RNS Number : 7541A

RM2 International SA

14 September 2018

14 September 2018

RM2 International S.A.

Interim Results

RM2 International S.A. ("RM2" or the "Company"), the sustainable smart pallet innovator, today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months to 30 June 2018. The interim results will be made available on the Company's website this morning.

Financial summary

 --   Revenues for H1 2018 of US$2.6 million (H1 2017: US$3.7 
 --   Loss after tax for the period of US$17.3million (H1 2017: 
       US$19.2 million) 
 --   Completed simplification of capital structure and received 
       first tranche of US$36 million equity funding and undertook 
       an Open Offer to shareholders, raising, in aggregate, 
       approximately $20 million 
 --   Well positioned to fulfil funding conditions to drawdown 
       second tranche of equity funding of approximately US$17.8m 
       in H2 2018 

Operational highlights

 --   The deployment of RM2 ELIoT smart pallets with Fortune 
       100 and 500 companies in pilot and Phase 1 agreements 
       is underway 
 --   Completed a 100-unit trial with one of the world's leaders 
       in the logistics industry, serving both internal and 
       external customer loops 
 --   Streamlined the Company's operations, significantly reducing 
       the cost-base 
 --   Announced today the nomination of two high calibre individuals 
       with deep logistics and digital technology experience 
       to the Board of Directors 

Kevin Mazula, RM2's CEO, commented: "Following the refinancing and simplification of the capital structure in the first half of 2018, the Company is focused on the deployment of RM2 ELIoT Smart pallets. We have delivered against our principal objectives, successfully completing initial trials of RM2 ELIoT pallets with significant industry leaders and entering into a Phase 1 contract with a Fortune 500 customer. We are pleased to see that the robust, eco-friendly RM2 ELIoT pallet, with its proprietary tracking technology, is making inroads with global industry leaders, significantly enhancing the efficiency of their supply chains".

For further information:

                                                    +44 (0)20 7638 
 RM2 International S.A.                                       9571 
 Kevin Mazula, Chief Executive Officer 
  Jean-Francois Blouvac, Chief Financial Officer 
 Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated & Financial       +44 (0)20 7409 
  Adviser and Broker)                                         3494 
 James Spinney / Ritchie Balmer / James Bellman 
                                                    +44 (0)20 7638 
 Citigate Dewe Rogerson (Financial PR)                        9571 
 Ellen Wilton / Elizabeth Kittle 

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014.

Notes to Editors

RM2 International S.A. specialises in pallet development, manufacture, supply and management to establish a leading presence in global pallet supply and improve the supply chain of manufacturing and distribution businesses through the effective and efficient use and management of composite pallets. It is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange under the symbol RM2.L. For further information, please visit www.rm2.com


Société Anonyme

Unaudited Consolidated Interim financial information

For the six months ended 30 June 2018

Chairman's Statement

The Company seeks to disrupt the market for ubiquitous wooden pallets by replacing them in select supply chains with its unique track and traceable, ecologically friendly RM2 ELIoT smart pallets. With the secure placement of a chipset using RM2's proprietary tracking technology in each pallet, valuable information is sent to RM2, recording the location, the temperature, and any physical shocks. This information allows customers to improve their supply chains, reduce losses, ensure the safety of their products, all the while reducing the carbon footprint. While the Company initially focused its efforts on the upper end of the supply chain, the ELIoT technology now permits the Company to work up and down the supply chain without risk of asset loss.

The Company focused on its principal objectives on the second quarter of 2018, having simplified its capital structure and successfully navigated an extremely stressed cash situation in the first quarter of 2018, culminating with conditionally raising USD 36 million in new equity through the two tranche Placing discussed below. The Company remains debt-free. With the conversion of trials with large customers into long-term contracts taking longer than anticipated, the Company's expectation of turning EBITDA positive in 2019 is challenging.

The focus of the Company's activities in the first half of 2018 was the achievement of the principal objectives, being:

      1)   Focusing sales efforts principally on new deployment opportunities 
            for RM2 ELIoT Smart pallets. The retrofitting of a portion 
            of inventory of non-ELIoT-enabled pallets with smart chipsets 
            in now in progress. While the sales effort is focused on 
            the deployment of smart pallets, consideration is also given 
            to opportunistic deployment of non-ELIoT pallets in inventory 
            where margins and asset-retention justify such deployment. 
      2)   Successfully complete the initial trials of RM2 ELIoT pallets 
            with Fortune 500 and other significant industry leaders. 
            Subsequent to the reporting period, the Company successfully 
            completed a 100-unit trial and then entered into a pilot 
            agreement for an initial deployment of some 600 RM2 ELIoT 
            pallets with one of the world's leaders in the logistics 
            industry, serving both internal and external loops. Other 
            trials with large multi-national corporations are progressing 
            well. In particular, one large trial with a North American 
            beverage customer has concluded with strong results and discussions 
            on deployment terms are expected to continue over the coming 
            months. The initial deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets in a 
            Phase 1 contract with a Fortune 500 customer announced on 
            April 13, 2018 was deferred and that deployment is now underway 
            with promising results. Other promising trials are underway 
            with companies in the consumer goods and telecommunications 
      3)   Complete the transition to a high quality, low-cost outsourced 
            manufacturing model. As the Company has fully transition 
            to outsourced manufacturing, it is now focusing on the production 
            of RM2 ELIoT pallets. The manufacture of ELIoT modules is 
            underway in line with the lead times associated with the 
            procurement of certain electronic components. The completed 
            ELIoT modules are then either retrofitted into existing pallets 
            or installed in newly-produced pallets. As previously announced, 
            due to the significant delays arising under the Chinese agreement, 
            the Company and its partner exchanged communications with 
            respect to the reshaping or termination of the agreement. 
            There has been little progress and the outcome of these discussions 
            is uncertain. 
      4)   Reduce exposure to previous low-margin non-ELIoT enabled 
            pallet deployment. The wind-down of the Company's principal 
            non-ELIoT lease contract is in its final stages, with new 
            issuances of pallets under the contract having ceased at 
            the end of the second quarter and efforts to recover pallets 
            in the field will continue over the forthcoming months. As 
            these pallets are a bespoke 45" x 45" size, the Company does 
            not currently intend to retrofit them and the sales team 
            is soliciting orders to remove them from inventory. 
      5)   Unwind operations at the Canadian manufacturing site, streamline 
            operating expenses, eliminate non-value added activities 
            and monetize non-core legacy assets. By and large, management 
            fulfilled this objective during the course of the first semester 
            of 2018. The Company's indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, 
            7636156 Canada, Inc., which previously ran the Company's 
            manufacturing operations, filed for voluntary liquidation 
            in the Province of Ontario, Canada on May 1, 2018. The Fuller 
            Landau Group Inc. (the "Trustee") was appointed as the Licensed 
            Insolvency Trustee of the estate. The Trustee is proceeding 
            with the orderly wind-up of the entity, including the termination 
            of the lease for the manufacturing facility and the disposition 
            in July 2018 of the entity's physical assets via auction, 
            a significant portion of which was identified as necessary 
            or useful for the Group's operations and was purchased by 
            RM2 (Canada) Leasing, Inc. An initial meeting of creditors 
            was held on May 18, 2018. The Trustee reports that it is 
            reviewing the claims received from creditors, including affiliated 
            RM2 entities, and that it seeks to satisfy the claims of 
            creditors to the extent the estate permits and to finalize 
            the voluntary liquidation process as promptly as possible. 
            With the sale on March 9, 2018 of the office building in 
            Switzerland for net cash-proceeds of approximately USD 2m 
            and the contract to dispose of excess fiberglass rovings 
            through December 2018, the Company has substantially met 
            the objective of monetizing its remaining non-core legacy 
            The cost-reduction measures implemented by management are 
            bearing fruit, with the monthly run rate currently reduced 
            to USD0.8m, absent exceptional items. The Company continues 
            to be mindful of opportunities to reduce costs and eliminate 
            non-value added activities and of the necessity to retain 
            a lean operating structure. 
      6)   Invest in RM2 ELIoT Smart Pallet add-on technologies. The 
            Company continues to develop and enhance RM2 ELIoT's capabilities. 

