RNS Number : 1232G

One Delta PLC

01 May 2014

1 May 2014

One Delta plc

("One Delta" or the "Company")

Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30 November 2013

One Delta (AIM: ONE), which has conditionally agreed to acquire digital social media audio platform, Audioboo Limited ("Audioboo"), announces its audited financial results for the year ended 30 November 2013. The results show a loss before tax of GBP0.55 million on turnover of GBP0.02million.

Post-period end highlights

   --     Secured funding for investment and development purposes of GBP3.5 million 
   --     Increased stake in One Delta Limited ("ODL") to 94.7% 

-- Entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the entire issued share capital of Audioboo by the issue of 174,537,998 new shares and warrants to subscribe for a further 18,003,696 shares at 1.5p

About Audioboo

-- Social media audio platform that allows professional and amateur content producers to create and broadcast audio content

-- Current channel partners include the BBC, the Telegraph and Guardian newspapers, and the Premier League

   --     2.4 million registered users 

Roger Maddock, Chairman of One Delta, commented:"The Company is now well positioned with cash reserves and subsidiaries to develop its investments. It is proposed that new members will join the Board as directors as a result of the acquisition of Audioboo and that the funding will be used to take the Audioboo product to its next stage and increase its market penetration and user base.

"Audioboo is a fast growing Social Media technology company which can be best described as the audio equivalent of YouTube. With the market for Social Media continuing to experience rapid and substantial growth on a global scale, Audioboo has identified many opportunities to enhance Shareholder value.

"The Board is mindful of the possibilities afforded by the existing ODL business and will continue to review the opportunities provided by the strategies partnerships and business leads."


 One Delta plc                                               www.onedeltaplc.com 
 Roger Maddock, Chairman                                      Tel: 01534 753 400 
 Roger King, Director 
 Arden Partners plc                                           Tel: 020 7614 5929 
 Chris Hardie, Corporate Finance 
 Walbrook PR                       Tel: 020 7933 8780 or onedelta@walbrookpr.com 
 Paul McManus                                                 Mob: 07980 541 893 
 Bob Huxford                                                  Mob: 07747 635 908 

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present the audited results for the year ended 30 November 2013.

In its interim financial statements, announced on 29 August 2013, I reported that the Company had the ability to consider other opportunities into which it might wish to diversify. I am pleased to report that, having taken advantage of certain of these opportunities, the Company is entering a new era.

Since November 2013, it has secured funding for investment and development purposes of GBP3.5 million (see below) and increased its stake in One Delta Limited ("ODL") to 94.6% (see below). It has also entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the entire issued share capital of Audioboo Limited ("Audioboo").

Issue of Shares

Since the year end the Company has raised a total of GBP3.58 million. In November 2013 it issued 15,000,000 shares held in treasury, raising GBP80,000 and in March 2014 a further 254.4 million shares were issued raising GBP3.5 million.

These capital raisings were undertaken pursuant to the Company's revised strategy, as set out in the Notice of General Meeting posted to shareholders on 3 December 2013 and approved by shareholders at the General Meeting on 18 December 2013. The response from both new and existing investors to the capital raises and the new strategy has proved very positive.

Expansion of Business

As announced on 1 May 2014 the Company has entered into a share purchase agreement that, subject to shareholder approval, will result in the acquisition of 100% of Audioboo.

Audioboo is a social media audio platform that allows professional and amateur content producers to create and broadcast audio content. Audioboo's current channel partners include the BBC, the Telegraph and Guardian newspapers and the Premier League. Audioboo has 2.3 million registered users.

The consideration payable by the Company in respect of the Acquisition amounts to 174,537,998 new shares and warrants to subscribe for a further 18,003,696 shares at 1.5p. This is being treated as a reverse takeover pursuant to Rule 14 of the AIM Rules for Companies. As a result the Acquisition requires the approval of shareholders and an Admission Document dated 1 May 2014 has been sent to shareholders with these financial statements for their consideration together with a notice of the Annual General Meeting to be held on 19 May 2014.

In accordance with AIM Rules relating to such an acquisition the Company requested the suspension of trading in its shares during the period of the negotiations of the reverse takeover. This period of suspension is expected to end on 2 May 2014, being the day following the announcement of the Acquisition.

