3 months ago
SNRG right from 10Q Convertible promissory notes (note 11)-in default 11,643,185 10,519,824
Total Current Liabilities 33,164,982 30,823,963
5 months ago
Marc has truly outdone himself.
Using a secret meeting to oust Bruce from the Board because Bruce wasn't able to secure his former employer Veolia as a partner and because Bruce didn't want to put any of his own money into the sinking Susglobal ship, probably not unless Marc was replaced.
Notice that the 10K states, "the Board had the impression that Mr. Rintoul would help facilitate a possible transaction", not that he guaranteed a Veolia partnership and who could guarantee that their former employer would absolutely come through with an investment anyway, especially when it's a huge company like Veolia.
Seems to me that this reliance on an "impression" of a "possible" transaction could open the company up to another lawsuit if Bruce wanted to join the parade of court cases.
Susglobal was languishing until Bruce came on board with the only true ray of promise in the last couple of years being the $138 million offtake agreement that Bruce undoubtedly played a huge part in securing. Marc was not even pursuing RNG until after Bruce showed up.
I suspect that Bruce wanted a change at the top and that's why he really got the boot.
I can't believe Marc found enough shares to back him and allow for the secret meeting given the sorry state of the company and just the fact that he felt like he had to do it in secrecy says a lot to me. This is another slap in the face to shareholders that have already been abused much, much more than enough.
6 months ago
Thanks for the info. It likely means that Marc's only hope is to build an RNG facility at Belleville, provided Belleville's environmental issues that caused it to shut down have been dealt with.
The problem is that the amount of equity Susglobal has in the combined Hamilton property, maybe $880k at the most, is miniscule compared to the amount of mortgage debt, around $9 million was outstanding as of the end of March. Plus there's the fact that some of that debt is secured by the Belleville property so if he can't pay that debt he loses Belleville too.
I'm sure he's banking on selling the Hamilton property for something like the $14.2 million Collier's appraisal but from reading Collier's report, it appears to me that appraisal was based on Hamilton construction being complete with the shiny new building upgrades finished, not in the current state of disrepair. The market price for the second Hamilton parcel was $2.3 million last year, that's what Marc paid for it and the original Hamilton property was bought for $3.7 million in 2021. I wish Marc the best in getting as much as possible for the combined property but he's going to need one hell of a real estate agent to make money on the deal.
Plus there are still outstanding lawsuits, including one by the contractor for Hamilton for $2.3 million in unpaid bills that appears to be moving forward.