RNS Number:0785O
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
18 December 2006


                 ASB GROUP (LIFE) LIMITED (the Issuer)

(incorporated under the laws of New Zealand with registered number WN 909639,
and formerly known as Colonial Holding Company (NZ) Limited)

                          NOTICE OF A MEETING

                    of the holders of those of the 
                   8.125 per cent. Bonds due 2007
                       (ISIN: XS0104964209) 
                  of the Issuer presently outstanding 
             (the Bondholders and the Bonds respectively).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Meeting of the Bondholders convened by the Issuer
will be held at the offices of Allen & Overy LLP, One Bishops Square, London E1
6AO, United Kingdom on Monday, 8 January 2007 at 11.00 a.m. (London time) for
the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following Resolution
which will be proposed as an Extraordinary Resolution in accordance with the
provisions of the trust deed (the Principal Trust Deed) dated 7 December 1999
made between Colonial (UK) PLC (CUK), Colonial Holding Company Limited (formerly
known as Colonial Holding Company Pty Limited) as guarantor (the Guarantor) and
Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (the Trustee) as trustee for the Bondholders,
as supplemented by the first supplemental trust deed (the First Supplemental
Trust Deed and, together with the Principal Trust Deed, the Trust Deed) dated 18
May 2000 between CUK, the Issuer, the Guarantor and the Trustee, which together
constitute the Bonds.

                        EXTRAORDINARY RESOLUTION

"THAT this Meeting of the holders of the #70,000,000 8.125 per cent. Bonds due
2007 of ASB Group (Life) Limited (formerly known as Colonial Holding Company
(NZ) Limited) (the Issuer or ASB) presently outstanding (the Bonds) constituted
by the trust deed (the Principal Trust Deed) dated 7 December 1999 made between
Colonial (UK) PLC (CUK), Colonial Holding Company Pty Limited as guarantor (the
Guarantor) and Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (the Trustee) as trustee for the
holders of the Bonds (the Bondholders), as supplemented by the first
supplemental trust deed (together with the Principal Trust Deed, the Trust Deed)
dated 18 May 2000 between CUK, the Issuer, the Guarantor and the Trustee,

 1. assents to the modification of the terms and conditions of the Bonds, as set
    out in Schedule 1 to the Trust Deed (the Conditions), and to the
    modification of the Trust Deed, by the substitution of Commonwealth Bank of
    Australia, acting through its London branch (CBA) in place of the Issuer as
    principal debtor under the Trust Deed, the Bonds and the Coupons (as defined
    in the Trust Deed) and the amendment and modification of the Conditions, in
    accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Second Supplemental
    Trust Deed (as defined in paragraph 5 below);

 2. assents to the release and discharge of ASB from all of its obligations as
    principal debtor under the Trust Deed, the Bonds and the Coupons;

 3. assents to the modification of the Conditions, and to the modification of the
    Trust Deed, by the release and discharge of the Guarantor from all of its
    obligations under the Trust Deed, the Bonds and the Coupons, and the
    cancellation of the Guarantee (as defined in the Principal Trust Deed);

 4. sanctions every modification, abrogation, variation or compromise of, or
    arrangement in respect of, the rights of the Bondholders and/or the
    Couponholders against the Issuer and the Guarantor, whether or not such
    rights arise under the Trust Deed, involved in or resulting from or to be
    effected by, the modifications referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this
    Extraordinary Resolution and their implementation;

 5. authorises, directs, requests, empowers and ratifies the Trustee:

        (a) to concur in the modifications referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of
            this Extraordinary Resolution and, in order to give effect to and to
            implement such modifications, on or shortly after the passing of
            this Extraordinary Resolution, subject to it being indemnified and/
            or secured to its satisfaction to execute a second supplemental
            trust deed in the form of the draft produced to this Meeting and
            signed by the Chairman of this Meeting for the purpose of
            identification, with such amendments (if any) thereto as the Trustee
            may deem appropriate (the Second Supplemental Trust Deed); and

        (b) to concur in, and to execute and do, all such other deeds,
            instruments, acts and things in the Trustee's sole discretion as may
            be necessary or appropriate subject to it being indemnified and/or
            secured to its satisfaction to carry out and give effect to this
            Extraordinary Resolution and the implementation of the modifications
            referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Extraordinary Resolution;

 6. discharges and exonerates the Trustee from all and any liability for which it
    may have become or may become responsible under the Trust Deed or the Bonds
    in respect of any act or omission in connection with this Extraordinary
    Resolution or its implementation."


