M&G Equity Investment Trust P.L.C. 
   Final Results 
   For the year ended 30 June 2010 
     Chairman's statement and Management Report 
      Performance during the year 
   On  a net asset value (NAV) basis,  each Package Unit produced a total 
return  of 22.5% over the year to  30 June 2010. This was above the total 
return  of  21.1% from  the  FTSE  All-Share  Index over the same period. 
Against  the buoyant stockmarket background,  the Company's balance sheet 
gearing  (borrowing) had a  positive impact on  its NAV return during the 
first  half of the year. The Company's debt  as at the year end, stood at 
 GBP40  million, representing  21.1% of total  assets less  other creditors. 
However, the Company's holdings of defensive assets (government bonds and 
cash) also increased. 
   As at the year end, the Package Unit market price discount was 3.5% to 
the NAV, compared with a discount of 4.9% as at 30 June 2009, the Package 
Unit mid-market price at the year end being 83.0p and the NAV 86.0p. On a 
mid-market  price basis, the total return  on the Company's Package Units 
was 24.7% for the year. 
   The  Company's revenue  earnings per  Package Unit  were 4.20p for the 
year.  In  respect  of  the  review  period,  the  Company declared three 
quarterly  dividends of  1.25p per Income  Share and  a fourth interim of 
2.25p, making  a total of 6.00p. This represents an increase of 4.3% over 
the  total  of  5.75p declared  in  respect  of  the  previous  year. The 
annualised  rate of inflation as at  30 June 2010 was 5.0% as measured by 
the  Retail Prices Index (RPI). The Company has built up revenue reserves 
over  the course of its life, which  have been reduced over the period to 
ensure continuance of our progressive dividend policy. After allowing for 
the  payment of  the fourth  interim dividend,  revenue reserves  will be 
1.26p per  Package  Unit,  leaving  the  Company  well  placed  over  its 
remaining  life. As at  the year end,  the mid-market price  yield on the 
Company's  Package Units was 7.2%, compared with the yield of 3.3% on the 
FTSE All-Share Index. 
   The  mid market price total return  per Zero Dividend Preference Share 
was 28.5% over the year (2009: minus 17.6%). The cover improved to 0.81x 
from  0.67x over this period and the hurdle rate decreased to 17.17% from 
18.96% for  Zero  Dividend  Preference  Shareholders.  Based  on  the NAV 
entitlement  at  the  period  end,  the  Zero  Dividend Preference Shares 
remained  uncovered  by  12.29p. If  the  Zero Dividend Preference Shares 
remain   uncovered   at   wind-up,  the  capital  entitlement  of  Income 
Shareholders  of 0.1p per share and the value due to Capital Shareholders 
will be zero. 
   For  a detailed description of the  management of the portfolio during 
the period, I refer you to the Investment Review in the Annual Report and 
Financial  Statements for the year ended 30 June 2010 ("the Annual report 
   Long term performance 
   Against  sharply  varying  stockmarket  conditions,  the Company's NAV 
return  was ahead of the return on the FTSE All-Share Index over the year 
under   review.   This  positive  outcome  meets  the  Company's  capital 
appreciation  objective and also continues the improvement in performance 
relative  to the  market recorded  during the  previous year.  The strong 
performance  over  the  year  was  particularly  creditable  as  many low 
yielding  sectors continued to outperform.  Stock selection (our focus on 
companies  with robust finances, stable cash flows and sustainable growth 
prospects),  coupled with an above-index  weighting in the FTSE 250 Index 
(mid   caps),  made  an  important  contribution  to  the  Company's  NAV 
outperformance, as did the bond portfolio in the second half of the year. 
In  addition,  the  substantial  switch  from equities into UK government 
bonds (gilts) made in February had a positive impact. 
   Despite  the outperformance of the Company's NAV total return relative 
to  the index over the  past two years, the  return remains below that of 
the  index over three and five years, and since inception. However, it is 
pleasing to note that the underperformance has narrowed. 
   In last year's Annual Report and Financial Statements, I reported that 
PricewaterhouseCoopers  Legal were about  to initiate proceedings against 
HMRC  to  recover  directly  VAT  paid  on  investment management fees in 
respect  of various trusts in liquidation ('the Lead Claim') and that the 
Company    had    entered    into    a    consultancy    agreement   with 
PricewaterhouseCoopers  Legal in  order to  bring its  own restitutionary 
proceedings against HMRC on the same basis. 
   Proceedings were subsequently issued both in respect of the Lead Claim 
and on behalf of the Company. HMRC consented to the Company's claim being 
stood  over pending the outcome  of the Lead Claim.  If the Lead Claim is 
ultimately  successful (final resolution may take  a number of years), we 
or  more likely, the  Company's appointed Liquidator  given the timing of 
the  Company's winding up, will be able  to activate our claim. We expect 
that the liquidation of the Company will be kept open until the Company's 
claim  has been resolved and, if  successful, any proceeds distributed to 
the   Company's   shareholders   in   accordance  with  their  respective 
   Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 
   Shareholders  may  recall  from  my  Chairman's  Statement in the last 
Interim  Report and  Financial Statements  the Board's concerns regarding 
the EU proposals under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive 
('AIFM').  Since then,  there have  been some  signs that  the investment 
trust  industry is being listened to although there is currently deadlock 
between  the  three  parties  involved  in  the negotiation (the European 
Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament) on a number 
of other issues. The timetable for implementation in the UK is 2012/2013 
so the AIFM is not expected to affect the Company directly. 
   Share buy back and issue 
   The  powers to buy back the Company's own shares were exercised during 
the  year with 157,000 Package  Units bought and  cancelled at an average 
cost  of  78p each.  The  share  repurchases  improved  the  NAV  of each 
remaining  Package Unit by approximately 0.01p. Accordingly, the Board is 
seeking to renew the power to buy back and cancel the Company's shares. 
   Also  during the year, the Company issued a total of 1,250,000 Package 
Units  in relation to the dividend reinvestment facility. Further details 
of share issues can be found in note 16 to the Financial Statements. 
   Winding-up proposals 
   The  Company has today issued the following announcement to the London 
Stock Exchange: 
   "Proposed Reconstruction 
   The  Board of  M&G Equity  Investment Trust  P.L.C. (the 'Company') is 
proposing  to  put  forward  proposals  to  coincide  with  its scheduled 
winding-up date of 8 March 2011. 
   Under the proposals, the Company will be wound up and its shareholders 
will be offered the choice of the following: 
     <li>  a tax and cost efficient rollover into new shares to be issued 
by M&G High Income Investment Trust  P.L.C.; 
     <li> a full cash exit (at liquidation value); and 
     <li>  an investment  in at  least one  open-ended investment company 
managed  by M&G  Investment Management  Limited, the Company's investment 
   M&G  High Income Investment Trust P.L.C.  is listed in London, managed 
by  the same investment team at  M&G Investment Management Limited as the 
Company  and has both a similar investment objective and structure (being 
closed-ended  and split capital). The  Company currently has gross assets 
of   GBP198 million whilst M&G High Income Investment Trust P.L.C. has gross 
assets  of  GBP232  million and  has a  winding-up date of 17 March 2017. As 
part  of the  proposals, M&G  Investment Management  Limited will  make a 
significant commitment in relation to the costs of the proposals. 
   Further  precise details of the scheme are expected to be announced in 
January 2011." 
