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B2Digital Inc New (CE)

B2Digital Inc New (CE) (BTDG)

Closed March 02 4:00PM

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packerfan9 packerfan9 3 weeks ago
They diluted this big for years. The revenues coming in per any filing are tiny is why. They had small TV deals for years. Tiny audiences = tiny revenues.
rustynail rustynail 3 weeks ago
I got the b2network and it's pretty good alot of ads [which is good for the channel] don't know why they are keeping quiet about it. revenue comming in .
Zorch305 Zorch305 4 months ago
Whats up with the .005 print
Zorch305 Zorch305 4 months ago
I'm still here.....
Renee Renee 5 months ago
BTDG: SEC Admin. Proceeding for severely delinquent Financials (10Q for Dec 2022)
packerfan9 packerfan9 8 months ago
Nothing has changed here with the business. Same ones in charge of this company. It has always been tiny company and always will. If he can dump more shares onto more suckers he will.
kbaz kbaz 8 months ago
We Will See... I had Free Money from a 40X Bagger that turned out to be a Scam and Placed a bet of $#,###.## and Own a Quantity of ##,###,### Common Shares... Won't be Sellin'... But the Activity is not off this Table... The Debt was the Biggest Concern. And For a Year of Quiet with No Bankruptcy Filing.... Creditors see Value other than Divestiture... I like it. I'd Probably buy another few Million Shares if I could. The Creditors must Believe that the Brand B2 has Redeeming Qualities.... And That's Great!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 8 months ago
The way they do business. The same as before. All it ever does is make tiny revenues. I see nothing changed but them trying to sell shares again. They are still tiny. As for making a profit. Again if and that is a big IF. Will be tiny. It is a small business and that will not change. They have shown no ability to make big revenues. Everything they tried as failed to do much.
kbaz kbaz 8 months ago
I would say the Creditors have likely found a Solution that doesn't involve the Past... If you remember in the Final Q, The Company was Breakeven Ebitda!!! So Now with a Developed B2SN That Hosts Hundreds of Channels including World Poker Tour, FITE TV and many others, including some never seen Obscure Channels. Find a Niche to Sell Ad's is High Gross Margin Model.....
packerfan9 packerfan9 8 months ago
They must need money. So try and repeat the past. The business never did more than tiny revenues and millions in losses.
kbaz kbaz 8 months ago
What is Going On!!?!?!??!! Early to Tell but stirring is Abound. LAZARUS Ticker of the YEAR!?!?!?!?!?! Look what was Recently Posted to Social Media.... August 3rd will be the Resurrection of a MMA Promotion Company that has been all but Quiet.... They are interviewing for Jobs too!!!! Has to be Legit!!! B2SN has been Growing in the Live Stream Roku Space!!!!

