RNS Number : 3905E
  IFR Capital PLC
  26 September 2008

    IFR Capital Plc

    Interim Results for the Period ended 30 June 2008

    IFR Capital Plc ("IFR Capital" or the "Company"), the investment company focused on consolidation opportunities in the European food
retail sector, today announces its interim results for the six months ended June 2008.


    *     Strong growth in sales from acquisitions and organic growth
    *     Operating EBITDA (pre exceptional items) of EUR 15,5 million (2007: EUR 5,0 million) on revenue of EUR 374,0 million (2007:
EUR164,3 million)
    *     Successful internationalisation of Nordsee franchise
    *     Integration of Homann / Hamker faster than expected
    *     High Court proceedings between IFR Capital and ACP stayed until end of November
    *     Structure of IFR Capital balance sheet needs to be improved; third party offer made to ACP for all of its investment (Equity,
Preferred Equity, Debt)

    Operational and Financial Review

    The results for the period include full 6 month contributions from Nordsee GmbH ("Nordsee"), Homann Chilled Food GmbH ("Homann"),
Bastian's GmbH ("Bastian's") and a circa 5 month period for Hamker Lebensmittel Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG ("Hamker"). The Hamker
acquisition was completed at the end of January 2008.

    IFR Capital's revenues for the six months ended 30 June 2008 were EUR374,0 million (1H07 EUR164,3 million), while EBITDA before
exceptional items amounted to EUR15,5 million (1H07 EUR5,0 million). Both sales and EBITDA are in line with the Board's expectations. Taking
the seasonality of the business into account, the Board expects the Company to achieve sales of EUR763 million and an operating EBITDA of
EUR52 million for the full year ending December 2008. The equity to total asset ratio at the end of the period was 29,4%. IFR currently has
EUR163 million of long term interest bearing debt and EUR107 million of preferred equity in issue (including accrued interest).

    Operational efficiencies at the Nordsee division in Germany and Austria improved EBITDA by EUR2 million to EUR8,6 million from EUR6,6
million. Divisional EBITDA margin increased from 4,3% to 5,6% in the first half year and, because of the seasonality of the business, is
expected to increase to 9,3% by the end of 2008. Nordsee is expanding its international business to the Middle East and Eastern Europe with
successful store openings in Budapest, Bukarest and Prague to date and a planned opening in Dubai in November this year. The division
expects to enter the Turkish market in the near term.

    The Homann / Hamker division for the period generated EUR209 million of sales and EUR6,8 million of EBITDA. Increased raw material
prices put pressure on the operating performance, however the Company has negotiated to pass a substantial proportion of these additional
costs onto retail customers, with effect from September. The integration process is being implemented faster than expected and will be
finished by the end of 2008. Major projects include combined procurement, centralisation of warehousing functions, merger of logistic
companies and the closure of the administrative operations of Hamker. EUR13 million of exceptional restructuring costs are expected to arise
in 2008 (with net exceptional items of EUR2.1 million during the 6 month period) to achieve an anticipated EUR16 million of annual
synergies. Another EUR5 million has been invested in a German TV campaign to strengthen the Homann brand in addition to the historic
marketing budget.

    Bastian's, the premium bakery concept has generated strong growth of 17% on like for like sales and a profitable performance in its new
store in Cologne, opened at the end of 2007. The concept has proven a success and further locations are being investigated for future
development and growth.

    The High Court proceedings between IFR Capital and ACP relating to the claim by ACP for an increase of the margin on a part of IFR
Capital's debt and the counterclaim by IFR Capital for an account of profits and / or other compensation for breach of fiduciary duties have
been stayed until the end of November.

    The Company believes that, in order to realise its strategy of building a food group with EUR1,5 billion turnover and an EBITDA margin
of 10% within the next few years, it is a prerequisite that its capital structure be restructured.

