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T M M Inc (PK)

T M M Inc (PK) (TMMI)

Closed July 28 4:00PM

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jay14 jay14 2 days ago
No mention of TMMI, only this:

Most recently, she became involved in a technology company where they are currently launching security software nationally

Currently launching security software nationally....
Yeah, where's the PR for this so call technology company, And
why NO mention of TMMI????
All companies she has worked with were mentioned!!!!

StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 2 days ago ( later part of article ) : also, not same date of article published a month earlier.
"Over the past two years, Bala has developed a technology and service group that is currently bringing precision, cutting-edge geofencing, and security technology to the market for use in online businesses—the launch is being prepared for early 2024."
Fractal enhancement technology applied to security applications ?
StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 2 days ago
Susan Bala , please read. tia.
StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 2 days ago
Buy low. Sell high.
jay14 jay14 2 days ago
The only loading zone happening are the shorts....

Nothing happening until our CEO releases a PR!!!!
StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 2 days ago
Looking good. Getting ready for loading zone.
Stewguts Stewguts 3 days ago
Now we're talking! lol
MisteraVA MisteraVA 3 days ago
Federal Reserve Director?
Stewguts Stewguts 3 days ago
Thank you for the overwhelming confidence in my leadership skills. While I appreciate the nominations for President of the United States and President of TMMi, I must respectfully decline. My current agenda of perfecting the art of couch-sitting and snack-eating is already quite demanding. Plus, I hear that the White House doesn't allow sweatpants as official attire.

I'll leave the running of things to much more capable people than I thanks! 😜
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StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 4 days ago
Excellent suggestion !
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MisteraVA MisteraVA 4 days ago
At least for President of TMMi
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StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 4 days ago
Off topic: I nominate Stewguts for President of the United States !👍️👍️
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MisteraVA MisteraVA 5 days ago
Could it be that they did not want to work with TMMI? Shows on their leger, but did it actually leave the bank. Does the leger show a return. We will never know until they produce a bank statement. Who knows?
jay14 jay14 6 days ago
Any updates if TMMI is still leasing space in
Vancouver, BC, Canada for its servers????

MisteraVA MisteraVA 6 days ago
I really do not have any knowledge other than they returned my call and said they did not receive a money transfer or relationship.
Not one person on their advisory board has responded to my calls, emails or text's. Just absolute ghosts. Any up dates on the court dismissal and/or settlements? I wish all well and to be prosperous!
Stewguts Stewguts 6 days ago
Interesting MisteraVA, I see the deposit made toward the joint venture between TMMI and Codebaby in the financials. Could it be that TMMI decided against pursuing the joint venture and the funds returned? That may explain the derogatory comments towards TMMI. Regardless, in my opinion, this joint venture did not make much sense to me.
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MisteraVA MisteraVA 1 week ago
In the conversation it was stated no money traded hands, offered, but nothing actually transpired or verified.
CrapIsCrap CrapIsCrap 1 week ago
This thing still around? Shocking and still arguments about its viability. Incredible!

I owned shares in this thing in the 90s back when Fernandez and Papalia were involved as well as The dentist and the garbage man.

It had always been entertaining. And still lawsuits. lol. This made me chuckle today!
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Hi Nesurk. I’m doing well. Good to hear you’re still holding and accumulating TMM. I hope you and the other shareholders well. Yes, I think you bought TMM at the turn of the century, like I did. Good luck Nesurk
Nesurk Nesurk 1 week ago
Hi 4retire, I am still here. I hope all is well with you. Seems like a lifetime ago that I first bought my initial shares back in the late nineties. I have added through the years,

I am just waiting for the TMMI movie to come
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Stewguts I think you are brilliant, not kidding. Your posts are always well written. You are the most loyal shareholder that I have ever come across. Even when you know things may be going off the rails you stay positive and hopeful on TMM. I did the same for years until I realized I was being lied to by their CEO. The hard part is I had already put a lot of money (for me) into TMM shares.

I’ve always enjoyed your posts. The problem is when I became quizzical and started asking questions about the validity of what TMM was releasing in PRs, I was always facing an interrogation with our posts. Interrogations quickly turned into bullying.

I no longer own TMM shares and shouldn’t even come on this board. I guess it’s either muscle memory or my curiosity if some of my former fellow posters are still here; ala, Jay14, Nesurk, Mike 1991, you, etc. I truly hope TMM will find success, just as I now hope Dimension will boom. There’s room for both…..if they ever leave the courthouse.
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
"No, I only owned one share of DFMI…ever. I did buy shares of Dimension a few years later."

Of course! My bad, it gets a bit confusing with all of the shell games the Dentist played hiding the original licensing rights.
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
"You seem to be the most informed TMM investor that I’ve seen in the 24 years I’ve owned, sold and still check on the TMM board."

