RNS Number : 2106L 
CMA Global Hedge PCC Ltd 
30 April 2010 

                          CMA Global Hedge PCC LIMITED 
                                (the "Company") 
                          Stock Exchange Announcement 
The Company has today, in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules 
("DTR") 6.3.5, released its Annual Financial Report for the year ending 31st 
December 2009 (the "Report").  The Report is available from the Company's 
website www.cmaglobalhedge.com and will shortly be available for inspection at 
the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is located at: 
Financial Services Authority 
25 The North Colonnade 
Canary Wharf 
London, E14 5HS 
The Directors of the Company announce the following results for the year ended 
31st December 2009: 
| As at 31st December   |   US Dollar |  Euro class |    Sterling | 
| 2009                  |       class |           EUR |       class | 
|                       |         US$ |             |         GBP | 
| Total net assets      |  12,514,802 |   8,932,074 |   6,356,037 | 
| Net Assets Value per  |        8.13 |        7.64 |        7.77 | 
| share                 |             |             |             | 
| Total earnings per    |        0.20 |      (0.01) |        0.94 | 
| share                 |             |             |             | 
| As at 31st December   |             |             |             | 
| 2008                  |             |             |             | 
| Total net assets      |  86,481,257 |  67,034,563 |  46,283,603 | 
| Net Assets Value per  |        8.09 |        7.80 |        7.90 | 
| share                 |             |             |             | 
| Total earnings per    |      (3.43) |      (3.70) |      (6.36) | 
| share                 |             |             |             | 
Commenting on the results the Chairman has made the following statement: 
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our shareholders for their 
past support in CMA Global Hedge PCC Limited and give you an overview of the 
Company's progress during 2009. 
Developments and changes in the Company during the year 
2009 was a year full of very significant events for the Company. It was able to 
successfully repay its leverage, complete 3 redemptions of 20 per cent. each, 
and following its Shareholders wishes finally proceed with its gradual 
As discussed in previous statements, being aware of the wide discounts to net 
asset value (NAV) at which the Company's shares had been trading the Board 
announced on 21 October 2008 the actions that it believed had to be taken to 
narrow the discount to NAV. Proposals were put forward to a Shareholders vote at 
the EGM held on 17 December 2008, and both Resolutions put to the vote were duly 
passed with 98.18 per cent of the votes cast in support. 
Firstly, the Proposals included two redemption offers in December 2008 and March 
2009 of up to 20 per cent of the Company's issued share capital with a 4 per 
cent Redemption Fee payable to the Investment Manager. Secondly, they included 
the creation of an on-going Redemption Facility, whereby Shareholders had the 
opportunity to have up to 20 per cent of their Shares redeemed on a half yearly 
basis at the discretion of the Directors, with a Redemption Fee of 4 per cent in 
2009, 3 per cent in 2010 and 2 per cent in 2011. The redemption proceeds for 
Shareholders consisted of two elements: (1) an initial cash element and (2) an 
entitlement to receive the realisation proceeds of a pro rata share of the less 
liquid portion of the Company's portfolio. Finally, the third proposal approved 
at the December 2008 EGM was the reduction of the Management Fee being paid to 
the Investment Manager in accordance with the Investment Management Agreement 
from 1.25 per cent annually to 1 per cent annually of the Total Assets of the 
Company. This reduction was implemented as of 1 January 2009. 
The Company was able to successfully complete two Redemption Offers, the 
December 2008 and March 2009 offers, and one Redemption Facility Offer, the June 
2009 offer. In addition to the initial cash payments that were distributed to 
redeeming shareholders, additional cash distributions were made during 2009 and 
in early 2010 from all the illiquid entitlement pools. 
Summary of Redemption Proceeds Paid to Investors 
The December 2008 redemption offer's initial payment was made in February 2009 
and represented 52.37 per cent of the total redemption value at NAV, which is 
the value of the net assets in the December 2008 Entitlement Pool at the date of 
transfer. The entitlement pool which represented the remaining 47.63 per cent 
made two cash distributions in 2009 and one in early 2010 representing a total 
of 63.36 per cent of its NAV at creation. This means that shareholders who 
participated in the December 2008 redemption offer have already received in cash 
around 82.55 per cent of their redemption value at NAV. 
The March 2009 redemption offer's initial payment was made in May 2009 and 
represented 60.64 per cent of the total redemption value at NAV, which is the 
value of the net assets in the March 2009 Entitlement Pool at the date of 
transfer. The entitlement pool which represented the remaining 39.36 per cent 
made one cash distribution in 2009 and one in early 2010 representing a total of 
58.77 per cent of its NAV at creation. This means that shareholders who 
participated in the March 2009 redemption offer have already received in cash 
around 83.69 per cent of their redemption value at NAV. 
The June 2009 redemption offer's initial payment was made in August 2009 and 
represented 64.03 per cent of the total redemption value at NAV, which is the 
value of the net assets in the June 2009 Entitlement Pool at the date of 
transfer. The entitlement pool which represented the remaining 35.97 per cent 
made its first cash distributions in early 2010 representing 47.03 per cent of 
its NAV at creation. This means that shareholders who participated in the June 
2009 redemption offer have already received in cash around 80.95 per cent of 
their redemption value at NAV. 
The Company will continue to publish on a monthly basis an unaudited NAV for the 
Entitlement Pools, which Shareholders may choose to take as indicative of the 
remaining potential realisation proceeds of the Entitlement Pool and the Actual 
Cash Proceeds they may receive. 
Direction of the Company 
On 8 July 2009, the Company communicated its intention to offer its Shareholders 
the opportunity to determine the future direction of the Company through a vote 
at an EGM. The Board considered that the discontinuation of the Company would be 
in the best interests of the Company's Shareholders for several reasons: 
Despite the Company's Redemption Offers of December 2008 and March 2009 and the 
Redemption Facility Offer of June 2009, the discount to NAV relating to the 
remaining shareholders did not decrease to an acceptable level. 
The level of Shareholders who participated in the Company's Redemption Offers 
and Redemption Facility Offer was overwhelming and indicated that the majority 
of Shareholders were seeking to exit their investment in the Company. 
After completion of the Redemption Offers and Redemption Facility Offer, the 
size of the Company was approximately US$150 million. This was a significant 
reduction from a size in excess of US$400 million when the Company was launched 
which could have an adverse performance impact on remaining Shareholders, as 
well as the liquidity of the Company's shares on the London Stock Exchange. 
The results of the Company's 2009 Annual General Meeting, which did not renew 
the term of one of the Directors (James T.H. Lee), indicated to the Board that 
Shareholders holding a significant proportion of the Company's Shares were 
unhappy with the position at that time, and were seeking an opportunity to 
decide on the future direction of the Company. 
Finally, the performance of the Company's NAV, while in line with the hedge fund 
industry in general, was disappointing for the Shareholders over the past year 
and a half. 
At the EGM held on 3 September 2009 the discontinuation vote passed with 88.93 
per cent of shareholders voting in favour. This led the Board to propose two 
options by which Shareholders could realize their investment in the Company, 
with Shareholders able to elect for the option which best suited their 
circumstances in an EGM held on 15 December 2009. 
The Options for Shareholders were: 
a)         to retain an interest in a listed vehicle and receive realisation 
distributions until the Company was formally wound up (the "Redemption Option"), 
including an initial cash distribution representing a pro rata share of 
available cash at the time; or 
b)         to receive a cash payment or cash payments (the "Cash Distribution") 
equivalent to the immediately realisable value of the proportion of the 
Portfolio attributable to their shareholding in the Company (the "Cash Option"). 
At the EGM held on 15 December 2009, approximately 17.5 per cent of shareholders 
chose the Cash Option and 82.5 per cent the Redemption Option. 
Following approval by the Shareholders at an EGM dated 15 December 2009, the 
management fee payable to the Investment Manager was reduced to 0.25 per cent of 
the Company's Net Asset Value. In addition, the requirement for the Company to 
pay a performance fee to the Investment Manager was removed. 
Summary of Proceeds Paid to Cash Option and Redemption Option Shareholders 
USD Cash Option shareholders received on the 23 December 2009 an initial payment 
of 73.43 per cent and a second and final payment on the 17 March 2010 of 10.60 
per cent of NAV after their pro rata share of illiquid assets was sold on the 
secondary market, giving them a total payment of 84.03 per cent of NAV. EUR and 
GBP Cash Option shareholders received slightly higher total payments due to FX 
movements, of 84.68 per cent and 85.05 per cent of NAV respectively. 
USD Redemption Option shareholders on 23 December 2009 had 73.43 per cent of 
their shares redeemed at NAV and therefore received an initial payment of 73.43 
per cent of NAV. EUR and GBP Redemption Shareholders, had due to FX movements, 
slightly higher initial payments of 73.55 per cent and 73.61 per cent 
respectively. All Redemption Option shareholders also retained the remainder of 
their shares which corresponded to the illiquid assets in the Company's 
portfolio. They will have additional portions of their shares redeemed (and 
receive additional payments) in the future as the Company's illiquid assets are 
Performance and Leverage 
2009 was an essentially flat to slightly positive period for the Company with 
our USD NAV return at +1.11 per cent. This was achieved while the Investment 
Manager was raising significant cash in the portfolio throughout the year and 
trying to liquidate the portfolio as quickly and efficiently as possible 
following the discontinuation vote that was passed in September 2009. 
With regard to leverage, I am very pleased to report that due to aggressive cash 
raising in the portfolio, leverage was eliminated in mid-March 2009, 2 months 
ahead of schedule. 
In conclusion, 2009 was a very eventful year for the Company and ended with its 
discontinuation according to the wishes of its Shareholders. The Board has 
consistently engaged with Shareholders and the Company's advisors in an effort 
to provide Shareholders with options and ensure a rapid and fair distribution of 
cash proceeds to all Shareholders. 2009 proved mildly positive for the Company's 
Net Asset Value, in a year during which the Company was focused on raising cash 
and returning it to shareholders, an effort which has been successful and will 
continue until dissolution. 
In summary, 2009 was complex, busy and trying but overall relatively successful 
in the circumstances. Once again, I thank all of our shareholders for bearing 
with us as we continue the wind-down. 
Christopher Fish 
For the year ended 31 December 2009 
Market Review 
The first couple of months of 2009 was a continuation of the severe sell-off we 
witnessed during 2008. The markets reached a low in mid March and rallied 
significantly thereafter. In some ways the enormous rise seen in both equity and 
credit markets since mid March 2009 had some perplexing undertones. While it was 
true that markets had fallen way beyond the levels most investors had 
anticipated, the speed and breadth of the recovery did not seem to have 
fundamental underpinnings. Market participants were discounting government 
backstops and future top line growth, paying little attention to the cost 
cutting that was driving numbers throughout the year. They also seemed to ignore 
global private credit contraction, persistent unemployment and weak bank balance 
sheets with lack of clarity in terms of further write-downs. Investors also 
shunned global imbalances with significant expansion of central bank balance 
sheets, and artificially low interest rates which could at some point reverse. 
It is an understatement to affirm that 2009 was much more of a Beta (market 
risk) year than an Alpha (outperformance) year. Quality of earnings and cash 
flows were not properly rewarded, and sectors moved in tandem with little regard 
for underlying valuations. Additionally, the level of credit spread tightening 
was somewhat unexpected, with a perceived mispricing of credit risk that we 
believe had very benign (and perhaps unrealistic) consequences for volatility in 
Company Update 
For the Company 2009 was slightly positive with the performance of its USD class 
NAV being +1.11 per cent for the year. This performance was achieved while 
throughout the year we remained focused on increasing liquidity across the 
The Company thus did not participate to any significant extent in the market 
rally mentioned above but managed to raise very significant levels of cash. This 
was done in light of the overwhelming participation of shareholders in the 
December 2008, March 2009 and June 2009 redemptions, as well as the passing by a 
very large majority of the discontinuation vote of the Company on the 3rd 
September and its EGM on the 15th December 2009. 
At the same time in the beginning of the year the Company was able to raise 
enough cash to fully repay its leverage. 
In December 2009 the Company was able to raise significant further cash and 
distribute over 73 per cent of its NAV to all shareholders following the 
unanimous passing of the restructuring proposals on the 15 December 2009. 
More specifically, USD shareholders received 73.43 per cent of the 4 December 
2009 NAV, EUR Shareholders 73.55 per cent, and GBP shareholders 73.61 per cent. 
Leverage and FX Hedging 
The Company started the year with over 2X leverage and managed at the end of 
March 2009 to fully repay its leverage. It has not deployed any leverage since 
and will not do so going forward. 
The FX hedging program of the Company was stopped in December 2009 at the time 
of the cash distribution mentioned above. 
The Company will not be performing currency hedging going forward. This means 
that the EUR and GBP class are exposed to the USD as substantially all the 
remaining underlying holdings are USD denominated. 
Portfolio Update 
We have been focused on liquidating the portfolio and will continue to do so. 
The remainder of the portfolio which has not yet been liquidated represents 
illiquid assets invested into Equity, Arbitrage and Trading managers. However 
the vast majority of the remaining illiquid holdings of the Company are in 
Arbitrage strategies (Absolute Yield, Convertible Arbitrage and Distressed) 
which were generally worst affected by illiquidity in the markets. 
Given the state of the Company and our continued focus on liquidating the 
portfolio and distributing all available cash to Shareholders, our investment 
outlook for 2010 is less relevant as we have commenced the distribution of cash 
in December 2009 (73.5% of the portfolio) and will not be re-investing any 
additional cash raised. Nevertheless, we would like to share with you some 
comments on the liquidity of the portfolio and in addition, as a purely 
qualitative and subjective outlook, we are also providing an expected 
liquidation schedule for the remaining assets of the Company. 
As of today, there is still a significant number of hedge fund managers that 
maintain locked up capital in so called side pockets or suspended funds. 
Bloomberg and Credit Suisse Tremont report the figure of illiquid hedge fund 
assets in the industry at over $77 billion, even after the spectacular rebound 
in most asset classes.  This is still over 5% of the hedge fund industry's total 
assets under management, a number we find simply unacceptable and will continue 
to weigh-in on the reputation of the industry as a whole. This is something that 
is clearly affecting the Company and preventing the complete liquidation of its 
We expect the majority of the remaining illiquid holdings of the Company to be 
liquidated in the next 2-3 years. The below schedule of expected liquidation is 
purely indicative, based on available information at the time and subjective 
expectations. It is by no means guaranteed and may be proved significantly 
Liquidation Schedule* 
|  Cash distributed -   | 73%  | 
|    December 2009      |      | 
|        Q2 2010        |  6%  | 
|        Q3 2010        |  4%  | 
|        Q4 2010        |  2%  | 
|         2011          |  4%  | 
|    2012 or later      | 11%  | 
|        Total          |100%  | 
| *(percentages reflected      | 
| represent rounded figures)   | 
C.M. Advisors Limited 
30 April 2010 
The Directors of the Company are listed below: 
Christopher N. Fish is a British citizen and a Guernsey resident. He was born in 
1945. Since August 2004 he has been acting as Non-executive Chairman of Close 
International Asset Management Holdings Limited and Close International Bank 
Holdings Limited. He is also a Non-executive Director of Close Fund Services 
Limited and Close Bank (Guernsey) Limited. Mr. Fish also holds a Personal 
Fiduciary Licence (issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission) 
covering private company directorships and fiduciary activities. He currently 
holds directorships in a number of regulated entities including mutual funds. 
From 1999 to July 2004, Mr. Fish was a Managing Director of Close International 
Private Banking, which provided Banking, Treasury, Trust and Company Services, 
Asset Management, Mutual Fund Administration and Custodian Trustee Services. In 
1998 he was working for Rea Brothers (Guernsey) Limited as Senior Executive 
Director and Group Head of Trust. Rea was acquired by Close Brothers Plc in 
From 1992 to February 1998 he worked at Coutts & Co., as Managing Director, 
Coutts & Co (Cayman) Ltd then as Americas Offshore Head, and finally as Senior 
Client Partner and Director, Coutts Offshore Businesses: Bahamas, Bermuda, 
Cayman, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man. From 1989 to 1992 Mr. Fish was the Chief 
Executive of Leopold Joseph Holdings (Guernsey) Ltd and from 1973 to 1989 he was 
the Deputy Managing Director of the Royal Bank of Canada (Channel Islands) 
Limited. Mr. Fish started his career in 1963 with Lloyds Bank plc in the 
Executor & Trustee Division. 
Emmanuel Gavaudan was born in 1961 in Paris. He is a French citizen and is 
resident in Hong Kong. Mr. Gavaudan is a Partner of Boussard & Gavaudan Asset 
Management LP ("BGAM"), an alternative asset management partnership with 
approximately US$1.5 billion under management. BGAM's flagship fund in January 
2006 won the EuroHedge Award for best "Convertibles & Equity Arbitrage" fund 
of the year. Prior to founding BGAM in 2003, Mr. Gavaudan was employed by 
Goldman Sachs for 13 years from 1989 until 2002. 
Most recently he was a Partner Managing Director of Goldman Sachs. At the time 
he left Goldman Sachs he was on the boards of Goldman Sachs International and 
Goldman Sachs & Co Bank, as well as being the Co-head of Private Wealth 
Management for Europe and a member of the Private Wealth Management global 
operating committee. Between 1998 and 2000, he was the General Manager of 
Goldman Sachs & Co Bank in Switzerland where he was responsible for all 
divisions, including Private Banking, Equities and Investment Banking. From 1990 
to 1998, he was a private banker at Goldman Sachs International in London where 
his role included all aspects of private client business such as advising 
clients on a variety of investments, providing asset allocation analysis and 
implementing asset allocation decisions. He holds an MBA from the Wharton 
School, University of Pennsylvania (1989) and prior to that he studied at the 
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and the Law School- Paris II Assas: 
Licence de Droit. 