From the Postings... Summer of Love and Prosperity??? August gonna be FIRE!!!!!!???
mthorebbank mthorebbank 10 months ago
.01 x .000001 = 10,000 shares. Such great value. A penny will get you 10,000 shares of nothing. Should have gotten out when I told you to. Monkey Trap? Yes!!!
Comparing SFIO to BTDG is a joke. You can't compare the two when SFIO is so far ahead of BTDG.
digger1955 digger1955 10 months ago
Any current web site, or other sites.
packerfan9 packerfan9 10 months ago
The business has shown no ability to do anything but tiny revenues. All not lose millions. That will never change. I said many times why. They do not have a big TV deal. They tried with apple but did little.
kbaz kbaz 10 months ago
There's a Chance of that. For sure. Im just Curious why they took the Asks off of the Board. Id still pick up some $.0001's every once in a bit. Like Every time another Channel is added to B2SN. As though they are waiting for a Couple Years of Dissolution at yearend that holders use for Taxes. I think they Picked up 100ish million Shares from this in '23. I'll Hold on to this "Chip and a Chair".....
packerfan9 packerfan9 10 months ago
Upside lol. If this ever sells shares again. Will do big r/s first.
kbaz kbaz 10 months ago
I only got a Few 10's Million Shares in a Couple Accounts here. It's a Chip and A Chair with a YUUUUUUGE Upside, that Actually still is working... Could be another year or 2. We'll see. Do you know what Filipino Scammer is building?
Beauneedsbiscuits Beauneedsbiscuits 10 months ago
Still a sucky scam you've promoted for 3 years Plus. "I" have said all the time this was a scam and predicted its complete collapse...Boy, how good am I that a "called" this monkey trap. I'm so smart that I figured out this scam!!! (Sound familiar??)
👍️ 1
packerfan9 packerfan9 10 months ago
For over a decade they have been doing this. Never did anything but tiny revenues and huge losses. Funded by massive dilution. They are not in a market that will change this. Not even able to sell shares anymore as we have seen for along time.
kbaz kbaz 10 months ago
Oh OK!!! that Sounds Legit Reason>>> You get that Talking Point from MSNBC? Doesn't work on Critical Thinking analysis.... Only Wokies!!! I took a Flyer here on a couple 10's of Million Shares. So We will see if this little Chair pays off eventually. However signs of growth and stirring for this little ticker are out there. Bell still has a Big Stake in this Resurrection as well! No More Operations Cost, so All they have to do is Keep the Interest Folks Happy for a while!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 10 months ago
Yes. It is still on a watch list. When I see someone post nonsense I replied. They have always been tiny and we see were stock price is. They have never shown any ability to do more then a few million in sales and lose millions.
kbaz kbaz 10 months ago
Well The Capital Firm that loaned them haven't forced a Bankruptcy... Quite the Opposite. They have been working on some Small Market Global Growth Initiatives. I will watch during this Quiet Period. Equity Structure still intact.... Obviously! something has Packerman quick to react here!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 10 months ago
LOL. As we see has no effect on stock does it. They still lose money is why. Never close to making a profit.
kbaz kbaz 10 months ago
No Bid or Ask but Behind the Scenes Stirring Continues. The Number of Global Channels added to B2SN on Dingo TV is well positioned with 129 channels currently. What is Brewing? Even some of the Players are showing signs of Resurrection!!! look at a May 3rd update on Social Media Promotion...
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
Another day of no volume. I thought you be buying all these cheap shares. LOL.
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
LOL. It is over. Tiny revenues and not moving stock price. Your nonsense will not change that.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
In a Coma and nuttin' you can do or say.... HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! This Bish gonna be GROGGY when dealin' get done!!!!! E'ryday checkin' for dat Pulse.... Still got one!!!!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
After all these years still tiny revenues. That is why stock price were it is.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
Hahahahaha! Still Revenue and keeps running world wide. Maybe you are right. And that's ok. If you understand debt. The creditor is now a Partner and likely looking for a solution. They are probably salvaging stock dissolution right now and trying to figure out with Greg P. Bell the best option for this potential. Just my opinion when I made my play on a distressed ticker. $2500 no worries!!!!! But there is life and Packer proves that!!!!! Creditor may see some value in what is built, and with a Ticker and Share Structure still intact!!!! Not long ago SFIO did the Same thing and I 30X my money!!!!
Beauneedsbiscuits Beauneedsbiscuits 1 year ago
Leftover ads that get put on every backwater pseudo cable channel there is.... Is ba ha ha ba ha. Forget the tiny revenue... Let's look at the huge debt!!!
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
