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Mind Medicine MindMed Inc

Mind Medicine MindMed Inc (MNMD)

( -3.22% )
Updated: 11:27:18

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MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 7 minutes ago
Never said I was a scientist or have the credentials to work for the FDA. However, I know what we hold here.
Giovanni Giovanni 2 hours ago
With your knowledge Send in your resume to the FDA
Have a good day.
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 22 hours ago
Bank of New York Mellon Corp Purchases 203,216 Shares of Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc. (NASDAQ:MNMD)
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 23 hours ago
What are you implying?
Giovanni Giovanni 1 day ago
Stop cooking spaghetti

Big Bucks available:
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 2 days ago
You are referring to LYCOS... furthermore, the MDMA that MindMed is using is a stereo isomer and also not with therapy but only as a drug.

To add to this their phase 3 dual track study has started for LSD with a patented ODT tablet again really without integrated therapy only for at use support.

The failure of lycos was wide and they didn't do their job right.

Good times ahead.
ReviveThomas ReviveThomas 3 days ago
So I'm seeing the latest news is failed FDA trials. This going to be another scenario like Revive? We all know how that went.
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 3 days ago
Fireside chat at the 2024 Cantor Global Healthcare Conference with Robert Barrow, and CMO Dan Karlin
Giovanni Giovanni 3 days ago
More debacle!
Giovanni Giovanni 3 days ago
More debacle!
Perfect response
👍️ 1
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 4 days ago
After the Lykos debacle, what’s next for psychedelic therapies?

While Lykos Therapeutics’ MDMA therapy was rejected by the FDA, psychedelic therapy advocates remain optimistic about the sector.


Market opinion

Lykos is not alone in MDMA research, as several other companies continue to push their candidates towards approval. New York-based MindMed is developing its MDMA therapy MM-402 for treating autism spectrum disorder.

Dr. Dan Karlin, CMO at MindMed, views concerns raised by the FDA committee as “Lykos-specific issues, study conduct-specific issues.” He believes MindMed’s methodology will side-step the patient and rater-blinding problems central to Lykos’ NDA rejection. Though Lykos had to demonstrate a drug effect while part of a multi part treatment, others may not use the same approach. “Rather than doing psychedelic-assisted therapy, this [MM-402] is drug treatment only,” says Karlin.

Additionally, incorporating dose response analysis, expectancy assessment, blinded central raters, and excluding participants with prior psychedelic use are among measures that can shield MindMed from the failings of Lykos, says Karlin. “It will be important, whether it’s Lykos or some other company, and whether it’s MDMA or some other substance, for some other psychiatric indication, to really maintain a strong, explicit neutrality in regards to the potential for the treatment to work,” says Henner.

Nonetheless, Karlin remains confident in getting psychedelics approved and, cited growing interest in psychedelics among groups supporting veterans with PTSD as a route to bipartisan political acceptance of these therapies.
You should try doing a little research on the subject. BTW, lsd can form naturally on bread...
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 4 days ago
I am likely not going to respond to your short sighted shenanigans after this. LSD is not even close to comparison with pot. Like not even in the same space at all.

You obviously have no scientific background nor have you read the read outs from UHB about the LSD study in Switzerland.

You can choose not to invest but if you think you are going to convince me to give up my shares. Thanks for trying to save me. I'm good Gio. Good luck with your investments and suggestions for those to not invest here.

You want to really try to help people... go find the fake companies in the space and convince those investors to pull out.
Giovanni Giovanni 4 days ago
Try looking at what the cartels have done to the pot industry?
Giovanni Giovanni 4 days ago
can a high school chemistry student make LSD?


Answer is elementary.

Yes or no doesn't matter. Cause, if yes you'll ask how...

Try web searching for your answer
Giovanni Giovanni 6 days ago

is LSD easy to home produce
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 7 days ago
I agree with this statement, but still know what I hold.
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 7 days ago
FDA doesn't make the drugs...

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) manufacturing is not easy. It requires advanced chemistry knowledge and access to specific precursor chemicals, including lysergic acid, which can be difficult to source due to its tight regulation. The process itself involves multiple synthesis steps, and small mistakes can result in ineffective or dangerous products.

It is easier to make heroin or cocaine... LSD is a clandestine product. Not a jungle cask compound.
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 7 days ago
lol the cartels will do it if it were illegal... so let's not go down that road.

Good LSD is not easy to make. How do I know. My father was a lead toxicologist. Why am I invested in this space, for the same reason.

I know what I hold. Guess who has also work with the FDA. I didn't get guidance on the amount I invest. I got advice about the course of events that will naturally unfold over the next couple years. I'm good Giovanni.

Binary stock, no thoughts or explanations needed.
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
It is easy to make LSD

The cartels will be very happy if legalized
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 1 week ago
That's my primary reason for investment. It's not a commodity product. DEA watches precursors... and an IP moat helps with something as simple as delivery technique...

This means it will not get easily wrapped up in the shrooms hype and getting it quasi legal.

