Issuing Company: Infinex Ventures, Inc.
Issuers Representative: Anthony Ramos, President 14 Wall Street
20th floor
NY, NY 10005

DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES: $5,000.00 / $5,000,000.00 common/voting shares / Tier 1 Regulation A[3]
Asking price to public
Underwriting discounts and commissions* Proceeds to Issuer or to other persons per unit Termination date
Total maximum securities offered Total minimum securities offered 1.8 cents per share[4]
Sellers:none other than the Issuer's representative as of this filing 100% to Issuing company[5]
Three years after last qualification date 277,777,770
*Per Model B instructions, investors are advised as follows: as of this Offering Circular, the Issuer has not retained any third-party sellers, to whom commissions would be paid, and therefore, no cash or any other commissions would be paid as of that date. That said, the Issuer will seek such third-party sellers as they become known, and, upon the retainer of any, this Offering Circular will be amended, and, should it have been already provided to any potential or real investors, will be provided to them as amended, and the link to the full EDGAR file will also be posted on











AND CERTAIN SECURITYHOLDERS ...................36-37




XIII. ITEM 12. COMPLIANCE - FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 2007....................................................................47


XIV. ITEM 13. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING & REPORTING OF SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY.............................................................48

XV. ITEM 14. ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT METHODS WITH CRYPTOCURRENCY................................................................. ..............48-49






This offering circular, together with the corresponding electronic Form 1-A, is made pursuant to, and within the confines of Section 508, of PUBLIC LAW 115174MAY 24, 2018, the ECONOMIC GROWTH, REGULATORY RELIEF, AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT (the Act). The Act amends the Exchange Act of 1934, Rule
251(b)(2), by deleting the language of that subsection. With the deletion, the proscription against reporting companies seeking qualification under Regulation A+, was removed. After passage and enactment of the Act, the S.E.C. created the program rules, entitled, Conditional Small Issues Exemption under the Securities Act of 1933 (Regulation A). The program rules are codified at S.E.C. Release No. 33-10591;[ File No. S7-29-18]. In addition,effective December 3, 2019, solicitations of interest ('testing the waters') rules were made effective to all offerings, including as to Reg. A+ and the OTC 251. See, 17 CFR 230, S.E.C. Release No. 33-10699, [File No. S7-01-19]. For informational guidance, see, SEC Expansion of Testing-the-Waters Communications to All Issuers, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, October 4, 2019.

The offering is made strictly within the confines of, and solely for the purposes of capital raising, in the manner described in said rules, and for no other purpose.
Should any other purpose emerge, or be interpreted as having emerged from the application for this offering under the said program rules, any such part of this application which is in conflict shall be deemed as deleted from the electronic Form 1-A, as well as from this offering circular.


As contained within the rules governing the program, therefore, the Issuer, Infinex Ventures, Inc. (INFX) filed Form 8-K, in order to make the company current as a reporting company. The form 8-K was filed solely for that purpose, in order to qualify under the program rules, and for no other purpose, and for no other reason, than for capital raising, as allowed and permitted by said rules, and not under any other rules, laws or regulations.
This offering circular, save for the company information and shares price, is an exact copy of the qualified offering, under Regulation A+, for Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc.(FLR), and solely for the purposes of raising capital as allowed under said rule, and not under any other rules, laws or regulations, save for those as allowable under the provisions of Regulation A+.
Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., already has a qualified Reg. A+ offering, and this offering is made in support of the Form 1-A, under program rules, for the offering being made here.
The offering is made concurrently with the FLR qualified Reg. A+ offering, as permitted by the rules, and nothing in this offering shall be construed as, in any manner, impeding or interfering with the FLR's continuing capital raising, under said Reg. A+.
Pursuant to the program rules, Rule 251(c) - safe harbor - protects both the company, Infinex Ventures, Inc., from any debts, liens or other encumbrances, either past, present or future, and all of the officers, directors and shareholders, past, present and future.
In addition, Rule 144, as made applicable to Regulation A+, under the program rules, will permit INFX investors to take advantage of that rule, which allows for an immediate resale of any securities purchased, up to 30% of the amount purchased, the remaining 70% to be held for a period of one year after purchase.
Nothing in the program rules prohibits INFX from updating the ticker symbol, INFX, on the OTC Markets board. On September 24, 2019, the OTC corresponded with the S.E.C. in support of the OTC 251 program. See, letter of Daniel Zin, General Counsel, OTC Markets Group, Inc.


To the extent permissible, and concurrently therewith, or standing alone, INFX company officials believe that the company may take advantage of the most recent 'testing the waters' provisions of S.E.C. rules. INFX is relying on the S.E.C. Release No. 33-10699, [File No. S7-01-19], and for informational guidance, upon the article, SEC Expansion of Testing-the-Waters Communications to All Issuers, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, October 4, 2019.

In all other respects, this application for qualification is made for the capital raising purposes solely as permitted under the program rules, the 'testing the water's rules, and the rules governing Regulation A+. Anything in this offering circular, or in the electronic Form 1-A, which is or are to the contrary as may be deemed so by the S.E.C., are automatically stricken from such documents.

This Offering Circular concerns the raising of capital through the sale of common/voting shares, where proceeds will be used in order to invent, obtain patents for, and implement, the next generation blockchain b-commerce operating system, for the mass consumer market. The operating system will process all payments for all companies that accept cryptocurrency in payment for goods and services, and in addition, will integrate interactive advertising on the home screen, plus a new video/social media capability, as well as commercial and private streaming capability, and integrated T.V. programming. A complete mobile operating system will complement the capability.

In addition, proceeds will be used in order to invent, obtain patents for, and implement a completely new face page for all broadband customer accounts, both blockchain and legacy. This face page will, also, be interactive, with a focus on T.V. programming, streaming and interactive ads placement, for a dramatic increase in revenue generation, and sharing with existing broadband companies. Such a face page will allow for the greater expansion of the broadband market, including in rural areas of the United States, a 46 million person consumer market. A complete mobile operating system will complement the capability.


This Offering Circular offers the sale of up to $5,000,000.00[6] in JOBS Act Regulation A - Tier 1 common voting shares at the asking price of 1.8 cents (U.S.) per share, to be issued by Infinex Ventures, Inc., S.E.C. CIK # 0001076310. The full SEC electronic file may be accessed at The principal offices are located at 14 Wall Street, 20th floor, NY, NY 10005. The phone number for the office is 212-618-1371.

