Stockholders’ equity 51
28.   Related parties 52
29.   Parent Company information (individual interim information) 54





(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)


Report on review of quarterly information

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders

Vale S.A.



We have reviewed the accompanying parent company and consolidated interim accounting information of Vale S.A. ("Company"), included in the Quarterly Information Form (ITR) for the quarter ended September 30, 2022, which comprises the balance sheet as of September 30, 2022 and the respective income statements and the statements of comprehensive income for the three and nine-month periods then ended, the statement of changes in equity for the nine-month period then ended, the parent company statement of cash flows for the nine-month period then ended and the consolidated statements of cash flows for the three and nine-month periods then ended, and explanatory notes.

Management is responsible for the preparation of the parent company and consolidated interim accounting information in accordance with the accounting standard CPC 21, Interim Financial Reporting, of the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as well as the presentation of this information in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information (ITR). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim accounting information based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Reviews of Interim Financial Information (NBC TR 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.






(A free translation of the original in Portuguese)


Conclusion on the interim information

Other matters

Value added statements

The quarterly information referred to above includes the parent company and consolidated statements of value added for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022. These statements are the responsibility of the Company's management and are presented as supplementary information under IAS 34. These statements have been subjected to review procedures performed together with the review of the interim accounting information for the purpose of concluding whether they are reconciled with the interim accounting information and accounting records, as applicable, and if their form and content are in accordance with the criteria defined in the accounting standard CPC 09 - "Statement of Value Added". Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that these statements of value added have not been properly prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the criteria established in this accounting standard, and consistent with the parent company and consolidated interim accounting information taken as a whole.


Rio de Janeiro, October 27, 2022



Patricio Marques Roche

Auditores Independentes Ltda.

Contador CRC 1RJ081115/O-4

CRC 2SP000160/O-5





Income Statement

In millions of Brazilian reais, except earnings per share data



        Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    Notes   2022   2021   2022   2021
Continuing operations                    
Net operating revenue   4(d)   52,080   64,418   163,773   220,202
Cost of goods sold and services rendered   5(a)   (33,043)   (28,631)   (86,594)   (80,976)
Gross profit       19,037   35,787   77,179   139,226
Operating expenses                    
Selling and administrative   5(b)   (626)   (598)   (1,880)   (1,870)
Research and development       (888)   (700)   (2,264)   (1,974)
Pre-operating and operational stoppage   23   (474)   (858)   (1,810)   (2,648)
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   21 and 23   (1,759)   (847)   (3,988)   (2,437)
Other operating expenses, net   5(c)   (223)   (139)   (1,642)   (638)
        (3,970)   (3,142)   (11,584)   (9,567)
Impairment reversal (impairment and disposals) of non-current assets, net   14 and 16   (226)   (336)   4,773   (1,196)
Operating income       14,841   32,309   70,368   128,463
Financial income   6   743   471   2,203   1,184
Financial expenses   6   (1,033)   (1,249)   (4,557)   (4,563)
Other financial items, net   6   12,457   (1,038)   17,172   3,437
Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   13, 14 and 22   401   670   1,238   (1,544)
Income before income taxes       27,409   31,163   86,424   126,977
Income taxes   7                
Current tax       (2,760)   (12,867)   (9,885)   (27,409)
Deferred tax       (1,421)   10,446   (9,681)   4,020
        (4,181)   (2,421)   (19,566)   (23,389)
Net income from continuing operations       23,228   28,742   66,858   103,588
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests       (58)   155   311   289
Net income from continuing operations attributable to Vale's stockholders       23,286   28,587   66,547   103,299
Discontinued operations   14                
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations       -   (8,168)   9,818   (12,993)
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests       -   216   -   (556)
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations attributable to Vale's stockholders       -   (8,384)   9,818   (12,437)
Net income       23,228   20,574   76,676   90,595
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests       (58)   371   311   (267)
Net income attributable to Vale's stockholders       23,286   20,203   76,365   90,862
Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to Vale's stockholders:   8                
Common share (R$)       5.12   3.98   16.34   17.94


As described in note 14, the coal segment is presented in these interim financial statements as discontinued operation. Therefore, comparative financial information for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021 has been restated to reflect the sale of the coal operation.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.





Income Statement

In millions of Brazilian reais, except earnings per share data




    Parent Company
    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Continuing operations                
Net operating revenue   39,200   72,587   110,749   178,123
Cost of goods sold and services rendered   (16,510)   (16,689)   (44,188)   (44,094)
Gross profit   22,690   55,898   66,561   134,029
Operating expenses                
Selling and administrative   (334)   (281)   (943)   (986)
Research and development   (395)   (407)   (1,054)   (974)
Pre-operating and operational stoppage   (454)   (470)   (1,747)   (1,797)
Equity results and others results from subsidiaries   4,521   (25,999)   28,662   (2,944)
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   (1,759)   (847)   (3,988)   (2,437)
Other operating expenses, net   (258)   (424)   (1,610)   (1,385)
    1,321   (28,428)   19,320   (10,523)
Impairment and disposals of non-current assets   (171)   (212)   (569)   (335)
Operating income   23,840   27,258   85,312   123,171
Financial income   462   292   1,579   608
Financial expenses   (1,706)   (1,269)   (4,563)   (4,559)
Other financial items, net   4,904   (1,191)   9,103   (3,418)
Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   401   670   1,238   (1,544)
Income before income taxes   27,901   25,760   92,669   114,258
Income taxes                
Current tax   (2,324)   (12,388)   (8,726)   (25,654)
Deferred tax   (2,291)   6,831   (7,578)   2,258
    (4,615)   (5,557)   (16,304)   (23,396)
Net income from continuing operations attributable to Vale's stockholders   23,286   20,203   76,365   90,862
Basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to Vale's stockholders:                
Common share (R$)   5.12   3.98   16.34   17.94


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.




Statement of Comprehensive Income

In millions of Brazilian reais



    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net income   23,228   20,574   76,676   90,595
Other comprehensive income:                
Items that will not be reclassified to income statement                
Employee post-retirement obligations (note 26)   43   498   761   2,270
Fair value adjustment to investment in equity securities (i)   -   834   -   1,901
    43   1,332   761   4,171
Items that may be reclassified to income statement                
Translation adjustments   (1,346)   7,310   (6,906)   3,009
Net investment hedge (note 17)   (246)   (662)   162   (441)
Cash flow hedge (note 17)   206   50   203   (56)
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment to income statement (notes 13 and 14)   (8,275)   (48)   (23,690)   (8,490)
    (9,661)   6,650   (30,231)   (5,978)
Total comprehensive income   13,610   28,556   47,206   88,788
Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests   193   688   543   (108)
Comprehensive income attributable to Vale's stockholders   13,417   27,868   46,663   88,896
    Parent Company
    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net income   23,286   20,203   76,365   90,862
Other comprehensive income:                
Items that will not be reclassified to income statement                
Employee post-retirement obligations   (8)   (7)   (21)   (17)
Fair value adjustment to investment in equity securities (i)   -   685   -   1,559
Equity results   51   654   782   2,629
    43   1,332   761   4,171
Items that may be reclassified to income statement                
Translation adjustments   (1,596)   6,993   (7,137)   2,850
Net investment hedge   (247)   (662)   161   (441)
Cash flow hedge   (8)   31   (70)   56
Equity results   214   19   273   (112)
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment to income statement   (8,275)   (48)   (23,690)   (8,490)
    (9,912)   6,333   (30,463)   (6,137)
Total comprehensive income   13,417   27,868   46,663   88,896


(i) Fair value adjustment to shares received as part of the consideration for the sale of Vale’s fertilizer business to The Mosaic Company. In November 2021, the Company sold all shares for R$6,919 (US$1,259 million) in a block trade.


Items above are stated net of tax and the related taxes are disclosed in note 7.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.






Statement of Cash Flows

In millions of Brazilian reais



    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Cash flows from operations (a)   23,038   53,928   80,581   155,138
Interest on loans and borrowings paid (note 20)   (1,027)   (904)   (3,356)   (3,204)
Cash received (paid) on settlement of derivatives, net (note 17)   511   114   (78)   (674)
Payments related to Brumadinho event (note 21)   (2,179)   (489)   (4,093)   (2,051)
Payments related to de-characterization of dams (note 23)   (502)   (484)   (1,271)   (1,359)
Interest on participative stockholders' debentures paid (note 19)   -   -   (1,120)   (1,073)
Income taxes (including settlement program) (note 7)   (3,013)   (5,163)   (22,662)   (18,292)
Net cash generated from operating activities from continuing operations   16,828   47,002   48,001   128,485
Net cash generated (used) in operating activities from discontinued operations (note 14)   -   297   213   (2,203)
Net cash generated from operating activities   16,828   47,299   48,214   126,282
Cash flow from investing activities:                
Capital expenditures (note 4b)   (6,455)   (6,269)   (18,792)   (17,492)
Proceeds from sale of Midwestern System, net of cash (note 14)   745   -   745   -
Disbursement on VNC sale (note 14)   -   -   -   (3,134)
Proceeds from sale of CSI (note 14)   -   -   2,269   -
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures (note 13)   149   24   862   254
Short-term investment   618   2,193   1,104   834
Other investing activities, net   (372)   96   (103)   (1,576)
Net cash used in investing activities from continuing operations   (5,315)   (3,956)   (13,915)   (21,114)
Net cash used in investing activities from discontinued operations (note 14)   -   (255)   (534)   (12,027)
Net cash used in investing activities   (5,315)   (4,211)   (14,449)   (33,141)
Cash flow from financing activities:                
Loans and borrowings from third parties (note 20)   805   -   4,133   1,633
Payments of loans and borrowings from third parties (note 20)   (2,275)   (573)   (11,637)   (8,506)
Payments of leasing (note 20)   (252)   (281)   (744)   (807)
Dividends and interest on capital paid to stockholders (note 27c)   (16,243)   (40,200)   (34,092)   (73,112)
Dividends and interest on capital paid to noncontrolling interest   (16)   (16)   (51)   (47)
Share buyback program (note 27d)   (3,636)   (14,854)   (25,564)   (25,261)
Net cash used in financing activities from continuing operations   (21,617)   (55,924)   (67,955)   (106,100)
Net cash used in financing activities from discontinued operations (note 14)   -   (16)   (54)   (53)
Net cash used in financing activities   (21,617)   (55,940)   (68,009)   (106,153)
Increase (reduction) in cash and cash equivalents   (10,104)   (12,852)   (34,244)   (13,012)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period   37,633   68,275   65,409   70,086
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   486   3,634   (3,089)   1,983
Cash and cash equivalents from subsidiaries sold, net (note 14)   -   -   (61)   -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period   28,015   59,057   28,015   59,057
Cash flow from operating activities:                
Income before taxation   27,409   31,163   86,424   126,977
Adjusted for:                
Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures (note 13)   (401)   (670)   (1,238)   1,544
Impairment and disposals (impairment reversal) of non-current assets, net (note 14)   226   336   (4,773)   1,196
Provisions for Brumadinho (note 21)   740   -   1,377   -
Provision for de-characterization of dams (note 23)   183   -   375   -
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   4,069   3,393   11,652   11,796
Financial results, net (note 6)   (12,167)   1,816   (14,818)   (58)
Changes in assets and liabilities:                
Accounts receivable (note 9)   46   20,296   9,247   22,277
Inventories (note 10)   (1,798)   (3,057)   (4,493)   (4,900)
Suppliers and contractors (note 11) (i)   5,919   1,764   4,351   1,859
Payroll and other compensation   837   312   (429)   (859)
Other assets and liabilities, net   (2,025)   (1,425)   (7,094)   (4,694)
Cash flows generated from operations (a)   23,038   53,928   80,581   155,138
Non-cash transactions:                
Additions to property, plant and equipment - capitalized loans and borrowing costs   49   75   205   235

(i) Includes variable lease payments.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.






Statement of Cash Flows

In millions of Brazilian reais




    Parent Company
    Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
Cash flows from operations (a)   61,177   148,015
Interest on loans and borrowings paid   (3,570)   (3,993)
Cash received (paid) on settlement of derivatives, net   823   (896)
Payments related to Brumadinho event   (4,093)   (2,051)
Payments related to de-characterization of dams   (1,271)   (1,359)
Interest on participative stockholders' debentures paid   (1,120)   (1,073)
Income taxes (including settlement program)   (21,519)   (16,439)
Net cash generated from operating activities   30,427   122,204
Cash flow from investing activities:        
Capital expenditures   (12,968)   (10,644)
Additions to investments   (939)   (598)
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures   8,388   254
Proceeds from sale of Midwestern System (note 14)   815   -
Short-term investment   723   542
Other investing activities, net (i)   (5,557)   (10,946)
Net cash used in investing activities   (9,538)   (21,392)
Cash flow from financing activities:        
Loans and borrowings from third parties   967   1,633
Payments of loans and borrowings from third parties   (3,657)   (7,913)
Payments of leasing   (184)   (204)
Dividends and interest on capital paid to stockholders   (34,092)   (73,112)
Share buyback program   (11,849)   (15,574)
Net cash used in financing activities   (48,815)   (95,170)
Increase (reduction) in cash and cash equivalents   (27,926)   5,642
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period   34,266   14,609
Cash and cash equivalents from subsidiaries sold, net   85   1,195
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period   6,425   21,446
Cash flow from operating activities:        
Income before taxation   92,669   114,258
Adjusted for:        
Equity results and others results from subsidiaries   (28,662)   2,944
Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   (1,238)   1,544
Impairment and disposals of non-current assets   569   335
Provisions for Brumadinho   1,377   -
Provision for de-characterization of dams   375   -
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   6,497   6,266
Financial results, net   (6,119)   7,369
Changes in assets and liabilities:        
Accounts receivable   (4,444)   17,201
Inventories   (238)   (401)
Suppliers and contractors (ii)   3,688   1,400
Payroll and other compensation   (73)   (148)
Other assets and liabilities, net   (3,224)   (2,753)
Cash flows generated from operations (a)   61,177   148,015
Non-cash transactions:        
Additions to property, plant and equipment - capitalized loans and borrowing costs   205   235

(i) Includes loans and advances with related parties.

(ii) Includes variable lease payments.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.





Statement of Financial Position

In millions of Brazilian reais



        Consolidated   Parent Company
    Notes   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Current assets                    
Cash and cash equivalents   20   28,015   65,409   6,425   34,266
Short-term investments   20   225   1,028   17   906
Accounts receivable   9   11,624   21,840   51,299   47,912
Other financial assets   12   821   619   336   410
Inventories   10   28,480   24,429   7,962   7,246
Recoverable taxes   7(e)   4,639   4,809   3,093   3,519
Other       1,466   1,198   3,921   1,867
        75,270   119,332   73,053   96,126
Non-current assets held for sale       -   5,468   -   35
        75,270   124,800   73,053   96,161
Non-current assets                    
Judicial deposits   25(c)   6,968   6,808   6,735   6,543
Other financial assets   12   1,276   796   760   480
Recoverable taxes   7(e)   6,024   5,220   3,822   2,650
Deferred income taxes   7(a)   53,124   63,847   45,548   54,119
Other       4,810   3,604   2,389   894
        72,202   80,275   59,254   64,686
Investments   13   9,706   9,771   114,982   143,640
Intangible   15   50,520   50,287   33,541   29,440
Property, plant, and equipment   16   228,135   233,995   130,591   123,959
        360,563   374,328   338,368   361,725
Total assets       435,833   499,128   411,421   457,886


Current liabilities                    
Suppliers and contractors   11   25,600   19,393   14,292   10,603
Loans, borrowings and leases   20   2,412   6,720   958   3,415
Other financial liabilities   12   7,736   10,946   28,660   11,954
Taxes payable   7(e)   1,637   12,150   1,038   11,129
Settlement program ("REFIS")   7(c)   1,900   1,810   1,900   1,810
Liabilities related to associates and joint ventures   22   10,959   9,964   10,959   9,964
Provisions   24   5,025   5,830   3,817   4,019
Liabilities related to Brumadinho   21   7,127   6,449   7,127   6,449
De-characterization of dams and asset retirement obligations   23   3,787   3,468   3,363   3,126
Other       4,070   6,106   2,602   2,744
        70,253   82,836   74,716   65,213
Liabilities associated with non-current assets held for sale       -   1,978   -   -
        70,253   84,814   74,716   65,213
Non-current liabilities                    
Loans, borrowings, and leases   20   63,565   70,189   15,766   16,520
Participative stockholders' debentures   19   14,379   19,078   14,379   19,078
Other financial liabilities   12   10,533   14,344   65,665   95,636
Settlement program ("REFIS")   7(c)   10,064   10,962   10,064   10,962
Deferred income taxes   7(a)   8,696   10,494   -   -
Provisions   24   12,697   19,082   7,782   7,496
Liabilities related to Brumadinho   21   10,341   13,288   10,341   13,288
De-characterization of dams and asset retirement obligations   23   32,040   41,753   22,194   23,658
Liabilities related to associates and joint ventures   22   6,037   7,407   6,038   7,407
Streaming transactions       8,810   9,927   -   -
Other       932   732   4,938   6,225
        178,094   217,256   157,167   200,270
Total liabilities       248,347   302,070   231,883   265,483
Stockholders' equity   27                
Equity attributable to Vale's stockholders       179,538   192,403   179,538   192,403
Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests       7,948   4,655   -   -
Total stockholders' equity       187,486   197,058   179,538   192,403
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity       435,833   499,128   411,421   457,886


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.





