2 years ago
Trend Analysis
SNAP appears to be consolidating within a longer-term downtrend. The Average Directional Index, or ADX, is below 20, indicating that shares have traded sideways recently. However, the 200-day is still sloping bearishly lower. Comparative Relative Strength analysis shows that this issue is outperforming the S&P 500.
Momentum for SNAP is strongly bullish. The 14-period Slow Stochastic Oscillator is rising, as investors pay higher prices for shares.
Today's volume is on track to be heavier than usual, with 25,604,937 shares having traded so far. The On Balance Volume indicator (OBV) shows that longer term accumulation has given way to near term selling pressure by traders.
Volatility, measured using the width of the Bollinger Bands®, is low. Periods of low volatility tend to precede price breakouts, although they do not provide information as to which direction the breakout will take. Trend and momentum indicators can be helpful to measure future trends.
As of 1:13 PM ET Thursday, 03/23/2023
2 years ago
Face SNAP Security Is KEY!
A picture of one's face is worth over a thousand words. Face security P2P KEY?
FaceKey's family of Security Access Control, Time and Attendance Systems, and Muster Stations are Reliable and Efficient.
Our advanced fingerprint or facial recognition access control products reliably identify authorized personnel so that you can efficiently restrict areas to specific employees, automate the payroll process to prevent errors and βbuddy punchingβ, and instantly identify missing personnel in emergencies.
I bought SNAP. I believe P2P "digital" FACE recognition is a must have. See www facekey dot com. Draw your own opinion. SNAP digital ID potential, suggests SNAP could meld seamlessly with others.
Snap IT up & DEAL!