RNS Number : 7100V

H&T Group PLC

11 August 2020

11 August 2020

H&T Group plc

("H&T" or "the Group" or "the Company")



H&T Group plc today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2020.


 --   Profit before tax down 26.5% to GBP5.0m (H1 2019: GBP6.8m) 
 --   Operating profit down 32.9% to GBP5.5m (H1 2019: GBP8.2m) 
 --   Diluted EPS of 10.2p (H1 2019: 15.0p) 
 --   Net pledge book, including accrued interest, increased 
       by 4.6% to GBP56.3m (30 June 2019: GBP53.8m) 
 --   Personal Loan book reduced 43.8% to GBP10.0m (30 June 2019: 
 --   Net debt reduced to nil (30 June 2019: GBP11.6m) 
 --   Net assets up GBP19.3m to GBP126.9m (30 June 2019: GBP107.6m) 
 --   Interim dividend of 2.5p (2019 interim: 4.7p) 

John Nichols, H&T chief executive, said:

"Our results reflect the impact of Covid-19 on our business and the closure of our stores from 24 March, all of which have since reopened. While our revenues and profits reduced in this unprecedented environment, our focus on costs and cash generation leaves us presently well positioned as we look to the rest of the year and enables us to declare an interim dividend of 2.5 pence per share.

"Pre lock-down the Group was well on track to deliver revenue growth and increased profitability, underpinned by our diversified income streams, increased footprint and investment in digital initiatives. With lock-down in March we closed all stores in order to protect colleagues and customers, and we have launched our online payment portal. We also froze interest on pawnbroking loans while our stores were closed and have offered payment deferral arrangements to those lending customers impacted by the financial implications of Covid-19.

"Having safely re-opened our stores, the Board is confident that H&T is well-positioned to navigate the rest of 2020 and beyond. The Group has a strong balance sheet, no debt and a good cash position. This will enable us to build back our pawnbroking book, a resilient secured asset in times of economic uncertainty, and deliver our long-term growth plans which remain intact. "

 Financial highlights (GBPm unless 
 6 months ended 30 June                       2020       2019    % 
 Gross profit                                 37.4       44.1   (15.2%) 
 EBITDA (Note 3)                               9.6       11.3   (15.0%) 
 Operating profit                              5.5        8.2   (32.9%) 
 Profit before tax                             5.0        6.8   (26.5%) 
 Diluted EPS (p)                              10.2       15.0   (32.0%) 
 Dividend per share                           2.5p       4.7p   (46.8%) 
 Key performance indicators 
 Net pledge book                          GBP56.3m   GBP53.8m      4.6% 
 Retail gross profits                      GBP2.8m    GBP5.4m   (48.1%) 
 Personal loan book                       GBP10.0m   GBP17.8m   (43.8%) 
 Personal loan revenue less impairment     GBP6.4m   GBP11.6m   (44.8%) 
 Number of stores                              252        182     38.5% 


H&T Group plc

Tel: 0870 9022 600

John Nichols, chief executive

Richard Withers, chief financial officer

Numis Securities (broker and nominated adviser)

Tel: 020 7260 1000

Luke Bordewich, nominated adviser

Haggie Partners (financial public relations)

Damian Beeley: Tel: 020 7562 4444 (messaging service)

Caroline Klein: Mob: 07902 307333

Vivian Lai: Mob: 07795 153253



We increased our store network by 70 during H2 2019 because of the business assets added via the Money Shop and Albemarle & Bond acquisitions. The Group's Q1 2020 trading performance exceeded expectations with pleasing revenue growth in the new stores.

On 24 March, in the light of HM Government's introduction of nationwide social restrictions and instructions regarding retail operations we closed all our stores. From 12 May we commenced a phased reopening such that all stores except two were open by 31 May, servicing essential financial services with the exclusion of personal unsecured lending. Retail jewellery was then reintroduced into all those stores that previously offered jewellery during the last two weeks in June. All stores are now open.

Since reopening, all product categories have continued to build, showing week on week growth, although business levels for most products are yet to reach either pre closure or pre-Covid-19 expectation levels.

Re-establishing business to levels pre closure and the building of our lending books is the primary focus for H2 2020.