The main effect of the Extraordinary Resolution (if approved) will be:

(i)   the modification of the Bonds and the Principal Trust Deed in order to
      substitute CBA for ASB as principal debtor under the Bonds, Coupons and 
      the Principal Trust Deed;

(ii)  the release and discharge of the Issuer from all of its obligations as
      principal debtor under the Bonds, Coupons and the Principal Trust Deed;

(iii) the modification of the Conditions in order to: (1) amend the negative
      pledge and the Events of Default of the Bonds to reflect the negative 
      pledge and events of default of notes issued by CBA under its 
      U.S.$35,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme; (2) delete the 
      financial covenants previously set out in Condition 3(a); (3) delete the 
      investor put previously set out in Condition 5(d); and (4) amend 
      Conditions 5(b) and 7 to reflect the fact that CBA is resident in 
      Australia, and is acting through its London branch; and

(iv)  the modification of the Conditions and the Principal Trust Deed in order 
      to release and discharge the Guarantor from all of its obligations 
      thereunder and in order to cancel the Guarantee.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia

The Bonds provide funding for ASB's life insurance operations in New Zealand.
Following a recent capital restructure this funding is now no longer required in
New Zealand. As the ultimate parent company of ASB, CBA is proposing to take
over the funding and be substituted for the Issuer under the Bonds, so that the
funding is most efficiently utilised within the CBA group.

CBA, and its subsidiaries, provides a comprehensive range of banking, financial,
life and risk business insurance and funds management services in Australia, New
Zealand, throughout Asia and in the United Kingdom and CBA is the largest bank
by market capitalisation in Australia (as of 30 June 2006). It is rated AA-, Aa3
and AA by S&P, Moody's and Fitch respectively.

CHC, the existing Guarantor under the Bonds, is rated A+ by S&P. CHC is the
holding company of CBA life insurance and funds management business.


The Trustee has not been involved in the formulation of the Extraordinary
Resolution and, in accordance with normal practice, the Trustee expresses no
opinion, and makes no representations as to the merits of the Extraordinary
Resolution or on whether Bondholders would be acting in their best interests in
approving the Extraordinary Resolution, and nothing in this Notice should be
construed as a recommendation to Bondholders from the Trustee to vote in favour
of, or against, the Extraordinary Resolution. Bondholders should take their own
independent financial, legal, tax or other advice on the merits and on the
consequences of voting in favour of the Extraordinary Resolution. However, on
the basis of the information set out in this Notice, the Trustee has authorised
the Issuer to state that the Trustee has no objection to the Extraordinary
Resolution being put to the Bondholders for their consideration.


Bondholders should take their own independent tax advice on the merits and on
the consequences of voting in favour of the Extraordinary Resolution.


The following is a summary of the Australian taxation treatment, at the date
hereof, of:

  * payments of interest on the Bonds to non-Australian resident holders of
    Bonds who do not hold the Bonds in connection with an enterprise carried on
    through a permanent establishment in Australia (non-Australian Bondholders);

  * gains or losses on disposal or redemption of the bonds by non-Australian

It is a general guide only and is not advice. Holders of Bonds should obtain,
and rely only upon, their own independent advice specific to their own

Payments of interest on the Bonds would not be subject to Australian withholding

Further, non-Australian Bondholders would not (as a matter of Australian tax):

  * be required to include interest received on the Bonds in Australian
    assessable income;

  * be required to include any gain on disposal or redemption of the Bonds in
    Australian assessable income; or

  * be allowed to deduct any loss on disposal or redemption of the Bonds from
    Australian assessable income.

The Australian Commissioner of Taxation may give a direction under section 255
of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Australia) or section 260-5 of the
Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Australia) requiring CBA to deduct from any
payments to any other party (including any holder of Bonds) any amount in
respect of Australian tax payable by that other party.


Copies of the Principal Trust Deed (including the terms and conditions of the
Bonds), the First Supplemental Trust Deed, the current draft of the Second
Supplemental Trust Deed, and certain other relevant documents will be available
for inspection by Bondholders during normal business hours at the specified
offices of the Paying Agents set out below and at the Meeting for at least
fifteen minutes before and during the Meeting.

The attention of Bondholders is particularly drawn to the quorum required for
the Meeting and for any adjourned Meeting, which is set out in paragraph 2 of
"Voting and Quorum" below.

Voting and Quorum

1.      The provisions governing the convening and holding of a Meeting are set 
        out in Schedule 3 to the Principal Trust Deed, a copy of which is 
        available for inspection by the Bondholders as referred to above

        All of the Bonds are represented by a global bond held by a common 
        depositary for Clearstream Banking, societe anonyme (Clearstream, 
        Luxembourg) and/or Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. (Euroclear). For the 
        purposes of the Meeting, a Bondholder shall mean the holder of the Bonds.

        A person who is for the time being shown in the records of Clearstream,
        Luxembourg or Euroclear (each an Accountholder) wishing to attend and 
        vote at the Meeting in person must produce at the Meeting a valid 
        voting certificate issued by a Paying Agent relating to the Bond(s) in 
        respect of which he wishes to vote.

