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United States Dollar vs Venezuelan Bolivar Soberano

United States Dollar vs Venezuelan Bolivar Soberano (USDVES)

Closed March 01 6:59PM

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SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 2 minutes ago
Trump celebrates return of ‘boxes’ seized by ex-special >

counsel Jack Smith —
plans to put them in his presidential library >
SkeBallLarry SkeBallLarry 3 minutes ago
Trump celebrates return of ‘boxes’ seized by ex-special >

counsel Jack Smith —
plans to put them in his presidential library >
noradio noradio 9 minutes ago
I you of all people seriously going to make a comment like that? You built your entire life from counterfeiting companies and scamming investors! People have died because of what you have done!
jacksonjohn jacksonjohn 10 minutes ago
Is this really our year

To say next year is our year!!
jacksonjohn jacksonjohn 11 minutes ago
I can't believe that POET is surviving and LWLG is slowly dying.
MoneyMaker111 MoneyMaker111 12 minutes ago
TLRY: the "buy-now-ask-questions-later stock"

After reviewing TLRY's developments and technicals... The company is fairly worth $10 per share. The fact that the price is currently below a dollar is, well I'll just say it: TLRY is a "buy now ask questions later" stock. Easy 10x, and s
jacksonjohn jacksonjohn 13 minutes ago
Where is Xena? I see you guys are still giving protohype the platform to scam others.. Sad
jacksonjohn jacksonjohn 15 minutes ago
I could be wrong and just a guess.
You could have stopped there. Just like when you said it was over subscribed!! Remember that?
MoneyMaker111 MoneyMaker111 16 minutes ago
GME looking discounted here!!!
LVerstee LVerstee 17 minutes ago
Your response is full of complex justifications, but it ultimately dodges the core issue: liquidity and unrestricted market access. A factual breakdown for you.

1. Liquidity Is not just a legal compliance issue
You argue that tokens are “free” for non-US persons to sell, but th
jacksonjohn jacksonjohn 18 minutes ago
still in boy?
HoldEm777 HoldEm777 19 minutes ago
Nice job.
MightyX MightyX 21 minutes ago
Highly suspect given the PR updates this week
MightyX MightyX 21 minutes ago
Y’all redistributed 120m to members..lotta volume under .0003
MightyX MightyX 23 minutes ago
Will continue to update yalls share redistribution(along OS-updates)
MightyX MightyX 25 minutes ago
Duh dilution..the volume traded(less dilution volume)is yalls share-redistribution.
Dodger1 Dodger1 27 minutes ago
That is so way overblown. I think O I am

Lock that one
fdicr fdicr 37 minutes ago
The difference this time is that Trump really wants to do it. Forget about Treasury or FHFA or congress or anybody else. Read Trump letter. He is a builder and he hates government to control private companies. He hates government stealing people's money the way feds did it. When you read Trump's let
Bob Mullet Bob Mullet 46 minutes ago
Fantastic post. Every Friday, for the last decade, and since "ready for scale and sale", you have knocked it out of the park. To another decade!!!🫡
PonderosaPack PonderosaPack 47 minutes ago
Thank you everyone for allowing me to buy more NVDA. If even more really really super smart people can unload - I can buy more - thanks! Ai has no future - so I am sure you wont need them shares. just sayin.
wagner wagner 50 minutes ago
Just a dream.....

A nice one, from 2 to 20s......
RichieBoy RichieBoy 50 minutes ago
AFFU must* excel publicly to investors here.
Management must be very transparent how integration with MTi is going to be successful. Longterm longs are squeamishly holding there breath since AFFU's previous failure with Contrivian etc. Longs know intimately and all to well if MTi acquisition
thistraderknowsall thistraderknowsall 51 minutes ago
HAHA.....Looks like JET missed the runway...AGAIN! HEHE watch for Pennyland on Monday! Enjoy!!
condor1 condor1 57 minutes ago
It occurs to me that you state that my posting that the photos are real and the facility is moving forward translates into "making excuses for the crooks running this scam". This is yet another of your fanatical BS interpretations. Photos and facility progress is irrelevant to making excuses for the
OPKOHEALTH2022 OPKOHEALTH2022 1 hour ago
This is old news over 1 year ago . The 5’a are here nearing the $4’s . No news means no one is giving FCE a contract .

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