   The  newly established Office for Budget Responsibility is forecasting 
that  the UK  economy will  expand by  a modest  1.2% during the 2010/11 
financial  year. However, with the  UK facing significant headwinds, some 
economists  now  argue  that  a  'double-dip'  recession  is  a  distinct 
possibility.  Recent evidence suggests  that the pace  of recovery may be 
slowing  on  a  broad  front.  Consumer  confidence  has weakened, credit 
availability  remains constrained  and some  surveys are  showing renewed 
weakness   in  house  prices.  Expansion  in  manufacturing  output  will 
undoubtedly be adversely impacted by any slowdown in growth in the US and 
parts  of  Europe.  In  addition,  the  decision by the new government to 
accelerate   cuts  in  public  spending  is  likely  to  lead  to  higher 
unemployment,  whilst further  tax increases,  particularly the impending 
rise  in the  VAT rate  to 20% in  January, are  likely to  further limit 
disposable incomes. 
   On  the  other  hand,  the  more  robust  approach to restoring public 
finances to health may well boost business confidence. Although inflation 
has  started to moderate  from recent peak  levels, it remains well above 
its  2% target on a  Consumer Prices Index  (CPI) basis. Even though base 
rates  are  generally  expected  to  be held at 0.5% until 2011, pressure 
within  the Bank  of England  monetary policy  committee for higher rates 
appears  to be increasing. Then again, if  the recovery starts to run out 
of steam, the quantitative easing programme could well be extended. 
   The  recent correction  to share  prices, largely  in response  to the 
eurozone  sovereign bond crisis, has prompted  a more cautious mood among 
investors.  Surveys of UK fund managers  suggest that cash weightings now 
stand  close to levels recorded  at the height of  the bank crisis in the 
autumn  of 2008. Whether this setback proves to be temporary or the start 
of a more pronounced downturn will depend on the pattern of economic data 
and  the  ability  of  companies  to  meet the ambitious consensus profit 
growth  forecasts. Company  finances are  generally robust,  leaving them 
well placed to increase capital spending and dividends. Equity valuations 
are  low  by  historic  standards,  implying  that  the market is already 
pricing in plenty of bad news. 
   By  contrast,  although  yields  have  fallen to relatively low levels 
(3.4%  for 10-year gilts), current sentiment  towards gilts is relatively 
upbeat.  Progress  in  tackling  the  public  sector deficit will be well 
received,  as will  evidence that  inflation is  moderating. Moreover, if 
there  is a  serious threat  to recovery,  the Bank  of England  may well 
extend  its special  purchase scheme.  Corporate bonds  will largely take 
their  cue from gilts, although if  the current mood of caution persists, 
buyers  are likely to favour bonds issued by financially secure companies 
with top credit ratings. 
   The  proximity  of  the  Company's  winding-up  will have an important 
bearing  on  our  investment  policy  during  the  remainder of its life. 
Although the portfolio was already defensive at the start of the year, we 
took  further steps to  limit risk exposure  by switching a proportion of 
our  equity holdings into gilts and, within the corporate bond portfolio, 
raising   the  credit  quality.  In  an  uncertain  economic  and  market 
environment,  these actions leave the Company well placed to deliver both 
an  NAV return in excess of the  FTSE All-Share Index and to maintain its 
income objective. Although the suspension of dividend payments by BP will 
have an adverse impact on the Company's revenue, this shortfall should be 
limited  by increasing  income from  other holdings  in the portfolio. In 
addition,  the Company is in position to  draw down its reserves ahead of 
the wind-up on or immediately prior to 8 March 2011. 
   It  is our current intention to pay  out the majority of the available 
income, including revenue reserves, at the end of the first quarter which 
should lead to a payment well above the first interim dividend last year. 
The absence of revenue reserves and the nine-week final period means that 
the  second  and  third  payments  are  likely to be below the equivalent 
payments last year although this is not a dividend or profit forecast. 
   Finally,  we would like to thank Ed Rosengarten, who stepped down from 
the   Board   recently,   for   his   considerable  contribution  to  our 
deliberations over the last four years. 
   Responsibility statements 
   To the best of my knowledge and belief: 
   a  )  this  statement  includes  a  fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Company together with 
a  description of the principal risks  and uncertainties that the Company 
faces; and 
   b)  the  financial  statements,  prepared  in  accordance  with United 
Kingdom  Accounting Standards, give  a true and  fair view of the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and losses of the Company. 
   J C Barclay OBE 
   Income statement 
   for the year                 2010                          2009 
ended 30 June 
                     Revenue   Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital          Total 
                         GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000 
                     -------- --------  ------- --------  -------       -------- 
   Net gains / 
(losses) on               -     25,481   25,481      -   (36,811)       (36,811) 
   Income               8,921      -      8,921   10,431      -           10,431 
   Investment           (438)  (1,022)  (1,460)    (417)    (974)        (1,391) 
management fee 
   Other expenses       (235)  (325)      (560)    (210)      -            (210) 
                      -------  -------  -------   ------ --------       -------- 
   Net return before 
finance costs and       8,248   24,134   32,382    9,804 (37,785)       (27,981) 
   Finance costs:         -   (10,704) (10,704)      -   (11,737)       (11,737) 
   Finance costs:     (9,963)      -    (9,963) (10,625)      -         (10,625) 
   Interest payable     (893)  (2,083)  (2,976)    (982)  (2,939)        (3,921) 
and similar charges 
                      -------  -------  -------   ------ --------       -------- 
   Net return on 
ordinary activities   (2,608)   11,347    8,739  (1,803) (52,461)       (54,264) 
before tax 
   Tax on ordinary       (77)       77      -     (90)       90              - 
                      -------  -------  -------   ------ --------       -------- 
   Net return on 
ordinary activities   (2,685)   11,424    8,739  (1,893) (52,371)       (54,264) 
after tax 
                      -------  -------  -------   ------ --------       -------- 
   Return per Zero 
Dividend Preference       -     12.76p   12.76p      -   (11.53)p       (11.53)p 
   Revenue earnings 
/ return per Income     4.20p        -    4.20p    5.09p  (0.10)p          4.99p 
   Return per             -        -        -        -   (12.06)p       (12.06)p 
Capital Share 
   Total return per     4.20p   12.76p   16.96p    5.09p (23.69)p       (18.60)p 
Package Unit 
The  total  column  of  this  statement  is  the  profit and loss account of the 
Company. The revenue return and capital return columns are supplementary to this 
and  are prepared under the guidance  published by the Association of Investment 
All  items  in  the  above  statement  derive  from  continuing  operations.  No 
operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. 
A  statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses is  not required as all gains 
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. 
The  Company's Zero Dividend Preference and Income Shares meet the definition of 
a  liability under FRS 25 and therefore the Capital Shares which are subordinate 
to  all other classes of shares, have  been classified as equity.  This does not 
affect the rights and benefits of any class of shares. 