My relationship with TMMI dates back to 1993. I was fortunate enough to have gotten to know Taylor Kramer quite well. He had such a profound effect on me that can be only described as electric. It is because of him I am still here to this day and I have pretty well seen it all. Needless to say, your involvement hasn't exactly been stellar.

"Your information on CodeBaby wasn’t known by others."

More of your insinuating commentary. The funding Codebaby/Geppetto is in the filings. My description of their demos is my observations.
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Why don’t you ask your buddy Fernandez? He was the guest speaker. I was meeting almost all for the first time
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
No, I only owned one share of DFMI…ever. I did buy shares of Dimension a few years later. I informed the posting board of that when TMM supposedly abandoned Fractals, per their PR.
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
"I bought one share of stock from a DFMI shareholder to attend a DFMI shareholder gathering that Mike Fernandez was addressing in Anaheim, CA.about 13 years ago."

So I understand correctly this meeting took place in Anaheim in 2011? Which DFMI shareholders were present at this meeting?

"You got me. I owned a total of one share that I paid $1 for."

Ah yes, you stubbornly refused to tell us about that one share that you owned for months on end. So how about since then honest Bill, did you increase your ownership in DFMI?

"The Raytheon instance, I didn’t have a sell order established with my broker at the time. The great leap, then descent in price seemed to happen over a short period of time….if I recall it wasn’t even a 24 hour period."

The ladder Bill, the ladder, you keep forgetting about the ladder Bill.

"My cohorts, at that time, were fellow TMM shareholders"

Sure Bill sure, whatever you say.
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Stewguts you certainly seem to constantly have information that’s not open to others. Good for you. In reading TMM’s message board from time to time, most are just asking for information on what’s going on with their investment. You seem to be the most informed TMM investor that I’ve seen in the 24 years I’ve owned, sold and still check on the TMM board.

Your information on CodeBaby wasn’t known by others. I never heard the competitor was calling Raytheon saying they owned the TMM technology. That was, to my knowledge, never made public. You’ve been here a very long time. You’ve worked very hard policing what you think are hurtful posts. If you’ve gained the trust, confidence and insider position, good for you. Others just want information…just like I did when I was a TMM shareholder
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
I bought one share of stock from a DFMI shareholder to attend a DFMI shareholder gathering that Mike Fernandez was addressing in Anaheim, CA.about 13 years ago. You got me. I owned a total of one share that I paid $1 for. In that meeting Fernandez offered everyone there (except me) board member positions for TMM. He was angry that I was there. Why would the CEO of TMM get angry that a fairly sizable TMM shareholder would hear what he was saying?????

The Raytheon instance, I didn’t have a sell order established with my broker at the time. The great leap, then descent in price seemed to happen over a short period of time….if I recall it wasn’t even a 24 hour period. My cohorts, at that time, were fellow TMM shareholders
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
Yo Jay, you forgot to give yourself a thumbs up.
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
"I posted when I was going to buy Dimension shares.",

Firstly, I won't waste my time sifting through all your disingenuous posts to find your evasive responses. When asked directly whether you were an investor in DFMI, you consistently avoided giving a straightforward yes or no answer. While you often boasted about your savvy investments, you steadfastly refused to disclose if you owned shares of DFMI, insisting that it's no one's business what you do or don't own.

"Yes, unfortunately I was in a refinery with no phone access during their second best fraud ulent pump. Missed cashing out in the high $.20s. I’m sure the insiders made a bundle on the Raytheon situation"

Ah yes, I remember that well. You were stuck up on that ladder when the Raytheon news release hit. That's when your fellow cohorts went to work harassing Raytheon IR with claims of ownership of TMMI's proprietary technology.

"I’m sure the insiders made a bundle on the Raytheon situation"

There you go again with your insinuations. The "insiders" were dumbstruck by how the stock got hammered on what was arguably the best news to have come out of TMMI in years. Unfortunately, I was not in the loop to explain that the stock had just come under attack by the naked short cabal to prevent the stock from getting traction which would have led to a massive short squeeze.
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
Interesting. It appears you spoke with CodeBaby, which evolved from Geppetto Avatars. If I recall correctly, they received approximately $200,000 from TMMI, a company they seem reluctant to associate with. Given this transaction, it seems TMMI got the short end of the stick, especially considering the unimpressive avatars showcased on CodeBaby's website. These demos use outdated open-source code, which doesn't reflect well on the investment. Perhaps TMMI should consider asking for their money back.