Financial Performance

Revenue generated by the Company decreased by USD 1.1m to USD 2.6m for the period ending June 30, 2018 principally due to the wind-down mode of its large 45 x 45 non-ELIoT pallet rental contract in the USA. The sale of pallets and fiberglass rovings from inventory each accounted for USD 0.3m of revenue in the period. The Group's financial result for the period ended June 30, 2018 is a loss of USD 17.3m, an improvement of USD 1.9m versus 1H 2017. Despite a better monitoring of the overall manufacturing costs for USD 0.5m, gross margins decreased by USD 0.5m as revenue decreased by USD 1.1m. The decline in the SGA expenses by USD 0.5m is explained by the removal of 2017 one-time costs (USD 1.8m), the cost saving measures undertaken by management at the end of Q1 2018 (USD 0.4m) and the negative non-cash impact of the share-based payment (USD 1.7m) following the removal of share price performance vesting conditions on restricted shares. Additionally, the sale of the Swiss building impacted positively with USD 1.4m, the remaining positive variance of USD 0.5m comes from lower net finance activities and taxes.

The Company traversed a period of extreme financial stress which culminated with the announcement on 29 March 2018 of the Company having simplified its capital structure and conditionally raised USD36 million before fees and expenses by a placing (to be effected in two tranches) of 2,535,211,265 new Ordinary Shares (the "Placing") to existing institutional investors, certain directors and members of senior management at a Placing Price of 1 pence per Placing Share (the "Placing Price"). The net proceeds from the Placing are intended to be used to fund (i) the retrofitting of existing inventory of RM2 BlockPal pallets with RM2 ELIoT chipsets, (ii) the production of new RM2 ELIoT pallets and (iii) SG&A. On 13 April 2018, following shareholder approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company converted its existing convertible preferred shares to ordinary shares and issued the first tranche of 1,279,049,295 new Ordinary Shares (gross proceeds of USD 18,162,500). The issuance of the second tranche of 1,256,161,970 new Ordinary Shares (gross proceeds of USD 17,837,500 (applying the GBP: USD exchange rate of 1.42 used in the shareholders' circular relating to the Placing)) is to take place ten business days following a drawdown notice issued by the Company. It is subject to the satisfaction of certain key performance indicators, including reducing operating costs of the business to a pre-determined level, launching the next generation IoT Cat-M ELIoT pallets and achieving commercial deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets, and reviewing the governance of the Company. The Company believes that it has already satisfied or that it is well positioned to satisfy the draw-down conditions, although determination is to be made by the Company's largest shareholder, Woodford Investment Management Limited.

In addition to the funds raised through the Placing, the Company raised gross proceeds of approximately GBP1.4m pursuant to an Open Offer which was launched on May 21, 2018. The Company issued 142,862,073 new Ordinary Shares of USD0.01 in the Company at the Placing Price of 1 pence per share.

Unrestricted cash reserves at 30 June 2018 were USD 12.9m (USD 13.3m including Trustee's activities), as compared to USD 3.9m at 31 December 2017. Cash outflow over the semester consisted of USD 5.5m of manufacturing expenses and USD 7.3m of SG&A, which was offset by the receipt of USD 19.7m from the issuance of equity and USD 2.0m net proceeds from the sale of the office building in Switzerland. Restricted cash in the amount of USD 1.9m remains on the balance sheet of 7636156 Canada, Inc., and its availability is subject to the outcome of the ongoing voluntary liquidation proceedings in Canada. Due to the significant restructuring implemented by management, the monthly cash burn of the Company has been reduced to USD 0.8m on a going-forward basis from July 2018, excluding exceptional items.

Future Funding & Outlook

The Company believes that it will have satisfied the conditions to drawdown the second tranche of the equity funding of approximately USD 17.8m (before adjusting for any GBP/USD exchange rate impact) in the course of the second semester of 2018. Determination of whether those conditions are met is at the discretion of Woodford Investment Management, the Company's largest shareholder and participant in the equity fundraise.

Having successfully achieved its objectives relating to transitioning to high-quality, outsourced manufacturing, streamlining operating costs, monetizing non-core legacy assets and moving away from non-ELIoT enabled pallet deployments, the Company is focused on activating inventory and deploying RM2 ELIoT Smart pallets in attractive contracts. The execution of the Company's roadmap faces certain challenges with respect to inserting disruptive products and technology in long-standing practices of traditional pallet supply chains, the availability of lower-cost Cat-M chipsets in the face of burgeoning global demand, and the timing of the roll-out of the Cat-M network globally which is in the hands of network operators. With the conversion of trials with large customers into long-term contracts taking longer than anticipated, the Company's expectation of turning EBITDA positive in 2019, as first noted on 9 March 2018, is challenging. The Company will provide further updates on this in due course and in the meantime, continues to implement measures to reduce its cost base.

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the six months ended 30 June 2018

                                           Six months     Six months             Year to 31 
                                                to 30          to 30          December 2017 
                                  June 2018 Unaudited      June 2017                Audited 
                                                  USD      Unaudited                    USD 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                       6             2,645,689      3,715,661              6,557,044 
Cost of sales                 7          (13,000,813)   (13,560,841)           (34,849,544) 
                                 --------------------  -------------  --------------------- 
Gross profit                             (10,355,124)    (9,845,180)           (28,292,500) 
  Administrative expenses     8           (8,235,129)    (8,697,551)           (15,001,932) 
Other operating expenses    9.1              (12,088)       (16,010)               (81,909) 
Other operating income      9.2             1,486,737        199,254                500,934 
                                 --------------------  -------------  --------------------- 
Operating loss                           (17,115,604)   (18,359,487)           (42,875,408) 
  Finance costs                             (635,342)    (2,484,463)            (2,708,809) 
Finance income                                460,754      1,824,454              1,945,887 
                                 --------------------  -------------  --------------------- 
Loss before tax                          (17,290,192)   (19,019,496)           (43,638,330) 
  Income tax                                 (34,143)      (175,369)              (218,694) 
                                 --------------------  -------------  --------------------- 
Loss for the year                        (17,324,335)   (19,194,865)           (45,857,024) 
                                 ====================  =============  ===================== 

Other comprehensive income

Other comprehensive income to be reclassified in profit or loss in subsequent periods:

Exchange difference 
 on translation 
 of foreign 
 operations                                                                      (622,369)     1,052,378     1,675,226 
                      --------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Other comprehensive 
 income for the 
 year, net of tax                                                                (622,369)     1,052,378     1,675,226 
                      --------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the 
 year                                                                         (17,946,704)  (18,142,487)  (42,181,798) 
                      ====================================================================  ============  ============ 
  Loss for the year 
  attributable to: 
Equity holders of 
 the parent                                                                   (17,324,335)  (19,194,865)  (43,857,024) 
                      ====================================================================  ============  ============ 
  income for the 
  year attributable 
Equity holders of 
 the parent                                                                   (17,946,704)  (18,142,587)  (42,181,798) 
                      ====================================================================  ============  ============ 
  Loss per share 
  Basic loss per 
  share attributable 
  to ordinary equity 
  holders of the 
  parent                                                                            (0.01)        (0.05)        (0.11) 
  Diluted loss per 
  share attributable 
  to ordinary equity 
  holders of the 
  parent                                                                            (0.01)        (0.05)        (0.11) 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

