3 years ago
Jake is a robot for something. Was giving opinions / advise after SPRT died. hahaha ! IMO, SPRT was a metaphor of life. At some point when least expected, deceit will punch you in the mouth. I drank the koolaid, thought I was brilliant in my trading. Red flags were flying and I ignored them. Everything reverts to its mean / value. I deserved the smackdown. Oh well, forward ho. Always remember .... "karma", "what goes around, comes around", "do unto others" etc. if it applies to SPRT / GREE. Or maybe it was just my stupidity. ? Best to all ......
3 years ago
.... no doubt, but in the back of my mind, one wonders, what was the actual value of SPRT ??? 3-4 bucks ?? Was the hi interest rate the short paid sufficient to appease w/o covering. Gotta be a &*&^@$#$#E lawyer & read the fine print carefully to follow along. Admittedly, I'm not and I didn't. But I'm still good, I think. Other than that I'm getting a *&^%#^$@& headache. Ok, I'm out for the eve. nite .......