The breakdown of the net assets attributable to all shareholders in terms of the 
share capital and reserves is given in note 15. 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds (Capital Shares) (audited) 
For the year ended 30 June                                     2010         2009 
                                                               GBP'000         GBP'000 
                                                         ----------   ---------- 
Capital return on ordinary activities after tax              11,424     (52,371) 
Net losses attributable to Income Shares                          2          172 
Net (gains) / losses attributable to Zero Dividend         (11,426)       31,515 
Preference Shares 
                                                         ----------   ---------- 
Net movement in net assets attributable to Capital              -       (20,684) 
Opening net assets attributable to Capital Shares               -         20,684 
                                                         ----------   ---------- 
Closing net assets attributable to Capital Shares                 -            - 
                                                         ----------   ---------- 
 Balance sheet (audited) 
 As at 30 June                                          2010             2009 
                                                        GBP'000             GBP'000 
                                                     -------          ------- 
 Fixed assets 
 Portfolio of investments                                  -          166,476 
                                                     -------          ------- 
 Current assets 
 Portfolio of investments                            183,033                - 
 Debtors                                               1,830            1,967 
 Cash at bank and short-term deposits                  5,181              696 
                                                     -------          ------- 
                                                     190,044            2,663 
                                                     -------          ------- 
 Total financial assets                              190,044          169,139 
 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 
    7.376% Debenture 2011                           (40,000)                - 
   Share classes defined as liability: 
    Zero Dividend Preference Shares                (143,150)                - 
    Income Shares                                    (6,085)                - 
   Other creditors                                     (809)            (354) 
                                                      -------         ------- 
 Total assets less current liabilities                      -         168,785 
 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 
    7.376% Debenture 2011                                   -        (39,977) 
   Share classes defined as liability: 
    Zero Dividend Preference Shares                         -       (120,038) 
    Income Shares                                           -         (8,770) 
                                                      -------         ------- 
                                                            -       (168,785) 
                                                      -------         ------- 
 Net assets attributable to Capital Shares                  -               - 
                                                      -------         ------- 
Capital and Reserves attributable to Capital Shares comprise: 
As at 30 June                                              2010       2009 
                                                           GBP'000       GBP'000 
                                                        -------    ------- 
Called up share capital                                   1,735      1,725 
Share premium account                                    35,085     35,039 
Capital redemption reserve                                  487        486 
Special reserve                                           7,241      7,242 
Capital reserves - Investment holding gains / (losses)      -          - 
                           - Other capital reserves    (44,548)   (44,492) 
                                                       --------   -------- 
Capital and Reserves attributable to Capital Shares           -          - 
                                                       --------   -------- 
The  net assets attributable to all shareholders at the year end is  GBP149,235,000 
(2009:   GBP128,808,000). This equates to the total financial assets of the Company 
of    GBP190,044,000   (2009:   GBP169,139,000)  less  the  debenture  outstanding  of 
 GBP40,000,000   (2009:    GBP39,977,000)  and  other  creditors  of   GBP809,000  (2009: 
The  net assets attributable to shareholders  have been calculated in accordance 
with  the Company's Articles of Association and the net asset values (per share) 
applicable to each class of shareholding as shown below. 
The  Company's Zero Dividend Preference and Income Shares meet the definition of 
a  liability and therefore the Capital Shares which are subordinate to all other 
classes  of shares, have  been classified as  equity.  This does  not affect the 
rights and benefits of any class as disclosed in Note 16. 
The  breakdown of  the net  assets attributable  to shareholders  into the share 
capital and reserves attributable to them is given in notes 15 to 18. 
  As at 30 June                             2010    2009 
  Net asset value per Zero Dividend       82.49p  69.61p 
  Preference Share 
  Net asset value per Income Share         3.51p   5.08p 
  Net asset value per Capital Share            -       - 
  Net asset value per Package Unit        86.00p  74.69p 
   The net asset values per share are calculated on the basis of 173,544,139 
   (2009:  172,451,139) shares of each class in issue and the value per class 
   of share as shown on the Balance Sheet. 
   The  net  asset  value  of  each  Zero  Dividend Preference Share has been 
   calculated  on the basis  that it will  grow at a  monthly compound growth 
   rate  of 0.65% to give an entitlement to 100p at 8 March 2011. However, as 
   at  30 June 2010, the  Company had  insufficient assets  to cover  the net 
   asset  value entitlement  of the  Zero Dividend  Preference Shares and the 
   capital  entitlement  of  the  Income  Shares.  As  a  result  the capital 
   entitlement  of  the  Income  Shares  and  the Capital Shares is zero. The 
   82.49p of  the Zero Dividend  Preference Shares is  equal to the total net 
   assets  less that standing to the  revenue reserve, 12.29p less than their 
   current entitlement of 94.78p. 
   The  redemption value of each Income Share on winding-up is 0.10p, subject 
   to the prior entitlement of the Zero Dividend Preference Shares. 
   The net asset value of each Capital Share has been calculated on the basis 
   of the total net assets of the Company less amounts attributable to Zero 
   Dividend Preference and Income Shareholders. 
   Cash flow statement (audited) 
   For the year ended 30                  2010                2009 
                                 GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000                  GBP'000 
                               ------ -------- --------               ------- 
   Net cash inflow from                  6,969                         11,561 
operating activities 
   Servicing of finance 
   Dividends paid             (9,963)          (10,625) 
   Annual monitoring fee          (3)               (3) 
   Interest paid on           (2,950)           (3,370) 
Debenture Stock 
                               ------            ------ 
                                      (12,916)                       (13,998) 
   Financial investment 
   Capital distributions          -                 705 
   Purchase of investments   (52,171)          (62,207) 
   Sale of investments         61,619            76,641 
                               ------            ------ 
                                         9,448                         15,139 
   Partial repayment of             -          (14,000) 
Debenture Stock 
   Cost of early partial 
redemption of Debenture             -             (648) 
   Issue of Package Units       1,108             1,306 
(including related costs) 
   Repurchase of Package 
Units (including related      (124)               (461) 
                               ------            ------ 
                                           984                       (13,803) 
                                       -------                        ------- 
   Net increase / (decrease)             4,485                        (1,101) 
in cash 
                                       -------                        ------- 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1. Accounting policies 
a)  Basis  of  accounting:  These  financial  statements  have  been prepared in 
accordance  with the historical cost convention,  as modified by the revaluation 
of  investments,  in  accordance  with  applicable United Kingdom Accounting and 
Financial  Reporting  Standards,  and  the  Statement  of  Recommended Practice: 
'Financial  Statement of Investment Trust  Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' 
(SORP)  issued by the Association of  Investment Companies in January 2009 which 
was adopted during the year. 
The Company has a planned life to 8 March 2011. In accordance with the Company's 
Articles  of Association the Directors are required to convene a general meeting 
of  the Company to  be held on  or immediately prior  to 8 March 2011 at which a 
resolution will be proposed requiring the Company be wound up voluntarily unless 
the  Board  has  been  released  from  its  obligations  to  do  so by a special 
resolution of the Company. The Board are reviewing the options available for the 
future  of the Company. As it is probable  that the Company will not continue in 
the  foreseeable future in its current legal form, the financial statements have 
been  prepared on  a break  up basis  rather than  a going  concern basis.  As a 
consequence,  all assets and liabilities  are classified as current; investments 
continue  to be stated  at bid price  which is a  reasonable estimation of their 
realisable  value with no provision for impairment,  and the costs of winding up 
the Company have been estimated as  GBP325,000 and accrued. The comparative figures 
are on a going concern basis. 
During  the  year,  the  Company  has  early  adopted  the Amendment to FRS 25, 
'Financial  instruments:  presentation'  on  Puttable  Financial Instruments and 
Obligations arising on Liquidation, resulting in the reclassification of Capital 
Shares,  which are the most  subordinate class of shares  issued by the Company, 
from  debt to equity. The Zero Dividend  Preference Shares and the Income Shares 
continue  to  meet  the  definition  of  a  liability under FRS 25 and have been 
treated  as such. The adoption of  this amendment has resulted in presentational 
changes  to the balance sheet and does not affect the rights and benefits of any 
class of shares. 
