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Sudeste S.A.

Sudeste S.A. (OPSE3)

( 0.00% )
Updated: 13:13:04

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow

Quarter End Dec 2022Mar 2023Jun 2023Sep 2023Dec 2023Mar 2024Jun 2024Sep 2024
BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)
Total Assets 129k65k141k147k121.67M124.16M132.22M132.89M
Total Current Assets 129k65k141k147k138k66k13k154k
Cash and Equivalents 126k61k138k143k133k61k7k150k
Total Non-Current Assets 0000121.53M124.09M132.21M132.74M
Total Liabilities 00000000
Total Current Liabilities 00000000
Total Non-Current Liabilities 00000000
Common Equity 4.39M4.39M4.51M4.51M127.17M127.17M134.31M134.46M
Retained Earnings -4.26M-4.32M-4.37M-4.36M-5.5M-3.02M-1.82M-1.27M
Year End December 30 2023 20162017201820192020202120222023
BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)BRL (R$)
Total Assets 20k21k14k203k78k123k129k121.67M
Total Current Assets 20k21k14k203k78k123k129k138k
Cash and Equivalents 0010k00121k126k133k
Total Non-Current Assets 20k21k14k203k78k123k129k121.67M
Total Liabilities 00000000
Total Current Liabilities 00000000
Total Non-Current Liabilities 00000000
Total Equity 20k21k14k203k78k123k129k121.67M
Common Equity 3.54M3.65M3.77M4.1M4.1M4.27M4.39M127.17M
Retained Earnings -3.52M-3.63M-3.76M-3.9M-4.02M-4.15M-4.26M-5.5M