Statement of Changes in Equity

In millions of Brazilian reais



    Share capital   Capital reserve   Profit reserves   Treasury stocks   Other reserves   Cumulative translation adjustments   Retained earnings   Equity attributable to Vale’s stockholders   Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests   Total stockholders' equity
Balance at December 31, 2021   77,300   3,634   87,621   (29,189)   (6,899)   59,936   -   192,403   4,655   197,058
Net income   -   -   -   -   -   -   76,365   76,365   311   76,676
Other comprehensive income   -   -   -   -   1,070   (30,772)   -   (29,702)   232   (29,470)
Dividends and interest on capital of Vale's stockholders (note 27c)   -   -   (17,849)   -   -   -   (16,243)   (34,092)   -   (34,092)
Dividends of noncontrolling interests   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   (30)   (30)
Derecognition of noncontrolling interests   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   2,780   2,780
Share buyback (note 27d)   -   -   -   (25,564)   -   -   -   (25,564)   -   (25,564)
Share-based payment   -   -   -   -   29   -   -   29   -   29
Treasury shares used and cancelled (note 27b)   -   -   (34,055)   34,154   -   -   -   99   -   99
Balance at September 30, 2022   77,300   3,634   35,717   (20,599)   (5,800)   29,164   60,122   179,538   7,948   187,486
    Share capital   Capital reserve   Profit reserves   Treasury stocks   Other reserves   Cumulative translation adjustments   Retained earnings   Equity attributable to Vale’s stockholders   Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests   Total stockholders' equity
Balance at December 31, 2020   77,300   3,634   36,598   (6,452)   (7,307)   82,012   -   185,785   (4,799)   180,986
Net income (loss)   -   -   -   -   -   -   90,862   90,862   (267)   90,595
Other comprehensive income   -   -   -   -   3,943   (5,909)   -   (1,966)   159   (1,807)
Dividends and interest on capital of Vale's stockholders (note 27c)   -   -   (22,935)   -   -   -   (43,834)   (66,769)   -   (66,769)
Dividends of noncontrolling interests   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   (141)   (141)
Acquisitions and derecognition of noncontrolling interests   -   -   -   -   (1,666)   -   -   (1,666)   9,219   7,553
Share buyback (note 27d)   -   -   -   (25,261)   -   -   -   (25,261)   -   (25,261)
Share-based payment   -   -   -   -   274   -   -   274   -   274
Treasury shares used and cancelled (note 27b)   -   -   (6,347)   6,384   -   -   -   37   -   37
Balance at September 30, 2021   77,300   3,634   7,316   (25,329)   (4,756)   76,103   47,028   181,296   4,171   185,467


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.





Value Added Statement

In millions of Brazilian Reais



    Consolidated   Parent Company
    Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Generation of value added                
Gross revenue                
Revenue from products and services   165,731   222,878   112,622   180,645
Revenue from the construction of own assets   6,077   6,435   4,937   2,472
Other revenues   1,190   2,048   765   1,401
Cost of products, goods and services sold   (28,499)   (27,313)   (16,810)   (16,457)
Material, energy, third-party services and other   (36,494)   (30,930)   (14,103)   (10,342)
Impairment reversal (impairment and disposals) of non-current assets, net   4,773   (1,196)   (569)   (335)
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   (3,988)   (2,437)   (3,988)   (2,437)
Other costs and expenses   (10,999)   (10,599)   (7,274)   (6,422)
Gross value added   97,791   158,886   75,580   148,525
Depreciation, amortization and depletion   (11,652)   (11,796)   (6,497)   (6,266)
Net value added   86,139   147,090   69,083   142,259
Received from third parties                
Equity results from entities   1,238   (1,544)   29,900   (4,488)
Financial income   455   3,562   353   3,568
Total value added from continuing operations to be distributed   87,832   149,108   99,336   141,339
Value added from discontinued operations to be distributed (note 14)   (1,733)   (16,425)   -   -
Total value added to be distributed   86,099   132,683   99,336   141,339
Personnel and charges                
Direct compensation   5,089   4,816   2,764   2,618
Benefits   1,882   1,967   1,185   1,349
F.G.T.S.   342   313   307   297
Taxes and contributions                
Federal taxes   24,996   30,297   21,562   30,454
State taxes   2,031   3,319   1,973   2,748
Municipal taxes   106   110   67   68
Remuneration of third-party capital                
Interest (net derivatives and monetary and exchange rate variation)   (14,951)   3,267   (6,353)   10,804
Leasing   1,479   1,431   1,466   2,139
Remuneration of own capital                
Reinvested net income from continuing operations   66,547   103,299   76,365   90,862
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest   311   289   -   -
Distributed value added from continuing operations   87,832   149,108   99,336   141,339
Distributed value added from discontinued operations (note 14)   (1,733)   (16,425)   -   -
Distributed value added   86,099   132,683   99,336   141,339

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




1.               Corporate information


Vale S.A. (the “Parent Company”) is a public company headquartered in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with securities traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo – B3 S.A. (VALE3), New York - NYSE (VALE) and Madrid – LATIBEX (XVALO).


Vale S.A. and its subsidiaries (“Vale” or the “Company”) are global producers of: (i) iron ore and iron ore pellets, which are key raw materials for steelmaking, (ii) nickel, that is used to produce stainless steel, electric vehicles and metal alloys employed in the production process of several products, (iii) copper, used in the construction sector to produce pipes and electrical wires, and (iv) platinum, gold, silver, and cobalt as by-products of nickel and copper. Most of the Company’s products are sold to international markets by Vale International S.A. (“VISA”), a trading company located in Switzerland.


Vale also operates a railroad and port logistics system in Brazil to outflow its production and Vale has equity investments and assets with the objective of reducing energy costs, minimizing the risk of shortages and meeting its energy consumption needs through renewable sources.


In the second quarter of 2022, the Company concluded the sale of the thermal and metallurgical coal operations, as presented in note 14. Therefore, the results from coal operation until closing are presented in these interim financial statements as “discontinued operations”.



2.        Basis of preparation of interim financial statements


The consolidated and individual interim financial statements of the Company (“interim financial statements”) have been prepared and are being presented in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting (CPC 21) of the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”), as implemented in Brazil by the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee ("CPC"), approved by the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission ("CVM") and by the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council (“CFC”). All relevant information for the interim financial statements, and only this information, are presented and consistent to those used by the Company's Management.


The interim financial statements have been prepared to update users on the relevant events and transactions that occurred in the period and must be analyzed together with the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021. Accounting policies, accounting estimates and judgments, management of risk and measurement methods are the same as those adopted in the preparation of the latest annual financial statements. The selected notes of the Parent Company are presented in a summarized form in note 29.

These interim financial statements were authorized for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors in a meeting held on October 27, 2022.

a) Statement of Value Added

The presentation of the parent company and consolidated statements of value added is required by the Brazilian corporate legislation and the accounting practices adopted in Brazil for listed companies, while it is not required by IFRS. Therefore, under the IFRS, the presentation of such statements is considered supplementary information, and not part of the set of financial statements. The Statement of Value Added was prepared in accordance with the criteria defined in Technical Pronouncement CPC 09 - "Statement of Value Added".

b) Functional currency and presentation currency

The interim financial statements of the Company and its associates and joint ventures are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (“functional currency”), in the case of the Parent Company and its associates and joint ventures in Brazil, is the Brazilian real (“R$”). The functional currency of direct subsidiaries operating in an international economic environment is the US dollar (“US$”).


The main exchange rates used by the Company to translate its foreign operations are as follows:





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





            Average rate
    Closing rate   Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   2022   2021   2022   2021
US Dollar ("US$")   5.4066   5.5805   5.2462   5.2286   5.1360   5.3317
Canadian dollar ("CAD")   3.9318   4.3882   4.0189   4.1517   4.0024   4.2624
Euro ("EUR")   5.2904   6.3210   5.2838   6.1623   5.4629   6.3769


c) Russia-Ukraine conflict

The Company’s business is subject to external risk factors related to our global operations and the global profile of our client portfolio and supply chains. Global markets are experiencing volatility and disruption following the escalation of geopolitical tensions in connection with the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The resulting economic sanctions imposed by the United States, Canada, the European Union, the UK and other countries as a direct consequence of this conflict may continue to significantly impact supply chains, lead to market disruptions including significant volatility in commodities’ prices and bring heightened near-term uncertainty to the global financial system, including through instability of credit and of capital markets.

At this time, the effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict have not caused significant impacts on the Company’s operations nor on the fair value of its assets and liabilities. However, escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict may adversely affect the Company’s business, such as disruption of international trade flows, extreme market pricing volatility, with particular impact on the energy sector, industrial and agricultural supply chains, shipping, and regulatory and contractual uncertainty, and increased geopolitical tensions around the world.


3.       Significant events of the current period


Balance Sheet, Cash Flows and Income Statement were particularly affected by the following events and transactions during the three-month period ended September 30, 2022:


Capital reduction in a foreign subsidiary (notes 6 and 13). In August 2022, the Company approved the capital reduction of VISA in the amount of R$7,885 (US$1,500 million), which has generated a gain of R$7,938 (US$1,543 million), recorded under “Other financial items, net”, due to the reclassification of the cumulative translation adjustments from stockholders’ equity to the income statement.


Sale of Midwestern System assets (note 14). In July 2022, the Company concluded the sale of the Midwestern System to J&F Mineração Ltda. (“J&F”) and received R$815 (US$153 million), in addition to transferring to J&F the obligations related to the take-or-pay logistics contracts. These assets were classified as held for sale and a gain of R$5,620 (US$1,121 million) was recorded in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, due to the reversal of the impairment of property, plant and equipment and the remeasurement of the onerous contract liability. In addition, the Company recognized a gain of R$188 (US$37 million) due to the reclassification of the cumulative translation adjustments from stockholders’ equity to the income statement.


Sale of Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém (“CSP”) (note 14). In July 2022, the Company and the other shareholders of CSP signed a binding agreement with ArcelorMittal for the sale of CSP for approximately R$11,527 (US$2,132 million), which will be received at the closing of the transaction and it will be fully used for the early settlement of CSP's net debt in the amount of approximately R$12,435 (US$2,300 million). The Company does not expect any material impact at closing, which is expected to occur in the first quarter 2023, subject to customary regulatory approvals.


Share buyback (note 27d). During the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, the Company repurchased 48,670,681 common shares and their respective ADRs, corresponding to R$3,636 (US$686 million), of which R$1,898 (US$358 million) were acquired through wholly owned subsidiaries and R$1,738 (US$328 million) by the Parent Company.


Cancellation of common shares held in treasury (note 27b). In July 2022, the Company approved the cancellation of 220,150,800 common shares held in treasury. The effect of R$19,466 (US$3,786 million) was recorded in shareholders' equity as “Treasury shares used and cancelled”.


Stockholder’s remuneration (note 27c). In July 2022, the Company approved the remuneration to its shareholders in the amount of R$16,243 (US$3,000 million), which was fully paid in September 2022.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



4.        Information by business segment and geographic area


The Company operates the following reportable segments: Ferrous Minerals, Base Metals and Coal (presented as discontinued operations). The segments are aligned with products and reflect the structure used by Management to evaluate the Company’s performance. The responsible bodies for making operational decisions, allocating resources and evaluating performance are the Executive Boards and Board of Directors. Accordingly, the performance of the operating segments is assessed based on a measure of adjusted LAJIDA (EBITDA), among other measures.


The Company allocates to “Other” the revenues and cost of other products, services, research and development, investments in joint ventures and associates of other business and unallocated corporate expenses. Costs related to the Brumadinho event are allocated to "Other" as well.


In 2022, the Company has allocated the financial information of the Midwestern System to “Other” as this operation is no longer analyzed by the chief operating decision maker as part of to the performance of the Ferrous Minerals business segment due to the binding agreement to sell this operation. The comparative information was reclassified to reflect the revision in the allocation criteria.


a) Adjusted LAJIDA (EBITDA)


The definition of Adjusted LAJIDA (EBITDA) for the Company is the operating income or loss plus dividends received and interest from associates and joint ventures, and excluding the amounts charged as (i) depreciation, depletion and amortization and (ii) impairment reversal (impairment and disposals) of non-current assets, net.


    Three-month period ended September 30, 2022
    Net operating revenue   Cost of goods sold and services rendered   Sales, administrative and other operating expenses   Research and development   Pre operating and operational stoppage   Dividends received and interest from associates and joint ventures   Adjusted EBITDA
Ferrous minerals                            
Iron ore   31,708   (16,195)   (233)   (251)   (330)   5   14,704
Iron ore pellets   8,700   (3,748)   (37)   (4)   (25)   23   4,909
Other ferrous products and services   622   (430)   22   (5)   (23)   -   186
    41,030   (20,373)   (248)   (260)   (378)   28   19,799
Base metals                            
Nickel and other products   8,221   (6,966)   12   (162)   (1)   -   1,104
Copper   2,518   (1,441)   (38)   (195)   (18)   -   826
    10,739   (8,407)   (26)   (357)   (19)   -   1,930
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   -   -   (1,759)   -   -   -   (1,759)
Other   311   (317)   (527)   (271)   (2)   121   (685)
Total   52,080   (29,097)   (2,560)   (888)   (399)   149   19,285





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





    Three-month period ended September 30, 2021
    Net operating revenue   Cost of goods sold and services rendered   Sales, administrative and other operating expenses   Research and development   Pre operating and operational stoppage   Dividends received and interest from associates and joint ventures   Adjusted EBITDA
Ferrous minerals                            
Iron ore   43,977   (15,661)   (161)   (276)   (315)   -   27,564
Iron ore pellets   10,492   (3,197)   (10)   (5)   (57)   -   7,223
Other ferrous products and services   730   (571)   3   (5)   (20)   -   137
    55,199   (19,429)   (168)   (286)   (392)   -   34,924
Base metals                            
Nickel and other products   4,681   (4,092)   311   (100)   (268)   -   532
Copper   3,549   (1,267)   (30)   (125)   (5)   -   2,122
    8,230   (5,359)   281   (225)   (273)   -   2,654
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   -   -   (847)   -   -   -   (847)
COVID-19   -   -   (52)   -   -   -   (52)
Other (i)   989   (695)   (737)   (190)   (8)   24   (617)
Total of continuing operations   64,418   (25,483)   (1,523)   (701)   (673)   24   36,062
Discontinued operations – Coal   1,843   (1,639)   (27)   (8)   -   -   169
Total   66,261   (27,122)   (1,550)   (709)   (673)   24   36,231


(i) Includes the reclassification of the EBITDA of Midwestern System in the amount of R$203 (US$40 million).



    Nine-month period ended September 30, 2022
    Net operating revenue   Cost of goods sold and services rendered   Sales, administrative and other operating expenses   Research and development   Pre operating and operational stoppage   Dividends received and interest from associates and joint ventures   Adjusted EBITDA
Ferrous minerals                            
Iron ore   104,906   (41,975)   (759)   (648)   (1,280)   5   60,249
Iron ore pellets   24,601   (9,977)   1   (11)   (82)   374   14,906
Other ferrous products and services   1,869   (1,290)   13   (14)   (66)   -   512
    131,376   (53,242)   (745)   (673)   (1,428)   379   75,667
Base metals                            
Nickel and other products   23,452   (16,313)   (91)   (372)   (2)   -   6,674
Copper   6,621   (3,953)   (14)   (481)   (37)   -   2,136
    30,073   (20,266)   (105)   (853)   (39)   -   8,810
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   -   -   (3,988)   -   -   -   (3,988)
Other (i)   2,324   (1,934)   (2,505)   (737)   (11)   123   (2,740)
Total of continuing operations   163,773   (75,442)   (7,343)   (2,263)   (1,478)   502   77,749
Discontinued operations – Coal   2,308   (1,370)   (57)   (7)   -   -   874
Total   166,081   (76,812)   (7,400)   (2,270)   (1,478)   502   78,623


(i) Includes the reclassification of the EBITDA of Midwestern System in the amount of R$381 (US$77 million).





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





    Nine-month period ended September 30, 2021
    Net operating revenue   Cost of goods sold and services rendered   Sales, administrative and other operating expenses   Research and development   Pre operating and operational stoppage   Dividends received and interest from associates and joint ventures   Adjusted EBITDA
Ferrous minerals                            
Iron ore   157,145   (41,191)   (609)   (686)   (1,210)   -   113,449
Iron ore pellets   27,390   (8,044)   159   (11)   (194)   114   19,414
Other ferrous products and services   2,304   (1,637)   9   (11)   (64)   -   601
    186,839   (50,872)   (441)   (708)   (1,468)   114   133,464
Base metals                            
Nickel and other products   20,472   (13,379)   115   (257)   (570)   -   6,381
Copper   10,239   (3,390)   (36)   (332)   (16)   -   6,465
    30,711   (16,769)   79   (589)   (586)   -   12,846
Brumadinho event and de-characterization of dams   -   -   (2,437)   -   -   -   (2,437)
COVID-19   -   -   (145)   -   -   -   (145)
Other (i)   2,652   (2,279)   (1,840)   (675)   (17)   140   (2,019)
Total of continuing operations   220,202   (69,920)   (4,784)   (1,972)   (2,071)   254   141,709
Discontinued operations – Coal   3,207   (5,180)   (18)   (29)   -   424   (1,596)
Total   223,409   (75,100)   (4,802)   (2,001)   (2,071)   678   140,113


(i) Includes the reclassification of the EBITDA of Midwestern System in the amount of R$642 (US$120 million).