In line with government guidance and in order to protect our colleagues, customers and the communities where we operate, all stores were closed on 24 March 2020. Stores have since reopened.

During the temporary store closure period, we have supported and stayed in touch with our customers by offering a dedicated call centre operation and online chat facility, regularly updating our website providing information and guidance, and issuing additional SMS text and postal communications direct to customers. Pawnbroking customers were provided with an interest holiday while our stores were closed and offered the opportunity to defer payment, by extending their loan. Personal lending customers, financially impacted by Covid-19, were offered the opportunity to take payment deferrals.

At the same time, we have finalised and implemented our online pawnbroking payment portal, allowing customers to settle loans remotely. To date 14,000 customers have used this service, making payments of GBP3.5m.

Throughout the period we have continued to sell jewellery online and have maintained our gold processing operation, smelted gold and so benefited from the relatively high gold price.

While our stores were closed, our store colleagues were furloughed under the Government's Job Retention Scheme. Most colleagues have now returned to employment as we have reopened for business. During the past three months, our colleagues across the UK have offered support in their local communities and the Group has provided a small charitable fund to support local, small charities who are connected to our customers and employees.

The Group's colleagues remained internally connected during lock-down with cross functional teams established to provide effective customer support, to review our operating methods, to accelerate our digital development work and to maintain risk management including vigilance surrounding IT security during Covid-19.


The Group has reported profit before tax of GBP5.0m (H1 2019: GBP6.8m), a 26.5% fall, reflecting the impact of Covid-19 and associated store closures.

Gross profit reduced by GBP6.7m, 15.2%, to GBP37.4m (H1 2019: GBP44.1m). Operating profit reduced by GBP2.7m, 32.9%, to GBP5.5m (H1 2019: GBP8.2m). H&T received GBP3.5m in HM Government support payments, included as 'other income' (see note 2) in relation to the Job Retention and Business Rate support schemes.

The average H1 2020 gold price has increased 29.3% to GBP1,306 per troy ounce (H1 2019: GBP1,010). As at 30 June 2020: GBP1,440 (30 June 2019: GBP1,108).

Total direct and administrative expenses reduced by GBP4.0m. This comprises an increase in costs, primarily by increased staff and property related costs arising from the Group's increased store estate, offset by a GBP8.4m reduction in impairment charges as a result of reduced lending books. While some operational and transactional costs reduced while stores were closed, we have incurred some additional Covid-19 related costs, associated with ensuring colleague and customer safety. Further related expenditure will continue in the near term. The pawnbroking and personal lending books have reduced by GBP15.9m and GBP6.6m respectively since 31 December 2019.

The Group's balance sheet remains strong with zero net debt (30 June 2019: GBP11.6m) leaving GBP34.0m (30 June 2019: GBP14.0m) of the GBP35.0 RCF Lloyds facility undrawn.

The reduced borrowing is a direct consequence of the reduction in our personal and pawnbroking lending books. The relatively high levels of customer redemptions following the reopening of our stores and the strong use of the customer payment portal has resulted in the reduction in the pledge book across all stores. H&T's decision to at least temporarily cease HCSTC lending in October 2019 and then temporarily cease all personal lending as a result of stores closing has seen our personal lending book reduce.


The Board has approved an interim dividend of 2.5 pence (2019 interim: 4.7 pence). This will be payable on 2 October 2020 to all shareholders on the register at the close of business on 4 September 2020. It is intended that a final dividend, commensurate with historical levels, will be declared should trading return to pre lock-down levels by the year end.



Pawnbroking remains a core product for H&T and we report that the gross pledge book increased to GBP56.3m, including accrued interest (30 June 2019: GBP53.8m). Pledge balances in the 70 new H&T stores at 30 June 2020 were GBP5.9m. Initial pledge books on acquisition in these sites was GBP4.9m.

Prior to lock-down, at the end of March the pledge book across all stores had increased to GBP72.7m, with growth in both core and the newly acquired stores.

Interest was frozen for customers during the period stores were closed, meaning that all customers have benefitted from at least two months of interest holiday. The payment portal drove GBP3.5m of online redemption payments and once stores re-opened we have seen loan redemptions exceed new lending. This is in part because customers reduced discretionary spending and reduced interest charged which appears to have enabled reduced borrowing which has resulted in the GBP16.4m reduction in pledge book compared with pre lock-down and consequential pay down of debt.

