2 months ago
CRNC: Hey, Max-A!!! (I work this stuff as SIMPLY as I can; below are my LINKS to what is happening --- and all FREE.)
(A.) For the daily POST-Markets --- & even during the daily OPEN-Markets --- this site is good:
(B.) For the daily PRE-Markets, nothing better than this; a simple, short, & ACCURATE list of all PRE-Market fliers: (This site's POP-UPS are annoying, but just knock-them-down like a shooting gallery at a circus sideshow.)
(C.) And lastly, I FOLLOW this iHub chap all day long, since he is almost ALWAYS the first to post on iHub about any moving stock:
2 months ago
CRNC: Sorry for my grossly-belated REPLY here, Dude!! (I had to RE-new my iHub posting subscription; and, REMOVE an insidious VIRUS from my E-Turd trading platform's Homepage SCREEN!!! TEDIOUS STUFF!!!)
Now regarding Mr. Dangerfield --- the greatest stand-up comedian in US history --- I have no idea as to WHICH movie, or TV show, that particular GIF was from. (I get ALL of my usual GIF's from this website ---, which is NOT merely relegated to DANGERFIELD GIF's, per se.)
PS: I also write JOKES for the late Mr. Dangerfield, like below:
(1.) "Hey, folks --- BEAUTIFUL audience here!! Ya know, I finally broke-down and bought one of these fancy new COMPUTERS!! An APPLE no less; and they ain't cheap either!! So, first thing I did was toss the phrase UGLIEST HUMAN BEING OF ALL TIME in Google's IMAGES search box --- and guess what, my OWN damn picture pops-up from my High School YEAR BOOK!!! Heck, NO RESPECT AT ALL from the entire INTERNET!!!"
(2.) "I know it, I've had HARD life. But ya MOVE FORWARD, as they say these days. Heck, all through my High School years, I never even had a GIRL FRIEND --- other than PLAYBOY MAGAZINE CENTERFOLDS, so to speak. But a kind-hearted school BUDDY of mine did set-me-up with a BLIND DATE for our graduation prom; and a NICE lookin' girl too. We DANCED of course; and after the prom, I took her to a MOVIE --- and it didn't even seem to bother her at all, that she couldn't even SEE the damn flick!! And on the way out, she kept hittin' my legs and new shoes with that damn red-&-white CANE!!"