Peter J
1 day ago
A nice clarification of my stance, from the Tullow Oil board:
Second post:
Here's a question for you xxnjr. You appear to be more knowledgeable than most on here regarding the workings of Tullow and the O&G industry. So the question is what is your agenda here? And I ask the question seriously and respectfully. You appeared to start posting in this forum around November when things started to decline and your postings tend to highlight the negative (admittedly there has been a lot to highlight). So I don't see someone with your sentiment and analysis of the situation holding Tullow shares and just watching it drop like the rest of us. So surely you would have sold some time ago and are no longer be holding, yet you continue to post. That in itself is fine, However it is unusual for someone with no vested interest to do so. Have to be honest and it does lead me to believe you are short, as if you were confident in your analysis and felt the share price was going to drop why wouldn't you?
So, it's universal, badog... it happens everywhere. That is why your altruist narrative is pure FOS.... you guys have an interest in ERHC, either financial or wannebe financial.
Peter J
1 day ago
I wonder what Charlie would say?Charlie would say the same thing your wife tells you: "WTF are you doing? Investing is about making money, and you are fiddling around on a chatboard playing Jesus!?!"
The posts of the altruist gang confirm my believe: you guys either have a financial interest in ERHC, or you want one at these prices.
Again: ask Strategy what he thinks of my position. Whether or not you are right about me, is totally irrelevant: it doesn't answer the question why you and your posse without "any financial interest" care so much... lol.
And evidently you care VERY MUCH about what is posted here... while at the same time you guys come up with the absurd "mother Teresa" narrative... to explain away the unexplainable.
A 5 year old understands that this altruist narrative is TOTAL FOS.
Ask Strategy, ask the Late Charlie Munger, ask Warren Buffett.
So again, buddy, substantial amounts of shares will never be available for you and your posse at these prices, live with it.
And while your pi@@ing your life away, ask yourself: why is this ERHC ticker still up?
1 day ago
Seeing reality now, mr. "what I post is not based in reality" lying speculator? How about a reality based update on your March 2025 erhe dividend claims? Or maybe explain how there are going to be EEZ block 4 drilling results announced in March 2025 as you so ridiculously "speculated" (not that it matters since Shell now has the 85% of block 4 and erhc received nothing that could move te share price away from near zero. Remember that "done deal" you swore to for years? lmao). While you are in a dickran flavored reality state of mind, what's your spin on all the " assets erhc is acquiring all over Africa"? And those deep sea divers making oil discoveries, how are they doing?
Better off with the chatbot cut and paste and the worn out epic short squeeze nonsense and gag order bullshit all wrapped around your not based in reality deceitful excuse for speculation. Christmas 2024 destruction of shorts, February 14th kaka, March 2025 dividends and drilling results, "gus bus" rumors - one would think dickran would get tired of making an embarrassing spectacle of him/herself. But obviously his/her greed and hubris just won't allow it to stop.
2 days ago
Another lie-filled "speculation" from erhc liar-in-chief and largest stuck shareholder guerguerian dickran. Lies about what is "known" about the gag order, lies about erhe short positions in Canada, lies about the epic short squeeze that dickran has been unsuccessfully attempting to orchestrate for many years.
No, we won't have to wait long to see that the latest February 14th narrative is simply more pure dickran bullshit. Then we will see his/her March 2025 erhe dividend exposed in all its false glory followed by the death of dickran's asinine, embarrassing block 4 drilling results prediction. And what about dickran's bold assertions that erhc has been busy acquiring assets all over Africa? Delusional, desperate, deceitful, demented, despicable greed and hubris driven blather.
All that's missing is the frequently used dickran ass-covering disclaimer that makes it clear his/her posts are "not based in reality". No truer words were ever posted.
Meanwhile, erhe price near zero, volume near zero, efforts by Ntephe to add value to erhe shares near zero.
2 days ago
Potential Contagion Effect from DBMMβs Short Squeeze on ERHC Energy
DBMM was once on the Caveat Emptor (CE) list, much like ERHC Energy is today. Many short sellers aggressively target stocks that receive the CE designation, assuming they belong to failing or fraudulent companies. However, DBMM defied those expectations, successfully shedding its CE status and proving that not all CE stocks are doomed.