    The most important objective of IFR Capital in the second half of 2008 is therefore to improve the structure of its balance sheet. Given
the current terms of the preferred equity, it is essential that the preferred equity is refinanced, either by way of redemption or
conversion into ordinary equity or another similar instrument on acceptable terms to the Board. Theo Mr, one of the owners of the preferred
equity, is strongly supportive of converting the preferred equity into ordinary equity. However, ACP, the other owner of the preferred
equity, was not willing to convert its preferred equity into ordinary equity. ACP has received a cash offer for all of its investment in IFR
Capital from private investors, who are in line with the intentions of Theo Mr. 

    Heiner Kamps, the CEO and one of the main shareholders of IFR Capital, summarizes: "I am pleased with the development of the operating
business during the six months ended 30 June 2008, in spite of price increases of raw materials and difficult negotiations with retail
customers. We have established a good platform to realize our growth strategy. However, an inevitable precondition to realise this strategy
is for the preferred equity to be refinanced, and the Board believes that this should be converted into ordinary equity to strengthen the
balance sheet. The Company is aware that funding for this transaction is available, because of the support of the Company's financially
strong shareholders. In order to benefit from the opportunities for IFR that the market currently offers, there would need to be an
agreement on this transaction by the end of 2008."


 Chris Wells, Collins Stewart Europe Limited  +44 20 7523 8350
 (Nominated Advisor to the Company)

 Ulrike Sucker, IFR Capital                   +49 211 310627 0

    For further information on IFR Capital, please visit www.ifrcapital.eu.

 IFR Capital PLC                                           
 Consolidated Income Statement                             
 for the period ended June 30, 2008                        
                                                             Jan. 1, to Jun. 30, 2008  Jan. 1, to Jun. 30, 2007     12 months to Dec.
                                                                       EUR k                     EUR k                          EUR k
 Revenue                                                             374,012                   164,283                        480,523
 Changes in inventories                                                1,238                                                   -1,467
 Other operating income                                               16,199                     4,450                         13,596
 Cost of materials                                                  -222,507                   -67,599                       -220,812
 Personnel expenses                                                  -79,797                   -57,219                       -133,698
 Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses                    -14,015                    -6,444                        -21,627
 Other operating expenses                                            -75,741                   -38,925                        -98,959
 Profit / (loss) from operations                                        -611                    -1,454                         17,556
 Finance income                                                          561                     2,288                          3,436
 Finance costs                                                       -21,298                    -5,267                        -22,189
 Loss before income taxes                                            -21,348                    -4,433                         -1,197
 Income tax credit / (expense)                                         2,705                       830                         15,782
 Profit / (loss) for the period                                      -18,643                    -3,603                         14,585
 Attributable to:                                          
               - Equity holders of                                   -18,643                    -3,603                         14,585
               the parent                                  
               - Minority interests                                        0                         0                              0
                                                                     -18,643                    -3,603                         14,585
 Earnings / (loss) per share:                              
               basic/diluted for profit / (loss) for the   
               attributable to                             
               equity holders of                                   EUR -0,00                 EUR -0,00                       EUR 0,07
               the parent                                  

 IFR Capital PLC
 Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                              Jun. 30, 2008  Jun. 30, 2007  Dec. 31, 2007
                                                                  EUR k          EUR k              EUR k

       Non-current assets
              Property, plant and equipment                     128,491        103,323            106,551
              Intangible assets                                 493,630        459,620            480,933
              Other financial assets                                432              2                432
              Other assets                                        2,605          3,039              2,595
                                                                625,158        565,984            590,511

       Current assets
              Inventories                                        32,300         17,555             19,149
              Trade receivables                                  19,859         20,589             20,170
              Other financial assets                             13,517         20,315             17,631
              Other assets                                       12,078                             1,219
              Cash and cash equivalents                          24,710         20,110             22,455
                                                                102,464         78,569             80,624
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                   727,622        644,553            671,135


              Issued capital                                      2,228          2,228              2,228
              Share premium                                     213,229        213,229            213,229
              Other reserves                                         -2            -12                -14
              Retained earnings / (losses)                       -1,882         -3,989             16,761
                                                                213,573        211,456            232,204

