Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. (TSX:PEY) is pleased to present the
results and analysis of the independent reserve report effective December 31,
2011. The evaluation encompassed 100% of Peyto's reserve assets and was
conducted by InSite Petroleum Consultants. 

Peyto successfully executed the largest capital program in its thirteen year
history during 2011, resulting in substantial growth in production and reserves.
All of the activity was focused on the company's multi-zone, liquids rich,
natural gas resource plays located in the Alberta Deep Basin. Production(1) grew
38%, from 30,600 boe/d at year end 2010 to 42,100 boe/d at year end 2011, while
reserves grew 24% from 260 mmboes to 322 mmboes (33% and 19%, respectively per
share). This represents the 13th consecutive year that Peyto has grown its
reserves per share. 


--  Since the company's inception in 1998, Peyto has explored for and
    discovered 2.4 Trillion Cubic Feet equivalent ("TCFe") of Alberta Deep
    Basin natural gas reserves, has developed with the drill bit 1.4 TCFe,
    and has recovered and sold 0.5 TCFe. Peyto is actively working to
    develop the remaining 1.0 TCFe of identified reserves, all while
    continuing to explore for new reserves. 
--  A total of $2.26 billion was invested in the development of the 1.4 TCFe
    at an average cost of $1.58/MCFe. A weighted average field netback(1) of
    $5.62/MCFe was also achieved over that time, for a cumulative recycle
    ratio of 3.6 times. 
--  Peyto now has $36.27/share of Proved plus Probable Additional Net
    Present Value ("P+P NPV" - debt adjusted, 5% discount) comprised of
    $20.26/share of developed reserves and $16.01/share of undeveloped

2011 Highlights

--  For the year ending December 31, 2011, Peyto invested $379 million of
    total capital(1) to build a record 21,700 boe/d of new production(1) at
    a cost of $17,500/boe/d. This is the third year in a row that Peyto has
    added new production for less than $18,000/boe/d, inclusive of
    acquisitions, land, seismic, facilities and all well costs. 
--  This capital investment created new Proved Producing ("PP") reserves
    valued at $745 million (Before Tax, NPV5) for a NPV recycle ratio of
    2.0, or $5.40/share. 
--  Reserves increased by 15%, 25% and 24% to 0.8 TCFe, 1.35 TCFe and 1.9
    TCFe for Proved Producing, Total Proved ("TP") and Proved plus Probable
    Additional ("P+P"), respectively. Per share reserves were up 11%, 20%,
    and 19% for these respective categories. 
--  The Reserve Life Index ("RLI") for the PP reserves was reduced to 9
    years from 11 years due to the significant increase in corporate
    production, while the RLI for TP and P+P also dropped to 16 and 22
    years, respectively. 
--  For the year, the Proved Producing, Finding, Development and Acquisition
    ("PP FD&A") cost, inclusive of additions, revisions and production was
    $2.12/MCFe ($12.73/boe) while the average field netback(1) before
    hedging was $3.98/MCFe ($23.88/boe), resulting in a 1.9 times recycle
--  Peyto replaced 452% of production with new Total Proved reserves at a
    FD&A cost of $2.13/MCFe ($12.80/boe) and 585% of production with new P+P
    reserves at a FD&A cost of $1.90/MCFe ($11.40/boe) (including increases
    in Future Development Capital ("FDC") of $370 million and $484 million
    for the respective categories). For comparative purposes, FD&A costs
    before FDC were $1.08/MCFe ($6.47/boe) and $0.83/MCFe ($5.01/boe),
--  At year end, P+P reserves had been assigned to 18% of Peyto's total Deep
    Basin lands. 
--  The ratio of year end net debt to the value of the producing reserves
    (PP NPV5) was maintained at 18%, consistent with historical averages. 
--  Natural Gas Liquids ("NGLs") which make up 17% of Peyto's P+P reserves
    increased 64% due to planned deep-cut processing facilities. 
--  For every location drilled and converted to Proved Producing, Peyto was
    able to recognize over two new undeveloped locations in its inventory of
    future opportunities. 

2012 Update

--  Based on the current commodity price forecast, Peyto plans to direct
    more of the $400 to $450 million 2012 capital program towards its liquid
    rich, natural gas plays, as well as accelerate the installation of deep-
    cut gas processing facilities at its Oldman, Nosehill and Wildhay gas
    plants. These new processing facilities are estimated to cost $60
    million and are forecast to recover an incremental 12.5 mmboes of P+P
    reserves and over $200 million (Before Tax, NPV5). 