In  order to improve the  disclosure of how companies  measure the fair value of 
their  financial investments,  the disclosure  requirements in  FRS 29 have been 
extended  to include a fair value hierarchy. Details of the fair value hierarchy 
are given in note 20 to the financial statements. 
b)  Portfolio of investments:  All investments have  been designated as 'at fair 
value through profit or loss'. Purchases of investments are initially recognised 
on  the trade date at fair value, being the consideration paid, and subsequently 
valued at their fair value, excluding any accrued interest, at the balance sheet 
date.  For the balance  sheet date 30 June  2010 the realisable value for listed 
investments  is deemed to  be bid value.  Investments which are  unquoted or not 
listed  are valued at the  Director's best estimate of  fair / realisable value. 
Investments are derecognised on the trade date of the sale. 
c)  Recognition of income: Income from quoted equity shares is recognised net of 
attributable  tax credits when  the security is  quoted ex-dividend. Interest on 
debt  securities  and  income  from  preference  shares  are accounted for on an 
effective  yield basis. Bank interest  and underwriting commission are accounted 
for  on  an  accruals  basis.  Where  the  Company  enters  into a commitment to 
underwrite  an issue  of securities  in exchange  for the receipt of commission, 
this  creates  a  derivative  financial  instrument.  Any  such  derivatives are 
recognised  initially at  fair value  and are  subsequently re-measured  at fair 
value,  with  the  related  gains  and  losses  being  reflected  in  the Income 
Statement.  Net  losses  arising  from  these  derivatives,  where the actual or 
expected  loss from taking up the securities underwritten exceeds the commission 
income,  are allocated  to the  capital return.  Net gains  are allocated to the 
revenue return. 
d)  Stock dividends:  The ordinary  element of  stocks received  in lieu of cash 
dividends  is recognised as revenue. Any  enhancement above the cash dividend is 
treated as capital. 
e)  Special  dividends:  These  are  recognised  when  the  security  is  quoted 
ex-dividend  and treated as either revenue  or capital depending upon the nature 
and circumstances of the dividend receivable. 
f)  Investment  management  fees:  These  have  been  charged 30% to the revenue 
account  and 70% to capital reserves. This is  in line with the Board's expected 
long-term  split of returns in the form of capital gains and income respectively 
from  the investment portfolio of the Company. The charge to the capital reserve 
allows for corporation tax relief on that proportion. Relief on expenses charged 
to  the capital account has been allowed for at the corporation tax rate for the 
g)  Other expenses: All expenses (other than those incidental to the purchase or 
sale  of  investments  or  the  winding-up  of  the Company) are charged against 
revenue on an accruals basis. 
h)  Appropriations:  Appropriations  for  premiums  payable  on  redemption  are 
accounted  for  as  finance  costs  and  transferred from capital reserves. They 
represent  an  apportionment  of  the  increase  in the redemption value of Zero 
Dividend Preference Shares over the amounts originally subscribed. 
i) Dividends payable to Income Shareholders: Dividends approved by the Board and 
declared  after the balance  sheet date, in  respect of the  net revenue for the 
year,  are recognised as a finance cost  when the shareholders' right to receive 
them is established. 
j)  Debenture  stock:  Finance  costs  of  debt,  insofar  as they relate to the 
financing  of  the  Company's  investments  or  to financing activities aimed at 
maintaining  or enhancing the value of  the Company's investments, are allocated 
30% to  the revenue account  and 70% to the  capital reserves, in  line with the 
Board's  expected long term split  of returns, in the  form of capital gains and 
income  respectively,  from  the  investment  portfolio  of  the  Company. Costs 
specific  to  arranging  the  debt  finance  have  been  capitalised and will be 
amortised over the term of the finance. 
k) Capital reserves: Gains and losses on the realisation of investments together 
with  finance costs,  expenses and  appropriations in  accordance with the above 
policies  are  accounted  for  in  capital  reserves  -  other capital reserves. 
Increases  and decreases  in the  valuation of  investments held  at the balance 
sheet  date are accounted for  in capital reserves -  investment holding gains / 
l)  Share capital:  Zero Dividend  Preference Shares  and Income Shares meet the 
definition  of a  financial liability  under FRS  25. The Capital  Shares of the 
Company are equity shares. Appropriations in respect of Zero Dividend Preference 
Shares and dividends payable to Income Shareholders are accounted for as finance 
costs.  The appropriations are charged 100% to capital and dividends are charged 
100% to  revenue to reflect the rights and  benefits of the different classes of 
share in issue. 
m)  Taxation: The charge for taxation is based upon the revenue for the year and 
is  allocated according to the marginal  basis between revenue and capital using 
the Company's effective tax rate of corporation tax for the accounting period. 
n) Deferred taxation: This is provided for in respect of all timing differences. 
Any liability is provided at the average rate of tax expected to apply. Deferred 
tax  assets and  liabilities are  not discounted  to reflect  the time  value of 
o)  Foreign currency transactions: These are  translated at the rate of exchange 
ruling  on the  date of  the transaction.  Assets and liabilities denominated in 
foreign  currencies are translated into sterling  at the rate of exchange ruling 
at the balance sheet date. 
p)  Issue costs: These have been offset against the proceeds of share issues and 
dealt with in the share premium account. 
q)  Functional  and  presentation  currency:  The  functional  and  presentation 
currency  of the Company is pounds sterling  because that is the currency of the 
primary economic environment in which the Company operates. 
2. Investments: At fair value through profit or loss 
                                                         2010               2009 
                                                      Capital            Capital 
a) Net gains / (losses) on investments                   GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Losses on disposal of investments                     (4,350)           (30,110) 
Increase in investment holding gains /                 29,831            (7,406) 
Capital distributions                                     -                  705 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Net gains / (losses) on investments                    25,481           (36,811) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
b) Investments 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Opening book cost                                     210,475            252,570 
Opening investment holding loss                      (43,999)           (36,593) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Opening valuation                                     166,476            215,977 
Movements in the year: 
Effective yield adjustments                             (153)               (79) 
Purchases  - at cost                                   52,139             61,978 
                  - transaction charges                   143                236 
Sales         - proceeds                             (61,642)           (74,432) 
                  - transaction charges                    23                 54 
                   - realised losses on 
disposal of investments                               (4,350)           (30,110) 
Stock dividends                                           566                258 
Increase in investment holding gains /                 29,831            (7,406) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Closing valuation                                     183,033            166,476 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Closing book cost                                     197,201            210,475 
Closing investment holding loss                      (14,168)           (43,999) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Portfolio of Investments                              183,033            166,476 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
3. Income 
                                       2010 Revenue                     2009 
 Income from investments                       GBP'000                     GBP'000 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
 Interest on debt securities                  1,729                    1,684 
 Property income dividends                       69                       92 
 Overseas dividends                              26                        7 
 Stock dividends                                566                      258 
 UK dividends                                 6,483                    8,211 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
                                              8,873                   10,252 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
 Other income 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
 Bank interest                                   10                       21 
 Deposit interest                                 -                       85 
 HM Revenue & Customs interest                  -                         10 
 Unclaimed distributions                          4                        - 
 Underwriting commission                         34                       63 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
                                                 48                      179 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
 Total income                                 8,921                   10,431 
                                     --------------           -------------- 
 Total income comprises 
                              --------------           -------------- 
 Dividends                             7,144                    8,568 
 Interest                              1,739                    1,800 
 Other income                             38                       63 
                              --------------           -------------- 
                                       8,921                   10,431 
                              --------------           -------------- 
4. Investment management fee 
                                   2010                                         2009 
                  Revenue       Capital          Total        Revenue        Capital          Total 
                     GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
           -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 
management            438         1,022          1,460            417            974          1,391 
           -------------- ------------- -------------- --------------  ------------- -------------- 
The name of the investment manager and the terms and duration of its appointment 
are disclosed in the Directors' Report in the Annual report 2010. 