We are in for something interesting.
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
you left out

"experience with the FDA"
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
what does it take to make LSD?
Thanks for the affirmation, please dedicate your knowledge and effort to a more worthwhile cause.
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 1 week ago
Well... for one... there's always a chance (which I'm willing to bet on)... second they can commercialize anywhere on the planet. It doesn't have to be in this soil first. Either way. I'm bullish.
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
Well I was in the top one percent of a pool with over 4500 professional brokers

With papers to prove it.
You’re the best ever.
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 1 week ago
To each his own
You would of probably said that 10 years ago about marijuana
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
good luck

the prejudice against LSD will be impossible to overcome
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 1 week ago
"It helps to run a business if one has previous experience...."

Have you looked at the credentials of their team compared to all other psychedelic plays? If I'm making a bet it's on MindMed
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
That is a long winded explanation of an event that may never come to pass.

It cost MindMed exactly nothing to incentives their scientific employes to keep their nose to the grindstone.

Standard Operating Procedure.

It helps to run a drug business if one has previous experience.

The FDA has approved over 33,000 drugs to later take 13000 of them off the market.
How many FDA approved drugs have been taken off the market?

Guess what happened to thoses companies? Longs were eviserated.

How many FDA approved drugs have been taken off the market?
Summary of Findings

There has been a total of 15,749 drug recalls since 2012, with 15,351 recalls specifically happening in the U.S. Since 2012, there have been 2,193 ongoing recalls, 807 completed recalls, and 13,254 terminated recalls.Apr 1, 2024

How many FDA approved drugs have been taken off the market?
Summary of Findings

There has been a total of 15,749 drug recalls since 2012, with 15,351 recalls specifically happening in the U.S. Since 2012, there have been 2,193 ongoing recalls, 807 completed recalls, and 13,254 terminated recalls.Apr 1, 2024

How many FDA approved drugs have been taken off the market?
Summary of Findings

There has been a total of 15,749 drug recalls since 2012, with 15,351 recalls specifically happening in the U.S. Since 2012, there have been 2,193 ongoing recalls, 807 completed recalls, and 13,254 terminated recalls.Apr 1, 2024 many FDA approved drugs have been taken off the market?
Summary of Findings

There has been a total of 15,749 drug recalls since 2012, with 15,351 recalls specifically happening in the U.S. Since 2012, there have been 2,193 ongoing recalls, 807 completed recalls, and 13,254 terminated recalls.Apr 1, 2024

How many FDA approved drugs have been taken off the market?
Summary of Findings

There has been a total of 15,749 drug recalls since 2012, with 15,351 recalls specifically happening in the U.S. Since 2012, there have been 2,193 ongoing recalls, 807 completed recalls, and 13,254 terminated recalls.Apr 1, 2024

Summary of Findings

There has been a total of 15,749 drug recalls since 2012, with 15,351 recalls specifically happening in the U.S. Since 2012, there have been 2,193 ongoing recalls, 807 completed recalls, and 13,254 terminated recalls.Apr 1, 2024
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 1 week ago
Several potential signals with the recent Employee Inducement Grants for MindMed

I want to go over three areas. 1; what is the outlook for Employee Inducement Grants in general with respect to biotech companies, 2; the synergies between the idea of this type of benefits package to top talent and MindMed itself, 3; the concern of dilution based on the press release.


The announcement of Employee Inducement Grants in a biotech firm, especially one moving into a critical Phase 3 trial, could convey several potential signals to investors and shareholders:

Talent Acquisition: Inducement grants are often used to attract top-tier talent, especially in critical phases like Phase 3 trials. This could signal the company's commitment to strengthening its workforce with experts who can ensure the trial's success and, potentially, future commercialization.

Confidence in the Pipeline: Offering inducement grants may indicate management's confidence in their clinical program. They may believe the company's prospects are bright enough to make stock options and grants a valuable incentive, suggesting that they see positive outcomes on the horizon.

Retention and Long-Term Incentive: Inducement grants can also be designed to retain key talent through the late-stage clinical development process, which can be intense and high-stakes. This could mean the company expects critical developments and wants to ensure the team stays on board through potential milestones.

Dilution Concerns: On the other hand, depending on the size of the grants, shareholders might be concerned about stock dilution. Inducement grants increase the number of outstanding shares, which can impact stock value in the short term.
In the near term, this move could reflect the company’s strategic positioning for upcoming pivotal events like trial results or partnerships. For shareholders, it is likely a positive sign that management is confident and proactive.

Knowing that we're invested in MindMed, here are some specific insights in light of their recent announcement of Employee Inducement Grants and the FDA breakthrough status:

Key Focus on Psychedelic Medicine: MindMed is working on MM-120 (LSD), which is being investigated for anxiety disorders, particularly Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Their status as a pioneer in psychedelic-based therapies for mental health conditions puts them in a promising but highly speculative sector.

FDA Breakthrough Designation: This status indicates that MM-120 is addressing unmet needs in treatment-resistant conditions. If this candidate is in or near Phase 3, positive trial results could lead to faster market approval. The inducement grants may be part of scaling up for potential commercialization.

Recruiting Experts in Regulatory and Clinical Development: Moving through Phase 3 trials and potentially to market will require MindMed to hire specialists in clinical operations, regulatory affairs, and commercial strategy. The inducement grants might be aimed at hiring or retaining personnel who can manage the complexities of regulatory submissions and partnerships with larger pharmaceutical companies.

