9 November 2011 
      Talvivaara Mining Company Interim Report for January-September 2011 
 Solid financial performance whilst working to overcome operational challenges 
Q3 2011 
  * Nickel production of 3,153t, adversely impacted by problems in hydrogen 
    sulphide generators 
  * Net sales of EUR 60.6m 
  * Operating profit of EUR 5.5m 
Q1-Q3 2011 
  * Nickel production of 11,319t, up 73% versus Q1-Q3 2010 
  * Net sales of EUR 164.7m (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 91.9m) 
  * Operating profit of EUR 16.0m (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 11.1m) 
Highlights after the reporting period 
  * Full year 2011 production target revised to a minimum of 16,000t of nickel, 
    as announced in the Operational Update released on 7 October 
  * Both production lines at the metals recovery plant in uninterrupted 
    operation since mid-October and production on track to achieve the targeted 
    nickel output 
  * In response to the volatile and uncertain market environment and decline in 
    nickel prices, short term focus shifted from maximising production volume to 
    optimising profitability 
  * Pekka Perä, Talvivaara's CEO, to retire from active executive duties over 
    the coming months, but will retain his shareholding and an active role on 
    the Board; the Board has commenced the search for a new CEO 
  * Amendment agreement to EUR 100m revolving credit facility signed in October; 
    facility increased to EUR 130m and maturity extended by one year to June 
Key figures 
 EUR million                                      Q3    Q3  Q1-Q3  Q1-Q3     FY 
                                                2011  2010   2011   2010   2010 
 Net sales                                      60.6  45.1  164.7   91.9  152.2 
 Operating profit (loss)                         5.5  10.9   16.0   11.1   25.5 
 % of net sales                                 9.1% 24.2%   9.7%  12.1%  16.7% 
 Profit (loss) for the period                  (3.4)   5.1  (8.9)  (6.9)  (7.7) 
 Earnings per share, EUR                      (0.02)  0.01 (0.05) (0.03) (0.04) 
 Equity-to-assets ratio                        28.7% 40.1%  28.7%  40.1%  31.7% 
 Net interest bearing debt                     410.2 263.4  410.2  263.4  315.0 
 Debt-to-equity ratio                         128.1% 66.8% 128.1%  66.8%  81.7% 
 Capital expenditure                            22.0  36.9   57.6   92.2  115.7 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the    38.6   6.0   38.6    6.0  165.6 
 Number of employees at the end of the period    446   370    446    370    389 
All reported figures in this release are unaudited. 
CEO  Pekka Perä comments: "As we announced  in our latest operational update, we 
continued  to face  reliability and  availability issues  at our metals recovery 
plant  during the third quarter. Production was hurt particularly by problems in 
hydrogen  sulphide generators,  which suffered  from the  lack of critical spare 
parts  and could only  be operated at  an overall capacity  utilisation level of 
around  35% during the quarter.  While both of  our hydrogen sulphide generators 
have  been back in operation  since mid-October, we expect  to keep running them 
below  full capacity to  avoid any further  disruptions until a sufficient spare 
parts  inventory  has  been  received,  expected  by the year-end. Whilst we are 
naturally  disappointed by  the ongoing  production constraints,  we are however 
pleased  to note that we have already demonstrated that all of our processes can 
be run at design capacities. 
Despite  the production  issues, we  achieved a  solid financial  result for the 
quarter.  The  significant  improvement  in  net  sales compared to the previous 
quarter  reflected deliveries of nickel left in  inventory at the end of Q2, and 
we  recorded an operating  profit of EUR  5.5 million. We have also strengthened 
our  liquidity position by signing the amended EUR 130 million revolver, as well 
as establishing an up to EUR 100 million commercial paper programme. 
During  the third  quarter, conditions  in the  financial and  commodity markets 
became  increasingly volatile and challenging with  the nickel price closing the 
quarter  at around USD  17,500 per tonne, which  is its 2011 low  point. While a 
degree of confidence on the commodity markets has been restored in recent weeks, 
we have responded to the challenges created by the market environment as well as 
our  own production  constraints by  developing a  revised short  term operating 
plan.  We  are  currently  focusing  on  maximising  the  profitability  of  our 
operations  rather than  the production  volume. Our  financial position remains 
solid,  however we have  already taken action  to defer some capital expenditure 
into 2012 and to optimise our operations to realise operating cost savings. 
Going  forward, we remain  as committed as  ever to a  successful ramp-up of our 
operations.  While all  the processes  are in  place for  full-scale production, 
further  progress is  needed with  optimising our  operations and implementing a 
robust  management  systems  infrastructure.  Already,  we  are  seeing  a clear 
improvement  in the  personnel morale  and attitude,  and I  can only express my 
sincerest  gratitude for  the efforts  of our  employees in  addressing the most 
acute production issues during the last few months. 
As  part of Talvivaara's transformation from a project to an operating entity, I 
have  decided to retire  from active executive  duties and increasingly focus on 
shaping  our strategy as a member of the Board of Directors. I am also committed 
to  retaining  my  shareholding  in  the  company.  We  have  an experienced and 
established  management  team  in  place  to  lead  Talvivaara forward, and have 
commenced the search for a new CEO." 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc.  Tel. +358 20 712 9800 
Pekka Perä, CEO 
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, CFO 
Merlin PR Tel. +44 20 726 8400 
David Simonson 
Anca Spiridon 
Webcast and conference call on 9 November 2011 at 12:00 GMT/14:00 EET 
A combined webcast and conference call on the January-September 2011 Interim 
Result will be held on 9 November 2011 at 12:00 GMT/14:00 EET. The call will be 
held in English. 
The webcast can be accessed through the following link: 
A conference call facility will be available for a Q&A with senior management 
following the presentation. 
Participant - Finland: +358 (0)9 2313 9201 
Participant - UK: +44 (0)20 7162 0077 
Participant - US: +1 334 323 6201 
Conference id: 891450 
The webcast will also be available for viewing on the Talvivaara website shortly 
after the event. 
Financial review 
Q3 2011 (July-September) 
Net sales and financial result 
Talvivaara's  net sales for  nickel and cobalt  deliveries to Norilsk Nickel and 
for  zinc deliveries to Nyrstar during the three months ended 30 September 2011 
amounted to EUR 60.6 million (Q3 2010: EUR 45.1 million). Net sales increased by 
61.0% compared to the previous quarter, mainly as a result of substantial nickel 
and  cobalt deliveries having  been delayed from  Q2 2011 into Q3  2011 due to a 
maintenance stoppage at Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta. Product deliveries during the 
period amounted to 4,586 tonnes of nickel, 126 tonnes of cobalt and 8,848 tonnes 
of zinc. 
Change  in inventories of finished products and work in progress amounted to EUR 
2.6 million  (Q3  2010: EUR  20.9 million),  with  the  small  increment for the 
quarter  reflecting  the  recovery  of  the  unusually  large  finished  product 
inventories  of nickel and cobalt at the  end of the previous quarter. Materials 
and  services during the third quarter amounted to EUR (29.1) million (Q3 2010: 
EUR  (26.9) million),  and other  operating expenses  to EUR  (12.3) million (Q3 
2010: EUR  (11.0) million). Costs were at a slightly lower level compared to the 
previous quarter, reflecting the lower production volume. On the other hand, the 
cost  level was increased by  maintenance costs relating to  the issues with the 
hydrogen  sulphide  generators  as  well  as  improvements  to  the primary heap 
reclaiming system. 
Operating  profit for Q3  2011 was EUR 5.5 million  (Q3 2010: EUR 10.9 million), 
and  loss for the period  amounted to EUR (3.4)  million (Q3 2010: profit of EUR 
5.1 million). 
Statement of financial position and financing 
Capital  expenditure  for  the  quarter  totalled EUR 22.0 million (Q3 2010: EUR 
36.9 million).   The  expenditure  related  primarily  to  the  construction  of 
secondary  heap foundations and  a gypsum pond,  as well as  to pressure filters 
acquired for drying of the zinc product. 
In  September, the  Finnish State  completed the  redemption of  the Talvivaara- 
Murtomäki   railroad  and  reimbursed  Talvivaara  Infrastructure  Ltd  for  the 
construction  expenses of the railroad. The  total reimbursement amounted to EUR 
40 million  (VAT 0%), of which EUR 20 million had been paid in June 2010 and the 
remaining  EUR  20 million  in  September  2011. In  conjunction  with the final 
reimbursement, the railroad became property of the Finnish State and part of the 
national rail network. Subsequently, Talvivaara repaid the EUR 18.7 million term 
loan  used  to  finance  the  construction  of  the railroad as well as interest 
subsidy loans amounting to EUR 4.2 million. 