The basis of allocating the investment management fee to revenue and capital is 
dealt with in note 1f. 
During the year no performance related fees were paid (2009: same). 
5. Other expenses 
                                                         2010               2009 
                                                         GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Annual listing fee                                          6                  5 
Auditors' fees: [a] 
      audit services                                       25                 25 
      non-audit services                                   42                  2 
Bank charges and safe custody fees                          3                  9 
Directors' remuneration                                    70                 68 
FSA fees                                                    5                  4 
Registrar's fees                                           16                 19 
The Association of Investment Companies fees               17                 20 
Legal advice                                                7                 15 
Stockbroker fees                                           12                  9 
Estimated costs in relation to winding-up                 325                  - 
Other fees                                                 32                 34 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
                                                          560                210 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
[a] During the year  GBP42,000 of non-audit fees were paid to 
PricewaterhouseCoopers (2009:  GBP2,000)  GBP40,000 of which were in relation to the 
VAT recovery proceedings as detailed in the Chairman's Statement above (2009: 
 GBPnil). Auditors' fees include VAT of  GBP9,275 (2009:  GBP3,450). 
6. Finance costs: Appropriations                         2010               2009 
                                                      Capital            Capital 
Appropriation for premium payable on                     GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Zero Dividend Preference Shares                        10,704             11,737 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
This constitutes an appropriation of reserves in respect of the premium to issue 
proceeds payable to holders of Zero Dividend Preference Shares on redemption. 
The appropriation for the year represents an apportionment of the increase in 
redemption value of the amounts originally subscribed. However, as at 30 June 
2010, there was a deficiency of assets available amounting to  GBP21,329,000 (2009: 
 GBP31,519,000) to fully cover the NAV entitlement of the Zero Dividend Preference 
Shares under the articles of association of the Company. 
7. Finance costs: Dividends 
                                                         2010               2009 
                                                      Revenue            Revenue 
Dividends (payable to Income Shareholders)               GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Fourth interim 2009: 2p paid 18 September               3,449              3,418 
2009 (2008: 2p) 
Special Dividend: nil paid (2008: 0.45p)                    -                769 
First interim 2010: 1.25p paid 18 December              2,171              2,146 
2009 (2008: 1.25p) 
Second interim 2010: 1.25p paid 19 March 2010           2,171              2,146 
(2009: 1.25p) 
Third interim 2010: 1.25p paid 18 June                  2,172              2,146 
2010 (2009: 1.25p) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
                                                        9,963             10,625 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
On  24 August 2010 the Board declared a  fourth interim dividend of 2.25p (2009: 
2p) per  Income Share  totalling  GBP3,905,000  (2009:  GBP3,449,000),  payable on 20 
September  2010 to Income Shareholders on the  register at the close of business 
on 3 September 2010. The ex-dividend date is 1 September 2010. 
All dividends are payable to holders of Income Shares and Package Units. 
8. Interest payable and similar charges 
                                   2010                           2009 
                     Revenue    Capital   Total      Revenue   Capital     Total 
                        GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
                ------------ ---------- ------- ------------ ---------   ------- 
Debenture Stock          885      2,065   2,950          973     2,270     3,243 
2011 interest 
Annual                     1          2       3            1         2         3 
monitoring fee 
Amortisation of 
costs specific 
to the 7.376%              7         16      23            8        19        27 
Debenture Stock 
redemption                 -          -       -            -       648       648 
                ------------ ---------- ------- ------------ ---------   ------- 
                         893      2,083   2,976          982     2,939     3,921 
                ------------ ---------- ------- ------------ ---------   ------- 
The terms of the 7.376% Debenture Stock 2011 are dealt with in note 13. 
9. Tax on 
ordinary                            2010                                     2009 
                   Revenue       Capital      Total        Revenue        Capital           Total 
a) Analysis 
of the                GBP'000          GBP'000       GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000            GBP'000 
charge in 
the year 
            -------------- ------------- ---------- -------------- --------------  -------------- 
tax /                   77          (77)          -             90           (90)               - 
            -------------- ------------- ---------- --------------  -------------  -------------- 
current tax 
charge /                77          (77)          -             90           (90)               - 
(note 9b) 
tax (note                -             -          -              -              -               - 
              ------------   ----------- ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------- 
Tax on 
profit on               77          (77)          -             90           (90)               - 
              ------------   ----------- ----------   ------------  -------------  -------------- 
 b) Factors affecting the tax charge for the year 
                ------------  ----------- -----------  ------------  ------------- -------------- 
Net return on 
ordinary             (2,608)       11,347       8,739       (1,803)       (52,461)       (54,264) 
before tax 
                ------------  ----------- -----------  ------------  ------------- -------------- 
Corporation tax        (730)        3,177       2,447         (505)       (14,689)       (15,194) 
at 28% 
Effects of: 
Finance costs: 
Appropriations           -          2,997       2,997           -            3,286          3,286 
Finance costs:         2,790          -         2,790         2,975            -            2,975 
Dividends [a] 
Capital returns          -        (7,044)     (7,044)           -           10,307         10,307 
Stock dividends        (158)          -         (158)          (72)            -             (72) 
UK dividends         (1,815)          -       (1,815)       (2,299)            -          (2,299) 
Overseas                 (7)          -           (7) 
dividends [a] 
Income taxable 
in different             (3)          -           (3)           (9)            -              (9) 
Current year 
expenses not             -            793         793           -            1,006          1,006 
                ------------  ----------- -----------  ------------  ------------- -------------- 
Current tax 
charge /                  77         (77)           -            90           (90)              - 
(relief) (note 
                ------------  ----------- -----------  ------------  ------------- -------------- 
[a] As an investment trust company these items are not subject to corporation 
[b] Current year expenses include interest paid on debenture stock. 
c) Provision for deferred tax 
There is no provision for deferred tax at the start or end of the year (2009: 
d) Deferred tax asset not 
           -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- 
unutilised            -           8,857          8,857              -         8,064          8,064 
           -------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- 
 [c]  These  expenses  will  not  be  utilised  unless  the  tax treatment of UK 
dividends and capital gains for an investment trust company changes. 
10. Earnings / returns per share 
a) Return per Zero Dividend Preference                  2010                2009 
Share                                                Capital             Capital 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Appropriations                                    GBP10,704,000          GBP11,737,000 
Gains / (losses) offset against Zero Dividend 
shares (Note 10c)                                 GBP11,426,000        GBP(31,515,000) 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Net capital return attributable to Zero           GBP22,130,000        GBP(19,778,000) 
Dividend Preference Shares 
Weighted average shares in issue throughout      173,414,829         171,579,496 
the year 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Return per Zero Dividend Preference Share             12.76p            (11.53)p 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
b) Revenue earnings per Income Share                    2010                2009 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Net revenue return on ordinary activities                            GBP(1,893,000) 
after tax                                        GBP(2,685,000) 
Finance costs: Dividends                           GBP9,963,000          GBP10,625,000 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Revenue return attributable to Income              GBP7,278,000           GBP8,732,000 
Weighted average shares in issue throughout      173,414,829         171,579,496 
the year 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Revenue earnings per Income share                      4.20p               5.09p 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Capital return attributable to Income Shares 
(note 10c)                                           GBP(2,000)           GBP(172,000) 
Weighted average shares in issue throughout 
the year                                         173,414,829         171,579,496 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Capital return per Income Share                            -             (0.10)p 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
c) Return per Capital Share                             2010                2009 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Net capital return on ordinary activities                           GBP(52,371,000) 
after tax                                         GBP11,424,000 
Losses offset against Income Shares                    GBP2,000             GBP172,000 
(Gains)/losses offset against Zero Dividend     GBP(11,426,000)          GBP31,515,000 
Preference Shares 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Net capital return attributable to Capital                 -        GBP(20,684,000) 
Weighted average shares in issue throughout 
the year                                         173,414,829         171,579,496 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
Return per Capital Share                                   -            (12.06)p 
                                              --------------      -------------- 
d) Package Units 
The earnings and returns per Package Unit are calculated by reference to their 
component shares. 