Adjusted LAJIDA (EBITDA) is reconciled to net income as follows:


Continuing operations

    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net income from continuing operations attributable to Vale's stockholders   23,286   28,587   66,547   103,299
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests   (58)   155   311   289
Net income   23,228   28,742   66,858   103,588
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   4,069   3,393   11,652   11,796
Income taxes   4,181   2,421   19,566   23,389
Financial results   (12,167)   1,816   (14,818)   (58)
EBITDA from continuing operations   19,311   36,372   83,258   138,715
Items to reconciled adjusted LAJIDA (EBITDA)                
Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   (401)   (670)   (1,238)   1,544
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures   149   24   502   254
Impairment and disposals (impairment reversal) of non-current assets, net   226   336   (4,773)   1,196
Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations   19,285   36,062   77,749   141,709


Discontinued operations (Coal)

    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations attributable to Vale's stockholders   -   (8,384)   9,818   (12,437)
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests   -   216   -   (556)
Net income (loss)   -   (8,168)   9,818   (12,993)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   -   264   -   350
Income taxes   -   (4,336)   9   (4,336)
Financial results   -   123   (14,603)   (1,823)
Derecognition of noncontrolling interest   -   -   2,783   -
EBITDA from discontinued operations   -   (12,117)   (1,993)   (18,802)
Items to reconciled adjusted LAJIDA (EBITDA)                
Equity results in associates and joint ventures   -   -   -   144
Dividends received and interest from associates and joint ventures (i)   -   -   -   424
Impairment of non-current assets, net   -   12,286   2,867   16,638
Adjusted EBITDA from discontinued operations   -   169   874   (1,596)


(i) Includes the remuneration of the financial instrument of the Coal segment.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




b)       Assets by segment



    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Product inventory   Investments in associates and joint ventures   Property, plant and equipment and intangible   Product inventory   Investments in associates and joint ventures   Property, plant and equipment and intangible
Ferrous minerals   14,678   6,803   167,020   12,199   6,214   161,770
Base metals   8,713   -   101,068   7,725   95   112,317
Other   -   2,903   10,567   120   3,462   10,195
Total   23,391   9,706   278,655   20,044   9,771   284,282


    Three-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
    Capital expenditures       Capital expenditures    
    Sustaining capital (i)   Project execution   Depreciation, depletion and amortization   Sustaining capital (i)   Project execution   Depreciation, depletion and amortization
Ferrous minerals   2,605   1,044   2,315   3,048   714   2,129
Base metals   1,806   421   1,707   1,696   591   1,185
Other (ii)   86   493   47   31   189   79
Total   4,497   1,958   4,069   4,775   1,494   3,393


    Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
    Capital expenditures       Capital expenditures    
    Sustaining capital (i)   Project execution   Depreciation, depletion and amortization   Sustaining capital (i)   Project execution   Depreciation, depletion and amortization
Ferrous minerals   7,595   2,964   6,937   8,757   1,750   6,637
Base metals   4,906   1,214   4,526   5,188   1,329   4,857
Other (ii)   367   1,746   189   120   348   302
Total   12,868   5,924   11,652   14,065   3,427   11,796


(i) According to the Company's remuneration policy, the sustaining capital investments are deducted from the 30% of the adjusted EBITDA. The calculation also considers the current investment of discontinued coal operations, which was R$201 (US$38 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 (2021: R$607 (US$114 million)).

(ii) The sustaining capital investments related to the Midwestern System were reclassified from “ferrous minerals” to “other” for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2021 in the amounts of R$25 (US$5 million) and R$50 (US$10 million), respectively. Depreciation, depletion and amortization were reclassified for the same periods in the amounts of R$21 (US$4 million) and R$97 (US$18 million), respectively.

c)       Assets by geographic area


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Investments in associates and joint ventures   Intangible   Property, plant and equipment   Total   Investments in associates and joint ventures   Intangible   Property, plant and equipment   Total
Brazil   9,706   40,684   140,072   190,462   9,656   39,339   132,772   181,767
Canada   -   9,823   58,111   67,934   -   10,927   69,429   80,356
Americas, except Brazil and Canada   -   -   19   19   -   -   15   15
Europe   -   -   4,068   4,068   -   -   4,124   4,124
Indonesia   -   4   14,575   14,579   -   8   15,197   15,205
Asia, except Indonesia and China   -   -   4,290   4,290   115   -   4,879   4,994
China   -   6   101   107   -   11   117   128
Oman   -   3   6,899   6,902   -   2   7,462   7,464
Total   9,706   50,520   228,135   288,361   9,771   50,287   233,995   294,053





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




d)       Net operating revenue by geographic area


The sales revenue from Ferrous minerals for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022, decreased from prior periods mainly due to the decline of 27%, in the average realized price of iron ore for both periods, following the decrease in the international price of this product.

    Three-month period ended September 30, 2022
    Ferrous minerals   Base metals   Other   Total
Americas, except United States and Brazil   670   728   -   1,398
United States of America   531   1,689   -   2,220
Germany   483   1,505   -   1,988
Europe, except Germany   1,670   3,499   -   5,169
Middle East, Africa, and Oceania   3,301   55   -   3,356
Japan   3,601   880   -   4,481
China   22,718   1,590   -   24,308
Asia, except Japan and China   3,428   698   -   4,126
Brazil   4,628   95   311   5,034
Net operating revenue   41,030   10,739   311   52,080


    Three-month period ended September 30, 2021
    Ferrous minerals   Base metals   Other (i)   Total
Americas, except United States and Brazil   1,052   415   140   1,607
United States of America   370   1,432   -   1,802
Germany   916   908   -   1,824
Europe, except Germany   2,862   2,253   -   5,115
Middle East, Africa, and Oceania   2,885   21   -   2,906
Japan   6,752   749   -   7,501
China   27,994   1,257   -   29,251
Asia, except Japan and China   4,990   1,156   -   6,146
Brazil   7,378   39   849   8,266
Net operating revenue   55,199   8,230   989   64,418


(i) Includes the reclassification of the revenues of Midwestern System in the amount of R$583 (US$112 million).

    Nine-month period ended September 30, 2022
    Ferrous minerals   Base metals   Other (i)   Total
Americas, except United States and Brazil   2,024   2,135   625   4,784
United States of America   903   5,293   -   6,196
Germany   1,596   4,630   -   6,226
Europe, except Germany   7,473   8,162   -   15,635
Middle East, Africa, and Oceania   9,117   100   123   9,340
Japan   11,166   2,853   -   14,019
China   73,732   4,079   -   77,811
Asia, except Japan and China   10,057   2,568   225   12,850
Brazil   15,308   253   1,351   16,912
Net operating revenue   131,376   30,073   2,324   163,773


    Nine-month period ended September 30, 2021
    Ferrous minerals   Base metals   Other (i)   Total
Americas, except United States and Brazil   3,072   1,629   647   5,348
United States of America   1,762   4,515   -   6,277
Germany   2,669   5,926   -   8,595
Europe, except Germany   11,314   9,218   -   20,532
Middle East, Africa, and Oceania   7,926   62   -   7,988
Japan   14,655   1,904   -   16,559
China   110,663   3,526   -   114,189
Asia, except Japan and China   14,468   3,693   -   18,161
Brazil   20,310   238   2,005   22,553
Net operating revenue   186,839   30,711   2,652   220,202


(i) Includes the reclassification of the revenues of Midwestern System in the amount of R$1,161 (US$231 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 (R$1,731 (US$325 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021).







Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




5.       Costs and expenses by nature


a) Cost of goods sold, and services rendered


    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Personnel   2,382   1,846   6,627   6,201
Materials and services (i)   5,024   3,662   12,809   10,953
Fuel oil and gas (i)   2,608   1,290   5,841   3,571
Maintenance   3,956   3,655   11,213   11,023
Royalties   1,283   2,064   3,761   5,291
Energy   984   839   2,665   2,452
Acquisition of products   4,016   3,311   9,734   8,822
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   3,946   3,148   11,152   11,056
Freight   6,883   6,158   17,029   15,647
Other   1,961   2,658   5,763   5,960
Total   33,043   28,631   86,594   80,976
Cost of goods sold   32,249   27,799   84,370   78,658
Cost of services rendered   794   832   2,224   2,318
Total   33,043   28,631   86,594   80,976


(i) The increase in costs is mainly due to higher fuel prices and inflation of other inputs and services during the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022.


b)       Selling and administrative expenses


    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Selling   89   127   302   343
Personnel   221   150   718   689
Services   145   149   411   361
Depreciation and amortization   48   61   166   162
Other   123   111   283   315
Total   626   598   1,880   1,870


c)       Other operating expenses, net


    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Asset retirement obligations   -   -   200   -
Provision for litigations (note 25)   166   122   494   356
Profit sharing program   133   153   475   554
Other   (76)   (136)   473   (272)
Total   223   139   1,642   638


The breakdown of Research and Development expenses by operating segment is presented in note 4 (a).





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




6.        Financial results


    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Financial income                
Short-term investments   622   368   1,898   731
Other   121   103   305   453
    743   471   2,203   1,184
Financial expenses                
Loans and borrowings gross interest   (736)   (815)   (2,377)   (2,688)
Capitalized loans and borrowing costs   49   75   205   235
Interest on REFIS   (219)   (87)   (583)   (180)
Interest on lease liabilities (note 20d)   (82)   (76)   (238)   (252)
Bond premium repurchase (note 20d)   -   -   (568)   (354)
Other   (45)   (346)   (996)   (1,324)
    (1,033)   (1,249)   (4,557)   (4,563)
Other financial items, net                
Net foreign exchange gains (losses)   1,048   1,936   (930)   1,748
Participative stockholders' debentures (note 19) (i)   2,478   825   3,800   (5,886)
Financial guarantees (i)   2   (180)   2,413   1,636
Derivative financial instruments (note 17)   1,003   (2,393)   4,064   (263)
Reclassification of cumulative translation adjustments to the income statement (notes 13 and 14)   8,275   48   8,275   6,356
Indexation losses, net   (349)   (1,274)   (450)   (154)
    12,457   (1,038)   17,172   3,437
Total   12,167   (1,816)   14,818   58


(i) These lines were reclassified from the prior period in order to present “Financial expenses” and “Other financial items, net” in similar line items from period to period.


a) Financial guarantees


As of September 30, 2022, the total guarantees granted by the Company (within the limit of its direct or indirect interest) to certain associates and joint ventures totaled R$8,061 (US$1,491 million) (December 31, 2021: R$8,443 (US$1,513 million)). The fair value of these financial guarantees in the amount of R$546 (US$101 million) (December 31, 2021: R$3,026 (US$542 million)) is recorded as “Other non-current liabilities”.



7.        Taxes


a) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities



    Assets   Liabilities   Deferred taxes, net
Balance at December 31, 2021   63,847   10,494   53,353
Tax effect in the income statement   (9,815)   (134)   (9,681)
Translation adjustment   (363)   (885)   522
Other comprehensive income   385   298   87
Transfers between assets and liabilities   (930)   (930)   -
Sale of California Steel Industries (note 14)   -   (147)   147
Balance at September 30, 2022   53,124   8,696   44,428
    Assets   Liabilities   Deferred taxes, net
Balance at December 31, 2020   53,711   9,198   44,513
Tax effect in the income statement   3,916   (104)   4,020
Transfers between assets and liabilities   34   34   -
Translation adjustment   709   369   340
Other comprehensive income   (686)   989   (1,675)
Tax loss carryforward from coal operations (note 14)   4,336   -   4,336
Balance at September 30, 2021   62,020   10,486   51,534





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





b)    Income tax reconciliation – Income statement


Income tax expense is recognized based on the estimate of the weighted average effective tax rate expected for the full year, adjusted for the tax effect of certain items that are recognized in full on the interim tax calculation. Therefore, the effective tax rate in the interim financial statements may differ from management’s estimate of the effective tax rate for the year.


The total amount presented as income taxes in the income statement is reconciled to the statutory rate, as follows:


    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Income before income taxes   27,409   31,163   86,424   126,977
Income taxes at statutory rate – 34%   (9,319)   (10,596)   (29,384)   (43,172)
Adjustments that affect the taxes basis:                
Tax incentives   2,526   5,067   7,848   13,715
Equity results   154   358   303   539
Monetary exchange variation on tax losses carryforward   (272)   570   (2,630)   432
Other (i)   2,730   2,180   4,297   5,097
Income taxes   (4,181)   (2,421)   (19,566)   (23,389)

(i) Refers mainly to the reclassifications of accumulated translation adjustments to income for the periods presented (notes 13 and 14).


c)       Income taxes - Settlement program (“REFIS”)


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Current liabilities   1,900   1,810
Non-current liabilities   10,064   10,962
REFIS liabilities   11,964   12,772
SELIC rate   13.75%   9.25%


It mainly relates to the settlement program of claims regarding the collection of income tax and social contribution on equity gains of foreign subsidiaries and affiliates from 2003 to 2012. This amount bears SELIC interest rate (Special System for Settlement and Custody) and will be paid in monthly installments until October 2028.

d) Uncertain tax positions


There have been no relevant developments on matters related to the uncertain tax positions since the December 31, 2021 financial statements.


e) Recoverable and payable taxes

    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Current assets   Non-current assets   Current liabilities   Current assets   Non-current assets   Current liabilities
Value-added tax   1,515   -   156   1,209   60   906
Brazilian federal contributions   2,446   3,659   284   2,903   2,851   66
Income taxes   620   2,365   442   630   2,309   10,385
Financial compensation for the exploration of mineral resources - CFEM   -   -   353   -   -   328
Other   58   -   402   67   -   465
Total   4,639   6,024   1,637   4,809   5,220   12,150





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




8.Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share
    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net income attributable to Vale's stockholders:                
Net income from continuing operations   23,286   28,587   66,547   103,299
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations   -   (8,384)   9,818   (12,437)
    23,286   20,203   76,365   90,862
In thousands of shares                
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding   4,549,205   5,080,890   4,674,248   5,065,750
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding and potential ordinary shares   4,553,843   5,085,314   4,678,886   5,070,174
Basic and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations:                
Common share (R$)   5.12   5.63   14.24   20.39
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share from discontinued operations:                
Common share (R$)   -   (1.65)   2.10   (2.46)
Basic and diluted earnings per share:                
Common share (R$)   5.12   3.98   16.34   17.94


9.Accounts receivable


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Receivables from contracts with customers        
Related parties (note 28)   728   608
Third parties        
Ferrous minerals   7,684   16,868
Base metals   3,305   3,730
Other   116   900
Accounts receivable   11,833   22,106
Expected credit loss   (209)   (266)
Accounts receivable, net   11,624   21,840


No customer individually represented 10% or more of the Company’s accounts receivable or revenues for the periods presented in these interim financial statements.

Provisionally priced commodities sales – The commodity price risk arises from volatility of iron ore, nickel and copper prices. The Company is mostly exposed to the fluctuations in the iron ore and copper price (note 17). The selling price of these products can be measured reliably at each period since the price is quoted in an active market.

The sensitivity of the Company’s risk on final settlement of provisionally priced accounts receivables are presented below:

    September 30, 2022
    Thousand metric tons   Provisional price (US$/ton)   Change   Effect on revenue
Iron ore   17,271   91.9   +/- 10%   +/- 833
Iron ore pellets   76   136.2   +/- 10%   +/- 5
Copper   81   9,652.0   +/- 10%   +/- 412




    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Finished products   18,861   15,615
Work in progress   4,659   4,566
Consumable inventory   5,525   4,777
Allowance to net realizable value   (565)   (529)
Total   28,480   24,429


Finished and work in progress products inventories by segments are presented in note 4(b) and the cost of goods sold is presented in note 5(a).





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




11.       Suppliers and contractors


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Third parties - Brazil   12,204   9,856
Third parties - Abroad   11,463   9,029
Related parties (note 28)   1,933   508
Total   25,600   19,393



12.       Other financial assets and liabilities


    Current   Non-current
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Other financial assets                
Restricted cash   -   -   420   653
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   821   619   824   110
Investments in equity securities   -   -   32   33
    821   619   1,276   796
Other financial liabilities                
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   558   1,355   1,467   3,301
Other financial liabilities - Related parties (note 28)   734   2,192   -   -
Financial guarantees provided (note 6a) (i)   -   -   546   3,026
Liabilities related to the concession grant   3,749   4,241   8,520   8,017
Contract liability   2,695   3,158   -   -
    7,736   10,946   10,533   14,344


(i) In July 2022, the Company signed a binding agreement with ArcelorMittal for the sale of CSP. At the closing, CSP's debt will be settled and the financial liability related to the guarantee granted will be derecognised by Vale.


a) Liabilities related to the concession grant

On April 14, 2022, the Company prepaid R$796 (US$168 million) of its concession grant obligation related to the Estrada de Ferro Carajás ("EFC") as approved by the Board of Directors on October 28, 2021. The outstanding balance will be settled in quarterly installments until 2057.

    Liability   Discount rate
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Concession grant   3,920   3,271   11.04%   11.04%
Midwestern Integration Railway ("FICO")   6,360   6,730   5.69%   5.29%
Infrastructure program   1,851   1,910   5.65%   5.43%
West-East Integration Railway ("FIOL")   138   347   8.72%   5.81%
Total   12,269   12,258        




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




13.       Investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures



            Investments in associates and joint ventures   Equity results in the income statement   Dividends received
                Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,   Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    % ownership   % voting capital   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   2022   2021   2022   2021   2022   2021   2022   2021
Associates and joint ventures                                                
Ferrous minerals                                                
Baovale Mineração S.A.   50.00   50.00   126   117   4   5   11   19   5   -   5   -
Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização   50.00   50.00   464   284   79   77   192   161   -   -   48   9
Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização   50.89   50.89   238   211   50   3   55   4   23   -   30   35
Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização   50.90   51.00   366   270   56   86   121   153   -   -   93   30
Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização   51.00   51.11   788   720   61   81   170   147   -   -   203   40
MRS Logística S.A.   48.16   46.75   2,597   2,334   116   171   264   362   -   -   -   -
Samarco Mineração S.A. (note 22)   50.00   50.00   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
VLI S.A.   29.60   29.60   2,224   2,278   46   (121)   (54)   (168)   -   -   -   -
            6,803   6,214   412   302   759   678   28   -   379   114
Base metals                                                
Korea Nickel Corporation   25.00   25.00   -   95   3   1   16   2   -   -   -   -
            -   95   3   1   16   2   -   -   -   -
Aliança Geração de Energia S.A.   55.00   55.00   2,051   2,046   43   216   126   307   121   24   121   140
Aliança Norte Energia Participações S.A.   51.00   51.00   561   586   (8)   1   (25)   (16)   -   -   -   -
California Steel Industries, Inc. ("CSI") (note 14)   50.00   50.00   -   -   -   547   -   870   -   -   360   -
Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém ("CSP") (note 14)   50.00   50.00   -   553   -   -   -   (237)   -   -   -   -
Mineração Rio do Norte S.A.   40.00   40.00   -   -   -   (14)   -   (29)   -   -   -   -
Other   -   -   291   277   5   (11)   17   (1)   -   -   2   -
            2,903   3,462   40   739   118   894   121   24   483   140
Total           9,706   9,771   455   1,042   893   1,574   149   24   862   254




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




a) Changes in the period

    2022   2021
Balance at January 1,   9,771   10,557
Translation adjustment   (22)   76
Equity results   893   1,574
Dividends declared   (291)   (701)
Impairment of CSP   (553)   -
Other   (92)   56
Balance at September 30,   9,706   11,562


Capital reduction in a foreign subsidiary – In August 2022, the Company approved a capital reduction in the amount of R$7,885 (US$ 1,500 million) of Vale International S.A. (“VISA”), a wholly-owned foreign subsidiary, leading to a reduction in the absolute value of the investment held by the Parent Company. Therefore, the return of capital received in September 2022 was determined as a partial disposal and, in accordance with the requirements of IAS 21/CPC 02, the exchange differences recorded in the stockholders’ equity were reclassified to the income statement in the same proportion as the reduction in the net investment held in VISA, leading to a gain of R$7,938 (US$1,543 million) presented as “Other financial items, net” (note 6). The remaining balance of cumulative translation adjustments of VISA represents R$24,257 (US$4,487 million) as of September 30, 2022.



