2 years ago
Management can't stop spending/losing money and way too many red flags here.
Management, despite super low PPS, are not buying any shares - that speaks the loudest.
Chief retail officer only owns 4,435 shares, this just highlights that even management does not believe in what they are executing.
No clear strategy and executing seems to be a perpetual challenge.
In short, company continues to swim outside its depth. They were excellent at executing as a small business, but now that they have started competing with larger marketplace and got out of their initial niche...they are getting their arses handed to them.
CEO has mis stepped over and over again by opening his hole on political issues instead of attempting to address the business issues and challenges - but it is clear he has no idea how to do this...again, outside his depth - the entire management team is. Best thing company could do is a wholesale replacement of leadership team/ C Suite. They should all be forced out and replaced with business leaders, not half cocked trigger pullers that have zero clue how to right the ship...
All of these challenges have been going on since inception...shorts are loving this action....and management just keeps pouring on more fuel to the fire. Owning shares here is literally throwing money out the window....better off to burn it...
2 years ago
To each his own brother.
I still them executing well in terms of product placement, overall expansion, and revenue.
The pps is detached from the company itself at this point.
I’m waiting to buy STOCK, as I still think we can drift lower.
However, I’m still an enormous supporter of what Black Rifle does philanthropically, and I love their coffee.
If you choose to leave the stock and ECS, I still support your move brother and wish you well.
2 years ago
Well, I hope this all does not hit at once. 199,816,902 shares to resale of common stock. That would be a 300+% increase in the float or availability
of shares. Am I correct or am I wrong? see filing on 30th
BRIEF-BRC Inc Files Prospectus Relates To Offer And Sale, From Time To Time By Selling Holders Of Up To 199.8 Million Shares Of Class A Common Stock - Filing
March 30 (Reuters) - BRC Inc (BRCC):
2 years ago
Man, I’m a patriot, former first responder (paramedic), with a family full of veterans, and literally NONE of us feel that Black Rifle has done anything but good and positive things for each community.
Dude, so you lost some money on an investment. BRCC didn’t steal your money- WALL STREET DID.
Get the fu-k over yourself.
YOU sir, are a poor example of a veteran, and reflect as such on that community.
2 years ago
One misstep after another...most recent earnings was another train wreck and brokerages are continuing to adjust lower on the inability of this company to execute. And while all of this is ongoing and they continue to hit new all time lows...what is management doing? Making more videos and spending investors money....inept management team here. Since early success on hard work, they have quickly realized they are in deep end of the pool now and are slowly going under. Management is the issue here, plain and simple...when actual large investors realize this, hopefully they will replace them soonest...in short, get out of the way fellas, you are out of your depth!!!
2 years ago
The bloodletting continues with BRCC and now they have a new all time low. Truly has to be one of the worst listings I have seen executed in over 30 years of investing. The entire C Suite here was unprepared for the up listing, and choose the wrong avenue in light of the market conditions/forces. The reverse merger was the worst way to go about this and even the markets have realized this as they have gone away completely as an instrument for up listing....but that did not stop Evan and team.....they went full steam ahead as they wanted their pay off(s). Well they got it and as a result have betrayed every veteran, first responder and warrior that supported them. While I am but one veteran investor, I know I will carry the message of BRCC forward - do not invest, do not buy, do not talk to. You reap what you sow....well see if their money and reputations stand up in light of their horrific leadership.
3 years ago
"the company I work for employs 680,000 globally who support BRCC."
It continues to hit all time lows again, and again, and again....remind me to not have your company support.....as it must be horrific support.
Anyone that deals with BRCC at this point and time is suspect....sleep with the dogs, you get flees.
I have lost any and all repect for anyone that deals with Hafer and the leadership at Black Rifle....period.
You reap what you sow....Hafer and everyone at BRCC is reaping what they have sown....corruption, taint and overall vitrol for anyone outside the company....piss poor leaership. The entire C Suite needs to be replaced...they were great at running a small start up....they are in with the big boys now and getting their arses handed to them due to their own corruption....
3 years ago
Yes, my EVPs, Directors or in short, the personnel within our company who may deal with these producement matters. It is a global company, as BRCC can not even get out of the box I dont have to worry about international, now do I? Have relayed to our product managers my concerns as it relates to Black Rifle, its business and its activities (perceived or otherwise). They acknowledged by concerns and relayed we do not have any company dealings with them, and added a note to procurement, to contact me about my concerns should they consider any potential deals in the future.
Cheers....thats all of ?s!
3 years ago
Although executed at wave tops, a pretty good overview. And again, there are multiple investigation by other firms she does not address, hence the google link. Enjoy.
Leadership here has been making mistake after mistake and their recent actions only add to the mistrust by customers and investors, two folks they NEED to survive. Truly scared they are going to collapse under their own weight and destroy any and all value - but given the amount they have paid to all insiders - I honestly do not think Hafer and all the other insiders involved care. It clearly appears they have sold their reputations....I truly hope I am wrong...I do, but the facts as they currently stand show differently...
3 years ago
Again, this is just one lawsuit filed. There are multiple other law firms looking into the company and potential violations of rules/fiduciary responsibilities. They have failed investors, of this, there is zero doubt. They are below list price as of today and given the backdrop of the current economy, they are not in the best position. The growth at all cost mantra has passed as borrowing costs are going through the roof. They are deeply in debt and not even close to breaking even. In short, they have rewarded insiders unjustly for setting the company up for failure. Will they be able to pull it out, dont know, but all insiders pockets have been lined at the expense of retail holders and customers of the company. Or in even more short order, insiders lack integrity, honor and have sold their reputations for greenbacks....