James T. H. Lee* is a British citizen, born in 1948. He is the Deputy Chief 
Executive Officer of EFG International. He previously was the Deputy Chief 
Executive Officer of EFG Bank (since 2003). He joined EFG Bank in 2001 as an 
advisor and was appointed Head of Merchant Banking and Chairman of the credit 
committee in January 2002 and a member of the management committee. Prior to 
2001, Mr. Lee worked for UBS on strategic and tactical acquisitions in the field 
of private banking (1999-2000), and was the Global Head of International Private 
Banking for Bank of America (1997-1998). Between 1973 and 1997 he held various 
positions at Citigroup in Corporate, Investment and Private Banking, including 
being responsible for the Private Bank's Ultra-High Net Worth business in Asia 
and for the Global Investment Advisory business of the Private Bank. In 2000, 
Mr. Lee acted as advisor to several start-up businesses active in the fields of 
e-commerce and healthcare and co-founded an e-commerce company in the UK to 
build portals for specific industries in which he no longer holds any interest. 
Mr. Lee obtained a Bachelors of Science (Honours) degree in Electrical 
Engineering in 1970 and a Masters degree in Management Science and Operational 
Research, both from Imperial College, University of London. 
DIRECTORS (continued) 
Markos Kamchis* (known as Marcos Camhis), born in 1975, is a Greek citizen and a 
Swiss resident. He currently holds the position of Director of Business 
Development for the EFG Asset Management business, based in Geneva.  From July 
2008 to December 2009, he held the position of Director of Business Development 
at C.M. Advisors Limited, a subsidiary of EFG International, focusing on global 
institutional investors. From March 2007 to July 2008 he worked in institutional 
sales at EFG Bank London. From January 2000 to February 2007 Markos held various 
roles within the CMA group of companies. Prior to joining CMA, he worked as a 
consultant in the Strategic Risk Management Group of PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 
London. Markos holds a BA in Politics from Warwick University, an MA in Public 
Administration from the College of Europe in Bruges. 
* - Mr. Lee was a Director of the Company until 8 July 2009. He was replaced by 
Mr. Kamchis as an Executive Director on 7 December 2009. 
The Directors are pleased to present their Annual Report and the Audited 
Financial Statements of CMA Global Hedge PCC Limited (the "Company") for the 
year ended 31 December 2009. 
The Company is a Guernsey, closed-ended, investment protected cell company, 
established with one Cell, the CMA Global Hedge 1 (the "Cell") on 13 June 2006 
to invest in a portfolio of hedge funds managed by C.M. Advisors Limited, a 
Bermuda-based exempt company offering investment management and advisory 
services to funds of hedge funds as well as hedge fund related products. The 
Cell has three classes of shares, US Dollar, Euro and Sterling, each of which is 
listed on the London Stock Exchange. 
At an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of the Company on 17 December 2008, 
it was resolved that the Company would enter into two Redemption Offers and 
create an ongoing discretionary Redemption Facility. On 12 May 2009, the Board 
of Directors of the Company resolved to exercise their discretion to enter into 
a Redemption Facility Offer with an ongoing Redemption Facility. Details of the 
Redemption Offers and Redemption Facility Offer are disclosed on page 11. The 
Company still maintains its closed-ended status. 
Following the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 8 July 2009, the Board 
communicated its intention to offer its shareholders the opportunity to 
determine the future direction of the Company through a vote at an EGM. The 
Board considered that the discontinuation of the Company would be in the best 
interests of the Company's Shareholders as a whole. At an EGM of the Company 
duly convened and held on 3 September 2009, the resolution for the 
discontinuation of the Company was passed and approved as an Ordinary Resolution 
of the Company. Further to this business development, the following wind-down 
proposals have been passed and approved by the shareholders on 15 December 2009 
-           introduction of two options to realise shareholders' investments in 
the Company, with shareholders able 
to elect for the option which best suited their circumstances (the Redemption 
Option or the Cash Option); 
-           amendment of the Company's Investment Objective and Policy in order 
to become a listed run-off 
-           amendment of the Company's Articles of Incorporation in a manner 
consistent with converting to a 
listed run-off vehicle and with offering shareholders the Redemption Option or 
the Cash Option. (*) 
(*) Details of the two options were: 
-           Redemption Option: to retain an interest in a listed vehicle and 
receive realisation distributions (on 
dates at the Directors' sole discretion) until the Company has been formally 
wound up, including an 
initial cash distribution as soon as practicable representing a pro rata share 
of available cash at the time; or 
-           Cash Option: to receive a cash payment or cash payments (the "Cash 
Distribution") equivalent to the 
immediately realisable value of the proportion of the Portfolio attributable to 
shareholding in the 
Pursuant to this Resolution of the Company, the Directors created a portfolio of 
cash and assets representing the aggregate entitlement of the Redemption 
shareholders ("the Redemption Pool") and a pool of cash and assets representing 
the aggregate entitlement of the Cash Distribution Shareholders ("the Cash 
At the initial set-up of these pools, assets, in the form of investments are 
transferred in from the Company's main portfolio. Any subsequent costs and 
expenses directly attributable to the recovery of the investments are charged 
directly to the relevant pool. In the case of the Redemption Pool, the Company 
likewise set up a provision for wind-up costs. 
The Company will be managed with the intention of realising all remaining assets 
in the Portfolio so as to maximise the value of capital returned to 
No new investments will be made during the return of capital to Shareholders. 
The Company is currently ungeared and it is the intention that no new gearing 
will be undertaken, other than short-term borrowings for working capital 
Pending distribution to the Shareholders, the distribution proceeds will be held 
in cash on deposit and/or as cash equivalents. 
DIRECTORS' REPORT (continued) 
Following the 15 December 2009 EGM, the Company's portfolio no longer retained 
sufficient liquidity for the Investment Manager to be able to maintain a full 
currency hedging programme.  Based on the Board's proposal, the Company ceased 
its currency hedging programme following this EGM. 
In accordance with the requirements of the UK Listing Authority, any material 
change to the investment policy of the Company will be made only with the 
approval of Shareholders. 
Due to the high cost of maintaining the Company's existing financial leverage, 
in November 2008 the Directors gave six months notice to Citibank International 
PLC ("Citibank") to terminate the financing agreement and repaid the loan by 31 
March 2009. 
Following the EGM on 17 December 2008, the Board implemented the following 
proposals approved at the meeting, in order to reduce the imbalance between 
supply and demand for the shares in the market and thereby seek to reduce the 
discount to Net Asset Value at which the shares of the Company had been trading: 
-     Redemption Offers in December 2008 and March 2009 of up to 20 per cent. 
each of the Company's issued share capital as at the December 2008 Record Date 
(15 December 2008) and the March 2009 Record Date (24 March 2009).  A redemption 
fee was payable to the Investment Manager equal to 4 per cent of the actual 
aggregate amount of cash owing to a redeeming shareholder following the 
redemption of their shares (the "Actual Cash Proceeds"). 
-     The creation of an on-going Redemption Facility, whereby the Company may 
offer, at the discretion of the Directors, to redeem up to 20 per cent. of the 
Company's issued share capital on a half yearly basis.  Redemption fees payable 
to the Investment Manager were 4 per cent, 3 per cent, and 2 per cent of the 
Actual Cash Proceeds received by redeeming shareholders in 2009, 2010 and 2011 
-     The reduction in the base fee being paid to the Investment Manager in 
accordance with the Investment Management Agreement from 1.25 per cent per annum 
to 1 per cent of the Total Assets of the Company. 
The Board of Directors of the Company subsequently resolved on 12 May 2009 to 
exercise their discretion to offer shareholders in the Company the opportunity 
to participate in a Redemption Facility Offer in June 2009 in respect of up to 
20 per cent of the Company's issued share capital as at June 2009 Record Rate 
(23 June 2009) subject to a redemption fee of 4 per cent of each shareholder's 
Actual Cash Proceeds payable to the Investment Manager. 
The redemption proceeds for shareholders consisted of both liquid and less 
liquid assets.  As a result, the amounts payable to redeeming shareholders 
("Redemption Portfolio") consisted of two elements: (1) an initial cash element 
and (2) an entitlement to receive the realisation proceeds of a pro rata share 
of the less liquid portion of the Company's portfolio that had been selected to 
be realised as part of the redemptions in the December 2008 and March 2009 
Redemption Offers and June 2009 Redemption Facility Offer. 
The Company paid redeeming Shareholders the initial cash element of the 
redemption proceeds in the currency of shares redeemed. The less liquid assets 
which had been selected to be realised were contained in Entitlement Pools in 
respect of each Redemption Offer Date. Redeeming shareholders are paid the 
realisation proceeds of their share of the Entitlement Pools as and when the 
assets are realised and these realisation proceeds may be received as one or 
more cash payments. 
The Company is exempt from Guernsey Income Tax under the Income Tax (Exempt 
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinances, 1989 and 1992 and is charged an annual exemption 
fee of GBP600. 
The results for the year are shown in the Statement of Comprehensive Income on 
page 20. The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend. 
DIRECTORS' REPORT (continued) 
At 31 December 2009 the value of net assets available to Shareholders of the 
Redemption Pool was as follows: 
|                            |           Net |           Shares |     Net |   Quoted | 
|                            |         Asset |               in |   Asset |          | 
|                            |               |                  |   Value |          | 
|                            |         Value |            Issue |     Per |    Share | 
|                            |               |                  |   Share |    Price | 
| US Dollar Share            | US$12,514,802 |        1,539,414 | US$8.13 | US$6.070 | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
| Euro Share                 |    EUR8,932,074 |        1,169,040 |  EUR7.64  |   EUR5.855 | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
| Sterling Share             |  GBP6,356,037 |          817,995 | GBP7.77 | GBP5.955 | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
| At 31 December 2008 the value of net assets available to                |          | 
| shareholders was as follows:                                            |          | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
|                            |           Net |           Shares |     Net |   Quoted | 
|                            |         Asset |               in |   Asset |          | 
|                            |               |                  |   Value |          | 
|                            |         Value |            Issue |     Per |    Share | 
|                            |               |                  |   Share |    Price | 
| US Dollar Share            | US$86,481,257 |      10,686,124  | US$8.09 |  US$3.68 | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
| Euro Share                 |   EUR67,034,562 |       8,596,158  |  EUR7.80  |   EUR3.39  | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
| Sterling Share             | GBP46,283,602 |       5,855,261  | GBP7.90 |  GBP4.03 | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
|                            |               |                  |         |          | 
The Directors listed on pages 8 and 9 served during the year. 
The Directors did not have any beneficial interest in shares of the Company 
during the year or at the end of the year. 
There were no relevant contracts in force during or at the end of the year in 
which any Director had an interest.  There are no service contracts in issue in 
respect of the Company's Directors. 
Each of the Directors (executive and non-executive) is entitled to receive a fee 
of GBP20,000 per annum (GBP35,000 for the Chairman).  Markos Kamchis (known as 
Marcos Camhis), following the same arrangement as James T. H. Lee, has agreed to 
waive his fee during his appointment as Director.  Emmanuel Gavaudan, as 
Chairman of the Audit Committee, will receive an additional GBP5,000 per annum. 
The aggregate remuneration of all Directors shall not exceed GBP150,000. 
As a closed-ended investment company registered in Guernsey, the Company is 
eligible for exemption from the requirements of the Combined Code (the "Code") 
issued by the UK Listing Authority which sets out principles of good governance 
and a code of best practice.  However, the Board has put in place a framework 
for corporate governance which it believes is suitable for an investment company 
and which enables the Company to voluntarily comply with the main requirements 
of the Code. 
The Board considers that the Company has complied with the provisions contained 
in Section 1 of the Code throughout this accounting period except where 
indicated below. The following statement describes how the relevant principles 
of governance are applied to the Company. 
The Board 
The Board currently consists of three Directors, two of whom are non-executive 
directors and independent of the Investment Manager.  Mr. Kamchis is currently 
the Director of Business Development at EFG Bank, a company that is part of the 
same group as the Investment Manager.  The Board does not consider it necessary 
to appoint a senior independent director as Mr. Christopher Fish (Chairman) and 
Mr. Emmanuel Gavaudan (Member of the Board) are independent non-executive 
Directors.  To ensure seat cover (see below) from 16 March 2009 to 16 May 2009, 
Mr. Stavros Papastavrou acted as an Alternate Director for Mr. Christopher Fish. 
The Articles of Association provide that one third of the Directors retire by 
rotation at each annual general meeting. If their number is not three or a 
multiple of three, the number nearest to but not exceeding one third, shall 
retire from office. A Director who retires at an annual general meeting may, if 
willing to act, be re-appointed. The Directors are not subject to automatic 
DIRECTORS' REPORT (continued) 
The Board (continued) 
The Board meets at least four times a year and between these formal meetings 
there is regular contact with the Investment Manager and the Secretary. The 
Directors are kept fully informed of investment and financial controls, and 
other matters that are relevant to the business of the Company and which should 
be brought to the attention of the Directors.  The Directors also have access to 
the Secretary and, where necessary in the furtherance of their duties, to 
independent professional advice at the expense of the Company. For the year 
ended 31 December 2009, details of the attendance of Directors on meetings were 
are follows: 
| Director           | Total number of  |  Total number of   | 
|                    |meetings in 2009  |  meeting attended  | 
|                    |        *         |                    | 
| Mr. C. Fish **  |  |        19        |        19          | 
| Mr. E. Gavaudan |  |        19        |        18          | 
| Mr. J. T. H.    |  |        4         |         4          | 
| Lee             |  |                  |                    | 
| Mr. M. Kamchis  |  |        2         |         2          | 
* comprise of ad hoc meetings, Audit Committee meetings, Management Engagement 
Committee meetings, full Board meeting and committee meeting. 
** was represented by an Alternate Director, Stavros Papastavrou, in one BM and 
ACM held on 27 April 2009 
The Board has a breadth of experience relevant to the Company, and the Directors 
believe that any changes to the Board's composition can be managed without undue 
disruption. With any new Director appointment to the Board, consideration will 
be given as to whether an induction process is appropriate. 
The Board considers agenda items laid out in the Notice and Agenda which are 
formally circulated to the Board in advance of the Meeting as part of the Board 
Papers and therefore Directors may request any agenda items be added that they 
consider appropriate for Board discussion. Additionally, each Director is 
required to inform the Board of any potential or actual conflicts of interest 
prior to Board discussion. 
The Board has not held formal strategy sessions, as the investment strategy, 
which is set out in the Company's prospectus, has been reviewed regularly and 
the Investment Manager has been consulted and advises on the adoption of 
appropriate strategies to employ under prevailing market conditions at any 
particular time within the overall investment restrictions of the Company. 
The Board evaluates its performance and considers the tenure of each Director on 
an annual basis, and believes that the mix of skills, experience, ages and 
length of service are appropriate to the requirements of the Company. 
Directors' Duties and Responsibilities 
The Directors have adopted a set of Reserved Powers, which establish the key 
purpose of the Board and detail its major duties. These duties cover the 
following areas of responsibility: 
| -  | Statutory obligations and public disclosure;              | 
| -  | Strategic matters and financial reporting;                | 
| -  | Oversight of management;                                  | 
| -  | Risk assessment and management, including reporting,      | 
|  | monitoring, governance and control; and,                  | 
| -  | Other matters having material effects on the Company.     | 
These Reserved Powers of the Board have been adopted by the Directors to clearly 
demonstrate the seriousness with which the Board takes its fiduciary 
responsibilities and as an ongoing means of measuring and monitoring the 
effectiveness of its actions. 
Committees of the Board 
The Board has not deemed it necessary to appoint a nomination or remuneration 
committee as, being majority comprised of non-executive Directors, the whole 
Board considers these matters. 
DIRECTORS' REPORT (continued) 
Management Engagement Committee 
A Management Engagement Committee, with defined terms of reference and duties, 
has been established to review annually the terms of the investment management 
agreement between the Company and the Investment Manager. The Management 
Engagement Committee consists of Mr. Gavaudan and Mr. Fish. 
Audit Committee 
An Audit Committee has been established consisting of Mr. Gavaudan and Mr. Fish. 
The Audit Committee is chaired by Mr. Gavaudan. The Audit Committee examines the 
effectiveness of the Company's internal control systems, the annual report and 
accounts and interim report, the auditors' remuneration and engagement, as well 
as the auditors' independence and any non-audit services provided by them. The 
Audit Committee receives information from the Secretary's compliance department 
and the external auditors, whom the Committee meet with at least once a year. 
The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year to review the annual accounts, 
interim accounts and audit timetable and other risk management and governance 
Internal Controls 
The Board is ultimately responsible for the Company's system of internal control 
and for reviewing its effectiveness. The Board confirms that there is an ongoing 
process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks faced by 
the Company. This process has been in place for the period under review and up 
to the date of approval of this Annual Report and Financial Statements, and is 
reviewed by the Board and accords with The Turnbull Guidance. The Code requires 
Directors to conduct at least annually a review of the Company's system of 
internal control, covering all controls, including financial, operational, 
compliance and risk management. 
The Board has reviewed the effectiveness of the system of internal control. In 
particular, it has reviewed and updated the process for identifying and 
evaluating the significant risks affecting the Company and the policies by which 
these risks are managed. 
The internal control systems are designed to meet the Company's particular needs 
and the risks to which it is exposed. Accordingly, the internal control systems 
are designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve 
business objectives and by their nature can only provide reasonable and not 
absolute assurance against misstatement and loss. 
The Company has entered into contractual agreements for the provision of custody 
services, administration, registrar and corporate secretarial functions 
including the independent calculation of the Company's Net Asset Value and the 
production of the Annual Report and Financial Statements which are independently 
audited. While the Board delegates 'day to day' responsibility, it retains 
overall responsibility for the functions it delegates and is responsible for the 
systems of internal control. 
On an ongoing basis compliance reports are provided at each Board meeting by the 
Going Concern 
The Directors are satisfied that it is not appropriate to continue to adopt the 
going concern basis in preparing the financial statements as a result of the 
change in the investment objective of the Company.  Consequently, these 
financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards on a non-going concern basis. Accordingly, 
adjustments have been made to the financial statements to reduce assets to their 
realisable values, to provide for liabilities arising from the decision, and to 
reclassify all assets and liabilities as current. 
Relations with Shareholders 
The Investment Manager and the Company's broker maintain a regular dialogue with 
institutional shareholders, the feedback from which is reported to the Board. In 
addition, the Chairman will be available to respond to Shareholders' questions 
at the Annual General Meeting, after the formal business has been discussed. The 
Board request that all questions be sent to the Company Secretary 48 hours prior 
to the Annual General Meeting. 