If the Acquisition receives shareholder consent it is proposed that three new Directors will join the Board. Robert Proctor, CEO of Audioboo, Rodger Sargent and Simon Cole will be appointed.

Financial Performance

In the year to 30 November 2013 the results show a turnover of GBP22,022 and losses of GBP546,660 (predominantly the result of a goodwill write-down relating to ODL).

Throughout the reporting period the Company continued to support ODL in its effort to develop product likely to prove attractive to companies operating in the UK fencing sector. The limited budget and resources available made this a difficult task, as is reflected in the annual results but ODL continues to pursue a number of opportunities which might prove to be worthwhile and continues to be operated on a tight budget.


The Company is now well positioned with cash reserves and subsidiaries to develop its investments.

It is proposed that new members will join the Board as directors as a result of the acquisition of Audioboo and that the funding will be used to take the Audioboo product to its next stage and increase the market penetration and user base. The Board is mindful of the possibilities afforded by the existing ODL business and will review the opportunities provided by the strategies partnerships and business leads.

Roger Maddock


1 May 2014

   Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                              Group   Group Fourteen 
                                          Year ended     months ended 
                                         30 November      30 November 
                                                2013             2012 
                                 Note            GBP              GBP 
   Revenue                                    22,022           33,318 
   Cost of sales                            (14,700)         (39,773) 
   Gross profit/(loss)                         7,322          (6,455) 
   Other income                                5,667              478 
   Rental expenses                4          (8,546)         (11,054) 
   Other administrative 
    expenses                               (246,103)        (753,571) 
   Impairment of goodwill                  (295,000)      (1,135,755) 
   Amortisation of intangible 
    asset                         4         (10,000)         (10,000) 
   Net loss on ordinary 
   before taxation                         (546,660)      (1,916,357) 
   Tax expense                                     -                - 
   Net loss and total 
   comprehensive income                    (546,660)      (1,916,357) 
   Attributable to: 
   Owners of the Company                   (513,274)      (1,916,357) 
   Non-controlling interest                 (33,386)                - 
                                           (546,660)      (1,916,357) 
   Basic (loss) per share 
    (pence)                       2            (1.7)            (7.3) 
   Diluted (loss) per 
    share (pence)                 2            (1.7)            (7.3) 
   Company Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                             Company   Company Fourteen 
                                          Year ended       months ended 
                                         30 November        30 November 
                                                2013               2012 
                                 Note            GBP                GBP 
   Revenue                                         -                  - 
   Cost of sales                                   -                  - 
   Gross profit/(loss)                             -                  - 
   Other income                                5,685                  - 
   Rental expenses                4 
   Other administrative 
    expenses                               (181,708)          (530,868) 
   Impairment of investment 
    in subsidiary                          (295,000)        (1,360,000) 
   Amortisation of intangible 
    asset                         4         (10,000)                  - 
   Net loss on ordinary 
   before taxation                         (481,023)        (1,890,868) 
   Tax expense                                     -                  - 
   Net loss and total 
   comprehensive income                    (481,023)        (1,890,868) 
   Attributable to: 
   Owners of the Company                   (481,023)        (1,890,868) 
   Non-controlling interest                                           - 
                                           (481,023)        (1,890,868) 
   Basic (loss) per share 
    (pence)                       2            (1.5)              (7.2) 
   Diluted (loss) per 
    share (pence)                 2            (1.5)              (7.2) 
  Consolidated Statement of 
                                               30 November       30 November 
                                                      2013              2012 
                                     Notes             GBP               GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                              10            5,000           300,000 
 Intangible asset                      10           30,000            40,000 
                                                    35,000           340,000 
 Current assets 
 Inventory                                           6,390            16,818 
 Other receivables                     6            20,097            15,708 
 Cash and cash equivalents            1(i)          73,040           149,750 
                                                    99,527           182,276 
 Liabilities - amounts falling 
  due within one year 
 Other payables                        7         (133,110)          (54,199) 
 Net current (liabilities)/assets                 (33,583)           128,077 
 Total net assets                                    1,417           468,077 
 Stated capital                        8         5,406,952         5,326,952 
 Capital reserve                       11        (706,395)         (706,395) 
 Issue costs reserve                   11        (679,868)         (679,868) 
 Revenue reserve                               (3,973,448)       (3,472,612) 
 Equity attributable to owners 
  of the Company                                    47,241           468,077 
 Non-controlling interest                         (45,824)                 - 
 Total equity                                        1,417           468,077 
 Company Statement of Financial Position            30 November   30 November 
                                                           2013          2012 
                                            Notes           GBP           GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Investment in subsidiaries                   9          35,002       340,000 
 Current assets 
 Other receivables                            6         107,200        63,200 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               71,303       125,733 
                                                        178,503       188,933 
 Liabilities - amounts falling due 