       Non-current liabilities

              Interest-bearing loans and borrowings             162,507                           166,301
              Pension provisions and similar obligations         60,566         64,224             60,488
              Other provisions                                   10,291          5,841             12,138
              Other financial liabilities                        98,642          1,039             48,987
              Deferred tax liabilities                           60,708         52,256             59,810
                                                                392,714        123,360            347,724

       Current liabilities
              Interest-bearing loans and borrowings               8,867        125,878              1,638
              Other provisions                                   29,626         31,780             23,634
              Trade payables                                     50,589         35,287             44,054
              Other financial liabilities                        10,130        116,636             16,933
              Other liabilities                                  21,607                             4,423
              Income tax liabilities                                516            156                525
                                                                121,335        309,737             91,207
       Total liabilities                                        514,049        644,553            671,135
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                   727,622        644,553            671,135

 Chief Financial Officer


 for the six months ended 30 June 2007

                                              Issued     Share  Retained     Other     Total
                                              Capital  premium   Earnings  Reserves   Equity

                                                EUR k    EUR k      EUR k     EUR k    EUR k

 At 1 January 2007                              1,350  126,324       -386         0  127,288
 Foreign currency translation                       0        0          0       -12      -12
 Total income and expense for the period
   recognised direct in equity                      0        0          0       -12      -12
 Loss for the year                                  0        0     -3,603         0   -3,603
 Total income and expense for the period            0        0     -3,603       -12   -3,615
 Issue of Share capital                           878   86,905          0         0   87,783
 At 30 June 2007                                2,228  213,229     -3,989       -12  211,456

 IFR Capital PLC
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the period
 January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2008

                                                                   Jan. 1, to Jun. 30, 2008  Jan. 1, to Jun. 30, 2007     12 months to Dec.
                                                                                                                                   31, 2007
                                                                          EUR k                       EUR k                           EUR k

 Cash flows from operating activities
 Loss before income tax                                                 -21,348                      -1,454                          -1,197
 Adjustments to reconcile loss before tax to net cash flows
                   Deprec. and impairm. of property, plant, equipment and intangible assets           6,444                          21,627
                   Loss on disposals of property, plant and                -101                          87                             251
                   Interest income                                         -561                                                      -3,436
                   Interest expense                                      21,298                                                      22,189
                   Movement in provisions, pensions and                    -227                      -4,508                          -5,489
                   similar obligations
 Working capital adjustments
                   Increase (-)/decrease (+) of trade                     4,352                       1,821                           2,512
                   Increase (-)/decrease (+) of inventories                 375                         477                          -1,097
                   Increase (-)/decrease (+) of other                    -4,224                         350                             211
                   Increase (+)/decrease (-) of trade payables and other payables                    -3,513                          -4,198
 Realisation of Badwill                                                  -8,980                                                           0
 Income tax paid                                                           -192                        -173                            -199
 Cash flows from operating activities                                       687                        -469                          31,174

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment                 5,928                          11                              36
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                              -10,846                      -7,253                         -23,079
 Purchase of intangible assets                                              -96                      -1,654                            -645
 Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                      -27,949                     -23,357                         -94,293
 Disbursements of loans                                                       0                                                           0
 Interest received                                                          561                                                       3,515
 Cash flows from investing activities                                   -32,402                     -32,253                        -114,466

 Cash flows from financing activities
 Proceeds from the issue of shares                                            0                                                           0
 Proceeds from the issue of preference shares                            50,000                                                      48,200
 Repayments of loans and other short or long-term borrowings             -5,553                     -43,875                         -17,521
 Payment of finance lease liabilities                                         0                                                        -650
 Interest and transaction costs paid                                    -10,489                      -4,151                         -25,126
 Cash flows from financing activities                                    33,958                     -48,026                           4,903

 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                     2,243                     -80,748                         -78,389
 Net foreign exchange difference                                             12                                                         -14
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                                  22,455                     100,858                         100,858
 Cash and cash equivalents at June 30                                    24,710                      20,110                          22,455

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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