DIRECTORS' REPORT (continued) 
Relations with Shareholders (continued) 
The Board monitors the trading activity and shareholder profile on a regular 
basis and maintains contact with the Company's principal market makers to 
ascertain the views of shareholders. Shareholder sentiment is also ascertained 
by the careful monitoring of the discount/premium that the shares are traded in 
the market against the Net Asset Value per share when compared to the discounts 
experienced by the Company's peer group and the results of voting at the various 
Shareholder Meetings held throughout the year.  Major shareholders are contacted 
directly on a regular basis.  In addition, the Investment Manager undertakes 
quarterly conference calls with shareholders, publishes monthly detailed 
performance reports and communicates weekly Net Asset Value estimates. 
Redeeming Shareholders are entitled to receive an indicative valuation of their 
remaining holdings. 
The Company reports formally to Shareholders twice a year and a proxy voting 
card is sent to shareholders with the Annual Report and Financial Statements. 
Additionally, current information is provided to shareholders on an ongoing 
basis through the Company website. The Registrar monitors the voting of the 
shareholders and proxy voting is taken into consideration when votes are cast at 
the Annual General Meeting.  Shareholders may contact the Directors via the 
Company Secretary. 
The Company has an agreement with C.M. Advisors Limited for the provision of 
investment management services.  The Management Engagement Committee has 
established a process for the review of the performance of the Investment 
Manager in managing the portfolio. The Committee has also reviewed the 
appropriateness of the terms of the investment management agreement, in 
particular, the length of the notice period and the fees payable to the 
Investment Manager. 
At the suggestion of the Investment Manager and in consultation with the Board, 
the management fee has been reduced from 1 per cent to 0.25 per cent per annum 
as of 15 December 2009. 
Following their review, it is the opinion of the Directors that the continuing 
appointment of the Investment Manager on the terms agreed is in the interest of 
shareholders as a whole. 
The Directors are aware of the following significant shareholdings at 31 
December 2009: 
|  |       |         |  |               |           |           |                    |    % of | 
|  |       |         |  |               |           |           |                    |   Total | 
|  |       |         |  |            US |      Euro |  Sterling |              Total |  Shares | 
|  |       |         |  |        Dollar |    Shares |    Shares |                    |      in | 
|  |       |         |  |        Shares |           |           |            Shares  |   Issue | 
| The Bank of New    |  |      663,775  |  583,765  |   57,006  |         1,304,546  |  36.99% | 
| York (Nominees)    |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| Limited            |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| Securities Services   |      270,496  |  200,940  |  257,432  |           728,868  |  20.67% | 
| Nominees Limited      |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| HSBC Global        |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| Custody            |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| Nominee (UK)       |  |      140,708  |   74,475  |  188,663  |           403,846  |  11.45% | 
| Limited            |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| Euroclear Nominees |  |      192,748  |   53,570  |   67,532  |           313,850  |   8.90% | 
| Limited            |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| Roy Nominees       |  |          -    |         - |  160,561  |           160,561  |   4.55% | 
| Limited            |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
| BBHISL Nominees    |  |      110,690  |    7,882  |   19,980  |           138,552  |   3.93% | 
| Limited            |  |               |           |           |                    |         | 
The Secretary as at 31 December 2009, HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) 
Limited, has been in office for the whole of the year. 
A resolution to reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP as auditors to the 
Company and authorising the Directors to fix their remuneration will be proposed 
at the Annual General Meeting. 
| STATEMENT OF DIRECTORS'                  |          |         |      | 
| RESPONSIBILITIES                         |          |         |      | 
| The Directors are responsible for preparing the financial            | 
| statements of the Company for each financial year in accordance      | 
| with applicable Guernsey law and regulations.                        | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| The financial statements are required by law to give a true and      | 
| fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the          | 
| profit or loss of the Company for that year.                         | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are           | 
| required to:                                                         | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
|   - | select suitable accounting policies and then apply them        | 
|     | consistently;                                                  | 
|   - | make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and          | 
|     | prudent;                                                       | 
|   - | state whether applicable accounting standards have been        | 
|     | followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and     | 
|     | explained in the financial statements; and                     | 
|   - | prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis    | 
|     | unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will    | 
|     | continue in business.                                          | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| The Company will be managed with the intention of realising all      | 
| remaining assets in the portfolio and the orderly return of          | 
| capital to Shareholders. As such, the Directors have elected to      | 
| prepare the financial statements in accordance with                  | 
| International Financial Reporting Standards on a non-going           | 
| concern basis. Accordingly, adjustments have been made to the        | 
| financial statements to reduce assets to their realisable            | 
| values, to provide for liabilities arising from the decision,        | 
| and to reclassify all assets and liabilities as current.             | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting          | 
| records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the      | 
| financial position of the Company and to enable them to ensure       | 
| that the financial statements comply with The Companies              | 
| (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They have general responsibility for           | 
| taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard        | 
| the assets of the Company and to prevent and detect fraud and        | 
| other irregularities.                                                | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| The Directors confirm that they have complied with the above         | 
| requirements in preparing the financial statements.                  | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION TO AUDITORS    |          |         |      | 
| The Directors who held office at the date of approval of this        | 
| Directors report confirm that, so far as they are each aware,       | 
| there is no relevant audit information of which the Companys        | 
| auditors are unaware; and each Director has taken all the steps      | 
| that he ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware      | 
| of any relevant audit information and to establish that the          | 
| Companys auditors are aware of that information.                    | 
| RULES 4.1.12                                                         | 
| The Directors confirm to the best of     |          |         |      | 
| their knowledge that:                    |          |         |      | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| i) the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the         | 
| applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of        | 
| the assets, liabilities, financial position and net income of        | 
| the Company; and                                                     | 
| ii) the annual report includes a fair review of the development      | 
| and performance of the business and the position of the Company,     | 
| together with a description of the principal risks and               | 
| uncertainties that the Company faces.                                | 
|                                                                      | 
| The financial statements are published on the website                | 
| www.cmaglobalhedge.com, which is maintained by the Company's         | 
| Investment Manager. The maintenance and integrity of the website     | 
| is, so far as relates to the Company, the responsibility of the      | 
| Investment Manager. The work carried out by the auditors does        | 
| not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the     | 
| auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have      | 
| occurred to the financial statements since they were initially       | 
| presented on the website.                                            | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| By order of the Board    |       |       |          |         |      | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| Christopher |        |   |       |       | Emmanuel           |      | 
| Fish        |        |   |       |       | Gavaudan           |      | 
| Director    |        |   |       |       | Director |         |      | 
|     |       |        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| 30 April 2010        |   |       |       |          |         |      | 
| PORTFOLIO STATEMENT                    |          |          |               |          |            | 
| As at 31 December 2009                 |          |          |               |          |            | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          | Percentage | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
|                                        |   Number |          |               |          |     of Net | 
|                                        |       of |          |               |          |      Asset | 
|                                        |  shares/ |          |         Value |          |     Value  | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
|                                        |    units |          |         US$   |          |         %  | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Investments at net realisable value    |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Amber Fund (Cayman) Ltd Class R Sub    |  26,987  |          |    1,124,637  |          |      3.16  | 
| Class 3 Series One                     |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Archer Capital OffshoreFund Ltd Side   |   1,793  |          |    1,262,093  |          |      3.55  | 
| Pocket Nov 2008                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |   9,210  |          |    1,457,995  |          |      4.10  | 
| Shares Series 1                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |   4,585  |          |      725,773  |          |      2.03  | 
| Shares Series 2                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |   2,636  |          |      417,300  |          |      1.17  | 
| Shares Series 3                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |   8,610  |          |    1,362,970  |          |      3.83  | 
| Shares Series 4                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |     293  |          |       46,349  |          |      0.13  | 
| Shares Series 5                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |      70  |          |       11,069  |          |      0.03  | 
| Shares Series 6                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |      62  |          |        9,785  |          |      0.02  | 
| Shares Series 7                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |     237  |          |       37,551  |          |      0.11  | 
| Shares Series 8                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |   3,320  |          |      525,551  |          |      1.48  | 
| Shares Series 9                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Autonomy Capital Fund Ltd Class AB SPV |     148  |          |       23,445  |          |      0.07  | 
| Shares Series 10                       |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Carrington Investment Partners LP      |  15,305  |          |   10,363,663  |          |     29.12  | 
| Class A                                |          |          |               |          |            | 
| CPIM Structured Credit Fund 1000 Inc   |  94,095  |          |    2,043,113  |          |      5.74  | 
| Class AQ1 Shrs                         |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Enable Ltd Class A Initial Series Seg  |   2,391  |          |    2,541,346  |          |      7.14  | 
| Port (10/31)                           |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Enable Ltd Class A Series May 2009 Seg |      13  |          |       11,283  |          |      0.03  | 
| Port (10/31)                           |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Epic Special Purpose Vehicle Series    |   1,223  |          |      617,203  |          |      1.73  | 
| D11                                    |          |          |               |          |            | 
| GLG European Long/Short (Special       |  15,941  |          |    1,329,299  |          |      3.74  | 
| Assets) Fund Class A                   |          |          |               |          |            | 
| GPS Income Fund (Cayman) Ltd Class R   |     199  |          |      169,646  |          |      0.48  | 
| Series 1                               |          |          |               |          |            | 
| GPS New Equity Fund (Cayman) Ltd Class |      88  |          |       73,196  |          |      0.21  | 
| R Series 1                             |          |          |               |          |            | 
| JABCAP Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd Class   |  80,983  |          |   10,284,794  |          |     28.90  | 
| D2 Non New Issue                       |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Laurus Offshore Fund Ltd Class B       |  56,649  |          |    8,440,640  |          |     23.72  | 
| Benchmark 2                            |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Litespeed Offshore Fund Ltd Series S   |   4,988  |          |      515,674  |          |      1.44  | 
| Lucas Energy Total Return Offshore Ltd |   2,239  |          |    1,570,223  |          |      4.41  | 
| Class B Series Mar 2008                |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Lucas Energy Total Return Offshore Ltd |     109  |          |      142,484  |          |      0.40  | 
| Class B Series Mar 2008 - S SH S1      |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Ore Hill SLV-2 Ltd Class AR Sub Class  |     220  |          |      158,490  |          |      0.45  | 
| F Series Feb 2007                      |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Ore Hill SLV-2 Ltd Class AR Sub Class  |   1,671  |          |    1,422,813  |          |      4.00  | 
| F Series Initial Series                |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Pardus Special Opportunities Fund I    |   1,500  |          |      554,842  |          |      1.56  | 
| Ltd Class B Series Mar 2007            |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Pardus Special Opportunities Fund I    |   9,168  |          |    5,611,673  |          |     15.77  | 
| Ltd Class B Series 1                   |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Pardus Special Opportunities Fund I    |   1,500  |          |      522,750  |          |      1.47  | 
| Ltd Class D Series July 2007           |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Plexus Fund Ltd Class A-3              |  31,341  |          |    1,850,904  |          |      5.20  | 
| Quantek Opportunity Fund Ltd Class A   |    3,204 |          |     3,393,800 |          |       9.54 | 
| Series Mar 2008 Participating Non      |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Voting Shrs                            |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Quantek Opportunity Fund Ltd Class A1  |   6,606  |          |    7,035,915  |          |     19.77  | 
| Red Participating Non Voting Shrs      |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Tyticus Overseas Partners II Ltd Class |   4,342  |          |    3,472,265  |          |      9.76  | 
| A Tranche II Series Initial            |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Warrant Strategies Offshore Fund Ltd   |   5,000  |          |    5,166,656  |          |     14.52  | 
| Class B Series Aug 2008                |          |          |               |          |            | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Adjustment to the value of Cash Pool   |          |          |   (4,002,122) |          |    (11.25) | 
| investments                            |          |          |               |          |            | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Total investments at net realisable    |          |          |   70,295,068  |          |    197.53  | 
| value                                  |          |          |               |          |            | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents              |          |          |   16,487,833  |          |     46.33  | 
| Other net liabilities                  |          |          |  (51,195,294) |          |   (143.86) | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Total shareholders' funds              |          |          |   35,587,607  |          |    100.00  | 
|                                        |          |          |               |          |            | 
| Note: Adjustment to the value of Cash Pool investments (shown above) aggregating to                  | 
| US$4 million relates to the investments allocated to the Cash Pool. This adjustment was              | 
| assessed on the Cash Pool portfolio as a whole, as derived from the secondary market                 | 
| auction process undertaken and therefore can not be specifically attributed to a                     | 
| specific investment under the Cash Pool portfolio. The table above shows the aggregated              | 
| portfolio position of the Company as a whole.                                                        | 
| INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF                                  |          | 
| CMA GLOBAL HEDGE PCC LIMITED                                                    |          | 
| We have audited the financial statements of CMA Global Hedge PCC Limited for    |          | 
| the year ended 31 December 2009 which comprise the Statement of Comprehensive   |          | 
| Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Financial Position,        |          | 
| Statement of Cash Flows and the related notes. These financial statements have  |          | 
| been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein.                    |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
| Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors  |      |      |          |          | 
| The directors' responsibilities for preparing the financial statements in       |          | 
| accordance with applicable Guernsey law and International Financial Reporting   |          | 
| Standards are set out in the Statement of Directors' Responsibilities.          |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with      |          | 
| relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on       |          | 
| Auditing (UK and Ireland). This report, including the opinion, has been         |          | 
| prepared for and only for the Company's members as a body in accordance with    |          | 
| Section 262 of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 and for no other purpose.  We |          | 
| do not, in giving this opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any other   |          | 
| purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands |          | 
| it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.        |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true |          | 
| and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with The Companies        |          | 
| (Guernsey) Law, 2008. We also report to you whether in our opinion the          |          | 
| information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with the financial     |          | 
| statements.                                                                     |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the Company has not kept       |          | 
| proper accounting records or if we have not received all the information and    |          | 
| explanations we require for our audit.                                          |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| We read the other information contained in the Annual Report and consider the   |          | 
| implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or |          | 
| material inconsistencies with the financial statements. The other information   |          | 
| comprises only the investment manager's report, the portfolio statement, the    |          | 
| chairman's statement, the directors' pages and the directors' report.           |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| Basis of audit opinion     |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing   |          | 
| (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes      |          | 
| examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and           |          | 
| disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the  |          | 
| significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation   |          | 
| of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are         |          | 
| appropriate to the Company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately |          | 
| disclosed.                                                                      |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and      |          | 
| explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with          |          | 
| sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements  |          | 
| are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other           |          | 
| irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall     |          | 
| adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.        |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
+                                                                                 +----------+ 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| Opinion             |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| In our opinion:     |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|       -  | the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance    |          | 
|          | with International Financial Reporting Standards, of the state of    |          | 
|          | the Company's affairs as at 31 December 2009 and of its profit and   |          | 
|          | cash flows for the year then ended;                                  |          | 
+----------+                                                                      +----------+ 
|          |                                                                      |          | 
+----------+                                                                      +----------+ 
|          |                                                                      |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|       -  | the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance   |          | 
|          | with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008; and                         |          | 
+----------+                                                                      +----------+ 
|          |                                                                      |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|       -  | the information given in the Directors' Report is consistent with    |          | 
|          | the financial statements.                                            |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|                                       18                                        |          | 
|                                                                                 |          | 
|                INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF                   |          | 
| CMA GLOBAL HEDGE PCC LIMITED (continued)                                        |          | 
| Emphasis of Matter         |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| We draw your attention to Note 1 which explains that the Company will be        |          | 
| managed with the intention of realising all remaining assets in the portfolio   |          | 
| so as to maximise the orderly return of capital to shareholders. Accordingly    |          | 
| the going concern basis of accounting is no longer appropriate. Adjustments     |          | 
| have been made in these financial statements to reduce assets to their          |          | 
| realisable values, to provide for liabilities arising from the decision, and to |          | 
| reclassify fixed assets and long-term liabilities as current assets and         |          | 
| liabilities. Our opinion is not qualified in this respect.                      |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP     |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| Chartered Accountants      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| Guernsey, Channel Islands         |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| 30 April 2010              |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
|          |          |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |          |          | 
| STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                          | 
| For the year ended 31st December 2009                                      | 
|                             |       |  CMA Global |     Non- |    Company  | 
|                             |       |     Hedge 1 | cellular |       Total | 
|                             |       |        Cell |          |             | 
|                             |Notes  |         US$ |      US$ |         US$ | 
|                             |       |             |          |             | 
| Dividend income             | 2(f)  |      15,930 |        - |      15,930 | 
| Interest income             | 2(f)  |      26,105 |        - |      26,105 | 
| Other investment income     |       |      20,667 |        - |      20,667 | 
| Net changes in value of     |       |  11,184,345 |        - |  11,184,345 | 
| investments and derivative  |       |             |          |             | 
| financial instruments       |       |             |          |             | 
| Net changes in value of     |  5    |   1,656,293 |        - |   1,656,293 | 
| Cash Pool and Entitlement   |       |             |          |             | 
| Pool liabilities            |       |             |          |             | 
