RNS Number:4171M
Wynnstay Properties PLC
17 June 2003

17 JUNE 2003

             Wynnstay Properties PLC - "the Company" or "Wynnstay"

               Preliminary Results for Year Ended 25th March 2003

Chairman's Statement

I am again pleased to present a very satisfactory set of results for your
Company, as summarised below, showing both record profits and strong asset
growth for the year ended 25th March 2003, continuing the substantial progress
achieved over recent years:

                                                                                  2003             2002
*         Profit before Property Disposals and 
          Taxation:                                             + 12.6%       #654,000         #581,000
*         Profit on ordinary activities before taxation:        + 13.4%       #755,000         #666,000
*         Net asset value per share:                            + 18.3%       297p             251p
*         Basic earnings per share:                             + 19.4%       18.5p            15.5p
*         Recommended total dividend per share:                 + 6.7%        7.2p             6.75p

The improvements both in terms of profitability and asset value have been
derived largely from those properties we have acquired over recent years and, in
particular, from our expanded interests in industrial properties in central
southern England.  The portfolio remained fully let and income producing during
the year.  Total property and administrative costs increased to #515,000 from
#478,000, principally on account of certain non-recurring items.

We continued to benefit from the re-financing of our bank facilities carried out
almost two years ago and from lower interest rates.  Borrowings have been
reduced significantly, so that at the year end net gearing was 58% compared with
77% last year.  The Company therefore has substantial unutilised facilities
available for reinvestment as and when suitable opportunities arise.

During the year we disposed of one office property, at North Hill Colchester, on
which I reported in my interim statement last November, realising a profit
before taxation of #101,000.  No property acquisitions were made during the year
although we reviewed a significant number of potential investment opportunities
and made offers, albeit unsuccessfully, on those we considered to be the most
attractive.  We are only prepared to acquire properties which we are confident
will add significant value to the portfolio over the medium to long term.  We
remain determined not to overpay, particularly at this mature stage of the cycle
and with the economy continuing to appear very fragile.

At the year end, the Company's property portfolio was independently valued at
almost #15.5 million of which, by value, 44% related to industrial property, 31%
to offices and 25% to retail.  The resulting surplus for the year of #1.11
million contributed towards the 18.3% increase in net asset value to 297 pence
per share.

In the light of these results, the Directors are recommending a total dividend
for the year of 7.2 pence per share, representing an increase of 6.7% over that
paid for the previous year.

Emulating last year's performance will be challenging.  However, at this early
stage, prospects for the current year appear satisfactory.

Despite reports of possible overheating in the property market, the sector has
generally performed well relative to most others and Wynnstay's share price has
proved to be resilient in the prevailing unsettled conditions.

As I reported at the interim stage, I and my immediate family acquired a further
570,700 ordinary shares in Wynnstay, taking our aggregate holding to 27.07%.  As
Chairman, and with the support of the entire Board, I remain committed to the
further successful development of Wynnstay for the benefit of all Shareholders
over the coming years.

I am hoping that as many Shareholders as possible will be able to attend our
Annual General Meeting which will again be held at the Royal Automobile Club on
Thursday 24th July 2003.  At that meeting there will be an opportunity to ask
questions and to meet other Shareholders, as well as participating in the formal
business of the meeting, including the approval of the final dividend.

Finally, I would like to thank on your behalf Wynnstay's small dedicated
management team as well as our professional advisers for their hard work and
support in making the last year such a successful one for your Company.

Philip G.H. Collins



                                                                                      2003                  2002
                                                                          #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000
        Gross Rental Income                                                          1,504                 1,435
        Fees and Commissions                                                            18                    19
                                                                                  --------              --------
                                                                                     1,522                 1,454
        Property Outgoings                                                            (63)                  (56)
                                                                                  --------              --------
                                                                                     1,459                 1,398
        Administrative Expenses                                                      (452)                 (422)
                                                                                  --------              --------
        OPERATING PROFIT                                                             1,007                   976
        Profit on Disposal of Investment Properties                                    101                    85
                                                                                  --------              --------
                                                                                     1,108                 1,061
        Finance Costs                                                                                           
        Interest Payable                                                  (368)                 (407)           
        Investment Income                                                    15                    12           
                                                                                     (353)                 (395)
                                                                       --------   --------   --------   --------
        PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                                  755                   666
        Taxation on Profit from Ordinary Activities                                  (171)                 (178)
                                                                                  --------              --------
        PROFIT AFTER TAXATION ATTRIBUTABLE TO ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS                    584                   488
        Dividends per share:-                                              (66)      (227)       (63)      (213)
        Interim Paid:     2.1p      2002:   2.0p                                   --------              --------
                                                                          (161)                 (150)           
        Final Payable:    5.1p      2002:   4.75p                     --------              --------           
                        -----             ------                                                                        
        Total:            7.2p              6.75p                                                         
                       ------             ------                                                                        
        RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR                                                                  
        Wynnstay Properties PLC                                             347                   253           
        Subsidiary Companies                                                 10                    22           
                                                                       --------              --------           
                                                                                       357                   275
                                                                                  ========              ========
        BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                     18.5P                 15.5P
        NORMALISED EARNINGS PER SHARE                                                15.7P                 13.5P