11. Debtors 
                                               2010               2009 
                                               GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                     --------------     -------------- 
Bank interest receivable                          1                - 
Debt security interest receivable               702                599 
Underwriting commission receivable                6               15 
Dividends receivable                          1,101              1,332 
Income tax recoverable                           20                 21 
                                     --------------     -------------- 
                                              1,830              1,967 
                                     --------------     -------------- 
None of the Company's receivables are past due or impaired 
  12. Creditors: Amounts 
  falling due within one year 
  As the Company is due to wind up on or immediately prior to 8 March 2011, 
  all creditors will fall due within one year. For the year ending 30 June 
  2009, the debenture and share classes defined as a liability shown in 
  notes 13 and 14 were classified as creditors falling due after more than 
  one year. 
                              2010                         2009 
                         GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000 
  falling due  -------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
  within one 
  stock                               40,000                               - 
  7.376% 2011 
  defined as 
  Dividend                           143,150                               - 
      Income                           6,085                               - 
  due to                  118                               7 
      Interest            291                             291 
  costs in                325                               - 
  relation to 
  expenses and             75                              56 
               --------------                   ------------- 
                                         809                             354 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
                                     190,044                             354 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
  7.376% 2011 
                                        2010                            2009 
                                        GBP'000                            GBP'000 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
  Opening                             40,000                          54,000 
  specific                              (23)                            (50) 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
  Opening                             39,977                          53,950 
  Partial                                  -                        (14,000) 
  costs                                   23                              27 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
  Closing                             40,000                          39,977 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
  Closing                             40,000                          40,000 
  specific                                 -                            (23) 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
                                      40,000                          39,977 
                              --------------                  -------------- 
  The 7.376% Debenture Stock 2011 is secured by a first floating charge over 
  the assets of the Company and is due to be repaid on the 8 March 2011. 
  The Company has no undrawn loan facilities at the year end (2009: same). 
  14. Share classes defined as liability 
                Zero Dividend Preference Shares             Income Shares 
                          2010             2009                          2009 
                          GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
                        ------         --------       --------        ------- 
   Opening             120,038          138,972          8,770         10,834 
   Net revenue 
return on 
ordinary                   -                -          (2,685)        (1,893) 
after tax [a] 
Preference              10,704           11,737            -              - 
of Package               (124)            (405)              -            (1) 
   Issue of            1,106              1,249            2                2 
Package Units 
   Net capital 
gains / 
offset against        11,426         (31,515)              (2)          (172) 
Zero Dividend 
Preference and 
Income Shares 
                        ------           ------         ------         ------ 
balance as at          143,150          120,038          6,085          8,770 
30 June 
                        ------           ------         ------         ------ 
   [a] Movement in revenue reserves attributable to Income Shareholders 
                      GBP'000                   GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000 
                      ------               ------        ------         ------ 
  balance of                                8,770                       10,663 
  Income                  8,921                          10,431 
  management              (438)                           (417) 
  Other                   (235)                           (210) 
  costs:                (9,963)                        (10,625) 
  payable and             (893)                           (982) 
  tax relief on            (77)                          (90) 
                         ------                          ------ 
  Net revenue 
  return on 
  ordinary                                (2,685)                      (1,893) 
  after tax 
                                           ------                       ------ 
  reported as                               6,085                        8,770 
  at 30 June 
  interim                                 (3,905)                      (3,449) 
                                           ------                       ------ 
  adjusted for                              2,180                        5,321 
                                           ------                       ------ 
15. Capital and reserves attributable to shareholders (equity and non-equity) 
                                                         2010               2009 
As at 30 June                                            GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Called up share capital                                 5,206              5,174 
Share premium account                                 142,207            141,137 
Capital redemption reserve                              1,468              1,463 
Zero Dividend Preference Shares appropriation         107,925             97,319 
Special reserve                                        24,982             25,007 
Capital reserves - Investment holding losses         (14,168)           (43,999) 
                           - Other capital          (124,470)          (106,063) 
Revenue reserve                                         6,085              8,770 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Net assets attributable to all shareholders           149,235            128,808 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Zero Dividend Preference Shares                       143,150            120,038 
Income Shares                                           6,085              8,770 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Total non-equity shares                               149,235            128,808 
Capital Shares (equity)                                     -                  - 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Net assets attributable to all shareholders           149,235            128,808 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Under  the terms of the Company's Articles  of Association, sums standing to the 
credit  of the  special reserve  are available  for distribution  only by way of 
redemption  or  purchase  of  the  Company's  own  shares.  The Company may only 
distribute accumulated 'realised' profits. 
The  Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales has issued guidance 
(TECH  01/08), stating that  profits arising  out of  a change  in fair value of 
assets,   recognised   in  accordance  with  the  Accounting  Standards  may  be 
distributed  provided the  relevant assets  can be  readily converted into cash. 
Securities  listed on recognised stock exchanges are generally regarded as being 
readily  convertible into cash and hence  investment holding gains in respect of 
such  securities currently included  within capital reserves  may be regarded as 
distributable  under Company Law. As at  30 June 2010 the Company had investment 
holding  losses amounting to  GBP14,168,000 (2009:   GBP43,999,000) in respect of such 
The  Zero  Dividend  Preference  Share  appropriation reserve, together with the 
amounts  originally  subscribed,  represent  the  asset entitlement for the Zero 
Dividend  Preference Shares set out in the Balance Sheet. However, as at 30 June 
2010, there was a deficiency of assets available amounting to  GBP21,329,000 (2009: 
 GBP31,519,000)  to fully cover the NAV entitlement of the Zero Dividend Preference 
Shares under the Articles of Association of the Company. 
Share  premium represents the surplus of subscription monies after expenses over 
the  nominal value of the issued  share capital. With the shareholders' approval 
and confirmation of the Court, a special reserve was created by the cancellation 
of   GBP70,000,000 of the share premium account, with effect from 10 October 1997, 
to be issued by the Company to purchase its shares. 
The  special reserve, resulting from the cancellation of share premium, may only 
be  used  for  the  purpose  of  the  share  repurchases.  On the repurchase and 
cancellation  of  Package  Units  a  transfer  is  made  from  the Zero Dividend 
Preference   Share   reserve   to  the  special  reserve.  This  represents  the 
appropriation  contained  within  the  Zero  Dividend  Preference  Share reserve 
relating  to those Zero Dividend Preference  Shares repurchased and cancelled as 
part of the Package Units. 
16. Share capital (equity and non-equity) 
                                     2010    % of total     2009      % of total 
                                     GBP'000 share capital     GBP'000   share capital 
Alloted, called up and fully      -------    ----------   ------  -------------- 
173,544,139 (2009: 
172,451,139) Zero Dividend          1,735        33.33%    1,725          33.33% 
Preference Shares of 1p each 
173,544,139 (2009: 
172,451,139) Income Shares of       1,735        33.33%    1,725          33.33% 
1p each 
173,544,139 (2009: 
172,451,139) Capital Shares of      1,735        33.33%    1,725          33.33% 
1p each 
                                  ------      ---------    -----   ------------- 
During  the year the Company repurchased  and cancelled 157,000 Package Units at 
an average cost of 78p per Package Unit costing  GBP124,000. 