For the six months ended 30 June 2018

                                                    Six months             Six months                     Year to 31 
                                  Notes              to 30                 to 30                         December 2017 
                                                     June 2018             June 2017                        Audited 
                                                     Unaudited             Unaudited 
                                                           USD                         USD                         USD 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                 12                 1,148,246                   1,511,365                   1,276,504 
Property, plant & equipment 
 - Other                          10                25,816,044                  34,272,150                  28,717,071 
Property, plant & equipment 
 - Pallet pool                    11                 4,757,709                   9,165,499                   7,026,363 
Investment property                                          -                   1,342,853                           - 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                    31,721,999                  46,291,866                  37,019,938 
Current assets 
Inventories                       13                18,125,903                  17,453,334                  16,614,995 
Trade and other receivables       14                 2,839,466                   4,887,239                   3,550,848 
Other current financial 
 assets                                                 24,752                      24,332                      10,039 
Fixed asset held for 
 sale                                                        -                           -                   2,657,744 
Prepayments                                            711,136                     503,720                   1,024,503 
Restricted Cash                                      1,790,961                   1,954,384                   2,035,642 
Cash and cash equivalents                           13,290,072                  13,807,697                   3,866,217 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                    36,782,290                  38,630,707                  29,759,988 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total assets                                        68,504,289                  84,922,573                  66,756,129 
                                         =====================  ==========================  ========================== 
  Equity and liabilities 
Equity                            17 
Issued capital                                      50,017,820                   4,035,627                   4,070,627 
Restricted shares                                            -                     884,999                   1,348,157 
Share premium                                      276,827,089                 292,947,198                 301,681,317 
Retained earnings                                (290,170,082)               (248,302,641)               (272,845,748) 
Share based payment reserve                         22,580,014                  20,448,762                  20,850,588 
Treasury stock                                        (29,163)                     (3,423)                    (29,163) 
Foreign currency 
 reserve                                             (630,381)                   (630,860)                     (8,012) 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Equity attributable to 
 equity holders of the 
 parent                                             58,595,296                  69,379,662                  55,067,766 
Non-current liabilities 
Interest bearing loans 
 and borrowings                   16                         -                   5,274,498                           - 
Deferred tax liabilities                                23,161                       2,550                      43,751 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                        23,161                   5,277,048                      43,751 
Current liabilities 
Interest bearing loans 
 and borrowings                   16                         -                      59,033                   1,745,527 
Trade and other payables                             9,802,920                   9,083,338                   9,278,493 
Deferred income                                         10,457                     625,908                     563,474 
Current tax liabilities                                 72,456                     497,583                      80,914 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                     9,885,832                  10,265,862                  11,668,409 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total liabilities                                    9,908,993                  15,542,911                  11,712,160 
                                         ---------------------  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
Total equity and 
 liabilities                                        68,504,289                  84,922,573                  66,779,926 
                                         =====================  ==========================  ========================== 
                                                                                                                                     Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                                                                                                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2018 
                                                                                                                                    Attributable to equity holders of the parent 
                  Share capital                        Share premium                        Convertible                          Retained                             Foreign                              Treasury                             Share based                          Total equity 
                                                                                             preferred                            earnings                             currency                                                                  payment 
                                                                                             shares                                                                    translation                                                               reserve 
                                                 USD                                  USD                                  USD                                  USD                                  USD                                  USD                                  USD                             USD 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
       As at 31 
      (audited)                            4,003,052                          282,893,809                              423,280                        (229,107,776)                          (1,683,238)                              (3,424)                           20,073,279                      76,598,983 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   Loss for the 
           year                                    -                                    -                                    -                         (19,194,865)                                    -                                    -                                    -                    (19,194,865) 
         income                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                            1,052,378                                    -                                    -                       1,052,378 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
         income                                    -                                    -                                    -                         (19,194,865)                            1,052,378                                    -                                    -                    (18,142,487) 
  Shares issued 
     the period                               32,575                           10,053,389                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                      10,085,964 
  shares issued 
       the year                                    -                                    -                              461,719                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                      461,719.43 
    Share based 
       payments                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                              375,483                         375,483 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
         owners                               32,575                           10,053,389                              461,719                                    -                                    -                                    -                              375,483                      10,923,166 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
  As at 30 June 
    (unaudited)                            4,035,627                          292,947,198                              884,999                        (248,302,641)                            (630,860)                              (3,424)                           20,448,762                      69,379,661 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   Loss for the 
           year                                    -                                    -                                    -                         (24,662,159)                                    -                                    -                                    -                    (24,662,159) 
         income                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                              622,848                                    -                                    -                         622,848 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
         income                                    -                                    -                                    -                         (24,662,159)                              622,848                                    -                                    -                    (24,039,311) 
  Shares issued 
     the period                               35,000                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                          35,000 
  shares issued 
       the year                                    -                            9,021,734                              463,158                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                       9,484,892 
  Cost of share 
          issue                                    -                            (287,615)                                    -                              119,052                                    -                                    -                                    -                       (168,563) 
  Repurchase of 
  into treasury                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                             (25,739)                                    -                        (25,739) 
    Share based 
       payments                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                              401,826                         401,826 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
         owners                               35,000                            8,734,119                              463,158                              119,052                                    -                             (25,739)                              401,826                       9,727,415 
       As at 31 
      (audited)                            4,070,627                          301,681,317                            1,348,157                        (272,845,748)                              (8,012)                               29,163                           20,850,588                      55,067,766 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
   Loss for the 
           year                                    -                                    -                                    -                         (17,324,335)                                    -                                    -                                    -                    (17,324,335) 
         income                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                            (622,369)                                    -                                    -                       (622,369) 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
         income                                    -                                    -                                    -                         (17,324,335)                            (622,369)                                    -                                    -                    (17,946,704) 
  Shares issued 
     the period                           45,947,193                         (24,536,470)                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                      21,410,723 
  shares issued 
       the year                                    -                                    -                          (1,348,157)                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                     (1,348,157) 
  Cost of share 
          issue                                    -                            (317,758)                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                       (317,758) 
    Share based 
       payments                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                                    -                            1,729,426                    1,729,426.08 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
         owners                           45,947,193                         (24,854,228)                          (1,348,157)                                    -                                    -                                    -                         1,729,426.08                      21,474,234 
---------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
  As at 30 June 
    (unaudited)                           50,017,820                          276,827,089           -                                                 (290,170,083)                            (630,381)                             (29,163)                           22,580,014                      58,595,296 
===============  ===================================  ===================================  ===================================  ===================================  ===================================  ===================================  ===================================  ============================== 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                 Notes                        Six months             Six months             Year ended 
                                                                      to             to 30 June            31 December 
                                                                 30 June                   2017                   2017 
                                                                    2018              Unaudited                Audited 
 Cash flows from operating                                           USD                    USD                    USD 
 Loss before tax                                            (17,290,192)           (19,019,496)           (43,638,330) 
 Adjustment to reconcile 
 before tax to net cash flows 
 Amortization and depreciation 
  of non-current assets          5/6/7/8                       4,830,194              4,778,298              9,875,684 
 Impairment of current and 
  assets                                                         995,150                      -              2,450,597 
 Provision for bad debts                                               -                103,802                      - 
 Share based payment charges                                   1,729,426                375,483                777,309 
 Finance income                                                        -                 44,730               (27,190) 
 Finance expenses                                                 87,040                 16,199                 45,865 
 Unrealized foreign exchange 
  gains                                                          (4,511)                377,125                531,860 
 Net (gain)/ loss on disposal 
  of PPE and intangible assets                               (1,249,206)                 11,800               (30,824) 
 Variation in working capital 
 (Increase)/decrease in 
  inventories                                                (1,514,261)            (1,004,255)              (165,915) 
 Decrease/ (increase) in trade 
  and other receivables                                        1,023,646                766,734              1,685,350 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade 
  and other payables                                            (28,592)              4,814,167              4,946,888 
 (Increase)/decrease in 
  cash                                                           244,681               (69,671)              (150,929) 
 Income tax paid                                                (91,508)              (170,293)              (596,028) 
------------------------------  --------  ------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                                (11,268,133)            (9,064,837)           (24,295,663) 
 Cash flows from investing 
 (Increase)/decrease in 
  assets                                                               -                  (802)                  (802) 
 (Increase)/decrease PPE in 
  course of commissioning                                              1              (245,208)              (347,767) 
 Decrease/ (increase) in other 
  PPE                                                          (796,475)               (59,478)              (224,760) 
 Proceeds from the sale of PPE                                 3,949,862                      -                 70,498 
 (Increase)/decrease in pallet 
  pool                                                         (237,752)              (849,638)            (1,166,989) 
 Loans granted to third 
  parties                                                       (14,713)                (1,466)                 12,828 
 Finance income received                                               -              44,730.00              27,190.00 
------------------------------  --------  ------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                                                   2,900,923            (1,111,862)            (1,629,802) 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Issuance of capital             13                           19,744,808             10,547,740             19,899,011 
 Purchase of treasury shares                                           -                      -               (25,740) 
 Repayment Proceeds from other 
  and related party borrowings                                         -              3,482,822               (15,383) 
 Interest paid                                                  (87,040)                 57,699               (45,865) 
 Repayment of other and 
  party borrowings                                           (1,745,527)               (16,199)               (32,099) 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                                  17,912,241             14,072,062             19,779,924 
------------------------------  --------  ------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Net change in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                                  9,545,030              3,895,363            (6,145,541) 
==============================  ========  ==============================  =====================  ===================== 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                         9,545,030              3,895,363            (6,145,541) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  1 January                                                    3,866,217              9,794,906              9,794,906 
 Exchange adjustment of cash 
  and cash equivalents                                         (121,174)                117,428                216,852 
------------------------------  --------  ------------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                  12                           13,290,072             13,807,697              3,866,217 
==============================  ========  ==============================  =====================  ===================== 

Notes (unaudited) to the Interim Consolidated Financial Information

   1.   Corporate information 

RM2 International S.A. (the "Company") is a limited company (Société Anonyme) incorporated and domiciled in Luxembourg with the registration number B132.740. The registered office is located at Rue de la Chapelle 5, L1235 Luxembourg. The Company is the ultimate parent entity of the RM2 Group (the "Group").