During the period pawnbroking revenue less impairment was unchanged at GBP16.8m (H1 2019: GBP16.8m) resulting in a risk-adjusted margin (RAM) for the period of 24.4% (H1 2019: 35.2%). The lock-down period has resulted in a higher ageing profile of the book, resulting in higher impairment provisioning. Revenue less impairment from new stores was GBP3.5m, leaving core stores at GBP13.3m, GBP3.5m, 20.8% down on H1 2019.

The reduction in like for like net revenues is a consequence of stores being temporary closed during the Covid-19 lock down.

Pawnbroking summary:

 6 months ended 30                 2020     2019   Change 
  June:                                                 % 
                                  GBP'm    GBP'm 
 Period-end net pledge 
  book(1)                          56.3     53.8     4.6% 
 Average net pledge 
  book                             68.9     47.7    44.4% 
------------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Revenue less impairment           16.8     16.8     0.0% 
 Risk-adjusted margin(2)          24.4%    35.2% 
------------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Notes to table 
 1 - Includes accrued interest 
  and impairment 
 2 - Revenue as a percentage of the average 
  net pledge book 
------------------------------------------------  ------- 

Pawnbroking scrap

Pawnbroking scrap increased gross profits by GBP1.6m to GBP2.0m (H1 2019: GBP0.4m) for the half year, on sales of GBP6.7m (H1 2019: GBP6.0m). The margin increased from 7% to 30%. The rise in gold price is the main reason for the gross profit uplift.


Retail sales reduced 47.0% to GBP9.8m (H1 2019: GBP18.5m) while gross profits reduced by 48.1% to GBP2.8m (H1 2019: GBP5.4m). Margin at 28% (H1 2019: 29%) reflects a continuation of the move towards an increasing proportion of new sales. New sales accounted for 17% of total retail sales (H1 2019: 12%). The Group has reduced its retail stock holding by GBP3.3m to GBP27.3m (30 June 2019: GBP30.6m)

Personal Loans

Net revenue reduced 20.4% to GBP4.3m (H1 2019: GBP5.4m), while the loan book decreased 43.8% to GBP10.0m (30 June 2019: GBP17.8m). The contraction of the loan book is a result of ceasing HCSTC lending in October 2019 and suspending all personal lending from 24 March 2020.

The risk-adjusted margin for the period at 32.8% is relatively unchanged (H1 2019: 32.5%). However, the cessation of HCSTC lending has increased the proportion of the book derived from lower APR products and consequently has resulted in lower interest yield of 48.9% (H1 2019: 69.9%). This has also significantly impacted impairment rates, with impairment as a proportion of the average monthly net loan book reducing to 16.0% (H1 2019: 37.3%).

Personal Loans summary:

 6 months ended 30 June:                                           2020                           2019 
                                                                  GBP'm                          GBP'm      Change 
 Period-end net loan book                                          10.0                           17.8     (43.8%) 
 Average monthly net loan book                                     13.1                           16.6     (21.1%) 
----------------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------- 
 Revenue                                                            6.4                           11.6     (44.8%) 
 Impairment                                                       (2.1)                          (6.2)     (66.1%) 
 Revenue less impairment                                            4.3                            5.4     (20.4%) 
----------------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------- 
 Interest yield(1)                                                48.9%                          69.9% 
 Impairment % of revenue                                          32.8%                          53.4% 
 Impairment % of average monthly 
  net loan book                                                   16.0%                          37.3% 
 Risk-adjusted margin(2)                                          32.8%                          32.5% 
----------------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------- 
 1 - Revenue as a percentage of average 
  loan book 
 2 - Revenue less impairment as a 
  percentage of average loan book 
----------------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------------  ---------- 

Gold purchasing

Gold purchasing profits increased by 1.3m to GBP2.8m (H1 2019: GBP1.5m) on sales of GBP9.6m (H1 2019: GBP8.8m). The increased margin from 17% to 29% is a result of gold price increase and the main driver for the GP uplift.

Other services

Total revenues from other services reduced by GBP0.9m to GBP2.4m (H1 2019: GBP3.3m). A GBP0.5m fall in Foreign Exchange (FX) transaction profit and GBP0.8m reduction in buyback is partially offset by GBP0.1m increase in cheque cashing revenue and GBP0.3m new revenue from Western Union.

