1 month ago
$BSEG Share Structure
Market Cap Market Cap
Authorized Shares
Outstanding Shares
Held at DTC
1 month ago
For the quarter ended September 2024 BSEG had a loss of $57,892. THAT IS A REPORTED LOSS ON THEIR FINANCIAL STATEMENT.
For the Fiscal Year 2024 they had a profit of $82,475. That is $.0007 a share profit based pm 113,516,548 shares outstanding.
If you take that .0007 and give it a multiple of 10 - the stock can be fairly valued at $.007.
They announced a capital raise in September. I do not know if they were successful, but if they were successful they would have issued a press release. Nonetheless, if they did a capital raise they would have had to issue stock and that means DILUTION which means more shares hit the market which means less value for every shareholder right now.
I hearby swear not to post on this board further. I hope all of you the best. I tried to save you people from a bad investment but all I can do is try.
I find it disturbing that people on this board criticize me for posting an opinion but yet the CEO of the company even after 19 years in business is failing and shareholders have lost money. Yet criticize me for an opinion and love the CEO.
We live in a society of acceptable failure. I have 2 children and I am happy with their accomplishments because failure is for the weak minded.
Nothing wrong with making an investment and losing money on that investment as I have done in the past because there is no guarantee but to think BSEG based on past performance is anything close to a good company is just accepting failure.
I am sure the losers - the people that accept failure - are glad I am leaving and will probably post something mindless and critical of me. I will look at this message board over the next couple of days just to see their infinite wisdom, I will not respond, but I will shake my head and laugh at people that think Kimberly is a good CEO and this company is a good investment.
1 month ago
What happens if they do not get the funding?
Does that mean the company remains generating $60,000 a quarter in revenues with losses. Because if that is the future, BSEG can actually go to $.00001.
I have to remind you that they issued a press release back in September about raising capital - have they raised any money?
I would be remiss if I didn't point out they issued 19 press releases in 2024 meanwhile the stock is down with little to no trading whatsoever.
Even if you are a paid promoter or an employee of the company, how can you with a good conscience be positive or try selling something that is unsellable.
Have you seen Kimberly speak? Have you seen some of the people that she claims are working for her? I wouldn't trust those people to deliver a newspaper to my house.
You are waiting patiently, but while you wait you are losing money because BSEG is and has been going down, meanwhile the stock market continues to hit all time highs across the board. I told you in my May 2024 post on this message board buying just 1 share of Apple Stock will do better than owning 100,000 shares of BSEG.
1 month ago
How can BSEG make films, with or without using AI, when they only have $40,936 in cash.
Please do not tell me about their $565,031 in accounts receivables because that has been there for many years and it has not been collected. I am somewhat surprised BSEG auditors don't make them write it off.
I know BSEG made an announcement last year about some type of a capital raise and some posters on this message board thought the funding would come in, but based on the most recent balance sheet Kimberly has failed at that.
These are not my opinions - $60K in quarterly revenue after 19 years is bad.
$40K in cash is bad.
Unable to raise money is bad.
Stock decrease every year is bad.
These are truths. In a real company a CEO would resign for failure or in most cases in a real company the Board of Directors would terminate the CEO for failure.
Just look at the stock chart and all past 10Q and 10K filings - failure is everywhere.
Stop the madness and as Mr Wonderful says many times - take this thing behind the barn and shoot it.
1 month ago
BSEG has no business.
Look at their revenues. Why do some people think there is any value in this company.
Where is the value. What type of a ROI can anyone expect from a company that has little to no operations.
Do you people not recall Kimberly Bates presenting on Emerging Growth virtual conference - she embarrassed herself because she didn't do it live. She did a taped show that was so bad it can be considered criminal that she is the CEO.
Here is a link:
Lets forget my opinion for a second - they have been in business for 19 years and for the quarter ended Sept 2024 they did $60,000 in revenues. Most pizzerias throughout the United States do more revenues. 60,000 in revenues and someone on this board thinks AI is going to help this company.
That 60,000 is revenues. They lose money every year.
Do you realize people that make minimum wage make more money than BSEG makes.
Go back to my post 5493 that I made on May 2, 2024 and see what that post said about BSEG. Again, put opinions aside and look at that post because that one post says it all.
How can you put Michael Ovitz into this conversation where he has absolutely nothing to do with BSEG. And when you say BSEG has great talent, good products and content and a favorable structure - 0K in revenues, losses and a CEO that embarrassed herself at a virtual conference.