ERHC remains on the CE list, but unlike DBMM, we know the primary reason for its lack of filings was due to gag orders. The key difference between the two stocks, however, is in their short sellers. ERHC is largely shorted by Canadian firms, which are not FINRA members and therefore do not have to report their short positions under the SECβs new 13f-2 rule. In contrast, DBMM was famously shorted by major U.S. firms like Citadel, which do fall under the SECβs reporting requirements.
This means that while the new rule may not directly impact ERHCβs short sellers, it will affect American short sellers of DBMM, potentially forcing them to cover. Now, consider a scenario where a Canadian short seller had positions in both DBMM and ERHC. If DBMM experiences a short squeeze due to these forced disclosures, that same Canadian short seller could be hit with margin calls, forcing them to cover both positionsβincluding ERHC.
This could trigger a chain reaction, where rising prices in DBMM spill over into ERHC, forcing even more Canadian short sellersβwho may not even be involved in DBMMβto cover their positions in ERHC as well. The end result? A potential short squeeze in ERHC, driven by a contagion effect originating from DBMM.
While this remains speculative, the dominoes are lining up, and with the first 13f-2 disclosures just two weeks away, we wonβt have to wait long to see if this scenario plays out.
Peter J
3 days ago
mr. ssc
Why have you dedicated yourself to spending your time and all those words attacking those who simply post the facts about erhc and the truth about its largest shareholder and known liar guerguerian dickran? Grow a spine.That was the very essence of my first post ssc: why are people who have no interest in ERHC posting THOUSANDS OF TIMES the same facts about ERHC and the TRUTH about it's largest shareholder, over and over? And over and over...
THAT, my friends, is the real question here... I substantiated that obsveration several times now.
Further: take a course in reading comprehension. The answer to YOUR question is in post 363.965
I said literally:
Can you process what I just said, or do I have to repeat it some more?
And yet, you ask again, and again, and again... why? Because:
Unfortunately it doesn't end here, there is something else, a layer of reality ABOVE your narrative:
It means the altruist gaing is beating around the bush, for a reason.
Just ask Strategy: he can probably explain to the obsessive altruist gang what you guys refuse to acknowlegde.
1. How big is your audience (of gullible, susceptible potential ERHC investors reading here about this EXPERT Market stock, you think?
2, If that group is susceptible to Krombacher's unproven fairy tails, then why are they, in your view, NOT susceptible for the Skull and Bones warning by an OFFICIAL ENTITY... ? What makes you assume that your voice (who the hell are you, anyway? A poster, nothing more) is more credible and powerful than the voice of the OTC Markets themselves? Please explain... ! Use your common sense.
3. Why are you willing to spend tens of thousands of $$$$ in working hours, to (claim to) 'save' an X number of evidently 'not so smart potential investors' from the dangers of a 'pie in the sky' poster...? In my book they deserve what they get when buying into this stock! You don't even know who these people are... maybe they are very unlikeable people... why would you dedicate any amount of time to this unanimous group of x people? (The question whether or not I want you to do this, is COMPLETELY irrelevant).
It's hard to answer these questions, right? Since common sense makes it unable for you to answer... that is why you call this "BS" ... well, ask STRATEGY what he thinks about these questions... go ask him. He is objective, right?
But either way: I don't think you will get shares at these levels, my assumption is you guys want them dearly.
Peter J
3 days ago
Mr. Badog,
Some people simply lack sufficient intelligence, but I can help.
You are right, with everything you said in the post I'm replying to. (I've said that before, but you don't seem to listen, probably due to a obsessive mindset).
So yes, the longs want you OUT here on this board. Because the longs are STUCK.
Can you process what I just said, or do I have to repeat it some more?
Unfortunately it doesn't end here, there is something else, a layer of reality ABOVE your narrative:
1. How big is your audience (of gullible, susceptible potential ERHC investors reading here about this EXPERT Market stock, you think?
2, If that group is susceptible to Krombacher's unproven fairy tails, then why are they, in your view, NOT susceptible for the Skull and Bones warning by an OFFICIAL ENTITY... ? What makes you assume that your voice (who the hell are you, anyway? A poster, nothing more) is more credible and powerful than the voice of the OTC Markets themselves? Please explain... ! Use your common sense.