Also  in  September,  Talvivaara  entered  into receivables factoring agreements 
amounting to a total combined factoring credit limit of EUR 100 million. 
In  August, Talvivaara entered into a commercial  paper notes programme of up to 
EUR  100 million with Nordea Bank, Sampo  Bank and Svenska Handelsbanken. On 30 
September  2011, the outstanding  commercial paper  notes amounted  to a nominal 
value of EUR 10 million. 
Q1-Q3 2011 (January-September) 
Net sales and financial result 
Talvivaara's  net sales during the  nine months ended 30 September 2011 amounted 
to  EUR 164.7 million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR  91.9 million). Product deliveries during 
the  period totalled 11,136 tonnes of nickel (Q1-Q3 2010: 5,614t), 24,266 tonnes 
of zinc (Q1-Q3 2010: 14,610t), and 266 tonnes of cobalt (Q1-Q3 2010: 47t). 
The  Group's other operating income amounted to EUR 2.6 million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 
17.2 million),  primarily relating to indemnities on  a damaged drilling rig and 
transformers,  gain  on  the  sale  of  the  railroad,  and  fair value gains on 
Materials  and services during the  nine months ended 30 September 2011 amounted 
to  EUR (97.3) million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR  (68.3) million). The increase reflected 
the   increased  level  of  production,  whilst  the  largest  cost  items  were 
consumables,  external services  and production  chemicals, particularly propane 
and lye (caustic soda). 
Employee  benefit expenses including  the value of  employee expenses related to 
the  employee share option scheme of  2007 were EUR (19.1) million (Q1-Q3 2010: 
EUR  (14.4) million). The  increase was attributable  to the increased number of 
Other  operating expenses amounted to EUR (42.6) million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR (30.2) 
million).  Energy and maintenance costs comprised  over two thirds of the total. 
The  impact of maintenance costs was particularly  high in the second quarter of 
2011 due to the maintenance and upgrading programmes carried out in April-May. 
Operating  profit amounted  to EUR  16.0 million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 11.1 million), 
representing an operating margin of 9.7% for Q1-Q3 2011. 
Finance  income for the  nine month period  was EUR 1.0 million (Q1-Q3 2011: EUR 
6.9 million),  which mainly consisted of interests on bank accounts and exchange 
rate gains. Finance costs of EUR (27.8) million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR (27.0) million) 
primarily  related to interest and financing  expenses on borrowings. As further 
explained  in Note 6 to this Q3 2011 interim report, Talvivaara has reclassified 
the  US dollar denominated  Nyrstar advance payment  as a non-monetary liability 
from Q3 2011 onwards. As a result of the reclassification, foreign exchange rate 
gains  and  losses  in  finance  income  and  costs have decreased, and relevant 
financial  information  for  prior  periods  since  Q1  2010 has  been  restated 
The Company's loss for the period amounted to EUR (8.9) million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 
(6.9) million). 
Total comprehensive income for the nine month period was EUR (16.3) million (Q1- 
Q3  2010: EUR (15.4) million), including a reduction in hedge reserves resulting 
from the occurrence of the hedged sales. 
Statement of financial position 
Capital expenditure during Q1-Q3 2011 totalled EUR 57.6 million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 
92.2 million).  The expenditure  primarily related  to construction of secondary 
heap  foundations,  a  gypsum  pond  and  the uranium extraction circuit. On the 
consolidated  statement of financial position as at 30 September 2011, property, 
plant  and equipment amounted to EUR 751.4 million (31 December 2010: EUR 728.2 
In the Group's assets, inventories amounted to EUR 225.0 million on 30 September 
2011 (31   December   2010: EUR  175.4 million).  The  increase  in  inventories 
reflected the ramp-up of production and the consequent increase in the amount of 
ore stacked on heaps, valued at cost. 
Trade receivables amounted to EUR 47.6 million on 30 September 2011 (31 December 
2010: EUR  52.4 million). The 88% increase in  trade receivables compared to EUR 
25.4 million  on 30 June  2011 reflected the  higher level  of nickel and cobalt 
deliveries  during  the  third  quarter,  resulting  from  the  recovery  of the 
inventories  accumulated at the end of Q2  2011 due to a maintenance stoppage at 
Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta. 
On  30 September 2011, cash and  cash equivalents totalled  EUR 38.6 million (31 
December 2010: EUR 165.6 million). 
In  equity and  liabilities, total  equity amounted  to EUR 320.2 million on 30 
September  2011 (31  December  2010: EUR  385.6 million).  In  June,  Talvivaara 
acquired  an additional 4% shareholding in its subsidiary Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd 
from  Outokumpu  Mining  Oy,  increasing  Talvivaara's  ownership  in Talvivaara 
Sotkamo from 80% to 84%. As a result of the acquisition, equity decreased by EUR 
61.5 million  as the  acquisition price  of EUR  60 million and  the transaction 
costs  of EUR  1.5 million were  deducted from  equity under  IFRS. On the other 
hand,  the  equity  component  of  EUR  9.0 million  for  the  senior  unsecured 
convertible bonds due 2015 was recognised in equity during the period. 
A  total of 465,085 new shares  were subscribed and paid  for during Q1-Q3 2011 
under  the  company's  stock  option  rights 2007A and 2007B and the convertible 
bonds due 2015, with the entire subscription price recognised in equity. 
Borrowings  decreased from EUR  480.6 million on 31 December  2010 to EUR 448.7 
million  at  the  end  of  September  2011. The changes in borrowings during the 
period  included determination of the equity  component for the senior unsecured 
convertible bonds due 2015, issuance of EUR 10 million of commercial paper notes 
and repayment of the railroad loan and interest subsidy loans. 
Total advance payments as at 30 September 2011 amounted to EUR 242.1 million (31 
December  2010: EUR 259.9 million). The changes in advance payments during Q1-Q3 
2011 consisted  of the reclassification of the Nyrstar advance payment as a non- 
monetary  liability,  recognition  of  the  advance  payment for the railroad as 
revenue,  EUR 7.0 million in advance payments  from Cameco Corporation under the 
uranium  off-take  agreement  as  well  as  amortization  of the Nyrstar advance 
payment.  The reclassification of the Nyrstar  advance payment as a non-monetary 
liability  better  reflects  the  financial  nature  of  the transaction, as the 
advance  payment is repaid through physical deliveries and therefore there is no 
actual  foreign exchange risk.  The effects of  the reclassification on deferred 
tax  assets, equity, advance  payments, profit/loss, and  earnings per share for 
the relevant periods are further described in Note 6 to this interim report. The 
restatement  does not have any impact on the operating earnings or cash flows of 
prior periods. 
Total  equity and liabilities  as at 30 September  2011 amounted to EUR 1,114.4 
million (31 December 2010: EUR 1,214.5 million). 
In  September, Talvivaara received EUR 20 million  from the Finnish State as the 
final  redemption  amount  for  the Talvivaara-Murtomäki railroad. Subsequently, 
Talvivaara   repaid   the  EUR  18.7 million  term  loan  used  to  finance  the 
construction  of the railroad as well as interest subsidy loans amounting to EUR 
4.2 million. 
Also  in  September,  Talvivaara  entered  into receivables factoring agreements 
amounting to a total combined factoring credit limit of EUR 100 million. 
In August, Talvivaara established a commercial paper notes programme of EUR 100 
million.  On 30 September 2011, the outstanding  commercial paper notes amounted 
to a nominal value of EUR 10 million. 
In  February,  Talvivaara  signed  a  uranium  off-take  agreement  with  Cameco 
Corporation.  According to the  terms set forth  in the agreement,  Cameco is to 
provide  an upfront investment of up to USD 60 million to cover the construction 
costs  of the uranium extraction circuit at the Talvivaara mine. Talvivaara will 
repay  the  investment  through  deliveries  of  uranium  concentrate during the 
initial  years of the agreement.  Once the capital has  been repaid, all uranium 
concentrate  produced thereafter until 31 December 2027 will be bought by Cameco 
at  a price based on  market prices at the  time of delivery. As at 30 September 
2011, Talvivaara  had received  a total  of EUR  7.0 million in advance payments 
from Cameco. 