This forward-looking disclaimer is governed by 15 U.S.C 78u-5(c). The statements in this offering circular may contain forward-looking statements. Such statements relate to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and financial conditions, and often contain words such as "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "see," "will," "would," or "target." Forward-looking statements, by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, including expected cash and non-cash charges, expected income, earnings per share, revenues, organic growth, margins, cost structure, restructuring charges, cash flows, return on capital, capital expenditures, capital allocation or capital structure, and dividends. Particular uncertainties that could cause actual results to be materially different than those expressed in these forward-looking statements, may include obtaining or the timing of obtaining, any required regulatory reviews or approvals, and the ability to reduce costs as the company executes on new 4
technology solutions described herein, installations, changes, and/or variations in law, economic and financial conditions, the impact of conditions in both the blockchain and legacy infrastructure markets.
Further uncertainties may include the inability to maintain a credit rating, and the impact on funding costs and competitive position if the company does not do so, the inadequacy of cash flows and earnings, and other conditions which may affect the ability of the company to pay a dividend or to repurchase shares, which may be affected by their cash flows and earnings, and other factors.
Other uncertainties may include the inability to convert pre-order commitments into orders, the price which the company may realize on orders, since commitments are stated at list prices, customer actions or developments such as cancellations and other factors that may affect the level of demand and financial performance of the customers which the company will serve, the effectiveness of the risk management framework of the company, the impact of regulation and regulatory, investigative and legal proceedings and legal compliance risks, including the impact of regulation and litigation, the capital allocation plan of the company, as such plan may change including with respect to the timing and size of share repurchases, acquisitions, joint ventures, dispositions and other strategic actions by the company. Further, uncertainties may limit the success of the company in integrating acquired businesses and operating joint ventures, their ability to realize anticipated earnings and savings from transactions, to acquire businesses and joint ventures, the impact of potential information technology or data security breaches, and other factors, which are described throughout this offering circular. These or other uncertainties may cause actual future results of the company to be materially different than those expressed in these forward-looking statements. The company does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements.
Public communications uploaded onto the company SEC EDGAR files, and amendments to SEC filings of the company may, also, include certain forward-looking information, and investors should familiarize themselves with the most recent EDGAR filings.


The securities offered herein are speculative securities. Investment in the securities involves significant risk, and during this Reg. A qualification stage, investors may resell 100% of the shares after a period of one year. Investors may resell 30% of the shares immediately, and the remaining 70% after a period of one year after purchase. The investor should purchase these securities only if the investor can afford a complete loss of the investment.

No Federal or State securities commission has approved, disapproved, endorsed, or recommended this offering. The investor should make an independent decision whether this offering meets the investment objectives and financial risk tolerance level of the investor. No independent person has confirmed the accuracy or truthfulness of this disclosure, nor whether it is complete. Any representation to the contrary is illegal. Furthermore, these authorities have not passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this offering circular. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

This offering circular contains all of the representations by the company concerning this offering. No person shall make different or broader statements than those contained herein. Investors are cautioned not to rely upon any information, not expressly set forth in this offering circular.

In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the company and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved.

All offers and sales must be officially made by the Issuer's Representative, while physically present in the State of New York.


This offering is classified as an alternative asset. The alternative asset market has a large sales sector in the IRS-regulated self-directed IRA and solo 401k industry. Custodians and sellers in those sectors may sell their products, which may include the offering in this offering circular. Such sales may take place because this offering has already been qualified.[7] Any such incorporation in such products, pursuant to the regulations governing Reg. A, however, will be designated as having been accomplished by a 'finder.' Pursuant to said regulations, up to $1,501,501.00[8] of the $5 million of this Reg. A Tier 1 offering amount will be included in such products. By separate rule, with respect to underwriters, $1,501,501.00[9] of this offering, may also be sold, but such underwriters must designate whether, at the time of their retainer, such will be retained on either a take and pay, or on a best efforts basis. The company will pay a commission and/or other remuneration to the

the third-party sellers, including but not limited to shares for services for promotional efforts. The company will not pay a commission, however, to the custodians and sellers in the self-directed IRA and solo 401k sector. There is only one class of shares: common/voting.
No person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representations other than those contained in this offering circular, and, if given or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the company.

The investor should consult with any attorneys, accountants, cryptocurrency payment processing consultants or sellers, and other professional advisors as to the legal, tax, accounting, cryptocurrency conversion and payment processing, and other professionals, concerning the consequences of an investment in the company.

The company seeks to raise $5 million[10] in order to fund the invention of, patenting, and implementation of an original, and first, blockchain/cryptocurrency operating system for the mass consumer market. The operating system will process all payments for all companies that accept cryptocurrency in payment for goods and services, and in addition, will integrate interactive advertising on the face page, plus a new video/social media capability, as well as commercial and private streaming capability, and integrated T.V. programming. A complete mobile operating system will complement the desktop version of the operating system.

Funding proceeds will, In addition, be utilized in order to fund the invention of, patenting, and implementation of an original and first, current technology face page for all broadband customer accounts, both blockchain and legacy. This face page will, also, be interactive, with a focus on T.V. programming, a social media component with a combined streaming and text feature, streaming and interactive ads placement, for a dramatic increase in revenue generation, and sharing with existing broadband companies. Such a face page will allow for the greater expansion of the broadband market, including in rural areas of the United States, a 46 million person consumer market. A complete mobile operating system will complement the desktop version of the operating system.

This summary highlights information contained elsewhere in this Offering Circular. This summary is not complete, and does not contain all of the information that the investor should consider before investing. The investor should carefully read the entire Offering Circular, especially concerning the risks associated with the investment in the securities covered by this Offering Offering Circular, and discussed throughout this document.
This Offering Circular concerns only the company, Southern Tier Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., a New York corporation.[11] Any purchase of shares, pursuant to this Offering Circular, will result in a distribution of shares only from Southern Tier Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc.


Investor proceeds, pursuant to SEC directive, will be a part of an enterprise with the four companies shown in footnote 10 of this offering circular. Such a structure will allow the company to benefit by sharing expenses for technology agnostic project components with the other three companies shown in the footnote. Each of the four companies will only pay a proportional share, twenty-five percent, one fourth divided by four companies, for such technology agnostic components.[12]
In other instances, the company will use the technology inventions in its own project areas. The technology, particularly the face page technology, will be integrated, as much as possible, into the broadband offerings of the existing broadband companies which currently serve the areas with broadband. For unserved areas, all of the technology will be integrated into new hardware infrastructure, much like any current broadband install. The company, however, will make project installs only in census blocks that are deemed 'unserved' for rural broadband by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and by the States in which they are located.[13]


Some of the statements in this offering circular are forward- looking statements.
Investing in the company is not without risks, and there is no guarantee of a return on investment. The subscription agreement gives the company the sole discretion in applying any amounts that it receives from an investor. If the company becomes subject to a bankruptcy or similar proceeding, a holder of a security will have a general unsecured claim against the company that may or may not be limited in recovery.
The statement of cash flow set forth below with respect to the period from November 30, 2015 to the present, based on a calendar year reporting, is derived solely from the company's banking statements, which are not audited, and have not been reviewed by any person in the bookkeeping or accounting sectors.
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Period 3/18/2020 to 4/12/2020
Cash flow from operating activities - net income 0

Cash provided by/used in operating activities 0

Net increase in cash

Cash on hand on April 13, 2020


A. Summary Information:

Investing in the company involves a high degree of risk. In deciding whether to purchase shares, the investor should carefully consider the following risk factors and additional information about the risks associated with the investment that may be


contained throughout this Offering Circular. Any of the following risks could have a material adverse effect on the value of the shares purchased, and could cause the investor to lose all or part of the initial investment, or could adversely affect any future value which the investor expects to receive on the shares. Only investors who can bear the loss of their entire investment amount should purchase shares.