  within one year 
 Other payables                               7       (120,962)      (35,367) 
 Net current assets                                      57,541       153,566 
 Total net assets                                        92,543       493,566 
 Stated capital                               8       5,406,952     5,326,952 
 Capital reserve                             11       (706,395)     (706,395) 
 Issue costs reserve                                  (679,868)     (679,868) 
 Revenue reserve                                    (3,928,146)   (3,447,123) 
 Total shareholders' funds (all equity)                  92,543       493,566 
                              Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
                                                                 Group                Group 
                                                            Year ended      Fourteen months 
                                                           30 November    ended 30 November 
                                                                  2013                 2012 
                                                  Notes            GBP                  GBP 
    Net cash outflow from operating activities     12        (146,710)            (579,667) 
                              Cash flow from investing activities 
    Cash from acquisition of subsidiary                              -              107,832 
    Net cash inflow from investing activities                        -              107,832 
    Decrease in cash before financing                        (146,710)            (471,835) 
                              Cash flow from financing activities 
    Shares issued                                               70,000              223,750 
    Loan payments received / (issued)                                -               87,739 
    Net cash inflow from financing activities                   70,000              311,489 
    Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                 (76,710)            (160,346) 
                               Cash and cash equivalents at the 
     start of the period                                       149,750              310,096 
                               Cash and cash equivalents at the 
     end of the period                                          73,040              149,750 
   Company Statement of Cash Flows 
                                                            Company              Company 
                                                         Year ended      Fourteen months 
                                                        30 November    ended 30 November 
                                                               2013                 2012 
                                               Notes            GBP                  GBP 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities     12         (87,230)            (329,913) 
 Decrease in cash before financing                         (87,230)            (329,913) 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Shares issued                                               70,000              208,750 
 Loan payments received / (issued)                         (37,200)             (63,200) 
 Net cash inflow from financing activities                   32,800              145,550 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                 (54,430)            (184,363) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  start of the period                                       125,733              310,096 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                                          71,303              125,733 
 of Changes in 
                                                     Issue                               Non-controlling 
                            Stated     Capital       costs       Revenue                        interest         Total 
                           capital     reserve     reserve       reserve         Total                          equity 
                               GBP         GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP               GBP           GBP 
 For the year ended 
  30 November 2013 
 At 1 December 
  2012                   5,326,952   (706,395)   (679,868)   (3,472,612)       468,077                 -       468,077 
 Loss for the year               -           -           -     (513,274)     (513,274)          (33,386)     (546,660) 
 Issue of 
  shares                    80,000           -           -             -        80,000                 -        80,000 
 Transfer to 
  interest                       -           -           -        12,438        12,438          (12,438)             - 
 At 30 November 
  2013                   5,406,952   (706,395)   (679,868)   (3,973,448)        47,241          (45,824)         1,417 
 For the fourteen 
  months ended 
  30 November 2012 
 At 1 October 2011       3,208,910   (706,395)   (679,868)   (1,556,255)       266,392                 -       266,392 
 Loss for the period             -           -           -   (1,916,357)   (1,916,357)                 -   (1,916,357) 
 Issue of fee shares       209,292           -           -             -       209,292                 -       209,292 
 Issue of 
  shares                 1,700,000           -           -             -     1,700,000                 -     1,700,000 
 Issue of 
  shares                   208,750           -           -             -       208,750                 -       208,750 
 At 30 November 
  2012                   5,326,952   (706,395)   (679,868)   (3,472,612)       468,077                 -       468,077 
 Company Statement 
  of Changes in Equity 
                              Stated     Capital   Issue costs       Revenue 
                             capital     reserve       reserve       reserve         Total 
                                 GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
 For the year ended 
  30 November 2013 
 At 1 December 2012        5,326,952   (706,395)     (679,868)   (3,447,123)     (493,566) 
 Loss for the year                 -           -             -     (481,023)     (481,023) 
 Issue of participation 
  shares                      80,000           -             -             -        80,000 
 At 30 November 2013       5,406,952   (706,395)     (679,868)   (3,928,146)        92,543 
 For the fourteen 
  months ended 
  30 November 2012 
 At 1 October 2011         3,208,910   (706,395)     (679,868)   (1,556,255)       266,392 
 Loss for the period               -           -             -   (1,890,868)   (1,890,868) 
 Issue of fee shares         209,292           -             -             -       209,292 
 Issue of consolidation 
  shares                   1,700,000           -             -             -     1,700,000 
 Issue of participation 
  shares                     208,750           -             -             -       208,750 
 At 30 November 2012       5,326,952   (706,395)     (679,868)   (3,447,123)       493,566 

