4 months ago
The rational for those that initiated the lawsuit against Bourque Industries was a realization that the failure to obtain success was a result of the mismanagement of the Board of Directors not to protect shareholders, but to allow John Bourque to keep his majority share holdings and prevent outside help from arriving and deliver Kryron as a commercial success.
My speculation is that those that initiated the lawsuit have received assurance that once the court removes John Bourque and the Board of Directors from this company, and returns their shares back into Bourque Industries, that new management will arrive and bring people with the technical expertise to do what John Bourque was unable to accomplish.
For those that purchased shares in this company during the early years, following advice from those they trusted, have most likely taken the advice from these same folks to dump their shares for a total lost and exorcise troubling thoughts. Sounds good, except for that lawsuit, as a replacement of current management with new people, leading to this company becoming successful , will deliver a second trauma to those that took bad advice from those they trusted as smarter and knowing better than them.
4 months ago
And just what, pray tell, may possibly be gained by filing or proceeding with a lawsuit of any kind against BORK? Pleases correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that the only person who has anything to gain in such a lawsuit is the lawyer who is paid to file and pursue the lawsuit. Someone tell me, is it worth the headache, stress, time, or money to support such a suit?
8 months ago
Best case scenario is to counter the "Racketeer/Corrupt Organization" charge against Bourque Industries.
If Bourque Industries continues "as is" into the trial, then the fact "Since 2011 the cash inputs directly into Bourque Industries has not advanced this company to where a product is sold, producing a revenue stream suitable to identify that this company is not a scam." speaks of John Bourque and the Board of Director engaging in criminal activity to victimize investors that transferred cash directly into Bourque Industries while never producing any positive results.
All Bourque Industries can do, is now before the trial, produce activity that will put Bourque Industries onto a path to become a successful company and show that it's not a scam.
For example, prove to an established alloy producing company that Kryron is for real and have them accept a majority of shares in Bourque Industries so that they can establish Bourque Industries as a valid company.
So far, John Bourque will take Bourque Industries to the grave as a failed company.
1 year ago
Question: What are the possible outcomes?
Boss Consulting Inc v. Terminator Armor, Inc., et al.
Plaintiff: Boss Consulting Inc
Defendant: Bourque Industries, Inc., John M. Bourque, Terminator Armor, Inc., Ohana Capital Financial, Aaron M. Mckown P.A. and Carol J. Condon
First need to identify the objective (goal intended to be attained) for Boss Consulting.
Do they want the current management of Bourque Industries to be removed, this with the stated opinion that Kryron can be successfully brought to market with new people.