14.       Acquisitions and divestitures


    Nine-month period ended September 30, 2022
    Cumulative translation adjustments   Result of the transaction
    Other financial items, net   Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   Total recycling from OCI   Impairment reversal (impairment) of non-current assets   Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures
Midwestern System   188   -   188   5,620   -
California Steel Industries   -   779   779   -   741
Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém (i)   -   -   -   -   (685)
Other   149   -   149   12   (40)
    337   779   1,116   5,632   16
Discontinued operations (Coal)   14,636   -   14,636   (2,867)   -
    14,973   779   15,752   2,765   16

(i) Includes impairment of the investment in the amount of R$553 (US$111 million) and a provision for accounts receivable with CSP in the amount of R$132 (US$24 million).

    Nine-month period ended September 30, 2021
    Cumulative translation adjustments   Result of the transaction
    Other financial items, net   Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   Total recycling from OCI   Impairment of non-current assets   Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures
Midwestern System   -   -   -   -   -
Vale Nouvelle-Calédonie S.A.S.     6,391   -   6,391   (549)   -
Vale Manganês   -   -   -   (147)   -
Other   (35)   -   (35)   -   (298)
    6,356   -   6,356   (696)   (298)
Discontinued operations (Coal)   2,134   -   2,134   (16,638)   -
    8,490   -   8,490   (17,334)   (298)


Midwestern System - During the first quarter of 2022, the Company classified the assets and liabilities related to the Midwestern System as held for sale due to the negotiations with interested parties in Vale’s iron ore, manganese and logistics assets in the Midwestern System, through its equity interests in Mineração Corumbaense Reunida S.A., Mineração Mato Grosso S.A., International Iron Company, Inc. and Transbarge Navegación S.A. These negotiations resulted in the execution of a binding agreement with J&F Mineração Ltda. (“J&F”) for the sale of these assets, which was signed on April 6, 2022.

The carrying amount of those assets were fully impaired in past years and the Company had a liability related to take-or-pay logistics contracts in the amount of R$4,629 (US$932 million) that were deemed onerous contracts under the Company’s business model for the Midwestern System, which had negative reserves of R$4,226 (US$892 million) before reclassification to “Non-current assets and liabilities held for sale”.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



These offers received during the sale process of the assets represented an objective evidence of impairment reversal and the remeasurement of the existing provision, which led to a gain of R$5,620 (US$1,121 million) recorded as “Impairment reversal (impairment and disposals) of non-current assets, net”, of which R$1,121 (US$214 million) relates to the impairment reversal on the Property, plant and equipment and R$4,559 (US$916 million) is due to the remeasurement of the onerous contract liability, partially offset by losses in working capital adjustments at the closing of the transaction in the amount of R$60 (US$9 million).


On July 15, 2022, the transaction was completed, and the Company received R$815 (US$153 million) and recorded a gain of R$188 (US$37 million), as the reclassification of the cumulative translation adjustments from the stockholders’ equity to the income statement.


California Steel Industries (“CSI”) - In December 2021, the Company entered into a binding agreement with Nucor Corporation (“Nucor”) for the sale of its 50% interest in CSI for R$2,269 (US$437 million). In February 2022, the Company concluded the sale and recorded a gain of R$1,520 (US$292 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, as “Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures”, of which R$741 (US$142 million) relates to a gain from the sale and R$779 (US$150 million) is due to the reclassification of the cumulative translation adjustments from the stockholders’ equity to the income statement.

Sale of Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém (“CSP”) - In July 2022, the Company and the other shareholders of CSP signed a binding agreement with ArcelorMittal Brasil S.A. (“ArcelorMittal”) for the sale of CSP for approximately R$11,527 (US$2,132 million), The completion of the transaction will be used in full for the prepayment of CSP’s outstanding net debt of approximately R$12,435 (US$2,300 million), as the Company has already recognized an impairment loss of R$685 (US$135 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022. The Company does not expect any material impact at closing, which is expected to occur in the first quarter 2023, subject to customary regulatory approvals.


Manganese ferroalloys operations in Minas Gerais - In January 2022, the Company completed the sale of its ferroalloys operations in Barbacena and Ouro Preto and its manganese mining operations at Morro da Mina, in the state of Minas Gerais, to VDL Group (“VDL”) for a total consideration of R$210 (US$40 million). As the Company had already adjusted the net assets to the fair value less cost of disposal, the closing did not result in an additional impact on the income statement for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 (2021: impairment of R$147 (US$28 million)). As a result, the Company no longer has manganese ferroalloys operations.


Vale Nouvelle-Calédonie S.A.S. (“VNC”) - In December 2020, the Company signed a binding put option agreement to sell its interest in VNC for an immaterial consideration to Prony Resources consortium. With the final agreement signed in March 2021, the Company recorded a loss in the amount of R$549 (US$98 million), presented as “Impairment reversal (impairment and disposals) of non-current assets, net” in the income statement for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021. In the same period, the Company also recorded a gain of R$6,391 (US$1,132 million) due to the cumulative translation adjustments reclassification from the stockholders’ equity to the income statement as “Other financial items, net”.


Discontinued operations (Coal) - In June 2021, in preparation for a sale of the coal operation, in connection with the sustainable strategic mining agenda, the Company carried out a corporate reorganization by acquiring the interests held by Mitsui in the coal assets, which consist of Moatize mine and the Nacala Logistics Corridor (“NLC”). Following the acquisition of Mitsui’s stakes, and therefore, the simplification of the governance, the Company started the process of divesting its participation in the coal business.


In December 2021, the Company entered into a binding agreement with Vulcan Resources (formerly known as Vulcan Minerals - “Vulcan”) for the sale of these assets. Under the sale agreement Vulcan has committed to pay the gross amount of R$1,285 (US$270 million), in addition of a 10-year royalty agreement subject to certain mine production and coal price conditions and so, due to the nature and uncertainties related to the measurement of these royalties, gains will be recognized as incurred.


Therefore, in 2021 the Company adjusted the net assets of the coal business to the fair value less costs of disposal, resulting in impairment losses, and started presenting the coal segment as a discontinued operation starting from the year ended December 31, 2021.


On April 25, 2022, the transaction was completed and the Company recorded a net income from discontinued operations of R$9,818 (US$2,060 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, which is mainly driven by the reclassification of the cumulative translation adjustments of R$14,636 (US$3,072 million), from the stockholders’ equity to the income statement, as required by IAS 21 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, partially offset by the derecognition of noncontrolling interest of R$2,783 (US$585 million) due to the deconsolidation of the coal assets. Additionally, until the closing of the transaction, the Company recorded losses of R$2,867 (US$589 million), due to the impairment of assets acquired in the period and working capital adjustments. These effects are presented below:




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




(a) Net income and cash flows from discontinued operations

    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net income from discontinued operations                
Net operating revenue   -   1,843   2,308   3,207
Cost of goods sold and services rendered   -   (1,902)   (1,370)   (5,529)
Operating expenses   -   (36)   (64)   (48)
Impairment and disposals of non-current assets, net   -   (12,286)   (2,867)   (16,638)
Operating loss   -   (12,381)   (1,993)   (19,008)
Cumulative translation adjustments (i)   -   -   14,636   2,134
Other financial results, net   -   (123)   (33)   (311)
Derecognition of noncontrolling interest   -   -   (2,783)   -
Equity results in associates and joint ventures   -   -   -   (144)
Net income (loss) before income taxes   -   (12,504)   9,827   (17,329)
Income taxes   -   4,336   (9)   4,336
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations   -   (8,168)   9,818   (12,993)
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests   -   216   -   (556)
Net income (loss) attributable to Vale's stockholders   -   (8,384)   9,818   (12,437)


(i) In 2021, the Company assessed that its Australian subsidiaries (part of the coal business), which were no longer operational, were considered "abandoned" under IAS 21 and, therefore, the Company recognized a gain related to the cumulative translation adjustments in the amount of R$2,134 (US$424 million), which was reclassified to the net income for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021.

    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Cash flow from discontinued operations                
 Operating activities                
 Net income (loss) before income taxes   -   (12,504)   9,827   (17,329)
  Equity results in associates and joint ventures   -   -   -   144
  Impairment and disposals of non-current assets, net   -   12,286   2,867   16,638
  Derecognition of noncontrolling interest   -   -   2,783   -
  Financial results, net   -   123   (14,603)   (1,823)
  Decrease in assets and liabilities   -   392   (661)   167
Net cash generated (used) by operating activities   -   297   213   (2,203)
Investing activities                
 Additions to property, plant and equipment   -   (257)   (201)   (607)
 Acquisition of NLC, net of cash   -       -   (11,800)
 Disposal of coal, net of cash       -   (333)   -
 Other   -   2   -   380
Net cash used in investing activities   -   (255)   (534)   (12,027)
Financing activities                
 Payments   -   (16)   (54)   (53)
Net cash used in financing activities   -   (16)   (54)   (53)
Net cash generated (used) by discontinued operations   -   26   (375)   (14,283)




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




15.       Intangible


    Goodwill   Concessions   Software   Research and development project and patents   Total
Balance at December 31, 2021   17,905   29,149   479   2,754   50,287
Additions   -   2,294   130   -   2,424
Disposals   -   (62)   -   -   (62)
Amortization   -   (896)   (166)   -   (1,062)
Translation adjustment   (1,062)   -   (5)   -   (1,067)
Balance at September 30, 2022   16,843   30,485   438   2,754   50,520
Cost   16,843   37,412   2,899   2,754   59,908
Accumulated amortization   -   (6,927)   (2,461)   -   (9,388)
Balance at September 30, 2022   16,843   30,485   438   2,754   50,520
    Goodwill   Concessions   Software   Research and development project and patents   Total
Balance at December 31, 2020   17,141   28,015   396   2,757   48,309
Additions   -   642   118   -   760
Disposals   -   (23)   -   -   (23)
Amortization   -   (994)   (124)   -   (1,118)
Acquisition of NLC (note 14)   -   7,188   -   -   7,188
Impairment (i)   -   (7,510)   -   -   (7,510)
Translation adjustment   525   345   7   -   877
Balance at September 30, 2021   17,666   27,663   397   2,757   48,483
Cost   17,666   40,717   4,030   2,757   65,170
Accumulated amortization   -   (13,054)   (3,633)   -   (16,687)
Balance at September 30, 2021   17,666   27,663   397   2,757   48,483



(i) The Company recognized an impairment loss related to coal assets incorporated in the acquisition of NLC in the amount of R$7,510 (US$1,422 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021.






Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



16.       Property, plant and equipment



    Building and land   Facilities   Equipment   Mineral properties   Railway equipment   Right of use assets   Others   Constructions in progress   Total
Balance at December 31, 2021   45,408   40,357   26,463   43,206   13,024   8,579   13,864   43,094   233,995
Additions (i)   -   -   -   -   -   221   -   18,751   18,972
Disposals (ii)   (95)   (49)   (25)   (1)   (38)   -   (9)   (315)   (532)
Asset retirement obligation (note 23b)   -   -   -   (5,467)   -   -   -   -   (5,467)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   (1,568)   (1,848)   (2,694)   (1,639)   (617)   (706)   (1,146)   -   (10,218)
Impairment reversal, net (note 14)   295   177   339   203   -   -   107   -   1,121
Transfer to asset held for sale - Midwestern System (note 14)   (295)   (177)   (339)   (203)   -   -   (107)   -   (1,121)
Translation adjustment   (1,012)   (732)   (762)   (3,249)   (20)   (256)   (533)   (2,051)   (8,615)
Transfers   1,682   2,304   2,440   2,010   623                                          -     1,546   (10,605)   -
Balance at September 30, 2022   44,415   40,032   25,422   34,860   12,972   7,838   13,722   48,874   228,135
Cost   81,585   65,088   59,938   83,502   21,273   11,128   30,530   48,874   401,918
Accumulated depreciation   (37,170)   (25,056)   (34,516)   (48,642)   (8,301)   (3,290)   (16,808)   -   (173,783)
Balance at September 30, 2022   44,415   40,032   25,422   34,860   12,972   7,838   13,722   48,874   228,135


    Building and land   Facilities   Equipment   Mineral properties   Railway equipment   Right of use assets   Others   Constructions in progress   Total
Balance at December 31, 2020   44,646   39,448   25,637   41,853   13,108   8,121   12,968   28,055   213,836
Additions (i)   -   -   -   -   -   292   -   18,624   18,916
Disposals (ii)   (18)   (138)   (315)   -   (25)   -   (5)   (239)   (740)
Asset retirement obligation   -   -   -   (2,508)   -   -   -   -   (2,508)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization   (1,774)   (1,923)   (2,632)   (1,713)   (687)   (700)   (1,053)   -   (10,482)
Acquisition of NLC (note 14)   1,185   663   515   -   1,640   167   10   460   4,640
Impairment (iii)   (1,220)   (604)   (451)   -   (1,653)   (172)   (10)   (1,240)   (5,350)
Translation adjustment   717   432   849   1,635   52   297   265   991   5,238
Transfers   1,194   1,959   2,750   1,144   447   -   1,133   (8,627)   -
Transfer to net assets held for sale   (16)   (12)   (17)   (8)   -   -   (5)   -   (58)
Balance at September 30, 2021   44,714   39,825   26,336   40,403   12,882   8,005   13,303   38,024   223,492
Cost   82,728   65,479   59,271   90,692   20,379   10,593   29,717   38,024   396,883
Accumulated depreciation   (38,014)   (25,654)   (32,935)   (50,289)   (7,497)   (2,588)   (16,414)   -   (173,391)
Balance at September 30, 2021   44,714   39,825   26,336   40,403   12,882   8,005   13,303   38,024   223,492


(i) Includes capitalized interest.

(ii) The net result from the disposal of assets recorded as “Impairment reversal (impairment and disposals) of non-current assets, net” was R$859 (US$174 million) (2021: R$500 (US$95 million)).

(iii) The Company recognized an impairment loss of R$4,655 (US$882 million) related to NLC assets for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021.


Right-of-use assets (leases)

    December 31, 2021   Additions and contract modifications   Depreciation   Translation adjustment   September 30, 2022
Ports   3,797   4   (201)   (106)   3,494
Vessels   2,744   (2)   (165)   (104)   2,473
Pelletizing plants   1,203   78   (181)   -   1,100
Properties   468   80   (104)   (3)   441
Energy plants   271   -   (26)   (27)   218
Mining equipment   96   61   (29)   (16)   112
Total   8,579   221   (706)   (256)   7,838


Lease liabilities are presented in note 20.






Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




17.       Financial and capital risk management


a) Effects of derivatives on the balance sheet


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk                
CDI & TJLP vs. US$ fixed and floating rate swap   5   28   -   -
IPCA swap   -   -   228   -
Pre-dollar swap and forward transactions   333   628   112   46
Libor swap   31   26   6   62
    369   682   346   108
Commodities price risk                
Base metals products   364   103   156   2
Gasoil, Brent and freight   88   39   47   -
    452   142   203   2
Other   -   -   70   -
    -   -   70   -
Total   821   824   619   110


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Current   Non-current   Current   Non-current
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk                
CDI & TJLP vs. US$ fixed and floating rate swap   252   937   842   2,453
IPCA swap   31   381   26   629
Pre-dollar swap and forward transactions   55   40   321   213
Libor swap   -   -   -   6
    338   1,358   1,189   3,301
Commodities price risk                
Base metals products   71   -   149   -
Gasoil, Brent and freight   132   48   14   -
    203   48   163   -
Other   17   61   3   -
Total   558   1,467   1,355   3,301


The balance of derivatives is presented in the balance sheet as “Other financial assets and liabilities” (note 12).


b) Net exposure


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk        
CDI & TJLP vs. US$ fixed and floating rate swap   (1,156)   (3,295)
IPCA swap   (412)   (427)
Pre-dollar swap and forward transactions   866   (376)
Libor swap (i)   57   62
    (645)   (4,036)
Commodities price risk        
Base metals products   396   9
Gasoil, Brent and freight   (53)   33
    343   42
Other   (78)   67
    (78)   67
Total   (380)   (3,927)


(i) In March 2021, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), the financial regulator in the United Kingdom, announced the discontinuation of the LIBOR rate for all terms in pounds, euros, Swiss francs, yen and for terms of one week and two months in dollars at the end of December 2021 and the other terms at the end of June 2023. The Company has adopted market practices in its new agreements and is monitoring the transition of the agreements that are still subject to LIBOR exposure.





