SAO PAULO, April 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The main figures of Bradesco (BM&FBovespa: BBDC3; BBDC4), (NYSE: BBD) in the first quarter of 2013 are presented below:

1. Adjusted Net Income(1) for the first quarter of 2013 stood at R$2.943 billion (a 3.4% increase compared to the R$2.845 billion recorded in the same period of the previous year), corresponding to earnings per share of R$2.77 and Return on Average Adjusted Shareholders' Equity(2) of 19.5%.

2. Adjusted Net Income is composed of R$2.013 billion from financial activities, representing 68.4% of the total, and R$930 million from insurance, pension plan and capitalization bond operations, which accounted for 31.6%.

3. On March 31, 2013, Bradesco's market capitalization stood at R$145.584 billion(3), up 28.8% over the same period in 2012.

4. Total Assets stood at R$894.467 billion in March 2013, a 13.3% increase over the same period in 2012. Return on Total Average Assets was 1.3%.

5. The Expanded Loan Portfolio(4) stood at R$391.682 billion in March 2013, up 11.6% during the same period in 2012. Operations with individuals totaled R$119.231 billion (up 8.7% from March 2012), while operations with companies totaled R$272.451 billion (up 13.0% from March 2012).

6. Assets under Management stood at R$1.278 trillion, varying 17.5% from March 2012.

7. Shareholders' Equity stood at R$69.442 billion in March 2013, up 19.6% from March 2012. Capital Adequacy Ratio stood at 15.6% in March 2013, 11.0% of which fell under Tier I Capital.

8. Interest on Shareholders' Equity were paid and recorded in provision in the amount of R$1.028 billion for the first quarter of 2013, R$226.271 million of which was paid monthly and R$801.431 million was recorded in provision.

9. Financial Margin stood at R$10.509 billion, up 2.8% in comparison with the first quarter of 2012.

10. The Delinquency Ratio over 90 days stood at 4.0% on March 31, 2013 (4.1% on March 31, 2012).

11. The Efficiency Ratio(5) improved by 1.2 p.p. (from 42.7% in March 2012 to 41.5% in March 2013), and the "adjusted-to-risk" efficiency ratio stood at 52.6% (52.6% in March 2012).

12. Insurance Written Premiums, Pension Plan Contributions and Capitalization Bond Income totaled R$10.953 billion in the first quarter of 2013, up 16.3% over 2012. Technical Reserves stood at R$127.367 billion, up 19.1% from March 2012.

13. Investments in infrastructure, information technology and telecommunications amounted to R$1.078 billion in the first quarter of 2013, up 9.8% over the same period in 2012.

14. Taxes and contributions, including social security, paid or recorded in provision, amounted to R$7.137 billion in the quarter, of which R$1.967 billion referred to taxes withheld and collected from third parties and R$5.170 billion from Bradesco Organization activities, equivalent to 175.7% of Adjusted Net Income (1).

15. Bradesco has an extensive customer service network in Brazil, comprising 8,473 Service Points, with 4,687 branches and 3,786 Service Branches - PAs. Customers can also use 1,457 PAEs – ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) in companies, 43,598 Bradesco Expresso service points, 34,719 Bradesco Dia & Noite ATMS and 13,306 Banco24Horas ATMs.

16. Payroll, plus charges and benefits, totaled R$2.623 billion. Social benefits provided to the 102,793 employees of the Bradesco Organization and their dependents amounted to R$657.366 million, while investments in training and development programs totaled R$12.989 million.

17. Major Awards and Acknowledgments in the period:

- Bradesco stood out as the most valuable brand in Latin America in the banking sector and ranked 16th in the overall ranking. In the insurance sector, Bradesco was ranked first, according to The Banker / Brand Finance magazine;

- It is among the world's most valuable brands in all sectors of the economy, ranking 66th, standing out as the best Brazilian brand in the list (consulting firm Brand Finance);

- Bradesco is Brazil's most valuable brand (IstoE Dinheiro magazine – BrandAnalytics/Millward Brown);

- Bradesco was granted the Selo Paulista da Diversidade (Sao Paulo Diversity Seal), in Full 2012 category, for the third consecutive year (Labor and Employment Relations Officer of Sao Paulo State Government);

- It was considered the most profitable bank among the major financial institutions in Latin America and the United States (Economatica);

- The Bank stood out in corporate governance and transparency, according to the Guia da Transparencia Corporativa (Corporate Transparency Guide) (Brasil Economico newspaper);

- It remains among the companies composing the "Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2)" (BM&FBOVESPA and BNDES – Brazilian Development Bank); and

- Grupo Bradesco Seguros stood out in eight categories of the 10th Segurador Brasil Award (Brasil Noticias Publisher).

18. With regards to sustainability, Bradesco divides its actions into three pillars: (i) Sustainable Finances, focused on banking inclusion, social and environmental variables for loan approvals and product offerings; (ii) Responsible Management, focused on valuing professionals, improving the workplace and adopting eco-efficient practices; and (iii) Social and Environmental Investments, focused on education, the environment, culture and sports. In this area, we point out Fundacao Bradesco, which has a 56-year history of extensive social and educational work, with 40 schools in Brazil. In 2013, an estimated budget of R$460.961 will benefit 106,843 students in its schools, in Basic Education (from Kindergarten to High School and Vocational Training - High School Level), Education for Youth and Adults; and Preliminary and Continuing Qualification focused on the creation of jobs and generation of income. The nearly 47 thousand students in Basic Education are guaranteed free, quality education, uniforms, school supplies, meals and medical and dental assistance. Fundacao Bradesco will also assist another 350,000 students through its distance learning programs, found at its e-learning portal "Virtual School." These students will complete at least one of the many courses offered by the Virtual School. Furthermore, another 68,323 people will benefit from projects and actions in partnerships with CIDs - Digital Inclusion Centers, the Educa+Acao Program and Technology courses (Educar e Aprender – Educate and Learn).

 (1) According to non-recurring events described on page 8 of this Report on Economic and Financial Analysis; (2) Excludes mark-to-market effect of available-for-sale securities recorded under Shareholders' Equity; (3) Number of shares (excluding treasury shares) x closing price for common and preferred shares on the last trading day of the period; (4) Includes sureties and guarantees, letters of credit, advances of credit card receivables, co-obligations in loan assignments (receivables-backed investment funds and mortgage backed receivables), co-obligations in rural loan assignments, and operations bearing credit risk – commercial portfolio, which includes debentures and promissory notes; and (5) In the last 12 months.

Contact: Ivani Benazzi de Andrade +011-55-11-2178-6218, or Carlos Tsuyoshi Yamashita, +011-55-11-2178-6204, both of Banco Bradesco.



SOURCE Banco Bradesco S.A.

Copyright 2013 PR Newswire

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