The Group is principally engaged in developing, leasing and selling shipping pallets and in providing related logistical services.

This unaudited interim consolidated financial information does not constitute statutory accounts.

   2.   Basis of preparation 

While being compliant with AIM Rule 18 minimum requirements, the unaudited interim consolidated financial information does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial information, and should be read in conjunction with the Group's historical financial information for the year ended 31 December 2017.

The accounting policies and basis of preparation adopted are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's historical financial information for the year ended 31 December 2017. None of the newly applicable IFRS standards and amendments had an impact on the Group's interim consolidated financial information.

2.1 Early adopted standards

The Group did not early adopt any new or amended standards and does not plan to early adopt any of the standards issued but not yet effective.

   3.   Significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions 

When preparing the unaudited interim consolidated financial information, Management undertakes a number of judgments, estimates and assumptions about recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The actual results may differ from the judgments, estimates and assumptions made by Management, and will seldom equal the estimated results.

The judgments, estimates and assumptions applied in the interim consolidated financial information, including the key sources of estimation uncertainty, were the same as those applied in the Group's historical financial information for the year ended 31 December 2017.

3.1 Going Concern

1H 2018 performance

The Group's financial result for the period ending 30 June 2018 is a loss of USD 17.3m (June 2017: loss of USD 19.2m), a decrease in the overall loss by USD 1.9m compared to the prior period. Despite a better monitoring of the overall manufacturing costs for USD 0.6m, gross margin decreased by USD 0.5m as revenue decreased by USD 1.1m. The decline in SGA expenses by USD 0.5m is explained by the removal of 2017 one-time costs (USD 1.8m), the cost saving measures undertaken by management at the end of Q1 2018 (USD 0.4m) and the negative non-cash impact of the share-based payment (USD 1.7m) following the removal of share price performance vesting conditions on restricted shares. Additionally, the sale of the Swiss building impacted positively with USD 1.4m, the remaining positive variance of USD 0.5m comes from lower net finance activities and taxes.

2018 equity funding

In 1H2108, in order to fund (i) the retrofitting of existing inventory of RM2 BlockPal pallets with RM2 ELIoT chipsets, (ii) the production of new RM2 ELIoT pallets and (iii) SG&A, the Company conditionally raised USD36 million before fees and expenses by a placing (to be effected in two tranches) of 2,535,211,265 new Ordinary Shares (the "Placing") to existing institutional investors, certain directors and members of senior management at a Placing Price of 1 pence per Placing Share (the "Placing Price"). On 13 April 2018, following shareholder approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company converted its existing convertible preferred shares to ordinary shares and issued the first tranche of 1,279,049,295 new Ordinary Shares (gross proceeds of USD 18,162,500).

In addition to the funds raised through the Placing, the Company raised gross proceeds of approximately GBP1.4m pursuant to an Open Offer which was launched on May 21, 2018. The Company issued 142,862,073 new Ordinary Shares of USD0.01 in the Company at the Placing Price of 1 pence per share.

In accordance with the terms of the Placing, the issuance of the second tranche of 1,256,161,970 new Ordinary Shares (gross proceeds of USD 17,837,500 (applying the GBP: USD exchange rate of 1.42 used in the shareholders' circular relating to the Placing)) is to take place ten business days following a drawdown notice issued by the Company. It is subject to the satisfaction of certain key performance indicators, including reducing operating costs of the business to a pre-determined level, launching the next generation IoT Cat-M ELIoT pallets, achieving commercial deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets, and reviewing the governance of the Company. The Company believes that it has already satisfied or that it is well positioned to satisfy the draw-down conditions, as described below, although determination is to be made by the Company's largest shareholder, Woodford Investment Management Limited.

Management undertook measures to reduce operating costs, including headcount reductions and site closures and relocations. The cost-reduction measures implemented by management are bearing fruit and are satisfy this drawdown condition. The Company continues to be mindful of opportunities to reduce costs and eliminate non-value added activities and of the necessity to retain a lean operating structure.

On 31 July 31 2018, AT&T informed the Company that the RM2 ELIoT units with new generation Cat-M chipsets successfully passed their internal certification process, thereby permitting their usage on the AT&T network, subject to PTCBR and FCC certification. The PTCBR and FCC certification is expected to be received before the end of Q3 2018. Cat-1 RM2 ELIoT pallets are in use in Phase 1 and pilot programs with blue-chips customers in North America.

The Company has reviewed governance of the Company and believes that the resulting measures it is in the process of implementing will satisfy the relevant drawdown condition for the second tranche of the Placing.


The Directors have analysed the Group's situation and applied their best estimates to assumptions of the future development of the business for the 12-month beginning July 1, 2018. With the conversion of trials with large customers into long-term contracts taking longer than anticipated, the Company's expectation of turning EBITDA positive in 2019, as first noted on 9 March 2018, is challenging.

As described above, the Directors believe that the Company has already satisfied or that it is well positioned to satisfy the draw-down conditions necessary to call the second tranche of the equity funding, although determination is to be made by the Company's largest shareholder, Woodford Investment Management Limited. The issuance of the second tranche of the Placing, combined with existing resources and future revenue and continued attention to cost control, lead the Directors to believe that the Group has adequate resources to justify adopting the going concern basis in preparing its consolidated financial statements.

   4.   Business Review and Key Performance Indicators 

The Company defines its key performance indicators to be the business revenues, the level of production and the monitoring of related ramp-up costs, the deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets and the cash reserves of the business. Having simplified its capital structure and secured equity funding in April 2018, the Company now focuses on the execution of the underlying roadmap.


Revenue generated by the Company in 1H2018 decreased by USD 1.1m compared to the prior period to reach USD 2.6m (1H2017: USD 3.7m). Despite an increase of USD 0.1m in the sale of pallets and a plateauing of the minor third-party asset tracking business located in Wales, the decrease in the revenue is due to the wind-down of the non-ELIoT enabled pallet contract with its largest customer in the United States with an impact to date of

USD 0.9m. After an initial sale of raw material for use in pallet production to Jabil last year (USD 0.7m for the first six months of 2017), in the period ending 30 June 2018 the Company sold USD 0.3m of fiberglass and has contracted with third party customers for the sale of a very large portion of its remaining excess inventory over the course of the second semester of 2018. In July and August 2018, a further USD 0.3m was shipped and billed to third parties.

Production and ramp-up costs

As described in the Chairman's statement, gross margins decreased by USD 0.5m as revenue dropped by USD 1.1m. Cost of goods therefore reduced by USD 0.6m. Following the voluntary liquidation of the Canadian manufacturing entity and the implementation of the new pricing mechanism agreed with Jabil, overall manufacturing expenses hitting the Profit and Loss statement in the cost of goods section decreased by USD 1.0m for the first semester, to USD 4.3m. In parallel, the Company commissioned an independent appraisal of the fair market value of idle assets in Canada. This appraisal resulted in a net impairment of USD 0.6m. Other items positively accounted for USD 0.2m.