| Foreign currency gains      |       |     734,384 |        - |     734,384 | 
| Total net investment gain   |       |  13,637,724 |        - |  13,637,724 | 
| Expenses                    |  7    | (5,198,215) |        - | (5,198,215) | 
| Finance costs               |  16   |   (613,272) |        - |   (613,272) | 
| Profit for the year         |       |   7,826,237 |        - |   7,826,237 | 
|                             |       |             |          |             | 
| Basic and diluted earnings  |  10   |     US$0.20 |          |             | 
| per US Dollar Share         |       |             |          |             | 
| Basic and diluted losses    |  10   |     EUR(0.01) |          |             | 
| per Euro Share              |       |             |          |             | 
| Basic and diluted earnings  |  10   |     GBP0.94 |          |             | 
| per Sterling Share          |       |             |          |             | 
|                                     |             |          |             | 
| All gains and losses have been recognised on the Statement of              | 
| Comprehensive Income and arise from discontinuing operations.              | 
|                                                                            | 
| The notes on pages 26 to 46 form an integral part of these                 | 
| financial statements                                                       | 
|                                    20                                      | 
|                                                                            | 
| STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                             | 
| For the year ended 31st December 2008                                         | 
|                                    |    CMA Global |     Non- |      Company  | 
|                                    |       Hedge 1 | cellular |         Total | 
|                                    |          Cell |          |               | 
|                            |Notes  |           US$ |      US$ |           US$ | 
|                            |       |               |          |               | 
| Interest income            | 2(f)  |       428,751 |        - |       428,751 | 
| Other investment income    |       |           616 |        - |           616 | 
| Net changes in value of    |  5    | (161,665,302) |        - | (161,665,302) | 
| investments and derivative |       |               |          |               | 
| financial instruments      |       |               |          |               | 
| Foreign currency losses    |       |      (83,286) |        - |      (83,286) | 
| Total net investment loss  |       | (161,319,221) |        - | (161,319,221) | 
| Expenses                   |  7    |  (12,214,252) |        - |  (12,214,252) | 
| Finance costs              |  16   |  (16,884,823) |        - |  (16,884,823) | 
| Loss for the year          |       | (190,418,296) |        - | (190,418,296) | 
|                            |       |               |          |               | 
| Basic and diluted losses   |  10   |     US$(3.43) |          |               | 
| per US Dollar Share        |       |               |          |               | 
| Basic and diluted losses   |  10   |       EUR(3.70) |          |               | 
| per Euro Share             |       |               |          |               | 
| Basic and diluted losses   |  10   |     GBP(6.36) |          |               | 
| per Sterling Share         |       |               |          |               | 
|                                    |               |          |               | 
| All gains and losses have been recognised on the Statement of                 | 
| Comprehensive Income and arise from discontinuing operations.                 | 
|                                                                               | 
| The notes on pages 26 to 46 form an integral part of these                    | 
| financial statements                                                          | 
|                                      21                                       | 
| STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                                                | 
| For the year ended 31st December 2009                                                         | 
|                     |                      CMA Global Hedge 1 Cell |     Non- |               | 
|                     |                                              | cellular |               | 
|                     |         Share |     Retained |         Total |    Share |       Company | 
|                     |       Premium |     Earnings |               |  Capital |               | 
|                     |               |              |               |          |         Total | 
|             | Notes |           US$ |          US$ |           US$ |      US$ |           US$ | 
|             |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| Equity at 1 |       |   336,302,043 | (88,716,669) |   247,585,374 |        2 |   247,585,376 | 
| January     |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| 2009        |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| Profit for  |       |             - |    7,826,237 |     7,826,237 |        - |     7,826,237 | 
| the year    |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| Redemption  |       | (219,824,004) |            - | (219,824,004) |        - | (219,824,004) | 
| of equity   |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| shares      |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
|             |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| Equity at   |  18   |   116,478,039 | (80,890,432) |    35,587,607 |        2 |    35,587,609 | 
| 31 December |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
| 2009        |       |               |              |               |          |               | 
|                     |               |              |               |          |               | 
| Equity at 1 |    |  398,597,906 |   101,701,627 |   500,299,533 |    2 |   500,299,535 | 
| January     |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
| 2008        |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
| Loss for    |    |            - | (190,418,296) | (190,418,296) |    - | (190,418,296) | 
| the year    |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
| Redemption  |    | (62,295,863) |             - |  (62,295,863) |    - |  (62,295,863) | 
| of equity   |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
| shares      |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
| Equity at   |18  |  336,302,043 |  (88,716,669) |   247,585,374 |    2 |   247,585,376 | 
| 31 December |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
| 2008        |    |              |               |               |      |               | 
|                  |              |               |               |      |               | 
| The notes on pages 26 to 46 form an integral part of these          | 
| financial statements                                                | 
|                                 22                                  | 
| STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                             | 
| As at 31st December 2009                                                    | 
|                            |Notes  |   CMA Global |     Non- |     Company  | 
|                            |       |      Hedge 1 | cellular |        Total | 
|                            |       |         Cell |          |              | 
|                            |       |          US$ |      US$ |          US$ | 
| ASSETS                     |       |              |          |              | 
| Investments                |2(d),  |   70,295,068 |        - |   70,295,068 | 
|                            |  5    |              |          |              | 
| Receivables and            |  12   |    3,405,212 |        2 |    3,405,214 | 
| prepayments                |       |              |          |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |       |   16,487,833 |        - |   16,487,833 | 
| TOTAL ASSETS               |       |   90,188,113 |        2 |   90,188,115 | 
|                            |       |              |          |              | 
| EQUITY                     |       |              |          |              | 
| Called up share capital    |  17   |            - |        2 |            2 | 
| Share premium              |       |  116,478,039 |        - |  116,478,039 | 
| Retained earnings          |       | (80,890,432) |        - | (80,890,432) | 
| TOTAL EQUITY               |       |   35,587,607 |        2 |   35,587,607 | 
|                            |       |              |          |              | 
| LIABILITIES                |       |              |          |              | 
| Payables and accrued       |  13   |   54,600,506 |        - |   54,600,506 | 
| expenses                   |       |              |          |              | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES          |       |   54,600,506 |        - |   54,600,506 | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND           |       |   90,188,133 |        2 |   90,188,115 | 
| LIABILITIES                |       |              |          |              | 
|                            |       |              |          |              | 
| Net Asset Value per US     |  11   |      US$8.13 |          |              | 
| Dollar Share               |       |              |          |              | 
| Net Asset Value per Euro   |  11   |        EUR7.64 |          |              | 
| Share                      |       |              |          |              | 
| Net Asset Value per        |  11   |      GBP7.77 |          |              | 
| Sterling Share             |       |              |          |              | 
|                                    |              |          |              | 
| The financial statements on pages 20 to 46 were approved by the     | 
| Board of Directors on 30th April 2010 and were signed on its behalf | 
| by :                                                                | 
|                                                                     | 
| Mr Christopher Fish                                                 | 
| Mr Emmanuel Gavaudan                                                | 
| Director                                                            | 
| Director                                                            | 
|                                                                     | 
| The notes on pages 26 to 46 form an integral part of these          | 
| financial statements                                                | 
|                                 23                                  | 
| STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                             | 
| As at 31st December 2008                                                    | 
|                            |Notes  |   CMA Global |     Non- |     Company  | 
|                            |       |      Hedge 1 | cellular |        Total | 
|                            |       |         Cell |          |              | 
|                            |       |          US$ |      US$ |          US$ | 
| ASSETS                     |       |              |          |              | 
| Investments                |2(d),  |  545,440,021 |        - |  545,440,021 | 
|                            |  5    |              |          |              | 
| Forward foreign currency   |2(d),  |      429,368 |        - |      429,368 | 
| contracts                  |  5    |              |          |              | 
| Receivables and accrued    |  12   |   84,232,731 |        2 |   84,232,733 | 
| income                     |       |              |          |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |       |   16,587,005 |        - |   16,587,005 | 
| TOTAL ASSETS               |       |  646,689,125 |        2 |  646,689,127 | 
|                            |       |              |          |              | 
| EQUITY                     |       |              |          |              | 
| Called up share capital    |  17   |            - |        2 |            2 | 
| Share premium              |       |  336,302,043 |        - |  336,302,043 | 
| Retained earnings          |       | (88,716,669) |        - | (88,716,669) | 
| TOTAL EQUITY               |       |  247,585,374 |        2 |  247,585,376 | 
|                            |       |              |          |              | 
| LIABILITIES                |       |              |          |              | 
| Forward foreign currency   |2(d),  |    2,179,465 |        - |    2,179,465 | 
| contracts                  |  5    |              |          |              | 
| Payables and accrued       |  13   |   64,914,902 |        - |   64,914,902 | 
| expenses                   |       |              |          |              | 
| Loan payable               |  16   |  332,009,384 |        - |  332,009,384 | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES          |       |  399,103,751 |        - |  399,103,751 | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND           |       |  646,689,125 |        2 |  646,689,127 | 
| LIABILITIES                |       |              |          |              | 
|                            |       |              |          |              | 
| Net Asset Value per US     |  11   |      US$8.09 |          |              | 
| Dollar Share               |       |              |          |              | 
| Net Asset Value per Euro   |  11   |        EUR7.80 |          |              | 
| Share                      |       |              |          |              | 
| Net Asset Value per        |  11   |      GBP7.90 |          |              | 
| Sterling Share             |       |              |          |              | 
|                                    |              |          |              | 
| The notes on pages 26 to 46 form an integral part of these          | 
| financial statements                                                | 
|                                 24                                  | 
| STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                                          | 
| For the year ended 31 December 2009                                              | 
| CMA Global Hedge 1 Cell                                                          | 
| and Company                                                                      | 
| 2009                       2008                                                  | 
| US$                        US$                                                   | 
| CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                             | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year                 7,826,237               (190,418,296) | 
| Adjustments for:                                                                 | 
| Net changes in value of                  (11,184,345)               161,665,302  | 
| investments and derivative                                                       | 
| financial instruments                                                            | 
| Net changes in value of Cash              (1,656,293)                        -   | 
| Pool and Entitlement Pool                                                        | 
| liabilities                                                                      | 
| Dividend income                              (15,930)                        -   | 
| Interest income                              (26,105)                  (428,751) | 
| (5,056,436)               (29,181,745)                                           | 
| Changes in other receivables                (945,790)               (87,674,967) | 
| and payables                                                                     | 
| Purchases of investments                 (15,513,467)              (157,758,179) | 
| Proceeds from sales of                   579,479,557                426,086,386  | 
| investments                                                                      | 
| Realised gains/(losses) on forward         1,641,271                (37,782,995) | 
| foreign currency contracts                                                       | 
| 559,605,135                113,688,500                                           | 
| Dividend received                             15,930                          -  | 
| Interest received                             25,342                    429,947  | 
| NET CASH FROM OPERATING                  559,646,407                114,118,447  | 
| ACTIVITIES                                                                       | 
| CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                             | 
| Loans drawn down                          16,140,992                103,409,915  | 
| Loans repaid                            (348,150,376)              (222,759,043) | 
| Equity shares redeemed                  (227,736,195)                        -   | 
| NET CASH USED IN FINANCING              (559,745,579)              (119,349,128) | 
| ACTIVITIES                                                                       | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in                   (99,172)                (5,230,681) | 
| cash and cash equivalents                                                        | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at              16,587,005                 21,817,686  | 
| beginning of the year                                                            | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at              16,487,833                 16,587,005  | 
| end of the year                                                                  | 
|                                                                                  | 
| The notes on pages 26 to 46 form an integral part of these          | 
| financial statements                                                | 
For the year ended 31 December 2009 
CMA Global Hedge PCC Limited (the "Company") is a Guernsey, closed-ended, 
investment protected cell company listed on the London Stock Exchange 
established with one cell, the CMA Global Hedge 1 (the "Cell") on 13 June 2006 
to invest in a portfolio of hedge funds, that is managed by C.M. Advisors 
Limited, a Bermuda-based exempt company offering investment management and 
advisory services to funds of hedge funds as well as hedge fund related 
products. The Cell currently has three share classes, a US Dollar Class, a Euro 
Class and a Sterling Class. 
Following the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") on 17 December 2008, the 
Board implemented the following proposals approved at the meeting, in order to 
reduce the imbalance between supply and demand for the shares in the market and 
thereby seek to reduce the discount to Net Asset Value at which the shares of 
the Company have been trading: 
-     Redemption Offers in December 2008 and March 2009 of up to 20 per cent 
each of the Company's issued share capital as at the December 2008 Record Date 
(15 December 2008) and the March 2009 Record Date (24 March 2009). A redemption 
fee is payable to the Investment Manager equal to 4 per cent of the actual 
aggregate amount of cash owing to a redeeming shareholder following the 
redemption of their shares (the "Actual Cash Proceeds"). 
-     The creation of an on-going Redemption Facility, whereby the Company may 
offer, at the discretion of the Directors, to redeem up to 20 per cent of the 
Company's issued share capital on a half yearly basis. Redemption fees payable 
to the Investment Manager are 4 per cent, 3 per cent, and 2 per cent of the 
Actual Cash Proceeds received by redeeming shareholders in 2009, 2010 and 2011 
The Board of Directors of the Company subsequently resolved on 12 May 2009 to 
exercise their discretion to offer shareholders in the Company the opportunity 
to participate in a Redemption Facility Offer in June 2009 in respect of up to 
20 per cent of the Company's issued share capital as at June 2009 Record Rate 
(23 June 2009) with a redemption fee of 4 per cent of each shareholder's Actual 
Cash Proceeds payable to the Investment Manager. 
Following the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") on 8 July 2009, the Board 
communicated its intention to offer its shareholders the opportunity to 
determine the future direction of the Company through a vote at an EGM. The 
Board considered that the discontinuation of the Company would be in the best 
interests of the Company's Shareholders as a whole. At an EGM of the Company 
duly convened and held on 3 September 2009, the resolution for the 
discontinuation of the Company was passed and approved as an Ordinary Resolution 
of the Company. Further to this business development, the Company shares are no 
longer offered for subscription to potential and current investments. In 
addition, the following wind-down proposals have been passed and approved by the 
shareholders at the 15 December 2009 EGM: 
-     introduction of two options to realise shareholders' investments in the 
Company, with shareholders able 
to elect for the option which best suits their circumstances (the Redemption 
Option or the Cash Option); 
-     amendment of the Company's Investment Objective and Policy in order to 
become a listed run-off      vehicle; 
-     amendment of the Company's Articles of Incorporation in a manner 
consistent with converting to a 
listed run-off vehicle and with offering shareholders the Redemption Option or 
the Cash Option. 
Details of the two options mentioned above follow: 
-     Redemption Option: to retain an interest in a listed vehicle and receive 
realisation distributions (on dates at the Directors' sole discretion) until the 
Company is formally wound up, including initial cash distribution as soon as 
practicable representing a pro rata share of available cash at the time; or 
-     Cash Option: to receive a cash payment or cash payments (the "Cash 
Distribution") equivalent to the immediately realisable value of the proportion 
of the Portfolio attributable to shareholding in the Company, 
The approval of these Options caused the division of the Company's portfolio 
into a Redemption Pool and a Cash Pool (Note 15).  Net assets attributable to 
Redemption Option Shareholders is represented by the total net assets of CMA 
Global Hedge 1 Cell. 
The Company will be managed with the intention of realising all remaining assets 
in the portfolio so as to maximise the orderly return of capital to 
a) Statement of compliance and basis of preparation 
The financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards ("IFRS") on a non-going concern basis and applicable legal 
and regulatory requirements of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The financial 
statements give a true and fair view and are in compliance with The Companies 
(Guernsey) Law, 2008. 
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure 
and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority. 
As the financial statements have been prepared on a non-going concern basis: 
-     investments and other net assets are stated at their net realisable 
values; and 
-     a provision for future wind up costs of the Company has been included in 
the financial statements. 
b) Adoption of new and revised accounting standards 
The Company has adopted IAS 32 (amendment), 'Financial instruments: 
presentation and consequential amendments to IAS 1 'Presentation of financial 
instruments', as of 1 January 2009.  The objective of the standard is to enhance 
financial statement users' understanding of the significance of financial 
instruments to an entity's financial position, performance, and cash flows.  In 
particular, the standard addresses classification of a financial instrument 
issued by an enterprise as a liability or as equity and disclosures about 
financial instruments, including information as to their fair value. 
The Company has applied revised IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements' 
(2007), which became effective as of 1 January 2009.  As a result, the Company 
presents in the statement of changes in shareholders' equity all owner equity 
changes, whereas all non-owner changes in equity are presented in the statement 
of comprehensive income.  This presentation has been applied in these financial 
statements as of and for the year ended 31 December 2009. Comparative 
information has been represented so that it also is in conformity with the 
revised standard.  Since the change in accounting policy only impacts 
presentation aspects, there is no impact on earnings per share. 
The Company has adopted IFRS 7 (amendment) 'Financial instruments:  Disclosures' 
as of 1 January 2009.  The amendment requires enhanced disclosures about fair 
value measurement and liquidity risk.  In particular, the amendment requires 
disclosure of fair value measurements by level of a fair value measurement 
hierarchy.  The adoption of the amendment results in additional disclosures but 
does not have an impact on the reported Company's financial position or 
The Company has adopted IFRS 8 'Operating segments' as of 1 January 2009.  The 
standard requires a 'management approach', under which segment information is 
presented on the same basis as that used for internal reporting purposes. The 
Board, as a whole, has been determined as constituting the chief operating 
decision maker of the Company. The Board has considered the requirements of IFRS 
8, and is of the view that the Company has three operating segments. These are 
the Redemption Pool for those Shareholders who retained an interest in a listed 
vehicle and receive realisation distributions, the Cash Pool for those 
Shareholders who elected to receive a cash payment equivalent to the immediately 
realisable value of the portfolio and the Entitlement Pools where a residual 
portfolio is realised on behalf of the Shareholders who elected to enter into 
the Redemption Offers. 
c) Applicable new standards and interpretations not yet effective 
A number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations in issue 
are not yet effective for the year ended 31 December 2009, and have not been 
applied in preparing these financial statements.  None of these will have an 
effect on the financial statements of the Company, with the exception of IFRS 9 
Financial Instruments, published on 12 November 2009 as part of phase 1 of the 
IASB's comprehensive project to replace IAS 39. 
IFRS 9 deals with classification and measurement of financial assets and its 
requirements represent a significant change from the existing requirements in 
IAS 39 in respect of financial assets.  The standard contains two primary 
measurement categories for financial assets:  amortised cost and fair value.  A 
financial asset would be measured at amortised cost if it is held within a 
business model whose objective is to hold assets in order to collect contractual 
cash flows, and the asset's contractual terms give rise on specified dates to 
cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal 
outstanding.  All other financial assets would be measured at fair value.  The 
standard eliminates the existing IAS 39 categories of held to maturity, 
available for sale and loans and receivables. 
For an investment in an equity instrument which is not held for trading, the 
standard permits an irrevocable election, on initial recognition, on an 
individual share-by-share basis, to present all fair value changes from the 
investment in other comprehensive income.  No amount recognised in other 
comprehensive income would ever be reclassified to profit or loss.  However, 
dividends on such investments are recognised in profit or loss, rather than 
other comprehensive income unless they clearly represent a partial recovery of 
the cost of the investment.  Investments in equity instruments in respect of 
which an entity does not elect to present fair value changes in other 
comprehensive income would be measured at fair value with changes in fair value 
recognised in profit or loss. 
