RNS Number : 7513S

Savile Group PLC

12 November 2013

Savile Group plc

("Savile" or the "Group")


Financial summary 2013

Revenue on continuing operations GBP8.11m (2012: GBP7.4m)

Operating profit/(loss) before exceptional items GBP0.11m (2012: Loss GBP0.04m)

Operating loss GBP0.33m after exceptional costs of GBP0.45m (2012: Loss GBP0.1m after exceptional costs of GBP0.06m)

No bank debt (2012: nil) at year end

Fully diluted loss per share on continuing operations at 2.13 pence (2012: 0.62 pence loss per share)

David Harrel, Non Executive Chairman of Savile, commented:

"The Group has faced another challenging year, especially in the first half, with an improvement in performance in the second half in which the Group returned to profit.

Career transition revenue increased year on year and this segment of the business was profitable. However the talent management segment was loss making, with the re-launch of Cedar not gaining the traction we had hoped for despite our continued investment in this area. In addition IDDAS had an extremely poor first half and, despite improving in the second half, was loss making for the year and this resulted in an impairment in the carrying value of the investment in the Company's balance sheet.

Against this difficult trading environment cash levels were reduced and given the difficult trading environment the Group put in place a financing facility which remained undrawn at the year end.

During the year Career Management Consultants Limited (CMC) was integrated into the Group and in April 2013 the trade of CMC was transferred into Fairplace. The Group now operates its career transition business under the Fairplace brand.

At the year end our career transition business had a more efficient operational infrastructure and a streamlined cost base and the IDDAS business has also been remodeled with a more flexible cost base.

However, as noted in our recent trading update, the first quarter of the new financial year has been extremely disappointing and below the Directors' expectations, with a significant downturn in activity in the Group's career transition business.

Trading during July and August was below the Directors' expectations in what are traditionally quiet months and the usual recovery in September was much weaker than in previous years.

Trading has continued at lower levels than for the equivalent period last year in career transition, reflecting subdued career transition activity in the financial services sector as the economy recovers.

The Board has taken steps to align costs with lower activity levels. The reduced sales and losses have had a commensurate adverse impact on the Group's cash reserves".

Enquiries to:

  Savile Group plc      Cairn Financial Advisers 
  David Harrel          Tony Rawlinson 
  Chairman              Nominated advisor 
  Tel: 020 7204 6990    Tel: 020 7148 7901 

Chairman's statement

The Group has faced another challenging year, especially in the first half, with an improvement in performance in the second half in which the Group returned to profit.

Career transition revenue increased year on year and this segment of the business was profitable. However the talent management segment was loss making, with the re-launch of Cedar not gaining the traction we had hoped for despite our continued investment in this area. In addition IDDAS had an extremely poor first half and, despite improving in the second half, was loss making for the year and this resulted in an impairment in the carrying value of the investment in the Company's balance sheet.

Against this difficult trading environment cash levels were reduced and given the difficult trading environment the Group put in place a financing facility which remained undrawn at the year end.

During the year Career Management Consultants Limited (CMC) was integrated into the Group and in April 2013 the trade of CMC was transferred into Fairplace. The Group now operates its career transition business under the Fairplace brand.

Results for 2012/13

Group revenue on continuing operations for the year ended 30 June 2013 was GBP8.11m (2012: GBP7.39m). The operating loss was GBP333,000 (2012: GBP102,000 loss).

This result is after the Group incurred reorganisation costs of approximately GBP446,000 (2012: GBP62,000) relating to the career transition business.

Following an operating loss in the first half of the financial year, the Group returned to operating profit in the second half.


During the year Clare Chalmers joined the board as CEO of IDDAS and brings a wealth of experience with her.

Helen Pitcher left the board at the end of the year and we thank her for all her efforts for the Group.

Alex Wilson will not be seeking reappointment at the AGM.


As ever, our people remain the major asset of each business. There has been a lot of change during the year with the integration of CMC and the reorganisation of the career transition business and I would like to thank all our staff for their support and hard work throughout the year.


At the year end our career transition business had a more efficient operational infrastructure and a streamlined cost base and the IDDAS business has also been remodeled with a more flexible cost base.

However, as noted in our recent trading update, the first quarter of the new financial year has been extremely disappointing and below the Directors' expectations, with a significant downturn in activity in the Group's career transition business.

Trading during July and August was below the Directors' expectations in what are traditionally quiet months and the usual recovery in September was much weaker than in previous years.