In  January, an Extraordinary General Meeting  of Talvivaara resolved to approve 
the  proposal  of  the  Board  of  Directors  for the issue of special rights in 
relation  to EUR 225 million  senior unsecured convertible  bonds due 2015 which 
were  issued in December 2010. The bonds are convertible into 27.0 million fully 
paid  ordinary  shares  of  the  Company.  The  interest  rate  applied  to  the 
convertible  bond  is  4.00% and  the  yield  to  maturity  6.50%, reflecting  a 
redemption price of 114.5% at maturity. 
Currency option programme 
In June 2011, Talvivaara entered into a currency option programme comprising USD 
options  for  six  months  from  July  2011 through  December  2011. The monthly 
obligation  amounts to USD 7.5 million and  protection to USD 5.0 million. As at 
30 September  2011, the remaining collar ranges  from EUR/USD ratio of 1.2884 to 
Production review 
During the third quarter, Talvivaara's production was constrained by problems in 
hydrogen  sulphide generators. Because hydrogen sulphide is an essential reagent 
in  the metals recovery process, the unforeseen downtime in the generators had a 
direct  impact on Q3 2011 production output, which for nickel amounted to 3,153 
tonnes  and  for  zinc  to  7,286 tonnes.  Year-to-date production at the end of 
September  amounted to  11,319 tonnes (Q1-Q3  2010: 6,550 tonnes) of  nickel and 
21,291 tonnes (Q1-Q3 2010: 16,092 tonnes) of zinc. 
In  metals  recovery,  primary  focus  during  the  quarter  continued  to be on 
improving the reliability and availability of the overall process, in particular 
the  hydrogen sulphide plants. Both of Talvivaara's hydrogen sulphide generators 
were serviced and upgraded during the second quarter. Following the maintenance, 
the  generators functioned  well, but  the operating  procedure followed  in the 
hydrogen  sulphide process subsequently  proved more wearing  to certain heating 
elements than previous experience would have suggested. Talvivaara's spare parts 
inventory consequently proved insufficient, and given the long lead times of the 
required  specialty steels, the  hydrogen sulphide generators  and therefore the 
entire  metals  recovery  process  had  to  be operated significantly below full 
capacity.  The overall capacity utilisation  of the hydrogen sulphide generators 
was only around 35% during the quarter. 
The  mining department continued  to operate without  material disturbances. The 
department  produced  3.0Mt of  ore  (Q3  2010: 3.4Mt) and  4.5Mt of  waste  (Q3 
2010: 5.4Mt). Emphasis  during  the  period  shifted  increasingly  towards  ore 
mining,  as primary heap  reclaiming improved and  was no longer restricting ore 
production for most of the quarter. 
In  materials  handling,  the  earlier  commissioning  issues  in  primary  heap 
reclaiming  were largely addressed during the third  quarter. As a result of the 
modifications  made to the  reclaiming equipment during  Q2 2011, the feeding of 
ore   into   the  system  and  overall  availability  of  the  process  improved 
significantly  during the third quarter.  Additionally, more of Talvivaara's own 
staff and equipment as well as additional contractor resources were allocated to 
the  process. Due to  the measures taken,  reclaiming of the  primary heap is no 
longer  a  bottle-neck  to  the  stacking  of  new  ore and the entire materials 
handling  process now operates at a satisfactory level. Crushing and stacking of 
ore  in  Q3  2011 amounted  to  3.0Mt (Q3 2010: 3.4Mt), and during Q1-Q3 2011 to 
7.9Mt (Q1-Q3 2010: 10.4Mt). 
Bioheapleaching  continued  to  progress  according  to  plan  during  the third 
quarter,  with the main sources of leach solution being primary heap sections 3 
and  4. Nickel  recovery  from  heap  section  3 has  reached  around 65% in the 
slightly  over a year that the heap has been in production, with heap section 4 
following  a similar pattern. During the third quarter, the average nickel grade 
in solution pumped to metals recovery was stable between 2.0-2.5 g/l. 
The  newly stacked  primary heap  section 1 was  completed in September and has, 
along  with the  secondary heap,  been taken  into production  during the fourth 
quarter, enabling a further ramp-up of production. Leaching in both the new heap 
section 1 and the secondary heap is progressing well. 
Production key figures 
                                Q3    Q3  Q1-Q3  Q1-Q3     FY 
                              2011  2010   2011   2010   2010 
 Ore production       Mt       3.0   3.4    7.9   10.4   13.3 
 Waste production     Mt       4.5   5.4   15.0   11.7   16.7 
 Materials handling 
 Stacked ore          Mt       3.0   3.4    7.9   10.4   13.3 
 Ore under leaching   Mt      32.2  21.4   32.2   21.4   24.3 
 Metals recovery 
 Nickel metal content Tonnes 3,153 3,211 11,319  6,550 10,382 
 Zinc metal content   Tonnes 7,286 7,557 21,291 16,092 25,462 
Sustainable development and permitting 
Environmental monitoring during the third quarter confirmed Talvivaara to comply 
with  all of its environmental permit limits for water emissions. As a result of 
continued  process  improvements  in  metals  recovery  and  other environmental 
investments,  sulphate,  sodium  and  manganese  discharges to nearby lakes have 
continued to decrease. 
Hydrogen  sulphide  (odour)  emissions  to  air  have  also  remained within the 
permitted limits, apart from briefly exceeding them during the third quarter due 
to  the  unstable  running  rate  of  the  overall metals recovery process. Dust 
emissions  have been addressed through watering systems on mine area roads, dust 
removal   systems   particularly  in  the  crushing  and  screening  areas,  and 
modifications  to the mining process. Dust  emissions have been within permitted 
limits in all but one measurement point at the screening building. 
Talvivaara  is committed to  minimizing the environmental  effects of its mining 
operations,  and  targets  at  setting  the  bar  in environmentally sustainable 
Talvivaara   submitted   an   application   for  the  renewal  of  the  existing 
environmental  permit to the regional  environmental permitting agency in March. 
Talvivaara continues to augment the application. 
In  June 2011, Talvivaara submitted to the Ministry of Employment and Economy an 
application  in accordance with  the Mining Act  (503/1965) for the expansion of 
the  Talvivaara  mining  concession  area  by approximately 70 km(2). Subject to 
approval  of the expansion,  the total area  of the Talvivaara mining concession 
will  be approximately  130 km(2). The  expansion of  the mining concession area 
relates   to  the  previously  announced  increase  in  the  Talvivaara  mineral 
resources,  the full exploitation  of which is  not possible within the existing 
mining concession area. 
Baseline  studies  of  the  environment  and  preparations for the Environmental 
Impact  Assessment  relating  to  the  potential production expansion (Operation 
Overlord)  and the expansion of the  mining concession area continued during the 
third quarter. 
In  March 2011, Talvivaara  submitted the  environmental permit  application for 
uranium  extraction to  the regional  environmental permitting  agency, with the 
decision  on  the  permit  expected  during  Q2  2012. In April 2010, Talvivaara 
applied  to  the  Ministry  of  Employment  and  Economy for a permit to extract 
uranium  as a by-product, in accordance  with the Nuclear Energy Act. Processing 
of  the permit application at the Ministry  of Employment and Economy is ongoing 
and Talvivaara expects to obtain this permit in early 2012. 
At  the end  of the  third quarter,  the injury  frequency among  the Talvivaara 
personnel  was 13.9 lost  time injuries/million  working hours  on a rolling 12 
month basis (31 December 2010: 10.7 lost time injuries/million working hours). 
Planned uranium extraction and uranium off-take agreement with Cameco 
In  February,  Talvivaara  signed  a  uranium  off-take  agreement  with  Cameco 
Corporation.  Under the terms of the  agreement, Cameco will provide an up-front 
investment,  up to a maximum of USD  60 million, to cover the construction costs 
of  the  uranium  extraction  circuit  and  related facilities. Cameco's capital 
contribution  will be  repaid through  deliveries of  uranium concentrate in the 
initial years of the agreement. 
Once  the  capital  is  repaid,  Cameco  will  purchase  the uranium concentrate 
produced  at Sotkamo through a supply agreement that will be in effect until 31 
December 2027. Cameco will provide Talvivaara with payment for the uranium based 
on a formula that references market prices at the time of delivery. 
Annual   uranium   production   is   estimated  at  350tU (ca.  770,000 pounds), 
corresponding to approximately 410t (900,000 pounds) of yellow cake (UO(4)). 