FX profit reduced by 29.0% to GBP1.3m while the value of currency traded reduced by 53.0%. We have seen a change in the mix between buying and selling currency, initially as a result of new stores. This has resulted in 19% of FX transactions being buys (H1 2019: 8%) which has increased our FX margin.

Buyback product was ceased during Q1 2020 with gross profits consequently falling to GBP0.2m in the period. Cheque cashing and Western Union revenues were ahead primarily driven by increased revenues from new H&T stores.


Continued focus on affordability and creditworthiness in consumer credit

On 18 November 2019 the Group announced that it was working with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to review its creditworthiness assessments and lending processes for its unsecured HCSTC loans. Since then the Group has been developing its methodology for conducting a past-book review. In collaboration with the FCA progress towards appointment of a skilled person was postponed until Covid-19 restrictions allowed engagement. During July we engaged with advisers and conducted interviews in order to put forward proposals to the FCA. We anticipate a skilled person will be selected shortly with their work commencing in September.


We are pleased with the way our business has returned since stores re-opened, with pawnbroking lending run rates developing so far week on week, although we have some way still to go to reach pre lock-down levels. Our focus is on being able to provide short-term cash loans to customers when they need it and consequently building our lending portfolios. This rebuilding is supported by our strong cash generation in the first half and our ungeared balance sheet. The opportunity to achieve uplift and return from our newly enlarged store estate remains. We have already demonstrated an ability to grow pawnbroking in new stores and to leverage opportunities in Western Union, FX and cheque cashing.

The Group will continue to focus and seek strategies to grow its pawnbroking offering while building our other lines of business. Further investment in digital and online capabilities to complement our store estate will be fundamental.

Interim Condensed Financial Statements

Unaudited statement of comprehensive income

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

                                                                                             12 months 
                                                                    6 months     6 months     ended 31 
                                                                    ended 30     ended 30     December 
                                                                   June 2020    June 2019         2019 
                                              Note                     Total        Total        Total 
                                                                   Unaudited    Unaudited 
                                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
           Revenue                               2                    55,830       69,999      160,213 
           Cost of sales                                            (18,478)     (25,929)     (58,852) 
                                                                    ________     ________     ________ 
             Gross profit                        2                    37,352       44,070      101,361 
           Other direct expenses                                    (21,567)     (28,513)     (60,842) 
           Administrative expenses                                  (10,324)      (7,384)     (18,031) 
                                                                    ________     ________     ________ 
             Operating profit                    3                     5,461        8,173       22,488 
           Finance costs                         5                     (446)      (1,342)      (2,405) 
                                                                    ________     ________     ________ 
             Profit before taxation                                    5,015        6,831       20,083 
           Tax on profit                         6                   (1,132)      (1,275)      (3,393) 
                                                                    ________     ________     ________ 
             Total comprehensive income for 
             the period                                                3,883        5,556       16,690 
                                                                    ________     ________     ________ 
                                                                       Pence        Pence        Pence 
           Earnings per ordinary share 
            - basic                              7                     10.21        15.00        43.88 
           Earnings per ordinary share 
            - diluted                            7                     10.20        14.97        43.80 

All results derive from continuing operations.

Unaudited condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

                                                           6 months    6 months     12 months 
                                                              ended       ended         ended 
                                                            30 June     30 June   31 December 
                                                  Note         2020        2019          2019 
                                                                      Unaudited       Audited 
                                                          Unaudited   Restated*     Restated* 
                                                            GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
           Opening total equity                             122,606     103,821       103,821 
           Total comprehensive income for the 
            period                                            3,883       5,556        16,690 
           Issue of share capital                               313         328         6,130 
           Share option movement taken directly 
            to equity                                           102         368           328 
           Dividends paid                          9              -     (2,496)       (4,363) 
           Closing total equity                             126,904     107,577       122,606 

Unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheet

At 30 June 2020

                                                 At 30 June  At 30 June  At 31 December 
                                                       2020        2019            2019 
                                                  Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                           Note     GBP'000     GBP'000         GBP'000 
           Non-current assets 
           Goodwill                                  19,330      17,643          19,580 
           Other intangible assets                    3,264         280           3,889 
           Property, plant and equipment              7,595       6,497           7,739 
           Deferred tax assets                        2,184       1,760           2,180 
           Right-of-use assets                       18,689      18,408          21,147 
                                                     51,062      44,588          54,535 
           Current assets 
           Inventories                               27,306      30,653          29,157 
           Trade and other receivables               68,582      74,315          90,606 
           Other current assets                          38         947             714 
           Cash and cash equivalents                 13,938       9,501          12,003 
                                                    109,864     115,416         132,480 
           Total assets                             160,926     160,004         187,015 
           Current liabilities 
           Trade and other payables                 (8,842)     (9,031)        (10,578) 
           Lease liability                          (5,708)     (4,830)           (253) 
           Current tax liabilities                    (890)       (722)         (2,066) 
                                                   (15,440)    (14,583)        (12,897) 
           Net current assets                        94,424     100,833         119,583 
           Non-current liabilities 
           Borrowings                         4       (773)    (20,656)        (25,715) 
           Lease liability                         (16,298)    (15,890)        (24,307) 
           Provisions                               (1,511)     (1,298)         (1,490) 
                                                   (18,582)    (37,844)        (51,512) 
           Total liabilities                       (34,022)    (52,427)        (64,409) 
           Net assets                               126,904     107,577         122,606 
           Share capital                      8       1,993       1,891           1,987 
           Share premium account                     33,486      27,472          33,179 
           Employee Benefit Trust share 
            reserve                                    (35)        (35)            (35) 
           Retained earnings                         91,460      78,249          87,475 
           Total equity attributable to 
            equity holders of the parent            126,904     107,577         122,606 

Unaudited condensed consolidated cash flow statement

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

                                                            6 months   6 months     12 months 
                                                     Note      ended      ended         ended 
                                                             30 June    30 June   31 December 
                                                                2020       2019          2019 
                                                           Unaudited  Unaudited 
                                                             GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
           Cash flows from operating activities 
           Profit for the period                               3,883      5,556        16,690 
           Adjustments for: 
           Finance costs                                         446      1,342         2,405 
           Increase in provisions                                 21         45           237 
           Income tax expense                                  1,132      1,275         3,393 
           Depreciation of property, plant 
            and equipment                                      1,097      1,045         2,272 
           Depreciation of right-of-use assets                 2,239      2,004         4,604 
           Amortisation of intangible assets                     785         71           591 
           Loss on disposal of property, plant 
            and equipment                                          -          5            70 
           Loss on disposal of right-of-use 
            assets                                                92          -             - 
           Share based payment expense                            69        146           266 
           Operating cash flows before movements 
            in working capital                                 9,764     11,489        30,528 
           Decrease/(increase) in inventories                  1,851    (1,391)           105 
           Decrease/(increase) in other current 
            assets                                               676       (70)           163 
           Decrease/(Increase) in receivables                 22,022      (517)       (5,500) 
           (Decrease)/increase in payables                   (3,734)      (259)         5,347 
           Cash generated from operations                     30,579      9,252        30,643 
           Income taxes paid                                 (2,279)    (1,248)       (2,604) 
           Interest paid on loan facility                      (259)      (314)         (686) 
           Interest paid on lease liability                    (108)      (892)       (1,524) 
           Net cash generated from operating 
            activities                                        27,933      6,798        25,829 
           Investing activities 
           Purchases of intangible assets                      (160)          -           (9) 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                   (1,037)    (1,520)       (3,316) 
Acquisition of right-of-use assets                             (365)      (253)       (5,592) 
Acquisition of trade and assets of business                      251      (419)      (18,740) 
           Net cash used in investing activities             (1,311)    (2,192)      (27,657) 
Financing activities 
           Dividends paid                               9          -    (2,497)       (4,363) 
(Decrease)/increase in borrowings                           (25,000)    (4,000)         1,000 
Debt restructuring cost                                            -      (350)         (350) 
Proceeds on Issue of shares                                      313        328         6,130 
Net cash (used in)/generated from financing 
 activities                                                 (24,687)    (6,519)         2,417 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                                   1,935    (1,913)           589 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of period                                                    12,003     11,414        11,414 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                    13,938      9,501        12,003 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Note 1 Basis of preparation

The interim financial statements of the group for the six months ended 30 June 2020, which are unaudited, have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') accounting policies adopted by the group and set out in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019. The group does not anticipate any change in these accounting policies for the year ended 31 December 2020. As permitted, this interim report has been prepared in accordance with the AIM rules but not in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim financial reporting". While the financial figures included in this preliminary interim earnings announcement have been computed in accordance with IFRSs applicable to interim periods, this announcement does not contain sufficient information to constitute an interim financial report as that term is defined in IFRSs.

