3 years ago
CZOO (& Warrants)*: Well, Folks, I hope ya-all got some nice big chunks of CZOO & its fun WARRANTS --- I grabbed the WARRANTS ("CZOO.WS", on E-Turd), & doing nicely right now (hope-hope-hope). Was VERY hard to make a decision this crazy morning (8-2-22), what with @AMTD & @HKD still going NUTS, inter alia!!!!
*(Anybody need a new CAR in Europe???)
3 years ago
CZOO (& Warrants)**: Well, Folks, I hope ya-all got some nice big chunks of CZOO & its fun WARRANTS --- I grabbed the WARRANTS ("CZOO.WS", on E-Turd), & doing nicely right now. Was VERY hard to make a decision this crazy morning (8-2-22), what with @AMTD & @HKD still going NUTS, inter alia!!!!
**(Anybody need a new CAR in Europe???)