Still shaking my head over that one.
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4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Interesting that you call me a liar, all the while supporting TMM. How did the sales to Raytheon, mini-pc’s and CodeBaby turn out? Looking at the 10Q’s and 10K’s I can’t find anything.
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Once the court case is over TMM won’t have any excuses for nonperformance. Therefore, expect more filings
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
Your retorts are old and tired. I posted when I was going to buy Dimension shares. I also posted in 3/13 that TMM was making a huge mistake with suing over a knee jerk reaction. How did that turn out?

Yes, unfortunately I was in a refinery with no phone access during their second best fraud ulent pump. Missed cashing out in the high $.20s. I’m sure the insiders made a bundle on the Raytheon situation
jay14 jay14 1 week ago
Litigation has nothing to do with
releasing any current news on the future of TMMI!!!!

Yes, court battle continues, but
TMMI shareholders are only asking
whether or not TMMI technology
is still in the game!!!!

Susan Bala wants to keep any possible deals to herself, if true, okay, but release basic information
on the status of TMMI technology!!!!

TMMI quote:
While there is not much that can publicly be said about it....
Tell us what can be said,
like, is there a future of TMMI!!!!
That absolutely has nothing to do with any Litigation!!!!
It's a vague statement put out on X!!!!
MisteraVA MisteraVA 1 week ago
Rhimes with Code something?
Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
"lol. If lying and fraudulent PR’s are your thing, then you own the right stock. I owned this stock for 14 years and have posted with many here over those years."

That's pretty rich coming from you, one who posted continuously as some "concerned shareholder" while hiding the fact he was an investor in DFMI.

I believe there is a ladder out there in dire need of a liar to climb it.
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Stewguts Stewguts 1 week ago
"Sad to have done all the research over many years and finally get in touch with one of their big
so called joint ventures to hear TMMi was not a company they wanted to work with."

Just curious about the big joint venture company that declared they did not want to work with TMMI, care to name it?
BigB111 BigB111 1 week ago
What does tgat have to do with 25 years ago...
StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 1 week ago
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MisteraVA MisteraVA 1 week ago
4retire: Ya think? Right there with you. Sad to have done all the research over many years and finally get in touch with one of their big
so called joint ventures to hear TMMi was not a company they wanted to work with. TMMi, Run the company like adults and clean up your act.
4retire 4retire 1 week ago
lol. If lying and fraudulent PR’s are your thing, then you own the right stock. I owned this stock for 14 years and have posted with many here over those years.
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MisteraVA MisteraVA 1 week ago
StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 1 week ago
Excellent post. I agree.
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Adamph85 Adamph85 2 weeks ago
Thank you. Also great post Stewguts. I couldn't agree more.
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Stewguts Stewguts 2 weeks ago
Great post Adamph85, I couldn't agree more. They have indeed continued to report, albeit sometimes delayed and maintained the current listing status. It's evident from their last tweet that they are currently focused on resolving the lawsuit, which is a crucial step before they can move forward effectively.

You're right about the importance of understanding the financial burden of legal proceedings. The fact that someone is willing to cover these costs shows a significant commitment to the company and its shareholders. We are fortunate Susan Bala has taken on the challenge of keeping TMM current as well as continuing to fund the lawsuit in order to stave off a default judgement leading to a potentially egregious award to DFMI. Instead of being critical, we should appreciate the efforts being made on our behalf as I am hard pressed to find anyone else that would want to step into this unweildly beast called TMM Inc.

As you mentioned, investing in an OTC company comes with inherent risks. Negative and threatening comments only serve to demoralize and hinder progress. It’s vital to maintain a positive and supportive environment for everyone involved, especially those working hard to steer the company through challenging times.

Susan Bala's track record of overcoming obstacles and achieving success speaks volumes. It's a testament to her resilience and dedication. While the current situation is frustrating, I believe that once the lawsuit is settled, the company will be in a much stronger position to move forward and deliver value to its investors.

Ultimately, we have two choices: sell our shares if we cannot endure the uncertainty or stay patient and trust in the leadership to navigate through this period or choose to have faith in Ms. Bala and look forward to the positive outcomes of her efforts.

At this point it is what it is.
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4retire 4retire 2 weeks ago
My gosh Jay. You said they lied and pumped the stock price? Raytheon, mini-pcs, code baby lies? Say it ain’t so
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StockSeedGems2143 StockSeedGems2143 2 weeks ago
True, however, again, let me refer you to
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BigB111 BigB111 2 weeks ago
No they can't do more than 1 thing at a time.

So if they are just waiting for the lawsuit to end what material events are taking place behind the scenes that shareholders are entitled to know? Believe me there are things they have never disclosed. Fraud on the books, lawsuit threats, share & money exchanges etc. They have never been able to understand what a publicly traded company is and the responsibilities to shareholders that a required. They think they are a privately held company.
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BigB111 BigB111 2 weeks ago
25 years ago. 😆
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