14 years ago
In Idaho, United Mining Group, Inc. is in the process of bringing the Crescent Silver Mine back into production. They are presently completing a new portal into the upper country of the Crescent Mine and rehabilitating sections of the Hooper tunnel. The completed ramp is expected to provide access to the Alhambra Vein and the South Vein silver resource in the upper country of the Crescent property that was delineated by earlier SNS drill programs. United Mining Group has an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Crescent Mine from SNS (http://www.unitedmininggroup.com/news-2010-07-10.php). The Crescent Mine is located in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District, the second largest silver district in the world, between the historic Sunshine and Bunker Hill Mines.
Regarding the Sunshine Mine, a private company bought it from Sterling in bankruptcy court for 24 million dollars. There is a lot of intrigue over what went on. With 260 million ounces of ore left at $24 per ounce, or $6.24 billion in assets, this could have been the biggest bargain on earth.