(1)Capital Expenditure, Field Netback, and Production are estimated and remain
unaudited at this time.


The following table summarizes Peyto's reserves and the discounted Net Present
Value of future cash flows, before income tax, using variable pricing, at
December 31, 2011. 

                            Gas       Oil & NGL          BCFe          MBOE 
Reserve Category          (mmcf)          (mstb)         (6:1)         (6:1)
Proved Producing        667,997          16,125           765       127,458 
Proved Non-                                                                 
 producing               14,335             356            16         2,745 
 Undeveloped            421,606          24,834           571        95,101 
Total Proved          1,103,938          41,314         1,352       225,304 
 Additional             495,588          14,525           583        97,123 
Proved + Probable                                                           
 Additional           1,599,526          55,839         1,935       322,427 

                          Before Tax Net Present Value ($thousands)         
                                        Discounted at                       
Reserve Category             0%             5%             8%            10%
Proved Producing   $ 4,809,495    $ 2,624,139    $ 2,049,171    $ 1,791,531 
Proved Non-                                                                 
 producing         $    96,555    $    42,531    $    28,716    $    22,878 
 Undeveloped       $ 2,795,600    $ 1,305,678    $   878,074    $   681,252 
Total Proved       $ 7,701,651    $ 3,972,348    $ 2,955,961    $ 2,495,661 
 Additional        $ 3,554,252    $ 1,511,454    $ 1,010,077    $   794,928 
Proved + Probable                                                           
 Additional        $11,255,903    $ 5,483,802    $ 3,966,037    $ 3,290,588 

Note: Based on the InSite report effective December 31, 2011. Tables may not add
due to rounding.


Peyto has analyzed the reserve evaluation in order to answer three fundamental

1.   Base Reserves - How did the "base reserves" that were on production at
    the time of the last reserve report perform during the year, and how did
    any change in commodity price forecast affect their value? 
2.  Value Creation - How much value did the 2011 capital investments create,
    both in current producing reserves and in undeveloped potential? 
3.  Growth and Income - Are the projected cashflows capable of funding the
    growing number of undeveloped opportunities and a sustainable dividend
    stream to shareholders without sacrificing financial flexibility? 


Peyto's existing Proved Producing reserves at the start of 2011 (base reserves)
were evaluated and adjusted for 2011 production as well as any technical
revisions resulting from the additional twelve months of data. As part of
InSite's independent engineering analysis, all 710 producing entities were
evaluated. These producing wells and zones represent a total gross Estimated
Ultimate Recoverable (EUR) volume of 1.2 TCF plus associated liquids.

Included in this group of producing wells are 43 horizontal wells which were
drilled and completed with multi-stage fracture stimulations prior to 2011.
Original reserve assignments for these wells were conservative due to a lack of
analog production performance data. Over time, these wells have outperformed
expectations and have received an average Proven Producing reserve increase of
10% from 3.2 BCFe/well to 3.5 BCFe/well.

In aggregate, Peyto is pleased to report that its total base reserves continue
to meet with expectation, which increases the confidence in the prediction of
future recoveries.

Price Forecasts 

InSite's Alberta spot natural gas price forecast for the next 15 years, which
begins with $3.25 C$/MMBTU, is starting 18% lower today than a year ago. This is
due to a reduction in forecasted Henry Hub natural gas price and an increase in
the CND$/USD$ exchange rate. 

The Insite forecast for Alberta Condensate price, which accounts for over 62% of
Peyto's total natural gas liquid production, starts 12% higher, or $102.90/bbl.
The debt adjusted NPV, discounted at 5%, of last year's Proved Producing
reserves, decreased 10% due to this change in commodity price forecasts, as
described in the following value reconciliation.

The InSite Petroleum Consultants price forecast used in the variable dollar
economics is available on their website at


Peyto drilled 70 gross (62 net) wells in 2011 for a total capital investment of
$379 million. Of this total, 18% was spent on new lands, seismic and facilities,
while the remaining 82% was spent developing existing reserves and exploring for
new reserves. Of the 70 wells, 51 (46 net) were previously identified as
undeveloped reserves in last year's reserve report (27 Proved, 24 Probable
Additional). The remaining 19 wells were not recognized in last year's report as
they were deemed too exploratory in nature. The undeveloped reserves booked to
the 46 net locations at year end 2010 totaled 152 BCFe (3.3 BCFe/well) of Proved
Undeveloped plus Probable Additional reserves for a forecast capital investment
of $214 million ($1.41/Mcfe). In actuality, $209 million of capital was spent on
these 46 net wells during 2011, yielding Proved Producing plus Probable
Additional reserves of 151 BCFe ($1.39/Mcfe). The development of these 46 net
booked locations produced substantively the same outcome that was originally
projected. This analysis helps to validate the accuracy of the reserve and
capital assignments of past undeveloped locations and provides confidence in the
quality of the estimates for future undeveloped locations.

