8 years ago
Great interview with Tactile Medical CEO to kick off this board.
TWST: Help us understand a little bit more about the product and what it is designed to do.
Mr. Mattys: Flexitouch was actually designed by a lymphedema therapist to try to mimic the manual therapy that she was applying in the clinic. The patient can use it at home. It is emulating, through mechanized gentle massage, the therapy that lymphedema therapists apply to these patients to try to get fluid moving from a swollen extremity.
The Flexitouch System is a device that patients can put on and take off by themselves at home for treatment for one hour each day. He or she puts on the garment, pushes the activation button on the device, and then sits back and relaxes while it applies what feels like a nice sports massage to the swollen area.
TWST: Is it appropriate for all lymphedema patients? And then, after you answer that, can you tell us how many lymphedema patients there might be in the United States?