Also  during the year  the Company issued  1,250,000 shares of each  class at an 
issue price of 76.24p per Zero Dividend Preference Share, 9.72p per Income Share 
and  5.12p per Capital Share. The issue price was  at a premium of 1% to the Net 
Asset Value of the Package Units. 
The  Company's Zero Dividend Preference and Income Shares meet the definition of 
a  liability under  FRS 25 and  therefore Capital  Shares are the Company's only 
equity shares. 
The  holders of  Income Shares  are entitled  to receive  revenue profits of the 
Company  by way  of dividends.  Holders of  Zero Dividend  Preference Shares and 
Capital  Shares are not entitled to receive  dividends out of the revenue or any 
other profits of the Company. 
On  the basis  that the  Company is  wound up  on 8 March  2011, as planned and, 
subject  to  the  repayment  of  the  7.376% Debenture  Stock 2011 and any other 
liabilities  of the Company, the holders of Zero Dividend Preference Shares will 
be  entitled to  a capital  payment of  100p per share  or such  a lesser sum as 
remains. Holders of Income Shares will become entitled to a return of capital of 
0.10p per  share,  subject  to  the  prior  entitlement  of  the  Zero  Dividend 
Preference  shareholders,  plus  any  balance  standing  to the revenue reserve. 
Capital  shareholders will  then become  entitled to  any surplus  assets, after 
satisfying all the liabilities of the Company. 
Voting  rights are  subject to  certain restrictions.  Holders of  Zero Dividend 
Preference  Shares  generally  have  no  entitlement  to  vote other than in the 
exceptional circumstances prescribed in the Articles of Association. 
Where  voting  rights  apply,  holders  of  Zero Dividend Preference, Income and 
Capital  Shares are, on  a show of  hands, each entitled  to one vote at general 
meetings  of the Company and on  a poll are entitled to  one vote for each share 
The  Company has an authorised share  capital of  GBP38,850,000 (2009:  GBP38,850,000) 
consisting of 1,295,000,000 (2009: 1,295,000,000) shares of each class. 
17. Capital reserves (equity) 
                                            Other capital   Investment holding 
                                                 reserves     gains / (losses) 
                                                     GBP'000                 GBP'000 
                                           --------------       -------------- 
Opening balance as at 30 June 2009               (44,492)                    - 
Increase in 
investment holding                                      -               29,831 
Losses on disposal of                             (4,350)                    - 
Investment management                             (1,022)                    - 
Estimated costs in                                  (325)                    - 
relation to winding-up 
Finance costs:                                   (10,704)                    - 
Interest payable and                              (2,083)                    - 
similar charges 
Tax on ordinary                                        77                    - 
Capital shares repurchased and                          2                    - 
Capital shares issued                                (58)                    - 
Net capital return attributable to                 18,407             (29,831) 
Zero Dividend Preference Shares 
                                            -------------        ------------- 
Balance reported as at 30 June                   (44,548)                    - 
                                            -------------        ------------- 
18. Other reserves (equity) 
              Called  up share         Capital   Share   premium 
                       capital      redemption           account Special reserve 
                          GBP'000            GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000 
                --------------  --------------    --------------  -------------- 
balance as at            1,725             486            35,039         7,242 
30 June 2009 
Capital                     12               -              46                 - 
shares issued 
shares                   (2)               1                 -               (1) 
and cancelled 
                --------------  --------------    --------------  -------------- 
balance as at            1,735             487            35,085           7,241 
30 June 2010 
                --------------  --------------    --------------  -------------- 
19. Cash flow 
                                                         2010               2009 
a) Reconciliation of net return on ordinary 
activities before tax to net cash inflow from            GBP'000               GBP'000 
operating activities: 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Net return on ordinary                                  8,739           (54,264) 
activities before tax 
Net (gains) / losses on                              (25,481)             36,811 
Finance costs: Appropriations                          10,704             11,737 
Finance costs: Dividends                                9,963             10,625 
Interest payable and similar                            2,976              3,921 
Effective interest adjustment                             153                 79 
Stock dividends                                         (566)              (258) 
Decrease in other debtors                                 137              2,908 
Increase in other creditors                               344                  2 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Net cash inflow from                                    6,969             11,561 
operating activities 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
b) Reconciliation of net cash 
inflow / (outflow) to                                    GBP'000               GBP'000 
movements in net debt: 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Net cash inflow / (outflow)                             4,485            (1,101) 
Net funds brought forward                                   -             14,000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Movement in net debt                                    4,485             12,899 
Net debt brought forward                             (39,304)           (52,203) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Closing net debt                                     (34,819)           (39,304) 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
c) Comprising:                                           GBP'000               GBP'000 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Cash at bank and in hand                                5,181                696 
Debt due: 7.376% Debenture                           (40,000)           (40,000) 
Stock 2011 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
Closing net debt attributable                        (34,819)           (39,304) 
to shareholders 
                                               --------------     -------------- 
20. Financial instruments 
In  pursuing the Company's objectives, as set out in the Annual report 2010, the 
Company  accepts market price  risk and interest  rate risk, in  relation to the 
portfolio  of  investments.  Since  the  Company's  investment objectives are to 
deliver  returns over  the long  term, transactions  with the  sole intention of 
realising  short-term returns are not undertaken. The risk policies below and in 
the  Directors'  Report  in  the  Annual  report  2010, along with the Company's 
capital  management policies have been consistently applied throughout both this 
and  the  preceding  financial  year  and  the  quantitative  data  disclosed is 
representative of the Company's exposure to risk throughout the year. 
Fair  value of financial assets and  financial liabilities: All financial assets 
and  liabilities are either included  in the balance sheet  at fair value or the 
carrying  amount  in  the  balance  sheet  is a reasonable approximation of fair 
Fair value of assets and liabilities are classified using a fair value hierarchy 
that  reflects the significance  of the inputs  used in making the measurements. 
The fair value hierarchy has the following levels for assets and liabilities: 
Level 1: Valued by using quoted prices in active markets for the same instrument 
without modification or repackaging. 
Level  2: Valued by  reference to  quoted prices  in active  markets for similar 
assets  or liabilities or  other valuation techniques  for which all significant 
inputs are based on observable market data. 
Level 3: Valued by using valuation techniques for which any significant input is 
not based on observable market data. 
The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is 
categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input 
that  is significant  to the  fair value  measurement in  its entirety. For this 
purpose,  the  significance  of  an  input  is  assessed  against the fair value 
measurement  in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs 
that   require   significant  adjustment  based  on  unobservable  inputs,  that 
measurement is a level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a particular 
input  to  the  fair  value  measurement  in  its  entirety  requires judgement, 
considering factors specific to the asset or liability. 
The   determination   of  what  constitutes  'observable'  requires  significant 
judgement  by  the  Company.  The  Company  considers observable data to be that 
market  data  that  is  readily  available,  regularly  distributed  or updated, 
reliable  and verifiable, not  proprietary, and provided  by independent sources 
that are actively involved in the relevant market. 
The  following  table  analyses  within  the  fair  value  hierarchy  the fund's 
financial assets and liabilities (by class) measured at fair value as at 30 June 
                        Level 1        Level 2          Level 3          Total 
                 -------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
Financial assets 
Equities                138,649              -             63          138,712 
Government Bonds         24,243              -                -         24,243 
Corporate Bonds             -           20,078              -           20,078 
                 -------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
Total assets            162,892         20,078               63        183,033 
                 -------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
There  were  no  transfers  between  levels  for  the  year ended 30 June 2010. 
