10 years ago
ATLANTA, Sept. 24, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- American Senior Association, OTC-Pink: AMSA, held a shareholder's meeting in Atlanta, Georgia yesterday. A quorum representing over sixty seven million shares was present in person or via proxy.
AMSA's former officer Mr. Ryan and his counsel, and all shareholders, were afforded copies of the Notice of Calling of Shareholder's Meeting and Proxy. The only input they sought was that the meeting be held in Atlanta. The meeting was held in Atlanta. They were afforded the opportunity to object prior to the meeting, and they raised no objections at that time.
AMSA Investor 1
11 years ago
Clarification on Jim Ryan
Please find below attached a press release from the company published at on August 15 2014.
As of current date in the internal review process of American Senior Association Holding Group, Inc.โs financial documents, the company would like to issue to following updates to press released issued last week.
The two office employees of the company have elected to maintain their employment with the company.
On August 7th at 1:22 PM funds were withdrawn for $6,000 from the bank account of American Senior Association in the form of a cashierโs check. Those funds were re-deposited to the bank account of the company at 2:45 PM.
Upon review of the company lease, a former officer of the company renewed a $3,550.00 per month lease, Mr. Ryan had no involvement in the negotiation of the lease. The company is in the process of paying the July rent and has not paid the August rent.
Mr. Ryanโs shares were purchased prior to him becoming CEO of the company through an armโs length transaction.
The delinquent payroll taxes occurred in a period prior to Mr. Ryan becoming CEO of the company. The company failed to disclose and/or accrue the delinquent taxes in the quarterly financial report of the company. The payment plan negotiated by the company has not been paid for the months of July and August. It is the intent of the company to pay the past due payment plan as soon as possible.
As of August 14th, based up the yourmembership.com website, where all membership data is held on behalf of the company. The company had membership of 154,528 members, 9,683 non-members with website access and 1,128 emails to members. The company is still in the process of reconciling cash receipts for the year.
AMSA Investor 1
11 years ago
More Support for the Removal of Jim Ryan as CEO
In the weeks prior to Mr. Ryan becoming the CEO, the Company stock price was $.0.20. After a year of Jim at the reigns, the stock price has dropped 90% to $0.02 where it currently sits. Based upon the last two annual reports annual revenues have dropped by over 62% from $590,987 to $368,958. Upon investigation of the companyโs financial records it was discovered that prior period payroll taxes, currently under a payment plan, had not been paid. Additionally, the Officer and Director Liability had not been for at least one month.
AMSA Investor 1
11 years ago
Former CEO Jim Ryan needed to be replaced
A major shareholder has spoken to company employees and they informed the shareholder that Mr. Ryan threatened them with prosecution in Federal Court if they return to the Company office in order to perform their daily tasks and duties.
During his tenure, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Nichols issued Board Members, Employees and insiders 5.1 million shares of Company stock.
Mr. Ryan mysteriously holds 9 million shares in a corporate name, yet Company filings do not mention how or from whom Mr. Ryan obtained these shares, and most importantly they donโt mention what price he paid for these shares. We have been informed by another shareholder that Mr. Ryan obtained these shares at a 98.5% discount.
Additionally, it has been discovered that there is an IRS notice for delinquent and unpaid payroll taxes in excess of $10,000.00 , during which time he taking a monthly salary totaling as of date over $33,000 and utilizing the Companyโs accounts for reimbursement of expenses.
Mr. Ryan was appointed CEO because he represented he was going to be able to increase revenue, market cap and market liquidity while raising capital and the Company stock price. Mr. Ryan has done the opposite. The shareholders have clearly spoken with their decision to remove Mr. Ryan and Mr. Nichols from the Company. Mr. Ryanโs continuous detrimental actions exhibit a complete and utter disregard to the well-being of the Company and his fiduciary responsibility towards the shareholders.