"Tiny" Revenues is not DEAD! Boar's Head, Mercedes Benz, Fidelity, all buying Ad's. B2SN still has a Channel up and Running!!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
You mean the tiny revenues. Stock price tells it all. This stock is dead. Your nonsense does not change reality. Still tiny company.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
Y'all Birds of a Feather, no wonder y'all make good bedfellows!!!! Company is still receiving Revenue from Ad's.... How Greg P. Bell and the Capital Finance Companies gonna pull this OFF!?!?!?!?!?!?
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
Yet they happen didn't they? The management of this company is why stock price were it is.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Packer a lone Wolf.... He don't need to be in a MOB to feel he have SELF WORTH..... That is your Game!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love that I still get a response over here. Tells me a lot by the kind of reaction I get.....
Beauneedsbiscuits Beauneedsbiscuits 1 year ago
What is wrong...I cant make a list short enough to fit in one of these posts. Tell you what Packer, you and I agree to not post on here for at least a month and let Kcrazy be the only one listening to his own dribble!!
Beauneedsbiscuits Beauneedsbiscuits 1 year ago
Channel at the gym...ya right. Packer, like most, know what a loser BS you are your predictions are!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
LOL. Now how does that help shareholders? They are tiny company and never showed anything else. Seriously what is wrong with you?
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
Right On!!! They went Private. with Channels runnin' on DINGO, FIT TV and APPLE TV..... ALL the while Sellin' Ad's to Mercede's,, Fidelity and Boarshead...... Guess we'll wait 'til they happy with the last Dissolution of folks cleanin' up they accounts...... I should've bought another 10 million shares at $.0001..... Just a Little Poker Bet on a Distressed Ticker...... Still Alive as long as I see the Channel at my Gym!!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
LOL no one is funding me. This is tiny company and that never changed, Just because I find what you day untrue. As Gump said. Are you stupid or something? The stock for shareholders is done. So boxed in now will never move. They have no revenues to make that happen. Tiny as they are.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
I Can't!!! The Team funding you is Hoarding Shares!!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
Buy all you can. Lose more then you have already. This stock is done. No matter what nonsense you post.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
Sell some $.0001's But you ain't... Instead got yo lackey up in here talkin' stoopid shid from years ago....
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
You workin' cuz..... dey got u parrotin' Narratives... wastin' dis shiddy ID on Dissolution BS..... Dis a Greg P. Bell initiative? ain't no reason for you to be pushin' nuttin down but Dissolution.... One announcement about the Ad's on DINGO and this could sell several Million Shares.... For some reason Y'all ain't wantin' to do that shid!!!
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
You just refuse to accept reality lol. Noting they ever did. Ever produced anything but tiny revenues. All the years they have been doing this. Never amounted to much in revenues. Then they lose millions as well on tiny revenues. That will not change as no ability shown to created much revenue.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
Looser or Loser? Being literate helps in life, especially if you have an interest in being understood. I would buy another 10 million shares of BTDG at $.0001. But I cannot, because there are no bids and asks.... However, once in a while there are Dissolution shares that exchange at $.000001... Which is pretty interesting actually. Given the Institutional Financiers haven't forced this into Bankruptcy, and the Channels are still running with very reputable Ad's.....
Beauneedsbiscuits Beauneedsbiscuits 1 year ago
What a looser. How many zero more you think they can add to that price. Debt ridden negligible income losing company "has a chance"...but profitable companies are scams.....what a moron stuck in this monkey trap..trying to convince others it has value...SHAME on you for promoting such bad YOU can't be sued
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
Whoopie. .000001. NO volume. Market does not care. Still makes tiny revenues = tiny company.
kbaz kbaz 1 year ago
HMMMMM!!!! Tomorrow on FITE TV From 8am to 4pm. Playing at the Local Sports Pub and Gym Near you!!!!! Plenty of Ad's bought from some pretty big Players like Mercedes, Boars Head and Fidelity........ Not So Dead!!!! Just Not Reporting Anything and No Disclosures.....
packerfan9 packerfan9 1 year ago
Dead for sure. They have shown no business model. That does anything but produce tiny revenues. Not just the losses but small revenues and no one wants to buy it. The only one who made money? Bell. He paid himself as losses kept growing and stock kept dropping. You keep thinking it has value. Really lmao.

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