        An Accountholder not wishing to attend and vote at the Meeting in person 
        may either deliver his valid voting certificate(s) to the person whom he 
        wishes to attend on his behalf or, if an Accountholder wishes the votes 
        attributable to it to be included in a block voting instruction, then 
        give a voting instruction (by giving his voting instructions to 
        Clearstream, Luxembourg and/or Euroclear) instructing a Paying Agent to 
        appoint a proxy to attend and vote at the Meeting
        and directing the Paying Agent how his votes are to be cast.

        An Accountholder must request the relevant clearing system to block the 
        Bonds in his own account and to hold the same to the order or under the 
        control of a Paying Agent at least 48 hours before the time fixed for 
        the Meeting in order to obtain voting certificates or give voting 
        instructions in respect of the Meeting. Once a Paying Agent has issued a 
        voting certificate for the Meeting in respect of a Bond, or has received 
        voting instructions for the Meeting in respect of the vote(s) 
        attributable to a Bond, Bonds so blocked will not be
        released until either:

(a)     the Meeting (or, if applicable, any adjournment of such Meeting) has 
        been concluded; or

(b) (i) in respect of a voting certificate, the voting certificate has been
        surrendered to the Paying Agent and the relevant Paying Agent has 
        notified the relevant clearing system of such surrender or the 
        compliance in such other manner with the rules of the relevant clearing 
        system; or

   (ii) in respect of voting instructions, not less than 48 hours before the 
        time fixed for the Meeting (or, if applicable, any adjournment of such 
        Meeting), the notification in writing of any revocation of a 
        Bondholder's previous instructions to the Paying Agent and the same then 
        being notified in writing by the Paying Agent to the Issuer or the 
        Trustee at its registered office or by the Chairman of the Meeting, in 
        each case at least 24 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting and 
        such Bonds ceasing in accordance with the procedures of the
        relevant clearing system and with the agreement of such Paying Agent to 
        be held to its order or under its control.

2.      The quorum required at the Meeting is two or more persons present holding
        voting certificates or being proxies and representing in the aggregate
        not less than 75 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time
        being outstanding. If a quorum is not present at the Meeting within 15
        minutes from the time initially fixed for the Meeting, the Meeting will
        be adjourned until such date, not less than 14 nor more than 42 days
        later, and time and place as the Chairman of the Meeting may decide, and
        the Extraordinary Resolution will be considered at such adjourned
        Meeting (notice of which will be given to Bondholders). The quorum at
        such an adjourned Meeting will be one or more persons present holding
        voting certificates or being proxies and representing in the aggregate
        not less than 25 per cent. in principal amount of the Bonds for the time
        being outstanding.

        Accountholders should note this quorum requirement and should be aware
        that if the Accountholders either present or appropriately represented
        at the Meeting are insufficient to form a quorum the Extraordinary
        Resolution cannot be formally considered thereat. Accountholders are
        therefore encouraged either to attend the Meeting in person or to
        arrange to be represented at the Meeting as soon as possible.

3.      Each question submitted to the Meeting shall be decided by a show of 
        hands unless a poll is (before, or on the declaration of the result of, 
        the show of hands) duly demanded by the Chairman of the Meeting, the 
        Issuer, the Guarantor, the Trustee or one or more persons representing 
        2 per cent. of the Bonds then outstanding. On a show of hands every 
        person who is present in person and produces a voting certificate or is 
        a proxy has one vote. On a poll every such person has one vote for each 
        #1,000 principal amount of Bonds for which he is a proxy or 

4.      To be passed, the Extraordinary Resolution requires a majority in favour
        consisting of at least 75 per cent. of the votes cast. If passed, the
        Extraordinary Resolution will be binding upon all Bondholders, whether 
        or not present at such Meeting, and on all the Couponholders.

                            PRINCIPAL PAYING AGENT

                                 Citibank, N.A.

                          21st Floor, Citigroup Centre 
                               Canada Square 
                                 Canary Wharf 
                                 London E14 5LB 
                               United Kingdom

                             OTHER PAYING AGENT

          BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch
                  33, rue de Gasperich, Howard-Hesperange 
                      L-2085 Luxembourg Luxembourg

                      Citicorp Trustee Company Limited

                       21st Floor, Citigroup Centre 
                             Canada Square 
                             Canary Wharf 
                             London E14 5LB 
                             United Kingdom

This Notice is given by:
ASB Group (Life) Limited
Level 28, ASB Bank Centre 
135 Albert Street 
New Zealand

Dated 15 December 2006

Accountholders whose Bonds are held by Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg
should contact the following for further information:

Euroclear: Corporate Action Department (telephone Brussels +(322) 224 4245,
email: Bonds_offers@Euroclear.com)

Clearstream: CIE Department (telephone Luxembourg + (352) 46564 6414; fax: 
+(352) 46564 8248, email: ciefaxes.cs@clearstream.com.)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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