B. Risk Factors:

1. Statements of future forecasts, projections and expectations are not statements of returns on investment.

2 . Market penetration may not be immediate.

Company officials have technology teams in place in order to invent and make patent applications for the blockchain operating system and for the broadband face page. Company officials anticipate immediate marketing campaigns for those products, but there may be a short period of beta activation testing while such marketing is proceeding.

3 . The Company has no operating history.

4 . Sales of shares will be restricted in accordance with Regulation A, as amended. 30% of shares purchased may be resold immediately, the remaining 70% after one year.

C . Risk Mitigation Factors.

1 . three-day right of withdrawal - the cooling off period.

The subscription agreement provides for a three-day cooling off period for its cancellation by the subscriber, plus a waiver of the three-day cooling off period. For investors who are processing payment of shares with cryptocurrency, the cooling off period applies. In addition, investor cryptocurrency proceeds will be received into the company wallet only upon authorized placement of same from a cryptocurrency exchange escrow account.

2. meetings with the Issuers representative on matters outside the offering circular.

Investors should rely solely on the information contained in Form 1-A, and in this Offering Circular.

3. stock class: common/voting not restricted shares;

4 . distribution: see, Item 2., below.

D . Dilution.

69W-200.001 Definitions.[14]

...(13) Dilution for purposes of paragraph 69W-700.015(2)(b), F.A.C., shall be determined by subtracting the maximum sales commissions and expenses set forth in the prospectus from the gross proceeds of the offering and adding the net worth prior to the offering. Divide this sum by the total number of shares to be outstanding at the conclusion of the offering to determine book value. Subtract the book value from the proposed offering price and divide the result by the proposed offering price to arrive at the percentage of dilution. For the purpose of calculating dilution or book value, intangible assets such as patents, copyrights, franchises, trademarks, operating rights and goodwill are deducted from total assets.

Dilution Formula:

NP = Gross Proceeds minus Maximum Sales Commissions and Expenses NW = Net Worth prior to the offering
TS = Total Number of shares to be outstanding after a successful offering BV = Book Value
OP = Offering Price



________ = BV

_________ = Dilution

E . Material disparities:

There is no material disparity between the public offering price and the effective cash cost to officers, directors, promoters and affiliated persons as of the time of this offering circular, and there has been none in the past three years.

Further, the Issuers representative, and its officers and directors, which includes the Issuers representative, do not anticipate any such material disparity, or discount.

With respect to third-party sellers and affiliated persons, the Issuer has not discussed this issue, and unless it is raised by such persons, does not plan to so discuss. In this manner, the Issuer may maintain the required one class/one price formula.




A . Underwriters.

The primary distribution is, with the exception of 'take and pay' underwriters, for all shares to land in the hands of the investor directly from the Issuer's New York State authorized dealer, Mr. Ramos. Shares purchased from 'take and pay' underwriters will land in the hands of the underwriters, who will then distribute them to the purchasers.


There are no current underwriters retained.

B . Discounts and commissions.

There are no agreements for discounts and commissions;

C. Plan of distribution.

No third-party sellers have been retained.

Distribution, except for 'take and pay' underwriters, of shares will land in the hands of the investor upon the consummation of the subscription agreement, with the signature of the company's dealer, Mr. Ramos, while physically located in the State of New York. With respect to 'take and pay' underwriters, shares will land in the hands of the investor from the underwriter.

There are no secondary offering agreements, contracts, or any other relations with any persons or companies for other than the receiving of offers of up to the first $1,501,501.00[15] by authorized and regulated sellers, or for the receipt of any referrals by 'finders' of potential investors by the company dealer, acting in such capacity, while physically in the State of New York.

D. No shares offered or sold on account of securities holders.

No shares will be offered or sold on account of securities holders.


E. Restrictions on amounts of funds raised, threshold requirements for achieving funds limit, and requirements of return of funds.

The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC.

Upon a subscriber exercising the rights under the three-day cooling off period, all funds will be returned to the investor.


ITEM 3 .


A . The use of proceeds.

Proceeds will be used in order to fund the invention of, patenting, testing, marketing, and implementation of an original, and first, blockchain/cryptocurrency operating system for the mass consumer market. The operating system will process all payments for all companies that accept cryptocurrency in payment for goods and services, and in addition, will integrate interactive advertising on the face page, plus a new video/social media capability, as well as commercial and private streaming capability, and integrated T.V. programming. A complete mobile operating system will complement the desktop version of the operating system.

Funding proceeds will, In addition, be utilized in order to fund the invention of, patenting, testing, marketing, and implementation of an original and first, current technology face page for all broadband customer accounts, both blockchain and legacy. This face page will, also, be interactive, with a focus on T.V. programming, a social media component with a combined streaming and text feature, streaming and interactive ads placement, for a dramatic increase in revenue generation, and sharing with the broadband companies. Such a face page will allow for the greater expansion of the broadband market, including in rural areas of the United States, a 46 million person consumer market. A complete mobile operating system will complement the desktop version of the operating system.


C . The business operations and the investment opportunity.

Company officials are experienced business persons, and, together, have prepared the companies for the immediate implementation of a business plan, which includes essential and immediate marketing of the inventions, as well as for the inventions and patent applications for same. The company could have a version of the operating system up and running within 60 days of significant funding. A version of the broadband face page could be achieved, and marketing to existing broadband carriers, within 30 days of significant funding.

Theodor's first b-commerce solution will be 'wallet' functionality. Wallet functionality is one of the required consumer access points to the blockchain. At present, on, there exist as many as 200 stand alone 'wallet-only' companies. Among the other, approximately, 1,300 blockchain companies, in order to access any products and services, each has their own wallet. Achieving b-commerce contracts with all of those companies, and others still using legacy technology, will be an immediate priority, and a sales and marketing team will be created and retained specifically for this function.

Corporate and patent counsel, and patent writers and experts at making applications for patents, would protect the proprietary technology of the company. Other necessary professional staffing, attorneys, accountants and auditors, for example, would be retained.

D . Other funds to be used.

There are no other funds to be used.

E . No proceeds to be used to discharge indebtedness.

The company carries no debt, and therefore, no proceeds would be used to discharge any indebtedness.

E . No proceeds to be used to acquire non-project assets.

With the exception of assets acquired in the ordinary course of business for the projects, there will be no other use of the proceeds.


F . Reservation of right to change use of proceeds.

The company anticipates no changes to the use of proceeds;

G. Compliance with 17 CFR 230.251[16], as amended;

The company has no plans and no business plan, or intentions to engage in a merger or acquisition with an unidentified company, companies, entity or person.

This being said, it becomes important to the investor to know that certain mergers and acquisitions will be accomplished in the course of the business. Chief among such will be, likely, the acquisition by the company, of some of the merchant services nascent blockchain companies. Such acquisitions become necessary, because those companies have not emerged from the theoretical stage, have no plans to emerge from such, but have a good technology component, by which to achieve added features to both systems, and to acquire patents for such features

The potential for the acquisition of certain blockchain media and T.V. companies, will, in addition, be a priority.


ITEM 4 .


A . Business done and intended to be done.

The company will invent, patent, market and implement the first blockchain operating system for the mass consumer market.