Cameco   is   providing  technical  assistance  to  Talvivaara  in  the  design, 
construction,  commissioning and operation of  the uranium extraction circuit to 
be constructed at the Sotkamo mine. 
The  agreements between Talvivaara and Cameco are subject to ratification by the 
Euratom  Supply Agency and  the approval of  the European Commission pursuant to 
the Euratom Treaty. These approvals are expected in late 2011. 
During  the  third  quarter,  the  construction  permit for the uranium recovery 
facility  was received,  and construction  work commenced.  Commissioning of the 
facility,  subject  to  receiving  the  necessary permits and authorizations, is 
expected during the second half of 2012. 
Production expansion - Operation Overlord 
Conceptual  studies relating to production  expansion beyond 50,000tpa of nickel 
continued.   The   dedicated   project   team  consists  of  nine  members  with 
metallurgical,  infrastructure, bioheapleaching, materials  handling and project 
coordination expertise. 
Scoping  studies are currently based on the  target of doubling up the presently 
planned   production  to  approximately  100,000tpa of  nickel.  Whilst  studies 
relating  to various processing  options continue, it  appears relatively likely 
that  a substantial part of the expanded  production would be LME quality nickel 
metal.  Production of cobalt  metal is also  an option, but  refining of zinc to 
zinc  metal is currently not within the planning scope. For certain products and 
raw  materials,  e.g.  manganese  and  sulphuric  acid,  joint ventures or other 
partnering arrangements will be investigated. 
Investment  into the expansion project is planned to be carried out in a modular 
fashion to allow stretching of the expenditure over an estimated 5-6 year period 
starting  in  2013. The  modular  approach  also  allows  commissioning  of  the 
equipment  and processes sequentially in the  order of the process stages, which 
is expected to reduce the risk of serious start-up issues. 
Acquisition of an additional 4% shareholding in the operating subsidiary 
Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd from Outokumpu Mining Oy 
Talvivaara  Mining  Company  signed  an  agreement on 1 June 2011 with Outokumpu 
Mining  Oy and  its parent  company Outokumpu  Oyj to  acquire an additional 4% 
shareholding  in  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  Ltd.  As  a  result  of  the acquisition, 
Talvivaara's  ownership  in  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  increased  from 80% to 84% and 
Outokumpu Mining's ownership decreased to 16%. The acquisition price for the 4% 
stake was EUR 60 million. 
Simultaneously,  Talvivaara  entered  into  an  exclusive  option agreement with 
Outokumpu  Mining Oy and Outokumpu  Oyj (the "Option") whereby  it will have the 
right, at its sole discretion, in one or more installments, to acquire Outokumpu 
Mining's remaining 16% shareholding in Talvivaara Sotkamo for EUR 240 million at 
any  time  prior  to  31 March  2012. Should  Talvivaara  choose to exercise the 
Option, entirely or partially, it will consider appropriate funding arrangements 
for the payment of the exercise price at that time. 
Redemption of the Talvivaara-Murtomäki railroad by the Finnish State 
In  2008-2009, Talvivaara constructed a 25 km  railway connecting the Talvivaara 
mine  with the national  railway grid. Subject  to agreed minimum transportation 
volumes  on the railroad  being achieved, the  Finnish State agreed to reimburse 
the  construction expenses to  Talvivaara Infrastructure Ltd  up to an amount of 
EUR 40 million (0% VAT) in two instalments and to redeem the railroad as part of 
the national rail grid. The first agreed transportation milestone was reached in 
2010 and  the Finnish State  subsequently paid EUR  20 million in June 2010 as a 
partial reimbursement. The remaining minimum transportation volumes were reached 
in  January 2011, and  the Finnish  State paid  the remaining  EUR 20 million in 
September 2011. In conjunction with the final reimbursement, the railroad became 
property of the Finnish State and part of the national rail network. 
Inclusion of Talvivaara Mining Company in the OMX Helsinki 25 index 
Talvivaara  was  included  in  the  OMX  Helsinki 25 index of the Helsinki Stock 
Exchange from 1 August 2011. 
Annual General Meeting 
Talvivaara's Annual General Meeting was held on 28 April 2011 in Sotkamo, 
Finland. The resolutions of the AGM included: 
  * that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2010; 
  * that the annual fee payable to the members of the Board in 2012 be as 
    follows: Chairman of the Board EUR 160,000, Deputy Chairman (Senior 
    Independent Director) EUR 69,000, Chairman of the Audit Committee EUR 
    69,000, Chairman of the Nomination Committee EUR 53,000, Chairman of the 
    Remuneration Committee EUR 53,000, Chairman of the Sustainability Committee 
    EUR 53,000, other Non-executive Directors and Executive Directors EUR 
  * that the number of Board members be seven and that Mr. Edward Haslam, Mr. 
    Eero Niiva, Ms. Eileen Carr, Mr. D. Graham Titcombe, Mr. Pekka Perä, Mr. 
    Tapani Järvinen and Ms. Saila Miettinen-Lähde be re-elected as Board 
  * that the auditor be reimbursed according to the auditor's approved invoice 
    and authorised public accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be elected as 
    the company's auditor for the financial year 2011; 
  * that the Board be authorised to decide on the repurchase, in one or several 
    transactions, of a maximum of 10,000,000 of the Company's own shares. The 
    repurchase authorisation is valid until 27 October 2012. The proposed 
    authorisation replaces the authorisation to repurchase 10,000,000 shares 
    granted by the Annual General Meeting of 15 April 2010; and 
  * that the Company shall issue stock options partly to the key employees and 
    partly to the personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries. The maximum 
    total number of stock options issued will be 5,500,000 and the stock options 
    entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of 5,500,000 new 
    shares in the Company or to receive existing shares held by the Company. The 
    beginning of the share subscription period shall require attainment of 
    certain operational or financial targets determined by the Board annually. 
Risk management and principal risks 
In  line  with  current  corporate  governance  guidelines  on  risk management, 
Talvivaara  carries out an ongoing process endorsed by the Board of Directors to 
identify  risks, measure their impact  against certain assumptions and implement 
the necessary proactive steps to manage these risks. 
Talvivaara's  operations  are  affected  by  various  risks common to the mining 
industry,  such as  risks relating  to the  development of  Talvivaara's mineral 
deposits,  estimates  of  reserves  and  resources,  infrastructure  risks,  and 
volatility  of commodity prices. There are also risks related to counterparties, 
currency  exchange ratios, management and control systems, historical losses and 
uncertainties  about the future  profitability of Talvivaara,  dependence on key 
personnel,   effect   of  laws,  governmental  regulations  and  related  costs, 
environmental  hazards, and risks related to Talvivaara's mining concessions and 
In  the short  term, Talvivaara's  key operational  risks relate  to the ongoing 
ramp-up  of  operations.  While  the  Company  has  demonstrated that all of its 
production  processes work and can be operated  on an industrial scale, the rate 
of  ramp-up is  still subject  to risk  factors, including various technical and 
operational  risks, that  may currently  be unknown  or are beyond the Company's 
control. In order to better mitigate operational risks going forward, Talvivaara 
has  in  place  an  ongoing  production  reliability programme, which targets at 
reducing  downtime  and  risk  of  accidents  through detailed evaluation of all 
equipment  and processes and subsequent  improvement of operating procedures and 
maintenance. The Company is also undertaking a detailed evaluation of management 
systems  at  the  operational  level  and  a concomitant performance improvement 
The  market  price  of  nickel  is,  together  with production volumes, the main 
determinant  of  Talvivaara's  revenues.  The  volatility  of  nickel  price has 
historically  been high and  the volatility is  in the Company's  view likely to 
persist  also in the future. Talvivaara is unhedged against variations in nickel 
prices,  which means that nickel price volatility will have a substantial effect 
on  the Company's revenues  and results. Full  or substantially full exposure to 
nickel  prices  is  in  line  with  Talvivaara's  strategy  and supported by the 
Company's  view that it  can operate the  Talvivaara mine profitably also during 
the lows of commodity price cycles. 
Talvivaara's  revenues are determined mostly in  US dollars, whilst the majority 
of the Company's costs are incurred in Euro. Potential strengthening of the Euro 
against  the US dollar could thus have a material adverse effect on the business 
and  financial condition of  the Company. Talvivaara  hedges its exposure to the 
currency  exchange risk relating to  the US dollar on  a case by case basis with 
the  aim of  limiting the  adverse effects  of US  dollar weakness as considered 
justified from time to time. 