Cost of goods amounts to USD 13.0m (USD 13.6m for the same period last year) and includes the following non-cash items totaling USD 5.1m: pallet depreciation (USD 2.6m), equipment depreciation (USD 2.2m), equipment impairment following the Canadian appraisal (USD 0.6m), and a positive variance of raw material and pallet impairment (USD 0.3m)

The cash impact of cost of goods sold is USD 7.9m, of which USD 4.0m are manufacturing ramp-up costs and USD 2.0m are logistical costs incurred pursuant to certain per-trip fee pallet contracts.

RM2 ELIoT deployment

On 13 April 2018, the Company announced a Phase 1 contract with a Fortune 500 customer which is expected to involve a significant deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets. The initial implementation of RM2 ELIoT pallets under that contract was deferred but the deployment is now underway with promising results.

Subsequent to the reporting period, the Company successfully completed a 100-unit trial and then entered into a pilot agreement for an initial deployment of some 600 RM2 ELIoT pallets with one of the world's leaders in the logistics industry, serving both internal and external loops. Other trials with large multi-national corporations are progressing well. In particular, one large trial with a North American beverage customer has concluded with strong results and discussions on deployment terms are expected to continue over the coming months. Promising trials are also underway with companies in the consumer goods and telecommunications industries.

With growing world-wide demand for IoT objects, the Company has noticed a tightening of availability of chipsets. It has issued purchase orders for some 63,000 Cat-1 tested and fully accredited chipsets to satisfy anticipated initial demand and pending final accreditation and availability of lower-cost Cat-M chipsets.

Cash reserves

Unrestricted cash reserves at 30 June 2018 stand at USD 12.9m (USD 13.3m including Trustee's activities), compared to USD 3.9m at 31 December 2017. Restricted cash decreased by USD 0.4m to USD 1.9m due to lease payments made to the landlord of the former manufacturing site in Canada following the voluntary liquidation process. The Company raised an aggregated amount of USD 19.7m of new equity capital between the first tranche of the Placing in April 2018 and the subsequent Open Offer to shareholders. The Company's cash flow, excluding Trustee's activities, is negative by USD 10.7m in the period ending 30 June 2018.

USD 5.5m was paid for the acquisition of pallets, comprised of the agreed pricing mechanism with Jabil (USD 5.0m) and associated one-time maintenance costs (USD 0.5m).

USD 2.0m was received for the sale of the Swiss building, leaving the true cash outflow of the business being USD 7.2m. Canada's contribution was USD 1.3m. The Company also acquired for USD 1.4m (including fees and taxes) from the estate of its Canadian affiliate in voluntary liquidation certain assets identified as necessary or useful for the Group's operations. Excluding Canada and these one-time-costs such as the asset purchase (USD 1.4m), the deposit to transition to a new smaller warehouse in Canada (USD 0.2m), the monthly cash burn of the Company has been reduced to USD 0.8m on a going-forward basis from July 2018, excluding exceptional items.

   5.   Significant events and transactions 

Refer to the Chairman's statement and Note 20, Subsequent Events.

   6.   Revenues and segment reporting 

The Group has only one operating segment for the disclosure of revenue. However the revenue analysis is broken down by revenue stream as disclosed here below.

Operating segment is reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting used by the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating decision-maker, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segment, has been identified as the Board of Directors of the parent company that makes strategic decisions.

The Group has determined the operating segments based on the reports reviewed by the Board of Directors, which are used to make strategic decisions.

The Board of Directors is responsible for the Group's entire business and considers the business to have a single operating segment that represent the production, the sale and the rent of pallets including related logistical services. The asset allocation decisions are based on a single, integrated investment strategy, and the Group's performance is evaluated on an overall basis.

The internal reporting provided to the Board of Directors for the Group's assets, liabilities and performance is prepared on a consistent basis with the measurement and recognition principles of IFRS.

There were no changes in the reportable segments during the year.

The Group has a diversified customer portfolio. During the period there was one client which represented more than 10% of the Group's revenues.


                                             Six months           Six months          Year ended 
                                             to 30 June           to 30 June         31 December 
                                                   2018                 2017                2017 
                                              Unaudited            Unaudited             Audited 
 Sold pallets                                   224,479               71,489             291,752 
 Leased pallets                               1,644,569            2,530,510           4,943,673 
 Rendering of logistical services               399,393              377,319             796,858 
 Disposal of raw material and 
  work in progress                              377,248              736,344             524,761 
                                     ------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Total                                        2,645,689            3,715,661           6,557,044 
                                     ==================  ===================  ================== 

Geographical information

The breakdown of the revenue allocation by area is as follows:

                             Six months            Six months          Year ended 
                             to 30 June            to 30 June         31 December 
                                   2018                  2017                2017 
                              Unaudited             Unaudited             Audited 
 USA                          1,392,276             3,070,426           5,170,122 
 Europe                       1,253,413               645,235           1,386,922 
                -----------------------  --------------------  ------------------ 
 Total                        2,645,689             3,715,661           6,557,044 
                =======================  ====================  ================== 
 The parent company is based in Luxembourg. The information 
  for the geographical area of non-current assets are presented 
  for the most significant areas where the group has operations, 
  being Luxembourg (country of domicile), rest of Europe, North 
  America (including Mexico) and China. 
                                                  Six months               Six months                Year ended 
                                                  to 30 June               to 30 June               31 December 
                                                        2018                     2018                      2017 
                                                   Unaudited                Unaudited                   Audited 
 Luxembourg                                        2,048,415                2,164,410                 2,105,936 
 Rest of Europe                                    1,390,517                5,136,871                   295,776 
 North America (including Mexico)                 13,751,350               33,003,868                29,149,509 
 China                                            14,531,717                5,986,717                 5,468,717 
                                     -----------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------ 
 Total                                            31,721,999               46,291,866                37,019,938 
                                     =======================  =======================  ======================== 

Non-current assets for this purpose consist of property, plant and equipment, investment properties and intangible assets.

   7.   Cost of sales 
                                                      Six months                 Six months                Year ended 
                                                      to 30 June                 to 30 June               31 December 
                                                            2018                       2017                      2017 
                                                       Unaudited                  Unaudited                   Audited 
 Cost of pallets sold - Blockpal                         248,307                    103,440                   321,731 
 Cost of pallets sold - raw material 
  / WIP                                                  583,634                    953,916                   748,198 
 Cost of pallets sold - services                          68,691                     62,301                   145,605 
 Amortization of pallet pool                           2,558,247                  2,407,565                 4,752,926 
 Amortization of production tool                       2,172,640                  1,930,242                 4,364,527 
 Cost of software, licenses and 
  services                                               328,283                    334,427                   695,625 
 Production tool transfer                                617,688                          -                         - 
 Factory absorption Canada                               524,936                  2,761,118                 5,657,933 
 Factory absorption new set-up                         3,746,445                  2,500,000                12,062,760 
 Logistic costs                                        1,985,853                  1,835,980                 4,041,928 
 Impairment and repairs                                   32,005                    222,472                 1,735,595 
 Other                                                   134,084                    894,324                   322,716 
                                       -------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Total                                                13,000,813                 13,560,841                34,849,544 
                                       =========================  =========================  ======================== 
   8.   Administrative expenses 
                                                   Six months                Six months               Year ended 
                                                   to 30 June                to 30 June              31 December 
                                                         2018                      2017                     2017 
                                                    Unaudited                 Unaudited                  Audited 
 Payroll costs                                      3,288,651                 3,391,199                6,537,941 
 Director's expenses (*)                              325,000                    36,041                  122,800 
 Travel and expenses                                  275,360                   433,212                1,010,469 
 One Time Costs China (VAT, import 
  duties, ...)                                         21,463                 1,839,590                1,865,656 
 Consultant costs (AIM, Funding, 
  ...)                                                727,276                   674,370                1,311,280 
 Audit/Tax/Legal costs                                212,460                   389,893                  805,780 
 Insurance                                             79,119                    88,636                  172,163 
 ELIoT                                                600,456                   328,432                1,021,504 
 Other                                                725,856                   598,384                  733,502 
                                     ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total cash                                         6,255,641                 7,779,757               13,581,094 
                                     ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total cash - excluding One Time 
  Costs                                             5,909,178                 5,940,167               11,715,438 
 Share based payment (non-cash 
  item)                                             1,729,426                   375,483                  777,308 
 Depreciation                                         250,062                   542,311                  643,530 
                                     ------------------------  ------------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total                                              8,235,129                 8,697,551               15,001,932 
                                     ========================  ========================  ======================= 

(*): Director's expenses are considered as "one-time costs" for the first semester 2018 as per the agreement signed with management during the equity raise. Management is committed to refund the subscription to the Company via a mechanism of salary forbearance over an 18-month-period, which started in April 2018.

