1 year ago
"Tumbling US natural gas prices prove unstoppable, hurting producers"
"BRIDGEPORT, Texas, Feb 21 (Reuters) - For nearly a year, U.S. natural gas producers have slammed the brakes on production as prices fall. But relentless output gains including from oil companies that pump gas as an oil byproduct have unleashed record supplies.
In the oil versus gas contest, gas producers are losing out. Some are shutting in wells, canceling projects or selling themselves to rivals to avoid losses. Natural gas prices this month fell to an inflation-adjusted 30-year low of $1.59 per thousand cubic feet, benefiting consumers of the fuel like utilities, but hurting producers who are selling at nominal prices as low as they were in the depths of the COVID-19 downturn.
1 year ago
Hope many saw the forest for the trees here, another Class C felony score, congrats to all who did. Was a bit busy with family stuff now it's time to get the show on the road, buckle up many lovely tickers like wall flowers at a high school dance waiting for someone to notice them, well someone has...........things are coming, daddy's home. Peace Out