As required by paragraph 9.11 of the Listing Rules, we advise that the Company
has been informed by both Talpa Capital B.V. and ING Bank N.V., in letters
dated 16th October 2003 and received by fax on the same day, that Talpa Beheer
B.V. (Talpa) has increased its interest in EMI Group plc Ordinary Shares of 14p
each and, as at 15th October 2003, had interests in 32,315,243 shares, being
4.10% of the shares in issue.   ING Bank Global Custody NV (ING Custody) holds
26,315,243 of such shares as the nominee of the beneficial owner, Talpa, while
the interest in the remaining 6,000,000 such shares arises through put options
sold by ING Custody as nominee for Talpa.