11 months ago
In the world of drones, so many types exist that we really can't say what compares with what. Some drones are the size of small aircraft and fly on and off aircraft carriers just like manned aircraft, some are as tiny as a ladybug, or smaller. My point is that our drone does certain things, and does it well. I believe the technology involved could be adaptable to both larger, and smaller drones that have similar capabilities. I don't believe that our drone is competing with those that are weapon systems from major defense contractors, but if the DOD likes what they're seeing, a major defense contractor may want to either partner with, or acquire the company. Either way, investors would come out very well.
I would suspect that with the right payload, our drone could spot incoming drones or other weapons over a substantial perimeter in time for action to be taken to prevent damage. Whether it's at sea, preventing an attack on a ship, or scanning an area around a military base, or surveying a border for approaching aliens. My point is, with just a few drones 24/7 protection could be established over a substantial area and with a variety of payloads. I doubt our unit would carry offensive weapons, but it would permit them to be targeted right on whatever they're tracking.