3. Why are you willing to spend tens of thousands of $$$$ in working hours, to (claim to) 'save' an X number of evidently 'not so smart potential investors' from the dangers of a 'pie in the sky' poster...? In my book they deserve what they get when buying into this stock! You don't even know who these people are... maybe they are very unlikeable people... why would you dedicate any amount of time to this unanimous group of x people? (The question whether or not I want you to do this, is COMPLETELY irrelevant).
Even Charlie Munger said it out in the open, for everyone to hear: "We could NEVER have gotten this rich, if it weren't for huge amounts of dumb investors".... So isn't your 'motivation' a bit weird... (understatement of the year, lol)
My point, from post one = The difference between Charlie Munger and you is.... indeed: ONE BILLION DOLLARS!!!
So, in conclusion: you either have shorted ERHC, or... way more likely: YOU WANT IN.
Well, good luck, I'm sure as long as the ticker exists, no long will sell shares until it's clear WHY the ERHE ticket is kept alive, badog.
Go out there and try to make some money. If you are not convinced, ask your own family what they want you to do: be right... or be rich.
Peter J
4 days ago
LOL @abbadoc
I have no problem with Krom or others getting out of this with a profit....just get it the old fashion way....earn it thru company accomplishments.
Sir, I can only say: FOS.
An examply why this is FOS, a quote from a Tullow oil investor, how strinkingly relevant:
All the negativity on here in the past month has been from holders and the 10p brigade havenβt made an appearance. Yet the holders wonder why the share price is weak. You seriously need to sell if you have no faith. Holding and continually moaning about the share is ridiculous and counter productive. Plenty other shares out there to choose from.
Instead of trying to make some money, the ERHE altruist gang has lost sight of reality and thinks they are 'saving the world from armaggeddon'
Over $100K in working hours for an audience of 5 people, none of the gullible.
Badog, again: obsessive FOS, is my conclusion.
5 days ago
When you think about it, owning 400 million shares of a stock and all you need is to sell at a penny to make $4 million must be maddening as, in spite of all deceitful efforts, the years go by and the price remains near zero with very little volume. While it certainly does not justify the thousands of false rumors and outright lies, it does explain how a certain type of person could be taken over by greed and hubris, and driven to the depths of desperation most recently made evident by the embarrassing claims of Christmas 2024 destruction of short sellers, March 2025 erhe dividend, and March 2025 drilling results announcement.
Meanwhile, erhc management continues its 7 years of non-reporting, shareholder value destroying silence as Ntephe masquerades as a successful ceo on social media and reminisces about how great the unsuccessful drilling in Kenya was many years ago. Of course he never mentions the share price, the SEC delinquencies, or the Caveat Emptor, Skull & Crossbones, Expert Market status of his company. There oughta be a law. There probably is, but the small group of investors who own the controlling interest of the company sit passively by as they lose everything.
Largest shareholder, small group with 2 billion shares, erhc management and insiders - you just can't make this stuff up.
6 days ago
Wow, that didn't take long, just a few hours and the excuses about the new short seller disclosure regulations are already flowing lmao. Deceitful, desperate, delusional, deceitful "speculation" just never ends. How are those March dividend and drilling announcements coming along? What about all those "assets all across Africa" that erhc has been acquiring? And how did Shell get erhc's interest in EEZ block 4? Still not a word from anyone except known liar dickran about any of them. Looks like Ntephe and "Gus" continue to hang shareholders out to dry with dickran twisting and squirming in the middle of it.
Christmas 2024 destruction of shorts, Februrary 14th nothing burger, March 2025 asinine dividend and drilling claims - another classic, demented dickran loser trifecta.
6 days ago
While I donβt expect the SECβs 13f-2 ruling to have a significant impact on ERHC Energy, since most of its short sellers are likely based in Canada and probably not subject to these reporting requirements, I do believe it could affect similar short sellers with positions in U.S. institutions. As their short positions are disclosed, potential short squeezes in other stocks could trigger knock-on or contagion effects, potentially forcing them to cover positions in ERHC Energy as well. That said, time will tellβas always. With the first reporting deadline just two weeks away, we wonβt have to wait long to see the impact.
6 days ago
If I read this correctly and assume that for once you have posted something you didn't make up, then I can state the following with a high degree of certainty:
With a filing deadline of February 14th for this new short selling regulation, come February 15th dickran will be out with a new load of bullshit excuses trying to explain why there are no filings to support his/her asinine claims of huge erhe short positions which, according to dickran involve 100's of millions, even billions of shorted erhe shares.