The financial information contained in the interim report also does not constitute statutory accounts for the purposes of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2019 is based on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019. The auditors reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The Board have conducted an extensive review of forecast earnings and cash over the next twelve months, considering various scenarios and sensitivities given the Covid--19 situation and uncertainty around the future economic environment. The Board have a reasonable expectation that the Company and Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the interim condensed financial statements. Further details of the impact of Covid--19 are set out in note 11.

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Note 2 Segmental Reporting

                                                                                                               for the 
                                                                                                              6 months 
                                              Gold            Pawnbroking  Personal      Other     Other       30 June 
        2020              Pawnbroking   purchasing    Retail        scrap     Loans   Services    Income          2020 
         Revenue              GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000 
        External revenue       17,399        9,607     9,768        6,698     6,426      2,434     3,498        55,830 
        Total revenue          17,399        9,607     9,768        6,698     6,426      2,434     3,498        55,830 
        Gross profit           17,399        2,831     2,775        1,989     6,426      2,434     3,498        37,352 
        Impairment              (642)            -         -            -   (2,147)          -         -       (2,789) 
        Segment result         16,757        2,831     2,775        1,989     4,279      2,434     3,498        34,563 
        Other direct expenses excluding impairment                                                            (18,778) 
        Administrative expenses                                                                               (10,324) 
        Operating profit                                                                                         5,461 
        Finance costs                                                                                            (446) 
        Profit before taxation                                                                                   5,015 
        Tax charge on profit                                                                                   (1,132) 
        Profit for the financial year and 
         total comprehensive income                                                                              3,883 
                                                                                                               for the 
                                                                                                              6 months 
                                              Gold            Pawnbroking  Personal      Other     Other       30 June 
        2019              Pawnbroking   purchasing    Retail        scrap     Loans   Services    Income          2019 
         Revenue              GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000 
         revenue               21,790        8,752    18,511        6,040    11,620      3,286         -        69,999 
        Total revenue          21,790        8,752    18,511        6,040    11,620      3,286         -        69,999 
        Gross profit           21,790        1,495     5,432          447    11,620      3,286         -        44,070 
        Impairment            (4,997)            -         -            -   (6,196)          -         -      (11,193) 
        Segment result         16,793        1,495     5,432          447     5,424      3,286         -        32,877 
        Other direct expenses excluding 
         impairment                                                                                           (17,320) 
        Administrative expenses                                                                                (7,384) 
        Operating profit                                                                                         8,173 
        Finance costs                                                                                          (1,342) 
        Profit before taxation                                                                                   6,831 
        Tax charge on profit                                                                                   (1,275) 
        Profit for the financial year and 
         total comprehensive income                                                                              5,556 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Note 2 Segmental Reporting (continued)

                         Pawnbroking         Gold            Pawnbroking  Personal      Other     Other   For the year 
        2019               Restated*   purchasing    Retail        scrap     Loans   Services    Income     ended 2019 
         Revenue             GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000        GBP'000 
         revenue              49,102       24,229    41,516       14,944    21,459      8,963         -        160,213 
        Total revenue         49,102       24,229    41,516       14,944    21,459      8,963         -        160,213 
        Gross profit          49,102        5,736    13,639        2,462    21,459      8,963         -        101,361 
        Impairment          (10,142)            -         -            -  (10,656)          -                 (20,798) 
        Segment result        38,960        5,736    13,639        2,462    10,803      8,963                   80,563 
        Other direct expenses excluding impairment                                                            (40,044) 
        Administrative expenses                                                                               (18,031) 
        Operating profit                                                                                        22,488 
        Finance costs                                                                                          (2,405) 
        Profit before taxation                                                                                  20,083 
        Tax charge on profit                                                                                   (3,393) 
        Profit for the financial year and 
         total comprehensive income                                                                             16,690 

Note 3 Operating profit and EBITDA


The Board consider EBITDA to be a key performance measure as the Group borrowing facility includes a number of loan covenants based on it.