In addition, the company will invent, patent, market and implement an interactive face page for broadband providers, allowing for a significant addition to revenue generation, and thus leading to significant expansion of broadband in areas currently unserved by broadband.


B . The principal products produced and services rendered and the principal market for and method of distribution of such products and services.

Technology advances will be achieved in three areas:

1. b-commerce, which is merchant services for blockchain;

2 . media distribution services for blockchain, and;

3. advertising placement and space on the blockchain operating system.

C . The status of a product or service, if the issuer has made public information about a new product or service which would require the investment of a material amount of the assets of the issuer or is otherwise material.

Company executives are experienced in business, and thus, have prepared for the inventions to be made public, and, therefore, marketed, immediately upon significant funding. Such, in what will be, eventually, an extremely competitive market, is an absolute necessity for project success.

The teams for the inventions of both the operating system and the face page, are in place and, upon funding, will, immediately, commence with the inventions and implementation. Patent graphics designers and lawyers will, immediately, codify the inventions and obtain patents.

D . The estimated amount spent during each of the last two fiscal years on company-sponsored research and development activities determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

There are no 'generally accepted accounting principles' which apply to this project at the present time for this subsection. The company pioneers, primarily Mr. Ramos, have spent approximately 90% of their time, during the past two years, on research and development, all of such uncompensated.


E . The estimated dollar amount spent during each of such years on material customer-sponsored research activities relating to the development of new products, services or techniques or the improvement of existing products, services or techniques.

The company has spent no funds, but rather has relied upon the resources of their members, and of company pioneers. All company officials have been, and continue to be, self-funding for their own expenses.

F . The number of persons employed by the issuer.

Company members, and other pioneers, continue to provide services for the company.

G . The material effects of compliance with environmental regulations.

There are no material effects of compliance with environmental regulations.

H . Distinctive or special characteristics of the Issuers operation or industry which may have a material impact upon the issuers future financial performance.

1. dependence on one or a few major customers or suppliers, which may have a material impact on the issuer's future financial performance.

Blockchain technology is, by definition, decentralized, and not dependent upon a few major customers or suppliers. At present, in fact, broadband is dependent upon a few major suppliers, and such has resulted in a significant disincentive for expansion of systems. With the invention of the blockchain operating system, and also of the blockchain face page, such incentive-limiting dependence will be significantly reduced.


2 . existence of probable government regulation.

Government regulation of Theodor and Theodor mobile, is not yet known, because there exists no other such invention for b-commerce at the present time. This being said, company officials maintain a regular monthly reporting with Members of Congress who sit on technology committees for the House and Senate, and, in addition, with Members of Congress and other local elected officials and stakeholders in the project regions, on all phases of company progress.

Company officials anticipate providing Congressional testimony on Theodor. In addition, company officials are in the process of identifying relevant committees of the European Union. Such identification will follow with outreach to the Members of those committees, so as to avoid running afoul of any such regulations, to the extent that any exist, or may exist in the future.

The company will maintain a permanent presence in Washington, D.C. This office will likely be the world headquarters, and will have as its primary function, government relations and regulatory compliance. Staff consisting of in-house counsel and in-house lobbyists, together with executive level tasks will be accomplished at this office.

3 . material terms of contracts.

Material terms of contracts are not yet known, because none have been entered into, pending investor proceeds.

4 . unusual competitive conditions in the industry.

Theodor and mobile Theodor will advance blockchain and cryptocurrency technology for commercial purposes, and not for speculative purposes. Company officials believe that, although there exist more than 1,300 blockchain companies, there are none which have entered into the mass consumer market. Company executives believe that, with inventions, those companies may be brought into such mass market, through the operating system, Theodor.


I . The Issuer's plan of operation for the twelve months following this Offering Circular;

The company is prepared to, immediately, commence operations for the invention of the first components of Theodor, and the broadband face page. Patent protection will begin immediately. Media and marketing will, also, begin at the same time as the technology teams proceed with the inventions, and a version of Theodor will be up and running within 60 days of significant funding. A version of the broadband face page will be up and running within 30 days of significant funding.

J . Proceeds from the offering to project cash requirements and whether, in the next six months, it will be necessary to raise additional funds.

Company officials must raise $1.2 million, before they will begin to implement any of the items for the plan of operation.

Significant sales and marketing, particularly of the face page component, but also of b-commerce payment contracts with the blockchain companies, will allow the company to being generating revenue immediately. Company officials do not, therefore, anticipate any cash calls from investors.

K . Any engineering, management or similar reports.

There are no such reports to provide at this time.

L . Segment Data.

The company is not of the size that would yield any segment data.




Chief among any property to be held, will be the intellectual property encompassed within patents.

In addition, and to the extent profitable, the company will purchase companies, where expansion could be enhanced, and/or patents obtained from said purchase, both from the blockchain sector and the broadband sector.


ITEM 6 .




Tony Ramos - Board Chair

Age: 65

Term of Service in Office: Founding member. Also, a co-founder of Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., in the year 2009.

Procedure for selection: shareholder vote.


Weston Willett - Vice Chair

Age: 53

Term of Service in Office: Founding member. Also, a co-founder of Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., in the year 2009.

Procedure for selection: shareholder vote.

Thomas A. Burke, Voting member

Age: 57

Term of Service in Office: Founding member. Also, a co-founder of Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., in the year 2009.

Procedure for selection: shareholder vote.

Gregory P. Ramos, Voting member

Age: 61

Term of Service in Office: Founding member. Also, a co-founder of Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., in the year 2009.

Procedure for selection: shareholder vote.

David J. Karre, M.L.S., M.B.A., Voting member

Age: 67
Term of Service in Office: Founding member. Also, a co-founder of Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., in the year 2009.

Procedure for selection: shareholder vote.


Olekanma A. Ekekwe, Voting member

Age: 46

Term of Service in Office: Founding member. Also, a co-founder of Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., in the year 2009.

Procedure for selection: shareholder vote.


Tony Ramos, President

Weston Willett, Vice President

Thomas A. Burke, Secretary

David J. Karre, M.L.S., M.B.A., Treasurer


There are no officers, directors or significant employees who have family members in any such corresponding position, or who have any controlling voting interest over such persons. Greg Ramos is the brother of Tony Ramos. The two do not share the same house, or live in the same State.



Experience and principal occupations, employment and business experience (5 years):

Tony Ramos

Dates of employment                        Title
Company                   Duties
March 18, 2020-present                        Founder & President
Infinex Ventures, Inc.                Startup

                 and run


March 1, 2009-present                        Founder & President
RBC companies                Start up

and run

January 29, 2017-present                        President &
                                                                  Board Chair
                          FLR                           President

                                                                      & Board


Supplemental: Leader. Third generation self-made entrepreneur. Qualified dealer by the State of New York for Western Gateway Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., and Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc. Member of the elite professional political sector in Washington, D.C. of originators of Congressional legislation. Top tier fundraiser. Member of the elite professional political sector in Washington, D.C., of originators of significant political policy/action campaigns. Writer and Issuer of JOBS Act offerings, filings and shares.