   9.   Other operating income and expenses 
   9.1 Other operating income                          Six months                Six months                Year ended 
                                                       to 30 June                to 30 June               31 December 
                                                             2018                      2017                      2017 
                                                        Unaudited                 Unaudited                   Audited 
 Net gain on disposal of PPE                            1,443,163                         -                    30,824 
 Rental income                                             34,360                   199,254                   297,265 
 Other                                                      9,214                         -                   172,845 
                                         ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Total other operating income                           1,486,737                   199,254                   500,934 
                                         ========================  ========================  ======================== 
  9.2 Other operating expenses                         Six months                Six months                Year ended 
                                                       to 30 June                to 30 June               31 December 
                                                             2018                      2017                      2017 
                                                        Unaudited                 Unaudited                   Audited 
 Direct operating expenses on 
  rental-earning investment properties                     12,088                    16,010                    76,673 
 Net loss on disposal of PPE                                    -                         -                         - 
 Other                                                          -                         -                     6,236 
                                         ------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------ 
 Total other operating expenses                            12,088                    16,010                    82,909 
                                         ========================  ========================  ======================== 
   10.                                                 Property, plant and equipment- other 
                                                              Land & Building                        Plant & Equipment                        Plant & Equipment                                 Construction                            Total 
                                                                                                                Others                             China/Mexico                                  in progress 
                                                                          USD                                      USD                                      USD                           USD                                             USD 
   As at 31 December 
    2016 (audited)                                                  1,750,031                               18,516,047                               25,081,276                                    5,233,143                             50,580,497 
         Additions                                                          -                                   59,480                                        -                                      245,208                                304,688 
         Disposals                                                          -                                 (21,460)                                        -                                            -                               (21,460) 
         Other/transfer                                                     -                                (213,077)                                  327,934                                    (114,857)                                      - 
         Exchange differences                                         101,231                                  544,279                                 (57,317)                                       59,949                                648,142 
                               ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
   As at 30 June 
    2017 (unaudited)                                                1,851,262                               18,885,269                               25,351,893                                    5,423,443                             51,511,867 
         Additions                                                          -                                  122,087                                   43,191                                      102,559                                267,837 
   Transfer/reclassification                                      (1,648,658)                                 (57,540)                                 (57,317)                                      114,857                            (1,648,658) 
         Disposals                                                          -                                 (75,954)                                        -                                            -                               (75,954) 
         Exchange differences                                        (79,038)                                  499,468                                   57,317                                       60,406                                538,153 
                               ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
   As at 31 December 
    2017 (audited)                                                    123,566                               19,373,330                               25,395,084                                    5,701,265                             50,593,245 
         Additions                                                          -                                  796,475                                        -                                            -                                796,475 
   Transfer/reclassification                                                -                              (2,697,325)                                2,892,730                                    (195,405)                                      - 
         Disposals                                                          -                                (321,225)                                        -                                      (6,538)                              (327,763) 
         Exchange differences                                               -                                (704,854)                                        -                                     (87,171)                              (792,025) 
                               ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
   As at 30 June 
    2018 (unaudited)                                                  123,566                               16,446,401                               28,287,814                                    5,412,151                             50,269,932 
                               ==============================================  =======================================  =======================================  ===========================================  ===================================== 
         Depreciation and impairment 
   As at 31 December 
    2016 (audited)                                                    407,496                                7,163,370                                3,682,648                                    3,537,463                             14,790,977 
    charge for the 
    period                                                             21,009                                  981,455                                1,253,966                                            -                              2,256,430 
   Disposal                                                                 -                                  (9,659)                                        -                                            -                                (9,659) 
   Exchange differences                                             15,184.69                                  195,200                                  (8,416)                                            -                                201,969 
                               ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
   As at 30 June 
    2017 (unaudited)                                                  443,690                                8,330,366                                4,928,198                                    3,537,463                             17,239,716 
   Amortization                                                        20,208                                1,294,142                                1,245,428                                            -                              2,559,778 
    charge for the 
   Impairment charge 
    for the period                                                          -                                (168,763)                                1,235,341                                    1,220,766                              2,287,344 
         Transfer                                                   (288,518)                                        -                                        -                                            -                              (288,518) 
         Disposal                                                           -                                 (48,081)                                        -                                            -                               (48,081) 
   Exchange differences                                              (51,814)                                  169,332                                    8,416                                            -                                125,934 
                               ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
   As at 31 December 
    2017 (audited)                                                    123,566                                9,576,996                                7,417,383                                    4,758,229                             21,876,174 
    charge for the 
    period                                                                  -                                1,476,499                                  840,526                                            -                              2,317,025 
   Impairment charge 
    for the period                                                          -                                  774,937                                  105,001                                            -                                879,938 
         Disposal                                                           -                                (133,806)                                        -                                            -                              (133,806) 
         Exchange differences                                               -                                (431,201)                                        -                                     (54,243)                              (485,444) 
                               ----------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
   As at 30 June 
    2018 (unaudited)                                                  123,566                               11,263,426                                8,362,910                                    4,703,986                             24,453,888 
                               ==============================================  =======================================  =======================================  ===========================================  ===================================== 
    Net book value 
   As at 30 June 
    2018 (unaudited)                                                        -                                5,182,976                               19,924,904                                      708,164                             25,816,044 
=============================  ==============================================  =======================================  =======================================  ===========================================  ===================================== 
   As at 31 December 
    2017 (audited)                                                          -                                9,796,334                               17,977,701                                      943,036                             28,717,071 
=============================  ==============================================  =======================================  =======================================  ===========================================  ===================================== 
   As at 30 June 
    2017 (unaudited)                                                1,407,573                               10,554,903                               20,423,695                                    1,885,980                             34,272,151 
=============================  ==============================================  =======================================  =======================================  ===========================================  ===================================== 
   As at 31 December 
    2016 (audited)                                                  1,342,535                               11,352,677                               21,398,628                                    1,695,680                             35,789,520 

11. Property, plant and equipment - Pallet pool

                                              Pallet Pool 
 As at 31 December 2016                        23,216,363 
 Additions                                        849,638 
 As at 30 June 2017                            24,066,001 
 Additions                                        317,351 
 As at 31 December 2017                       24,383,352 
 Additions                                        237,752 
 As at 30 June 2018                            24,621,104 
 Amortization and impairment 
 As at 31 December 2016                        12,515,919 
 Depreciation charge for 
  the year                                      2,384,583 
 Impairment charge for                                  - 
  the year 
 As at 30 June 2017                            14,900,502 
 Depreciation charge for 
  the year                                      2,399,803 
 Impairment charge for 
  the year                                         56,684 
 As at 31 December 2017                        17,356,989 
 Depreciation charge for 
  the year                                      2,391,194 
 Impairment charge for 
  the year                                        115,212 
 As at 30 June 2018                            19,863,395 
 Net book value 
 As at 30 June 2018                             4,757,709 
 As at 31 December 2017                         7,026,363 
 As at 30 June 2017                             9,165,499 