Furthermore,  the level 3 holdings have remained  unchanged at  GBP63,000 since 30 
June 2009. 
Market  price risk: The investment manager has the responsibility for monitoring 
the  existing portfolio selected in accordance with the overall asset allocation 
parameters,  described in the  investment policy in  the Annual report 2010, and 
seeks  to ensure that individual  stocks also meet an  appropriate risk / reward 
profile.  The portfolio's relative exposure to  the FTSE All-Share Index is also 
monitored  with the sector and individual stock variances kept within reasonable 
levels. At its quarterly meetings, the Board reviews the asset allocation of the 
Company's  portfolio  having  regard  to  the  risks  associated with particular 
industry  sectors  whilst  continuing  to  follow the investment objectives. The 
Company's  exposure to changes in market  prices on quoted equity investments as 
at 30 June 2010 is  GBP138,649,000 (2009:  GBP136,470,000). 
Price  risk  sensitivity:  The  following  table  illustrates the sensitivity of 
revenue  and  capital  return  on  ordinary  activities after tax and net assets 
attributable to shareholders to an increase or decrease of 10% in the fair value 
of  the Company's equity investments.  This level of change  is considered to be 
reasonably  possible  based  on  observation  of  market conditions and historic 
trends.  The sensitivity  analysis is  based on  the Company's  equities at each 
balance sheet date, with all other variables held constant. 
                          Increase in fair value          Decrease in fair value 
Income Statement             2010           2009             2010           2009 
                             GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000 
                    ------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
Revenue return               (22)           (22)               22             22 
Capital return             13,790         13,567         (13,790)       (13,567) 
                    -------------  -------------    -------------  ------------- 
Total change to 
net return on 
ordinary                   13,768         13,545         (13,768)       (13,545) 
activities after 
                    -------------  -------------    -------------  ------------- 
Change to net 
assets                     13,768         13,545         (13,768)       (13,545) 
attributable to 
                    -------------  -------------    -------------  ------------- 
Credit  risk associated with the portfolio of investments: The bond portfolio is 
invested in both investment grade and sub-investment grade corporate bonds, with 
a maximum exposure of  GBP44,321,000 as at the 30 June 2010 (2009:  GBP30,006,000). 
The  investment manager  considers the  credit rating  of each security together 
with its yield and its maturity in order to ensure that the yield fully reflects 
any  perceived risk and invests  in bonds issued by  a broad spread of companies 
and  institutions to  reduce credit  risk and  the impact  of default by any one 
user. The credit rating of each bond is shown in the portfolio of investments. 
Interest  rate  risk  associated  with  the  portfolio of investments: The bonds 
within  the portfolio are  mainly fixed rate  securities and, accordingly whilst 
changes  in interest rates will not in  the short term affect earnings, both the 
capital  value  of  these  securities  and  the ability to acquire securities on 
similar terms may be affected. 
The  level of exposure to interest rate risk at the year end and the maximum and 
minimum exposures throughout the year are shown below. 
                           2010                                         2009 
            30 June       Maximum       Minimum        30 June        Maximum        Minimum 
              GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000 
         ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Cash at          5,181         7,390          2,472            696          7,064            696 
rate            41,459        46,821         26,978         25,917         27,497         23,376 
rate             2,862         3,784          2,862          4,089          5,434          3,423 
         ------------- ------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Interest receivable on cash balances is at base rate minus 0.25% 
The following table illustrates the sensitivity of revenue and capital return on 
ordinary  activities after tax and net assets attributable to shareholders to an 
increase  or decrease of 2% in interest rates. As at 30 June 2010 the prevailing 
base  rate was 0.5%. The  decrease in interest  rates illustrated above is 0.5% 
i.e.  the maximum possible. This level of  change is considered to be reasonably 
possible  based on  observation of  market conditions  and historic  trends. The 
sensitivity  analysis is  based on  the Company's  bond holdings at each balance 
sheet date, with all other variables held constant. 
                      Increase in interest rates      Decrease in interest rates 
Income Statement             2010           2009             2010           2009 
                             GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000 
                    ------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
Revenue return                  7              4              (9)            (5) 
Capital return            (4,417)        (2,474)            5,235          2,951 
                    -------------  -------------    -------------  ------------- 
Total change to 
net return on 
ordinary                  (4,410)        (2,470)            5,226          2,946 
activities after 
                    -------------  -------------    -------------  ------------- 
Change to net 
assets                    (4,410)        (2,470)            5,226          2,946 
attributable to 
                    ------------- --------------    ------------- -------------- 
Currency  risk: The  Company's exposure  to currency  risk is  immaterial as the 
Company  does not hold assets denominated in currency other than sterling (2009: 
Liquidity  risk: The  Company's assets  comprise securities  that can be readily 
realised  to  meet  obligations  arising  on  the  redemption  of  Zero Dividend 
Preference  Shares, Income Shares and Capital Shares on 8 March 2011, as well as 
the  7.376% Debenture  Stock  2011, as  planned.  Cash  balances  are  kept to a 
A maturity analysis of financial liabilities is provided below: 
                                     Carry Value                      Fair Value 
As at 30 June 
Maturity profile of          2010           2009             2010           2009 
financial                    GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000           GBP'000 
                    ------------- --------------   -------------- -------------- 
Less than 3                   484            354              484            354 
More than 3 
months but              189,560              -          182,426              - 
not more than 
one year 
More than one                   -        168,785                -        167,659 
                    -------------  -------------    -------------  ------------- 
                          190,044        169,139          182,910        168,013 
                    -------------  -------------    ------------- -------------- 
The  undiscounted maturity  value of  the financial  liabilities is  GBP133,195,000 
(2009:   GBP103,040,000)  in  relation  to  the  Zero  Dividend  Preference  Shares 
redeeming on 8 March 2011. 
The  Company's Zero Dividend Preference and Income shares meet the definition of 
a  liability and are included in the profile of the financial liabilities above. 
Capital shares are the Company's only equity shares. 
The  fair value  of the  non-equity shares  is determined  by reference to their 
market  values as set  out in the  net asset values  applicable to each class of 
shareholding.  Based on the Package Units, the fair value is  GBP144,042,000 (2009: 
21. Contingent liabilities and outstanding commitments 
At  the balance  sheet date,  the Company  had contingent  liabilities totalling 
 GBP317,936  in  respect  of  underwriting  commitments (2009:  GBP865,984). After the 
balance  sheet date, this commitment fell away  as no shares were required to be 
taken up. 
22. Related parties 
Details  of related parties and transactions  are included in notes 4, 5 and 12 
and  also within the Directors' Report and Directors' Remuneration Report in the 
Annual report 2010. 
Note:  the results  for 2009 are  based on  financial statements  filed with the 
Registrar  of Companies  which carry  an audit  report which  is unqualified and 
includes no matters of adverse comment. 
The 2010 figures have been extracted from the audited financial statements which 
will  be filed with the Registrar of  Companies with an unqualified audit report 
with no matters of adverse comment. 
The  Annual Report and Financial Statements will be posted to shareholders on or 
before    8 September    2010 and    will    be    available    on    the    M&G 
website,www.mandg.co.uk.  The Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00 am on 
12 October 2010 at Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH. 
J. P.  McClelland 
24 August 2010 
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Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
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All reproduction for further distribution is prohibited. 
Source: M&G Equity Investment Trust PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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