Trading has continued at lower levels than for the equivalent period last year in career transition, reflecting subdued career transition activity in the financial services sector as the economy recovers.

The Board has taken steps to align costs with lower activity levels. The reduced sales and losses have had a commensurate adverse impact on the Group's cash reserves.

David Harrel


11 November 2013

Group statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                                   Audited    Audited 
                                                      2013       2012 
                                          Notes    GBP'000    GBP'000 
  Revenue                                            8,105      7,390 
  Operating expenses                               (7,992)    (7,430) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Operating loss before exceptional 
   items                                               113       (40) 
  Exceptional items                         2        (446)       (62) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Operating loss                                     (333)      (102) 
  Finance income                                        10         10 
  Finance expenses 
                                                       (3)          - 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Loss before taxation                               (326)       (92) 
  Taxation                                               8          - 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Loss after taxation on continued 
   operations                                        (318)       (92) 
  Loss on discontinued operations           3            -    (1,136) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Loss and total comprehensive 
   income for the period attributable 
   to equity owners of the parent                    (318)    (1,228) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Loss per ordinary share (total)                    Pence      Pence 
  Basic                                     6       (2.13)     (8.22) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Diluted                                   6       (2.13)     (8.22) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Loss per ordinary share (continued                 Pence      Pence 
  Basic                                     6       (2.13)     (0.62) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 
  Diluted                                   6       (2.13)     (0.62) 
                                                 ---------  --------- 

Group Balance Sheet

as at 30 June 2013

                                       2013       2012 
                                    GBP'000    GBP'000 
  Non current assets: 
  Property, plant and equipment         256        312 
  Intangible assets                     399        505 
                                        655        817 
                                  ---------  --------- 
  Current assets: 
  Inventories                             7         11 
  Trade and other receivables         2,113      2,796 
  Cash and cash equivalents             703      1,043 
                                  ---------  --------- 
                                      2,823      3,850 
                                  ---------  --------- 
  Total assets                        3,478      4,667 
                                  ---------  --------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Trade and other payables            2,005      2,878 
  Total liabilities                   2,005      2,878 
                                  ---------  --------- 
  Net assets                          1,473      1,789 
                                  ---------  --------- 
  Capital and reserves 
  Share capital                         448        448 
  Share premium account               1,853      1,851 
  Merger reserve                        329        329 
  Capital redemption reserve            800        800 
  Retained earnings                 (1,957)    (1,639) 
  Total equity                        1,473      1,789 
                                  ---------  --------- 

Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                          Share                     Capital 
                              Share     premium       Merger     redemption      Retained      Total 
  Group                     capital     account      reserve        reserve      earnings     equity 
                            GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
  At 1 July 2011                448       1,851          329            800         (415)      3,013 
  Loss and total 
   income for the 
   year                           -           -            -              -       (1,228)    (1,228) 
  Credit to equity 
   for share-based 
   payments                       -           -            -              -             4          4 
  At 30 June 2012               448       1,851          329            800       (1,639)      1,789 
                         ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
  Loss and total 
   income for the 
   year                           -           -            -              -         (318)      (318) 
  Share-based payments            -           2            -              -             -          2 
                         ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  ------------  --------- 
  At 30 June 2013               448       1,853          329            800       (1,957)      1,473 
                         ----------  ----------  -----------  -------------  ------------  --------- 

Group Cash Flow Statement

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                   Notes     2013       2012 
                                              GBP        GBP 
  Cash flow from operating activities 
  Loss before tax 
   Continuing operations                    (326)       (92) 
   Discontinued operations             3        -    (1,136) 
                                          -------  --------- 
                                            (326)    (1,228) 
   Amortisation and impairment 
    of intangibles                            106        809 
   Depreciation                                98         85 
   Loss on disposal of fixed 
    assets                                      6         95 
   Share-based payment charge                   -          4 
   Interest paid                                3 
   Interest received                         (10)       (10) 
                                          -------  --------- 
                                              203        983 
                                          -------  --------- 
  Changes in working capital: 
   Decrease in inventories                      4          3 
   Decrease in trade and other 
    receivables                               683        587 
   Decrease in trade and other 
    payables                                (873)      (477) 
                                          -------  --------- 
                                            (186)        113 
                                          -------  --------- 
  Tax Paid                                      8       (26) 
  Cash used from operations                 (301)      (158) 
               Investing activities 
  Purchase of property, plant 
   and equipment                             (48)      (104) 
  Acquisition of CMC Limited 
   (net of cash acquired)              4        -         97 
  Interest received                            10         10 
                                          -------  --------- 
  Net cash (used)/generated 
   from investing activities                 (38)          3 
                                          -------  --------- 
  Financing activities 
  Interest paid                               (3)          - 
  Issue of ordinary shares                      2          - 
                                          -------  --------- 
  Net cash used from financing                (1)          - 
                                          -------  --------- 
  Net decrease in cash and 
   cash equivalents                         (340)      (155) 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at beginning of year                     1,043      1,198 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
   at end of year                             703      1,043 
                                          -------  --------- 

