2 years ago
"We believe that if current market trends continue, waste treatment technology may become a central part of environmental policies in many countries and a key component of the so-called “circular economy.” In that respect, we are aware that the European Union has publicly stated it will ban landfills in the European Union by 2025 and, we have, over the past two years, focused our resources to understand if and how we may be able to commercially utilize certain technology to address and respond to changes in environmental policy and laws within the European Union and in other appropriate markets as well."
3 years ago
IICN: Prime Mover in novel recyclable energy technology in Europe: "We believe that if current market trends continue, waste treatment technology may become a central part of environmental policies in many countries and a key component of the so-called “circular economy.” In that respect, we are aware that the European Union has publicly stated it will ban landfills in the European Union by 2025 and, we have, over the past two years, focused our resources to understand if and how we may be able to commercially utilize certain technology to address and respond to changes in environmental policy and laws within the European Union and in other appropriate markets as well."
4 years ago
IICN is not on the list of OTC stocks that cannot be traded on the OTC platform from the end of Sept onwards. The PDF from TD-Ameritrade available via the link below, lists all the stocks disqualified from trading on the OTC due to lack of compliance (dated June 30, 2021) and IICN/China Intelligence Information systems is not on that list:
As of June 30, 2021, IICN became current with its financials, and since then it has also completed its 2nd quarter financial report ending June 2021.
IICN inherited its "Shell" status from the previous dormant company that it reverse-merged with. However, as IICN is reporting revenues each year, it will be a matter of time before it goes through the OTC process of removing the shell status. OTC has a fixed administrative protocol for companies to apply for their shell status to be removed. This could take time but is just a matter of protocol that has to be followed. In the meantime, we may hear news from IICN about new contracts that will generate new revenue in the future (see below post about Twitter account that states news announcement is coming shortly). That may potentially help the removal of its shell status. As a reminder, in 2017 Liglass Trading (IICN) announced on its web site that it was challenging the loss of the Kyrgyzstan contract. My bet is that they will either get back a similar contract with Kyrgyzstan or get some new contract with a different country. Either way, green energy solutions such as hydropower plants and solar power are bound to thrive in the current political climate, where climate change is on top of the international agenda.
4 years ago
IICN is now CURRENT status as of today. Pink Current, after Attorney letter filed on 7/14/2021 and all financials updated as of June 30, 2021. This is important as from Sept end 2021 stocks on OTC not reporting financials in a timely manner will not be allowed to be traded by brokers. Received emails from E*Trade and Ameritrade that they are not trading delinquent stocks as per SEC rule. So, this is solid news, as they will keep up with the June 30, 2021 quarter end financials as they have got this far.
4 years ago
Rushydro can get their $37.5 M = From Russia!
Rushydro poured 37.5 Million US dollars into the Upper Naryn Cascade hydropower plants from 2012 to 2016, and then Kyrgyzstan cancelled thier contract because they had made no progress at all. IICN had offered to pay the 37.5 M to Rushydro in 2017 if they parted with their 50% in the HPP. Then it became a stalemate, and Rushydro took it to international artbitration. Now, after about 3 years of ding-dong, ping-pong, Rushydro dropped the suit against Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Government has offered to lend Kyrgyzstan the 37.5 M via sovereign debt. Of course, this means that Rushydro will get their 37.5 M back from Russia (as Kyrgyzstan may never have that much money to pay back the loan. Either way, IICN is benefiting from all this, as they no longer have an obligation to pay Rushydro.
Russia offers Kyrgyzstan to transfer its $37.5 million debt to RusHydro to sovereign debt$37_5_million_debt_to_RusHydro_to_sovereign_debt/[/tag]