1 month ago
This is just my own understanding of things: BowieWorld, NFT's and Crypto are responsible for less than 1% of the losses (probably 0.3% at best). Litigation is maybe less than 3% also. So 96% of loss is due to the performance of WDDD from 2002 say until 2022, during which time it had virtually no income stream yet maintained an online operation with a few employees drawing salaries. The business was on life support in 2005 and has lingered on due to the fact that although essentially bankrupt there is nothing to stop its stockholders from offering CPR with occasional trade - 'whispers of trade' where once, a long long time ago, there was a hurricane. I am perplexed as to how the ancient debt of a defunct company can be utilised for a third party's tax benefit. I might buy up a successful company and load it with some of my debt but I can't see how buying one so grossly unsuccessful as Worlds.com can even possibly be legitimate. However, anything can happen with the new Administration as absolutely nothing is off the table given the Monarchical Powers of POTUS with the support of SCOTUS. Expect some quite radical deformations of common practice