PennyStock Alert
5 years ago
Anyone been watching this and reading the tea leaves with the DOE awards for Perma-Fix Test Bed Initiative (TBI) at Hanford? Perma-Fix has been quiet about progress, but it sounds like things are progressing nicely.
There's a great article that came out a couple of days ago that discusses a proposed house spending bill that includes $15M for this Perma-Fix Test Bed Initiative. This would cover the 2nd phase of the demonstration project by Perma-Fix which is to grout about 2,000 gallons of waste (Phase I was 3 gallons, and obviously was met with success if DOE is proposing further phases). While the $15M would be a huge win For Perma-Fix, what they're really targeting is about 100,000 gallons of low level radioactive waste. That's HUGE if all the stars align. I imagine it's this potential that has moved PESI stock to a 2 year high at $5.10 when their earnings reports have been rather ho-hum.
Article first found/posted by Nick S on Yahoo:
Great DOE Summary of the 2,000 gallon Test
CrocHntr on 7/19/2018 4:20:58 PM
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