Additional information:

a ) the amount of securities of the Issuer held by the person as of the thirtieth day before the filing of the registration statement:

Mr. Ramos holds no shares in INFX;

b ) the amount of securities covered by the registration statement to which the person has indicated an intention to subscribe:

Mr. Ramos intends no subscription to the shares;

c ) a description of any material interest of the person in any material transaction with the issuer or a significant subsidiary effected within the previous three years or proposed to be effected:

Mr. Ramos has no significant material interests, and he is not a shareholder of

d ) the estimated remuneration to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer and all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates of the Issuer:

INFX intends to pay Mr. Ramos according to a formula that will be created by a professional compensation specialist, reviewed and adopted by the boards of all of the companies, and then disbursed according to that formula. All of the founding members will participate, but, as of yet, no such discussions have been held.

David J. Karre, M.B.A., M.L.S.

Dates of employment                        Title
Company                   Duties
March 20, 2020-present                                Co-Founder & Treasurer
        INFX                         Treasurer

March, 2009-present                                Founder/Officer/Director
RBC Companies                   Founder

March 1, 2012-present                        CEO (now retired)        Four
County                        CEO
                                                                Library System

February 1, 2017- present                Vice President                Finger
                                                                  Vice Chair of
                 Region Rural
                                                                  the Board

                         Company, Inc.                   V.P. & Vice



Supplemental:Company pioneer. Founding member, 2009. Leader. Former Chief Executive Officer of a large, rural library system in New York, 42 libraries. Achieved annual budget allocations from the New York budgetary process in excess of $30 million, for more than 20 years. Master of Business Administration and Master of Library Science degrees.

Additional information:

a ) the amount of securities of the Issuer held by the person as of the thirtieth day before the filing of the registration statement:

Mr. Karre holds 14 shares, which is equal to the number held by the other founding shareholders as the initial issue.

b ) the amount of securities covered by the registration statement to which the person has indicated an intention to subscribe:

Mr. Karre intends no subscription to the shares;

c ) a description of any material interest of the person in any material transaction with the issuer or a significant subsidiary effected within the previous three years or proposed to be effected:

Mr. Karre has no significant material interest,and, in addition, his shares are exactly like those of the other shareholders: common/voting;

d ) the estimated remuneration to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer and all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates of the Issuer:

INFX intends to pay Mr. Karre according to a formula that will be created by a professional compensation specialist, reviewed and adopted by the boards of all of the companies, and then disbursed according to that formula. All of the founding members will participate, but, as of yet, no such discussions have been held.


Thomas A. Burke

Dates of employment                        Title
Company                   Duties
March 20, 2020-present                                Co-Founder & Treasurer
        INFX                         Secretary

March 1, 2009 - present                Founder/officer/director           RBC
founding companies    officer/director

January 29, 2017                Voting Board Member                        FLR
                 Voting Board


Supplemental: Company pioneer. Founding member, 2009. Significant experience with government procurement. Has secured more than $10 million in rural medical technology grants from the State of New York.

Additional information:

a ) the amount of securities of the Issuer held by the person as of the thirtieth day before the filing of the registration statement:

Mr. Burke holds 14 shares, which is equal to the number held by the other founding shareholders as the initial issue.

b ) the amount of securities covered by the registration statement to which the person has indicated an intention to subscribe:

Mr. Burke intends no subscription to the shares;

c ) a description of any material interest of the person in any material transaction with the issuer or a significant subsidiary effected within the previous three years or proposed to be effected:


Mr. Burke has no significant material interest and, in addition, his shares are exactly like those of the other shareholders: common/voting;

d ) the estimated remuneration to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer and all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates of the Issuer:

INFX intends to pay Mr. Burke according to a formula that will be created by a professional compensation specialist, reviewed and adopted by the boards of all of the companies, and then disbursed according to that formula. All of the founding members will participate, but, as of yet, no such discussions have been held.

Olekanma Arnette Ekekwe

Dates of employment                        Title
Company                   Duties
March 20, 2020-present                                Co-Founder
     INFX                  Board Member

March 1, 2009 - present                             Founder/Director
     RBC companies           Consultant/




January 29, 2017                                         Corporate
Treasurer &
     & Voting

Member Member

Supplemental: Company pioneer. Founding member, 2009. Significant experience in corporate governance. Realtor.


Additional information:

a ) the amount of securities of the Issuer held by the person as of the thirtieth day before the filing of the registration statement:

Ms. Ekekwe holds 14 shares, which is equal to the number held by the other founding shareholders as the initial issue.

b ) the amount of securities covered by the registration statement to which the person has indicated an intention to subscribe:

Ms. Ekekwe intends no subscription to the shares;

c ) a description of any material interest of the person in any material transaction with the issuer or a significant subsidiary effected within the previous three years or proposed to be effected:

Ms. Ekekwe has no significant material interest and, in addition, her shares are exactly like those of the other shareholders: common/voting;

d ) the estimated remuneration to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer and all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates of the Issuer:

INFX intends to pay Ms. Ekekwe according to a formula that will be created by a professional compensation specialist, reviewed and adopted by the boards of all of the companies, and then disbursed according to that formula. All of the founding members will participate, but, as of yet, no such discussions have been held.


Weston Willett

Dates of employment                        Title
Company                   Duties
March 20, 2020                                   Co-Founder, V.P. &
           INFX                    Executive
                                              Vice Chair
March, 2009-present                         Co-Founder
   RBC, MHR,         IT Consultant

                                                                         & WGR

Supplemental: Mr. Willett is experienced with corporate governance through his membership on the boards of other companies. In addition, he is a top level IT executive, employed by one of New York's large hospital and medical clinics companies. He has been an IT consultant for our companies since our founding.

Additional information:
a ) the amount of securities of the Issuer held by the person as of the thirtieth day before the filing of the registration statement:

Mr. Willett holds 14 shares, which is equal to the number held by the other founding shareholders as the initial issue.

b ) the amount of securities covered by the registration statement to which the person has indicated an intention to subscribe:
Mr. Willett intends no subscription to the shares; c ) a description of any material interest of the person in any material transaction with the issuer or a significant subsidiary effected within the previous three years or proposed to be effected:

Mr. Willett has no significant material interest and, in addition, his shares are exactly like those of the other shareholders: common/voting;


d ) the estimated remuneration to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer and all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates of the Issuer:

INFX intends to pay Mr. Willett according to a formula that will be created by a professional compensation specialist, reviewed and adopted by the boards of all of the companies, and then disbursed according to that formula. All of the founding members will participate, but, as of yet, no such discussions have been held.

Greg Ramos, CWO4, Army (Ret.), Large Project Consultant

Dates of employment                        Title
Company                   Duties
March 20, 2020                                         Co-Founder
         INFX                  Board Member

March 1, 2009 - present                              Founder            RBC
founding companies                   Consultant

January 29, 2017                                       Voting
         FLR                                       Voting

Board Member Member

March 1, 2013 - present                          Consultant         Par Steel
Shelving &

             Equipment Co.                                 Consultant

Supplemental: Company pioneer. Founding member, 2009. United States Army (Retired after 25 years of service) Significant experience in large scale military and civilian outdoor project organization and implementation.