The economic result of 2011 capital investment allows Peyto to determine the
best use of shareholders capital on a go-forward basis, and demonstrates the
potential returns that can be generated from future undeveloped opportunities. 

In order to measure the success of the 2011 capital program, it is necessary to
quantify the total amount of value created during the year and compare that to
the total amount of capital invested. The independent engineers have run last
year's evaluation with this year's price forecast to remove the change in value
attributable to both commodity prices and changing royalties. This approach
isolates the value created by the Peyto team from the value created (or lost) by
those changes outside of their control. Since the capital investments in 2011
were funded from a combination of cash flow, debt and equity, it is necessary to
know the change in debt and the change in shares outstanding to see if the
change in value is truly accretive to shareholders.

At year end 2011, Peyto's estimated net debt had increased by $60.7 million to
$465.6 million while the number of shares outstanding had increased by 5.6
million shares to 138.4 million shares. The change in debt includes all of the
capital expenditures, net of Drilling Royalty Credits earned, and the total
fixed and performance based compensation paid out during the year. Although
these estimates are believed to be accurate, they remain unaudited at this time
and are subject to change. 

Based on this reconciliation of changes in BT NPV, the Peyto team was able to
create $928 million of Proved Producing, $1.8 billion of Total Proven, and $2.5
billion of Proved plus Probable Additional undiscounted reserve value, with $379
million of capital investment. The ratio of capital expenditures to value
creation is what Peyto refers to as the NPV recycle ratio, which is simply the
undiscounted value addition, resulting from the capital program, divided by the
capital investment. For 2011, the Proved Producing NPV recycle ratio is 2.4.

The following table breaks out the value created by Peyto's capital investments
and reconciles the changes in debt adjusted NPV of future net revenues using
forecast prices and costs as at December 31, 2011.

                                Proved Producing            Total Proved    
($millions)Discounted at         0%        5%       10%        0%        5% 
Before Tax Net Present                                                      
 Value at Beginning of                                                      
 Year ($millions)                                                           
Dec. 31, 2010 Evaluation                                                    
 using InSite Jan. 1, 2011                                                  
 price forecast, less debt  $4,098    $1,958    $1,177    $6,388    $2,999  
Per Share Outstanding at                                                    
 Dec. 31, 2010 ($/share)    $30.85    $14.75    $ 8.86    $48.10    $22.58  
 2011 sales (revenue less                                                   
  royalties and operating                                                   
  costs)                    $ (346)   $ (346)   $ (346)   $ (346)   $ (346) 
 Net Change due to price                                                    
  forecasts (using InSite                                                   
  Jan 1, 2011 price                                                         
  forecast)                 $ (336)   $ (199)   $ (144)   $ (595)   $ (371) 
 Value Change due to                                                        
  discoveries (additions,                                                   
  extensions, transfers,                                                    
  revisions)                $  928    $  745    $  639    $1,789    $1,225  
Before Tax Net Present                                                      
 Value at End of Year                                                       
Dec. 31, 2011 Evaluation                                                    
 using InSite Jan. 1, 2012                                                  
 price forecast, less debt  $4,344    $2,159    $1,326    $7,236    $3,507  
Per Share Outstanding at                                                    
 Dec. 31, 2011 ($/share)    $31.40    $15.60    $ 9.58    $52.30    $25.35  
Year over Year Change in                                                    
 Before Tax NPV/share            2%        6%        8%        9%       12% 
Year over Year Change in                                                    
 Before Tax NPV/share                                                       
 including Dividend                                                         
 ($0.72/share)                   4%       11%       16%       10%       15% 

