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Federal National Mortgage Association (PK)

Federal National Mortgage Association (PK) (FNMFO)

Closed January 18 4:00PM

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jog49 jog49 3 minutes ago
"Pulte can be the interim director and later on confirmed."

I wish they would make Mel Watt interim director so we could see what he might be kissing with a Republican administration in charge.
fregata fregata 26 minutes ago
The best psychiatrist will not help you .game over you lost ,
fdicr fdicr 34 minutes ago

Trump hates those who short stocks.
jog49 jog49 55 minutes ago
"Monday it starts of at 7 and goes to 11. 7 ... Eleven baby.

$11 by monday"

Unfortunately, markets are closed Monday.
along4zride along4zride 1 hour ago
Fannie Mae Inauguration Day executive order.
Crypto:Inauguration day executive order national priority !
(FNMA) important. NOT !
Bitcoin : new hip trendy in fashion,support for innovation in the industry and asset class.
(FNMA) old worn out Fannie 
Bitcoin ETF's : seen more than 1 billion in inflows in the past two days
(FNMA) in debt $187 Billion can barely scrape 2 Bucks together.
Bitcoin investors: expect any announcements next week to send bitcoin higher. 
(FNMA) hopeful investor got shady slideshow as consolation prize, and sent rational supporters sprinting towards the exits.

❌️ 3
JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 2 hours ago
Wait another TEN YEARS? You out of your mind?!
jog49 jog49 2 hours ago
"If Fannie and Freddie are fully Capitalised 21/31/2026 and Freddie 12/31/2027 why is it going to take another 10 years before dividends kick in 2034???"

They will both still be in conservatorships in 2034 because the government will have found several other ways to block exits. It will still have its appointed BODs in place and they are not going to give low-life shareholders "no stinking dividends"!

mrfence mrfence 2 hours ago
Bessent and Ackman were at the NYSE with Trump last month

👍️ 2
Guido2 Guido2 3 hours ago
Do we now call him Speedy? Senator Scott wrote the letter as she’s out the door!
TightCoil TightCoil 3 hours ago
We have to be wary of a Release with Conditions -
We must Fight, Fight, Fight For, INSIST ON:


And until we're guaranteed an Unconditional Release
we must stay Afraid, Very Afraid
👍️ 2
blankstares blankstares 4 hours ago
Why don't you go back to calling us all bag holders, like you did on the old Yahoo forums?
👍️ 2 😂 1
tm3141 tm3141 4 hours ago

"The letter expresses concern about the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)'s actions and its leadership, particularly regarding the handling of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The author appears critical of the FHFA's politicization under its current director, Sandra Thompson.

While the letter does not explicitly call for the privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, it does express a desire for the Enterprises to operate outside of conservatorship, which would imply a shift away from their current government-controlled status. The author criticizes the politicized actions taken by the FHFA and emphasizes the need for these entities to function independently, suggesting that they should be restored to financial soundness and allowed to operate without political interference. This could be interpreted as a support for a more privatized model where the government is no longer directly involved in their management.

Thus, while the letter does not directly advocate for privatization, it does strongly hint at the idea by promoting the goal of ending conservatorship and restoring the Enterprises' autonomy."
👍️ 7 🚀 2
stockprofitter stockprofitter 4 hours ago
I think Pulte is temporary, FHFA will be DOGE’d
👍️ 2
stockprofitter stockprofitter 4 hours ago
If the FHFA is axed then no confirmation is needed
👍️ 1
stockprofitter stockprofitter 5 hours ago
Because the boss said so winky wink wink
RickNagra RickNagra 5 hours ago
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
👍 1
EternalPatience EternalPatience 5 hours ago
Waiting to see the egg on your face soon. Please do show up. Don't run away
🏃 1 🤣 1
pauljon4 pauljon4 5 hours ago
Former respected trader ends yet another week with egg on face. Egg on face with Ramen noodles is favorite house specialty in the alongz homestead.
👍️ 2
DCBill DCBill 5 hours ago
I disagree!
Because I've seen it and was part of it when I worked on the federal regulatory side--long before I joined Fannie in 1983--solid capital is whatever the regulator says it is.
In this case. acceptable capital is whatever the WH-Treasury (in that order)--and the regulator say it will be.
Again, it all comes down to what works or this Administration and how much they want to do for lower mortgage financing with or without freeing the GSEs from C-Ship.
And that still isn't clear!
(Intent and words don't matter, as Trump's first WH term proved.)
👍️ 2
RickNagra RickNagra 5 hours ago
It took seven months to confirm Mel Watt.