The  number of personnel employed by  the Group on 30 September 2011 was 446 (Q3 
2010: 370). 
Wages  and salaries paid  during the three  months to 30 September 2011 totalled 
EUR  4.9 million (Q3 2010: EUR 3.8 million). Wages  and salaries paid during the 
nine  months  to  30 September  2011 totalled  EUR 16.2 million (Q1-Q3 2010: EUR 
12.2 million). 
As  part of the  Group's long term  incentive plan, the  employees of Talvivaara 
resolved  on  18 June  2011 to  establish  a  Group personnel fund to manage the 
earnings  bonuses paid  by Talvivaara.  In accordance  with its bylaws, the fund 
will  invest a substantial proportion of its assets in Talvivaara Mining Company 
shares.  The  fund  is  managed  by  personnel  representatives  elected  by the 
employees. Registration of the fund is pending at the Ministry of Employment and 
Shares and shareholders 
The  number of  shares issued  and outstanding  and registered  on the Euroclear 
Shareholder  Register  as  of  30 September  2011 was 245,781,803. Including the 
effect  of  the  EUR  85 million  convertible  bond of 14 May 2008, the EUR 225 
million  convertible bond of 16 December 2010 and the Option Scheme of 2007, the 
authorised full number of shares of the Company amounted to 290,636,391. 
The  share subscription period for stock  options 2007A is between 1 April 2010 
and  31 March 2012 and for stock options 2007B between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 
2013. By  30 September 2011 a  total of  340,586 Talvivaara Mining Company's new 
shares  had been subscribed for under the  stock option rights 2007A and a total 
of 1,992,514 stock option rights 2007A remain unexercised. A total of 48,763 new 
shares of Talvivaara were subscribed for under the stock option rights 2007B and 
a  total of 2,284,337 stock option rights 2007B remain unexercised. In addition, 
a  total of  214,736 new shares  of the  Company were  subscribed for  under the 
convertible bonds due 2015. 
As  at 30 September 2011, the  shareholders who held  more than 5% of the shares 
and votes of Talvivaara were Pekka Perä (23.0 %), Varma Mutual Pension Insurance 
Company  (8.6%), Ilmarinen Mutual Pension  Insurance Company (5.7%) and Solidium 
Oy (5.1%). 
Events after the review period 
Operational and Management update 
On  7 October 2011, Talvivaara announced a  revised operating plan and strategic 
decision  to focus  on maximising  profitability of  operations rather  than the 
production  volume over  the remainder  of 2011, in  response to  the heightened 
volatility  and uncertainty  in the  commodity and  financial markets. During Q4 
2011, savings  will  be  sought  by  deferring  approximately  EUR 10 million of 
capital  expenditure into 2012, as well as minimizing the use of contractors and 
optimizing  the scale  of mining  operations. Based  on the  short-term foreseen 
availability  of the  metals recovery  plant, the  Company also rebased its full 
year 2011 production guidance to a minimum of 16,000t of nickel. 
Simultaneously,  Talvivaara  announced  a  number  of  measures  to  address the 
improvement  requirements  of  the  management  systems  applied at the Company. 
Effective   as   of   1 October   2011, the  production  organization  has  been 
restructured  into two operating  divisions: the ore  processes, i.e. mining and 
materials  handling, and the  metals processes, i.e.  bioheapleaching and metals 
recovery.  The management systems at the operational level are addressed through 
a   detailed   evaluation  and  concomitant  performance  improvement  programme 
commencing  in  Q4  2011. All  management  systems  are under review also on the 
corporate  level,  including  reorganisation  of  the  Executive  Committee  and 
redefinition of the duties within it. 
Retirement from active executive duties of CEO Pekka Perä 
On  7 October 2011, Talvivaara announced  that CEO Pekka  Perä had stated to the 
Board  of Directors his decision to retire from active executive duties over the 
coming  months. Consequently, the Company will seek  to appoint a new CEO at the 
earliest opportunity, and Mr Perä has agreed to continue with his current duties 
until  that time. Mr Perä  has also confirmed that  he intends to continue as an 
active  member  of  the  Board  and  to  retain  his current shareholding in the 
The  Board has commenced the search for a  new CEO and will update the market as 
appropriate,  to  ensure  a  smooth  handover  of responsibilities and effective 
Signing of the revolving credit facility amendment agreement 
In  October, an  amendment agreement  was signed  by Talvivaara  and the lending 
banks  to an originally EUR 100 million  revolving credit facility agreement. In 
addition  to  certain  amendments  to  reflect  Talvivaara's  current  stage  of 
development,  the facility was expanded to  EUR 130 million and the maturity was 
extended by one year to June 2014. The lenders and arrangers of the facility are 
Nordea  Bank, Sampo Bank, Svenska Handelsbanken  and Pohjola Bank. The facility, 
which  is currently undrawn, carries a varying margin of 1.75-3.00% depending on 
the Company's leverage ratio. 
The  amended EUR 130 million facility replaced  the EUR 80 million commitment by 
Nordea  Bank signed in June 2011, primarily as back-up financing relating to the 
acquisition of Talvivaara Sotkamo shares from Outokumpu Mining. 
Strike of the Metal Workers Union and Trade Union Pro 
The  Finnish Metal Workers Union  and the Trade Union  Pro commenced a strike on 
21 October  2011 across 40 companies  within the  technology industries. Certain 
mining  companies including Talvivaara  were however excluded  from the scope of 
the strike. The strike ended on 24 October 2011. 
Environmental permitting 
The  Kainuu Centre for Economic Development,  Transport and the Environment (the 
"ELY  Centre")  resolved  on  21 October  2011 that  the  increase in the annual 
production  rate of the Talvivaara mine from approximately 30,000t to 50,000t of 
nickel  will require a new Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA"). The intended 
increase  in  the  production  rate  was  initially part of Talvivaara's renewal 
application  for its  existing environmental  permit, submitted  in March 2011. 
However,  subsequent to  the ELY  Centre's decision,  the target to increase the 
production  rate was pulled from the renewal application in order to conduct the 
required EIA and to apply for the permit to produce 50,000tpa nickel separately. 
The  new EIA process has commenced and  discussions with the authorities for the 
finalization  of the programme are ongoing. The EIA relating to the 50,000tpa of 
nickel  production rate will  be conducted simultaneously  with the EIA required 
for the potential increase of the production rate to up to 100,000tpa of nickel, 
and  for the expansion of the mining concession area to 130 km(2). The EIA's are 
anticipated  to  be  completed  during  the  second  half  of  2012. Thereafter, 
Talvivaara  intends to first  apply for a  permit to produce 50,000tpa of nickel 
with  a separate  application and,  based on  discussions with  the authorities, 
anticipates  obtaining the permit around mid-year 2013. The environmental permit 
application  relating to the  100,000tpa of nickel production  rate will also be 
submitted  in  2012, but  it  is  anticipated  that  the  processing time of the 
application will be longer and that the permit can therefore only be obtained in 
early 2014. 
Given that the environmental permit to produce 50,000tpa of nickel is expected 
to be obtained mid-year 2013, the change in the permitting agenda is not 
anticipated to have a material impact on Talvivaara's ramp-up schedule. 
Short-term outlook 
Operational outlook 
The  availability and utilization  rate of the  hydrogen sulphide generators and 
the  overall  metals  recovery  process  are  the  critical  factors  in view of 
Talvivaara's   short   term  production  volumes.  Since  mid-October,  both  of 
Talvivaara's  hydrogen  sulphide  generators  are  in production, and the entire 
metals  recovery process is operating as anticipated. Talvivaara however expects 
to keep running the hydrogen sulphide generators below full capacity in order to 
avoid  any further unscheduled downtime until a sufficient spare parts inventory 
has been received, expected by the year-end. 
Based  on current production output and  the foreseen short term availability of 
the  metals recovery plant, Talvivaara reiterates  its production target for the 
current year at a minimum of 16,000 tonnes of nickel. 
Production  guidance for the  coming year is  being reassessed based on, amongst 
others,  anticipated reliability and availability  of the metals recovery plant, 
expected progress in the stacking of new ore and Talvivaara's revised short term 
operating  plan. Further  information relating  to 2012 production and financial 
guidance will be released in connection with Talvivaara's Capital Markets Day on 
17 November 2011. 
Market outlook 
The  third quarter of  2011 was marked by  heightened volatility and uncertainty 
across  financial  and  commodity  markets,  driven  by escalating macroeconomic 
concerns   on  global  economic  growth,  Eurozone  sovereign  debt  issues  and 
robustness of the European banking system. The nickel price declined from a high 
of  around USD 25,000 per tonne in July to  a low of USD 17,570 per tonne at the 
quarter end. 