Notes to the financial statements

1. Accounting policies

(a) Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified to include revaluations, in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards as adopted by the European Union. Applicable Accounting Standards for these purposes are International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), as adopted by the European Union.

Following the group restructuring carried out after the year end and a review of the business plan and related commitments, the Directors have concluded that the Group has adequate financial resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

(b) Basis of consolidation

The accompanying financial statements and related notes present the consolidated financial position as of 30 November 2013 and the consolidated cash flows and comprehensive income for the year ended 30 November 2013. The results of subsidiaries acquired during the year are included in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income from the effective date of acquisition. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the results and balances of the subsidiary to bring their accounting policies into line with those used by the Group. All intercompany transactions have been eliminated.

(c) Intangible assets

Intangible assets are initially recognised at cost. Patents and trade-marks and development and other costs are then amortised over their useful economic lives which are assessed to be 5 years. Goodwill is not amortised but is subject to an annual impairment test.

(d) Estimates and judgments

The preparation of financial statements requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The most significant estimate for the company relates to the carrying value of the investment and this is disclosed further in note 9. Based on the current financial performance and future prospects of One Delta Ltd management have decided to impair the investment to GBP35,000, this represents the maximum potential additional impairment.

The most significant estimate for the group relates to the valuation of the goodwill and intangible assets and this is disclosed further in note 10. Based on the current financial performance and future prospects of One Delta Ltd, upon whose acquisition the goodwill arose, management have decided to impair the goodwill to GBP5,000 which represents the maximum potential additional impairment. Management continues to seek to develop the intellectual property of One Delta Ltd, represented by the intangible assets, and remain of the opinion that a five year useful life is appropriate. The intangible assets are valued at GBP30,000 and this represents the maximum potential additional write down should a successful development fail to occur.

(e) Inventory

Inventory is stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value on a FIFO basis.

(f) Currency

The results and financial position of the Group and Company are expressed in Pounds Sterling, which is the functional and presentational currency of all group companies. There were no foreign currency transactions during the current or previous financial periods.

(g) Receivables

Receivables are of a short-term nature and are accordingly stated at their nominal value as reduced by appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts.

(h) Share capital

Founder shares

Founder shares are classified as equity. Founder shares are not eligible for participation in Company investments and carry no voting rights at general meetings of the Company.

Participating shares

Participating shares are classified as equity. Participating shares are eligible for participation in Company investments and carry voting rights at general meetings of the Company.

(i) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents in the Consolidated and Company Statement of Financial Position comprise cash at banks with an original maturity of three months or less.

(j) Loans and receivables

Loans and receivables are shown on a recoverable basis. Receivables are of a short-term nature and are accordingly stated at their nominal value as reduced by appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts.

(k) Rounding

Figures presented in the financial statements are rounded to the nearest one Pound Sterling.

(l) Revenue recognition

Income from sales is measured on an accruals basis in respect of goods supplied during the year exclusive of Value Added Tax.

(m) Changes in accounting policies

As at the date of approval of these financial statements some standards and interpretations (not listed out in view of their lack of materiality) were in issue but not yet effective. The Directors expect that the adoption of these standards and interpretations in future accounting periods will not have a material impact on the Group or Company's results.

2. Loss per share

Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net loss for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of participating shares outstanding during the year.

Basic and Diluted earnings per share are the same as there are no instruments in issue other than the shares used in calculating Basic earnings per share.

The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic earnings per share computation:

                                    Year ended        Company            Group          Company 
                                            30     Year ended       Year ended       Year ended 
                                      November    30 November      30 November      30 November 
                                          2013           2013             2012             2012 
 Loss attributable to ordinary 
  shareholders                    GBP(546,660)   GBP(481,023)   GBP(1,916,357)   GBP(1,916,357) 
 Weighted average of shares 
  in issue                          21,464,767     21,464,767       26,366,056       26,366,056 
 Basic and diluted loss per 
  share                                 (2.5)p         (2.2)p           (7.3)p           (7.3)p 

3. Operating segment

The subsidiary company, One Delta Limited, is currently in the early stages of developing its technology and hence only has one operating and geographical segment.

4. Other operating expenses

The loss for the year is stated after charging the following:

                                        Group                          Group         Company 
                                   Year ended        Company        Fourteen        Fourteen 
                                           30     Year ended    months ended    months ended 
                                     November    30 November     30 November     30 November 
                                         2013           2013            2012            2012 
                                          GBP            GBP             GBP             GBP 
 Loss on part disposal of                   -        165,172               -               - 
 Impairment of goodwill / 
  investment in subsidiary            295,000        139,828       1,135,755       1,360,000 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                               10,000              -          10,000               - 
 Director loans written off             3,529              -          80,509               - 
 Wages and salaries                    37,314              -          69,945               - 
 Research and development                   -              -          16,386               - 
 Auditors' fees - for audit 
  services                             21,950         14,450          20,300          17,900 
 Other amounts due to auditors              -              -           3,600           3,600 
 Consultancy fees                      35,690         35,400               -               - 
 Directors' remuneration               31,860         31,860          62,616          62,616 
 Cost of inventories sold              14,700              -          39,773               - 
 Rental expenses                        8,546              -          11,054               - 
 Acquisition costs                          -              -         227,129         227,129 

5. Taxation

Profits arising in the Company for the 2013 Year of Assessment will be subject to Jersey Income Tax at the rate of Nil per cent (2012: Nil per cent).

                                         Year ended          ended 
                                        30 November    30 November 
                                               2013           2012 
 Reconciliation of taxable profit               GBP            GBP 
 Net loss before taxation                 (546,660)    (1,916,357) 
 Adjustment for disallowable income 
  and expenses                            (546,660)    (1,916,357) 
 Taxable profit                             -              - 

6. Other receivables

                                      Group         Group   Company       Company 
                                30 November   30 November   30 November   30 November 
                                       2013          2012          2013          2012 
                                        GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
 Amounts due from subsidiary 
  undertaking                             -             -        97,200        60,000 
 Accounts receivable                 20,097        15,708        10,000         3,200 
                                     20,097        15,708       107,200        63,200 

No receivables are impaired or past due.

7. Other payables

                         Group         Group   Company       Company 
                   30 November   30 November   30 November   30 November 
                          2013          2012          2013          2012 
 Trade payables         22,583             -        17,935             - 
 Accruals               93,648        37,320        86,148        18,488 
 Tax                    16,879        16,879        16,879        16,879 
                       133,110        54,199       120,962        35,367 

Trade payables and accruals principally comprise amounts outstanding for trade purchases and ongoing costs.

                                       Group         Group   Company       Company 
                                 30 November   30 November   30 November   30 November 
                                        2013          2012          2013          2012 
 Other payables are due for 
  settlement in the following 
 Within 0 - 30 Days                   30,471        19,620        25,823         7,988 
 Between 3 months and 1 year         102,639        34,579        95,139        27,379 
                                     133,110        54,199       120,962        35,367 

8. Stated capital

The Company is a no par value ('NPV') company

                                    30 November   30 November 
                                           2013          2012 
 Authorised:                             Number        Number 
 Founder shares                              10            10 
 99,999,990 participating shares     99,999,990    99,999,990 
                                    100,000,000   100,000,000 
 Issued and fully paid:                  Number        Number 
 Founder shares                               2             2 
 Participating shares                31,574,356    31,574,356 

All costs associated with the issue of shares have been taken to the issue costs reserve.