                             Proved        Proved + Probable Additional     
($millions)Discounted at           10%           0%           5%         10%
Before Tax Net Present                                                      
 Value at Beginning of                                                      
 Year ($millions)                                                           
Dec. 31, 2010 Evaluation                                                    
 using InSite Jan. 1, 2011                                                  
 price forecast, less debt  $   1,727    $   9,534    $   4,333    $  2,438 
Per Share Outstanding at                                                    
 Dec. 31, 2010 ($/share)    $   13.00    $   71.79    $   32.63    $  18.36 
 2011 sales (revenue less                                                   
  royalties and operating                                                   
  costs)                    $    (346)   $    (346)   $    (346)   $   (346)
 Net Change due to price                                                    
  forecasts (using InSite                                                   
  Jan 1, 2011 price                                                         
  forecast)                 $    (276)   $    (881)   $    (543)   $   (400)
 Value Change due to                                                        
  discoveries (additions,                                                   
  extensions, transfers,                                                    
  revisions)                $     925    $   2,483    $   1,575    $  1,134 
Before Tax Net Present                                                      
 Value at End of Year                                                       
Dec. 31, 2011 Evaluation                                                    
 using InSite Jan. 1, 2012                                                  
 price forecast, less debt  $   2,030    $  10,790    $   5,018    $  2,825 
Per Share Outstanding at                                                    
 Dec. 31, 2011 ($/share)    $   14.67    $   77.99    $   36.27    $  20.42 
Year over Year Change in                                                    
 Before Tax NPV/share              13%           9%          11%         11%
Year over Year Change in                                                    
 Before Tax NPV/share                                                       
 including Dividend                                                         
 ($0.72/share)                     18%          10%          13%         15%

Tables may not add due to rounding.


As a dividend paying growth corporation, Peyto's objective is to grow the
resources which generate sustainable income (dividends) for shareholders. In
order for income to be more sustainable and grow, Peyto must profitably find and
develop more reserves. Simply increasing production from the existing reserves
will not make that income more sustainable. Reserve Life Index (RLI), or a
reserve to production ratio, provides a measure of this long term

During 2011, the Company was successful in replacing 230% of the annual produced
reserves, which resulted in a 15% increase in total Proved Producing reserves.
Annual production, however, increased 49%, from 8.7 mmboes to 12.9 mmboes, thus
accelerating reserve recovery and causing a 17% reduction in Proved Producing
reserve life. This acceleration has the benefit of shorter time to payout and
faster redeployment of capital for greater ultimate returns. Similarly, the
Total Proved and P+P reserve life index dropped to 16 and 22 years,
respectively. By comparison, Peyto's Proved Producing reserve life is still one
of the longest in the industry. 

The following table highlights the company's historical Reserve Life Index.

RLI (years)                     2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Proved Producing                  10    9   11   12   13   14   14   11    9
Total Proved                      13   12   14   14   16   17   21   17   16
Proved + Probable Additional      19   17   19   20   21   23   29   25   22

Future Undeveloped Opportunities 

With the expansion of Peyto's capital program from $261 million in 2010 to $379
million in 2011, the company has been able to increase the pace that undeveloped
opportunities are both recognized and developed. As a result, the number of
future drilling locations in the reserve report has increased to 437 gross (333
net). Of these locations, 63% are categorized by the independent reserve
evaluators as Proven Undeveloped with the remaining 37% as Probable Undeveloped.
The net reserves associated with the undeveloped locations total 971 BCFe (161.8
mmboes) or 1.2 BOEs per share. The total capital required to develop them is
estimated at $1.793 Billion or $1.85/MCFe, in order to create an associated net
present value of $2.215 Billion (5% discount) or $16.01 per share. The
development schedule for the undeveloped reserves is shown in the following
table of forecasted capital.

                                                            Forecast Capital
                                                            Proved+ Probable
                                     Proved Reserves     Additional Reserves
Year                            Undisc., ($Millions)    Undisc., ($Millions)
2012                           $                 284   $                 426
2013                           $                 335   $                 419
2014                           $                 249   $                 418
2015                           $                 184   $                 398
2016                           $                  56   $                 110
Thereafter                     $                   4   $                  23
Total                          $               1,111   $               1,794

The existing producing reserves (PP) are forecast to generate over $4.8 billion
in undiscounted cash flow which should be more than sufficient to fund the $1.8
billion in future development capital, ensuring those reserve additions are
accretive to shareholders. 

In addition to undeveloped drilling locations, the reserve report also reflects
additions to several of Peyto's 100% owned and operated gas plants that will
enhance the natural gas liquids recovery. These projects, at the Oldman,
Nosehill and Wildhay gas plants located in the Greater Sundance complex, are
forecast to occur in 2012 and 2013 for a combined capital investment of $60
million. Up to 15 bbls/mmcf of increased NGL recovery is forecast to occur which
results in an increase in the value of the P+P reserves of $206 million (Before
Tax, NPV5). 

