uber darthium
2 months ago
This was a scam, there was no product, there is no product, though researchers have delivered a new photocell that is more efficient, though still not efficient to meet the size requirement in order for this system to operate.
This concept will be a reality one day but this EGOMike front loaded share selling scam will have nothing to do with it.
If the EGO man is pumping, you best be selling
uber darthium
5 months ago
Yes, I noticed that as a family trait from your grandmother, mother, wife, daughters, and grand- daughters, all of whom apparently exhibit this issue, partly from you and your advice to “invest” in this Expert Market, no product share selling scam which you promoted to everyone that paid attention to you.
Myself on the other hand, warned PMPG “investors” that there was no product and the product they proposed could not yet exist with today’s battery technology, today’s photocell technology, and the ever persistent issue of antenna polarization mismatch causing a loss of 25 dB
Those are facts
Hope your family finds a safe method of getting “un-plugged”
Member Level
Re: Papes post# 29732
Monday, 09/02/2024 11:23:24 AM
He forgot to use lube on a but plug and has been constipated ever since.
5 months ago
The Borgers auditing firm was literally executed in one day with a settlement agreement and bared from the business forever, in May this year by the SEC, for cutting corners on their audits, and at the time was only auditing 27 OTC stocks, but Borgers was also a well respected Nasdaq & NYSE Public company auditor for something like 500 other tickers.
So Terry lost whatever he spent using Borgers and might one day recover it from any professional liability Insurance they had.
So that means starting over, fresh with a new auditor, like so many others scrambling to replace Borgers.
uber darthium
9 months ago
EgoFraudMic led these sheep right into the ground, typical for the EgoManiac who thinks his knowledge has substantially more value than others, but in fact has less than that of a hollow tree, or ant feces on the ground or in a pond.
PMPG , no product, no photocell of the correct needed dimensions, no battery of the needed capacity and compact dimensions, no wireless transceiver of the compact dimensions needed, and that damn antenna polarization mismatch.
PMPG front loaded EgoManiac PUMPO and DUMPO
Other than that, Mike is probably an ok guy…just hold onto your wallet
9 months ago
It's only been two months and why go through the process of updating us if there was no future or hope.
Also, his letter states he spent endless monies, again, why do that to do an el foldo. As he stated in the letter, get the 2021,2022 & 2023 information filed and at least get this back to trading. No one benefits with this sitting on the expert market including Stein. What happens after that, is anyone's guess but as long as we are trading it won't matter what direction the company takes.
Just my two cents.
uber darthium
10 months ago
I would keep checking the daily lists for suspensions and revocations to see when reality comes to the shareholders doorsteps for the washed up, no product, EgoMike led share selling promotion.
Told y’all years ago the product did not and could not exist, and it does not and will not for the next few years.
Winter is coming for House PMPG
Winter is coming for the pumpers too, Sterling first, EgoMike is down the list
uber darthium
10 months ago
The PMPG that was isn’t anymore. It never had a real viable product that could operate as claimed. As I have pointed out many times, the battery required would be too large, the photocell too large, and the antenna polarization mismatch (vertical vs horizontal) eats up too much power and could not overcome regulatory issues on max transmitted power, if it ever got to that point.
However, I am a firm believer that one day this will be a reality as photocells get more efficient and battery storage gets smaller.
It just won’t be with PMPG…