Additional information:

a ) the amount of securities of the Issuer held by the person as of the thirtieth day before the filing of the registration statement:

Mr. Ramos holds 14 shares, which is equal to the number held by the other founding shareholders as the initial issue. 33

b ) the amount of securities covered by the registration statement to which the person has indicated an intention to subscribe:

Mr. Ramos intends no subscription to the shares;

c ) a description of any material interest of the person in any material transaction with the issuer or a significant subsidiary effected within the previous three years or proposed to be effected:

Mr. Ramos has no significant material interest and, in addition, her shares are exactly like those of the other shareholders: common/voting;

d ) the estimated remuneration to be paid during the next 12 months, directly or indirectly, by the Issuer and all predecessors, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates of the Issuer:

INFX intends to pay Mr. Ramos according to a formula that will be created by a professional compensation specialist, reviewed and adopted by the boards of all of the companies, and then disbursed according to that formula. All of the founding members will participate, but, as of yet, no such discussions have been held.

E . Involvement in certain legal proceedings

1 . Bankruptcy or State insolvency:

There are no members of the group who have been involved in such proceedings.

2 . Criminal proceedings:

There are no members of the group who have been involved in any material proceedings.


3 . Other legal proceedings:

INFX is involved in no other legal proceedings.

4 . Policy proceedings:

Technology advances, including the invention of Theodor, now require that the company expand its government relations efforts, for both the United States and the European Union. Company officials intend an accelerated effort at orientation, both as to technology solutions that are applicable everywhere, like Theodor, and also as to the new model, also invented by company officials, and disclosed in this Offering Circular, as to infrastructure advances.

In order to better manage all aspects of its government relations efforts, the company will maintain a government relations office in Washington, D.C.


ITEM 7 .


A . Annual remuneration.

INFX has not yet arrived at the point where it will retain the services of a professional compensation expert to guide us on this issue;

B . Proposed remuneration payments.

INFX has not yet arrived at the point where it will retain the services of a professional compensation expert to guide us on this issue.






A . Voting securities and principal holders thereof.

1. By all officers, individually.

All officers have an equal vote, each with the other.

2 . All officers as a group.

All officers have an equal vote, each with the other.

3 . each shareholder who owns more than 10% of any class of the issuers securities, including those shares subject to outstanding options, or any person, or entity, owning of record or owning beneficially, if known, 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of equity security of the Issuer, in Item 6 D., above:

Each originating shareholder holds 14% of all shares, the remaining 16% held by the INFX treasury.

B . Ownership.

1 . Pre-offering shares.

There are no pre-offering shares.

2 . Control votes.

There are no persons who hold or share any voting power either pre-offering, or post-offering.

3 . 10% voting shares.

There are no persons who hold shares or the power to vote shares of 10% or more of any shares, other than direct owners of those shares.

C . Non-voting securities and principal holders thereof.

All shares are common/voting shares.

D . Options, warrants, and rights:

Consistent with the one class/ one price rule there are no options, warrants or rights;

E . List all parents of the issuer, showing the basis of control and as to each parent the percentage of voting securities owned or other basis of control by its immediate parent, if any.




ITEM 9 .



Brief description of any transactions during the previous two years or any presently proposed transactions, to which INFX or any of its subsidiaries was or is to be a party, in which any of the following persons had or is to have a direct or indirect material interest, naming such person and stating his relationship to the Issuer, the nature of his/her interest in the transaction and, where practicable, the amount of such interest:

A . Any director or officer of the issuer. None;

B . Any nominee for election as a director. None;

C . Any principal securityholder named in answer to Item 8 A., above.

There are no principal security holders who would hold any material interest in any material transactions that differ from those mentioned in Item 8 A, above;


D . If the Issuer was incorporated or organized within the past three years, any promoter of the issuer.

There are no promoters of the Issuer.

E . Any relative or spouse of any of the foregoing persons, or any relative of such spouse, who has the same house as such person or who is a director or officer of INFX.

Greg Ramos is the brother of Tony Ramos. The two do not share the same house, or live in the same State. There are no relatives or spouses of any of the foregoing persons, or any relative of such spouse, who has the same house as such person or who is a director or officer of INFX;

F . Material transactions involving bank depositary of funds, transfer agent, registrar, trustee under a trust indenture, or similar services.

The company utilizes the escrow services of Olekanma A. Ekekwe, in Washington, D.C. The issuer and Ekekwe, have signed an escrow contract which provides a 1.5% fee, based on the gross deposited amount, plus any administrative costs or expenses. All investor proceeds will be deposited, and therefore subject to lawyer regulatory action in the following account: Olekanma A. Ekekwe, as Trustee.

Upon qualification of this offering, however, INFX will retain the services of a transfer agent that is on the OTC Markets approved list of transfer agents.

There is no trustee under a trust indenture, or any other material transactions.

There are no further similar services.


G . Material transactions or a series of similar transactions, including all periodic installments in the case of any lease or other agreement providing for periodic payments or installments that does not exceed $3.500,000.

There are no material transactions or a series of similar transactions, including all periodic installments in the case of any lease or other agreement providing for periodic payments or installments that do not exceed $3,500,000.00;

H . Where the interest of the specified person arises solely from the ownership of securities of the Issuer and the specified person receives no extra or special benefit not shared on a pro-rata basis by all of the holders of securities of the class.

There are no persons specified whose interest arises solely from the ownership of securities of INFX and where such specified person receives any extra or special benefit not shared on a pro-rata basis by all holders of securities of the class, the class being common/voting;

I . Material indirect relationships.

1 . there are no material indirect relationships from such persons position as a director of another corporation or organization which is a party to the transaction;

2. there are no material indirect relationships from the direct or indirect ownership by such person and all other persons specified in Item 8, above, individually or in the aggregate, of less than a 10 percent equity interest in another person which is a party to the transaction;

3 . there are no material indirect relationships where the interest of such person arises solely from the holding of an equity interest (including a limited partnership interest but excluding a general partnership interest) or a creditor interest in another person which is a party to the transaction with the Issuer or any of its subsidiaries and the transaction is not material to such other person;


4 . there are no material indirect relationships for any material underwriting discounts and commissions upon the sale of securities by INFX where any of the specified persons was or is to be a principal underwriter or is a controlling person, or member, of a firm which was or is to be a principal underwriter;

5. there are no material indirect relationships as to any transaction involving the purchase or sale of assets by or to INFX. otherwise than in the ordinary course of business, and thus, no cost of the assets to the purchaser and, if acquired by the seller within two years prior to the transaction, or costs thereof to the seller;

6 . there are no material indirect relationships involving any material transactions which involve remuneration from INFX, directly or indirectly, to any of the specified persons for services in any capacity unless the interest of such persons arises solely from the ownership individually or in the aggregate of less than 10 percent of any class of equity securities of another corporation furnishing the services to the issuer or its subsidiaries;

7 . there are no persons on whose behalf any part of the offering is to be made in a non-issuer distribution, except to the extent that any authorized distributions by third-party sellers, who have not yet been retained, are made.


ITEM 10 .