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




c)       Effects of derivatives on the income statement


    Gain (loss) recognized in the income statement
    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk                
CDI & TJLP vs. US$ fixed and floating rate swap   236   (1,024)   1,641   (781)
IPCA swap   (16)   (219)   320   148
Eurobonds swap   -   -   -   (154)
Pre-dollar swap and forward operations   987   (1,245)   2,014   (192)
Libor swap   11   8   221   47
    1,218   (2,480)   4,196   (932)
Commodities price risk                
Base metals products   (2)   10   40   (3)
Gasoil, Brent and freight   (161)   62   (34)   627
    (163)   72   6   624
Other   (52)   15   (138)   45
    (52)   15   (138)   45
Total   1,003   (2,393)   4,064   (263)


d)       Effects of derivatives on the cash flows


    Financial settlement inflows (outflows)
    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Foreign exchange and interest rate risk                
CDI & TJLP vs. US$ fixed and floating rate swap   (243)   (56)   (468)   (584)
IPCA swap   250   -   304   (97)
Eurobonds swap   -   -   -   (162)
Pre-dollar swap and forward operations   358   15   814   (435)
Libor and treasury swap   229   (1)   185   (5)
    594   (42)   835   (1,283)
Commodities price risk                
Base metals products   (87)   (78)   (964)   (117)
Gasoil, Brent and freight   8   322   55   814
Thermal and coking coal   -   (88)   -   (88)
    (79)   156   (909)   609
Other   (4)   -   (4)   -
Total   511   114   (78)   (674)


e) Hedge accounting

    Gain (loss) recognized in the other comprehensive income
    Three-month period ended September 30,   Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021   2022   2021
Net investment hedge   (246)   (662)   162   (441)
Cash flow hedge (Thermal coal)   -   (63)   -   (87)
Cash flow hedge (Nickel and Palladium)   206   113   203   31





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




Cash flow hedge (Nickel)

    Notional (ton)         Fair value   Financial settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk   Fair value by year
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Bought / Sold   Average strike (US$/ton) September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022   2023
Nickel Revenue Hedge Program                                      
Forward   18,900   39,575   S   25,113 377   (143)   (1,057)   119   (63)   440
Total                 377   (143)   (1,057)   119   (63)   440


In 2022, the Company renewed its hedge nickel program due to the high volatility of nickel prices linked to future cash flows forecast for the period. In this program, hedging operations were executed, through forward contracts, to protect a portion of the projected volume of sales at floating, highly probable realization prices, guaranteeing prices above the average unit cost of nickel production for the protected volumes. The contracts are traded on the London Metal Exchange or over-the-counter market and the hedged item's P&L is offset by the hedged item’s P&L due to Nickel price variation.


Cash flow hedge (Palladium)

    Notional (t oz)           Fair value   Financial settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk   Fair value by year
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Bought / Sold   Average strike (US$/t oz)   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022
Palladium Revenue Hedge Program                                    
Call Options   11,057   44,228   S   3,368   -   (5)   -   -   -
Put Options   11,057   44,228   B   2,436   16   146   50   8   16
Total                   16   141   50   8   16



f) Protection programs for the R$ denominated debt instruments and other liabilities

    Notional           Fair value   Financial Settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk   Fair value by year
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Index   Average rate   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022   2023   2024+
CDI vs. US$ fixed rate swap                   (843)   (2,572)   (285)   150   (41)   (194)   (608)
Receivable   R$ 6,636   R$ 8,142   CDI   101.93%                            
Payable   US$ 1,540   US$ 1,906   Fix   2.52%                            
TJLP vs. US$ fixed rate swap                   (313)   (723)   (174)   22   (19)   (43)   (251)
Receivable   R$ 879   R$ 1,192   TJLP +   1.05%                            
Payable   US$ 221   US$ 320   Fix   3.41%                            
R$ fixed rate vs. US$ fixed rate swap                   665   (354)   183   382   2   276   387
Receivable   R$ 20,957   R$ 5,730   Fix   5.22%                            
Payable   US$ 3,968   US$ 1,084   Fix   -1.35%                            
IPCA vs. US$ fixed rate swap                   (412)   (656)   42   33   (9)   (33)   (370)
Receivable   R$ 1,348   R$ 1,508   IPCA +   4.54%                            
Payable   US$ 333   US$ 373   Fix   3.88%                            
IPCA vs. CDI swap                   -   228   262   -   -   -   -
Receivable   -   R$ 769   IPCA +   -                            
Payable   -   R$ 1,350   CDI   -                            
Forward   R$ 4,395   R$ 6,013   B   5.39   201   (22)   631   70   3   169   29





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




g) Protection program for Libor floating interest rate US$ denominated debt


    Notional           Fair value   Financial Settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk Fair value by year
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Index   Average rate   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022   2023   2024+
Libor vs. US$ fixed rate swap                    57    62    226    7    11    38    8
Receivable   US$ 150   US$ 950   Libor   0.85%                            
Payable   US$ 150   US$ 950   Fix   0.85%                            


In August 2022, swap operations to convert interest rates indexed to the Libor to fixed rates were liquidated due to the settlement of a portion of the debt. The Company kept its swap strategy for remaining amount of US$150 of debt indexed to the Libor.


h) Protection for treasury volatility related to tender offer transaction


    Notional           Fair value   Financial Settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk Fair value by year
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Index   Average rate   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022
Forwards    -       -      -    -       -       -       (41)    -       -   


To reduce the volatility of the premium to be paid to investors for the tender offer transaction issued on June 9, 2022, treasury lock transactions were implemented and already settled.


i) Protection program for product prices and input costs


    Notional           Fair value   Financial settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk   Fair value by year
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Bought / Sold   Average strike (US$/bbl)   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022   2023+
Brent crude oil (bbl)                                        
Call options   10,268,250   762,000   B   106   126   39   64   25   11   115
Put options   10,268,250   762,000   S   69   (152)   (14)   -   30   (42)   (110)
Forward Freight Agreement (days)                                        
Freight forwards   1,350   330   B   17,447   (28)   8   (10)   5   (18)   (10)


In 2022, the Company renewed its brent crude oil hedge through options contracts on Brent Crude Oil, for different portions of the exposure, in order to reduce the impact of fluctuations in fuel oil prices on the hiring and availability of maritime freight and, consequently, to reduce the Company’s cash flow volatility. The derivative transactions were negotiated over-the-counter and the protected item is part of the costs linked to the price of fuel oil used on ships. The financial settlement inflows or outflows are offset by the protected items’ losses or gains.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




j) Other derivatives, including embedded derivatives in contracts

    Notional           Fair value   Financial settlement Inflows (Outflows)   Value at Risk   Fair value   Valor justo
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Bought / Sold   Average strike (US$/bbl)   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   September 30, 2022   2022   2023+
Option related to a Special Purpose Entity (i)    
Call option   -   137,751,623   B   -   -   70   -   -   -   -
Embedded derivative in natural gas purchase agreement    
Call options   746,667   729,571   S   233   (78)   (3)   (4)   (47)   (78)   -
Fixed price sales protection                                        
Nickel forwards   792   342   B   20,630   2   8   9   5   1   2
Hedge program for products acquisition for resale                                        
Nickel forwards   84   1,206   S   22,523   1   (6)   35   1   1   -

(i) In January 2019, the Company acquired a call option related to shares of certain special purpose entities, which are part of a wind farm located in state of Bahia, Brazil, which expired in July 2022 without exercising the option.

k) Sensitivity analysis of derivative financial instruments


The following tables present the potential value of the instruments given hypothetical stress scenarios for the main market risk factors that impact the derivatives positions. The scenarios were defined as follows:


- Probable: the probable scenario was defined as the fair value of the derivative instruments as of September 30, 2022.

- Scenario I: fair value estimated considering a 25% deterioration in the associated risk variables.

- Scenario II: fair value estimated considering a 50% deterioration in the associated risk variables.


Instrument   Instrument's main risk events   Probable   Scenario I   Scenario II
CDI vs. US$ fixed rate swap   R$ depreciation   (843)   (2,815)   (4,787)
    US$ interest rate inside Brazil decrease   (843)   (1,115)   (1,414)
    Brazilian interest rate increase   (843)   (1,042)   (1,242)
Protected item: R$ denominated liabilities   R$ depreciation   n.a.   -   -
TJLP vs. US$ fixed rate swap   R$ depreciation   (313)   (602)   (892)
    US$ interest rate inside Brazil decrease   (313)   (342)   (373)
    Brazilian interest rate increase   (313)   (363)   (408)
    TJLP interest rate decrease   (313)   (347)   (382)
Protected item: R$ denominated debt   R$ depreciation   n.a.   -   -
R$ fixed rate vs. US$ fixed rate swap   R$ depreciation   665   (4,190)   (9,045)
    US$ interest rate inside Brazil decrease   665   200   (292)
    Brazilian interest rate increase   665   (295)   (1,180)
Protected item: R$ denominated debt   R$ depreciation   n.a.   -   -
IPCA swap vs. US$ fixed rate swap   R$ depreciation   (412)   (850)   (1,287)
    US$ interest rate inside Brazil decrease   (412)   (470)   (533)
    Brazilian interest rate increase   (412)   (497)   (581)
    IPCA index decrease   (412)   (455)   (498)
Protected item: R$ denominated debt   R$ depreciation   n.a.   -   -
US$ floating rate vs. US$ fixed rate swap   US$ Libor decrease   57   28   (1)
Protected item: Libor US$ indexed debt   US$ Libor decrease   n.a.   (28)   1
NDF BRL/USD   R$ depreciation   201   (719)   (1,638)
    US$ interest rate inside Brazil decrease   201   150   97
    Brazilian interest rate increase   201   90   (15)
Protected item: R$ denominated liabilities   R$ depreciation   n.a.   -   -




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




Instrument   Instrument's main risk events   Probable   Scenario I   Scenario II
Fuel oil protection                
Options   Price input decrease   (25)   (608)   (1,565)
Protected item: Part of costs linked to fuel oil prices   Price input decrease   n.a.   608   1,565
Forward Freight Agreement                
Forwards   Freight price decrease   (28)   (48)   (72)
Protected item: Part of costs linked to maritime freight prices   Freight price decrease   n.a.   48   72
Nickel sales fixed price protection                
Forwards   Nickel price decrease   2   (20)   (42)
Protected item: Part of nickel revenues with fixed prices   Nickel price decrease   n.a.   20   42
Hedge program for products acquisition for resale (tons)                
Forwards   Nickel price increase   1   -   (2)
Protected item: Part of revenues from products for resale   Nickel price increase   n.a.   -   2
Nickel Revenue Hedging Program                
Options   Nickel price increase   377   (158)   (693)
Protected item: Part of nickel revenues with fixed sales prices   Nickel price increase   n.a.   158   693
Palladium Revenue Hedging Program                
Options   Palladium price increase   16   1   (10)
Protected item: Part of palladium future revenues   Palladium price increase   n.a.   (1)   10


Instrument   Main risks   Probable   Scenario I   Scenario II
Embedded derivatives - Gas purchase   Pellet price increase   (78)   (160)   (253)


l) Financial counterparties’ ratings


The transactions of derivative instruments, cash and cash equivalents as well as short-term investments are held with financial institutions whose exposure limits are periodically reviewed and approved by the delegated authority. The financial institutions credit risk is performed through a methodology that considers, among other information, ratings provided by international rating agencies.


The table below presents the ratings in foreign currency as published by Moody’s regarding the main financial institutions used by the Company to contract derivative instruments, cash and cash equivalents transaction.



    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Cash and cash equivalents and investment   Derivatives   Cash and cash equivalents and investment   Derivatives
Aa1   121   -   712   -
Aa2   1,880   10   1,592   81
Aa3   1,223   -   2,761   187
A1   10,650   671   6,387   19
A2   3,151   357   19,408   220
A3   4,853   134   8,471   111
Baa1   1   -   500   -
Baa2   616   -   59   -
Ba2 (i)   3,083   414   15,420   28
Ba3 (i)   2,662   93   11,096   -
Other   -   (34)   31   83
    28,240   1,645   66,437   729


(i) A substantial part of the balances is held with financial institutions in Brazil and, in local currency, they are deemed investment grade.





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





18.       Financial assets and liabilities


The Company classifies its financial instruments in accordance with the purpose for which they were acquired, and determines the

classification and initial recognition according to the following categories:


    September 30, 2022       December 31, 2021
Financial assets   Amortized cost   At fair value through OCI  

At fair value through

profit or loss

  Total   Amortized cost   At fair value through OCI  

At fair value through

profit or loss

Cash and cash equivalents (note 20)   28,015   -   -   28,015   65,409   -   -   65,409
Short-term investments (note 20)   -   -   225   225   -   -   1,028   1,028
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   -   -   821   821   -   -   619   619
Accounts receivable (note 9)   3,449   -   8,175   11,624   3,921   -   17,919   21,840
    31,464   -   9,221   40,685   69,330   -   19,566   88,896
Judicial deposits (note 25c)   6,968   -   -   6,968   6,808   -   -   6,808
Restricted cash (note 12)   420   -   -   420   653   -   -   653
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   -   -   824   824   -   -   110   110
Investments in equity securities (note 12)   -   32   -   32   -   33   -   33
    7,388   32   824   8,244   7,461   33   110   7,604
Total of financial assets   38,852   32   10,045   48,929   76,791   33   19,676   96,500
Financial liabilities                                
Suppliers and contractors (note 11)   25,600   -   -   25,600   19,393   -   -   19,393
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   -   -   558   558   -   -   1,355   1,355
Loans, borrowings and leases (note 20)   2,412   -   -   2,412   6,720   -   -   6,720
Liabilities related to the concession grant (note 12a)   3,749   -   -   3,749   4,241   -   -   4,241
Other financial liabilities - Related parties (note 28)   734   -   -   734   2,192   -   -   2,192
Contract liability   2,695   -   -   2,695   3,158   -   -   3,158
    35,190   -   558   35,748   35,704   -   1,355   37,059
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   -   -   1,467   1,467   -   -   3,301   3,301
Loans, borrowings and leases (note 20)   63,565   -   -   63,565   70,189   -   -   70,189
Participative stockholders' debentures (note 19)   -   -   14,379   14,379   -   -   19,078   19,078
Liabilities related to the concession grant (note 12a)   8,520   -   -   8,520   8,017   -   -   8,017
Financial guarantees (note 6a)   -   -   546   546   -   -   3,026   3,026
    72,085   -   16,392   88,477   78,206   -   25,405   103,611
Total of financial liabilities   107,275   -   16,950   124,225   113,910   -   26,760   140,670


a) Hierarchy of fair value

        September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total
Financial assets                                
Short-term investments (note 20)   225   -   -   225   1,028   -   -   1,028
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   -   1,645   -   1,645   -   659   70   729
Accounts receivable (note 9)   -   8,175   -   8,175   -   17,919   -   17,919
Investments in equity securities (note 12)   32   -   -   32   33   -   -   33
    257   9,820   -   10,077   1,061   18,578   70   19,709
Financial liabilities                                
Derivative financial instruments (note 17a)   -   2,025   -   2,025   -   4,656   -   4,656
Participative stockholders' debentures (note 19)   -   14,379   -   14,379   -   19,078   -   19,078
Financial guarantees (note 6)   -   546   -   546   -   3,026   -   3,026
    -   16,950   -   16,950   -   26,760   -   26,760


There were no transfers between levels 1, 2 and 3 of the fair value hierarchy during the periods presented.





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



a.i) Changes in Level 3 assets and liabilities during the period


    Derivative financial instruments
    Financial assets   Financial liabilities
Balance at December 31, 2021   70   -
Losses recognized in the income statement   (70)   -
Balance at September 30, 2022   -   -


b) Fair value of loans and borrowings


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Current liabilities   Fair value   Non-current liabilities   Fair value
Quoted in the secondary market:                
 Bonds   33,294   30,887   41,564   51,068
Debentures   1,270   1,254   2,160   2,160
Debt contracts in Brazil in:                
R$, indexed to TJLP, TR, IPCA, IGP-M and CDI   1,502   1,505   1,975   2,508
R$, with fixed interest   10   11   73   -
Basket of currencies and bonds in US$ indexed to LIBOR   -   -   61   61
Debt contracts in the international market in:                
US$, with variable and fixed interest   20,339   19,294   20,173   18,030
Other currencies, with variable interest   49   49   486   299
Other currencies, with fixed interest   475   469   597   654
Total   56,939   53,469   67,089   74,780



19. Participative stockholders’ debentures


At the time of its privatization in 1997, the Company issued a total of 388,559,056 debentures to then-existing stockholders, including the Brazilian Government. The debentures’ terms were set to ensure that pre-privatization stockholders would participate in potential future benefits that might be obtained from exploration of mineral resources. This obligation related to the debentures will cease when all the relevant mineral resources are exhausted, sold or otherwise disposed of by the Company.


Holders of participative stockholders’ debentures have the right to receive semi-annual payments equal to an agreed percentage of revenues less value-added tax, transport fee and insurance expenses related to the trading of the products, derived from these mineral resources. On October 3, 2022 (subsequent event), the Company made available for withdrawal as remuneration the amount of R$715 (US$137 million) for the first semester of 2022, as disclosed on the “Shareholders’ debentures report” made available on the Company’s website.


To calculate the fair value of the liability, the Company uses the weighted average price of trades in the secondary market for the last month of the quarter. The average price decreased from R$49.10 per debenture for the year ended December 31, 2021 to R$37.00 per debenture for the period ended September 30, 2022, resulting in a gain of R$3,800 (US$758 million) recorded in the income statement for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 (an expense of R$5,886 (US$1,107 million) for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021), respectively. As of September 30, 2022 the liability was R$14,379 (US$2,659 million) (R$19,078 (US$3,419 million) as at December 31, 2021).


The average price decreased from R$43.39 per debenture for the period ended June 30, 2022 (R$60.34 for the period ended June 30, 2021) to R$37.00 per debenture for the period ended September 30, 2022 (R$57.78 for the period ended September 30, 2021), resulting in a gain of R$2,478 (US$470 million) recorded in the income statement for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022 (a gain of R$825 (US$152 million) for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021).




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




20.       Loans, borrowings, leases, cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments


a)      Net debt


The Company evaluates the net debt with the objective of ensuring the continuity of its business in the long term.