Market Sentiment: The psychedelic sector, including MindMed, tends to experience high volatility due to both regulatory uncertainty and the early-stage nature of most companies in the space. Inducement grants may reassure shareholders that the company is well-staffed for future success, though it could also trigger short-term stock price fluctuation due to potential dilution concerns.

The inducement grants is a positive indication of MindMed’s growth ambitions as they push their promising therapies forward.
Based on the details of MindMed's inducement grants:

The issuance of inducement grants to three newly hired non-executive employees consisting of options to purchase an aggregate of 70,000 common shares of the Company (the "Options"), with an effective grant date of September 9, 2024. The Options have an exercise price equal to the closing price of MindMed’s common shares on September 6, 2024, the last trading day on which MindMed’s common shares traded prior to the date of the grant, and will vest over a four-year period with 25% vesting on October 1, 2025 and the remaining 75% vesting in substantially equal monthly increments over the three-year period thereafter, subject to each employee’s continued employment.

Here’s an analysis of the potential impact on shareholders and whether there’s cause for concern regarding short-term dilution:

Size of the Grant: The issuance is for 70,000 common shares, which is a relatively small number compared to the total number of outstanding shares for MindMed, This means the dilution from these options is minimal and unlikely to have a significant short-term impact on the stock price.

Vesting Schedule: The options vest over a four-year period, with 25% vesting in October 2025 and the remainder vesting incrementally over three years. This slow vesting means that the full dilution won’t occur immediately. The gradual vesting ensures that the dilution is spread out over time, rather than all at once, reducing any immediate impact on shareholders.

Exercise Price: The options are priced at the closing price on September 6, 2024, meaning employees will only benefit if the stock price rises above that level. If the stock price remains flat or declines, these options might not be exercised, and dilution would be avoided.


Given the relatively small number of shares involved, the slow vesting schedule, and the fact that the options are only valuable if the stock price appreciates, the potential for short-term dilution is low. From a shareholder’s perspective, there’s little cause for concern about immediate dilution from these grants.

That is 23,333 shares per hire (average)... considering these are top executives that want to get something accomplished. Event at a conservative target of 25.00 a share (which is very low in my opinion), each employee stands to make approx 500k on the shares alone if the price averaged 25.00 over the course of a 4 year period.

Good times are ahead. This is a good thing for MindMed. They want top talent and they want to get to commercialization. I trust they will.
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago

What does a grant cost them to make their employees feel wanted? Absolutely nothing.

It is a win/win to induce employees to work hard

if it works out terrific

it it does not we tried our best

every company rewards their top people like this

MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 1 week ago
So they hate their employees too?

MindMed Announces New Employee Inducement Grants
Giovanni Giovanni 1 week ago
40 years of experience with the FDA.
Enjoy your bet!
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 2 weeks ago
The FDA gave draft guidance about psychedelic trials and studies and provided break through designation to MM120. I understand you point, but why would you not take this bet? Christ. Elon Musk made an EV company and everyone bet on against the oil lobbyist. So give me a break for having a case against the gamble.

I know why I'm here. To support a company I believe in and to also hedge against the fact I can possibly make some good coin on the second hype.

Already made a nice amount on the first run up. So go bother someone else.
Giovanni Giovanni 2 weeks ago
They have suggested that Mindmeds drug designation should be changed!

But that is still pie in the sky.

Do You know anything real about how the FDA operates?
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 2 weeks ago
lol! Schedule 1 is not correct and the studies show this is true especially of LSD.
Giovanni Giovanni 2 weeks ago
Marijuana is a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.

Guess what else is a class one drug?
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 2 weeks ago
Pharmacological and non-pharmacological predictors of the LSD experience in healthy participants

Competing interests

MEL is a consultant for Mind Medicine, Inc. The remaining authors declare no competing interests. Knowhow and data associated with this work and owned by the University Hospital Basel were licensed by Mind Medicine, Inc. after study completion. Mind Medicine, Inc. had no role in financing, planning, or conducting the present study or the present publication.
MomsSpaghetti MomsSpaghetti 2 weeks ago
Giovanni... see

Psychedelic stocks: Cybin, Mindmed, Compass Pathways - investment ideas
bubka bubka 2 weeks ago
Giovanni, please stop. This is a pump board only and anyone saying anything negative or even less than positive will be ostracized, pretend blocked, called a short and called bad names. *

*Please disregard the fact that MNMD is down 25% since a few days before the last earnings report (less than a month ago) because, according to this board, there's an 80% chance it'll get approved, then it's going to the moon. Buyout prediction from this board? $40 billion plus.
Giovanni Giovanni 2 weeks ago
Wall Street Oasis › equity-research › hc-...
May 13, 2017 — HC Wainwright is a fraudulent company . They pump and dump penny stocks. HC Wainwright accepts kickbacks for inside information. They have ...
Giovanni Giovanni 2 weeks ago
That is wonderful.... or not?
Monksdream Monksdream 2 weeks ago
MNMD under $7

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