Big Brother
8 months ago
What its some kind of manipulation(wash trading, pre-promo loading, etc)..?? If that's the case it would be disappointing but not necessarily surprising, as its extremely rare when I can't find anything on a company, or the folks involved. I can usually find at least something, even on the most obscure foreign owned tickers. I see they had Borgers as their CPA, a lot of those companies that used them were sketchy, I think some had promo's as well.
Big Brother
8 months ago
There have been some pretty good Asian runners the last several months LDSN went from like .03 to $1.00, BRWC went from .30 to over $20.00, QSJC went from like .50 to over $20.00, all under the radar. They don't seem to be nearly as affected by the current state of the OTC Market, as many of the buyers come from overseas, so they don't even know the OTC is shite over
The trade off is that Asian OTC tickers take a long time to materialize and those that don't often disappear before ever even running at all, like LQLY that was going to be a big merger, then just disappeared.
Big Brother
8 months ago
Don't have Discord, never even really looked into it or know what it is, some kind of chat room..?? In any case, I'd certainly be interested in knowing what you guys found on this.
I didn't spend a lot of time looking into it but I didn't see anything in my initial search. It was really the initial MM that got me intrigued here, BBAR, all my years of following new issues, never seen that MM before. Now they route anonymously though OTCN I believe but if this blows up, then I will know to keep an eye out for that MM in the future....subsequentially if its shite, then I'll know to avoid that MM in the