12. Intangible assets

                          Software         Trade            Customer          Acquired          Goodwill             Total 
                                           names       relationships          licenses 
                                                                           and similar 
                               USD           USD                 USD               USD               USD               USD 
 As at 1 
  2017                   2,128,984       123,410             370,230         1,222,701           852,634         4,697,959 
 Additions                       -             -                   -               802                 -               802 
  differences              114,031         6,610              19,830                 -            45,668           186,140 
                ------------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 As at 30 June 
  2017                   2,243,015       130,020             390,060         1,223,503           898,302         4,884,901 
 Additions                       -             -                   -                 -                 -                 - 
  differences               84,532         4,900              14,700                 -            33,854           137,985 
                ------------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 As at 31 
  2017                   2,327,547       134,920             404,760         1,223,503           932,156         5,022,886 
 Additions                       -             -                   -                 -                 -                 - 
  differences             (49,166)       (2,850)             (8,550)                 -          (19,691)          (80,257) 
                ------------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 As at 30 June 
  2018             2,278,381         132,070             396,210         1,223,503            912,465        4,942,629 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 
 As at 1 
  2017                   2,128,984        70,046             222,139           213,891           485,637         3,124,697 
  for the year                   -        12,577              37,731            66,935                 -           117,243 
  differences              114,031         4,391              13,173                 -                 -           131,595 
                ------------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 As at 30 June 
  2017                   2,243,015        91,014             273,043           280,826           485,637         3,373,535 
  for the year                   -        12,883              38,649            66,965                 -           118,496 
 Impairment                      -             -                   -                 -           106,599           106,599 
  differences               84,532         4,039              12,116                 -            47,064           147,751 
                ------------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 As at 31 
  2017                   2,327,547       107,936             323,808           347,791           639,300         3,746,382 
  for the year                   -        13,753              41,259            66,963                 -           121,975 
  differences             (49,166)       (2,825)             (8,478)                 -          (13,504)          (73,973) 
                ------------------  ------------  ------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 As at 30 June 
  2018                   2,278,381       118,864             356,589           414,754           625,795         3,794,383 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 
 Net book 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 
 As at 30 June 
  2018                           -        13,206              39,621           808,749           286,670         1,148,246 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 
 As at 31 
  2017                           -        26,984              80,952           875,712           292,856         1,276,504 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 
 As at 30 June 
  2017                           -        39,006             117,017           942,677           412,665         1,511,366 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 
 As at 1 
  2017                           -        49,364             148,091         1,008,810           366,997         1,573,262 
                ==================  ============  ==================  ================  ================  ================ 

13. Inventories

                                      As at 30 June                    As at 30 June                As at 31 December 
                                               2018                             2017                             2017 
                                          Unaudited                        Unaudited 
                                                USD                              USD                              USD 
 Raw Material                             1,600,710                        2,167,831                        1,478,998 
 Work in progress                           815,136                          933,925                          952,969 
 Finished pallets                        15,710,057                       14,351,577                       14,183,028 
 Total inventory                         18,125,903                       17,453,334                       16,614,995 
                    ===============================  ===============================  =============================== 
  14     . Trade receivables      As at 30 June    As at 30 June    As at 31 December 
                                           2018             2017          2017Audited 
                                      Unaudited        Unaudited 
     Trade receivables                  932,589        2,660,852              1,623,565 
   Income tax receivables               181,082            5,251                  4,457 
   Other tax receivables                391,701        1,261,090              1,093,409 
   Other receivables                  1,334,094          960,046                829,417 
                                ---------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
   Total Trade receivables            2,839,466        4,887,239              3,550,848 
   15   Trade payables 
                          As at 30 June   As at 30 June   As at 31 December 
                                   2018            2017                2017 
                              Unaudited       Unaudited             Audited 
                                    USD             USD                 USD 
 Trade payables               3,665,313       5,067,751           2,907,776 
 Employee compensation 
  payables                       31,620         103,137              21,629 
 Other tax payables             166,348          16,900             124,826 
 Other payables               5,939,639       3,895,550           6,224,263 
                         --------------  --------------  ------------------ 
 Total trade and 
  other payables              9,802,920       9,083,338           9,278,493 
                         ==============  ==============  ================== 
   16   Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 
                                                                            As at                            As at                               As at 
                                                                          30 June                          30 June                         31 December 
                                                                             2018                             2017                                2017 
                                                                        Unaudited                        Unaudited                             Audited 
                         Effective   Maturity                                 USD                              USD                                 USD 
                          interest    date 
 loans and borrowings 
 CHF 1,700,000 Bank                  November 
  loan                   1.80%           2020                                   -                        1,776,979                                   - 
 (The loan is secured 
 by a mortgage on the 
 building held by the 
 Group in 
 Hire purchase                                                                  -                           12,628                                   - 
 in excess of one year 
 Shareholder's current                                                          -                        3,484,892                                   - 
                                               ----------------------------------  -------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 Total non-current                                                              -                        5,274,499                                   - 
 loans and borrowings 
                                               ==================================  ===============================  ================================== 
 loans and borrowings 
 CHF 1,700,000 Bank                        30 
  loan                               November 
  (settled March 2018)   1.80%           2020                                   -                                -                           1,639,580 
 Short-term part of 
  bank loan                                                                     -                           50,000                             101,900 
 Hire purchase 
  in excess of one 
  year                                                                          -                            9,033                               4,047 
                                               ----------------------------------  -------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
 Total current 
  loans and                                                                     -                           59,033                           1,745,527 
                                               ----------------------------------  -------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
  loans and borrowings                                                          -                        5,333,532                           1,745,527 
                                               ==================================  ===============================  ================================== 
   17   Share capital and reserves 


On 13 April 2018, the Company issued a total of 4,435,957,235 Ordinary Shares, consisting of 1,279,049,295 Ordinary Shares issued as part of the first tranche of the Placing, raising gross proceeds of USD18,162,500, and of the issuance of 3,156,907,940 new Ordinary Shares upon conversion of the outstanding 134,815,771 Convertible Preferred Shares (as further described in the Chairman's Statement). Following these issuances, no further Convertible Preferred Shares were outstanding and the Company's equity consisted of a single class of Ordinary Shares.

On 20 April 2018, a total of 15,900,000 shares were issued to Non-Executive Directors in lieu of cash compensation for the one-year period beginning July 1, 2017. The Remuneration Committee further decided on April 20, 2018 to remove restrictions related to the attainment of share price thresholds previously applied with respect to the free disposition of restricted shares. This removal of restriction applies to 22,157,680 Ordinary Shares.

On 15 June 2018, pursuant to an Open Offer to all shareholders, the Company raised gross proceeds of approximately GBP1.43m and issued 142,862,073 new Ordinary Shares.

As of 30 June 2018, the Company's issued share capital is comprised of 5,001,781,964 Ordinary Shares, of which 2,916,334 Ordinary Shares are held by the Company as non-voting treasury stock ("Treasury Shares"). The total number of voting rights in the Company is calculated as the number of outstanding Ordinary Shares, less the Treasury Shares, less the Ordinary Shares not able to be voted on due to restrictions applicable to certain holders as specified in the Company's Articles of Association, which results in a total voting rights figure of 3,434,380,332.


On 17 February 2017, 757,500 restricted shares were issued to certain Directors in lieu of cash compensation for the first half of 2017 (and the second half of 2016 with respect to Frédéric de Mevius). These shares are restricted from trading until the volume weighted average quoted price of the Ordinary Shares for a consecutive 30-day period equals or exceeds GBP 1.00.

On 20 February 2017, the General Meeting of Shareholders decided the conversion of existing Convertible Preferred Shares into Class A Convertible Preferred Shares; it also decided the creation of a Class B Convertible Preferred Shares.

On 6 July 2017, 6,000,000 restricted shares were issued to key employees which are not exercisable until after three years and when the volume weighted average quoted price of the Ordinary Shares for a consecutive 30-day period equals or exceeds the lower of GBP 50p or 2.5 times the offering price of the first ordinary share placement following the issuance date of the restricted shares. Following the resignation of the recipient of 2,500,000 restricted shares, these shares were forfeited and transferred to the Company to be held as non-voting treasury stock.

In June and July 2017, the Company issued a total of 92,487,729 Class B Convertible Preferred Shares of USD 0.01 in the capital of the Company. See also Note 14.3.

As at 31 December 2017, RM2's issued share capital is 407,062,656 Ordinary Shares of USD 0.01 each and an aggregate of respectively 42,328,042 and 92,487,729 Class A and B Convertible Preferred Shares of USD 0.01 in the capital of the Company, of which 2,916,334 Ordinary Shares are held by the Company as non-voting treasury stock.

The total number of voting rights in the Company as at 31 December 2017 was 538,962,093.