The standard requires that derivatives embedded in contracts with a host that is 
a financial asset within the scope of the standard are not separated; instead 
the hybrid financial instrument is assessed in its entirety as to whether it 
should be measured at amortised cost or fair value. 
The standard is effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 
2013.  Earlier application is permitted. 
The Company is currently in the process of evaluating the potential effect of 
this standard with particular focus on the non-going concern basis of 
preparation required for all future financial statements of the Company. 
d) Investments and derivative financial instruments 
Following the change in the basis of preparing the financial statements during 
the year, brought about by the change in Company's investment objective and 
policy, investments and derivative financial instruments have been accounted for 
as follows: 
For the year ended 31 December 2008 
In accordance with IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', 
the Company designated all of its investments as at fair value through profit or 
loss. The investments of the Company are principally in open ended collective 
investment schemes. Derivatives are also categorised as financial assets at fair 
value through profit or loss. 
Initial recognition and measurement 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognised on the 
trade date at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are measured 
at fair value with changes in their fair value recognised in the Statement of 
Comprehensive Income. 
Transaction costs are expensed as incurred in the Statement of Comprehensive 
Fair value measurement principles 
Investments in the underlying funds are valued at the values (whether final or 
estimated, as appropriate) provided by their managers or their administrators. 
These values may be unaudited or may themselves be estimates. The managers or 
administrators of the underlying funds in most cases provide values as at each 
month end. 
If, in the case of any investment, the Directors, at any time consider that the 
above basis of valuation is inapplicable or that the value determined in 
accordance with the foregoing principles is unfair they shall be entitled to 
substitute what, in their opinion, is a fair value thereof. Where no independent 
market price is available, the price provided by the Investment Manager has been 
used. This will generally be the last traded price in each asset, where this 
does not provide a fair estimate of the current value then the prices of 
comparable assets will be used as a basis for a valuation. 
The value of forwards, futures, options and any other synthetic instruments held 
by the Company and traded on an exchange are valued at the closing trading price 
at the end of the reporting period. Where such instruments are traded over the 
counter they are valued at prices obtained from the relevant counterparty. 
Realised and unrealised gains and losses 
Realised gains and losses on investments are calculated by reference to the net 
proceeds received on disposal and the average cost attributable to those 
investments. Unrealised gains and losses are calculated by reference to the 
average cost attributable to those investments. All realised and unrealised 
gains and losses are included in net gains and losses from investments in the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
A financial asset is derecognised when the Company no longer has control over 
the contractual rights that comprise that asset. This occurs when the rights are 
realised, expire or are surrendered. 
Investments that are sold are derecognised and corresponding receivables from 
the buyer for the payment are recognised as of the date the Company commits to 
sell the assets. 
For the year ended 31 December 2009 
Following the non-going concern basis in preparing the financial statements, 
investments and derivative financial instruments are stated at their net 
realisable values.  Investments realisable at their net asset value price are 
valued based on estimated or final prices provided by the underlying fund 
managers or their administrators.  Investments not realisable at their net asset 
value price are valued based on values realisable on a secondary market 
Investments and other net assets relating to the Cash Pool are valued at the 
value inherent in the offer for the whole portfolio rather than a security by 
security basis in-line with the secondary market transaction, which was priced 
as a portfolio rather than individual securities. Changes in realisable values 
are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.  The Directors believe 
that this reflects the best estimate of net realisable value. 
Adjustment to the value of Cash Pool investments 
In the case of investments held under the Cash Pool where immediate realisation 
of the assets in a secondary market results in a substantial difference between 
the prices provided by the underlying investment fund managers or their 
administrators to the actual realisable amount, the Company makes a collective 
assessment of these investments as to the realisable value had an immediate sale 
occured. The difference between the initial value shown from administrator 
statements and the realisable value from immediate realisation is accounted for 
as an adjustment to the value of Cash Pool investments included in Net changes 
in value of investments in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
e) Foreign currency translation 
Functional and presentation currency 
Subscriptions and redemptions of the shares are denominated in US Dollars, Euro 
and Sterling. The primary activity of the Company was to invest in US securities 
with the performance of the Company reported to investors in US Dollars. The 
Board of Directors considers the US Dollar as the currency that most faithfully 
represents the economic effects of the underlying transactions, events and 
conditions. The financial statements are presented in US Dollars which is the 
Company's functional and presentation currency. 
Transactions and balances 
Foreign currency denominated monetary assets and liabilities are translated into 
the functional currency at the exchange rate ruling at the end of the reporting 
period. Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into the functional 
currency using the exchange rates ruling at the date of the transactions. 
Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such 
transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary 
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the 
Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
The net realisable value/fair value of open forward foreign currency contracts 
at year end is calculated as the difference between the contract price and fair 
value based upon reported market prices of the underlying variables. Any 
unrealised gains and losses arising therefrom are included in the Statement of 
Financial Position and in the Statement of Comprehensive Income, and attributed 
to the respective Euro and Sterling share classes valuations (in order to hedge 
for the Euro and Sterling share classes the US Dollar currency exposure). 
f) Income 
Under IFRS, interest income should be accounted for using the effective interest 
method. However, the accruals method has been used as it does not lead to a 
material difference. 
Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. 
g) Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of 
three months or less, and bank overdrafts. Cash equivalents are short-term 
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash, 
are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and are held for the 
purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than for investment or 
other purposes. Cash and cash equivalents are stated at the carrying amount as 
this is a reasonable approximation of fair value. 
h) Expenses and provisions 
Expenses, including interest expense, are accounted for using the accruals 
method. Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present legal or 
constructive obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an 
outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation and the amount 
can be reliably estimated. An estimate has been included for the incremental 
costs associated with the wind-up of the Company. 
i) Share capital 
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly 
attributable to the issue of shares is shown in equity as a deduction from the 
proceeds. The Company's net asset value per share class is calculated by 
dividing the net assets attributable to that class by the number of outstanding 
shares for that class at year end. Shares attributable to the Cash Pool and the 
Entitlement Pools are classified as financial liabilities as the Company has the 
obligation to deliver cash upon subsequent realisation of the assets included in 
these pools. 
j) Formation and initial expenses 
For its services in connection with the Placing, the Placing Agents, EFG 
Eurobank Securities and EFG Bank were entitled to a placing commission of 2.5 
per cent together with a discretionary incentive fee of 1.0 per cent of initial 
gross proceeds. 
The formation and initial expenses of the Company are those which are necessary 
for the incorporation of the Company and the Placing. Such expenses were 
immediately written off and include fees payable under the Placing Agreement, 
registration, listing and admission fees, printing, advertising and distribution 
costs and legal fees and any other applicable expenses. The formation and 
initial expenses were borne by the Placing Agents out of the commissions payable 
to them in connection with the Placing. 
k) Equalisation 
Equalisation accounting is carried out at the fund manager level, when the fund 
manager does not operate as a partnership. When the Company buys new shares in a 
fund, and the fund maintains equalisation accounting, the amount paid is 
allocated between the investment representing the fair value of the assets 
purchased, and an equalisation adjustment. The equalisation adjustment will be a 
credit when the Company subscribes at a time when the gross asset value (GAV) 
per share is higher than the existing high water mark, and a debit if the 
reverse is the case. At the end of the performance cycle, further shares are 
purchased or redeemed using the equalisation adjustment at the new NAV per 
share. If the equalisation adjustment account is not fully cleared in a 
performance period, the amount outstanding is carried forward to be used at the 
next performance fee calculation, or will be written off to the investor on 
redemption of his shares. 
l) Dividend distribution 
The Directors may from time to time declare dividends on any class of Shares. As 
at 31 December 2009 and 31 December 2008, the Directors do not have the 
intention to declare any dividend distribution considering the current and 
future direction of the Company. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS may require 
management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the 
application of policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, 
income and expenses.  The estimates and associated assumptions are based on the 
historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be 
reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of 
making the judgments about carrying value of asset and liabilities that are not 
readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these 
estimates. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing 
a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within 
the next financial year are addressed below: 
If trading volumes or liquidity in the Company's investments are considered by 
the Investment Manager to be insufficient to provide evidence of an active 
market, the Investment Manager estimates net realisable value/fair value by 
reference to other information sources namely index movements or changes in 
prices of related funds as required by IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition 
and Measurement. Estimate prices from underlying administrators are checked by 
the Investment Manager. However, these estimates may be adjusted when the final 
prices become available and are deemed materially different. This policy also 
applies to the less liquid investments contained in the Entitlement Pools, 
Redemption Pool and Cash Pool (see Note 4 on pages 30 to 32). 
The Directors do not feel it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements 
of the Company on the going concern basis as the Company is formally following 
its objective to realise its investments and manage an orderly exit for its 
investors.  The Directors have considered the costs of break-up and are of the 
opinion that a sufficient provision has been made in the valuation of all 
investor pools to account for all liquidation costs of the Company. 
The Company enters into investment transactions in financial instruments, 
principally the investment portfolio, the holding of which gives exposure to 
risks, which include market risk (comprising price risk, currency risk and 
interest rate risk), liquidity risk and default/credit risk. 
Market price risk 
Market price risk is risk associated with changes in market prices or rates. In 
line with to the Company's revised investment object and policy of realising all 
remaining assets in the Portfolio so as to maximise the orderly return of 
capital to Shareholders, market risk is no longer actively managed by the 
Investment Manager, other than under the terms of this revised investment 
objective and policy. 
Sensitivity analysis 
For illustrative purposes, and based upon the historical correlation between the 
portfolio and the MSCI World Index as expressed by the portfolio beta, 
correlation and R-squared at closing date, with all other factors held constant, 
it can be assumed that a 5 per cent rise in the MSCI World Index at reporting 
date would have been accompanied by an increase in the net assets of US$0.45 
million in 2009 and US$3.9 million in 2008. A decrease of the MSCI World Index 
by 5 per cent would have resulted in an equal but opposite effect on the above 
financial statement amounts to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all 
other variables remain constant. 
However, the Investment Manager cautions against relying on these indicators as 
predictors of future performance. It must be emphasized that the investment 
strategy of the Company was to construct a solid portfolio of several hedge 
funds with relatively uncorrelated returns between strategies and markets. 
Correlation was not sought with any market or index, and as a result, a 
sensitivity analysis of the portfolio to market price risk is not very 
meaningful and, to a certain extent, may even prove misleading. In addition, the 
portfolio of the Company in its current state is not managed according to any 
investment strategy other than trying to liquidate all assets and return cash to 
shareholders. Therefore going forward the portfolio of the Company may become 
more concentrated and more or less correlated to any particular market. 
Liquidity risk 
Some of the investee funds may be or become illiquid, and the realisation of 
investments from them may take a considerable time and/or be costly. The 
Company's investments in such investee funds may not be readily realisable and 
their marketability may be restricted, in particular because investee funds may 
have restrictions that allow redemptions only at specific infrequent dates with 
considerable notice periods, and apply lock-ups and/or redemption fees. The 
Company's ability to withdraw monies from underlying funds with such 
restrictions will be limited and such restrictions will limit the Company's 
flexibility to realise the assets and distribute proceeds to Shareholders. 
Liquidity risk (continued) 
At the end of the reporting period, following an assessment by the Investment 
Manager, the liquidity profile of the investment portfolio of the Redemption 
Pool (including remaining cash, having made the distribution of 73.5% of the 
portfolio in December 2009) was as follows: 
| Funding risk                                 |      2009 |      2008 | 
|                                              |      % of |      % of | 
|                                              | Portfolio | Portfolio | 
| Cash                                         |     5.17  |     2.95  | 
| Monthly Trading/ 15 days notice              |        -  |    12.93  | 
| Monthly Trading/ 30 days notice              |        -  |     7.68  | 
| Monthly Trading/ 45 days notice              |        -  |     4.25  | 
| Monthly Trading/ 60 days notice              |        -  |     6.77  | 
| Monthly Trading/ 90 days notice              |        -  |     7.87  | 
| Quarterly Trading/ 30 days notice            |        -  |     4.30  | 
| Quarterly Trading/ 45 days notice            |        -  |    18.69  | 
| Quarterly Trading/ 90 days notice            |        -  |     7.95  | 
| Semi Annually Trading                        |        -  |     3.04  | 
| Holdbacks until Audit                        |     5.44  |     0.22  | 
| Restricted Liquidity                         |    89.39  |    23.35  | 
|                                              |    100.00 |    100.00 | 
This table is based on the available information to the Investment Manager as of 
the end of the reporting period and may change at any time due to changes in the 
investee funds and market conditions. 
In addition, investee funds may have the ability to temporarily suspend the 
right of their investors to redeem their investment during periods of 
exceptional market conditions. It may therefore be difficult for the Company to 
sell or realise its investments in the investee funds in whole or in part. 
Moreover, commitments made or to be made by such investee funds with other 
investors in those funds, for example, granting such investors enhanced 
liquidity, may adversely affect the Company's investment in such funds. 
Withdrawals or redemptions by other investors in the same underlying fund may 
also negatively impact the value of the Company's investment in that investee 
Financing risk 
The vulnerability of the Company to liquidity risk is particularly high in times 
of unstable markets, or when the underlying managers, by introducing side 
pockets or by suspending NAV redemptions, transform otherwise very liquid 
instruments in normal times into very illiquid positions. The Company management 
carefully considered that risk and decided to deleverage the Company. By 31 
March 2009 the loan facility was fully repaid to the lenders. 
Introduction of gates on redemption 
The Company has been closed ended since its inception. However, exceptional 
market conditions have dried up the listed funds' markets of potential incoming 
investors, transforming it into a buyer's market. This has brought the discount 
of the market price to NAV to high levels. To meet shareholder demands and 
reduce the discount to NAV, the Directors, by the special resolution approved by 
Shareholders at the EGM on 17 December 2008, introduced two Redemption Offers 
and an on-going discretionary Redemption Facility.  The Redemption Offers for 
December 2008 and March 2009 allowed Shareholders to redeem up to 20 per cent of 
the value of their shareholding at the December 2008 Record Date and the March 
2008 Record Date respectively.  A redemption fee of 4 per cent of Actual Cash 
Proceeds was paid to the Investment Manager. 
On 12 May 2009, the Board of Directors of the Company exercised their discretion 
to offer shareholders in the Company the opportunity to participate in a 
Redemption Facility Offer in June 2009 in respect of up to 20 per cent of the 
Company's issued share capital as at June 2009 Record Rate (23 June 2009) with a 
redemption fee of 4 per cent of each Shareholder's Actual Cash Proceeds payable 
to the Manager.  The total value of shares redeemed during the Redemption 
Offers, Redemption Facility Offer and Cash Option was US$219,824,004 
The less liquid assets of the Entitlement Pools and Cash Pool and have a current 
estimated value of US$52,727,379.  Redeeming Shareholders will be paid the 
realisation proceeds of their share of the Entitlement Pools and Cash Pool as 
and when the assets are realised and these realisation proceeds may be received 
as one or more cash payments. 
Introduction of gates on redemption (continued) 
The maturity profile of the Company's assets & liabilities as follows: 
As at 31 December 2009: 
|                            |           Within |              |             Not |                | 
|                            |                  |              |          Stated |                | 
|                            |                3 |         4-12 |        Maturity |          Total | 
|                            |           months |       months |                 |                | 
|                            |              US$ |          US$ |             US$ |            US$ | 
| Financial Assets           |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Investments                |                  |              |     70,295,068  |    70,295,068  | 
|                            |                - |            - |                 |                | 
| Receivables and accrued    |       3,153,146  |     252,068  |                 |     3,405,214  | 
| income                     |                  |              |               - |                | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |      16,487,833  |              |              -  |    16,487,833  | 
|                            |                  |            - |                 |                | 
| Total financial assets     |      19,640,979  |     252,068  |     70,295,068  |    90,188,115  | 
| Financial liabilities      |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Payables and accrued       |       3,309,290  |   1,438,589  |     49,852,627  |    54,600,506  | 
| expenses*                  |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Total financial            |       3,309,290  |   1,438,589  |     49,852,627  |    54,600,506  | 
| liabilities                |                  |              |                 |                | 
|                            |                  |              |                 |                | 
| *Includes the total value of the Redemption Portfolio                                           | 
| attributable to redeeming shareholders in the December 2008 and                                 | 
| March 2009 Redemption Offers and the June 2009 Redemption                                       | 
| Facility Offer.  It also includes the residual value of the Cash                                | 
| Pool attributable to Cash Option Shareholders.  For the total                                   | 
| number of shares redeemed by these Shareholders in 2009, please                                 | 
| refer to Note 17.                                                                               | 
|                            |                  |              |                 |                | 
| As at 31 December 2008:    |                  |              |                 |                | 
|                            |           Within |              |             Not |                | 
|                            |                  |              |          Stated |                | 
|                            |                3 |         4-12 |        Maturity |          Total | 
|                            |           months |       months |                 |                | 
|                            |              US$ |          US$ |             US$ |            US$ | 
| Financial Assets           |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Investments                |  -               |   -          |    545,440,021  |   545,440,021  | 
| Forward foreign currency   |         429,368  |            - |              -  |       429,368  | 
| contracts                  |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Receivables and accrued    |      84,201,456  |      31,277  |              -  |    84,232,733  | 
| income                     |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Cash and cash equivalents  |      16,587,005  |           -  |              -  |    16,587,005  | 
| Total financial assets     |     101,217,829  |      31,277  |    545,440,021  |   646,689,127  | 
| Financial liabilities      |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Forward foreign currency   |       2,179,465  |           -  |              -  |     2,179,465  | 
| contracts                  |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Payables and accrued       |      32,747,135  |   2,496,683  |     29,671,084  |    64,914,902  | 
| expenses**                 |                  |              |                 |                | 
| Loan payable               |               -  | 332,009,384  |              -  |   332,009,384  | 
| Total financial            |      34,926,600  | 334,506,067  |     29,671,084  |   399,103,751  | 
| liabilities                |                  |              |                 |                | 
|                            |                  |              |                 |                | 
| **Includes the total value of the Redemption Portfolio                                          | 
| attributable to redeeming shareholders in the December 2008                                     | 
| Redemption Offer.  For the total number of shares redeemed by                                   | 
| Shareholders in 2008, please refer to Note 17.                                                  | 
Credit risk 
Default/credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will 
fail to discharge an obligation and cause the other party to incur a financial 
loss. Credit risk generally is higher when a non-exchange-traded financial 
instrument is involved, because the counterparty is not backed by an exchange 
clearing house. This risk is mitigated by using reputable brokers for all 
investment transactions. 