                                      Note     Number       Share 
                                                of shares    Capital 
 Opening balance at 1 October 2011              5,098,830   3,208,910 
 On 23 December 2011                  (i)      21,250,002   1,700,000 
 On 23 December 2011                  (ii)      3,446,875     275,750 
 On 23 December 2011                  (iii)     1,778,649     142,292 
 At 30 November 2012                           31,574,356   5,326,952 
                                       Note    Number         Share 
                                                of shares      Capital 
 Opening balance at 1 December 2012            31,574,356     5,326,952 
 On 28 March 2013                      (iv)    (15,000,000)       - 
 On 29 November 2013                   (v)     15,000,000        80,000 
 At 30 November 2013                           31,574,356     5,406,952 
   (i)   Refer to note 9 for details of shares issued in acquisition of One Delta Limited. 

(ii) On 23 December 2011, the Group made an Offer for Subscription and raised GBP275,750 before expenses by issuing 3,446,875 shares at GBP0.08 per share.

(iii) On 23 December 2011, the Group issued 1,778,649 shares in exchange for fees valued at GBP142,292 which were recognised immediately in the statement of comprehensive income.

(iv) On 28 March 2013 the Company acquired 15,000,000 shares in exchange for 57 shares in One Delta Limited (being 47.5%) and then held in Treasury

(v) On 29 November 2013 the Company sold 15,000,000 shares out of Treasury for a total consideration of GBP80,000.

(vi) On 17 March 2014 the Company issued 233,333,333 shares to raise GBP3.5 million.

9. Investment in subsidiaries

The Company has the following investments in subsidiaries:

                            Country of       Class of 
                         Incorporation    shares held       % 
                           England and 
One Delta Limited                Wales       Ordinary  51.42% 
                           England and 
Fusion Delta Limited             Wales       Ordinary    100% 

On 23 April 2013 the Company transferred 48.58% of One Delta Limited to key employees and subsequently is 51.42% owned by One Delta Plc.

The results of One Delta Limited are included within these financial statements.

The Directors have re-assessed the cost of One Delta Limited to include Intellectual Property at GBP50,000, to be amortised over 5 years, and have impaired the value of goodwill to GBP30,000 (see note 10). Goodwill will be reviewed for impairment on an annual basis.

 1 October 2011                                   - 
 Acquisition of One Delta Ltd             1,700,000 
 Impairment                             (1,360,000) 
 30 November 2012                           340,000 
 Disposal of 48.58% of One Delta 
  Ltd                                     (165,172) 
 Impairment                               (139,828) 
 Acquisition of Fusion Delta Ltd                  2 
 30 November 2013                            35,002 

10. Intangible assets

Included in the financial statements is Intellectual Property which has an amortised carrying value of GBP30,000 at the year end.

One Delta Limited has developed a portfolio of products that can be produced from waste plastic. No similar products have been sold therefore the valuation is based on known costs of GBP30,248 plus some unaccounted costs.

                                 Goodwill    Patents and   Development         Total 
                                             trade-marks     and other         other 
                                                                 costs    intangible 
 Cost                                 GBP            GBP           GBP           GBP 
 Balance at 1 December 
  2012                          1,435,755          7,020        42,980        50,000 
 Balance at 30 November 
  2013                          1,435,755          7,020        42,980        50,000 
 Impairment and amortisation 
 Balance at 1 December 
  2012                          1,135,755          1,404         8,596      (10,000) 
 Impairment for the year          295,000              -             -             - 
 Amortisation for the year              -          1,404         8,596      (10,000) 
 Balance at 30 November 
  2013                          1,430,755          2,808        17,192      (20,000) 
 Net book value 
 Balance at 1 December 
  2012                            300,000          5,616        34,384        40,000 
 Balance at 30 November 
  2013                              5,000          4,212        25,788        30,000 

It has been estimated that the intangible asset has a useful life of 5 years and is therefore being amortised on a straight line basis at GBP10,000 per year with the carrying value at 30 November 2013 being GBP30,000.

The Directors have carefully considered both the record of sales for the Company over the accounting period and the prospect for sales in the future and consider that, in the light of the current actual level of sales of instant sandbags and the potential for the sale of specialist fencing to a major UK utility, the goodwill is more reasonably be valued at GBP5,000 and hence an impairment charge of GBP295,000 has been accounted for in the year ended 30 November 2013.

The amortisation and impairment charges are shown separately in the Company Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.

There is only one cash generating unit thus the figures above represent the total amortisation and impairment deductions for the Company. The recoverable amount of goodwill is forecast to be GBP5,000 and has been calculated with reference to its value in use. The directors consider 12% to be appropriate for One Delta Limited on the basis of the anticipated risk and return.

Management forecasts are based on a 5 year period with sales expected to increase at 30% per annum until the trading year 2015/16 and at 50% per annum thereafter. Costs of sales are expected to remain at a constant percentage of sales whilst other costs are expected to increase at between 10% and 20% over the same 5 year period. Management have assumed that any future price rises in cost of sales will be negated by the ability to purchase with volume discounts.

The growth rates used in the value in use calculation reflect the rates currently experienced in the construction sector.

11. Reserves

                                            2013        2012 
 Capital Reserve                             GBP         GBP 
 At 1 December 2012 and 30 November 
  2013                                 (706,395)   (706,395) 

The capital reserve arose from recognised losses on property development and holding.

                                            2013        2012 
 Issue Costs Reserve                         GBP         GBP 
 At 1 December 2012 and 30 November 
  2013                                 (679,868)   (679,868) 

The issue costs reserve arose from expenses incurred on a share issue in 2006.

12. Net cash outflow from operating activities

                                                                  Group Fourteen 
                                          Group         Company     months ended   Company Fourteen 
                                     Year ended      Year ended      30 November       months ended 
                                    30 November     30 November             2012        30 November 
                                           2013            2013                                2012 
                                            GBP             GBP              GBP                GBP 
 Rental income received                   5,685           5,685                -                  - 
 Sales income                            22,004               -           33,538                  - 
 Other income                                 -               -              478                  - 
 Cost of sales                         (14,700)               -             (15)                  - 
 Rental expenses                              -               -         (10,445)                  - 
 Other expenses                       (165,526)        (92,915)        (603,233)          (329,913) 
 Movement in inventory                   10,428               -                -                  - 
 Movement in other receivables            2,082               -                -                  - 
 Movement in other payables             (6,683)               -                -                  - 
 Net cash outflow from 
  operating activities                (146,710)        (87,230)        (579,667)          (329,913) 

13. Financial instruments

The Company's financial instruments comprise fixed interest securities, cash balances and debtors and creditors that arise directly from its operations, for example, in respect of sales and purchases awaiting settlement, and debtors for accrued income.

The main risks the Company faces from its financial instruments are (i) market price risk (comprising interest rate risk and other price risk), (ii) liquidity risk and (iii) credit risk.

The Board regularly reviews and agrees on policies for managing each of these risks. The policies for managing these risks are summarised below and have been applied throughout the year. The numerical disclosures exclude short-term receivables and payables.

   (i)    Interest rate risk 

Interest rate movements may affect: (i) the fair value of the investments in fixed interest rate securities, and (ii) the level of income receivable on cash deposits.

The interest rate profile of the Company excluding short term receivables and payables at 30 November 2013 was as follows:

 30 November 2013                 Group 
                           Non-interest          Company 
                                bearing     Non-interest 
                                    GBP          bearing 
 Intercompany loan                    -           97,200 
 Sterling cash deposit           73,040           71,303 
 Other receivables               20,097                - 
                                 93,137          168,503 
 30 November 2012                 Group 
                           Non-interest          Company 
                                bearing     Non-interest 
                                    GBP          bearing 
 Intercompany loan                    -           60,000 
 Sterling cash deposit          149,750          125,733 
 Other receivables               15,708            3,200 
                                165,458          188,933 

All assets above are due within one year. The intercompany loan is interest free and payable on demand.