Actually, it would not be surprising to see dickran lame ass excuses well ahead of that deadline lmao. Meanwhile, while waiting for dickran's March 2025 erhe dividend and EEZ block 4 drilling results "speculation" to crash and burn, let's see how high erhe share price goes now that investors are free to buy it in the U.S. New year, same old stream of impotent nonsense from erhe's largest shareholder trying desperately to unload 400 million erhe shares.
6 days ago
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has implemented a new rule, commonly referred to as the "13f-2" rule, which mandates that institutional investment managers disclose significant short positions. Specifically, managers are required to report gross short positions of $10 million or more, or those that represent more than 2.5% of an equity security's total float. These disclosures are to be made on a monthly basis. The SEC will aggregate this data and release it to the public, aiming to enhance market transparency.
The rule was finalized and announced by the SEC in late 2024, with the first reporting deadline set for February 14, 2025. This means that institutional managers must submit their initial reports by this date, covering their short positions for the preceding month.
Regarding the applicability of this rule to stocks like ERHE, which are traded on the Grey Market, designated as Caveat Emptor, and primarily shorted in Canada:
Grey Market and Caveat Emptor Stocks: The SEC's 13f-2 rule applies to all equity securities, regardless of their trading venue or designation. Therefore, even stocks on the Grey Market or labeled as Caveat Emptor fall under this reporting requirement. The rule does not distinguish between different market tiers or designations.
International Short Positions: The rule specifically targets short positions held by institutional investment managers within U.S. jurisdictions. Short positions held exclusively in foreign markets, such as Canada, may not be subject to this reporting requirement. However, if an institutional manager's aggregate short position in a security, combining both U.S. and international holdings, meets the reporting thresholds, they are obligated to report it.
In summary, the SEC's 13f-2 rule requires the disclosure of significant short positions across all equity securities, including those like ERHE. Institutional managers should assess their total short exposure to determine their reporting obligations under this new mandate.
7 days ago
Sorry, but your threat of a "recurring" effort to promote your latest attempt to pump up the erhe share price is impotent. Based on all the other recurring bullish claims you have made, there is nothing you can post that will achieve your desperately sought after "dollars/share". For those who have already dismissed the dickran March erhe dividend and drilling results "speculative" bullshit, now they can watch your latest nonsense and all the volume that flows into erhe and its price.
Anyone wondering about dickran and his thousands of baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies, ask yourself this: Is erhe closer to dollars/share or zero? The answer to that simple question proves who is full of bullshit - not that the truth isn't already obvious.
How will dickran follow the March speculation disaster? Anything new from Ntephe's LinkedIn impersonation of a real ceo? How about another shell game from "Gus"? So desperate and pathetic.
7 days ago
The 3 month daily average can be found both on this website and on yahoo finance in the quote section. It's 750,000 shares in this website and 372,000 on yahoo finance (with no specifications of how many months).
SpeedTrader uses a multiple of the average daily volume. SpeedTrader said that for 1,000,000 shares of ERHC the commission is $105. Current ask price is $0.004 so 1,000,000 shares purchased at market would be $4105. 1 million shares falls below their multiple of average daily volume so executing 1 million shares is no problem. To check it, you can use their simulator first and if it goes through then you can run it for real.
I don't want to post anymore. Stop addressing me with your bullshit.
If you keep addressing me, then I will put in even greater effort to communicate about SpeedTrader making it into a recurring topic on this board. You really want that?
1 week ago
Still trying to find some buyers for those 400 million erhe shares I see. So now the volume should be exploding, what with erhe announcing a dividend in just a month or so and the report on drilling in EEZ block 4 as those deep sea divers have been working so hard at the bottom of the Gulf of Guinea trying to find oil for so long. Well, that's if you believe erhe's largest shareholder and known liar guerguerian dickran who stands to make $40,000,000 if he/she could sell for just 10 cents. Even a penny would see dickran pocket a cool $4 million.
Meanwhile, in the fact based world, erhe price near zero and volume near zero as it has been for 7 years. But thanks for the brokerage information. Unfortunately, erhc management led by ceo Ntephe continues to show no interest in doing anything to help the share price and "speculation" from the debunked and exposed dickran has no credibility at all. March dividend and drilling results? Can't wait. I wonder how dickran will explain the lack of volume now that Americans can buy erhe. lmao.