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Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc

Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc (0IRN)

( 0.00% )
Updated: 20:00:00

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lifeonthefarm lifeonthefarm 20 seconds ago
selllllll and short after split back to pennies
georgie18 georgie18 31 seconds ago
Yup...been on it for a while now...🥳
Monksdream Monksdream 36 seconds ago
AEM, own it, new 52 week high
Mark Mark 40 seconds ago
$CHSN .24 received a 6 month extension this morning, bottom chart.
abh3vt abh3vt 42 seconds ago
Towards the end of the RCMT call, regarding growth in FY25, they stated that they target annual growth in adj EBITDA in the low double digits. Of course, they missed that target in FY24, but it does make the bar easier to get over next year. Nelson mentioned the factors that impacted Q4. Also,
pinkslipjunkie pinkslipjunkie 42 seconds ago
Nice to see Brad is striving to stay current
Annual report:
indyterp indyterp 44 seconds ago
Better buy soon!
haha11 haha11 51 seconds ago
$LABU.......DLY.......Monitor....ABV ..R....80.83
WillForeall WillForeall 51 seconds ago
Accum is high, chart and level 2 looks ready tic toc...
SmallCapStockAlert SmallCapStockAlert 53 seconds ago
Hollywood’s 2-Cent Stock Poised for Major Growth"
TMaga TMaga 54 seconds ago
Holman is going to be diluting to pay for some of the debt.
Headed back to OTC soon 30 days below $1.00
firebag1 firebag1 1 minute ago
we broke through that.... nice trading today
vdog1776 vdog1776 1 minute ago
Yep! But wait tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow! :)
lifeonthefarm lifeonthefarm 1 minute ago
and that's the new scam for this Chinese scam....unreal
firebag1 firebag1 2 minutes ago
awful just awful and full of BURU holding its own...good luck
 stock king 1 stock king 1 2 minutes ago
When the next huge R/S . Wash rinse and repeat .
searay2701 searay2701 2 minutes ago
pitcook, one never really knows with a Penny Stock if it will really make a substantial move up until time ultimately proves it so. I am in here until or if IVDN ever stops it’s revenue increasing days. Meanwhile, even though IVDN is a very small company, I have to say that I am surprised that this
lifeonthefarm lifeonthefarm 2 minutes ago
INDICT MICHERY nowwwwwwwwww
shorts??? wake up...its TOXIC LENDER PARTNERS OF CRIM DAVID MICHERY and this Russian mob controlled EV HUSTLE. period
ergo sum ergo sum 3 minutes ago
AOC slammed Mike Johnson, saying: “You run the government. If you have the votes, then go ahead. If you need Democrats, then you need to negotiate with Democrats. Those are your two options. Blaming someone else because your shoes are untied isn’t one.”
 stock king 1 stock king 1 3 minutes ago
Rumor has it this ceo a real pile of chit crook .
tijoc tijoc 3 minutes ago
Didn't they complete the RTO last year, at least in terms of the process? What's the reason for them not filing the Articles of Merger just yet?
trunkmonk trunkmonk 3 minutes ago
If BTC continues down, yes XRP will lose their gains. same old same old. XRP wont hit home runs until SEC stops playing with it.
Fully Diluted Fully Diluted 3 minutes ago
Hi CometNebula,

I will probably describe my view in detail on Sunday. With all the links, it will take me over an hour.
Up front, I see a very good reason to devalue the SPS. And I see that consideration getting attention in the Trump admin.

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