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Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow

Year End September 29 2023 201820192020202120222023
GBP (£)GBP (£)GBP (£)GBP (£)GBP (£)GBP (£)
Total Assets 278k398k4.66M5.44M7.05M7.77M
Total Current Assets 278k398k278k146k433k162k
Cash and Equivalents 278k142k206k93k347k130k
Total Non-Current Assets 242k287k3.31M4.28M5.9M5.87M
Total Liabilities 36k111k1.35M1.17M1.15M1.9M
Total Current Liabilities 36k111k499k280k326k1.08M
Total Non-Current Liabilities 00849k1.77M1.65M819k
Total Equity 242k287k3.31M4.28M5.9M5.87M
Common Equity 400k450k783k901k1.18M1.34M
Retained Earnings -163k-406k-1.45M-2.08M-3.17M-4.56M