                                                                                    2003                  2002
                                                                        #'000      #'000      #'000      #'000
          FIXED ASSETS                                                                                        
          Tangible Assets                                                         15,517                14,578
          Investments                                                                  1                    56
                                                                                --------              --------
                                                                                  15,518                14,634
          CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                      
          Debtors                                                          69                   102           
          Cash at Bank and in Hand                                        287                   353           
                                                                     --------              --------           
                                                                          356                   455           
          CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year                (712)                 (686)           
                                                                     --------              --------           
          NET CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                  (356)                 (231)
                                                                                --------              --------
          TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                   15,162                14,403
          CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year                (5,700)               (6,450)
                                                                                --------              --------
                                                                                   9,462                 7,953
          PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES                                    (86)                  (38)
                                                                                --------              --------
          NET ASSETS                                                               9,376                 7,915
                                                                                ========              ========
          CAPITAL AND RESERVES:                                                                               
          SHARE CAPITAL                                                              789                   789
               Capital Redemption Reserve                                 205                   205           
               Share Premium Account                                    1,135                 1,135           
               Capital Reserve                                            151                   151           
               Revaluation Reserve                                      3,797                 2,836           
                                                                     --------              --------           
          Non-Distributable Reserves                                               5,288                 4,327
          Profit and Loss Account                                                  3,299                 2,799
                                                                                --------              --------
          EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                               9,376                 7,915
                                                                                ========              ========


                                                                                           2003                   2002
                                                                              #'000       #'000      #'000       #'000
  CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                     1,081                    944
                                                                                       --------               --------
  RETURNS ON INVESTMENT AND SERVICING OF FINANCE                                                                      
  Interest Received                                                               7                     12            
  Interest Paid                                                               (374)                  (374)            
                                                                          ---------               --------            
  NET CASH (OUTFLOW) FROM RETURNS ON INVESTMENT AND SERVICING OF                          (367)                  (362)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  TAXATION PAID                                                                           (144)                  (121)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT                                                                        
  Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets                                             (1)                (1,208)            
  Disposal of Tangible Fixed Assets                                             266                  1,070            
  Sinking Fund Policy (Maturity Proceeds)                                        65                    (1)            
                                                                          ---------               --------            
  NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                       330                  (139)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                                                                   (216)                  (202)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  NET CASH INFLOW BEFORE FINANCING                                                          684                    120
  Drawdown of Bank Loan                                                                       -                  6,450
  Repayment of Bank Loan                                                                  (750)                (6,397)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD                                                (66)                    173
                                                                                      =========              =========
  RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT                                                             
  (Decrease)/INCREASE in Cash in the Period                                                (66)                    173
  Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Debt Financing                                                 750                   (53)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  Movement in Net Debt in the Period                                                        684                    120
  NET DEBT AT 25TH MARCH 2002                                                           (6,097)                (6,217)
                                                                                      ---------              ---------
  NET DEBT AT 25TH MARCH 2003                                                           (5,413)                (6,097)
                                                                                      =========              =========


                                                                                                    2003          2002
                                                                                                   #'000         #'000
  STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES                                                                      
  Profit for the Financial Year after Taxation                                                       584           488
  Taxation on realised Property Revaluation                                                          (6)          (11)
  Unrealised Surplus on Revaluation of Investment Properties                                       1,110           185
                                                                                             -----------   -----------
  Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the Year                                                   1,688           662
  Prior year adjustment                                                                                -          (52)
                                                                                             -----------   -----------
  Total Recognised Gains and Losses since last Annual Report                                       1,688           610
                                                                                             ===========   ===========
  RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT OF SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                                   
  Opening Shareholders' Funds as at 26th March 2002                                                7,915         7,466
  Profit for the Financial Year after Taxation                                                       584           488
  Dividends                                                                                        (227)         (213)
  Other recognised gains and losses - as per Statement of Total Recognised Gains and               1,104           174
  Losses (as above)                                                                                                   
                                                                                             -----------   -----------
  Closing Shareholders' Funds as at 25th March 2003                                                9,376         7,915
                                                                                             ===========   ===========
  NOTE OF HISTORICAL COST PROFITS AND LOSSES                                                                          
  Profit on Ordinary Activities before Taxation                                                      755           666
  Realisation of Sinking Fund Investment Policy                                                       56             -
  Realisation of Property Revaluation Gains in Previous Years                                         93            89
                                                                                             -----------   -----------
  Historical Cost Profit on Ordinary Activities before Taxation                                      904           755
                                                                                             ===========   ===========
  Historical Cost Profit for the Year Retained after Taxation and Dividends                          506           364
                                                                                             ===========   ===========

1.  The financial information above does not constitute full accounts within the
meaning of Section 240 Companies Act 1985 as amended (the "Act").  Full accounts
in respect of the year ended 25th March 2002, on which the auditors reported
without qualification and which contained no statement under Section 237(2) or
(3) of the Act, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2.  Basic earnings per share have been calculated on profits after taxation
attributable to Shareholders of #584,000 (2002: #488,000) and on 3,155,267
ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue in both
periods.  Normalised earnings per share have been calculated on profits after
taxation attributable to Shareholders, excluding profit on property disposals,
of #495,000 (2002: #427,000) on the same weighted average 3,155,267 shares.

3.  A final dividend of 5.1p (2002: 4.75p) per share is being recommended and
will be paid on 29th July 2003 to Shareholders on the register at the close of
business on 4th July 2003.

4.  The 2003 Annual Report & Financial Statements will be posted to Shareholders
shortly and copies may be obtained by writing to the Secretary, Wynnstay
Properties PLC, Cleary Court, 21 St. Swithin's Lane, London EC4N 8AD.

5.  The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at 12 noon on Thursday
24th July 2003 at The Royal Automobile Club, 89 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HS.


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange