22 minutes ago
Lets see how high our beloved BIEL gets TRUMPed/JFK JUNIORed/DR. OZed up by Jan. 1, before NOPAIN Act is activated ( and, specifically, after!!! ) !!!!!
No WORD SALADS, no SUBSTANTIAL/NONE SUBSTANTIAL ACCUSATIONS, ( for like 13 years, from Oct. 2011 and counting?? ), did/will do any d
23 minutes ago
Yeves won't be what HHPL's hope for, unfortunately.
The Return to the scene, GRIFTER, UNadmiral guy sets that stage.
And, the marcinobodi, old man, along with his cohort (therefore mentioned Unadmiral), together, in Grift, are proven, UNSUCCESSFUL!!! Except for themselves, of course.