The carrying amounts of financial assets which best represent the maximum credit 
risk exposure as at 31 December 2009 are as follows: 
| Asset                                |     Counterparty |              Amount  | 
|                                      |                  |                 US$  | 
| Investments                          |     HSBC Custody |          70,295,068  | 
|                                      |         Services |                      | 
| Sales awaiting settlement            |       Underlying |           2,907,361  | 
|                                      |   Investee Funds |                      | 
| Other receivables and accrued income |    Various third |             497,853  | 
|                                      |          parties |                      | 
| Cash and cash equivalents            |  HSBC Securities |          16,487,833  | 
|                                      |         Services |                      | 
|                                      |                  |          90,188,115  | 
| Comparative figures as at 31 December, 2008 are as      |                      | 
| follows:                                                |                      | 
|                                      |                  |                      | 
| Asset                                |     Counterparty |              Amount  | 
|                                      |                  |                 US$  | 
| Investments                          |     HSBC Custody |         545,440,021  | 
|                                      |         Services |                      | 
| Forward foreign currency contracts   |         Citibank |             429,368  | 
| Sales awaiting settlement            |       Underlying |          84,180,541  | 
|                                      |   Investee Funds |                      | 
| Other receivables and accrued income |    Various third |              52,192  | 
|                                      |          parties |                      | 
| Cash and cash equivalents            |  HSBC Securities |          16,587,005  | 
|                                      |         Services |                      | 
|                                      |                  |        646,689,127   | 
|                                      |                  |                      | 
In the current market environment, sales awaiting settlement are now exposed to 
extended repayment periods caused by side-pockets, redemption gates, lock-up 
periods and even non-repayment if the underlying fund chooses to eventually 
liquidate due to excessive redemptions.  This risk is continuously being 
monitored by the Investment Manager against current and expected market 
Sales awaiting settlement as at 31 December 2009 includes US$913,548 (2008: 
US$940,146) relating to the Entitlement Pools investments. 
Interest rate risk 
The Company is exposed to interest rate risk. Interest receivable on bank 
deposits or payable on bank overdraft positions and the credit facility will be 
affected by fluctuations in interest rates. The following table details the 
Company's exposure to interest rate risks.  It includes the Company's assets and 
trading liabilities at net realisable value (2008: fair value), categorised by 
the earlier of contractual re-pricing or maturity date measured by the carrying 
value of the assets and liabilities. As at 31 December 2009 the Company's 
interest bearing assets and liabilities, all of which receive and pay interest 
at a variable rate, were as follows: 
|                                   |        Less | Non-interest |             | 
|                                   |        than |              |             | 
|                                   |           1 |     bearing  |      Total  | 
|                                   |       month |              |             | 
|                                   |        US$  |         US$  |        US$  | 
| Assets                            |             |              |             | 
| Investments                       |          -  |  70,295,068  | 70,295,068  | 
| Receivables and prepayments       |          -  |   3,405,214  |  3,405,214  | 
| Cash and cash equivalents         | 16,487,833  |           -  | 16,487,833  | 
| Total assets                      | 16,487,833  |  73,700,282  | 90,188,115  | 
|                                   |             |              |             | 
| Liabilities                       |             |              |             | 
| Payables and accrued expenses     |          -  |  54,600,506  | 54,600,506  | 
| Total liabilities                 |          -  |  54,600,506  | 54,600,506  | 
|                                   |             |              |             | 
| Interest rate gap                 | 16,487,833  |              |             | 
|                                   |             |              |             | 
Interest rate risk (continued) 
| As at 31 December 2008:           |          Less | Non-interest |              | 
|                                   |          than |              |              | 
|                                   |             1 |     bearing  |       Total  | 
|                                   |         month |              |              | 
|                                   |          US$  |         US$  |         US$  | 
| Assets                            |               |              |              | 
| Investments                       |            -  | 545,440,021  | 545,440,021  | 
| Forward foreign currency          |            -  |     429,368  |     429,368  | 
| contracts                         |               |              |              | 
| Receivables and prepayments       |            -  |  84,232,733  |  84,232,733  | 
| Cash and cash equivalents         |   16,587,005  |           -  |  16,587,005  | 
| Total Assets                      |   16,587,005  | 630,102,122  | 646,689,127  | 
|                                   |               |              |              | 
| Liabilities                       |               |              |              | 
| Forward foreign currency          |            -  |   2,179,465  |   2,179,465  | 
| contracts                         |               |              |              | 
| Payables and accrued expenses     |            -  |  64,914,902  |  64,914,902  | 
| Loan payable                      |  332,009,384  |           -  | 332,009,384  | 
| Total Liabilities                 |  332,009,384  |  67,094,367  | 399,103,751  | 
|                                   |               |              |              | 
| Interest rate gap                 | (315,422,379) |              |              | 
|                                   |               |              |              | 
The Company decided to deleverage its portfolio, in order to reduce financial 
risks.  As a result, the Company gave notice to the credit facility provider 
Citibank International PLC and repaid the outstanding loan payable by 31 March 
2009.  This has significantly reduced the Company's exposure to interest rate 
Sensitivity analysis 
At 31 December 2009, should the LIBOR rate have increased on average by 100 
basis points with all other variables held constant, the increase in net assets 
for the year would amount to approximately US$0.2 million (2008: decrease of 
US$3.2 million) arising substantially from the decreased cost of short-term 
interest payment on the loan facility. If LIBOR rate had decreased by 100 basis 
points, the decrease in net assets would amount to approximately the same amount 
but in the opposite direction. 
Currency risk 
The Company invests in underlying hedge funds which are predominately US dollar 
denominated as most hedge funds raise money in US dollars. The Company is 
therefore exposed to changes in the exchange rate between Sterling and the US 
dollar and the exchange rate between Euros and the US dollar which, unhedged, 
have the potential to have a significant effect on returns for each of the 
Sterling and Euro share classes. 
Following approval by the Shareholders at an EGM dated 15 December 2009, as the 
Company's portfolio does no longer retain sufficient liquidity for the 
Investment Manager to be able to maintain a full currency hedging programme, the 
Company ceased its currency hedging programme. 
Shareholders in the Sterling or Euro Classes who opted to redeem their 
shareholdings in accordance with the December 2008 or March 2009 Redemption 
Offers or the June 2009 Redemption Facility Offer and Shareholders in the 
Redemption and Cash Pools receive an entitlement to future cash proceeds from 
less liquid assets. This entitlement is denominated in US dollars and is 
The Company did not hold any forward foreign exchange contracts as at 31 
December 2009. 
The Company had the following forward foreign exchange contracts as at 31 
December 2008: 
|                        |      Forward |       Market |            |  Unrealised | 
|                        |              |        Value |            |             | 
| Quantity bought        |      Counter |           Of |   Maturity | Gain/(loss) | 
|                        |        Value |     Contract |       date |             | 
|                        |          US$ |          US$ |            |         US$ | 
| EUR76,796,376            | 106,735,443  | 107,164,811  | 30/01/2009 |    429,368  | 
|                        |              |              |            |             | 
| GBP59,320,844          |  88,566,020  |  86,386,555  | 30/01/2009 | (2,179,465) | 
|                        |              |              |            |             | 
|                        |              |              |            | (1,750,097) | 
Currency exposures 
As at 31 December 2009, the Company's currency exposure, expressed in US Dollar 
was as follows: 
|                        |           USD |         EUR |        GBP |         TOTAL | 
|                        |           US$ |         US$ |        US$ |           US$ | 
| Investments            |   69,084,602  |  1,210,466  |         -  |   70,295,068  | 
| Cash and cash          |   16,207,734  |    280,083  |        16  |   16,487,833  | 
| equivalents            |               |             |            |               | 
| Sales awaiting         |    2,907,361  |          -  |         -  |    2,907,361  | 
| settlement             |               |             |            |               | 
| Amount payable to      |  (52,467,506) |   (710,288) |   450,415  |  (52,727,379) | 
| redeeming shareholders |               |             |            |               | 
| Other net liabilities  |     (441,820) |          -  |  (933,454) |   (1,375,274) | 
| Net statement of       |   35,290,371  |    780,261  |  (483,023) |   35,587,609  | 
| financial position     |               |             |            |               | 
| exposure               |               |             |            |               | 
|                        |               |             |            |               | 
As the Company did not enter into forward foreign currency contracts as at 31 
December 2009, the Euro Class and the Sterling Class were not hedged against 
exchange rate fluctuations. 
As at 31 December 2008, the Company's currency exposure, expressed in US Dollar 
was as follows: 
|                        |            USD |         EUR |       GBP |         TOTAL | 
|                        |            US$ |         US$ |       US$ |           US$ | 
| Investments            |   543,357,840  |  2,082,181  |        -  |  545,440,021  | 
| Cash and cash          |    16,567,454  |     14,689  |    4,862  |   16,587,005  | 
| equivalents            |                |             |           |               | 
| Sales awaiting         |    84,180,541  |          -  |        -  |   84,180,541  | 
| settlement             |                |             |           |               | 
| Loan payable           |  (332,009,384) |          -  |        -  | (332,009,384) | 
| Amount payable to      |   (62,295,863) |          -  |        -  |  (62,295,863) | 
| redeeming shareholders |                |             |           |               | 
| Other net liabilities  |    (2,540,216) |          -  |  (26,631) |   (2,566,847) | 
| Net statement of       |   247,260,372  |  2,096,870  |  (21,769) |  249,335,473  | 
| financial position     |                |             |           |               | 
| exposure               |                |             |           |               | 
|                        |                |             |           |               | 
|                                              |        CMA Global Hedge 1          | 
|                                              |          Cell and Company          | 
|                                              |                 31 |            31 | 
|                                              |           December |      December | 
|                                              |              2009  |         2008  | 
|                                              |               US$  |          US$  | 
| Investments                                  |        70,295,068  |  545,440,021  | 
| Derivatives - forward foreign currency       |                 -  |   (1,750,097) | 
| contracts (net)                              |                    |               | 
|                                              |        70,295,068  |  543,689,924  | 
|                                                                   |               | 
| Net changes in net realisable value/fair     |                    |               | 
| value on financial assets:                   |                    |               | 
| Realised gains/(losses) on investments in    |        33,900,961  |  (14,491,912) | 
| investments funds                            |                    |               | 
| Change in unrealised loss on investments in  |       (26,107,984) | (105,641,953) | 
| investments funds                            |                    |               | 
| Realised gains/(losses) on derivatives       |         1,641,271  |  (37,782,995) | 
| Change in unrealised gain/loss on            |         1,750,097  |   (3,748,442) | 
| derivatives                                  |                    |               | 
| Total net gains/(losses)                     |        11,184,345  | (161,665,302) | 
|                                              |                    |               | 
Under IFRS, financial instruments recorded at fair value are analysed by using a 
fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of inputs. The fair value 
hierarchy has the following levels: 
   - Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active market for identical assets 
or liabilities 
   - Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are 
observable for the asset or 
      liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is 
derived from prices) 
   - Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable 
market data (that is, 
     unobservable inputs) 
Had the investment been carried at fair value under the going concern basis, all 
the investments held by the Company at year end would be classified as Level 3 
in the fair value hierachy on the basis that the market for these investments is 
highly illiquid and the prices (either estimated or final) from administrators 
and/or underlying fund managers may not reflect observable market data. 
With effect from 1 January 2008, Guernsey abolished the exempt company regime 
for some entities.  At the same time the standard rate of income tax for 
companies moved from 20 per cent to 0 per cent.  Therefore some entities 
previously exempt from tax under the provisions of the Income Tax (Exempt 
Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 are now taxed at 0 per cent.  However, The 
States of Guernsey Income Tax Authority has confirmed that collective investment 
schemes such as this Company can continue to apply for exempt status.  The 
Company renewed its exempt status in 2009. 
|                                              |            CMA Global Hedge 1              | 
|                                              |              Cell and Company              | 
|                                              |                  31 |                   31 | 
|                                              |            December |             December | 
|                                              |               2009  |                2008  | 
|                                              |                US$  |                 US$  | 
| Investment management fees                   |         2,242,533   |          10,904,753  | 
| Setup costs - Entitlement Pools              |            803,863  | -                    | 
| Restructuring fee                            |            481,808  | -                    | 
| Administration fees                          |            428,319  | 470,261              | 
| Legal and professional fees                  |  281,763            | 88,724               | 
| Provision for wind up costs                  |            225,000  |   -                  | 
| Custodian fees                               |    150,000          |  176,541             | 
| Directors' fees and expenses                 |   134,430           |  167,452             | 
| Audit fees                                   |       83,727        |     64,628           | 
| Bank charges and interest expenses           |    3,608            |        4,249         | 
| Miscellaneous expenses                       |   363,164           |   337,644            | 
|                                              |                     |                      | 
|                                              |          5,198,215  |          12,214,252  | 
|                                              |                     |                      | 
a) The Investment Manager 
The Investment Manager was entitled to a fee of 1 per cent per annum of the 
total assets of the Company calculated and accrued on a monthly basis and 
payable quarterly in arrears. The fee for the year is shown in Note 7 and the 
amount outstanding at year end is shown in Note 13 as "Investment management 
fees" and "Investment management fees payable", respectively. 
In addition, a performance fee of 5 per cent of the amount (if any) by which the 
Net Asset Value of the Company at the end of any accounting period (ending on 31 
December) exceeded the Net Asset Value at launch or at the start of any such 
accounting period (or, if higher, the highest previous Net Asset Value in 
respect of which a performance fee was paid) was payable. This performance fee 
was therefore subject to a so-called "high watermark" test. The calculation of 
the total amount of any performance fee would be adjusted for the repurchase or 
issue of shares in any given accounting period.  There was no performance fee 
payable during 2009. 
Following approval by the Shareholders at an EGM dated 15 December 2009, the 
management fee payable to the Investment Manager was reduced to 0.25 per cent of 
the Company's Net Asset Value. In addition, the requirement for the Company to 
pay a performance fee to the Investment Manager was removed. 
With the Redemption Offer and Redemption Facility introduced by the Directors, 
the Investment Manager will be entitled to receive all redemption fees paid by 
the redeeming shareholders in the December 2008 and March 2009 Redemption 
Offers, the June 2009 Redemption Facility Offer and any Redemption Facility 
Offers introduced by the Company in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The redemption fee 
payable by Shareholders for the December 2008 and March 2009 Redemption Offers 
will be equivalent to 4 per cent of each shareholder's actual cash proceeds. The 
redemption fee payable by Shareholders for the June 2009 Redemption Facility 
Offer will be equivalent to 4 per cent of each shareholder's actual cash 
proceeds received as a result of the redemption of their shares. For the year 
ended 31 December 2009, redemption fees of US$456,000 (2008: nil) were incurred 
and paid by Shareholders of the December 2008 Redemption Offer and redemption 
fees of US$192,000 (2008: nil) were incurred and paid by Shareholders of the 
March 2009 Redemption Offer to the Investment Manager. 
The Management Agreement may be terminated by either the Investment Manager or 
the Company giving to the other not less than 18 months' notice in writing, such 
notice not to expire before the second anniversary of Admission.  The Company 
shall not serve notice to terminate the agreement on notice unless this course 
of action has been unanimously agreed to by the independent Directors. 
b) Custodian fees 
The Custodian was entitled to an annual fee equivalent to 0.04 per cent per 
annum of the Net Asset Value up to US$500 million and 0.03 per cent per annum 
where the Net Asset Value exceeds US$500 million. This was subject to a minimum 
fee of US$150,000 per annum per Cell of the Company. The fee for the year is 
shown in Note 7 and the amount outstanding at year end is shown in Note 13 as 
"Custodian fees" and "Custodian fees payable", respectively. Effective 1 January 
2010, an annual fee of GBP31,250 will be charged against the Company. 
c) Directors' fees and expenses 
Each of the Directors, (executive and non-executive) is entitled to receive a 
fee of GBP20,000 per annum (GBP35,000 for the Chairman). James Lee agreed to 
waive his fee during the continuance of his appointment as Director. Markos 
Kamchis (known as Marcos Camhis) has agreed to waive his fee during his 
appointment as Director. The Chairman of the Audit Committee will receive an 
additional GBP5,000 per annum.  The aggregate of all Directors fees shall not 
exceed GBP150,000.  The fee for the year is shown in Note 7 and the amount 
outstanding at year end is shown in Note 13 as "Directors' fee and expenses" and 
"Directors' fees and expenses payable", respectively. 
d) Administration fees 
The Administrator was entitled to an annual fee equivalent to 0.075 per cent per 
annum of the Net Asset Value up to US$600 million and 0.05 per cent per annum 
where the Net Asset Value exceeds US$600 million.  This was subject to a minimum 
fee of US$250,000 per annum. The fee for the year is shown in Note 7 and the 
amount outstanding at year end is shown in Note 13 as "Administration fees" and 
"Administration fees payable", respectively.  Effective 1 January 2010, an 
annual fee of GBP62,500 will be charged. 
e) Other related party transactions 
The Investment Manager, C.M. Advisors Limited, is a wholly owned subsidiary of 
EFG International. For its services in connection with the placing, EFG 
International received placing fees as detailed in note 2(j). EFG International 
also holds 610,399 Sterling shares (2008: 1,063,520 Sterling shares) in the Cell 
at 31 December 2009. 
The Board of Directors of the Company makes the strategic asset allocations on 
behalf of the Company. The Company has determined the operating segments based 
on the reports reviewed by the Board of Directors that are used to make 
strategic decisions. As discussed in Note 2, the Board considers the business as 
organised into three operating segments: Redemption Pool, Cash Pool and 
Entitlement Pools (2008: two operating segments - Continuing Portfolio and 
Entitlement Pool). 
The Company's assets are invested in open ended collective investment schemes. 