I believe someone on the ‘politics allowed’ board posted it might possibly take two weeks to schedule him for confirmation.

I believe if the President pressed it, it might be sooner…
navycmdr navycmdr 6 hours ago
Boooom ?

👍️ 11 🚀 7 🤑 1
nagoya1 nagoya1 6 hours ago
A donkey has spots. Aloha. Lol
SierraPacificRising SierraPacificRising 7 hours ago
Still hope full investor! 
MannSinger MannSinger 7 hours ago
One acting director started NWS, another acting will end

Now, Lamberth will certify jury judgment very soon. The acting director will use judgment to clean this mess.
👍️ 7 🚀 2
ninedoors ninedoors 7 hours ago
Lite Lite 7 hours ago
That’s a good read. Looking forward to watching the confirmation.
👍️ 4
ninedoors ninedoors 7 hours ago
Greystone Provides $11.7 Million in Fannie Mae DUS® Financing

Hopefully there's an uptrend for more multi-family financing will the recent 5% down loan change.
👍️ 1
Lite Lite 8 hours ago
That would be a hoot. Day one would be interesting on both sides of the desk.
along4zride along4zride 8 hours ago
What do you mean you thought I called it again . I did  call it again . I called it within one trading session. That use to be 
good enough for anxious (FNMA) investor. Highly respected top trader nailed it again . 
👍 2 💀 1 💤 1
krab krab 8 hours ago
We are still waiting to see what Lamberth declares on the 8-0 jury verdict award. So, the perferred positions still looks reasonably good.
In the meantime, we continue to wait & see what happens in the 47th, first 100 days !!
👍️ 2
FortunaFavetFortibus FortunaFavetFortibus 8 hours ago
look at Ackman slide on page 96

Under his scenario, unless USG gets dividends the rest of us don't get (doubtful), Fannie dividends start in '27, Freddie in '28
👍️ 1
navycmdr navycmdr 8 hours ago
Why Trump Nominated Bill Pulte to Head The FHFA

President-elect Donald Trump announced Bill Pulte as his pick for the next director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency…but why?

January 17, 2025
👍️ 9
Viking61 Viking61 8 hours ago
Did you see Ackman’s slide? Dividends wouldn’t start up until 2035. Commons is probably the best positioned right now. FYI
👍️ 1
Guido2 Guido2 8 hours ago
I was thinking about the appointment of Pulte vs just shutting down FHFA. It might be legally better to have FHFA at least a while longer. SPSPA and all subsequent amendments to it were signed by the Director of FHFA and the Secretary of the Treasury. The same department heads can through future amendments:
1) Write down SPS to zero.
2) Allow the warrant buy back as has been the Treasury policy since 2009.
3) Release Fannie and Freddie from their “temporary” conservatorship.

The only question is whether our 47th President is satisfied with the $45 billion the 45th President took from FnF. Or is he going to gift the warrants to his buddies?
👍️ 5 💯 3
Stern is Bald Stern is Bald 9 hours ago
More like 6-700% for SPO then itll keep going....
👍️ 2
Clark6290 Clark6290 9 hours ago
Hurtful fella. Can't we all just get along. I can't believe you like eating bags of that, nasty.

Show kindness my GSE family member ❤️
jcromeenes jcromeenes 9 hours ago
So you're saying it could catch fire? lol (too soon?)
👍️ 1
Semper Fi 88 Semper Fi 88 9 hours ago
This article is no more than a fart in the Santa Anna wind.
DaJester DaJester 9 hours ago
BTW - your word choice is telling.

