RNS No 4773a
5th June 1998 
Bandt plc, a provider of scaffolding and other industrial services
to construction and manufacturing businesses throughout the UK,
today announces preliminary results for the year ended 5 April
*    Operating profit (before exceptionals) increased by 69% to
*    Profit before tax of #5.4m turnaround from loss in prior
*    Strategic developments include the acquisition of Fincham
     which significantly strengthens our scope in industrial services
     and our general market presence in South East England.
*    Dividends increased by 27% to 1.4p.
*    Gearing remains low at 12%.
*    Basingstoke site sold for #3.3m after year end.
        Financial highlights                           1998      1997
                                                       #000      #000
*    Operating profit before exceptional items
                                                      7,062     4,188
*      Profit before tax                              5,398    (4,820)
*    Earnings per share pre exceptional items           4.3p      1.7p
*    Dividends per ordinary share                       1.4p      1.1p
*    Gearing                                             12%        7%
Commenting on the results, Bill Andrews, Bandt's Chairman said:
"It  has been an encouraging year for the Group, with good trading
results  from  continuing  activities against  the  background  of
completing the transition from our origins in pipeline  and  steel
products distribution into an expanding industrial services Group.
We  anticipate  that the Group will continue to  progress  in  the
current year."
For further information, please contact:
Bandt  plc                          (On  5 June 1998) 0171 253 2252
Richard Wilson, Chief Executive          (Thereafter) 01256 477760
Dick Rutter, Finance Director
Ludgate Communications                                0171 253 2252
Tim Davis
Sarah Harper
It  has  been an encouraging year for the Group, with good trading
results  from  continuing  activities against  the  background  of
completing the transition from our origins in pipeline  and  steel
products distribution into an expanding industrial services Group.
Operating profit before exceptional items has increased by 69%  to
#7.1m.   After  exceptional items, profit before tax  amounted  to
#5.4m  compared to last year's loss giving earnings  of  3.5p  per
share  after  a  continuing low tax charge due  primarily  to  the
utilisation of losses brought forward.
Exceptional items comprise the loss on disposal of Brown  &  Tawse
Steelstock  and final costs relating to the 1996/97  disposals  as
previously   reported   and,   following   receipt   of   external
professional  advice,  provision  for  contingent  liabilities  on
leasehold properties.
Operating  cash  flow of #12.4m (1997 - #6.7m)  was  strong,  hence
after capital expenditure of #7.0m and the acquisition of Fincham,
gearing at the year end stood at 12%, leaving significant headroom
to  continue  investment in Group development  in  the  industrial
services field.  In addition, at the end of June 1998, the sale of
the  Basingstoke  site  will be completed with  cash  proceeds  of
The  Board  will recommend to the Annual General Meeting  a  final
dividend  of 1.0p per share (1997 0.8p per share), which, together
with  the  interim dividend of 0.4p per share already paid,  would
bring the total for the year to 1.4p compared to 1.1p last year.
Don  McFarlane retired from the Board last December having  served
the company as Chairman since 1993.  This covered a most difficult
trading  period  and  time  of  strategic  change  for  the  Group
requiring  all  of  his  patience and wise counsel.   The  current
year's  trading results are the best tribute that can be  paid  to
his achievements in bringing Bandt into being in its present form.
We wish Don a very long and happy retirement.
I  also  extend  my  thanks to my present  Board  colleagues,  the
management  and employees of the Group for their contributions  to
our  results for 1998.  We anticipate that the Group will continue
to progress in the current year given a stable economy in our home
markets,  albeit  perhaps with more volatile  conditions  in  some
export markets.
W G Andrews
4 June 1998
Kwikform:    The  year  has  been one of considerable  change  and
progress  at  Kwikform  under  the  new  managing  director,  John
Singleton,  who took up this role on 1 April 1997.  In the  second
full  year of ownership by the Group, Kwikform's revenues grew  by
10.1% to #70.3m and the operating profit rose by 10.2% to #6.1m.
In  last year's report a number of key objectives were established
for  the year under review and in the event good progress was made
in all areas.
     The  order  for  the  supply of access systems  for  building
  internal tanks in LNG ships in Korea was  completed successfully
  and  a  smaller,  follow up order secured despite  the  economic
  difficulties in the region.
     Revenues derived from the Kwikstage scaffold system  grew  by
  over 12% in the year, underpinned by investment in stock of #2.8m.
  Further growth of over 10% is targeted for the 1998/99 year backed
  by  ongoing investments in hirestock, training, supervision  and
  yard facilities.
     Revenues  in  the Kwikhire division grew by  29%  during  the
  year.  There was further investment in hirestock, one new branch
  was  opened in Leeds, and the branches in Bristol, Liverpool and
  Nottingham relocated.  Organic growth of over 12% is targeted for
  the  1998/99 year based on further market acceptance of the Lynx
  tower and the introduction of other new products.
      The  company's  leading  position  in  contract  scaffolding
  services was further enhanced through the creation of a separate
  division to focus on the industrial sector, changes in management
  within the townwork division, and further investment in stock and
  engineering support, particularly for Kwikstage. We invested in a
  25% increase in employee training through existing courses whilst
  also widening the range of internal courses to be offered in the
     The  percentage margin on sales (before allocation  of  group
  overhead  costs) increased by 0.7%age points in 1997/98  through
  improved  contract  control processes, key  management  changes,
  benchmarking of branch performance, changes in work mix  towards
  higher margin activities and joint initiatives with customers in
  the  industrial  sector.  There is still no real  evidence  that
  market prices have assisted in this improved performance, but the
  company did benefit from the mild winter conditions, facilitating
  an improved performance in the fourth quarter.
In  general  terms the market for the company's townwork  contract
scaffolding  services is reasonably good, and in these  areas  the
order  book is significantly higher than at the beginning  of  the
year.   The  outlook for the formwork/falsework division  is  less
good  given the cutbacks in infrastructure spending and delays  in
the  Channel  Tunnel  Rail Link project.   New  products  will  be
introduced in this division to improve the company's share of  the
market,  particularly  in  the supply of  panel  products,  and  a
special  projects  engineering  team  will  be  established   from
existing  resources to focus on more complex customer requirements
and niche market sectors.
Other key objectives for Kwikform during the 1998/99 year will  be
     Strengthen the company's presence in the industrial sector by
  opening  new  operational bases and by offering multi-discipline
  services in conjunction with Fincham.
     Strengthen  the  company's presence in  the  townwork  market
  through in-fill acquisitions, particularly in the southern part of
  the country.
     Reorganise the logistics structure to provide a significantly
  more cost effective site service, with some benefits accruing in
  1998/99 but mainly in 1999/2000.
     Continue ongoing market tests into the opportunities for  the
  supply of powered access solutions and, if appropriate, invest in
  the relevant equipment.
     Continue  to  review  opportunities  for  overseas  expansion
  initially in Northern Europe including the Benelux countries.
Fincham:   Fincham  Industrial Services Ltd  was  purchased  on  2
October  1997  for  a total consideration of #7.3m,  in  order  to
strengthen the Group's presence in the industrial services  sector
in general, and in the south east in particular.  The company is a
leading supplier to industrial processing businesses in the  south
east  of  thermal insulation, scaffolding, sheeting  and  cleaning
services,   with  over  half  its  revenues  derived   from   term
maintenance contracts.
In  the period since the acquisition the company has delivered  an
operating  profit  of #0.7m on sales of #3.3m, and  has  benefited
from  the  Group's  additional financial  resources  by  reporting
fourth  quarter  sales over 60% above those for the  corresponding
period in the prior year.  In the same period the company, managed
by  the former owners, has defined a strategic plan which will see
the  separate development of each of the key service  elements  as
well as the provision of multi-discipline services where required.
The combination of additional financial resources and the focussed
service plan has facilitated the growth in business, much of which
is derived from 'blue chip' customers using the company's services
for the first time.
In the year ahead the key objectives for the company will be to:
     Grow  annualised revenues by over 20% through further  market
  penetration in the south east.
      Make   bolt-on  acquisitions  to  strengthen  the  company's
  presence in the industrial services sector.
     Establish a trading operation with Kwikform in the north east
  to  benefit  from the complementarity of Kwikform's strength  in
  scaffolding  and  Fincham's strength  in thermal  insulation  in
Bandt  Properties:  The portfolio of freehold and  long  leasehold
properties was valued at 5 April 1998 at #14.7m, a net increase of
#1.1m  compared  with  the previous year end  due  mainly  to  the
increase  in  value of the Dundee site following  the  receipt  of
planning  permission  for  change  to  non-food  retail  use.   As
previously noted the business is a non-core activity and  we  will
dispose  of  these  properties  on  an  opportunistic  basis.   We
announced  on 1 June 1998 the sale of the long leasehold  property
in Basingstoke for #3.3m, marginally above the net book value, and
there  are realistic expectations for the disposal over  the  next
two  financial years of properties at Dundee, Aintree,  Greenford,
Renfrew  and  possibly West Gorton, Manchester.  At 5  April  1998
these properties were valued at a total of #4.8m.
Also,  as  noted  last  year we will seek to maximise  the  rental
income  from these and the other properties in the short to medium
term  pending their disposal.  Following the sale of the  Brown  &
Tawse  pipeline equipment distribution business in  January  1997,
and  after  a  one  year rent free period, the purchaser  of  that
business has entered into 10 year lease arrangements in respect of
the  properties at West Horndon and Sheffield in addition  to  the
existing lease at Cardiff.
During the year under review Bandt Properties generated, prior  to
exceptional  operating  costs, an operating  profit  of  #0.3m  on
revenues  of #0.7m and will benefit in 1998/99 from an incremental
nine  months  revenue  from  the new 10  year  leases.   Following
receipt  of  external professional advice, the potential  cost  of
possible rental gaps and potential dilapidations in respect of its
leasehold  properties has been assessed.  The provision  for  such
cost  is  the principal part of the exceptional operating cost  of
#1.0m for vacant property provisions.
Brown  &  Tawse  Steelstock:   As noted  in  the  interim  results
statement,  this business was sold to its management  on  18  July
1997.   The  business reported a trading loss of #0.1m during  the
period  of  the  Group's ownership in 1997/98.  A small  loss  was
recorded  on the sale which is reported under 'exceptional  items'
in  the  Group profit and loss account for the year together  with
other final costs relating to the major disposals in 1996/97.
Richard Wilson
Chief Executive
4 June 1998
         Consolidated Profit and Loss Account (Unaudited)
                    for the year ended 5 April 1998
                         Continuing    Discontinued    1998      1997
                         operations    operations      #000      #000
Turnover (notes 1 & 2)
  Existing Businesses        70,990      3,019       74,009   120,679
  Acquisitions                3,316          -        3,316         -
                          _________________________________   _______
                            74, 306      3,019       77,325   120,679
                          =================================  ========
Operating profit/(loss)
before exceptional costs
(notes 1 & 2)
  Existing Businesses         6,447        (60)       6,387     4,188
  Acquisitions                  675          -          675         -
                          _________________________________  ________
  Exceptional operating costs 7,122        (60)       7,062     4,188
  Vacant property provisions 
  (note 1)                     (980)         -         (980)   (1,308)
                          _________________________________  ________
Exceptional items             6,142        (60)       6,082     2,880
Loss on disposal of businesses
  - net tangible assets           -       (212)        (212)   (1,892)
  - goodwill previously written off
    against reserve               -          -            -    (4,436)
                          _________________________________  ________
Profit/)loss) on ordinary activities
before Interest               6,142      (272)        5,870    (3,448)
Interest (payable)/receivable and
similar charges                                        (472)   (1,372)
                                                     _______   _______
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before tax                                            5,398    (4,820)
Tax on ordinary activities                             (537)     (412)
                                                    ________   _______  
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities                  
after tax                                             4,861    (5,232)
Dividends                                            (1,956)   (1,538)
                                                    ________   _______
Retained profit/(loss) for the year                   2,905    (6,770)
                                                     =======  ========
                                                      Pence/    Pence/
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share                    share     share
(note 4)                                                3.5      (3.7)
                                                     ======     ======
Earnings per ordinary share before
exceptional items (note 4)                              4.3       1.7           
                                                     ======     ======
          Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