Although all of the Company's activities are interrelated, activities are driven 
by the option selected by the Shareholders. Accordingly, significant operating 
decisions are based upon analysis of the Company into three operating segments 
which are also considered as reportable (2008: two reportable operating 
The financial positions and results of all the segments are equivalent to the 
financial statements of the Company as a whole as internal reports to the Board 
are prepared on a consistent basis with the measurement and recognition 
principles of IFRS. 
The Company is domiciled in Guernsey. The Company's income from investments is 
primarily derived from investment funds that are incorporated in countries other 
than Guernsey. 
The segment information provided to the Board for the reportable segments is as 
| For the year ended 31  |  Redemption |        Cash |  Entitlement |              | 
| December 2009:         |             |             |              |              | 
|                        |        Pool |        Pool |        Pools |        Total | 
|                        |         US$ |         US$ |          US$ |          US$ | 
| Dividend income        |     15,930  |          -  |           -  |      15,930  | 
| Interest income        |     25,689  |          -  |         416  |      26,105  | 
| Other investment       |     20,469  |          -  |         198  |      20,667  | 
| income                 |             |             |              |              | 
| Net changes in value   | 12,368,462  | (4,559,600) |   3,375,483  |  11,184,345  | 
| on investments and     |             |             |              |              | 
| derivative financial   |             |             |              |              | 
| instruments            |             |             |              |              | 
| Net changes in value   |           - |  4,041,476  |  (2,385,183) |   1,656,293  | 
| of Cash Pool and       |             |             |              |              | 
| Entitlement Pool       |             |             |              |              | 
| liabilities            |             |             |              |              | 
| Foreign currency gains |    246,788  |    518,124  |     (30,528) |     734,384  | 
| Expenses               | (4,237,829) |          -  |    (960,386) |  (5,198,215) | 
| Finance costs          |   (613,272) |          -  |           -  |    (613,272) | 
| Total net segment      |  7,826,237  |          -  |           -  |   7,826,237  | 
| income                 |             |             |              |              | 
| Total segment assets   | 36,880,696  |  3,317,560  |  49,989,857  |  90,188,113  | 
| Total segment          | (1,293,089) | (3,317,560) | (49,989,857) | (54,600,506) | 
| liabilities            |             |             |              |              | 
9. OPERATING SEGMENTS (continued) 
Total segment assets include: 
|                        |  Redemption |       Cash | Entitlement |             | 
|                        |        Pool |       Pool |       Pools |       Total | 
|                        |         US$ |        US$ |         US$ |         US$ | 
| Investments            | 32,629,237  | 2,900,000  | 34,765,831  | 70,295,068  | 
| Other                  |  4,251,459  |   417,560  | 15,224,026  | 19,893,045  | 
|                        | 36,880,696  | 3,317,560  | 49,989,857  | 90,188,113  | 
|                        |             |            |             |             | 
Total segments assets detailed above differ from that presented in the Statement 
of Financial Position as non-cellular assets (US$2) are not allocated to any of 
the three reportable segments. 
For the year ended 31 December 2008: 
|  |                     |   |          |    Continuing |          |  Entitlement |          |               | 
|  |                     |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
|  |                     |   |          |     Portfolio |          |        Pools |          |         Total | 
|  |                     |   |          |           US$ |          |          US$ |          |           US$ | 
| Interest income        |   |          |       428,751 |          |            - |          |      428,751  | 
| Other investment       |   |          |           616 |          |            - |          |          616  | 
| income                 |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| Net changes in value on    |          |               |          |              |          |            -  | 
| financial assets           |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| and derivative         |   |          | (161,665,302) |          |            - |          | (161,665,302) | 
| financial instruments  |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| Foreign currency gains |   |          |      (83,286) |          |            - |          |      (83,286) | 
| Expenses               |   |          |  (12,214,252) |          |            - |          |  (12,214,252) | 
| Finance costs          |   |          |  (16,884,823) |          |            - |          |  (16,884,823) | 
| Total net segment      |   |          | (190,418,296) |          |            - |          | (190,418,296) | 
| income                 |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| Total segment assets   |   |          |   584,393,262 |          |   62,295,863 |          |  646,689,125  | 
| Total segment          |   |          | (336,807,888) |          | (62,295,863) |          | (399,103,751) | 
| liabilities            |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
|  |                     |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| Total segment assets   |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| include:               |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
|  |                     |   |          |    Continuing |          |  Entitlement |          |               | 
|  |                     |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
|  |                     |   |          |     Portfolio |          |        Pools |          |         Total | 
|  |                     |   |          |           US$ |          |          US$ |          |           US$ | 
|  |                     |   |          |               |          |              |          |               | 
| Investments            |   |          |  515,768,937  |          |  29,671,084  |          |  545,440,021  | 
| Other                  |   |          |   68,624,325  |          |  32,624,779  |          |  101,249,104  | 
|  |                     |   |          |  584,393,262  |          |  62,295,863  |          |  646,689,125  | 
Transactions between reportable segments during the year were as follows: 
After the first Redemption Offer tendered on December 2008, the Company made two 
additional Redemptions in March 2009 and June 2009. This resulted in the 
transfer of a portion of the Continuing Portfolio's investments to the 
Entitlement Pools.  Notes 1 and 14 provide details of these two Redemption 
At an EGM dated 3 September 2009 approving the resolution for the 
discontinuation of the Company and the introduction of two options to realise 
Shareholders' investments in the Company, a portion of the Company's remaining 
investments on the Continuing Portfolio was transferred to the Cash Pool. 
Please refer to Notes 1 and 15 for further details on these two options/pools. 
The net value of the assets transferred from the Continuing Portfolio amounts to 
US$47,987,674, US$41,384,495 and US$29,804,117 for the March 2009 Entitlement 
Pool, June 2009 Entitlement Pool, and the Cash Pool, respectively. The remaining 
net assets in the Continuing Portfolio are attributable to the Company's 
Redemption Pool. 
9. OPERATING SEGMENTS (continued) 
In December 2008, further to the Company's first Redemption Offer (December 
2008), a portion of the Company's investments were transferred to the 
Entitlement Pool. For further details, please refer to Notes 1 and 14. 
The net value of the assets transferred from the Continuing Portfolio to the 
December 2008 Entitlement Pool amounts to US$62,295,863. 
The table below analyses the Company's net investment income by geographical 
location. The basis for attributing income is the place of incorporation of the 
instrument's counterparty. 
| Country                                      |         2009  |          2008  | 
|                                              |          US$  |           US$  | 
| Bahamas                                      |   16,631,686  |     8,356,465  | 
| Bermuda                                      |             - |       673,930  | 
|                                              |               |                | 
| Cayman Islands                               |   (5,962,509) |  (104,928,198) | 
| Ireland                                      |    6,185,801  |   (11,413,221) | 
| Norway                                       |   (1,688,319) |    (9,940,377) | 
| United Kingdom                               |    5,811,845  |   (39,765,757) | 
| United States of America                     |   (7,340,780) |    (4,302,063) | 
|                                              |   13,637,724  |  (161,319,221) | 
|                                                                               | 
| For the country breakdown of the Company's investments, please                | 
| refer to the table below:                                                     | 
| Country                                      |         2009  |          2008  | 
|                                              |          US$  |           US$  | 
| Bahamas                                      |            -  |    84,599,281  | 
| Cayman Islands                               |   38,450,531  |   391,590,839  | 
| Ireland                                      |             - |    14,704,769  | 
|                                              |               |                | 
| Norway                                       |   11,821,234  |    16,586,574  | 
| United States of America                     |   20,023,303  |    37,958,558  | 
|                                              |   70,295,068  |   545,440,021  | 
|                                              |               |                | 
The Company has no assets classified as non-current assets. 
The Company has a diversified shareholder population. However, as at 31 December 
2009 the following shareholders held more than 10 per cent of the total shares 
in issue of the Company: 
|                                              |    2009  |     2008  | 
|                                              |      (%) |      (%)  | 
| The Bank of New York (nominees) Limited*     |    36.99 |        -  | 
| Securities Services Nominees Limited         |    20.67 |     28.34 | 
| HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Limited     |    11.45 |    18.84  | 
* No percentage holdings for 2008 as holdings were below 10% as at 31st December 
The calculation of the basic earnings per share of the US Dollar, Euro and 
Sterling share is based on the profit/(loss) for the year attributable to US 
Dollar, Euro and Sterling shareholders and on the weighted average number of US 
Dollar, Euro and Sterling Shares outstanding during the year. The Company's 
diluted earnings per share is the same as basic earnings per share since the 
Company has not issued any instrument with dilutive potential. 
Prior to 15 December 2009, the currency hedging programme was undertaken for the 
Sterling and Euro share classes. The gains and losses arising from the currency 
hedging programme in the year are allocated to the Sterling and Euro share 
classes only and are reflected in the earnings per share of these classes 
disclosed below: 
| As at 31 December 2009:         |                 |            |           | 
|                                 |   Profit/(loss) |    Average |  Earnings | 
|                                 |                 |     No. of |       per | 
|                                 |                 |     Shares |     Share | 
| US Dollar Share                 |    US$1,522,264 |  7,786,468 |   US$0.20 | 
|                                 |                 |            |           | 
| Euro Share                      |       EUR(39,296) |  6,247,197 |   EUR(0.01) | 
| Sterling Share                  |    GBP4,049,076 |  4,293,238 |   GBP0.94 | 
|                                 |                 |            |           | 
| As at 31 December 2008:         |                 |            |           | 
|                                 |            Loss |    Average |  Earnings | 
|                                 |                 |     No. of |       per | 
|                                 |                 |     Shares |     Share | 
| US Dollar Share                 | US$(46,346,772) | 13,517,509 | US$(3.43) | 
| Euro Share                      |   EUR(40,076,449) | 10,819,374 |   EUR(3.70) | 
| Sterling Share                  | GBP(46,229,003) |  7,272,272 | GBP(6.36) | 
|                                 |                 |            |           | 
The net asset value of the US Dollar, Euro and Sterling shares has been 
determined by dividing the net assets attributable to that class by the number 
of US Dollar, Euro and Sterling shares in issue at the year end. 
| As at  31 December 2009:        |               |            |          | 
|                                 |           Net |     No. of |      Net | 
|                                 |        assets |     Shares |   assets | 
|                                 |  attributable |            |      per | 
|                                 |       to each |            |    Share | 
|                                 |   share class |            |          | 
| US Dollar Share                 | US$12,514,802 |  1,539,414 |  US$8.13 | 
| Euro Share                      |    EUR8,932,074 |  1,169,040 |    EUR7.64 | 
| Sterling Share                  |  GBP6,356,037 |    817,995 |  GBP7.77 | 
|                                 |               |            |          | 
| As at ended 31 December 2008:   |               |            |          | 
|                                 |           Net |     No. of |      Net | 
|                                 |        assets |     Shares |   assets | 
|                                 |  attributable |            |      per | 
|                                 |       to each |            |    Share | 
|                                 |   share class |            |          | 
| US Dollar Share                 | US$86,481,257 | 10,686,124 |  US$8.09 | 
| Euro Share                      |   EUR67,034,562 |  8,596,158 |    EUR7.80 | 
| Sterling Share                  | GBP46,283,602 |  5,855,261 |  GBP7.90 | 
|                                 |               |            |          | 
| As at 31 December 2009:         |             |              |              | 
|                                 |         CMA | Non-Cellular |      Company | 
|                                 |      Global |              |        Total | 
|                                 |     Hedge 1 |              |              | 
|                                 |        Cell |              |              | 
|                                 |         US$ |          US$ |          US$ | 
| Sales awaiting settlement       | 2,907,361   |           -  |   2,907,361  | 
| Due from broker                 |    245,020  |           -  |   245,020    | 
| Interest receivable             |        763  |           -  |  763         | 
| Prepaid directors' insurance    | 29,720      |           -  |    29,720    | 
| Prepaid listing fee             |      3,329  |           -  | 3,329        | 
| Prepaid consulting fees         |        910  |           -  | 910          | 
| Other prepaid expenses          |         52  |           -  | 52           | 
| Other debtors                   |    218,057  |           2  |       8,059  | 
|                                 |   3,405,212 |           2  | 3,405,214    | 
|                                 |             |              |              | 
| As at 31 December 2008:         |             |              |              | 
|                                 |         US$ |          US$ |          US$ | 
| Sales awaiting settlement       | 84,180,541  |           -  |  84,180,541  | 
| Prepaid directors' insurance    |     20,913  |           -  |      20,913  | 
| Prepaid listing fee             |      2,253  |           -  |       2,253  | 
| Other debtors                   |     29,024  |           2  |      29,026  | 
|                                 | 84,232,731  |            2 |  84,232,733  | 
|                                 |             |              |              | 
|                                              |    CMA Global Hedge 1     | 
|                                              |     Cell and Company      | 
|                                              |          31 |          31 | 
|                                              |    December |    December | 
|                                              |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                                              |        US$  |        US$  | 
| Investment management fees payable           |    340,120  |  2,409,855  | 
| Administration fees payable                  |    183,631  |     79,180  | 
| Audit fees payable                           |     67,582  |     51,005  | 
| Custodian fees payable                       |     42,472  |     37,705  | 
| Directors' fees and expenses payable         |     28,170  |          -  | 
| Loan interest payable                        |          -  |     13,476  | 
| Restructuring fee payable                    |    542,646  |          -  | 
| Set up cost payable - Entitlement Pools      |    362,230  |          -  | 
| Amounts payable to redeeming shareholders    | 52,727,379  | 62,295,863  | 
| (*)                                          |             |             | 
| Provision for wind up costs                  |    225,000  |          -  | 
| Sundry creditors                             |     81,276  |     27,818  | 
|                                              | 54,600,506  |  64,914,902 | 
|                                              |             |             | 
|                                              |          31 |          31 | 
|                                              |    December |    December | 
|                                              |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                                              |        US$  |        US$  | 
| (*) Reconciliation of Amounts payable to     |             |             | 
| redeeming shareholders:                      |             |             | 
| Redemption Offers and Redemption Facility    | 49,627,627  | 62,295,863  | 
| Offer Redemption Portfolios (see Note 14))   |             |             | 
| Cash Pool (see Note 15)                      |  3,099,752  |          -  | 
|                                              | 52,727,379  | 62,295,863  | 
|                                              |             |             | 
The Entitlement Pools represent the pools of less liquid assets comprised in the 
Redemption Portfolio for each Redemption Offer or Redemption Facility Offer 
which will be realised in order to pay Shareholders the final balance of their 
cash proceeds. 
The Company will, on a monthly basis, publish an unaudited Net Asset Value for 
the Entitlement Pools, which shareholders may choose to take as an indicator of 
the potential realisation proceeds of the Entitlement Pools and the Actual Cash 
Proceeds they may receive. Shareholders should be aware that the realisation 
proceeds will be affected by the ability of the Investment Manager to realise 
assets at the same price as those assets are held at Net Asset Value, taking 
into account market conditions, and the deduction of the costs and expenses 
associated with the December 2008 and March 2009 Redemption Facility Offers and 
the June 2009 Redemption Facility Offer. Therefore, the Actual Cash Proceeds 
received may be materially different to that indicated by any of the monthly 
unaudited Net Asset Values published for the Entitlement Pools. 
Movement analyses of Entitlement Pool liabilities follow:- 
|                            |               December 2008  |             March 2009 | 
|                            |            Redemption Offer  |       Redemption Offer | 
|                            |              US$ |         % |          US$ |       % | 
| Initial net asset value of |      62,295,863  |   100.00  |  47,987,674  | 100.00  | 
| Redemption Portfolio       |                  |           |              |         | 
| Cash element distributed   |     (32,624,780) |   (52.37) | (29,101,899) | (60.64) | 
| at creation                |                  |           |              |         | 
| Entitlement Pool at        |      29,671,083  |    47.63  |  18,885,775  |  39.36  | 
| creation                   |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |                  |           |              |         | 
| First cash payment from    |      (5,600,000) |    (8.99) |  (4,800,000) | (10.00) | 
| Entitlement Pool *         |                  |           |              |         | 
| Second cash payment from   |      (5,800,000) |    (9.31) |           -  |      -  | 
| Entitlement Pool *         |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |     (11,400,000) |   (18.30) |  (4,800,000) | (10.00) | 
| Net changes in value of    |          535,365 |     0.86  |    1,323,648 |   2.76  | 
| Entitlement Pool           |                  |           |              |         | 
| liabilities **             |                  |           |              |         | 
| Estimated value of         |       18,806,448 |    30.19  |   15,409,423 |  32.11  | 
| Entitlement Pool at 31     |                  |           |              |         | 
| December 2009              |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |                    June 2009 |        Total |         | 
|                            |          Redemption Facility |              |         | 
|                            |                        Offer |              |         | 
|                            |              US$ |        %  |         US$  |         | 
| Initial net asset value of |      41,384,495  |   100.00  | 151,668,032  |         | 
| the Redemption Portfolio   |                  |           |              |         | 
| Cash element distributed   |     (26,498,909) | (64.03)   | (88,225,588) |         | 
| at creation                |                  |           |              |         | 
| Entitlement Pool at        |      14,885,586  |    35.97  |  63,442,444  |         | 
| creation                   |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |                  |           |              |         | 
| First cash payment* from   |               -  |   -       | (10,400,000) |         | 
| Entitlement Pool           |                  |           |              |         | 
| Second cash payment* from  |               -  |   -       |  (5,800,000) |         | 
| Entitlement Pool           |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |               -  |   -       | (16,200,000) |         | 
| Net changes in value of    |          526,170 |     1.27  |   2,385,183  |         | 
| Entitlement Pool           |                  |           |              |         | 
| liabilities **             |                  |           |              |         | 
| Estimated value of         |       15,411,756 |  37.24    |  49,627,627  |         | 
| Entitlement Pool at 31     |                  |           |              |         | 
| December 2009              |                  |           |              |         | 
|                            |                  |           |              |         | 
*Gross of redemption fees of 4% payable to the Investment Manager 
**From inception date of the Entitlement Pools to the reporting date 
Further to the introduction of the Cash Option and Redemption Option, the Board 
divided the Company's Portfolio into a Redemption Pool and a Cash Pool. 
