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per monthForex
Real-time prices for the foreign currency exchange market.
Included Market Data

Real-time Prices
Forex is a huge market, with volume traded at approximately 160 times that of the NYSE. Forex revolves around the trading of currencies, relatively few of them compared to the amount of companies whose equity is traded on the stock markets.
- A 24 Hour Market
- Unparalleled liquidity
- 50 times more leverage than trading stocks

Subscription Features
Premium Tools
- Realtime Advanced Charts
- Streaming Toplists (Gainers, Losers, Volume)
- Streaming News
- Streaming Trades (Time & Sales)
- Realtime Premarket and Afterhours session market data
Real-time Prices
Watch out! Many of the sites that show share prices show data which is 15 or 20 minutes delayed. Make sure you get real-time data.
- Don't trade on out of date information.
- Stocks can move without warning.
- Watch prices react immediately to news.