In  terms  of  nickel  market  fundamentals,  however,  LME  nickel  stocks have 
continued  to decline and currently track around their lowest levels since early 
2009. While  a degree of new  supply is expected to  come on stream, the Company 
does  not expect a  significant shift of  the supply-demand balance  in the near 
term.  Furthermore, as nickel prices declined  during the quarter, a supply-side 
response especially from nickel pig iron producers was reported already at price 
levels  around USD 19,000 per tonne. In a weaker nickel price environment, high- 
cost swing capacity is thus expected to be shut down also going forward, thereby 
supporting price levels. 
While  base metals, including nickel, have somewhat recovered during October and 
early  November, volatility  is expected  to remain  at an  elevated level until 
there  is more clarity on the growth trajectory of the global economy and on the 
policymakers'  ability to  contain the  debt crisis  in Europe. Barring a severe 
global  recession, however, further significant  downside to nickel prices would 
appear  to be  capped by  marginal costs  of production. Talvivaara continues to 
believe  the  longer  term  support  level  to  be  around USD 20,000 per tonne, 
although  shorter term,  macro-economy driven  declines even substantially below 
this level remain possible. 
9 November 2011 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Board of Directors 
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 
                                       three        three      nine      nine 
                                   months to    months to months to months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)          30 Sep 11    30 Sep 10 30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 
Net sales                             60,620       45,091   164,734    91,945 
Other operating income                 1,136          532     2,557    17,243 
Changes in inventories of finished 
goods and work in progress             2,562       20,938    42,236    53,097 
Materials and services              (29,131)     (26,915)  (97,335)  (68,284) 
Personnel expenses                   (5,708)      (4,590)  (19,129)  (14,446) 
Depreciation, amortization, 
depletion and impairment charges    (11,668)     (13,159)  (34,484)  (38,191) 
Other operating expenses            (12,277)     (10,966)  (42,612)  (30,234) 
Operating profit (loss)                5,534       10,931    15,967    11,130 
Finance income                           170        2,028       961     6,892 
Finance cost                        (10,025)      (6,137)  (27,781)  (27,026) 
Finance income (cost) (net)          (9,855)      (4,109)  (26,820)  (20,134) 
Profit (loss) before income tax      (4,321)        6,822  (10,853)   (9,004) 
Income tax expense                       921      (1,748)     1,909     2,154 
Profit (loss) for the period         (3,400)        5,074   (8,944)   (6,850) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent                 (3,577)        3,576  (10,178)   (7,889) 
Non-controlling interest                 177        1,498     1,234     1,039 
                                     (3,400)        5,074   (8,944)   (6,850) 
Earnings per share for profit (loss) attributable to the 
owners of the parent expressed in EUR per share) 
Basic and diluted                     (0.02)         0.01    (0.05)    (0.03) 
                             Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 
                                 three     three      nine      nine 
                             months to months to months to months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)    30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 
Profit (loss) for the period   (3,400)     5,074   (8,944)   (6,850) 
Other comprehensive income, 
items net of tax 
Cash flow hedges               (2,506)   (2,696)   (7,385)   (8,572) 
Other comprehensive 
income, net of tax             (2,506)   (2,696)   (7,385)   (8,572) 
Total comprehensive income     (5,906)     2,378  (16,329)  (15,422) 
Attributable to: 
Owners of the parent           (5,682)     1,419  (16,381)  (14,747) 
Non-controlling interest         (224)       959        52     (675) 
                               (5,906)     2,378  (16,329)  (15,422) 
                                           Unaudited   Audited Unaudited 
                                               As at     As at     As at 
(all amounts in EUR '000)                  30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 30 Sep 10 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                751,448   728,226   687,226 
Biological assets                              8,793     8,464     8,474 
Intangible assets                              7,485     7,737     7,758 
Deferred tax assets                           25,847    20,552    26,748 
Other receivables                              2,986     7,626     7,616 
Available-for-sale financial assets              630       464         - 
                                             797,189   773,069   737,822 
Current assets 
Inventories                                  225,038   175,361   160,389 
Trade receivables                             47,602    52,354    33,716 
Other receivables                              5,806     8,702     6,189 
Derivative financial instruments                 237        40         - 
Cash and cash equivalent                      38,555   165,555     5,976 
                                             317,238   402,012   206,270 
Assets held for sale                               -    39,391    39,391 
Total assets                               1,114,427 1,214,472   983,483 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 
Share capital                                     80        80        80 
Share issue                                        -        91         - 
Share premium                                  8,086     8,086     8,086 
Hedge reserve                                  1,665     7,494     9,709 
Other reserves                               448,802   433,012   439,784 
Retained earnings                          (152,646)  (80,068)  (79,257) 
                                             305,987   368,695   378,402 
Non-controlling interest in equity            14,238    16,895    16,091 
Total equity                                 320,225   385,590   394,493 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                   421,982   437,623   239,769 
Advance payments                             227,344   225,068   228,324 
Trade payables                                     -        17        29 
Derivative financial instruments                   -         -     1,553 
Provisions                                     5,860     3,935     2,987 
                                             655,186   666,643   472,662 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                    26,761    42,934    29,601 
Advance payments                              14,800    34,800    32,658 
Trade payables                                35,607    39,408    31,361 
Other payables                                61,074    43,820    21,880 
Derivative financial instruments                 774     1,277       828 
                                             139,016   162,239   116,328 
Total liabilities                            794,202   828,882   588,990 
Total equity and liabilities               1,114,427 1,214,472   983,483 
 A. Share capital 
 B. Share issue 
 C. Share premium 
 D. Hedge reserve 
 E. Invested unrestricted equity 
 F. Other reserves 
 G. Retained earnings 
 H. Total 
 I. Non- controlling interest 
 J. Total equity 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
                  A   B     C      D       E      F        G      H     I    J 
1 Jan 10                                                         370,   11, 382, 
                  80    - 8,086  16,567 401,248 16,200  (71,368)  813   784  597 
Profit (loss) 
for the                                                           (7,    1,  (6, 
period             -    -     -       -       -      -   (7,889) 889)   039 850) 
- Cash flow                                                       (6,   (1,  (8, 
hedges             -    -     - (6,858)       -      -         - 858)  714) 572) 
income for                                                       (14,       (15, 
the period         -    -     - (6,858)       -      -   (7,889) 747) (675) 422) 
with owners 
Stock options      -    -     -       -     364      -         -  364     -  364 
Perpetual                                                         19,    4,  24, 
capital loan       -    -     -       -       - 19,925         -  925   982  907 
share option 
- value of                                                         2,         2, 
employee services  -    -     -       -       -  2,047         -  047     -  047 
by and 
distribution                                                      22,    4,  27, 
to owners          -    -     -       -     364 21,972         -  336   982  318 
transactions                                                      22,    4,  27, 
with owners        -    -     -       -     364 21,972         -  336   982  318 
30 Sep 10                                                        378,   16, 394, 
                  80    - 8,086   9,709 401,612 38,172  (79,257)  402   091  493 
                                                                 368,   16, 385, 
31 Dec 10         80   91 8,086   7,494 401,612 31,400  (80,068)  695   895  590 
1 Jan 11                                                         368,    16 385, 
                  80   91 8,086   7,494 401,612 31,400  (80,068)  695  ,895  590 
Profit (loss)                                                    (10,     1  (8, 
for the period     -    -     -       -       -      -  (10,178) 178)  ,234 944) 
- Cash flow                                                       (6,   (1,  (7, 
hedges             -    -     - (6,203)       -      -         - 203)  182) 385) 
income for                                                       (16,       (16, 
the period         -    -     - (6,203)       -      -  (10,178) 381)    52 329) 
