8 minutes ago
Good, actually it’s a complement. As I have found most people that are left in the investment world, including every sector out there, are partially illiterate, couldn’t write a final paper, or reason through fundamental finance and investing, if their life depended on it.
2 hours ago
Letter to Schwab yesterday - pullin' a fast one?
Today 12/9 FNMA closed at $2.835 up 10.5 cents. FMCC closed
at $2.80 up 10 cents. I have 20000 shares of FNMA and
15000 shares of FMCC. That means i should have realized
for FNMA a day gain of $2100. For FMCC the gain should have
been $1500. But looking at my "Account Summary," it shows
my total gain for today was only $1700. Yet my "Position Details,"
section shows that FNMA closed at $2.74 up 8.5 cents for a day gain of $1700. And, in the "Position Details," section, it shows FMCC up
9 cents for a gain of $1350. Adding together $1700 for FNMA and $1350 for FMCC comes to a total of $3050. Yet, again, my Account
Summary only show today's gain at $1700. Yet, my FMCC gained
$1700 alone. I don't like what I'm seeing. TightCoil