6 years ago
Specific Land Claim Settlement of $128 million Kanesatake!!
The OKA-Canada deposit has been on hold due to an outstanding aboriginal "specific" land claims negotiation for over a decade. Now that the $128million proposed settlement has been announced, that would free up all property in the claimed territory of the two mountains area, including of course the deposit. Specific land claims are settled by monetary compensation, not expropriation, and the compensation amount is designed to buy property on the open market, if the aboriginals wish to do so. The municipality of OKA will now be able to reap the royalty and economic benefits once the last permit is issued, being the CA (certificate of authorization) which allows you to go into commercial production, having received all previous permits required. Niobium is used mainly to strengthen structural steel, makes steel lighter in cars for less CO2 emissions, but also in electric car batteries for further distances on a single charge and medical CT scans, no name only a few. The company also owns the Great Whale Iron deposit in James Bay- Canada. This is a 100% magnetite billion ton resource with a content of 36%-41% Fe, right next to a deep water port and LG2 hydro electric generationg station. There are no NSR (net smelter) royalties on the property. The ideal location and a metal that will benefit from the trade tarriff war. I believe the company has the goods to benefit going forward.