A . Capital stock.

l . title of class: common;


2 . dividend rights: INFX has not yet discussed dividends, and plan to do so only in the context of retaining a compensation expert to guide us on this issue;

3 . voting rights: common to all: All shareholders have one vote for each share owned;

4 . liquidation rights:

The company anticipates liquidating some shares of pioneer shareholders, at the asking price. Other shareholders will, also, have shares liquidated, due largely to inactivity in terms of shares for services previously provided. These shareholders represent a small fraction of shares issues, and, in essence, the liquidation will represent payment for service rendered, in some cases, as more than nine years ago, when the original rural broadband applications were made.

Purchased shares are governed by Rule 144, as amended;

5 . preemptive rights:

There are no preemptive rights, and no contracts for any preemptive rights, and thus, the one class / one price format is maintained. In general, however, all shareholders will be issued additional shares with each successive new issue, consistent with their amounts held, and as calculated using the dilution formula shown above;

6 . conversion rights:

There are no conversion rights because there is only one class of stock:

7. redemption provisions:

There has been no discussion, yet, as to any redemption of shares, and same will take place upon the retainer of a compensation and shares expert in order to provide guidance;


8 . sinking fund provisions:

As there are no bonds being sold in this offering, there are no sinking fund provisions;

9 . liability to further calls or to assessment by the issuer:

There will be no calls or assessments by the Issuer, without further amendment of this Amended Offering Circular.

B . debt securities are being offered:

There are no debt securities being offered as all shares in the offering are one class/ one price.

C . warrants, rights, or convertible securities:

There are no warrants, rights or convertible securities as all shares are one class/ one price.

D . cryptocurrency authorization:

Section XV, Item 14, below, explains the manner in which the company may accept cryptocurrency in consideration for payment of shares.

E . Balance sheet


Current Assets as of incorporation on March 18, 2020

Cash                        0

receivable                0


Inventory                0

expenses                0

Short-term                0

Total current assets                0

Fixed (long-term) Assets

        investments                0

        plant & equipment
        (less accumulated
        depreciation)                0

        Intangible assets        0

Total fixed assets                0

Other Assets

        Deferred income        0

        Other                        0

Total Other Assets                0

Total Assets 0


Liabilities &
Owners Equity

Current Liabilities

        Accounts payable        0

        Short-term loans        0

        Income taxes
payable        0

Accrued salaries

& wages                0

income                0

Current portion

 of long-term
 debt                        0

Total current
 liabilities                        0


debt                        0

        tax                        0



Other                        0

Total long-term
liabilities                        0

Owners Equity

investment                0

earnings                0

        Other                        0

Total owners
equity                                0

Total Liabilities
& Owners
Equity                        0

E . Statements of income, cash flows, and other stockholder equity.

Aside from the information provided in this offering circular, there are no other statements of income, cash flows or other stockholder equity.

F . Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired or to be Acquired.

There are no businesses which have been acquired.

Future and long-term planning, for the company calls for the merger and acquisition of companies.



ITEM 11.


None as of the date of this filing..


ITEM 12.


All foreign investors shall make a nominal initial deposit into the Company. Such deposit must be made from the institution which will provide any investment funds, must show the name of the investing company, and the full contact information of the sender must be provided.

Upon receipt of such nominal deposit, the information will be turned over to the office of the Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007, for clearance.

No investor contracts shall be concluded until such time as the nominal deposit has been cleared, and the above-mentioned due diligence information provided.



ITEM 13.


The SEC makes public information that is useful to the company, with respect to anti-money laundering and reporting of suspicious activity. Company officials are guided by such public information, much of which is provided at footnote 20 to this Offering Circular.


ITEM 14.



The company accepts bank wire transfers and certified checks, in payment of shares.

All investor funds go, initially, into the escrow account if paying with U.S. dollars, or into a cryptocurrency seller's escrow account, if paying with cryptocurrency, pending the election by the investor on the 3-day right of withdrawal.

The company is authorized to accept cryptocurrency in consideration for the payment of shares.Investors wishing to pay with cryptocurrency which is readily convertible to cash, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, will see their cryptocurrency converted to a U.S. dollar figure.


For other cryptocurrency, with which an investor may wish to pay for shares, a second 'sell' must be accomplished, in order to arrive at the convertible dollar amount, by which to calculate the actual number of shares to be issued. 'Paired' or 'utility' cryptocurrency is primarily based on Ethereum or Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrency and its price, for purposes of conversion. Such cryptocurrency may, or may not, be not listed on any exchange, but, in any case, if such cryptocurrency is not one that an exchange will liquidate, the two-step liquidation/sale process must occur.

Company officials believe that the best and most efficient manner, and the most transparent for the investor, to accomplish such payment is through a cryptocurrency seller. Such large seller companies already exist, have escrow capability, have conversion capability, and are already affiliated with the major exchanges. Such capability is of a major advantage to the investor.

With such cryptocurrency sellers, the seller will establish an account for the investor, and will provide wallet services. The investor may, then, in private, fund the wallet, either with cash or with cryptocurrency. The seller will obtain the market price of the cryptocurrency, to within 15 minutes of the seller placing the sell order. The seller will place the cryptocurrency onto the exchange, and sell it. The sale proceeds will be placed into the company's wallet, a separate wallet being established for each subscription. Company officials will, then, access that wallet, and transfer the proceeds into the company bank account. The seller will provide to the company and to the investor, its reconciliation sheet, and the amount of shares issues will be based upon the gross figure at the time of the sale that occurred within 15 minutes of the seller placing the sell order.


ITEM 15.


Infinex Ventures, Inc., requests qualification of this offering.



Pursuant to the requirements of the OTC 251 program,INFX certifies that it has reasonable grounds to believe that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 1-A and has duly caused this offering statement to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in New York on April 13, 2020.

By: Anthony E. Ramos, Issuer's Representative

This offering statement has been signed by the following persons in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Weston Willett, Vice President - April 13, 2020.

Thomas A. Burke, Secretary - April 13, 2020.

Treasurer - April 13, 2020.

All original signatures are maintained by the company archivist, Anthony E. Ramos