Portfolio assets including cash were allocated to the Cash Pool and to the 
Redemption Pool pro rata, in proportion to the aggregate shareholdings of the 
Cash Option Shareholders and the Redemption Option Shareholders. 
The Redemption Pool represents the assets of the Company to be realised on an 
ongoing basis, the proceeds of such realisations will be distributed during the 
Realisation Period to those shareholders who elected for the Redemption Option. 
The Investment Manager will sell the non-cash assets allocated to the Cash Pool 
in the secondary market as soon as practicable, and the proceeds of such 
secondary market sales shall be aggregated with the cash assets allocated to the 
Cash Pool and distributed as cash distributions to Cash Option Shareholders. The 
immediate secondary market realisation of the non-cash assets in the Cash Pool 
is likely to result in those assets being sold at a material discount, and this 
is likely to result in the value of cash distribution being at a material 
discount to the Net Asset Value represented by the Cash Pool assets as a whole. 
First redemption option payment 
Details of the first cash payment received by each Redemption Option Shareholder 
on 23 December 2009 are outlined below. Each Shareholder, by way of redemption 
of shares, received an initial cash payment equal to the following percentage of 
his total number of shares, multiplied by the Net Asset Value per share on 4 
December 2009. 
|                                 |           |  Net Asset |               | 
|                                 |           |  Value per |               | 
|                                 |           |   Share at |         Total | 
|                                 |      % of | 4 December |    Redemption | 
|                                 |   Initial |            |               | 
| Share Class                     |  Payment  |       2009 |        Amount | 
| US Dollar                       |    73.43  |   US$8.34  | US$35,509,184 | 
|                                 |           |            |               | 
| Euro                            |    73.55  |     EUR7.86  |             EUR | 
|                                 |           |            |    25,535,984 | 
| Sterling                        |    73.61  |   GBP7.94  | GBP18,123,401 | 
|                                 |           |            |               | 
| The remaining shares of the Redemption Option Shareholders are           | 
| detailed in Note 17.                                                     | 
First cash option payment 
Details of the first cash payment received by each Cash Option Shareholder on 23 
December 2009 are outlined below. Each Shareholder received an initial cash 
payment equal to the following percentage of his total number of shares, 
multiplied by the Net Asset Value per share on 4 December 2009. 
|                                                                  |           |  Net Asset |              | 
|                                                                  |           |  Value per |              | 
|                                                                  |           |   Share at |        Total | 
|                                                                  |      % of | 4 December |        Cash  | 
|                                                                  |   Initial |            |              | 
| Share Class                                                      |  Payment  |       2009 | Distribution | 
| US Dollar                                                        |    73.43  |   US$8.34  | US$6,590,206 | 
|                                                                  |           |            |              | 
| Euro                                                             |    73.55  |     EUR7.86  |   EUR5,757,061 | 
|                                                                  |           |            |              | 
| Sterling                                                         |    73.61  |   GBP7.94  | GBP4,090,366 | 
|                                                                  |           |            |              | 
|                                                                                                          | 
| Estimated remaining value of Cash                                                                        | 
| Pool                                                                                                     | 
| 31                     31                                                                                | 
| December               December                                                                          | 
| 2009                   2008                                                                              | 
| US$                    US$                                                                               | 
| Estimated remaining value of Cash                                       3,099,752                      - | 
| Pool                                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                                          | 
The Company acting on behalf of CMA Global Hedge 1 Cell entered into a 
US$420,000,000 Credit Facility Agreement on 27 September 2006 with Citibank 
International plc. On 22 June 2007, this facility was extended to 
US$540,000,000. Interest was accrued and calculated as the aggregate of the 
margin, LIBOR and mandatory cost (currently nil). The proceeds of these 
drawdowns were used for investing. 
|                                              |      CMA Global Hedge 1       | 
|                                              |       Cell and Company        | 
|                                              |            31 |            31 | 
|                                              |      December |      December | 
|                                              |          2009 |          2008 | 
|                                              |          US$  |          US$  | 
| Balance at the beginning of the year         |  332,009,384  |  451,358,512  | 
| Capital drawdown                             |   15,527,720  |   86,525,092  | 
| Capital repayment                            | (348,150,376) | (222,759,043) | 
| Capitalised interest                         |      613,272  |   16,884,823  | 
|                                              |               |               | 
| Balance at the end of the year               |            -  |  332,009,384  | 
|                                              |               |               | 
16. LOAN PAYABLE (continued) 
The loan facility was granted for a period of seven years, in the form of 
monthly advances. Each advance, with its monthly accrued interest as reduced or 
increased by forward foreign exchange gains or losses, is rolled as the new 
principal into the following month upon request to the lender, up to the maximum 
loan commitment, until the last month preceding the expiry date of the facility. 
The outstanding amount of the loan was therefore the cumulative amount of 
advances, loan repayments and accrued interest as reduced by gains on forward 
foreign contracts in the course of this year and prior periods. The purpose of 
the loan was to enable the Investment Manager to leverage its investment 
portfolio in accordance with the investment objectives and policies as set out 
in its Offering Memorandum. Under the terms of the loan agreement, this facility 
was available up to the total principal amount at any time, up to and including 
the month preceding the maturity date falling due 7 years after the date of the 
signature of the agreement, that is, 27 September 2013. 
Due to the high cost of maintaining the Company's existing financial leverage, 
in November 2008 the Directors gave six months notice to Citibank International 
PLC to terminate the contract and repaid the loan by 31 March 2009. 
| a) Authorised chare capital   |             |          31 |          31 | 
|                               |             |    December |    December | 
|                               |             |        2009 |        2008 | 
|                               |             |        US$  |        US$  | 
| 2 Management shares of        |             |          2  |          2  | 
| US$1.00 each                  |             |             |             | 
| Unlimited Unclassified Shares |             |          -  |          -  | 
| of Nil value                  |             |             |             | 
|                               |             |          2  |          2  | 
| b) Called up share capital    |             |             |             | 
|                               |   US Dollar |  Euro Share |    Sterling | 
|                               |       Share |             |       Share | 
| As at 31 December 2009        |      No. of |      No. of |      No. of | 
|                               |      Shares |      Shares |      Shares | 
| In issue at the start of the  | 10,686,124  |  8,596,158  |  5,855,261  | 
| year                          |             |             |             | 
| i) Shares conversions         |    (95,711) |     (8,453) |     75,114  | 
| ii) Shares redeemed as a      |             | (1,639,166) | (1,273,275) | 
| result of March 2009          | (2,095,961) |             |             | 
| Redemption Offer              |             |             |             | 
| iii) Shares redeemed as a     | (1,624,198) | (1,533,046) |   (857,957) | 
| result of June 2009           |             |             |             | 
| Redemption Facility Offer     |             |             |             | 
| iv) Shares redeemed as a      | (4,255,376) | (3,250,151) | (2,281,587) | 
| result of Redemption Option   |             |             |             | 
| v) Shares redeemed as a       | (1,075,464) |   (996,302) |   (699,561) | 
| result of Cash Option         |             |             |             | 
| In issue at the end of the    |  1,539,414  |  1,169,040  |    817,995  | 
| year                          |             |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             | 
| The facility to convert between share classes operated in respect       | 
| of the 31 December 2008 and 30 June 2009 Conversion Calculation         | 
| Date. Following the EGM on 15 December 2009, the Company ceased to      | 
| offer a conversion option to the shareholders going forward.            | 
|                                                                         | 
|                               |   US Dollar |  Euro Share |    Sterling | 
|                               |       Share |             |       Share | 
| As at 31 December 2008        |      No. of |      No. of |      No. of | 
|                               |      Shares |      Shares |      Shares | 
| In issue at the start of the  | 15,520,033  | 11,528,966  |  5,692,880  | 
| year                          |             |             |             | 
| i) Shares conversions         | (2,233,453) |   (922,398) |  1,807,207  | 
| ii) Shares redeemed as a      | (2,600,456) | (2,010,410) | (1,644,826) | 
| result of December 2008       |             |             |             | 
| Redemption Offer              |             |             |             | 
| In issue at the end of the    | 10,686,124  |  8,596,158  |  5,855,261  | 
| year                          |             |             |             | 
|                               |             |             |             | 
The facility to convert between share classes dated 18 February 2008 and 18 
August 2008 operated in respect of the December 2007 and 30 June 2008 Conversion 
Calculation Date, respectively. 
The principal rights attaching to the classes of shares are as follows: 
Unclassified Shares 
The Unclassified Shares may be issued as Participating Shares or Nominal Shares 
that may be issued as Cell Shares. 
Management Shares 
The Management Shares in issue were issued at par and are beneficially owned by 
the Investment Manager. The Management Shares have been created so Participating 
Shares may be issued. To qualify as Participating Shares, the Participating 
Shares are required, under Guernsey Law, to have a preference over some other 
class of share capital. The Management Shares carry one vote each on a poll or 
on a show of hands, do not carry any right to dividends and, in a winding up, 
rank only for a return of paid up capital (after return of capital on 
Participating Shares and Nominal Shares). The Management Shares are not 
17. SHARES IN ISSUE (continued) 
b) Called up share capital (continued) 
Participating Shares 
The Participating Shares carry the right to dividends as determined by the 
Company in a general meeting. Each holder of Participating Shares is entitled, 
in person or by proxy, to one vote for each Participating Share held. In a 
winding up, each Participating Share has a preferential right to return of 
capital paid up in priority to a payment in respect of shares of any other class 
and a right to share in surplus assets after a return of capital paid up on 
Nominal and Management Shares. A fraction of a Participating Share will rank 
pari passu and proportionately with a whole Participating Share. 
Before the December 2008 Redemption Offer was introduced by the Directors, each 
holder of Cell Shares could, at the sole option of the Directors on any 
Redemption Date, request the redemption of the whole or any number of Cell 
Shares comprised in his holding of Cell Shares. The Company will not give effect 
to redemption requests in respect of more than 25 per cent of the Shares of the 
relevant class of the relevant Cell or such lesser percentage of Shares in 
respect of which the Directors decide to give effect to redemption requests.  If 
on any Redemption Date the number of Shares for which valid redemption requests 
have been delivered cause the limit to be exceeded, the number of Shares to be 
redeemed on the Redemption Date will be reduced pro rata according to the number 
of Shares to which each redemption request relates. 
By the Special Resolution approved by the shareholders at the Extraordinary 
General Meeting on 17 December 2008, the Redemption Offer and the Redemption 
Facility was introduced and implemented.  The Directors introduced two 
redemption offers of up to 20 per cent each of the Company's share capital in 
issue as at the December 2008 Record Date and the March 2009 Record Date with a 
redemption fee of 4 per cent of Actual Cash Proceeds to the Investment Manager. 
An on-going Redemption Facility was made available to the shareholders whereby 
the Company may offer, at the discretion of the Directors, to redeem up to 20 
per cent of the Company's issued share capital on a half yearly basis, with a 
redemption fee payable to the Investment Manager of 4 per cent, 3 per cent, and 
2 per cent on redemptions made in 2009, 2010 and 2011, respectively.  Each 
shareholder would be paid the actual cash proceeds of the redemption of their 
shares as one or more payments.  The actual cash proceeds would be made up of 
two elements, a cash element and a pro rata share of the realisation proceeds of 
the not immediately liquid portion of the Company's portfolio that would be 
realised as part of each redemption. 
The Board of Directors of the Company subsequently resolved on 12 May 2009 to 
exercise their discretion to offer shareholders in the Company the opportunity 
to participate in a Redemption Facility Offer in June 2009 in respect of up to 
20 per cent of the Company's issued share capital as at June 2009 Record Rate 
(23 June 2009) subject to a redemption fee of 4 per cent of each Shareholder's 
actual cash proceeds payable to the Investment Manager. 
The redemption proceeds for shareholders consists of both liquid and less liquid 
assets.  As a result, the amounts payable to redeeming Shareholders ("Redemption 
Portfolio") consisted of two elements: (1) an initial cash element and (2) an 
entitlement to receive the realisation proceeds of a pro rata share of the less 
liquid portion of the Company's portfolio that has been selected to be realised 
as part of the redemptions in the December 2008 and March 2009 Redemption Offers 
and the June 2009 Redemption Facility Offer. 
The Company paid redeeming shareholders the initial cash element of the 
redemption proceeds in the currency of shares redeemed. The less liquid assets 
which have been selected to be realised are contained in Entitlement Pools in 
respect of each Redemption Offer Date. Redeeming shareholders are paid the 
realisation proceeds of their share of the Entitlement Pools as and when the 
assets are realised and these realisation proceeds may be received as one or 
more cash payments. 
| As at 31 December 2009       |    US Dollar |  Euro Share |    Sterling |        Total |  | 
|                              |        Share |             |       Share |              |  | 
|                              |          US$ |           EUR |         GBP |          US$ |  | 
| Published Net Asset Value    |  12,593,926  |  8,988,546  |  6,396,223  |  35,812,607  |  | 
| Adjustments to Net Asset     |              |             |             |              |  | 
| Value:                       |              |             |             |              |  | 
| Provision for wind up costs  |     (79,124) |    (56,472) |    (40,186) |    (225,000) |  | 
|                              |              |             |             |              |  | 
| Net Asset Value per          |  12,514,802  |  8,932,074  |  6,356,037  |  35,587,607  |  | 
| financial statements         |              |             |             |              |  | 
|                              |              |             |             |              |  | 
|                              |         |      US Dollar |    Euro Share |        Sterling | 
|                              |         |          Share |               |           Share | 
|                              |         |   per share in |  per share in |    per share in | 
|                              |         |            US$ |             EUR |             GBP | 
| Published Net Asset Value    |         |          8.18  |         7.69  |            7.82 | 
| per share                    |         |                |               |                 | 
| Adjustments to Net Asset     |         |                |               |                 | 
| Value per share:             |         |                |               |                 | 
| Provision for wind up costs  |         |         (0.05) |        (0.05) |          (0.05) | 
|                              |         |                |               |                 | 
| Net Asset Value per share per          |          8.13  |         7.64  |           7.77  | 
| financial statements                   |                |               |                 | 
|                              |              |             |             |              |  | 
|                              |         |    |           | |             |              |  | 
| As at 31 December 2008     |     US Dollar |         Euro |     Sterling |         Total |          | 
|                            |         Share |        Share |        Share |               |          | 
|                            |           US$ |            EUR |          GBP |           US$ |          | 
| Published Net Asset Value  |  108,221,361  |  83,246,747  |  59,668,511  |  311,481,489  |          | 
| Adjustments to Net Asset   |               |              |              |               |          | 
| Value:                     |               |              |              |               |          | 
| Accrual for amounts        |  (21,181,138) | (15,778,911) | (13,085,757) |  (62,295,863) |          | 
| payable to redeeming       |               |              |              |               |          | 
| Shareholders               |               |              |              |               |          | 
| Estimated prices adjusted  |     (558,966) |    (433,273) |    (299,151) |   (1,600,252) |          | 
| to final prices            |               |              |              |               |          | 
|                            |               |              |              |               |          | 
| Net Asset Value per        |  86,481,257   | 67,034,563   |  46,283,603  |  247,585,374  |          | 
| financial statements       |               |              |              |               |          | 
|                            |               |              |              |               |          | 
|                            |            |     US Dollar |     Euro Share |           Sterling Share | 
|                            |            |         Share |                |                          | 
|                            |            |     per share |      per share |         per share in GBP | 
|                            |            |        in US$ |           in EUR |                          | 
| Published Net Asset Value  |            |         8.15  |          7.85  |                     7.96 | 
| per share                  |            |               |                |                          | 
| Adjustments to Net Asset   |            |               |                |                          | 
| Value per share:           |            |               |                |                          | 
| Estimated prices adjusted  |            |        (0.06) |         (0.05) |                   (0.06) | 
| to final prices            |            |               |                |                          | 
|                            |            |               |                |                          | 
| Net Asset Value per share per           |         8.09  |          7.80  |                    7.90  | 
| financial statements                    |               |                |                          | 
|                            |               |              |              |               |          | 
|                            |            |  |            | |              |               |          | 
The Net Asset Value for amounts payable to redeeming Shareholders are accounted 
for as payables in the financial statements. 
In the opinion of the Directors on the basis of the shareholdings advised to 
them, the Company has no ultimate controlling party. 
Second and Final Cash Pool Payment 
Following the sale of the pro rata share of all remaining illiquid assets, Cash 
Option Shareholders received their second and final cash payment on 17 March 
2010. Details of the final settlement are outlined below. Each Cash Option 
Shareholder received a second and final cash payment equal to the following 
value per share held. 
|                                              |    Second |              | 
|                                              |       and |              | 
|                                              |     Final |        Total | 
|                                              |   Payment |         Cash | 
| Share Class                                  |      (per | Distribution | 
|                                              |    share) |              | 
| US Dollar                                    | US$0.8844 |   US$951,140 | 
|                                              |           |              | 
| Euro                                         |   EUR0.8747 |     EUR871,465 | 
|                                              |           |              | 
| Sterling                                     | GBP0.9091 |   GBP635,971 | 
|                                              |           |              | 
|                                              |           |              | 
Cash Payments from the Entitlement Pools 
On 23 April 2010, the December 2008, March 2009 and June 2009 Entitlement Pool 
Shareholders received payments relating to realisation proceeds of certain of 
the assets held on the three Entitlement Pools. Details of cash payments (before 
deduction of the 4 per cent redemption fee charged by the Investment Manager) 
made to Entitlement Pool Shareholders were as follows: 
-  Third payment relating to the December 2008 Redemption Offer amounting to US$ 
2.5 million, EUR 
1.9 million, and GBP 1.5 million for the US Dollar, Euro, and Sterling share 
classes, respectively. 
-           A second cash payment relating to the March 2009 Redemption Offer 
amounting to US$2.2 
million, EUR1.6 million, and GBP1.2 million for the US Dollar, Euro, and Sterling 
share classes, 
-           First payment relating to the June 2009 Redemption Facility Offer 
amounting to US$2.3 million, EUR 
2.1 million, and GBP 1.2 million for the US Dollar, Euro, and Sterling share 
classes, respectively. 
For CMA Global Hedge PCC Limited 
HSBC Securities Services (Guernsey) Limited, Secretary 
30th April 2010 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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