Performance Ratios

The following table outlines the 2011 performance ratios for all three reserve

                                                                    Proved +
                                  Proved                            Probable
                               Producing      Total Proved        Additional
2011 FD&A Cost ($/boe)                                                      
(including DRC and                                                          
 change in FDC)           $        12.73    $        12.80    $        11.49
3 yr ave. FD&A Cost                                                         
 incl. FDC ($/boe)        $        12.77    $        12.66    $        11.48
Reserve Life Index                                                          
Q4 2011 average                                                             
 production(+) -                                                            
 39,399 boe/d                          9                16                22
Reserve Replacement                                                         
2011 production(+) -                                                        
 12.945 million boes                 2.3               4.5               5.9

(+) Q4 and 2011 production are estimated and remain unaudited at this time.

--  FD&A (finding, development and acquisition) costs are used as a measure
    of capital efficiency and are calculated by dividing the capital costs
    for the period, including the change in undiscounted future development
    capital ("FDC"), by the change in the reserves, incorporating revisions
    and production, for the same period (eg. Total Proved
    ($379.1+$370.4)/(225.3-179.7+12.945) = $12.80). 
--  The reserve life index is calculated by dividing the reserves (in boes)
    in each category by the annualized average production rate in boe/year
    (eg. Proved Producing 127,457/(39.399x365) = 8.9 yrs). Peyto believes
    that the most accurate way to evaluate the current reserve life is by
    dividing the proved developed producing reserves by the actual fourth
    quarter average production. In Peyto's opinion, for comparative
    purposes, the proved developed producing reserve life provides the best
    measure of sustainability. 
--  The reserve replacement ratio is determined by dividing the yearly
    change in reserves before production by the actual annual production for
    the year (eg. Total Proved ((225.3-179.7+12.945)/12.945) = 4.5). 

Reserves Committee 

Peyto has a reserves committee, comprised of independent board members, that
reviews the qualifications and appointment of the independent reserve
evaluators. The committee also reviews the procedures for providing information
to the evaluators. All booked reserves are based upon annual evaluations by the
independent qualified reserve evaluators conducted in accordance with the COGE
(Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation) Handbook and National Instrument 51-101. The
evaluations are conducted using all available geological and engineering data.
The reserves committee has reviewed the reserves information and approved the
reserve report. 

2012 UPDATE 

Excess supply of natural gas in North America coupled with a warmer than normal
winter is expected to leave natural gas storage levels higher than usual. This
has pushed current and future natural gas prices down to decade lows. Peyto's
quick response has been to redirect more of its capital program to liquids rich
gas plays like the Cardium and Falher where revenues are enhanced by natural gas
liquids production. As well, Peyto will be installing additional facilities at
its Oldman and Nosehill gas plants to extract more natural gas liquids from
existing and future reserves. It is anticipated that these changes will improve
Peyto's netbacks and preserve the returns originally expected from the 2012
capital program. 

As the lowest cost producer in Canada, with a large and growing portfolio of
proven drilling locations, Peyto remains well positioned to continue to deliver
superior returns to shareholders over the long term, despite the volatility in
natural gas prices. By maintaining a strong balance sheet and financial
flexibility, Peyto will look to capitalize on additional opportunities that
arise from slower natural gas activity created by weak prices.


For more in depth discussion of the 2011 reserve report, an interview with the
management will be available on Peyto's website by Friday, February 24, 2012. A
complete filing of the Statement of Reserves (form 51-101F1), Report on Reserves
(form 51-101F2), and Report of Management and Directors on Oil and Gas
Disclosure (form 51-101F3) will be available in the Annual Information Form to
be filed by the end of March 2012. Shareholders are encouraged to actively visit
Peyto's website located at

Certain information set forth in this document, including management's
assessment of Peyto's future plans and operations, contains forward-looking
statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous
risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond these parties' control,
including the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions,
volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, imprecision of reserve
estimates, environmental risks, competition from other industry participants,
the lack of availability of qualified personnel or management, stock market
volatility and ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external
sources. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of
such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may
prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on
forward-looking statements. Peyto's actual results, performance or achievement
could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these
forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any
of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or
occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits that Peyto will derive therefrom.
BOEs may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion
ratio of 6 Mcf:1 bbl is based on an energy equivalency conversion method
primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value
equivalency at the wellhead. Some values set forth in the tables above may not
add due to rounding. It should not be assumed that the estimates of future net
revenues presented in the tables above represent the fair market value of the
reserves. There is no assurance that the forecast prices and costs assumptions
will be attained and variances could be material. The aggregate of the
exploration and development costs incurred in the most recent financial year and
the change during that year in estimated future development costs generally will
not reflect total finding and development costs related to reserves additions
for that year.

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