3 years ago
In September, BeyondSpring tanked after the company gave investors a closer look at Dublin-3 data. In a nutshell, the treatment might not be any more effective than existing options.
Recent lung cancer data was a little disappointing, but investors may be missing the point here. Plinabulin isn't intended to fight cancer directly. It's meant to stop toxic chemotherapy from destroying white blood cells. A lack of white blood cells, or neutropenia, is a dangerous complication that frequently interrupts chemotherapy treatment.
On or before Nov. 30, 2021, the FDA is expected to issue an approval decision for BeyondSpring's lead candidate plinabulin. If given a green light to treat chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, it could become an important new treatment for lots of different cancer patients.
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BeyondSpring To Present Final Phase 3 DUBLIN-3 Data With Plinabulin/Docetaxel Combination Versus Docetaxel Alone In 2nd/3rd Line Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients With EGFR Wild Type At European Society for Medical Oncology 2021 Congress Sept. 16-21