with owners 
Stock options      - (91)     -       -     658      -         -  567     -  567 
Conversion of                                                      1,          1 
convertible bond   -    -     -       -   1,800      -         -  800     - ,800 
Acquisition of                                                   (59,   (2, (61, 
subsidiary         -    -     -     374       -    996  (60,509) 139)  349) 488) 
Perpetual                                                         (1,        (2, 
capital loan       -    -     -       -       -      -   (1,891) 891) (360) 251) 
for Executive 
Management         -    -     -       -      70      -         -   70     -   70 
Convertible bond,                                                  9,         9, 
equity component   -    -     -       -   9,018      -         -  018     -  018 
share option 
scheme                                               - 
- value of                                                         3,         3, 
employee services  -    -     -       -   3,248      -         -  248     -  248 
by and 
distribution                                                     (46,   (2, (49, 
to owners          - (91)     -     374  14,794    996  (62,400) 327)  709) 036) 
transactions                                                     (46,   (2, (49, 
with owners        - (91)     -     374  14,794    996  (62,400) 327)  709) 036) 
30 Sep 11                                                        305,   14, 320, 
                  80    - 8,086   1,665 416,406 32,396 (152,646)  987   238  225 
                                       Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited 
                                           three     three      nine      nine 
                                       months to months to months to months to 
(all amounts in EUR '000)              30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 
Cash flows from 
operating activities 
Profit (loss) for the period             (3,400)     5,074   (8,944)   (6,850) 
Adjustments for 
Tax                                        (921)     1,748   (1,909)   (2,154) 
Depreciation and amortization             11,668    13,159    34,484    38,191 
Other non-cash income and expenses       (8,824)   (2,060)  (26,816)   (4,364) 
Interest income                            (170)   (2,028)     (961)   (6,892) 
Fair value gains (losses) on financial 
assets at fair value through profit or 
loss                                          58   (3,638)     (327)  (20,280) 
Interest expense                          10,026     6,137    27,781    27,026 
                                           8,437    18,392    23,308    24,677 
Change in working capital 
in other receivables                    (23,324)  (10,030)    14,383  (19,774) 
Decrease (+)/increase (-) 
in inventories                           (5,934)  (23,566)  (49,677)  (50,878) 
Decrease(-)/increase(+) in 
trade and other payables                  30,673  (20,040)     8,026    14,253 
Change in working capital                  1,415  (53,636)  (27,268)  (56,399) 
                                           9,852  (35,244)   (3,960)  (31,722) 
Interest and other finance cost paid     (2,573)   (3,154)  (14,087)  (16,364) 
Interest and other finance income            716     2,002     1,055    52,820 
Net cash generated (used) 
in operating activities                    7,995  (36,396)  (16,992)     4,734 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash 
acquired                                       -         -  (61,487)         - 
Purchases of property, plant 
and equipment                           (21,938)  (36,721)  (57,322)  (91,899) 
Purchases of biological assets              (29)         -      (64)       (7) 
Purchases of intangible assets              (71)     (153)     (175)     (277) 
Proceeds from sale of property, 
plant and equipment                       19,995         -    19,995         - 
Proceeds from sale of biological 
assets                                        25         -       257        76 
Proceeds from sale of intangible 
assets                                         5         -         5         - 
Purchases of financial assets at 
fair value through profit or loss              -         -  (12,010)         - 
Purchases of available-for-sale 
financial assets                            (39)         -     (167)         - 
Proceeds from sale of financial 
assets at fair value 
through profit or loss                    12,022         -    12,022         - 
Net cash generated (used) 
in investing activities                    9,970  (36,874)  (98,946)  (92,107) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Realised stock options                       156        13       567       364 
Proceeds from interest-bearing 
liabilities                                9,949    50,000    11,016    56,539 
Perpetual capital loan                         -         -   (3,042)    24,875 
Proceeds from advance payments                 -         -     7,000   263,419 
Payment of interest-bearing 
liabilities                             (24,143)   (6,198)  (26,603) (263,725) 
Net cash generated (used) 
in financing activities                 (14,038)    43,815  (11,062)    81,472 
Net increase (decrease) in 
cash and cash equivalents                  3,927  (29,455) (127,000)   (5,901) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
beginning of the period                   34,628    35,431   165,555    11,877 
Cash and cash equivalents 
at end of the period                      38,555     5,976    38,555     5,976 
1. Basis of preparation 
The  interim financial information set out herein  has been prepared on the same 
basis  and using the same accounting policies  as were applied in drawing up the 
Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010. 
2. Property, plant and equipment 
                               Machinery Construction   Land     Other 
                                  and         in         and    tangible 
(all amounts in EUR '000)      equipment   progress   buildings  assets   Total 
Gross carrying amount at 
1 Jan 11                          336,59       21,035   257,613  206,227 821,473 
Additions                            329       56,916        73        4  57,322 
Disposals                              -            -      (66)        -    (66) 
Transfer to assets held for 
sale                                   -            -        27        1      28 
Transfers                         10,888     (14,228)     2,584      756       - 
Gross carrying amount at 
30 Sep 11                        347,815       63,723   260,231  206,988 878,757 
Accumulated depreciation 
and impairment losses 
at 1 Jan 11                       39,793            -    21,150   32,304  93,247 
Depreciation for the period       19,852            -     8,571    5,639  34,062 
Accumulated depreciation 
and impairment losses 
at 30 Sep 11                      59,645            -    29,721   37,943 127,309 
Carrying amount at 1 Jan 11      296,805       21,035   236,463   73,923 728,226 
Carrying amount at 30 Sep 11     288,170       63,723   230,510  169,045 751,448 
3. Trade receivables 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
                          30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 
Nickel-Cobalt sulphide       45,690    50,437 
Zinc sulphide                 1,912     1,917 
Total trade receivables      47,602    52,354 
4. Inventories 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
                              30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 
Raw materials and consumables    16,109     8,668 
Work in progress                195,453   154,632 
Finished products                13,476    12,061 
Total inventories               225,038   175,361 
5. Borrowings 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
Non-current                                 30 Sep 11 31 Dec 10 
Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2015   215,068   219,426 
Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds due 2013    80,125    78,086 
Investment and Working Capital loan            57,771    57,324 
Finance lease liabilities                      42,953    53,018 
Capital loans                                   1,405     1,405 
Other                                          24,660    28,364 
                                              421,982   437,623 
Commercial papers                               9,969         - 
Railway Term Loan Facility                          -    18,527 
Finance lease liabilities                      16,077    20,211 
Interest Subsidy Loans                              -     4,196 
Investment and Working Capital loan               715         - 
                                               26,761    42,934 
Total borrowings                              448,743   480,557 
6. Advance payments 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
Non-current                    30 Sep 11               31 Dec 10 
Deferred zinc sales revenue      220,344                 225,068 
Deferred uranium sales revenue     7,000                       - 
                                 227,344                 225,068 
Deferred zinc sales revenue       14,800                  14,800 
Advance payment on railway             -                  20,000 
                                  14,800                  34,800 
Total advance payments           242,144                 259,868 
Adjustments to reported financial information for prior periods 
In February 2010, Talvivaara completed a long-term Zinc in Concentrate Streaming 
Agreement  with  Nyrstar.  Under  the  terms  of the agreement, Talvivaara shall 
deliver  all of its zinc  in concentrate production to  Nyrstar until a total of 
1,250,000 metric  tonnes  has  been  delivered.  Talvivaara  received an advance 
payment  of USD 335 million from Nyrstar  for the agreed deliveries. The advance 
payment was initially classified as a monetary liability and translated to euros 
on  the basis  of end-of-period  exchange rates.  Exchange rate gains and losses 
were recognised on the income statement as finance income or cost. 
