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iShares Global Monthly Dividend Index ETF CAD Hedged

iShares Global Monthly Dividend Index ETF CAD Hedged (CYH)

Closed March 01 4:12PM

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StayHumble StayHumble 5 minutes ago
🇺🇸Hearing a MOASS takes $DJT to MARS🇺🇸!wow🇺🇸!
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 6 minutes ago

Same orchard makes apple dumplings. I'd buy 6 at a time freeze them then heat one up in the morning and have it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
StayHumble StayHumble 6 minutes ago
🎃perOTCM insiders✅Win-Win $UBQU clears $2M💹of debt in 12months✅
HenryB3 HenryB3 6 minutes ago
He had a real craving for authentic curry, then preceeded to wash it down with orange flavored Kool aide is my guess.
StayHumble StayHumble 7 minutes ago
wow💹54M+XPERT Historic .000001 BUYS✅Xperts Here BUYING 💹💹*w6fevr*_gcl_au*MTI1NDQyNTM1NS4xNzMxNjA2NTY3
zab zab 7 minutes ago
President Biden was correct,  America always needs friends, those relationships are built over decades, they are never measured,  but they count when something happens,  like a 9-11.
Ant4 Ant4 8 minutes ago
The statement on the confirmation of the filing of my motion that there is no need to appear was by the court clerk not the judge. I have asked for oral argument as I did with my last filing which the Judge denied. Based on the arguments I made in this motion for reconsideration I raise numerous iss
gitreal gitreal 8 minutes ago
Has anybody else thought it odd that the almost pure gold concentrated in this video somehow only assayed at 8.5 oz/ton gold? Something doesn't add up.
BullNBear52 BullNBear52 8 minutes ago
I bought a Dutch oven and the damn thing weighs a ton. I've used it twice and now it sits in the garage in a box.

We have a Pampered Chef rice cooker that sits in the original box. I asked my wife why we have it since we've never used it. She bought it for a recipe and now can't remem
Lime Time Lime Time 9 minutes ago
I can wait. It will get fun again.
ShawnP123 ShawnP123 9 minutes ago
I gave you my answer which you have always avoided. The whole idea of 70% being low was from Nvidia. You really don't listen to full Q's or Q&A's do you? Maybe you should try it before making some of your comments.
PS- I don't like making some of my responses the way I do but it get's frustr
rooster rooster 10 minutes ago
You know you secretly want to fondle Putin
sortagreen sortagreen 10 minutes ago
I've thought of that quote often lately.

Good to hear from you... 🙂
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 11 minutes ago
Ha Ha Ha, SP Value for MJNA Bagholder investors still only worth O.OOO2 MJNA is a death sentence for ANY investor that has this POS in ones best decades worth of tax write offs for successful investments
sortagreen sortagreen 12 minutes ago
Ayock Ayock 13 minutes ago
Are thoughts and prayers enough?
Zorax Zorax 13 minutes ago
Just because someone didn't serve in the military doesn't necessarily make their opinion wrong.
You didn't serve in Nam either, but we all knew people who did at the time.

Yours and all others service in the military has always been appreciated and admired.
But staying i
Green Leaf Smoker Green Leaf Smoker 14 minutes ago
FACTS:..... Searching filings it turns out that Henry takes about $50,000 salary per year. What a selfless C E O. for running a WP of 💩 company in the ground & alienating LT SHer's any opportunity of ever pulling a rabbit out of ones hat
sortagreen sortagreen 14 minutes ago
Yeah... Garland was terrible.

Biden was very effective at governing, but he never even tried to sell it.

We need to actually fight these assholes.
DesertDrifter DesertDrifter 15 minutes ago
136 countries offered assistance to the USA after 9/11. Can't remember any of them asking for their money back.
TKS PARTY TKS PARTY 16 minutes ago
A true JACK----- and constant reminder of the company's failure to get to the finish line. A true winner
Jetmek_03052 Jetmek_03052 16 minutes ago
That's nice, but I thought you wanted to talk about the margins of semiconductor companies???

Do you have any comment on the fact that if semiconductor companies average gross margin is 60-65%, why NVDA is taking a hit for having a 70% margin?

I mean sure, it was high
Ayock Ayock 17 minutes ago
From the former US Ambassador to Russia...
D-man4 D-man4 17 minutes ago
Long 550,000 shares. I'm not going anywhere
govprs govprs 19 minutes ago
Imagine a ticker change comes in March.   

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