Notes to the preliminary announcement

for the year ended 30 June 2013

1. Accounting policies

The financial information set out in these preliminary results does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 2013 or 30 June 2012.

Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2012 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and those for the year ended 30 June 2013 will be delivered to the Registrar in due course; both have been reported on by the Independent Auditors. The independent auditors' reports on the Annual Report and accounts for the years ended 30 June 2012 and 30 June 2013 were unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial information in these preliminary results has been prepared using the recognition and measurement principles of International Accounting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations adopted for use in the European Union (collectively Adopted IFRSs). The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below, they have been consistently applied to all the years presented and are consistent with the policies used in the preparation of the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2013.

Basis of consolidation

The financial information in these preliminary results consolidates the accounts of the Company and all its subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 30 June each year using the purchase method. In the balance sheet, the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are initially recognised at their fair values at the acquisition date. The results of acquired operations are included in the income statement from the date on which control is obtained.

Business combinations that took place prior to 1 July 2006 have not been restated.


Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of a business combination over the interest in the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired. Cost comprises the fair values of assets given, liabilities assumed and equity instruments issued. For business combinations prior to 1 July 2009, any direct costs of acquisition were included as part of the cost of acquisition. Following IFRS 3 (revised) becoming effective, direct costs of acquisition are expensed.

Goodwill is capitalised as an intangible asset with any impairment in carrying value being charged to the statement of comprehensive income.

From the date of transition to IFRS (1 July 2006) Savile Group plc discontinued the amortisation of goodwill and implemented annual impairment tests for goodwill. The current year accounts do not include comparatives for the transitional period.

Impairment of non-financial assets

Impairment tests on goodwill are undertaken annually at the financial year end. Other non-financial assets are subject to impairment tests whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amount may not be recoverable. Where the carrying value of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount (i.e. the higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell), the asset is written down accordingly.

Where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the impairment test is carried out on the asset's cash-generating unit (i.e. the lowest group of assets in which the asset belongs for which there are separately identifiable cash flows). Goodwill is allocated on initial recognition to each of the Group's cash-generating units that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination giving rise to the goodwill.

Impairment charges are included in the operating expenses line item in the income statement. An impairment loss recognised for goodwill is not reversed. Previously recognised impairment losses on assets other than goodwill are reversed when there is an increase in the estimated service potential of an asset.

Financial assets and Liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities are recognised initially at their fair value and are subsequently measured at amortised cost. For trade receivables, trade payables and other short-term financial liabilities this generally equates to original transaction value.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets are recognised on business combinations if they are separable from the acquired entity or give rise to other contractual or legal rights. The amounts ascribed to such intangibles are arrived at by using valuation techniques.

The significant intangibles recognised by the Group, their useful economic lives and the methods used to determine the cost of intangibles acquired in a business combination are as follows:

   Intangible asset               Useful economic life                Valuation method 

Brand value Between 5 and 10 years Estimated royalty stream if the rights were to be


   Customer relationships     1 year                                     Excess earnings 

The amortisation charge is included in 'operating expenses' within the statement of comprehensive income.

   2.   Exceptional items 

Exceptional items comprised costs incurred by the Group arising from the integration of the career transition business.