                                                        1998     1997
                                                        #000     #000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after tax         4,861   (5,232)
Unrealised surplus/(deficit) on revaluation
of properties                                            649      (39)
                                                     _______   _______
Total recognised gains and losses relating
to the year                                            5,510   (5,271)
                                                     =======   =======
              Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
                        as at 5 April 1998
                                                1998             1997
                                                #000             #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                               37,376           33,985
Investment in own shares                         582              624
                                              _______         _______
                                              37,958           34,609
                                              _______         _______
Current Assets
Stocks                                         1,881            2,930
Debtors                                       17,506           19,128
Cash                                             276               18
                                              _______         _______
                                              19,663           22,076
Creditors due within one year                (19,819)         (18,491)
                                              _______         _______
Net current (liabilities)/assets                (156)           3,585
                                              _______         _______
Total assets less current liabilities         37,802           38,194
                                              _______         _______
Creditors due after one year                  (2,803)               -
Provisions for liabilities and charges        (1,856)          (1,228)
                                              _______         _______
Net assets                                    33,143           36,966
                                              =======         =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                        7,108            7,108
Revaluation reserve                           10,338            9,691
Special reserve                               27,979           35,356
Profit and loss account                      (12,282)         (15,189)
                                             _______          _______   
                                              33,143           36,966
                                             =======          =======  
Equity shareholders'funds                     33,073           36,896
Non-equity shareholders' funds                    70               70
                                              _______         _______
                                              33,143           36,966
                                              ======          =======
Gearing %                                         12                7
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders'
Profit/(loss) for the year                     4,861           (5,232)
Dividends                                     (1,956)          (1,538)
                                              _______         _______
                                               2,905           (6,700)
Other recognised gains and losses 
    relating to the year                         649              (39)
Goodwill transferred to the profit 
and loss account  on disposal of businesses        -            4,436
Goodwill arising on acquisition               (7,377)               -
                                              _______         _______
Net reduction in funds                        (3,823)          (2,373)
Opening shareholders' funds                   36,966           39,339
                                              _______         _______
Closing shareholders' funds                   33,143           36,966
                                              =======         =======
       Consolidated Summary Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)
                  for the year ended 5 April 1998
                                                1998             1997
                                                #000             #000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 
    (note 5)                                  12,385            6,734
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance            (275)          (1,629)
Taxation                                        (888)            (279)
Capital expenditure and financial 
    investment                                (6,966)          (7,886)
Acquisitions and disposals
  Sale of businesses                           2,920           17,109
  Purchase of subsidiaries (see note 2)       (2,743)            (500)
                                             _______          _______  
                                                 177           16,609
Equity dividends paid                         (1,674)          (1,535)
                                              _______          _______
Cash inflow before management of
liquid resources and financing                 2,759           12,014
  Repayment of loans under bank facility           -          (13,000)
  Repayment of principal under 
      finance leases                            (109)            (675)
                                              _______         _______
                                                (109)         (13,675)
                                             _______          _______  
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period      2,650           (1,661)
                                              =======          =======
1.                       Profit and loss note