EBITDA is defined as Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation. It is calculated by adding back depreciation and amortisation to the operating profit as follows:

 6 months ended 30 June 2020              6 months     6 months      12 months 
  Unaudited                                  ended        ended          ended 
                                           30 June      30 June    31 December 
                                              2020         2019           2019 
                                         Unaudited    Unaudited        Audited 
                                             Total        Total          Total 
                                           GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Operating profit                            5,461        8,173         22,488 
 Depreciation and amortisation               1,882        1,116          2,862 
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets         2,239        2,004          4,604 
 EBITDA                                      9,582       11,293         29,954 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Note 4 Borrowings

                                                 6 months   6 months     12 months 
                                                    ended      ended         ended 
                                                  30 June    30 June   31 December 
                                                     2020       2019          2019 
                                                Unaudited  Unaudited       Audited 
                                                  GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000 
         Long term portion of bank loan             1,000     21,000        26,000 
          Unamortised issue costs                   (227)      (344)         (285) 
                                                ---------  ---------  ------------ 
         Amount due for settlement after more 
          than one year                               773     20,656        25,715 
                                                =========  =========  ============ 

Note 5 Finance costs

                                                  6 months    6 months        12 months 
                                                     ended       ended            ended 
                                                   30 June     30 June      31 December 
                                                      2020        2019             2019 
                                                 Unaudited   Unaudited          Audited 
                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Interest payable on bank loans and overdraft          280         331              693 
 Other interest                                          -           1                1 
 Amortisation of debt issue costs                       58         118              187 
 Interest on expense on the lease liability            108         892            1,524 
 Total finance costs                                   446       1,342            2,405 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Note 6 Tax on profit

The taxation charge for the 6 months ended 30 June 2020 has been calculated by reference to the expected effective corporation tax and deferred tax rates for the full financial year to end on 31 December 2020. The underlying effective full year tax charge is estimated to be 19% (six months ended 30 June 2019: 19%).

Note 7 Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. With respect to the group these represent share options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the company's ordinary shares during the period.

Reconciliations of the earnings per ordinary share and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                                           Unaudited                                                               Unaudited 
                                       6 months ended 30                                                       6 months ended 30                                                        12 months ended 31 
                                            June 2020                                                              June 2019                                                               December 2019 
                          Earnings                Weighted              Per-share               Earnings                 Weighted                 Per-share               Earnings                 Weighted                Per-share 
                           GBP'000                 average                 amount                GBP'000                  average                    amount                GBP'000                  average                   amount 
                                                    number                  pence                                          number                     pence                                          number                    pence 
                                                 of shares                                                              of shares                                                                 of shares 
  per share 
  basic                      3,883              38,039,328                  10.21                  5,556               37,039,443                     15.00                 16,690               38,039,328                    43.88 
 Effect of 
 Options                         -                  18,201                 (0.01)                      -                   70,999                    (0.03)                      -                   68,197                   (0.08) 
  per share 
  diluted                    3,883              38,057,529                  10.20                  5,556               37,110,442                     14.97                 16,690               38,107,525                    43.80 

Unaudited notes to the condensed interim financial statements (continued)

For the 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Note 8 Share capital

                                             At              At             At 
                                   30 June 2020    30 June 2019    31 December 
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
 Allotted, called up and fully 
  (Ordinary Shares of GBP0.05 
 GBP'000 Sterling                         1,993           1,891          1,987 
 Number                              39,864,077      37,827,501     39,736,476 

Note 9 Dividends

On 6 August 2020, the directors approved a 2.5 pence interim dividend (30 June 2019: 4.7 pence) which equates to a dividend payment of GBP997,000 (30 June 2019: GBP1,866,000). The dividend will be paid on 2 October 2020 to shareholders on the share register at the close of business on 6 September 2020 and has not been provided for in the 2020 interim results. The shares will be marked ex-dividend on 4 September 2020.