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Debt contracts   57,663   67,967
Leases   8,314   8,942
Total of loans, borrowings and leases   65,977   76,909
(-) Cash and cash equivalents   28,015   65,409
(-) Short-term investments   225   1,028
Net debt   37,737   10,472


b) Cash and cash equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents include cash, immediately redeemable deposits, and short-term investments with an insignificant risk of change in value and readily convertible to cash, being R$10,137 (US$1,875 million) (R$37,468 (US$6,714 million) as of December 31, 2021) denominated in R$, indexed to the CDI, R$13,944 (US$2,579 million) (R$26,613 (US$4,769 million) as of December 31, 2021) denominated in US$ and R$3,934 (US$728 million) (R$1,328 (US$238 million) as of December 31, 2021) denominated in other currencies as of September 30, 2022.


c)       Short-term investments


As of September 30, 2022, the balance of R$225 (US$42 million) (R$1,028 (US$184 million) as of December 31, 2021) substantially comprises investments in exclusive investment fund immediately liquidity, whose portfolio is composed of committed transactions and Financial Treasury Bills (“LFTs”), which are floating-rate securities issued by the Brazilian government.


d)        Loans, borrowings, and leases


i) Total debt

        Current liabilities   Non-current liabilities
    Average interest rate (i)   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Quoted in the secondary market:                    
US$ Bonds   6.00%   -   -   33,294   41,564
R$ Debentures (ii)   9.96%   243   1,038   1,027   1,122
Debt contracts in Brazil in (iii):                    
R$, indexed to TJLP, TR, IPCA, IGP-M and CDI   10.83%   237   530   1,265   1,445
R$, with fixed interest   3.04%   10   67   -   6
Basket of currencies and bonds in US$ indexed to LIBOR       -   61   -   -
Debt contracts in the international market in:                    
US$, with variable and fixed interest   4.20%   292   2,673   20,047   17,500
Other currencies, with variable interest   4.09%   -   430   49   56
Other currencies, with fixed interest   3.59%   59   67   416   530
Accrued charges       724   878   -   -
Total       1,565   5,744   56,098   62,223


(i) In order to determine the average interest rate for debt contracts with floating rates, the Company used the rate applicable as of September 30, 2022.

(ii) The Company has debentures in Brazil that were raised with BNDES for infrastructure investment projects.

(iii) The Company contracted derivatives to mitigate the exposure to changes in cash flows of debt contracted in Brazil, resulting in an average cost of 3.59% per year in US$.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




Future flows of debt payments, principal and interest


Estimated future

interest payments (i)

2022   419   748
2023   550   3,342
2024   3,283   3,205
2025   800   3,086
Between 2026 and 2030   19,870   10,099
2031 onwards   32,017   12,993
Total   56,939   33,473


(i) Based on interest rate curves and foreign exchange rates applicable as of September 30, 2022 and considering that the payments of principal will be made on their contracted payments dates. The amount includes the estimated interest not yet accrued and the interest already recognized in the financial statements.




Some of the Company’s debt agreements with lenders contain covenants. The primary financial covenants in those agreements require maintaining certain ratios, such as debt to EBITDA, which is defined in note 4, and interest coverage. The Company did not identify any instances of noncompliance as of September 30, 2022.


Reconciliation of debt to cash flows arising from financing activities

    Quoted in the secondary market   Debt contracts in Brazil   Debt contracts on the international market   Total
December 31, 2021   44,501   2,120   21,346   67,967
Additions    -       -      4,133   4,133
Payments   (7,276)   (1,089)   (3,272)   (11,637)
Interest paid (i)   (2,943)   (239)   (174)   (3,356)
Cash flow from financing activities   (10,219)   (1,328)   687   (10,860)
Effect of exchange rate   (1,579)   (15)   (790)   (2,384)
Interest accretion   2,058   607   275   2,940
Non-cash changes   479   592   (515)   556
September 30, 2022   34,761   1,384   21,518   57,663


(i) Classified as cash flow due to operational activities.


Funding and payments



·In January 2022, the Company contracted two lines of credit indexed to Libor, in the amount of R$2,361 (US$425 million) with maturity in 2027 with the Bank of Nova Scotia, and prepaid R$993 (US$200 million) of a line of credit maturing in 2023 with the same bank.


·In May 2022, the Company contracted the credit line of R$967 (US$200 million) with MUFG Bank indexed to Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) and maturing in 2027.


·In June 2022, the Company repurchased R$6,520 (US$1,291 million) of its bonds and paid a premium of R$568 (US$113 million), which has been recorded and is presented as “Bond premium repurchase” under the financial results for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022.


·In July 2022, the Company contracted the credit line of R$805 (US$150 million) with SMBC Bank indexed to Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) and maturing in 2027.


·In August 2022, the Company settle its infrastructure debentures of the 2nd series, by a payment of R$865 (US$170 million).


·In January 2021, the Company contracted the credit line of R$1,633 (US$300 million) with The New Development Bank maturing in 2035 and indexed to Libor + 2.49% per year.


·In March 2021, the Company redeemed all of its 3.750% bonds due January 2023, in the total amount of R$4,946 (EUR750 million) and paid a premium of R$354 (US$63 million), which was recorded and is presented as “Bond premium repurchase” under the financial results for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




Lease liabilities

    December 31, 2021   Additions and contract modifications   Payments (i)   Interest   Sale of Midwestern System (note 14)   Translation adjustment   September 30, 2022
Ports   3,982   4   (274)   100   (79)   (109)   3,624
Vessels   2,731   (2)   (244)   68   -   (103)   2,450
Pelletizing plants   1,253   78   (47)   39   -   -   1,323
Properties   577   80   (139)   10   -   2   530
Energy plants   328   -   (21)   12   -   (35)   284
Mining equipment   71   61   (19)   9   -   (19)   103
Total   8,942   221   (744)   238   (79)   (264)   8,314
Current liabilities   976   -   -   -   -   -   847
Non-current liabilities   7,966   -   -   -   -   -   7,467
Total   8,942   -   -   -   -   -   8,314


(i) The total amount of the variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liabilities for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 was R$1,386 (US$270 million) (2021: R$1.457 (US$277 million)).


Annual minimum payments and remaining lease term


The following table presents the undiscounted lease obligation by maturity date. The lease liability recognized in the balance sheet is measured at the present value of such obligations.

    2022   2023   2024   2025   2026 onwards   Total   Remaining contractual term (years)   Discount rate
Ports   88   336   333   330   3,941   5,028   1 to 21   3% to 5%
Vessels   85   333   325   317   1,869   2,929   3 to 11   3% to 4%
Pelletizing plants   223   262   217   217   606   1,525   1 to 11   2% to 5%
Properties   59   132   116   70   229   606   1 to 8   2% to 6%
Energy plants   9   32   28   28   269   366   1 to 8   5% to 6%
Mining equipment   10   33   23   20   15   101   1 to 6   2% to 6%
Total   474   1,128   1,042   982   6,929   10,555        



21.       Brumadinho dam failure


On January 25, 2019, a tailings dam (“Dam I”) failed at the Córrego do Feijão mine, in the city of Brumadinho, state of Minas Gerais. The failure released a flow of tailings debris, destroying some of Vale’s facilities, affecting local communities and disturbing the environment. The tailings released have caused an impact of around 315 km in extension, reaching the nearby Paraopeba River. The dam failure in Brumadinho (“event”) resulted in 270 fatalities or presumed fatalities, including 4 victims still missing, and caused extensive property and environmental damage in the region.


As a result, on February 4, 2021, the Company entered into a Judicial Settlement for Integral Reparation (“Global Settlement”), which was under negotiations since 2019, with the State of Minas Gerais, the Public Defender of the State of Minas Gerais and the Federal and the State of Minas Gerais Public Prosecutors Offices, to repair the environmental and social damage resulting from the Dam I rupture.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




Changes on the provisions in the period

    December 31, 2021  



  Present value adjustment   Disbursements   September 30, 2022
Global Settlement for Brumadinho                    
Payment obligations   7,964   -   205   (2,881)   5,288
Provision for socio-economic reparation and others   4,757   -   67   (337)   4,487
Provision for social and environmental reparation   3,933   -   220   (158)   3,995
    16,654   -   492   (3,376)   13,770
Tailings containment and geotechnical safety   1,772   1,215   (15)   (290)   2,682
Individual indemnification   640   -   (1)   (309)   330
Other commitments   671   162   (29)   (118)   686
    3,083   1,377   (45)   (717)   3,698
    19,737   1,377   447   (4,093)   17,468
Current liabilities   6,449               7,127
Non-current liabilities   13,288               10,341
Liabilities   19,737   -   -   -   17,468
Discount rate in nominal terms   8.08%               8.75%


The Company has incurred expenses, which have been recognized straight to the income statement, in relation to tailings management, humanitarian assistance, payroll, legal services, water supply, among others. In the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022, the Company incurred expenses in the amounts of R$836 (US$160 million) and R$2,236 (US$437 million), respectively (R$847 (US$161 million) and R$2,437 (US$461 million), in the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2021)).

a) Global Settlement for Brumadinho

The Global Agreement includes: (i) payment obligations, of which the funds will be used directly by the State of Minas Gerais and Institutions of Justice for socio-economic and socio-environmental compensation projects; (ii) socioeconomic projects in Brumadinho and other municipalities; and (iii) compensation of the environmental damage caused by the dam rupture. These obligations are projected for an average period of 5 years.


For the measures (i) and (ii), the agreement specifies an amount for each project and changes in the original budget and deadlines may have an impact in the provision. In addition, despite the amount set by Global Settlement to carry out the environmental recovery actions, it has no cap due to the Company's legal obligation to fully repair the environmental damage caused by the dam rupture. The expenses related to these obligations are deducted from the income tax calculation, in accordance with the Brazilian tax regulation, which is subject to periodic inspection by the competent authorities. Therefore, despite the fact Vale is monitoring this provision, the amount recorded could materially change depending on several factors that are not under the Company’s control.

b) Contingencies and other legal matters


(b.i) Public civil actions brought by the State of Minas Gerais and state public prosecutors for damages resulting from the rupture of Dam I

The Company is party to public civil actions brought by the State of Minas Gerais and justice institutions, claiming compensation for socioeconomic and socio-environmental damages resulting from the dam failure and seeking a broad range of preliminary injunctions ordering Vale to take specific remediation and reparation actions. As a result of the Global Settlement, settled in February 2021, the requests for the reparation of socio-environmental and socioeconomic damages caused by the dam rupture were substantially resolved. Indemnifications for individual damages was excluded from the Global Settlement, and the Term of Commitment signed with the Public Defendants of the State of Minas Gerais was ratified, whose parameters are utilized as a basis for the settlement of individual agreements. In the same year of 2021, it was initiated, by Vale and the State of Minas Gerais and justice institutions, the fulfilment of the Global Settlement.

(b.ii) Collective Labor Civil Actions

In 2021, public civil actions were filed in the Betim Labor Court in the State of Minas Gerais, by a workers' unions claiming the payment of compensation for death damages to own and outsourced employees, who died as a result of the rupture of Dam I.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



Initial sentences were published condemning Vale to pay from R$1 (US$185 thousand) per fatal victim. Vale is defending itself on the lawsuits and understands that the likelihood of loss is possible.

(b.iii) U.S. Securities class action suit


Vale is defending itself in a class action brought before a Federal Court in New York and filed by holders of securities - American Depositary Receipts ("ADRs") - issued by Vale. Following the decision of the Court, in May 2020, that denied the Motion to Dismiss presented by the Company, the Discovery phase has started and is expected to be concluded in 2023.

On November 24, 2021, a new Complaint was filed before the same Court by eight Plaintiffs, all investment funds, as an “opt-out” litigation from the class action already pending in the Eastern District of New York court, asserting virtually the same claims against the same defendants as those in the class case.

The likelihood of loss of these proceedings is classified as possible. However, considering the initial stage of this class action, it is not possible to reliably estimate the amount of a potential loss at this time. The Plaintiff did not specify the amounts alleged in this demand.

(b.iv) Arbitration proceedings in Brazil filed by minority stockholders and a class association

In Brazil, Vale is a defendant in (i) one arbitration filed by 385 minority stockholders, (ii) two arbitrations filed by a class association allegedly representing all Vale’s minority stockholders, and (iii) three arbitrations filed by foreign investment funds.

In the six proceedings, the Claimants argue Vale was aware of the risks associated with the dam and failed to disclose it to the stockholders. Based on such argument, they claim compensation for losses caused by the decrease of the value of the shares.

The expectation of loss is classified as possible for the six procedures and, considering the initial phase, it is not possible at this time to reliably estimate the amount of a possible loss.

In one of the proceedings filed by foreign funds, the Claimants initially estimated the amount of the alleged losses would be approximately R$1,800 (US$333 million). In another proceeding filed by foreign funds, the Claimants initially estimated the amount of the alleged losses would be approximately US$721 (R$3,900 million). The Company disagrees with the ongoing proceedings and understands that, in this case and at the current stage of the proceedings, the probability of loss in the amount claimed by the foreign funds is remote.

(b.v) Lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and Investigations conducted by CVM

On April 28, 2022, SEC filed a suit against Vale alleging violations of U.S. securities laws arising from Vale’s disclosures about its dam safety management, including the dam in Brumadinho. The SEC is seeking the imposition of civil monetary penalties, disgorgement and other relief within the SEC’s authority in a lawsuit filed in a federal court. Vale believes that its disclosures did not violate U.S. law and is contesting such allegations. On September 29, 2022, Vale served the SEC with its motion to dismiss the complaint. The SEC’s deadline to serve Vale with its Opposition to the motion to dismiss is currently ongoing. The likelihood of loss of this proceeding is classified as possible and it is not yet possible to reliably estimate the amount of a potential loss to the Company due to the initial phase of the lawsuit.

CVM is also conducting investigations relating to Vale's disclosure of relevant information to shareholders, investors and the market in general, especially regarding the conditions and management of Vale's dams. The likelihood of loss of this proceeding is classified as possible and it is not yet possible to reliably estimate the amount of a potential loss to the Company.

(b.vi) Criminal proceedings and investigations

In January 2020, the State Prosecutors of Minas Gerais (“MPMG”) filed criminal charges against 16 individuals (including former executive officers of Vale and former employees) for a number of potential crimes, including homicide, and against Vale S.A. for alleged environmental crimes. In November 2021, the Brazilian Federal Police concluded an investigation on potential criminal liability for the Brumadinho dam rupture. The investigation has been sent to the Federal Public Prosecutors (“MPF”), which has not brought criminal charges against Vale. The MPF and the Brazilian Federal Police conducted a separate investigation into the causes of the dam rupture in Brumadinho, which may result in new criminal proceedings. Vale is defending itself against the criminal claims and is no possible to estimate when a decision will be issued.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




(b.vii) Decision of Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General (“CGU”)

In October 2020, the Company was informed that the CGU initiated an administrative proceeding based on the same allegations under the Brazilian Law 12,846/2013 in connection with inspection and monitoring activities relating to the Brumadinho dam. In August 2022, the CGU has concluded that Vale has failed to present reliable information to the Brazilian National Mining Agency (“ANM”) and that it was issued a positive stability condition (“DCE”) statement for the Dam I of Brumadinho, when, in the understanding of the CGU, it should be negative. Thus, even recognizing the non-existence of corruption acts, the CGU issued a fine of R$86 (US$16 million), the minimum baseline established by law, recognizing the non-involvement or tolerance of the top management. Vale has submitted a request for reconsideration, but it believes the likelihood of loss this amount is possible.


c) Insurance


The Company is negotiating with insurers the payment of indemnification under its civil liability and Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. However, these negotiations are still in progress, therefore any payment of insurance proceeds will depend on the coverage definitions under these policies and assessment of the amount of loss. Due to uncertainties, no indemnification related to these insurers was recognized in these financial statements.



22.       Liabilities related to associates and joint ventures


a) Provision related to the rupture of Samarco dam


In November 2015, the Fundão tailings dam owned by Samarco Mineração S.A. (Samarco) failed, releasing tailings downstream, flooding certain communities and causing impacts on communities and the environment along the Doce river. The rupture resulted in 19 fatalities and caused property and environmental damage to the affected areas. Samarco is a joint venture equally owned by Vale S.A. and BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda. (‘‘BHPB’’).


In 2016, Vale, Samarco and BHPB, entered into a Framework Agreement with the Federal Government of Brazil, the states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais and certain other public authorities to establish that is developing and executing environmental and socio-economic programs to remediate and provide compensation for damage caused by the Samarco dam failure.


In June 2018, Samarco, Vale and BHPB entered into a comprehensive agreement with the offices of the federal and state (Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo) prosecutors, public defenders and attorney general, among other parties (“TacGov Agreement”), improving the governance mechanism of Renova Foundation and establishing, among other things, a process for potential revisions to the remediation programs under the Framework Agreement.


Under the Framework Agreement, Samarco has primary responsibility for funding Fundação Renova’s annual calendar year budget for the duration of the Framework Agreement. However, to the extent that Samarco does not meet its funding obligations, each of Vale and BHPB have secondary funding obligations under the Framework Agreement in proportion to its 50 per cent shareholding in Samarco.


Samarco began to gradually recommence operations in December 2020, however, there remains significant uncertainty regarding Samarco’s long-term cash flow generation. In light of these uncertainties and based on currently available information, Vale has a provision for its obligations under the Framework Agreement programs in the amount of R$15,963 (US$2,953 million) at September 30, 2022 (December 31, 2021: R$16,245 (US$2,910 million)).


b) Germano Dam


In addition to the Fundão tailings dam, Samarco owns the Germano dam, which was also built under the upstream method and has been inactive since the Fundão dam rupture. Due to the safety requirements set by the Brazilian National Mining Agency (“ANM”), Samarco prepared a project for the de-characterization of this dam, resulting in a provision for the de-characterization of the Germano tailings dam. As of September 30, 2022, Vale has a provision for de-characterization of Germano tailings dam in the amount of R$1,033 (US$191 million) (December 31, 2021: R$1,126 (US$202 million)).




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




c) Changes on the provisions in the period


    2022   2021
Balance at January 1,   17,371   10,782
Additional provision   450   2,820
Disbursements   (598)   (743)
Present value adjustment   (227)   (537)
Balance at September 30,   16,996   12,322
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Current liabilities   10,959   9,964
Non-current liabilities   6,037   7,407
Liabilities   16,996   17,371


d) Samarco’s working capital


In addition to the provision, Vale S.A. made available R$113 (US$21 million) during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021, which was fully used to fund Samarco’s working capital. This amount was recognized in Vale´s income statement as an expense in “Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures”. In 2022, Vale was not required to fund Samarco’s working capital.


e) Judicial recovery of Samarco

In April 2021, Samarco announced the request for Judicial Reorganization (“RJ”) that was filed with the Minas Gerais Court to renegotiate its debt, which is held by bondholders abroad. The purpose of RJ is to restructure Samarco’s debts and establish an independent and sustainable financial position, allowing Samarco to keep working to resume its operations safely and to fulfill its obligations related to the Renova Foundation.