What's really holding it back is the presence of, and the uncertainty surrounding the resolution of, the senior preferred shares.

What you should have said:
What's really propping the value up is the presence of uncertainty surrounding the resolution of the Senior Preferred Shares.

Remember - you think the value should be lower. So nothing is holding it back. The uncertainty is giving it artificial value. If you actually believe your own convictions that is...

Yet again, I don't think you are following your own logic.
👍️ 5 💯 2
Wingsjr Wingsjr 9 hours ago
wdereb79 wdereb79 9 hours ago
Those two fellas arguing with one another are on the same team too, fam! Crazy. They would have been better off telling you to eat a bag of dicks!
navycmdr navycmdr 9 hours ago
Bill Ackman betting on : 500% upside

Double Down

👍️ 7 💥 1
blownaccount9 blownaccount9 9 hours ago
Truth. Preferred shares holding strong too. At this point both are easy x3 depending on which series you pick for preferred. Obviously commons can easily go x6 as well but at least preferred you can be certain the dividend will be back sooner than later and a 20% dividend at this price is still good.
👍️ 1
jcromeenes jcromeenes 9 hours ago
Regardless the number of shares you hold, we are all fortunate as FNMA has now, after today's gain, done up 5x since the election. That's a pretty nice gain for a couple months - even if you were here for a decade before these last couple months.
👍️ 8
DaJester DaJester 9 hours ago
What's really holding it back is the presence of, and the uncertainty surrounding the resolution of, the senior preferred shares.

Oh so now there's uncertainty? You've been bashing everyone who was saying the SPS LP could be written down, and now all of a sudden, the resolution is uncertain? You seemed pretty darn certain there was only one probable outcome - SPS LP Cramdown to Common.

What happened to - "Treasury thinks" it's illegal to write down the SPS, so that is not a viable path. Even if it's not illegal, that doesn't matter, because as long as they think it's illegal, they will act accordingly. Do you still think Treasury thinks it's illegal??? Or maybe you can agree with my hypothesis that the PERSON who is in charge is more important than what someone said in a book quote in 2019?

Or - the AIG blue print says Treasury will take at least 92% because they had a fiduciary duty to shareholders, where they have none with GSEs so they will likely take MORE than 92%. Do you still think it's more likely that they will convert and take greater than 92% of the equity. Just so they can pad the Treasury with 15% more value than the warrants alone, because to do otherwise would be charity.

Or - the government does not fear any lawsuits? So if 47 wants to get this done in a timely manner to add to his legacy, you don't see a few years tied up in the courts as something to avoid? You still think potential lawsuits are not a problem?

Hate to say it, but the current trends point to what the rest of us have been saying for a while - It was Political will and optics of the economy that got the GSEs into this mess, and it will only take Political will and optics to get them out.
👍 9 💚 2 💯 4
blownaccount9 blownaccount9 10 hours ago
For clarity I was just goofing around. We should all be reading positive and negative articles as we should always be looking for a balanced approach to our investing. You’ll find people who are “all in” on common shares are pretty fragile about negative sentiment. I don’t necessarily blame them, but sheeesh!

I have a lot of respect for all of them though. If I could have done it I’d be a millionaire instead of $6xx,xxx!

Still a little disappointed I didn’t swap $50,000 face value prefs for 8,000 commons at $2.50
👍 1 💚 1
Clark6290 Clark6290 10 hours ago
Hope shares are in a Roth.
Guido2 Guido2 10 hours ago
The picture he posted says a lot about the accuracy of Ackerman’s reporting.
👍️ 1
Clark6290 Clark6290 10 hours ago
Most accurate post here in ages. Similar to how some people like to hear themselves talk, posting on an OTC stock board makes them feel important 🤠
👍 1 👎️ 1
Clark6290 Clark6290 10 hours ago
Good luck. This dog is still a gamble and not an investment.

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