Note 10 Contingent Liabilities

As set out in the market release issued by H&T Group plc on 18 November 2019, we will be working with a skilled person appointed in conjunction with the FCA on a past-book review of our lending since April 2014 within the High Cost Short Term unsecured lending (HCSTC) market. A skilled person is in the course of being appointed. At this stage, under the criteria in IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets it is possible that a liability may exist, but H&T is unable to estimate the quantum of any such possible liability.

Note 11 Covid-19 Considerations

The outbreak of Covid-19 and its impact on the global and UK economies has resulted in financial consequences also for H&T.

In line with HM Government Guidance and in order to protect colleagues and customers all stores were closed on 24 March 2020. Whilst stores were closed no interest on pawnbroking loans was charged. During lock-down the Company's ability to operate was impacted as stores were closed. During this period costs were reduced and the operational impact on the business was mitigated by developing online capabilities and continuing to scrap gold and collect in loan receivables. Whilst stores have since re-opened, the Group is adhering to HM Government guidance in respect of the provision of a safe environment for colleagues and customers which reduces store capacity.

The most significant financial impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the Company is expected to be the extent to which the need for short-term cash loans returns following a period immediately post lock-down which saw high levels of pawnbroking loan redemptions. Further, we anticipate ongoing reduced demand in the short term for foreign currency, as overseas travel is likely to continue to be affected, and there remains uncertainty surrounding retail footfall which might reduce retail sales.

The impact of impairments on loan receivables is not yet clear. Charges may increase as the Company offers payment deferrals to customers experiencing financial difficulties as a result of events caused by Covid-19.

The Group' has considered its position and the likely impact on trading, including customer demand across its diversified income streams, the impact of the current high gold price and of its cost base. The Group has concluded that it has sufficient liquidity within the business and existing bank facilities. After reviewing these factors, it has determined that the preparation of these interim financial statements on a going concern basis remains appropriate.

A goodwill impairment review has also been carried out. The Group further considers that store profitability will not be significantly impacted in the medium term and therefore no change in the assessment of the fair value of its assets, including goodwill and intangibles, is required at this time. We will review the position at year end.

The Board has considered the impact of risks around Covid-19, summarised as follows:

 Description of risk             Examples of mitigating activities 
 Failure to implement social     --               Risk assessments carried 
  distancing in stores or         --               out for each location 
  office locations resulting                       2- metre distancing rule 
  in colleagues or customers                       applied by implementing distancing 
  becoming ill or transmitting                     tape and restricting staff 
  the virus.                      --               and customers to no more 
                                                   than two per store 
  Commercial risk leading         --               Perspex applied to speech 
  to reduced profits and                           gaps in counter bays 
  cash pressure resulting                          Colleague and customer guidance 
  from:                                            regarding social distancing 
  i) a necessity to close         --               and hygiene measures communicated 
  stores once more again          --               via posters, website and 
  should a new virus waive                         direct communications 
  reoccur or                                       Home-working implemented 
  ii) reduced product demand      --               where possible 
  resulting from changes                           Regular communication to 
  in consumer behaviour,          --               staff regarding latest Government 
  e.g. less overseas travel                        guidelines, including self-isolation 
  or reduced high street                           and hygiene factors 
  footfall                                         Awareness of the vulnerability 
  iii) an economic downturn       --               status of colleagues who 
  resulting in, for example,                       remain shielded 
  higher unemployment and                          Online alternatives developed 
  a consequential change          --               to service customer requirements 
  in customer behaviours                           - e.g. online pawnbroking, 
  which might impact loan                          payment portal and online 
  repayment and redemption        --               unsecured lending channels 
  profiles.                                        reviewed 
                                                   Diversified product range 
                                                   ensuring reduced demand in 
                                  --               one area does not overly 
                                                   impact the whole 
                                                   The ability to generate cash 
                                                   via melting gold and collecting 
                                                   in loans even where stores 
                                                   are closed. 
                                                   Maintaining prudent loan 
                                                   underwriting and affordability 
                                                   assessment criteria and conservative 
                                                   loan to value percentages 
                                                   for gold based secured loans. 
                                                   Pawnbroking loans are secured 
                                                   on valuable assets e.g. gold 
                                                   and thus the Group is protected 
                                                   financially if customers 
                                                   are unable to redeem their 
                                                   pledged items. 
                                ----  ------------------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 11, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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