On 1 July 2016, the Company issued 2,755,000 options, of which 2,000,000 were issued to an executive director and certain employees and vest on the third anniversary of the grant, with an exercise price equal to GBP 0.23 and are not exercisable until the volume weighted average quoted price of the Ordinary Shares for a consecutive 30-day period equals or exceeds GBP 1.00.

500,000 were issued to certain employees and vest over three years in equal tranches on the anniversary of the grant date, with an exercise price equal to GBP 0.23 and are not exercisable until the volume weighted average quoted price of the Ordinary Shares for a consecutive 30-day period equals or exceeds GBP 1.00, and 255,000 options were issued to certain employees and vest over three years in equal tranches on the anniversary of the grant date and have an exercise price equal to GBP 0.23.

On 8 July 2016, 1,275,000 restricted shares were issued to certain Directors in lieu of cash compensation for the year. These shares are restricted from trading until the volume weighted average quoted price of the Ordinary Shares for a consecutive 30-day period equals or exceeds GBP 1.00.

On 8 July 2016, 1,000,000 restricted shares were issued (with a vesting period of one year) to one key employees which are not exercisable until after three years or when the volume weighted average quoted price of the Ordinary Shares for a consecutive 30-day period equals or exceeds GBP 1.00.

In each case, employees must retain a business relationship with the Company on the relevant anniversary date for the options or restricted shares to vest.

In July 2016, the Company issued 42,328,042 Convertible Preferred Shares of USD 0.01 in the capital of the Company. See also Note 14.3.

As at 31 December 2016, RM2's issued share capital is 400,305,156 Ordinary Shares of USD 0.01 each and 42,328,042 Convertible Preferred Shares of USD 0.01 in the capital of the Company, of which 397,334 Ordinary Shares are held by the Company as non-voting treasury stock.

The total number of voting rights in the Company as at 31 December 2016 was 442,235,864.

Ordinary shares issued and fully 
 paid                                                   Shares           USD                   Par value 
                                   ---------------------------  ------------  -------------------------- 
At 30 June 2017 (unaudited)                        403,562,656    4,0356,267                    USD 0.01 
Issue of ordinary shares on 
 6 July 2017                                         1,500,000        15,000                    USD 0.01 
Issue of ordinary shares on 
 6 July 2017                                         2,000,000        20,000                    USD 0.01 
                                   ---------------------------  ------------  -------------------------- 
At 31 December 2017 (audited)                      407,062,656     4,070,627                    USD 0.01 
Issue of ordinary shares on 
 13 April 2018                                   1,279,049,295    12,790,493                    USD 0.01 
Issue of ordinary shares from 
 convertible pref. shares on 
 13 April 2018                                   3,156,907,940    31,569,079                    USD 0.01 
Issue of ordinary shares on 
 20 April 2018                                      15,900,000       159,000                    USD 0.01 
Issue of ordinary shares on 
 15 June 2018                                      142,862,073     1,428,621                    USD 0.01 
At 30 June 2018 (unaudited)                5,001,781,964         50,017,820                     USD 0.01 
                                   ===========================  ============  ========================== 
 Convertible Preferred Shares 
  issued and fully paid 
                                                       Shares           USD    Par value 
                                                                               per share 
 At 30 June 2017 (unaudited)                       88,499,998       885,000     USD 0.01 
 Issue of Convertible Preferred 
  Shares on 17 July 2017                           17,017,110       170,171     USD 0.01 
 Issue of Convertible Preferred 
  Shares on 31 July 2017                           29,298,663       292,987     USD 0.01 
                                               --------------  ------------  ----------- 
 At 31 December 2017 (audited)                    134,815,771     1,348,158     USD 0.01 
                                               --------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Issue of ordinary shares as a 
  result of conversion of convertible 
  pref. shares on 13 April 2018                 (134,815,771)   (1,348,158)     USD 0.01 
 At 30 June 2018 (unaudited)                                -             -            - 
                                              ===============  ============  =========== 
Share premium 
At 31 December 2016 (audited)                              282,893,809 
Issue of Convertible Preferred Shares on 22 June 2017        1,954,083 
Issue of Convertible Preferred Shares on 30 June 2017        8,099,306 
At 30 June 2017 (unaudited)                                292,947,198 
Issue of Convertible Preferred Shares on 17 July 2017        3,314,720 
Issue of Convertible Preferred Shares on 31 July 2017        5,707,013 
Cost of shares issued                                        (287,615) 
At 31 December 2017 (audited)                              301,681,317 
Issue of ordinary shares on 13 April 2018                    5,372,007 
Issue of ordinary shares as a result of conversion of 
 convertible pref. shares on 13 April 2018                (27,132,132) 
Issue of ordinary shares on 13 April 2018                  (3,088,790) 
Issue of ordinary shares on 20 April 2018                    (159,000) 
Issue of ordinary shares on 15 June 2018                       471,445 
Cost of shares issued                                        (317,758) 
At 30 June 2018 (unaudited)                                276,827,089 
   18   Earnings per share 

Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

Diluted earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.

The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations:

                                             Six months       Six months          Year ended 
                                             to 30 June       to 30 June         31 December 
                                                   2018             2017                2017 
                                              Unaudited        Unaudited             Audited 
                                                    USD              USD                 USD 
 Net loss attributable to ordinary 
  equity holders of the parent 
  for basic earnings                       (17,324,335)     (19,194,865)        (43,857,023) 
                                       ----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
                                               As at 30         As at 30   As at 31 December 
                                              June 2018        June 2017                2017 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for basic earnings per 
  share                                   2,375,275,308      400,903,623         403,848,177 
                                       ----------------  ---------------  ------------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares adjusted for the effect 
  of dilution                             2,375,275,308      400,903,623         403,848,177 
                                       ================  ===============  ================== 
 Loss per share 
     Basic         (0.01)   (0.05)   (0.11) 
     Diluted       (0.01)   (0.05)   (0.11) 
                  =======  =======  ======= 

Management considers that there is no dilutive effect from the options as they would be negative.

   19   Publication of announcement and the Interim Results 

A copy of this announcement will be available at the Company's registered office 14 days from the date of this announcement and on its website.

This announcement is not being mailed to shareholders. The Interim Results will be posted to shareholders shortly and will be made available on the Company's website.

   20   Subsequent events 

Subsequent to the reporting period, the Company successfully completed a 100-unit trial and then entered into a pilot agreement for an initial deployment of some 600 RM2 ELIoT pallets with one of the world's leaders in the logistics industry, serving both internal and external loops. Other trials with large multi-national corporations are progressing well. In particular, one large trial with a North American beverage customer has concluded with strong results and discussions on deployment terms are expected to continue over the coming months. An ELIoT-enabled pallet is fitted with RM2 proprietary tracking technology which communicates its precise location, allowing misdirected or mishandled goods to be identified immediately, enabling customers to reduce loss, mishandling, spoilage and theft, thereby creating significant cost savings and supply chain efficiencies.

On 13 April 2018, the Company announced a Phase 1 contract with a Fortune 500 customer which is expected to involve a significant deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets. The initial implementation of RM2 ELIoT pallets under that contract was deferred but the deployment is now underway with promising results.

Current deployment of RM2 ELIoT pallets utilizes Cat-1 technology. However, RM2 sees significant benefit in the transition to Cat-M technology as it comes on-stream due to its lower demand on battery resources and significantly lower-priced components. Global demand for Cat-M components is increasing rapidly and the ability of suppliers to meet all orders may be stretched. RM2 expects to transition to Cat-M as chipsets become available.

With the conversion of trials with large customers into long-term contracts taking longer than anticipated, the Company's expectation of turning EBITDA positive in 2019, as first noted on 9 March 2018, is challenging. The Company will provide further updates on this in due course and in the meantime, continues to implement measures to reduce its cost base.

New Board Appointments

The Company announced today the nomination of David Binks and Andrew Geisse to join the board of directors of the Company. Their appointment is being submitted to shareholders for confirmation at an EGM to be held on October 3, 2018.

Funding Update

The Company believes that it has already satisfied or that it is well positioned to satisfy the drawdown conditions under the Placing by the end of the year, although determination is to be made by the Company's largest shareholder, Woodford Investment Management Limited.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 14, 2018 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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