In addition, the ongoing discussions in the context of the RJ may lead to the loss of deductibility of part of the expenses incurred with the Renova Foundation and of the deferred taxes over the total provision, depending on the method determined for restructuring Samarco's debts. As of September 30, 2022, the exposure is R$7,951 (US$1,471 million), of which R$2,376 (US$439 million) are expenses already incurred and considered as part of the Company’s uncertain tax positions.


The Company is working in the perspective that the mechanisms resulting from the RJ will continue allowing the deductibility of these expenses. However, future decisions resulting from the negotiations regarding Samarco's capital structure, which are not under Vale's control, could materially change the deferred tax recognized by the Company.


f) Contingencies related to Samarco accident


These proceedings include public civil actions brought by Brazilian authorities and multiple proceedings involving claims for significant amounts of damages and remediation measures. The Framework Agreements represents a model for the settlement of the public civil action brought by the MPF and other related proceedings. There are also putative securities class actions in the United States against Vale and some of its current and former officers and a criminal proceeding in Brazil. The main updates regarding the lawsuits in the period were as follows:


(f.i) Public civil action brought by federal prosecutors and framework agreements


Vale is a defendant in several legal proceedings brought by governmental authorities and civil associations claiming socioenvironmental and socioeconomic damages and a number of specific remediation measures as a result of the rupture of Samarco’s Fundão dam, including a claim brought by the Federal Public Prosecution Office in 2016 seeking R$155 billion (US$29 billion) (full amount of the claim, the effect for Vale would be 50% of this amount), which has been suspended from the date of ratification of the TacGov Agreement.


However, pre-requisites established in the TacGov Agreement, for renegotiation of the Framework Agreement were not implemented during the two-year period and on September 30, 2020, and Brazilian Federal and State prosecutors and public defenders filed a request for the immediate resumption of the R$155 billion (US$29 billion) claim.


Therefore, Vale, Samarco, BHPB and Federal and State prosecutors have been engaging in negotiations to seek a definitive settlement of the obligations under the Framework Agreement and the R$155 billion (US$29 billion) Federal Public Prosecution Office claim. The goal with a potential agreement is to provide a stable framework for the execution of reparation and compensation programs.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




The potential agreement is still uncertain as it is subject to conclusion of the negotiations and approval by the Company, relevant authorities and Intervenient parties.


The estimate of the economic impact of a potential agreement will depend mainly on (i) a detailed assessment of the estimates of the amounts to be spent on the reparation and compensation projects being discussed, (ii) an analysis of the detailed scope of such projects to determine their overlap with the initiatives and amounts already provisioned; and (iii) the timing of the execution of projects and disbursements, which will impact the present value of the obligations.


Therefore, until any revisions to the Programs are agreed, Fundação Renova will continue to implement the Programs in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement and the TacGov Agreement, for which the expected costs are reflected in the Company’s provision.


(f.ii) Criminal proceeding


In September 2019, the federal court of Ponte Nova dismissed all criminal charges against Vale representatives relating to the first group of charges, which concerns to the results of the Fundão dam failure, remaining only the legal entity in the passive pole. The second group of charges against Vale S.A. and one of the Company’s former employee, which concerns the accusation of alleged crimes committed against the Environmental Public Administration, remained unchanged. The Company is defending itself and cannot estimate when a final decision on the case will be issued.


g) Insurance


Since the Fundão dam rupture, the Company negotiated with insurers the indemnification payments based on its general liability policies. In the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021, the Company received R$181 (US$33 million), which was recorded as a gain in the income statement as “Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures”. The Company did not receive any further insurance in 2022 and does not expect to receive any material amounts in the future.



23.Provision for de-characterization of dam structures and asset retirement obligations


The Company is subject to laws and regulations that requires the decommissioning of the assets and mines sites at the end of the operation and, therefore, decommissioning expenditures are incurred predominantly when the Company ceases the operating activities. Depending on the geotechnical characteristics of the structures, the Company is required to de-characterize the structures, as described below.


a) De-characterization of upstream and centerline geotechnical structures


As a result of the Brumadinho dam rupture (note 21), the Company has decided to speed up the plan to “de-characterize” all of its tailings dams built under the upstream method, certain “centerline structures” and dikes, located in Brazil. The Company also operates tailings dams in Canada, including upstream compacted dams. However, the Company has decided that these dams will be decommissioned using other methods, and so, the provision to execute decommissioning of dams in Canada is recognized as “Asset retirement obligations and environmental obligations”, presented in item (b) below.


In September 2020, the federal government enacted Law no. 14,066, which modified the National Dam Safety Policy (Law no. 12,334/2020), reinforcing the prohibition of constructing and raising upstream dams in Brazil. The statute also requires companies to de-characterize the structures built using the upstream method by 2022, or by a later date if it is proven that the de-characterization is not technically feasible by 2022. A substantial part of the Company's de-characterization projects will be completed in 15 years, which exceeds the date established in the regulation due to the characteristics and safety levels of the Company's geotechnical structures.


Thus, in February 2022, the Company filed with the relevant bodies a request for an extension to perform the projects and, as a result, signed a Term of Commitment establishing legal and technical certainty for the process of de-characterization of the upstream dams, considering that the deadline defined was technically unfeasible, especially due to the necessary actions to increase safety during the works. With the signing of the agreement, the Company recorded an additional provision of R$192 (US$37 million) to make investments in social and environmental projects over a period of 8 years.





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



Changes on the provisions in the period

    2022   2021
Balance at January 1,   19,666   11,897
Additional provision   375   -
Disbursements   (1,271)   (1,356)
Present value adjustment   (98)   (442)
Balance at September 30,   18,672   10,099
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Current liabilities   2,550   2,518
Non-current liabilities   16,122   17,148
Liabilities   18,672   19,666


In addition, due to the de-characterization projects, the Company has suspended some operations due to judicial decisions or technical analysis performed by Vale on its upstream dam structures located in Brazil. The Company has been recording losses in relation to the operational stoppage and idle capacity of the ferrous mineral segment in the amounts of R$1,039 (US$202 million) for the nine-month period ended on September 30, 2022 (R$1,376 (US$256 million) for the nine-month period ended on September 30, 2021). The Company is working on legal and technical measures to resume all operations at full capacity.


b) Asset retirement obligations and environmental obligations


    Liability   Discount rate    
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   Cash flow duration
Liability by geographical area                    
Brazil   7,207   7,786   5.74%   5.48%   2119
Canada   7,909   15,221   1.39%   0.00%   2150
Oman   663   684   4.86%   3.03%   2035
Indonesia   376   432   4.49%   4.20%   2061
Other   1,000   1,432   0,02 - 2,55%   0.00 - 7.79%   -
    17,155   25,555            


Changes on the provisions in the period

    2022   2021
    Asset retirement obligations   Environmental obligations   Total   Asset retirement obligations   Environmental obligations   Total
Balance at January 1,   23,906   1,649   25,555   21,929   1,571   23,500
Present value adjustment (i)   (5,851)   (23)   (5,874)   (2,452)   (41)   (2,493)
Disbursements   (375)   (212)   (587)   (317)   (166)   (483)
Revisions on projected cash flows   200   5   205   -   -   -
Translation adjustment   (1,886)   (18)   (1,904)   811   8   819
Transfer to assets held for sale (note 14)   (231)   (9)   (240)   -   -   -
Balance at September 30,   15,763   1,392   17,155   19,971   1,372   21,343
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Asset retirement obligations   Environmental obligations   Total   Asset retirement obligations   Environmental obligations   Total
Current   711   526   1,237   400   550   950
Non-current   15,052   866   15,918   23,506   1,099   24,605
Liability   15,763   1,392   17,155   23,906   1,649   25,555

(i) Mainly refers to the increase in the discount rate of the asset retirement obligation in Canada, which increased from 0.00% to 1.39% in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022. The adjustment in provision was recorded as the property, plant and equipment (note 16).


c) Financial guarantees


The Company has issued letters of credit and surety bonds of R$3,063 (US$566 million) as of September 30, 2022 (R$3,373 (US$605 million) as of December 31, 2021), in connection with the asset retirement obligations for its Base Metals operations.






Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



24.        Provisions

    Current liabilities   Non-current liabilities
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Provisions for litigation (note 25)   543   516   5,886   5,647
Employee post-retirement obligations (note 26)   565   553   6,811   8,556
Payroll, related charges and other remunerations   3,917   4,553   -   -
Onerous contracts (note 14)   -   208   -   4,879
    5,025   5,830   12,697   19,082



25.       Litigations


The Company is defendant in numerous legal actions in the ordinary course of business, including civil, tax, environmental and labor proceedings.


The Company makes use of estimates to recognize the amounts and the probability of outflow of resources, based on reports and technical assessments and on management’s assessment. Provisions are recognized for probable losses of which a reliable estimate can be made.


Arbitral, legal and administrative decisions against the Company, new jurisprudence and changes of existing evidence can result in changes regarding the probability of outflow of resources and on the estimated amounts, according to the assessment of the legal basis.


a)        Provision for legal proceedings


The Company has considered all information available to assess the likelihood of an outflow of resources and in the preparation on the estimate of the costs that may be required to settle the obligations.


Tax litigations - Mainly refers to the lawsuit filed in 2011 by Valepar (merged by Vale) seeking the right to exclude the amount of dividends received in the form of interest on capital (“JCP”) from the PIS and COFINS tax base. The amount reserved for this proceeding as of September 30, 2022 is R$2,345 (US$434 million) (2021: R$2,243 (US$402 million)). This proceeding is guaranteed by a judicial deposit in the amount of R$2,714 (US$502 as of September 30, 2022) (2021: R$2,586 (US$463 million)).


Civil litigations - Refers to lawsuits for: (i) indemnities for losses, payments and contractual fines due to contractual imbalance or non-compliance that are alleged by suppliers, and (ii) land claims referring to real estate Vale's operational activities.


Labor litigations - Refers to lawsuits for individual claims by in-house employees and service providers, primarily involving demands for additional compensation for overtime work, moral damages or health and safety conditions.


Environmental litigations - Refers mainly to proceedings for environmental damages and issues related to environmental licensing.


    Tax litigation   Civil litigation   Labor litigation   Environmental litigation   Total of litigation provision
Balance at December 31, 2021   2,542   1,579   2,000   42   6,163
Additions and reversals, net (note 5)   16   198   251   29   494
Payments   (5)   (266)   (221)   (3)   (495)
Indexation and interest   111   140   66   1   318
Transfer to held for sale (note 14)   (4)   (39)   (8)   -   (51)
Balance at September 30, 2022   2,660   1,612   2,088   69   6,429
Current liabilities   81   121   330   11   543
Non-current liabilities   2,579   1,491   1,758   58   5,886
    2,660   1,612   2,088   69   6,429




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





    Tax litigation   Civil litigation   Labor litigation   Environmental litigation   Total of litigation provision
Balance at December 31, 2020   2,520   1,354   1,741   56   5,671
Additions and reversals, net (note 5)   (5)   23   333   5   356
Payments   (25)   (112)   (216)   (21)   (374)
Acquisition of NLC (note 14)   -   11   38   -   49
Indexation and interest   30   115   147   1   293
Translation adjustment   -   1   3   -   4
Balance at September 30, 2021   2,520   1,392   2,046   41   5,999
Current liabilities   38   84   311   1   434
Non-current liabilities   2,482   1,308   1,735   40   5,565
    2,520   1,392   2,046   41   5,999


b)       Contingent liabilities


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Tax litigations   33,985   28,891
Civil litigations   6,465   8,384
Labor litigations   2,969   2,882
Environmental litigations   5,570   5,322
Total   48,989   45,479


In addition, as reported in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company is a counterparty in several actions and the main updates on contingent liabilities since then, are discussed as follows:


(b.i) Tax proceedings - PIS/COFINS


The Company is a party to several collections related to the alleged improper use of PIS and COFINS credits (federal taxes levied on the companies' gross revenue). Brazilian tax legislation authorizes taxpayers to use PIS and COFINS tax credits, such as those referring to the acquisition of inputs for the production process and other items. The tax authorities mainly claim that (i) some credits were not related to the production process, and (ii) the right to use the tax credits was not adequately proven. During 2022 the Company received new proceedings in the amount of R$2.862 (US$529 million), for which the likelihood of loss is deemed possible.


(b.ii) Tax proceedings - Value added tax on services and circulation of goods (“ICMS”)


Vale is engaged in several administrative and court proceedings relating to additional charges of ICMS by the tax authorities of different Brazilian states. In each of these proceedings, the tax authorities claim that (i) use of undue tax credit; (ii) failing to comply with certain accessory obligations; (iii) the Company is required to pay the ICMS on acquisition of electricity (iv) operations related to the collection of tax rate differential (“DIFAL”) and (v) incidence of ICMS on its own transportation. During 2022, the Company received new proceedings in the amount of R$453 (US$84 million), for which the likelihood of loss is deemed possible.

c) Judicial deposits


    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Tax litigations   5,452   5,341
Civil litigations   742   559
Labor litigations   709   783
Environmental litigations   65   125
Total   6,968   6,808


d) Guarantees contracted for legal proceedings


In addition to the above-mentioned tax, civil, labor and environmental judicial deposits, the Company contracted R$11,792 (US$2,181 million) in guarantees for its lawsuits, as an alternative to judicial deposits.






Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





26.       Employee post-retirement obligations

a) Long-term incentive programs


The Company has long-term reward mechanisms that include the Matching program and the Performance Shares Units (“PSU”) for eligible executives to retain and stimulate their performance.


On March 30, 2022, a new cycle of the Matching program started and the fair value was calculated on the Company's share price and their respective ADRs at the grant date, which was R$95.87 and US$20.03 per share. The Company will grant 1,437,588 shares for the new cycle (2021: 1,046,255 shares).


During the third quarter of 2022, a new cycle of the PSU program has started and the Company will grant 1,709,955 shares (2021: 1,474,723 shares). The fair value was calculated based on the performance factor using Monte Carlo simulations for the Return to Shareholders Indicator and health and safety and sustainability indicators. The assumptions used for the Monte Carlo simulations are shown in the table below, as well as the result used to calculate the expected value of the total performance factor.


PSU   2022
Granted shares   1,709,955
Date shares were granted   1/3/2022
VALE (BRL)   78.00
VALE ON (USD)   13.81
Expected volatility   39.00%p.y.
Expected term (in years)   3
Expected shareholder return indicator   51.20%
Expected performance factor   53.08%

The fair value of the program will be recognized on a straight-line basis over the required three-year period of service, net of estimated losses.


b) Reconciliation of assets and liabilities recognized in the balance sheet



    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Overfunded pension plans   Underfunded pension plans   Other benefits   Overfunded pension plans   Underfunded pension plans   Other benefits
Balance at beginning of the period   5,135   -   -   4,488   -   -
Interest income   266   -   -   313   -   -
Changes on asset ceiling   1,305   -   -   326   -   -
Translation adjustment   32   -   -   8   -   -
Balance at end of the period   6,738   -   -   5,135   -   -
Amount recognized in the balance sheet                        
Present value of actuarial liabilities   (26,717)   (3,203)   (5,886)   (15,808)   (22,228)   (7,967)
Fair value of assets   33,455   1,713   -   20,943   21,086   -
Effect of the asset ceiling   (6,738)       -   (5,135)   -   -
Liabilities   -   (1,490)   (5,886)   -   (1,142)   (7,967)
Current liabilities   -   (220)   (345)   -   (266)   (287)
Non-current liabilities   -   (1,270)   (5,541)   -   (876)   (7,680)
Liabilities   -   (1,490)   (5,886)   -   (1,142)   (7,967)





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




27.        Stockholders’ equity


a) Share capital


As of September 30, 2022, the share capital was R$77.300 (US$61,614 million) corresponding to 4.778.889.263 shares issued and fully paid without par value.


    September 30, 2022
    Common shares   Golden shares   Total
Shareholders with more than 5% of total capital   1,317,200,871   -   1,317,200,871
Previ   408,743,556   -   408,743,556
Capital World Investors   319,508,101   -   319,508,101
Blackrock, Inc   302,602,159   -   302,602,159
Mitsui&co   286,347,055   -   286,347,055
Free floating   3,225,390,427   -   3,225,390,427
Golden shares   -   12   12
Total outstanding (without shares in treasury)   4,542,591,298   12   4,542,591,310
Shares in treasury   236,297,953   -   236,297,953
Total capital   4,778,889,251   12   4,778,889,263


The information presented above is based on communications sent by stockholders pursuant to Instruction 358 issued by the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (“CVM”).


b) Cancellation of treasury shares


·On February 24, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the cancellation of 133,418,347 common shares issued by the Company and held in treasury, without reducing the value of its share capital. The effect of R$14,589 (US$2,830 million) was recorded in shareholders' equity as “Treasury shares used and cancelled”.


·On July 28, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the cancellation of 220,150,800 common shares issued by the Company and held in treasury, without reducing the value of its share capital. The effect of R$19,466 (US$3,786 million) was recorded in shareholders' equity as “Treasury shares used and cancelled”.


·On September 16, 2021, the Board of Directors approved the cancellation of 152,016,372 common shares of the Company acquired in previous buyback programs and held in treasury, without reducing its capital stock. The effect of R$6,347 (US$2,401 million) was recorded in shareholders' equity as “Treasury shares used and cancelled”.


c) Remuneration approved


·On February 24, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the remuneration to shareholders in the amount of R$17,849 (US$3,500 million), which was fully paid on March 16, 2022.


·On July 28, 2022, the Board of Directors approved the remuneration to shareholders in the amount of R$16,243 (US$3,000 million) which was fully paid on September 1, 2022.


·On February 25, 2021, based on the Company’s dividends policy, the Board of Directors approved the remuneration to shareholders in the amount of R$21,866 (US$3,972 million), which was fully paid on March 15, 2021.


·On June 17, 2021, the Board of Directors approved an additional remuneration to shareholders in the amount of R$11,046 (US$2,200 million), which was fully paid on June 30, 2021.