                                                        2013                 2012 
                                                     GBP'000              GBP'000 
  Personnel                                              184                   43 
  Property                                               169                   15 
  Project management                                      93                    - 
  Legal                                                    -                    4 
                                         -------------------  ------------------- 
                                                         446                   62 
                                         -------------------  ------------------- 
 3. Discontinued operations 
    The post tax loss on disposal of discontinued 
      operations was determined as follows: 
                                                            2013        2012 
                                                         GBP'000     GBP'000 
    Costs relating to 7 Days Limited 
    Revenue                                                    -          98 
    Operating expenses                                         -       (454) 
    Exceptional costs: 
    Impairment of goodwill                                     -       (661) 
    Write off of intangible assets                             -       (144) 
    Remuneration costs relating to shares                      -           - 
          Net liabilities on liquidation                       -          82 
          Legal and professional                               -         (5) 
          Leasing obligations                                  -        (52) 
     Loss before taxation                                      -     (1,136) 
     Taxation                                                  -           - 
                                                     -----------  ---------- 
     Loss after taxation                                       -     (1,136) 
                                                     -----------  ---------- 
     Loss per share from discontinued operations          2012        2012 
                                                         Pence       Pence 
     Basic and diluted loss per share                        -      (7.60) 
                                                   -----------  ---------- 
     Statement of cash flows 
     The statement of cash flows includes                 2013        2012 
      the following amounts relating to                GBP'000     GBP'000 
      discontinued operations: 
     Operating activities                                    -       (207) 
     Investing activities                                    -           - 
     Net cash used from discontinued operations              -       (207) 
                                                   -----------  ---------- 
   4.   Acquisitions of Career Management Consultants Limited 

On 31 May 2012 the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Career Management Consultants Limited (CMC), a company which was engaged in the provision of career transition services. The consideration was satisfied by GBP85,000 in cash. The acquisition was made to strengthen the geographical and sector reach of the Group's services.

                                  Book value     Fair value    Fair value 
                                     GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
  Non-current assets 
  Goodwill                                62           (62)             - 
  Brand                                    -             65            65 
  Customer relationships                   -             10            10 
  Leasehold property                     208          (208)             - 
  Fixtures and fittings                   19              -            19 
                                ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                         289          (195)            94 
                                ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Current assets 
  Trade receivables and other 
   debtors                               715              -           715 
  Cash                                   182              -           182 
                                ------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                         897              -           897 
                                ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Current liabilities                  1,216              -         1,216 
                                ------------  -------------  ------------ 
  Net liabilities acquired              (30)          (195)         (225) 
                                ------------  ------------- 
  Goodwill on acquisition                                             310 
  Purchase consideration                                               85 
  The purchase consideration 
  Cash                                                                 85 

The main elements which supported the value of the goodwill which arose on acquisition were the people and contacts of CMC which were acquired. The commercial justification of the consideration paid in excess of the net assets, was that to hire such a team in the open market to generate the potential earnings for the Group, with their contacts and reputation, as well as the synergies and cross selling opportunities, would equate to the value of the goodwill.

It was not possible for the Directors to quantify the effect of the acquisition on the Group revenue and profit had the acquisition been made on 1 July 2011 as CMC's financial year end had previously been 30 April and it was not possible retrospectively to establish the position at 1 July 2011 . However draft figures for the 14 months ended 30 June 2012 showed revenue of GBP3.85m and a pre tax loss of GBP0.76m. During this period the cost base of CMC was significantly reduced and this continued after the acquisition. The contribution of CMC to the results of the Group for the period between the date of acquisition and the year ended 30 June 2012 was revenue of GBP0.2m and profit before tax, exceptional items and management charges of approximately GBP36,000.

The trade and certain assets and liabilities of CMC were transferred to Fairplace Cedar Limited on 30 April 2013. CMC appointed a liquidator in July 2013.

   5.   Taxation 

Current taxation has been provided for at 23.75% (2012: 25.5%).

 6. Earnings                           2013          2012 
  per share 
                                    GBP'000       GBP'000 
  Loss for the 
   year                               (318)       (1,228) 
                               ------------  ------------ 
  Denominator                        Number        Number 
  Weighted average of shares 
   used in basic and diluted 
   EPS                           14,942,955    14,941,822 
                               ------------  ------------ 

Employee share options of 34,035 (2012: 71,074) were not included within the diluted EPS due to them being anti-dilutive.

Employee options whose exercise price is greater than the weighted average share price during the year (i.e. they are out of the money) are excluded from the earnings per share calculations.

   7.   Debtors 

Included in other debtors is an amount of GBP41,000 resulting from the reversal of shares purchased pursuant to the authority to make market purchases, which was in contravention of the relevant legislation, and therefore void.

   8.   Annual General Meeting 

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 10.30am Thursday 12 December 2013 at the Company's offices 36 - 38 Cornhill, London EC3V 3PQ.

   9.   Report and Accounts 

Copies of the Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2013 will be sent to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available from the Company's website at www.savile.com or at the Company's registered office at 36 - 38 Cornhill, London EC3V 3PQ.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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