[1] Expenses of this Offering Circular are borne exclusively by the Issuer.
[2] 17 CFR 230.253
[3] The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. The funds will be held in escrow, and the company will not have access to such funds, until such $5,000.00 is reached. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC. Pursuant to previously issued qualification by the Attorney General for the State of New York - Investor Protection Bureau, and by operation of law of the New York General Business Law, the Issuer's Representative, Anthony Ramos, is the dealer for the company. As the dealer, Mr. Ramos is authorized to receive offers for subscriptions for the full amount of the offerings. Any offerings for subscriptions could only be consummated, after an offer by an investor, by Mr. Ramos, while he is physically present in New York. This offering is classified as an alternative asset. Pursuant to the Regulations governing JOBS Act, Reg. A, which govern this offering, certain 'sellers' may receive offers for subscriptions. Such sellers may include, but will not be limited to, custodians and other sellers of self-directed IRAs and Solo 401ks. The total amount of offers, which, may be received from sellers, which would be consummated by Mr. Ramos, in New York, is $1,501,501.00.
[4] In U.S. fiat.
[5] No shares offered on account of any securities holders. Escrow fees and costs, including fees for sales where payment is accepted in cryptocurrency, to include escrow, conversion to U.S. dollars, and wallet fees, as well as administrative costs and any bonuses to third-party sellers, shall not affect the number of shares purchased. Third-party seller commissions, and administrative costs associated therewith, shall be deducted from the amount of proceeds for the purchase of shares, and the net amount of said proceeds shall be used to calculate the number of shares to be issued to the subscriber.
[6] The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. The funds will be held in escrow, and the company will not have access to such funds, until such $5,000.00 is reached. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC. Pursuant to previously issued qualification by the Attorney General for the State of New York - Investor Protection Bureau, and by operation of law of the New York General Business Law, the Issuer's Representative, Anthony Ramos, would become the dealer for the company. As the dealer, Mr. Ramos will be authorized to receive offers for subscriptions for the full amount of the offerings. Any offerings for subscriptions could only be consummated, after an offer by an investor, by Mr. Ramos, while he is physically present in the State of New York. This offering is classified as an alternative asset. Pursuant to the Regulations governing JOBS Act, Reg. A, which govern this offering, certain 'sellers,' may receive offers for subscriptions. Such sellers may include, but will not be limited to, custodians and other sellers of self-directed IRAs and Solo 401ks. The total amount of offers, which, may be received from sellers, which would be consummated by Mr. Ramos, in the State of New York, is $1,501,501.00.

[7] Such sellers have been notified of the qualification.
[8] The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. The funds will be held in escrow, and the company will not have access to such funds, until such $5,000.00 is reached. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC. Pursuant to previously issued qualification by the Attorney General for the State of New York - Investor Protection Bureau, and by operation of law of the New York General Business Law, the Issuer's Representative, Anthony Ramos, would become the dealer for the company. As the dealer, Mr. Ramos will be authorized to receive offers for subscriptions for the full amount of the offerings. Any offerings for subscriptions could only be consummated, after an offer by an investor, by Mr. Ramos, while he is physically present in the State of New York. This offering is classified as an alternative asset. Pursuant to the Regulations governing JOBS Act, Reg. A, which govern this offering, certain 'sellers,' may receive offers for subscriptions. Such sellers may include, but will not be limited to, custodians and other sellers of self-directed IRAs and Solo 401ks. The total amount of offers, which, may be received from sellers, which would be consummated by Mr. Ramos, in the State of New York, is $1,501,501.00.
[9] The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. The funds will be held in escrow, and the company will not have access to such funds, until such $5,000.00 is reached. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC. Pursuant to previously issued qualification by the Attorney General for the State of New York - Investor Protection Bureau, and by operation of law of the New York General Business Law, the Issuer's Representative, Anthony Ramos, would become the dealer for the company. As the dealer, Mr. Ramos will be authorized to receive offers for subscriptions for the full amount of the offerings. Any offerings for subscriptions could only be consummated, after an offer by an investor, by Mr. Ramos, while he is physically present in the State of New York. This offering is classified as an alternative asset. Pursuant to the Regulations governing JOBS Act, Reg. A, which govern this offering, certain 'sellers,' may receive offers for subscriptions. Such sellers may include, but will not be limited to, custodians and other sellers of self-directed IRAs and Solo 401ks. The total amount of offers, which, may be received from sellers, which would be consummated by Mr. Ramos, in the State of New York, is $1,501,501.00.

[10] The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. The funds will be held in escrow, and the company will not have access to such funds, until such $5,000.00 is reached. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC. Pursuant to previously issued qualification by the Attorney General for the State of New York - Investor Protection Bureau, and by operation of law of the New York General Business Law, the Issuer's Representative, Anthony Ramos, would become the dealer for the company. As the dealer, Mr. Ramos will be authorized to receive offers for subscriptions for the full amount of the offerings. Any offerings for subscriptions could only be consummated, after an offer by an investor, by Mr. Ramos, while he is physically present in the State of New York. This offering is classified as an alternative asset. Pursuant to the Regulations governing JOBS Act, Reg. A, which govern this offering, certain 'sellers,' may receive offers for subscriptions. Such sellers may include, but will not be limited to, custodians and other sellers of self-directed IRAs and Solo 401ks. The total amount of offers, which, may be received from sellers, which would be consummated by Mr. Ramos, in the State of New York, is $1,501,501.00.

[11] Readers may search: in order to locate the full offering files. The four companies, including Finger Lakes, the subject of this offering circular are: Finger Lakes Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., SEC file # 10457, Mid-Hudson Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., SEC file # 10459, Southern Tier Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., SEC file # 10456, and Western Gateway Region Rural Broadband Company, Inc., SEC file # 10458. For Blue Sky qualification, the Finger Lakes and Western Gateway companies are qualified by the Office of the New York Attorney General. To verify Blue Sky qualification of these companies, readers may contact: George Casey, Analyst / Investment Protection Bureau / Office of the New York Attorney General.The companies originated as rural broadband infrastructure companies, and then expanded to full blockchain companies, worldwide. In 2017, the Finger Lakes and Western Gateway companies were re-qualified as blockchain companies. The companies do not own shares, one in the other, do not commingle funds, or have a controlling interest, one in the other, or among each other.

[12] Significant technology inventions will include the 'Theodor' blockchain operating system, as well as the interactive start page to be integrated into legacy broadband services, as well as mobile components for these. Theodor is the namesake chosen, so as to honor the American pioneer who originated the project that became the transcontinental railroad. Here is the wiki blurb:
"Theodore Dehone Judah (March 4, 1826 November 2, 1863) was an American railroad and civil engineer who was a central figure in the original promotion, establishment, and design of the First Transcontinental Railroad. He found investors for what became the Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR). As chief engineer, he performed much of the land survey work to determine the best route for the railroad over the Sierra Nevada mountains." Further discussion concerning these inventions are presented below in other sections of this offering circular.
[13] Project builds will be concentrated only in such areas, in order that Federal regulations and laws, governing preemption, may be applied, for an accelerated install process. As the interactive maps are constantly updated, as new area installs are completed, project areas will be defined by referring only to the latest FCC map at

[14] Source: Florida Administrative Code.
[15]The minimum for this offering is $5,000.00 and the maximum is $5 million. In other words, a total of $5,000.00 must be received before such proceeds may be used. Further, a total of $5 million is the maximum that may be raised in this offering. At that time, the offering will be closed, and a final report made to the SEC. Pursuant to previously issued qualification by the Attorney General for the State of New York - Investor Protection Bureau, and by operation of law of the New York General Business Law, the Issuer's Representative, Anthony Ramos, would become the dealer for the company. As the dealer, Mr. Ramos will be authorized to receive offers for subscriptions for the full amount of the offerings. Any offerings for subscriptions could only be consummated, after an offer by an investor, by Mr. Ramos, while he is physically present in the State of New York. This offering is classified as an alternative asset. Pursuant to the Regulations governing JOBS Act, Reg. A, which govern this offering, certain 'sellers,' upon authorization, may receive offers for subscriptions. Such sellers may include, but will not be limited to, custodians and other sellers of self-directed IRAs and Solo 401ks. The total amount of offers, which, may be received from sellers, which would be consummated by Mr. Ramos, in the State of New York, is $1,501,501.00.

[16] As amended, effective June 19, 2015.

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