Interest rate sensitivity

We have assumed that interest rates are unlikely to change more than 100 basis points over the next year. Likely changes in interest rates would not have a material impact on the Company.

   (ii)   Liquidity risk 

As at 30 November 2013 the Company did not have any significant liabilities payable.

(iii) Credit risk

The Company places funds with third parties and is therefore potentially at risk from the failure of any such third party of which it is a creditor. The Company expects to place any such funds on a short-term basis only and spread these over a number of years.

Management has a credit policy in place and the exposure to credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis.

The Company's principal financial assets are fixed interest securities, other receivables and cash and cash equivalents. The maximum exposure of the Company to the credit risk is the carrying amount of each class of financial assets.

The Company has a concentration of credit risk arising from cash and cash equivalents which is all maintained with RBS International, Jersey.

14. Related party transactions

The compensation of key management personnel, including the Directors, is as follows:

                         2013    2012 
                          GBP     GBP 
Director fees          31,860   1,616 
Consultancy fees       35,400       - 
Share based payments        -  61,000 

Roger King and Roger Maddock beneficially hold 583,973 shares and 5,273,556 shares respectively and are Directors of the Company. At 30 November 2013 Roger King and Roger Maddock were each due GBP15,930.

Roger King is a Director of Anglo Saxon Trust Limited and AST Secretaries Limited, who act as administrators and company secretary respectively to the Company. Fees payable to Anglo Saxon Trust Limited for administration and accountancy services and AST Secretaries Limited for secretarial services during the year amounted to GBP40,285 (2012:GBP46,200). Balances due to Anglo Saxon Trust Limited at the year end amounted to GBP11,400 (2012:GBP2,093) and no fees were payable to AST Secretaries Limited at the year end (2012: Nil.)

At the year end One Delta Plc was owed GBP97,200 by One Delta Ltd (2012: GBP60,000.) Subsequent to the year end the loan has been capitalized and the Group's interest in the share capital of One Delta Limited increased to 94.7%.

   15.   Ultimate controlling party 

There is no one ultimate controlling party.

   16.   Capital management 

As a result of the ability to issue, repurchase and resell participating shares, the capital of the Company can vary depending on subscriptions to the Company and repurchases by the Company. The Company is not subject to externally imposed capital requirements and has no restrictions on the issue, repurchase and resale of participating shares. The primary objective of the Company's capital management is to ensure that it retains sufficient liquidity to enable it to meet its ongoing expense obligations in a timely manner and to ensure that there is a reasonable buffer amount available at any one time. The Company includes cash and debtors in its resources to meet its objective and generally relies on the cash flows from rental income to support this.

The Company is able to reduce its liquidity by returning cash to the shareholders in the form of a dividend or, by redeeming a portion of the Participating Shares in issue.

   17.   Events after the reporting period 

Acquisition of Audioboo Limited

The Company has conditionally agreed to acquire Audioboo, subject to shareholder approval. The consideration payable in respect of the acquisition amounts to 174,537,998 new shares and warrants to subscribe for a further 18,003,696 shares at 1.5p.

Audioboo is a social media, Software as a Service ("SaaS") based, digital audio platform which enables the creation, broadcast and consumption of audio content across multiple global media platforms. The Directors believe that Audioboo's operations are compatible with the investment objectives of the Company.

Audioboo was formed in 2009 and its digital audio platform allows professional and amateur content producers to create and broadcast audio content; the audio equivalent of YouTube. Users listen to content via i) the Audioboo app or website; ii) embedded Audioboo proprietary software within the content partner's website and iii) social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Financed by funds raised by the Company in March 2014, Audioboo will seek to rapidly grow the volume of content through the development of existing channels and the attraction of new content partner relationships. Enhanced content and the consequent growth of unique monthly listens from their current volume of 20 million per month will position Audioboo as a key destination site for users, social media partners and advertisers. Funds will also be applied to upgrading back-end technology infrastructure to enhance resilience, latency and capacity.

In view of the size and nature of the acquisition, which constitutes a reverse takeover of the Company under the AIM Rules, completion of the acquisition is conditional on receiving the approval of shareholders on the Admission of the enlarged share capital to AIM, such approval to be sought at the AGM.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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