·On September 16, 2021, the Board of Directors approved the stockholder’s remuneration in the total amount of R$40,200 (US$7,391 million), which was fully paid on September 30, 2021.



d) Share buyback

·On May 16, 2022, the Company reached the approved limit for the buyback program of up to 470,000,000 shares. Of this amount, 178,815,500 common shares and their respective ADRs were repurchased in 2022, corresponding R$16,225 (US$3,251 million), of which R$8,758 (US$1,750 million) were acquired through wholly owned subsidiaries and R$7,467 (US$1,501 million) by the Parent Company.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




·On May 16, 2022, the Company started a new share buyback program to repurchase 500,000,000 common shares and their respective ADRs over the next 18 months. During the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022, the Company repurchased 119,114,479 common shares and their respective ADRs, corresponding to R$9,339 (US$1,819 million), of which R$4,957 (US$964 million) were acquired through wholly owned subsidiaries and R$4,382 (US$855 million) by the Parent Company.


·As of September 30, 2022, the Company hold 236,297,953 shares, being 125,456,849 through its wholly owned subsidiaries and 110,841,104 directly by the Parent Company, of which R$10,610 (US$2,127 million) through its wholly owned subsidiaries and R$9,991 (US$1,887 million) million by the Parent Company.


·During the nine-month period ended September 30, 2021, the Company repurchased 238,860,947 common shares at an average cost of US$20.28 per share (R$105.76 per share), being 99,842,600 through wholly owned subsidiaries and 139,018,347 directly by the parent company. The amount acquired was R$25,261 (US$4,845 million), being R$9,687 (US$1,837 million) through wholly owned subsidiaries and R$15,574 (US$3,008 million) by the Parent Company.


28.        Related parties


The Company’s related parties are subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates, stockholders and its related entities and key management personnel of the Company.


Related party transactions were made by the Company on terms equivalent to those that prevail in arm´s-length transactions, with respect to price and market conditions that are no less favorable to the Company than those arranged with third parties.


Net operating revenue relates to sale of iron ore to the steelmakers and right to use capacity on railroads. Cost and operating expenses mostly relates to the variable lease payments of the pelletizing plants.


Purchases, accounts receivable and other assets, and accounts payable and other liabilities relate largely to amounts charged by joint ventures and associates related to the pelletizing plants operational lease and railway transportation services.


a)       Transactions with related parties


    Three-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
    Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results   Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results
Joint ventures   543   (1,433)   (33)   927   (1,466)   (5)
   Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém   482   -   7   927   -   17
   Aliança Geração de Energia S.A.   -   (181)   -   -   (153)   -
   Pelletizing companies (i)   -   (429)   (39)   -   (672)   (20)
   MRS Logística S.A.   2   (616)   -   -   (449)   -
   Norte Energia S.A.   -   (195)   -   -   (176)   -
   Other   59   (12)   (1)   -   (16)   (2)
Associates   384   (45)   (11)   359   (30)   (3)
   VLI   381   (43)   (3)   358   (30)   (3)
   Other   3   (2)   (8)   1   -   -
Major stockholders   355   -   461   271   -   (592)
   Bradesco   -   -   459   -   -   (597)
   Mitsui   355   -   -   271   -   -
   Banco do Brasil   -   -   2   -   -   5
Total of continuing operations   1,282   (1,478)   417   1,557   (1,496)   (600)
     Discontinued operation - Coal (note 14)   -   -   -   -   -   1
Total   1,282   (1,478)   417   1,557   (1,496)   (599)


(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




    Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
    Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results   Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results
Joint ventures   1,934   (3,770)   (148)   2,750   (3,221)   (48)
   Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém   1,771   -   (6)   2,750   -   9
   Aliança Geração de Energia S.A.   -   (449)   -   -   (425)   -
   Pelletizing companies (i)   -   (1,272)   (141)   -   (1,148)   (55)
   MRS Logística S.A.   5   (1,508)   -   -   (1,142)   -
   Norte Energia S.A.   -   (512)   -   -   (467)   -
   Other   158   (29)   (1)   -   (39)   (2)
Associates   1,122   (108)   (17)   1,042   (80)   (10)
   VLI   1,116   (106)   (9)   1,038   (80)   (10)
   Other   6   (2)   (8)   4   -   -
Major stockholders   1,143   -   1,449   882   -   (145)
   Bradesco   -   -   1,444   -   -   (160)
   Mitsui   1,143   -   -   882   -   -
   Banco do Brasil   -   -   5   -   -   15
Total of continuing operations   4,199   (3,878)   1,284   4,674   (3,301)   (203)
     Discontinued operation - Coal (note 14)   -   -   -   -   (518)   82
Total   4,199   (3,878)   1,284   4,674   (3,819)   (121)


(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.


b) Outstanding balances with related parties

    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Cash and cash equivalents   Accounts receivable   Dividends receivable, financial instruments and other assets   Cash and cash equivalents   Accounts receivable   Dividends receivable, financial instruments and other assets
Joint ventures   -   522   194   -   419   536
     Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém   -   498   92   -   414   219
     Pelletizing companies (i)   -   -   -   -   -   208
     MRS Logística S.A.   -   -   102   -   -   105
     Other   -   24   -   -   5   4
Associates   -   115   95   -   102   17
     VLI   -   95   -   -   87   -
     Other   -   20   95   -   15   17
Major stockholders   2,601   13   378   10,184   23   28
     Bradesco   2,406   -   378   9,744   -   28
     Mitsui   -   13   -   -   23   -
     Banco do Brasil   195   -   -   440   -   -
Pension plan   -   78   -   -   64   -
Total   2,601   728   667   10,184   608   581


(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Supplier and contractors   Financial instruments and other liabilities   Supplier and contractors   Financial instruments and other liabilities
Joint ventures   1,837   734   388   2,192
     Pelletizing companies (i)   1,444   734   73   2,192
     MRS Logística S.A.   220   -   228   -
     Other   173   -   87   -
Associates   43   475   57   262
     VLI   31   475   32   262
     Other   12   -   25   -
Major stockholders   7   627   9   1,479
     Bradesco   -   627   -   1,479
     Mitsui   7   -   9   -
Pension plan   46   -   54   -
Total   1,933   1,836   508   3,933


(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.



29.Parent Company information (individual interim information)


a) Income tax reconciliation


    Parent Company
    Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
Income before income taxes   92,669   114,258
Income taxes at statutory rate – 34%   (31,507)   (38,848)
Adjustments that affect the basis of taxes:        
Tax incentives   7,418   13,005
Equity results   10,555   (467)
Others   (2,770)   2,914
Income taxes   (16,304)   (23,396)


b)       Accounts receivable


    Parent Company
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Receivables from customer contracts        
Related parties   50,225   46,044
Third parties        
Ferrous minerals   1,085   1,897
Base metals   7   9
Others   39   23
Accounts receivable   51,356   47,973
Expected credit loss   (57)   (61)
Accounts receivable, net   51,299   47,912





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




c)       Other financial assets and liabilities


    Parent Company
    Current   Non-Current
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Other financial assets                
Restricted cash   -   -   24   358
Derivative financial instruments   336   410   656   46
Investments in equity securities   -   -   32   33
Related parties - Loans   -   -   48   43
    336   410   760   480
Other financial liabilities                
Derivative financial instruments   282   879   1,243   3,042
Related parties - Loans   21,885   4,574   55,356   81,551
Related parties - Other financial liabilities   2,720   2,235   -   -
Financial guarantees   -   -   546   3,026
Liabilities related to the concession grant   3,749   4,241   8,520   8,017
Contract liability   24   25   -   -
    28,660   11,954   65,665   95,636


d)        Investments


    Parent Company
    2022   2021
Balance at January 1st,   143,640   181,319
Additions   939   598
Capitalizations   -   2,194
Disposals   (210)   -
Sale of Midwestern System (note 14)   (1,399)   -
Translation adjustment   (32,168)   (3,477)
Equity results in income statement   28,662   (2,944)
Equity results and other results in associates and joint ventures   2,381   1,574
Equity results in statement of comprehensive income   1,054   2,500
Equity results in statement of noncontrolling   -   (1,600)
Dividends declared   (10,165)   (1,453)
Share buyback by subsidiaries   (13,716)   (9,687)
Impairment of investments   (553)   (338)
Mergers (i)   (2,002)   (3,546)
Share-based payment   17   2
Others   (1,498)   (1,067)
Balance at September 30,   114,982   164,075


(i) On April 29, 2022, the General Meeting approved the merger of New Steel into Vale S.A. The merger did not result in the issuance of new shares or changed Vale's share capital, and the respective net assets were incorporated. On April 30, 2021, the Company approved the merger of the spin-off net assets of Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas S.A. and the full merger of Companhia Paulista de Ferroligas and Valesul Alumínio S.A. The merger did not result in the issuance of new shares or changed Vale's share capital, and the respective net assets were incorporated.


e)        Intangible


    Parent Company
    Concessions     Software   Research and development project and patents   Total
Balance at December 31, 2021   29,149     291   -   29,440
Additions   2,294     99   -   2,393
Disposals   (62)     -   -   (62)
Amortization   (896)     (88)   -   (984)
Merger of New Steel   -     -   2,754   2,754
Balance at September 30, 2022   30,485     302   2,754   33,541
Cost   37,412     1,570   2,754   41,736
Accumulated amortization   (6,927)     (1,268)   -   (8,195)
Balance at September 30, 2022   30,485     302   2,754   33,541





Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated





    Parent Company
    Concessions     Software   Research and development project and patents   Total
Balance at December 31, 2020   28,015     228   -   28,243
Additions   555     79   -   634
Disposals   (41)     -   -   (41)
Amortization   (868)     (60)   -   (928)
Balance at September 30, 2021   27,661     247   -   27,908
Cost   33,602     2,703   -   36,305
Accumulated amortization   (5,941)     (2,456)   -   (8,397)
Balance at September 30, 2021   27,661     247   -   27,908


f)        Property, plant and equipment


    Parent Company


and land

  Facilities   Equipment   Mineral properties  




Right of

use assets

  Others   Constructions in progress   Total
Balance at December 31, 2021   29,235   31,458   11,188   9,236   12,653   1,659   7,543   20,987   123,959
Additions (i)   -   -   -   -   -   177   -   12,503   12,680
Disposals   (83)   (42)   (8)   -   (38)   (9)   (7)   (251)   (438)
Assets retirement obligation   -   -   -   23   -   -   -   -   23
Depreciation, amortization and depletion   (899)   (1,276)   (1,222)   (493)   (586)   (281)   (924)       (5,681)
Merger of New Steel   11   2   11   -   -   -   7   17   48
Transfers   1,418   2,037   1,516   (27)   608   (3)   1,411   (6,960)   -
Balance at September 30, 2022   29,682   32,179   11,485   8,739   12,637   1,543   8,030   26,296   130,591
Cost   42,891   47,202   24,144   13,314   20,471   2,689   18,039   26,296   195,046
Accumulated depreciation   (13,209)   (15,023)   (12,659)   (4,575)   (7,834)   (1,146)   (10,009)   -   (64,455)
Balance at September 30, 2022   29,682   32,179   11,485   8,739   12,637   1,543   8,030   26,296   130,591
    Parent Company


and land

  Facilities   Equipment   Mineral properties  




Right of

use assets

  Others   Constructions in progress   Total
Balance at December 31, 2020   28,299   30,567   10,232   9,016   12,713   2,115   7,065   11,331   111,338
Additions (i)   -   -   -   -   -   201   -   11,255   11,456
Disposals   (1)   (20)   (33)   -   (29)   (1,010)   (2)   (265)   (1,360)
Assets retirement obligation   -   -   -   (683)   -   -   -   -   (683)
Depreciation, amortization and depletion   (1,030)   (1,238)   (1,157)   (524)   (599)   (116)   (814)   -   (5,478)
Merger of MBR   434   293   277   641   25   -   104   1,226   3,000
Transfers   981   1,393   1,943   474   408   -   1,033   (6,232)   -
Balance at September 30, 2021   28,683   30,995   11,262   8,924   12,518   1,190   7,386   17,315   118,273
Cost   40,649   44,309   22,545   12,834   19,583   1,964   16,773   17,315   175,972
Accumulated depreciation   (11,966)   (13,314)   (11,283)   (3,910)   (7,065)   (774)   (9,387)   -   (57,699)
Balance at Setembro 30, 2021   28,683   30,995   11,262   8,924   12,518   1,190   7,386   17,315   118,273


(i) Includes capitalized borrowing costs.


g)        Loans and borrowings

        Parent Company
        Current liabilities   Non-current liabilities
    Average interest rate   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021   September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
Quoted in the secondary market:                    
Bonds   6.00%   -   -   2,656   2,904
R$, Debentures   9.96%   243   1,037   1,027   1,122
Debt contracts in Brazil in:                    
R$, indexed to TJLP, TR, IPCA, IGP-M and CDI   10.83%   237   532   1,265   1,444
R$, with fixed interest   3.04%   10   63   -   8
Basket of currencies and bonds in US$ indexed to LIBOR   -   -   62   -   -
Debt contracts in the international market in:                    
US$, with variable interest   4.20%   -   698   9,303   9,600
Other, with variable interest   4.09%   -   432   49   57
Accrued charges       107   191   -   -
Total       597   3,015   14,300   15,135






Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated



The future flows of debt payments (principal) are as follows:

    Parent Company
    Debt principal
2022   126
2023   489
2024   3,215
2025   732
Between 2026 and 2030   5,198
2031 onwards   5,030


h)        Transactions with related parties


    Parent Company
    Three-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
    Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results   Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results
Subsidiaries   34,249   (180)   104   64,714   (422)   619
     Vale International   34,194   -   160   64,672   -   633
     Others   55   (180)   (56)   42   (422)   (14)
Joint ventures   546   (1,435)   (6)   918   (1,465)   6
   Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém   482   -   7   918   -   17
   Aliança Geração de Energia S.A.   -   (181)   -   -   (153)   -
   Pelletizing companies (i)   -   (430)   (13)   -   (672)   (9)
   MRS Logística S.A.   5   (616)   -   -   (449)   -
   Norte Energia S.A.   -   (195)   -   -   (176)   -
   Others   59   (13)   -   -   (15)   (2)
Associates   382   (43)   (12)   359   (30)   (3)
   VLI   381   (43)   (3)   358   (30)   (3)
   Others   1   -   (9)   1   -   -
Major stockholders   -   -   442   -   -   (613)
   Bradesco   -   -   441   -   -   (613)
   Banco do Brasil   -   -   1   -   -   -
Total   35,177   (1,658)   528   65,991   (1,917)   9


(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.


    Parent Company
    Nine-month period ended September 30,
    2022   2021
    Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results   Net operating revenue   Cost and operating expenses   Financial results
Subsidiaries   94,573   (614)   (3,357)   156,608   (2,212)   (1,183)
     Vale International   94,405   -   (3,291)   156,473   -   (1,147)
     Others   168   (614)   (66)   135   (2,212)   (36)
Joint ventures   1,922   (3,770)   (40)   2,733   (3,221)   (22)
   Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém   1,759   -   (6)   2,733   -   9
   Aliança Geração de Energia S.A.   -   (449)   -   -   (425)   -
   Pelletizing companies (i)   -   (1,272)   (33)   -   (1,148)   (29)
   MRS Logística S.A.   5   (1,508)   -   -   (1,142)   -
   Norte Energia S.A.   -   (512)   -   -   (467)   -
   Others   158   (29)   (1)   -   (39)   (2)
Associates   1,119   (106)   (17)   1,041   (80)   (10)
   VLI   1,116   (106)   (9)   1,038   (80)   (10)
   Others   3   -   (8)   3   -   -
Major stockholders   -   -   1,392   -   -   (209)
   Bradesco   -   -   1,389   -   -   (213)
   Banco do Brasil   -   -   3   -   -   4
Total   97,614   (4,490)   (2,022)   160,382   (5,513)   (1,424)



(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.




Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

Expressed in millions of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated




i) Outstanding balances with related parties

    Parent Company
    September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
    Cash and cash equivalents   Accounts receivable   Dividends receivable, financial instruments and other assets   Cash and cash equivalents   Accounts receivable   Dividends receivable, financial instruments and other assets
Subsidiaries   -   49,513   3,028   -   45,475   1,036
     Vale International S.A.   -   49,474   -   -   45,430   -
     Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas S.A.   -   -   8   -   -   213
     Salobo Metais   -   -   2,842   -   34   711
     Other   -   39   178   -   11   112
Joint ventures   -   522   110   -   403   449
     Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém   -   498   92   -   401   219
     Pelletizing companies (i)   -   -   -   -   -   208
     MRS Logística S.A.   -   -   18   -   -   18
     Other   -   24   -   -   2   4
Associates   -   112   95   -   102   17
      VLI   -   95   -   -   87   -
     Other   -   17   95   -   15   17
Major stockholders   292   -   378   8,355   -   28
     Bradesco   281   -   378   7,970   -   28
     Banco do Brasil   11   -   -   385   -   -
Pension Plan   -   78   -   -   64   -
Total   292   50,225   3,611   8,355   46,044   1,530


(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.

  Parent Company
  September 30, 2022   December 31, 2021
  Supplier and contractors   Loans   Financial instruments and other liabilities   Supplier and contractors   Loans   Financial instruments and other liabilities
Subsidiaries 114   77,241   8,031   135   86,125   7,704
     Vale International S.A. -   77,241   5,209   -   86,125   5,367
     Others 114   -   2,822   135   -   2,337
Joint ventures 1,837   -   -   387   -   -
     Pelletizing companies (i) 1,444   -   -   73   -   -
     MRS Logística S.A. 220   -   -   228   -   -
     Others 173   -   -   86   -   -
Associates 34   -   475   42   -   262
     VLI 31   -   475   32   -   262
     Others 3   -   -   10   -   -
Major stockholders 7   -   627   -   -   1,479
     Bradesco -   -   627   -   -   1,479
     Mitsui 7   -   -   -   -   -
Pension plan 46   -   -   54   -   -
Total 2,038   77,241   9,133   618   86,125   9,445



(i) Aggregated entities: Companhia Coreano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Hispano-Brasileira de Pelotização, Companhia Ítalo-Brasileira de Pelotização and Companhia Nipo-Brasileira de Pelotização.










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  Vale S.A.
Date: October 27, 2022    


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