  Analysis of the Group's turnover and operating profit by class
of business
                                               Operating        Net   
                                Turnover   profit/(loss)     assets
                                    #000            #000       #000    
Continuing activities
Contracting and hire              73,626           6,796     26,451   
Property investments                 680            (654)    12,561             
Central net assets                                              147
                                  74,306           6,142     39,159 
Discontinued activities
Stockholding and distribution      3,019             (60)   
Total activities                  77,325           6,082     39,159
Tax and dividends                                            (2,083)
Cash less loan notes and finance leases                      (3,959)
Net deferred consideration receivable                            26
Total assets employed                                        33,143
                                               Operating        Net   
                                Turnover   profit/(loss)     assets
                                    #000            #000       #000    
Continuing activities
Contracting and hire              63,886           5,556     24,733   
Property investments                 129          (1,249)    12,257             
Central net assets                                              301
                                  64,015           4,307     37,291 
Discontinued activities
Stockholding and distribution      56,664         (1,427)     2,234
Total activities                  120,679          2,880     39,525
Tax and dividends                                            (1,527)
Cash less loan notes and finance leases                      (2,485)
Net deferred consideration receivable                         1,453
Total assets employed                                        36,966
The 1997 net assets have been restated primarily to split out
the deferred consideration receivable from  operating assets.
The operating loss of the property investments activities in
1998 (and 1997) includes provisions made for future losses on the
leasehold properties.  Following receipt of professional external
advice, the provision    now includes an estimate for contingent
leasehold property liabilities (in particular likely future losses
when currect sub-leases come to an end, prior to subletting and 
potential dilapidation costs) in addition to the provision made 
in 1997 for contractual liability when leasehold properties are 
sublet at rents below the passing rent or vacant with no rental 
income.  These costs are shown as 'vacant property provisions', 
an exceptional operating cost:-
Vacant property provisions                                (980)
Half year analysis of continuing activities
                                1st Half    2nd Half      Year 
                                    #000        #000      #000
Contracting and hire              35,616      38,010     73,626  
Property investments                 252         428        680  
                                  35,868      38,438     74,306  
Operating profit/(loss)
Contracting and hire               3,168       3,628      6,796  
Property investments                  66         260        326                 
Vacant property provision           (132)       (848)      (980)
                                   3,102       3,040      6,142  
Vacant property provisions                              (1,308)
Half year analysis of continuing activities
                                1st Half    2nd Half      Year 
                                    #000        #000      #000
Contracting and hire              32,315      31,571    63,886  
Property investments                   -         129       129  
                                  32,315      31,700    64,015  
Operating profit/(loss)
Contracting and hire               3,115       2,441      5,556  
Property investments                   -          59         59                 
Vacant property provision              -      (1,308)    (1,308)
                                   3,115       1,192      4,307  
Half year analysis of profits before tax
                                1st Half    2nd Half      Year 
                                    #000        #000      #000
Operating profit/(loss)
Continuing activities              3,102       3,040     6,142  
Discontinued activities              (60)          -       (60)    
                                    3,042      3,040     6,082    
Exceptional items
Loss on disposal of businesses       (200)       (12)     (212)
Interest                             (162)      (310)     (472)    
Profit/(loss) before tax            2,680      2,718      5,398
Half year analysis of profits before tax
                                1st Half    2nd Half      Year 
                                    #000        #000      #000
Operating profit/(loss)
Continuing activities              3,115       1,192     4,307  
Discontinued activities             (880)       (547)   (1,427)    
                                    2,235        645     2,880    
Exceptional items
Loss on disposal of businesses          -     (6,328)   (6,328)
Interest                             (798)      (574)   (1,372)    
Profit/(loss) before tax            1,437     (6,257)   (4,820)
2.                  Acquisition note
  The results of the contracting and hire activities include the
following contribution from the acquisition of Fincham Industrial
Services Ltd on 2 October 1997, prior to interest costs of #286,000:-
                               1st Half     2nd Half   Year
                                 #000          #000    #000
Contribution from acquistion
Turnover                            -         3,316   3,316
Operating Profit                    -           675     675
On 2 October 1997 the Company's subsidiary, Bandt Holdings Ltd,
acquired the whole of the issued share capital of Fincham
Industrial Services ltd for a total condsideration of #7,325,000.