The Company has reclassified the advance payment as a non-monetary liability and 
restated  the  financial  statements  of  prior  periods according to IAS 8. The 
reclassification better reflects the financial nature of the transaction, as the 
advance  payment is repaid through physical deliveries and therefore there is no 
actual  foreign exchange risk. The reclassification  does not have any impact on 
the  operating earnings or cash flows of prior periods. The adjusted amounts and 
financial  statement  line  items  affected  are  presented below for each prior 
Deferred tax 
assets        31 Mar 10  30 Jun 10  30 Sep 10    31 Dec 10  31 Mar 11  30 Jun 11 
Initial          28,222     35,199     27,272       22,421     18,927     21,104 
Adjustment      (1,330)    (7,652)      (524)      (1,869)      1,939      2,943 
Adjusted         26,892     27,547     26,748       20,552     20,866     24,047 
Equity        31 Mar 10  30 Jun 10  30 Sep 10    31 Dec 10  31 Mar 11  30 Jun 11 
Initial         388,779    369,915    393,000      380,272    399,204    333,635 
Adjustment        3,786     21,776      1,493        5,318    (5,516)    (8,377) 
Adjusted        392,565    391,691    394,493      385,590    393,688    325,258 
payments      31 Mar 10  30 Jun 10  30 Sep 10    31 Dec 10  31 Mar 11  30 Jun 11 
Initial         248,535    291,571    262,999      267,055    257,713    252,547 
Adjustment      (5,116)   (29,428)    (2,017)      (7,187)      7,456     11,320 
Adjusted        243,419    262,143    260,982      259,868    265,168    263,867 
(-) for the  1.1.-31.3. 1.4.-30.6. 1.7.-30.9. 1.10.-31.12. 1.1.-31.3. 1.7.-30.6. 
period             2010       2010       2010         2010       2011       2011 
Initial        (16,936)   (16,764)     25,357      (4,709)     12,784    (4,633) 
Adjustment        3,786     17,990   (20,283)        3,825   (10,834)    (2,861) 
Adjusted       (13,150)      1,226      5,074        (884)      1,950    (7,494) 
Earnings per 1.1.-31.3. 1.4.-30.6. 1.7.-30.9. 1.10.-31.12. 1.1.-31.3. 1.7.-30.6. 
share              2010       2010       2010         2010       2011       2011 
Initial          (0.06)     (0.06)       0.08       (0.02)       0.03     (0.02) 
Adjustment         0.02       0.06     (0.07)         0.01     (0.04)     (0.01) 
Adjusted         (0.04)     (0.00)       0.01       (0.01)     (0.00)     (0.03) 
Key figures have been adjusted accordingly. 
7. Changes in the number of shares issued 
                                          Number of shares 
31 Dec 10                                      245,316,718 
Stock options 2007A and 2007B                      249,349 
Conversion of senior unsecured 
Convertible Bonds due 2015                         215,736 
30 Sep 11                                      245,781,803 
8. Contingencies and commitments 
(all amounts in EUR '000) 
The future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating 
                                          30 Sep 11                    31 Dec 10 
Not later than 1 year                         1,722                        1,175 
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 
years                                         1,935                        1,993 
Later than 5 years                                -                           11 
                                              3,657                        3,179 
Capital commitments 
At  30 September 2011, the Group had capital commitments principally relating to 
the  completion of the Talvivaara mine,  improving the reliability and expansion 
of  production  capacity.  These  commitments  are  for  the  acquisition of new 
property, plant and equipment. 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Key financial figures of the       Three     Three      Nine      Nine    Twelve 
Group                          months to months to months to months to months to 
                               30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 30 Dec 10 
Net sales             EUR '000    60,620    45,091   164,734    91,945   152,163 
Operating profit 
(loss)                EUR '000     5,534    10,931    15,967    11,130    25,456 
Operating profit 
(loss) percentage                  9.1 %    24.2 %     9.7 %    12.1 %    16.7 % 
Profit (loss) before 
tax                   EUR '000   (4,321)     6,822  (10,853)   (9,004)   (2,722) 
Profit (loss) for the 
period                EUR '000   (3,400)     5,074   (8,944)   (6,850)   (7,734) 
Return on equity                  -1.1 %     1.3 %    -2.5 %    -1.8 %    -2.0 % 
ratio                             28.7 %    40.1 %    28.7 %    40.1 %    31.7 % 
Net interest-bearing 
debt                  EUR '000   410,188   263,394   410,188   263,394   315,002 
Debt-to-equity ratio             128.1 %    66.8 %   128.1 %    66.8 %    81.7 % 
Return on investment               0.9 %     1.7 %     2.3 %     2.7 %     2.8 % 
Capital expenditure   EUR '000    22,038    36,874    57,561    92,183   115,658 
Research & 
expenditure           EUR '000         -         -         -        63       365 
Property, plant and 
equipment             EUR '000   751,448   687,226   751,448   687,226   728,226 
Derivative financial 
instruments           EUR '000     (537)     2,381     (537)     2,381   (1,237) 
Borrowings            EUR '000   448,743   269,370   448,743   269,370   480,557 
Cash and cash 
at the end of the 
period(1)             EUR '000    38,555     5,976    38,555     5,976   165,555 
1) including financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 
Share-related key figures 
                             Three       Three        Nine        Nine    months 
                         months to   months to   months to   months to        to 
                         30 Sep 11   30 Sep 10   30 Sep 11   30 Sep 10 30 Dec 10 
Earnings per 
share           EUR         (0.02)        0.01      (0.05)      (0.03)    (0.04) 
Equity per 
share           EUR           1.25        1.54        1.25        1.54      1.50 
Development of 
share price 
at London Stock 
Average trading 
price(1)        EUR           3.95        4.98        5.19        4.59      4.89 
                GBP           3.44        4.15        4.56        3.94      4.20 
Lowest trading 
price(1)        EUR           2.89        4.32        2.87        3.99      3.99 
                GBP           2.52        3.60        2.52        3.42      3.42 
Highest trading 
price(1)        EUR           5.24        5.90        7.09        5.74      7.11 
                GBP           4.57        4.92        6.22        4.92      6.10 
Trading price 
at the 
end of the 
period(2)       EUR           2.91        5.72        2.91        5.72      6.92 
                GBP           2.52        4.92        2.52        4.92      5.96 
Change during 
the period                 -45.8 %      34.7 %     -57.7 %      27.3 %    54.2 % 
ratio                         neg.       392          neg.        neg.      neg. 
the end of the  EUR                                                       1,697, 
period(3)       '000       714,672   1,402,951     714,672   1,402,951       196 
                GBP                                                       1,460, 
                '000       619,370   1,206,468     619,370   1,206,468       861 
Development in 
trading volume 
Trading volume  shares      15,709      11,247      42,056      77,074    93,802 
In relation to 
average number 
of shares                    6.4 %       4.6 %      17.1 %      31.4 %    38.2 % 
Development of 
price at OMX 
Average trading 
price           EUR           3.87        5.09        5.46        4.66      5.18 
Lowest trading 
price           EUR           2.97        4.35        2.97        3.99      3.99 
Highest trading 
price           EUR           5.11        5.72        7.34        5.72      7.18 
Trading price 
at the 
end of the 
period          EUR           2.97        5.68        2.97        5.68      7.07 
Change during 
the period                 -42.4 %      27.6 %     -58.0 %      31.2 %    63.3 % 
ratio                         neg.        389         neg.        neg.      neg. 
the end of the  EUR                                                       1,734, 
period          '000       730,464   1,392,829     730,464   1,392,829       389 
Development in 
trading volume 
                1000                                                        140, 
Trading volume  shares      34,256      21,058     116,983      97,450       115 
In relation to 
average number 
of shares                   14.0 %       8.6 %      47.6 %      39.7 %    57.1 % 
number of                                                               245,241, 
shares                 245,540,343 245,216,366 245,540,343 245,216,366       660 
Fully diluted 
number of                                                               245,241, 
shares                 244,436,343 257,969,064 244,436,343 257,969,064       660 
Number of 
shares at 
the end of the                                                          245,316, 
period                 245,781,803 245,316,718 245,781,803 245,316,718       718 
(1) )Trading price is calculated on the average of EUR/GBP exchange rates 
published by the European Central Bank during the period. 
(2)) Trading price is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published by the 
European Central Bank at the end of the period. 
(3)) Market capitalization is calculated on the EUR/GBP exchange rate published 
by the European Central Bank at the end of the period. 
Employee-related key figures       Three     Three      Nine      Nine    Twelve 
                               months to months to months to months to months to 
                               30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 30 Sep 11 30 Sep 10 30 Dec 10 
Wages and salaries    EUR '000     4,927     3,828    16,189    12,209    16,652 
Average number of 
employees                            471       379       443       356       362 
Number of employees 
at the end of the 
period                               446       370       446       370       389 
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc 
Key financial figures of the Group 
Return on equity          Profit (loss) for the period 
                          (Total equity at the beginning of period + Total 
                          equity at the end of period)/2 
Equity-to-assets ratio    Total equity 
                          Total assets 
Net interest-bearing debt Interest-bearing debt - Cash and cash equivalent 
Debt-to-equity ratio      Net interest-bearing debt 
                          Total equity 
Share-related key figures 
                          Profit (loss) attributable to equity holders of the 
Earnings per share        Company 
                          Adjusted average number of shares 
Equity per share          Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company 
                          Adjusted average number of shares 
Market capitalization at  Number of shares at the end of the period * trading 
the end of the period     price at the end of the period 
Talvivaara Interim Report Jan-Sep 2011 9.11.2011: 
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Source: Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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