8 months ago
I'm curious what your issue with the Flynn Group is.
The hotel I worked at for many years was sold by Apple Reit a few years back in a package deal to the Flynn Group. They already owned thousands of restaurant franchises at the time, which is what they were known for, but they also had a handful of upscale resorts that could cost vacationers north of 10K a night at some of them. When we were bought out, we never heard of any type of benefits from them, and even though we actually worked for a management company, at least with Apple Hospitality we had a discount at their properties.
The problem with Flynn was noticeable. They had zero experience with the the type of hotel I worked for, and when something broke down or needed fixing, there had to be multiple bids placed, where management had to wait on Flynn to approve. We once had the kitchen's oven broken for between four and six months, and we were expected to serve the guests microwaved breakfast. If you can imagine what the guests thought of their microwaved sausage, potatoes etc.... it was gross. Now the eggs come in a bag and were typically microwaved anyway, but meats just taste like rubber when you microwave them. The breakfast attendant didn't come in many times, and so I was expected to be the "cook", and I grew tired of that bullshit. Even worse was that we were all chastised by management for telling the guest the truth, and not lying to them. Literally everything ends up in a survey, and employees get blamed for everything while management and ownership get a pass. I eventually quit and moved on. Apple Hospitality wasn't as bad as Flynn, but they had their issues as well.
11 months ago
Personally, I have boycotted Wendy's, especially after my bad experiences in the past with Wendy's. I'm not stating this out of disgruntlement, I just state the fact and the truth. And, now, even moreso, I would boycott Wendy's and anything and anyone associated with the company(ies) that are tied to Greg Flynn and Newsom. Even Taco Bell and/or any other franchise Greg Flynn is associated with.
5 years ago
I think part of the issue is that the company just rolled out a brand new breakfast that's supposed to stay, which could be a challenge for a while with the franchises, especially with the issues they currently face.
Now it could take a while for customers to change over to their breakfast from competitors such as, say McDondalds and Chic Fil A, but over time I think it'll be a success. I would like to see them open their lobbies earlier the same as their competitors though, as the 9am model seems a bit late IMO. Of course it works now in this current environment, but the whole social distancing thing won't last forever.
Wendys, I believe, has better quality food than many of its competitors, and I would argue that this includes their breakfast lineup as I've had the opportunity to try it twice thus far. It's a bit on the pricey side, IMO, but you pay for what you get, and eating out in general is rarely cheap.