#2,625,000 of the consideration was paid at completion, #300,000
was paid in May 1998 and #4,200,000 was satisfied by the issue of
guaranteed unsecured loan notes which are redeemable in
three equal instalments of #1,400,000 on the first three an
niversaries of completion plus there were costs of #200,000.
#82,000 to the net assets acquired were in the form of cash.
3.  Tax note
The Group's tax charge should be reduced by some #4m over the
next four years due primarily to losses brought forward, capital
allowances not claimed and ACT previously written off.
4.  Earning per share note
The earnings per share have been calculated on the profit after
tax and preference dividends in each period and on 139,490,965
(1996/97 139,490,965) ordinary shares, being the number of
ordinary shares in issue and ranking for dividend during the
period, excluding those held in the ESOT (1, 265,000 ordinary
An alternative measure of earning per share, excluding
exceptional items, is set out below:
                                         1998           1997
                                        Pence          Pence
                                    per share      per share
Earnings per share (net basis)           3.5            (3.7)
Vacant property provisions               0.7             0.9
Loss on disposal of business assets      0.1             1.3
Loss in respect of goodwill previously
written off                                -             3.2
                                    ________        ________
Earnings per share 
excluding exceptionals                  4.3             1.7
                                    =======        ========
5.  Cash flow note
                                                     1998    1997
Reconciliation of operating profit to 
net cash inflow from operating activities           #'000   #'000
Operating profit                                    6,082   2,880
Depreciation on tangible fixed assets               4,757   5,478
Write down of investment in own shares                 42      47
Loss/(profit) on disposal of tangible fixed assets     46     (15)
Increase in stocks                                   (211)   (630)
Increase in debtors                                  (777) (1,887)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                    1,916    (116)
Increase in provisions for liabilities and charges    530     977
                                                    _____   _____
Net cash inflow from operating activities          12,385   6,734
                                                    =====   =====
                             Net debt  Cash flow  Other non Net debt
                                 1997          cash changes     1998
Analysis of net debt 
and movements                   #'000      #'000      #'000    #'000
Cash in hand, at bank              18        258          -      276
Overdrafts                     (2,392)     2,392          -        -
Increase in cash in the period             2,650
Debt due within one year            -          -     (1,400)  (1,400)
Debt due after one year             -          -     (2,800)  (2,800)
Finance leases                   (111)       109        (33)     (35)
                                _____      _____      _____   ______
Total                          (2,485)     2,759     (4,233)  (3,959)
                                =====      =====      =====    =====
                                                    1998       1997
Reconciliation of net cash 
flow to movement in net debt                       #'000      #'000
Cash inflow before management of liquid
Resources and financing                            2,759     12,014
Loan notes issued upon acquisition                (4,200)         -
New finance leases                                   (24)       (10)
Finance leases transferred on disposals 
and (acquisition)                                     (9)       885
                                                   _____      _____
Movement in net debt in the period                (1,474)    12,889
                                                   =====      =====
6.   Reporting note
This Preliminary Report has been prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies adopted in the latest published accounts and
has  been agreed with the company's auditors.  The auditors have
not yet completed their audit for the current year.
The  figures relating to the full year ended 6 April 1997  have
been  extracted  from the latest published accounts  which  have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies with an unqualified
audit report.
The Preliminary Report was approved by the Board of Directors on
4  June  1998.  It is available to the public from this date  at
the  Registered Office of the Company, Kingsway West, Dundee DD3
8SF   or   from   the  Company  Secretary  at  Armstrong   Road,
Basingstoke,  Hampshire, RG24 8NU.  It will  also  be  available
from    8    June   1998,   on   Bandt's   internet   site    at


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